Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Mar 1900, p. 4

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HE PropLrs | Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder has had an Almost Universal Endsorsation as the NBOUNDED Greatest Healer of the Most Insidious and Common Disease of the Century. Catarrh is a Menace to the Face---| sufferer takecounsel ofthe thousands |to whom it has been a sovereign The Precursor of Much Suffering balm--the beacon to show the way | to health and the haven of health. and the Forerunner of Incurable| »r J. H Harte, of 2235 Church Throat and Lung Troubles. But this Great Remedy Cures and Prevents) almost instant relief, not only in the | 1 a 2 acute forms, but chronic cases of tensely and constantly from catarrh | street, Toronto, in telling of her { faith in and cure by this wonder- | ful remedy, says:--*I cannot speak is a specific for catarth. It gives|'o° highly of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal | Powder. For years I suffered in- Colds, Drives out Cat- | many years' standingivanish 8 i tn ite Worst form. I took everything arrh Germs and Frees its persistent use. It will break up | could purchase thatpromised me a the WholeSystem from | a cold in the head in almost quicker | STS without any permanent results to Catarrh. Catarrhal Powder. time than it takes to tell it. It is the Foulness Incident a on: Ip ye bas received northern world is subject. "tac anbounded eulogy from people | mn high positions, socially, publicly | or professionally, as Dr. Agnews| |sidions and yet common foe of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder | humanity generally. If you are a until I tried Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal a pleasant, powerful and potent Powder, The first application of it protection against the. almost con --and it's co simple to apply--gave for | slant climate changes to which this me great relief. I perservered in the use of it for eight months, andto day I am fully restored, not the slightest symptom of the malady remaining, and I am thankful to be able to give this testimony for so worthy a rem- edy after trying so many so-ca'led catarrh cures, only to add disap- Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is| the permanent eradicator and per | petual exterminator of this most in- Eutocy pointment." Have you a cough? Is the husky ? Is the breath foul ? losing flesh ? Do you ache all! Do you take cold easily? HS nose stopped up? Does yours discharge ? Do crusts form nose ? Do you cough somet til you gag ? Is there pain back of the head? Is there | across the eyes ? Is there ti the throat ? Is your sense of" leaving you? Are you si sense of taste ? Isthere a dro the throat? Is there burni: the throat? Anyand all of symptoms indicate the pre of catarrh, and while some N returning thanks to the public for the patronage extended to me for over 3¢ years, 1 would respeotfull ain, as usual, now ready Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP As an inducement to Casn purchasers may seem but trival, you afford to treat them lightly, f& member, dire consequenc result from neglect, for all throat and lung trouble ha subject to catarrh. » Dr Agnew's Ointment pu the fire from distressing skin tra such as Eczema, Salt Rheum, Head, Tetter, and will cure in from 3 to 5 nights. oe Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives relief from the most violent spasms in heart disease in 30 min: utes. It saves life. - Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills. Sold by A. ]J* Davis. CLIMAX. Dead at the climax! Music, color, love, Mounting in triple blaroned majesty; ©ift of the gods all other gifts above, Eo fell the golden Greeks of tragedy! Now, while the trumpets knock upon the gates; Now, while the crash of brass intoxicates! Dead at the climax! This is victory! Wis overturned chariot wins the race As Death's voice sweeps the ficld where mortals flee And hoarse with blood stained triumph cries, "Give. place!" Dead at the climax! While with life elate, Dead at the climax! O supremest fate! ~Martha Dickinson in Century. COURTSHIP. He Was a Model Bachelor, but His Lovemaking Was Far From Conventional. $ By Sheila E Braine. J 4 Mr. Markham Oddie was a model Jodger, an old bachelor and a heart whole man--that is to say, be was al! three until the day, considerably past his fortieth birthday, that a special fate took him In hand and brought him face to face with the younger of two ladies who bad recently come to live in one of the houses opposite. They were evidently mother and daugliter. Both were comely, snd the ast named of the two bad one of the sweetest faces it bad ever been Mr. Oddie's luck te bebold. She happened to drop a small parcel while walking along thelr mutual road, and he bur ried after her with it. The smile with which slie received It went straight through Mr. Oddie's somewhat anti guated waistcoat. All the evening he thought of that smile. When he went to bed, be en- deavored, with the aid of three can Wes, to get on Impartial view of that region: on the top ef his bead where the hair ought to have been, but now, alas, was not. That bald spot had not troubled him much up to that time. Now he regarded it with mistrust. Mr. Oddie had led an amiable, punc- tual, uneventful existence, going to and returning from the city every week day with regularity and dispatch--the Kind of person who is never asked for Nis season ticket. He was comforta- 'bly off and had no one dependent up- on him. The few relatives Le pos- sessed lived in the shires. Mr. Oddie had remained a bachelor all theme years possibly because no- body had set to work to marry him. ¥t was not that he objected to women. Qp the contrary, he admired the fair as a whole, quite unreservedly. But he had never given his heart to any one particular woman, and his landlady looked upon him as a fixture. The returning of that apparently in- nocent looking parcel marked an ep- och. Life was never the same again 06000660000004 to the little old bachelor. He bad not watched Miss Hexham's gentle face and well developed but graceful figure for ten days before he became cop- vinced that it was pot good for a corn dealer to live alone, "A man wanted softening lnfluences about bim"--bere he hurled a piece of fried ham to the ecnt--"he needed = gentle band to guide and restrain him." Mr. Oddie at this point discovered that he had forgotten to wind his watch up the night before. The truth was he was in love and with a young woman with whom be had pever exchanged a syllable. He 3 10 ber, in the same way. and she answered back jdie's courtship was a very de- in Spain, despite his were exchanged. But there the amair | halted. to the poor little man's fre- | 4,4 ne hardly ate a mouthful of it. quent despalr. He could get no "for | "y, (ho afternoon of the same day rader." Mrs. Hexham might have been seen Once, when he attempted to speak, | .. Ging a telegram with a beaming Miss Hexham turned the color of a red face. It was not a long one, for it con- rose and promptly burried away. tained only five words, "Love from "I have never been properly 10tro- | upg and Markham."--Sketch. duced. that Is why," was Mr. Oddie's anguished reflection. "She must have been exquisitely brought up, the very pink of propriety." "Something will have to be done!" cried the poor man desperately on the day that he went to the city without a tie, and an unfeeling acquaintance jeer- ed at him and inquired If his liver were breakrast the next morning or to state Dird Legends. Owls never have been popular birds, and Pliny tells us that on two occa- sions a large owl having made its ap- pearance in the streets of Rome a solemn ceremony was performed by foreshadowed by visits from such un- out of order. His liver] Perish the canny birds. Bavages have ever as thought! It was his beart. He decided at length that, like Heze- kiah, he would ask for a sign from heaven. He would send the object of his adoration a bouquet, an Anonymous bouquet of the choicest. She would surely guess from whom it came. If she placed it in the window, he wenld write to Mrs. Hexham, explain bhim- self and his intentions and request permission to call A Mr. Oddie took a holiday the day the bouquet was sent off from Covent Gar- den. To sit still in his office was a thing impossible. He went for a long walk, but where his peat little legs took him be was never able to say. The next day the agony Increased. JINGLES AND JESTS. There was no sign. Mr. Oddie fell IEEE plump Into the depths of despair and When Jenny Plays Whist. was convinced that he had offended When Mistress Jenny piays at whist, his ladylove. He hed not been proper "Tis time to stand from under; ob The cards that All ber dainty fist ty introduced The phrase becume a Have tricks that make one wondes. perfect nightmare to him distaste at times. In folklore with birds, as with many ciated. and even In these advanced crow, a rook or a jackdaw had flown the Orkneys to the ring ousel Like thirteen thundertolts of Jove But the second day there was the -- ae. all the iad , A as she plays them oul prove bouquet in the wiglow ig all its glory Their threat to be no fable, and, moreover, Miss Hexham was bending over it. InbaliLz its perfume Ye gods, she has & pretty hand 3 rn on > And handles it divinely, She was a beautiful wasn. not toc Defeating what ber foes have planned voung for » man--ahem in his prime The while she smiles benignly! be wonder was that such a treasure They sap long suits of boasted strength had not been s napped ap before uP ake cron ruffs A plesre; tl th ok bs He wrcte i. . hey draw the trumps and "make," at leng Markham Oddie wrote to Mrs Hex Long suit tricks out of measure. nam. It took him hours snd hours © In sequence thus from day to day She triumphs at discretion; Meantime the hearts of us who play Come into ker possession. whole days elapsed before a little vote And hearts are always trumps, you knowl ame in reply: "Tis advantageous, truly; She need must win of course, for lo, | compose the jerter, amd it wax the mos leliciously old fashioned epistle eves penned in & practieal century we has been very close all day, Las it {rich Boston girl? "Terribly." dnswered the visitor "Do you feel the heat mneh"" "Yes. I am afraid 1 do." was the re ply. and Mr. Gddie suddenly recollect ed that bis foture mother-in-law was said. to be deaf and duowb. This lady was certainly neither. | ried him."--Chicago Record. With Her Little Hand In His He held her hand in his, And she was passing fair; She did not say him nay, And no ove else was there. "My daughter." said Mrs. Hexham 7! He sald some words to her 17 after a panse, "desired me to tell you # That made her sigh. and they 7.4 how very. very grateful she Is to you i Had never met before; 5d for vour letter and the flowers. Sin u She did not draw away! ad bas gone away for a short tine to stay {' Be looked into ber eyes, mn Her blushes went and came; 19 with fricods. She--she thought it | W L.! He talked to her of love 1a And did not know ber name, Mr. Oddie gat there, unable to utter a tv word. "She had gope away becanse she thought it best." That meant that there was no hope for him. Mrs. Hexham's eyes filled with tears as she looked at him. #0." she eried. "] am so sorry--so very sorry! You Just Listen. 'He told her she was born To shatter hearts, to rule; He was a palmist; she 'Was just a little fool. Chicago Times-Herald, am sure. Of course you did not know , Ways be kind to your cat." or you would not have thought of it." cof what? asked. Me. Od- heavily. "Of marrying my poor Agatha. You Envy. ute before he grasped the significance | Constitution. of what she was saying. It was the daughter, not the mother, who was "afflicted," ax Mrs. Roper would have phrased it. He was silent, and Mrs. Hexham continued: On the Boulevard. She rides by in her Russian sleigh Wrapped to the very eyes in furs; In all the passing line today No equipage can vie with hers. tur chman, digni "My poor girl is very sensitive, and Be prob Ts et ns your kindoess went to ber heart, I can The tur clad footman by his side assure you." No vulgar side glance ever deigns. Mr. Oddle pulled himself together She sits there haughty and alone, and rose to his feet. At this moment The pride of fashion in her face, there was something almost noble And, He a princess on hee true, po v She looks down on the popu alos! Dis athe r tubby little figure. Ene ia the caved one of all adam. he said firmly, "your And yet no gladness lls ber Beart, daughter is an angel. apd 1 love her. For, oh. her new boots are tao small, Will you have the goodness to give me And, oh, ob, bow her chilblains smart! ber address--that is, if you will sanc- ~Homerviile Journal. tion my asking ber to do we the bonor Net His Cholee. to be my wife?" re ineli It. seems: rather 1 ye e=Yos re inclined to be stout, aren nary case, is it? And | am sure you ply cun't belp it.--Chicago News. are g good man. Mr. Sedley. the vicar, ------ was talking about you only the other Gove. day and saying bow charitable you | Oh. where are the sows of my youth? were. Agntha bos the rweotest dixpo- Oh, whete is the sicighing of old, sition. and she Is so quick you bardly piled 0 high, realize that she ix not like other peo- And the air efiervesced with the cold? ple Indeed. | think you would be very on 15. Ahe wtrasy rie of youre? Oh. where is the maiden so dear, , em- ! widow's hand and klssed I With Old Oh. where are the plessures of youth? fashioned gallantry. Se Oh. where is the boy in their train? a drear. unegribly bour Mr. Oddie required bis hy we sul Wea rg Sar is The ube. ~Clevelaud Plain Dealer. the whole city in order to avert the catastrophe which was believed to be sociated disaster with the appearance of an owl, a raven or a crow, while even the humble sparrow has excited other animals, not a few of the myths as to death or Ill fortune are asso days there are many places where all hope of a sick person's recovery would be abandoned If it were known that a over the house wherein the person lay ill. a similar belief attaching to the appearance of a white pigeon and in Mrs Hexham presents he r comp! We're handicapped unduly! ments to Mr. Markham Oddie --Chicago Record. would be pleased to see bim If Le -- -- could make it convenient to call thi: Alds to Memory. evening between 8 and § o'clock " | "You don't get much chance to ride | - Ww i or 2? The note was a formal obe. but wher | your wheel this weather? the agitated little old bachelor was | 'No. Ag i ' "I guess you almost forget you have a shown into the sitting room at Holm | op oh op gn wood Mrs. Hexham, who was alone "Oh, no! I'm still paying the install received him with a very kindly =mile | pions "--Philadelphia Press. Her eyes looked as if she Lad been | -------- crying. Altruism. "Please take a scat." she sald. "Ii "How did Sinclair Shabbs win that not?" | "He told her to think of all the luxuries | she would be able to give him if she mar are such a good, kind hearted man. 1 | "Be kind to dumb animals, Jimmy; al- did pot koow that she is deaf and | jt is said that Mr. Howells gets $10 a dumb?" line for his poetry. **And just think of § NEW Y; on Mr. Oddie stared at the speaker In ' it," exclaimed one of the envious, "he § SPICES: (ami Tig BULA, §ikERINCTON, D.0 } blank amazement. It was fully 8 min- | can write 1,000 lines a day!"--Atlanta " = " 't she said. "but It is not exactly am ordl- | © He (rather obese)-- No, indeed. | sim- When the BSukes filled the sky, and the drifts hEP- Whom my arm crept around as we skimmed o'er of Canada an nited States for the ground, the With the belis Jamgling out pwcet and clear? It ix unecessary to mention RY what Ae §/sieh fur Lim here with the wind crooning | fncrene : vodiian rng uy note ait DAVIS PAINTIN Kalsomining, &¢ pe undersigned would take this oppor tonity of thanking his numerons pat rons for thzir liberal and still increasing patronage during the time he has carried on the busivess of * PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that hefi: better prepared than ever to execute al orders for x Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties entrusting their work to me may rely or having it neatly and promptly exe cuted, My charges are moderate. 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &e,, when contracting. cited, WM. TREMEER. Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1692, GEO. GARDNER. \fter four years experience in prosecuting branches of his trade : --Stone Masonry Bricklaying in all its branches; Plain and Ornamental Plastering. Also Artificia and will endure any weather. B Cisterns without any weod in their @ struction to decay or give out. If you! in need of any of the'above, come ton obtain prices, All material require 'ine will be kept constantly on hang for sate after the first of next April, == GEO. GARDNER, Port Perry, Jan. 8, 1804. International Dictionary ? The One Great Standard Authority, 80 wittes Hon. 1). J. Brewer, ' Justice U, Successor of the "Unabridged." Standard Pl of the English Gi the Postal 11 o THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY BECAUSE » it is easy to find the word wanted. It is easy to mecertalr the pronunciation. It is easy to trace ti . of a word. It Is easy to learn w means, WEBSTER THE STANDARD. lobe 8 i Glo 0 an he most reliable standard ne the International containas va general information of great value --Jan. Springfield, 0-00 PROMPTLY SECURE 'Write for our interesting books "Ii or's Help" and ** } Send us a rough sket invontion or improvement and we you free our op'nion as to whe probably patentable. We maki of applications rejocted in other Highest references furnished. * MARION & MARION "Aw, my cat sin't no domb animal PATENT SOLICITORS & EXP Listen how she yowls when | pull her |{ oi 4 Mechanical Pagincers, Gradu oe Law Association Amorican Wal Association, N w England Water cu T.Q Suiveyors Associstion, Assoc. Member Boduty ot Civit Eugineers. ji ORK LIFE E'L0'C., MONTREAL Cf Tafel " Cook's Cotton Rost Manufactured by The Cook Co., Windsor, Ont, and Detroit, Mich., is the: Ts only known safe, ble monthly medicine on which ladies can depeud in "lke hour and ti of need." Every lady who re: this is requested to in two po age stamps, with her address, ee anil and full particulars, which we send by return mail in plain, sesle envelope. An old physician, 35 years co tinued practice treating diseases o women, has of the office. ; can be consulted by letter or i person. Address our main office - THE COOK COMPANY, Loom 8--No. 368 Woodward Av Detroit, Mich, Bea is 'wholesal Eireton rv ists in the D Dollar per box. WANTED - Honest a Tan ta asl to] hones: s41.ry 365 mon hly and eo } House and Lot for Sale orto Ri HOUSE AND LOT on Simcoe Street, Port Perry, for Sule or to Reut. nouse contains five rooms. me acre on which there are a barn, a good Immediate possession. Also for Sale a General-Purpose Horse, Buggy and a Set of Single Harness --will be cheap or will exchange for other live Apply ut the Office of this paper. Port Perry, April 5, 1899, VALUABLE FROPERTY Township of Reach. BLONG BLOCK ARNESS susissassoaniassennssan and valuable publication press) entitled « Tue His: CONQUEST OF THE PHILIPPINES OTHER IsLaND PoOLSESSIC It the most recent, and one of the me complete and authentic pi tions rowing out of the wars of 1898- "|All makes--new and second-hand--from $25.00 up. All Machines fully guaranteed. Samples of work on application. CREELMAN BRO'S TYPEWRITER CO., 15 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. A Dissouat of 0 i we Sole Dealers in will be allowed on all Sales from now unt MADE BY HAND, and nc factory work kept in stock, the uper rity of my goods will at once become t. purchasers will find that by aall before looking elsewhert ited in quality aud price, my e in the trade being an indfs. tee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any article h Everthing in my line of business kept. constantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to. JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. Underwood Typewriters. The Subscriber has just received a Complete Assortment of CONSISTING OF : TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather, &o. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian Ware, &ec., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, &e PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. A. 4. DAVIS, Chemist and Druggist PORT PERRY YHE undersigned offers for Sale 32 acres being part of lot 4 in the 3rd con. of Reach. About 13 acres are cleared. remises are a small dwelling house, barn, orchard of about 30 trees and » A continuance of public patronage soli The property is situated near * Cairns' Mill" about 1§ mile south of Utica. Further paiticulars may be had from ?, M, Yarnold, Solicitor, Port Perry, or of he proprietor on the y ISHES to inform the public of Port Perry and surrounding county, tha: his business in some of the largest cities 0; the United States, he is better preparec than ever to execute any of the following Agricultural EMENT n every town to represent us, Hundre Stone, Walks, that will remain permanent of the famous Iroquois Medel 3 00 will ba sold at $16.75 each, just one-third (heir re al saleat 20 cents on the dollar, With if we g cycles, finished and comp] Made t yertiss our business we hs they stand us axe irieily up-to-date, famous everywhere for beauty and yeod qu black, maroon and noach green; Gents' frames, 23, 24 and 26 in., Ladies' 22 in. ; best "Reeord, (oF your exprevs agent's iscount for eash in full with order, rite tor our 1iberal proposition. We are ki lor us; alse Xaree LJ me of ssmnie wheel to agent nown everywhere "a the greatest Exclusive Bleyele House in the world and are perfactly reliable; we refer to sny bank or business house (n Chicago, $0 any express dompany and 4 our customers everywhere. J« L. MEAD CYCLE 00. Ohicago, am. The Mead Cycle Co. are absolutely reliable awd Iroquois Dicyoles at $16.75 are wonderful bargaine.-- embracing the entire Spani: h- American War, in 1898, the 'Ph pine War in 189g, together wth description of the East and West Indies, the Hawaiian and Ladrone Islands, and the people of these tropical countries, which have bes come, at least for a time, sul the United States. May 17,1899. © PHARMACY . . Bicycles Iroquois Bicycles 516 15 value. IROQUOIS CYCLE WORKS FAILED Wiest wore too exprasively ballt, and we have bos tat of oght the entire plan foresd le, Made concluded to sell theses 400 at just what ard make the marvelous offer of a Model 8 IROQUOIS BICY CLE st $16. 76 while they Inst, The wheels ality. DESCRIPTON i lrovcis Model $14 oo well known 'need AOR 1 detailed description. Shelby 1X in. seamicss LZ Zari tubing improved two-piece erank, detachable sprockets, arch erown, -- barrel hubs and hanger, 1% in. drop, finest nickel and enamel; solots, ; ," guaran: ay GB Lan iron wd Wigh-prade squipment throbghout. Our Written Guarantes with ory bieye SERD GRE DOLLA 3 height of frame wanted, and we will sup C. 0. D. for the balsnee ($15.75 and express charges), ubjock bo weamination snd Approval. If you don't find 1 the most wonderful Hicycle Offer ever made, send {4 beck ak our ex: +nse. ORDER TO-DAY if you don's want to be disappointed. 50 cents Ww E HAVE EB CYCLES 4 complete line of "50 Models at $1.5 and up, Becond-hand Wheels 5 to $10. We want JRL IIT ET A C0 FTN TES ned their bioyele last year. This year we offer wheels and eash for work dons SUNDER! AND HI undersigned keeps on hand and fo) sales the following Agricultural Mach ies and In'plements wanufuctured by the IMR BAMILIOY NPR GL, oder, Tiger Hay Ruke, Two Fur Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina tion Plows, Champion Plows, 5. T Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &c. JOHN ABEL, Toronto Engines and Machines, Huller, Portable Triumph Engine. T am prepared to supply ev armer requires in way af Machines, Impl \-SIRABLE PROPERTY IN PORT PERRY FOR SALE 1 VHE undersigned offers for sale at bargain his fine property on treet, Port Perry, consisting of a commo- tious Dwelling House, coutaining six rooms, «all and three closets ; there is a good stone lar under the main purt and foundation G.& C. MERRIAM CO., Publi § ONE GIVES RELIEF. Don't Spend a Dollar Medicine until you have tried QCRVOO LOCOOOY You can buy them in the paper 5-cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. This port Is put up cheaply to gratify the universal present demand for a low pies. If you don't find this sort of Ripans Tabules At the Druggist's | all in a good state of There are three lots which have wen converted into a splendid Garden, i 'hich are a large number of choice, thriv ng fruit trees-- Apple, Cherry and Plam-- rape Vines, Berry bushes and other sma)! Send Five Cents to Tux RipANs CHEMICAL ComPANY, No. 10 Spruce St,, New York, and they will be sent to you by mail; or 12 cdrtons will be mailed for 48 cents. The chances are ten te one that Ripans Tabules are the very medicine you need. There are also on the ood bricked Well and Cister: wd convenient Stable: 110 on Ella Street--all _ almost hopeless--cases that had been treated by the most talented physi- clans--cases that were on the verge of despair and insanity --cases that were| tottering over the grave--but with the continued and persevering use of 'Wood's Phosphodine, these cases that had been given up to die, were) restored to manly vigor and health--Reader you need not despair--no mat-| tor who has given you up as incurable--the remedy is now 'within your| reach, by its use you can be restored to a life of usefulness and happiness. particularssend Two 3c. stamps to Immix Canorr CURE, Uxbridge, Ont. Canadas Wood's P 1s sold by le and retall he work is quite comprehensive, bject to Already I have obtained a large 'number of subscribers for the work without much effort, but abot June: rst Iintend starting on a tour of the County when I will be pleased to © fake your name for a copy of the WOIK. { g JESSE IRELAND, * Port Perr JAMIESON'E LIVERY HE undersigned would beg to state that ne will, within a few days, open his new Livery Establishment on his premises, Perry street, where he will keep for hire, a full variety of reliable rigs. Charges Mod- erate. A generous share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. £& Conveyances to all trains. WM, JAMIESON. Port Perrv Aug 1, 1895, ] QTvLISH, RELIABLE ARTISTIC» ; Recommended by Leading Dressmakers. They Always Please, NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE 1 These patterns 1d in pearl ind town In the Uriited States does not keep them send direct to us, One cent stamps received. Address your nearest point, THE McCALL COMPANY, 138 to 146 W. 14th Street, Now York, MCCALLS MAGAZINE E Brightest Magazine Published Contains Beautiful Colored Plates, Illustrates Latest Patterns, Fash- ons, Fancy ork. Agents wanted fon this magazine in every focality, Beautiful preiniums for a little wor site for terms and other parti including a £ Address THE McCALL CO. § = 138 to 146 W. 14th St., New York Talabl Prgty fda oiodat IN THE TOWNSHIP OF REACH. THE undersigned offers for Sale or to Rent that fine property situated one mile south of Port Perry, being part of lot 19, con. 4, Reach, containing 9 "acrcs more or less, 6 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. On the mises there are a first-class Brick-Clad House, 30 x 20, with projection 18 x 18, with good cellar under the whole building ; Kitchen 18 x 14 ; gond Cistern, 2 good Wells with Force Pumps. There is a first clas Orchard of about 87 Trecs-- Plum, Pear and Cherry--also currant and gooseberry bushes and about quarter of un acre of Raspberries and Shrubs, ALSO House and Two Lots in the Village of Port Perry--being Lots Noe. 106 and 107, On* tario Street. On the premises there are a first-class Dwelling House with good Cellar, Hard and Soft Water, suitable Stable and Driving Shed und fine Garden of good Fruit Trees--Cherry, Plum and Apple--Berry and Currant Bushes, &c. erms to suit purchasers For further particulars, apply to D. J. Adams, Keq., or to the proprietor on the premises, E, J. WHEELER. Port Perry, Feb. 21, 1899. Before Taki Ph dine has been used Price, one package, $1; six packages, $5; by mall free of postage. One will please, six guaranteed to cure. Pamphlet free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. EEL W3 WIRE | TRUSTWORTHY AND tlemen or ladies to travel hed honee in Ontario, Manufactured Tus ONTARIO WIRE FENCING CO., Lo. 3 8 erence. Kaclosesalf-addvess d THE BEST IS CHEAPEST: WOVEN WIRE FENCING WIRE BORE, SELVAGE. Bas. LOW PRICES. manufactusers at Picton. The B. Greening Wire Co, General Agents, Hamilton and Montreal. Sold also by Canadian Hardware Jobers, i ; & M Mullen's Pui TRY NETTINGS are unequaicy n quality and their Fircnes are the Hardware Mercnants sell these Goods and can supply oou. If they fail you write the : ETE WANTED EVE] pdr A CTIVE SOLICITORS where for "J eh urgent camps with Aguf® the deck of (he Olympia with Dewey the roar of battle at the fall of Manila. EF . anxa for agents. Brimful of original pictu: taken by government photographers on th book. Low iH relght paid. unofficial war books. T. Barber. a Vy 25TED -- TRUSTWORTHY AND active gentlemen or ladies to tarvel for res , established house in Ontario, Monthly and expenses. i steady. Reference. Encloseself. £65 Fouition stamped envelope. The Dominion toed dany, Dept. Y Chicago, free. Drop all trash ai eur with the only troeand "GH Address THE DoMINIeN CoMP, 362-356 Dearborn street, Chicag | The MacLean Pub. Co TORONTO. MONVREAL., 'x

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