Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Dec 1894, p. 3

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wale Ee Tut : ni i oro in the parish of Bika, 5 Sandy Grant, the vil: Ry | On all Sales of Furniture over $10, Ten per iscount | TO HAND Fane Chairs, Tables and Hat Racks. BEDROOM FURNITURE in Antique, |- For Next 30 Days | cent d for Cash ; under Sui Fury prs sok cent nt AND TO ARRIVE! A CHOICE LOT OF Elw, Ash, Oak and Walnut, TIRE. CARNE GI BS RoLier IN FULL BLAST } HE nndersigned takes this opportutity of returning his Price that will surprise you, . it 5 Yad oc of Superior ies at a Great 00TS in sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be-|ALL SIZES--MY OWN MAKE, stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, | Keep no sther--Na inferior Stock. Difer- and would b . tate. 1) A | ent sii made up; all of whieh 1 will div ould beg to state th v pose i at having, at a large expenditure, |Pgact 0 it thantnag thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the hear the priecs yon will be sure to put- best, most approved and modern machinery including the A pice assortment of PARLOR SUITS in stock and at PRICES TO SUIT TIMES. £7 We donot dell or advertise Furniture made iu Berlin, Ont., for Graud Rapids, Mich.) Furniture, J. W, DAVIS. Worsted Coatings, English, Scotch ¢ nadian, Tweeds, &c. Anticipating a 'busy secured our Fall Stock early, and bought largely scrimination. "IT'S A KING YE'LL CARRY HAME THE MORN." au judg 0' whisky an' cat gut. Noo at Fay no be much o' an accomplish- ment 'what we bLa'e dune oorsels, but altho' he wis a miser he niver spared the gut. I've scen him sit shine. : Bepuieiug of all kinds done with nbatnesy. and dispatel Laces, eh and Waterproof Blacking. PN ib ET fei y Rubber Overcoats and Rubber Boots re- a bale day Hh Rr IN SUITING ROLLER PROCESS nae = Wwarld Re noticeably fine. for the manufacture of Flour, is prepared todo TE GRISTING & CHOPPING = PAINTING KALSOMINING &C. FPYHE undersigned would take this oppers tunity of thanking his uitnierons put rons fox their liberal abd still inerensing patronageduring the time he has cariied ou . LJ re their Neatness--they ape and wear well, while ¢ of all, rest Styles and Perfect Fits I. WEITBY. Blong Block. sna fou "when 4 wal I oven then he oh a | Kev frae i o drink lang enough tae | Wid it richt, Weel, here's tae his memory." Once more the bottle was passed aronr.d and as the usqueba was hourl .tting better they drank deep and heartily. From the grave to forcordination was an easy step. Tam admitted that, being out late on the previous evening, are becoming celebra always retain the our prices are the Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give satis- faction to my patrons, The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. THE PLANING FAGTORY Superior Workmanship; the Ne warranted. : CC. "LET'S TAK'A DRINK TAE #BETTER YEAR," Port Perry, Oct. 3, 1894. 2 tween the crutch of gloomy Ben Dhu | Sandy chimed in, "I tuk him tae task All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING i Paintin | larg » when Tam joined Sandy and Cockle at | forit. Ths idea thal yo why hae Cid done on short notice, : 0g, Relsomisiag: and Paper Harging the hospitablo fireside of the Peat Hoose | brocht up in the parish kirk of Birknv N "arties entrnsting their work to me may Inn aud midnight was but two hours | and ha'e attended it ivery Sabbath day Part Dare . JAMES CARNEGIE. rely on having it neatly and promptly exe- distant. Tam had scampered over the | sh'nd be classed wi' the godless crow ort Perry, Oct. id cuted, My charges are moderate. mountain pike despite th contrary ad. | wha commit blasphemy by singing the 1113 oe 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &v,; vice of his worthy Jean--for who would | Psalms o' Dauvit in Knowehead An. when 000tranting. : miss the chance of bousing at the nappy | drews' gravary. That's nae kirk at a', A continuance of public patronage soli on such a Digit and I ind hitchcd is wor St id ihe histor say? nd | cited, : faithful mare to tha ring under tho bac 'Oh, he defended them by savin' tha : Bn { M. TREMEER : window of the vi: Ba Bay wliete she | it's best no tao judge; the" Bible said FOR THE . NEXT IS TH FLACH FOR Port P. rry, Mar. 23," a) 4: AEMEER; 4 was destined to stand. maybe, until | sae, But I cornered him. Says I : the same hour of the following night. | 'Cau I, Sanders Grant, wha hao been SIXTEEN DAYS BA LA BN © But custom becomss second nature, minister's man a' the parish o Biikny « F h _ even with mares, and the old steed was | an' my faither before me, an' am ane 0 : Fes Eanes " content so long as sho could push her | the elect, as holy writ, that canna lee, 15] ORDER to reduce my Stock of Mil- 8 --EEEEE STILL LEADING | nose through the folding windows into | says, can I no idee then? hey' rd linery the next Sixteen Days I will Seat --AND-- " air of tho Pat Hooso and | no foreordained, Taster McLean, an' jar Cost. My Stock embraces new. and < Th Te : : se {iis un jolly three, while Tamas 'ew | fine yo ken it." seasonable desigos for all ages and condi . i Lp The Subscriber has Justy received a Complete Assortmont of FPHE UNDERSIGNED begs to retnri at. the cork of the bottie and gallantly "What did Le say tae that, Sanders?" | tious, My diepluy ia varied and the styles Reliable dll FOVISIONS 4 thnoks for the libe ral nd UIT ferns i . lier correct. ing patronage bestowed on him since com- es bounie. Johte fud ten "Ol, he jist launched and asked me tae MRS, BILLINGS. : mening the Butchoring Business and would Wha first shall ise to Fang awn help him on wi' lis top coat. He said | port Perry, Nov. 14, 1804 . state that he is better prepared than ever A cuckold, Tn he thoelt that wis a better coverin' He keeps constantly on hand a full s to supply the public witi eps g a § lage cobbler, and Cockle Pete, who could toss the caber farther and butter than any man in the east neuk; a bon- nie trio, with but one test of greatness, that he who would be laet to fall drunk beside his chalr should be king among the three. The moon was showing her horns be- Wha last beste his clialr shail (a' He is the king amang us three | "I'm no sorry tae sso the ve ar doo,' Sandy wiped his mouth with his coat sleeve and continued: "It's ben a he had slept through most of the Sun- day service and had heard very little of the sermon, but he had an idea that in his conclusion the minister had shown a little too much liberality toward the @:essionists. "Jist what I said, Tam, when the minister ean' doon tae the vestry," than some kinds o' Christianity that he bad seen but wadna mention. But 1 wisna gaun tae lt him off in that way. I wis gaun tae mak' him declare hissel, So I says, says 1: 'Di vo ken Deacon in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumbe 7, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisiers and Newel Posts. EZ BILL LUMBER A SPEOIALT "JOHN NOTT, Flour, eal & tock of eed, CONSISTING OF : TOILET SETS in Plwsh, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather, e. the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state thut he id better prepared than ever to ex orders for ute wl JUST SUCH MEATS as cannot fall to meet the requirements of waefu' year for me. Only six deaths in | Brodie o' the new faith?" * 'Fine that,' UNDERTAKER, SERRA fo CE : all, aud trosts by offering only Cotes the as ho IBukuy ina a ens; the | says he, 'Weel, says I, 'he said jae and Funeral Director, I SR vis Jam ie best makers, in Cut Glass Dottles, Bohemian Ma at moderate prices, aud pron pthess : like ot wis niver seen in the life time 0° | me the ither day that nae man that 3 "0 §Cy GL GQ rices in business to receive a liberal shure o 3 he a drank as much whusky as you dae i 5 of all kinds, Cheap for Cash. rr AB 3 Hy public patronage. : dos Should be explatned that, besilon! souid expect tuo Ful lntais jp¥en. Dae SLES rE : FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, 4c. #2 All orders loft at my Stall in the ing the work of a village cobbly yo think ho's foreordaine dM nt iTsOR En x rc ui Market Building. or with me ROLE Bandy discharged the duties of sexton, "What did he say tae that, Sandy 7 == Barrel, Sack, Dairy sad Table Salt. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality, with phi J) ra te oi nay and it was his proud boast that, d luni Tameon asked, cr his neck so that WwW. . D BE YX Y E 4:3 y y ¢ quired the holder of the office to act as or sober, no one could male tho *4nst el neater or better than he. The faithful performances of the du ics of the sexton of tha parish of Birkny also re- in ht not miss a s lable. Sandy replic d. he "Why the Hed "No! mado avery hair in ad stand on ond. "Then! i] "Kin 1 10 jidge noo?' 'Oh, ays! says he, 'but that is an eXceljion ml ea All, he's a sly dog, is the minist Wael, here's tae Drink, Cockle," But the animated conversation on his health, "Dan yo no think, sesing it near twal k Tam, that we shud ging ont ken up some 0 oor froeny an' gi'e 1 taste or thd New ye: Tam didn't sea things in that light. (SUCCESSOR To T. A WHARTON) HGUSE, SICH & GARRIAGE PATNTHR. Decorative Painting and Kalsomiving a Speciulty. Prices low, Satisfaction guaranteed: Port Perry, Dec. 6, 1804. To School Trustees. Butter, Oats, Beans, Flax, i: Port Perry, Aug: 28, 1804. IGHEST price in Cash pele. all times for Fresh Eggs, A. J. DAVIS, Chentist BLONG BLOCK, PORT and Drugpis PERRY 74 OPENED OUT uud careful attention, AC J. 1603, WHEELER Port Percy, Ang, 16; forecrdination had been tos much for | Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1804. b) 3 B WY. J the worthy Cockle, and when Tam and - EE sr SA - en aaa) 1 Sandy rosa uns v to drink to the . | = minister of the paristi of Bivkny Cockle | WIink Wanted : Pete lay snoring haavily on the rag ear- i ! g 3 f i nar =. y Bs Ho, ue he hiazing fire' of th rps undersigned is propared to pay a | # " al. it's me an' you for't noo. gootl price for a nuiber of live Mink, Sandy," said Tam as he again filled up uot in any way injured, delivered at: the " the two glasses and turned down "lub House, Scugog. . OR ----HAVE AG Nai G 0. al ; DN E Rp Co kla's empty one. ~~ M. L. CRANDELL. AGAIN . ANI Lit WwW ISHES to inform the public of Port Perry and surroun r country, thus after four years experionee i rosecuting his business in some of the la t cities of the United he is | The cobbler's: sumeem] » * an ee oe States, tter prepared : Tele 0 Th arr TW A a Besson: YOUNG LADY holding a Third Class than ever to exgeuto any of the following 3 ers," was Lis reply. "Wait a wea. Dae Certificate desires a school requiring branches of his trade :--Stdne. Masonry, ST At He Ra Yernb Tio tk me ALL ane Als Sit qualifiention. Sarvioos to commetice aR A Bricklaying® in all its branches ; Pluin and ini " dd % bo tae our fallen comrade? He's a guid st Juv, 5 pply at the OBSERVER 43 m---------- Orvame tal Plastering, Also Artificial y minister's man, an rank cor sober, Loi fo Kio. even if tha whisky did Office, Stone Walks, that will remain permanent T% «Bandy could perform that too, better | FU 40H stter'or hi He desoryos Port Perry, Dec, 6, 1894. ® aid will endure any weather. | Brick than any other person. Indeed, ho it nea SLVEL OF NI. 0 QesGI Ves & fil tortivned. 1 hab f Port. Per 1 t io) Cisterns without aay wood in their cou- said to his credit that evon under the in- | PWNPEr. : ATANTED, GENERAL SERVANT, The undersigned hogs to. announce tg fli} inhabitants of Port Perry and p | striction to decay or give out: 1f you are fluence of what ho was pleased to term | And Tathmas filled the glasses to the AY A gD, ; Li MANNING vicinity, that lie has opened out in th&8tove and Tinware business iu need of any of the ny ome t6 me.and sil $ rim. MRS. 3 ¥ wai, . , bo v ne to me an "a ua gles, End what the mar Shoo. Sauder, toast 1" and both Foss "Methodist Parsonage. in the Store lately occupied by Mr. Wright obtain prices, ~All material required iri my truthfully inclined would ca!l severa to theie foot ' Uxbridge. Dec. 4. 1504. - : Jine will be Ne yon | , and large sized drinks, he could mount the "We ih Rorc's. taht Fond 8 te f ft ext April, pulpit stair on a Sunday morning with |. eel, heres ae hi; RE may pe GEO. GARDNER, Dede wo andl slow nie. piace the | Mig rock. Horas tae Gok" | "BAY OF QUINTE .' Hort Perey June 3, 1 Bible and psalter on the reading stand ut the sentence never was finishe ® oR i hi erry, Jan. 3, 1504, And' ng resp etably descend, And his Sandy swaved against the old onk table, Where he will keep in stock everything p@rtaining to the business and will i = charitably inclined neighbors would re. | Gropped his glass, and the minister's sell at Prices that cannot fail #9 please purchasers. mark of Bim that he was the best minis: han of the parish of Birkny fell across - ter's man that the parish of Birkny had the brawny form of Cockle Pet. There will now be no necessity for part h this vicinity going to Uxbridge had since the day when the saintly Tau, alone 2d unconquered, raised HE undersigned wishes to announce to | tn purchase Stoves, Tinwnare, &e.; in fact, ill be tothe advantage of the of ever 7thing o* in thei Tr 11 ne Saud MacLe: first be t "| his glaks. Weel, here' tae baith of the inhabitants of Port Perry aud sur- oat : a iL ders MacLean first began to ex- thei, They're pretty id sowlx, but y Uxbridgeites, and all others, to secure frof fe anything they muy require in ; { foreordination 1-1] me oo ; gu : vicki rounding country that he has opened a Res dry link wh 2 nd tho doctrines o iey're pur fpecimenno' manhood. | aurant in the Shop first door east of Messss hy y Wig . and cterial dannation. 4 Bobbie Burns wad niver hae written his | Contice & Jeffrey's Harness Establishuient, ' fy H £9 "A waefu' year," Sandy repea ad. graund gangs if ho had been iit a8 | where he will be pleased to serve all with Ranges, Stoves, Tinwa EL 0r Eavetroughing "A waefu ' nacthing," chimed in | they aro.' And ha drained his glass, everything iu his line, Neatly, Tustefully Sw Tammas. "Wha wad sit crooning | dropped into the chair and went to [and Quickly. eer ower tho mishaps o'an anld year when a new an' hotter ane, let's hope, is com- in'. As cor gud freen Bobli: Burns wad sac if he was here the nicht in body "ns he is in speerit : k tae a better year, Yo Buk Yo. sing Ge king pn ay may 7 daw, Sandys said orale and be guid | 0' Birkuy y quoi, 8. Bm Notary Publis, sleep. Five minutes lator a piper sbroda down the Five, and the morry strains of "The Camp! bells Are C "omin' " brought Tam hack to conse iousness. He seratebed his head and drowsy vanquished comrades and & new idea seemed to s.ike him. "Wander if 1 ted them. It wadna be honorable 5 but I'll d 5 any dropped his J and stagrered over (0 the window, "whera the old mare still poked her head into tha TOL. a "Ye luok fell prood o® yor minister, Maggie | lass, an' wool yo may. dts a man ye ha'o m'en A of the roads rish the last five years, bu Mazgie, its a kibg ye'il my hs hes Hue 8 CGF F} & "Ask for Monarch Cigar and take no other. ~ Best 5c Cigar in Ons © J. BR. GRANT, Conve: &e., Pers Perry, Out. HORRY TO > 4) the most fastidious ly 2 gastronomy DINNERS, LUNCHES & OTHER HEALS. XXX Received duily ard Served in any style. £4 Fresh Fieh (caved and otherwise) of every description cor A on hand no. pains eir Ay may depend on having his palate pleased, JOSEPH COUK. Port Perry Sept. 26, 1804. TO REMOVE WORMS of all kinds from children or adults Dr. Low's Worm 8yrup is a safe and sure remedy 2 FARMS FOR SALE Or Rent in Reach--North part of lot 22, con 9, 62 acres, and 8. E. of lot 21, con. 10, 48 acres. 1 cash or good security. - Balance at 5§ % for 5 or more ycars as many be arranged. The 62 acres, cholbe grail soil, the 48 acres fine spring water, excel lent pasture. Apply to W., M Willcox, Port Perry, or i: D. J. CAMPBELL Hamilton, Out, Nov. 21, 1894. a aA as my stock will embrace the most popular Ranges, ingls BUCK'S CELEBRATED HAP pg Bavetroughing and Roo] EZ A call solicited. Don't forget. : Port Perry, April 3, 1894. dh desirable makes of Stoves and THOUGHT RANGE. 0 | RER iy a « Lured t #16. moun: be: Now ELLY Having had Twenty years' experience mithing, all orders entrusted A Sujoyment's gals Then his eyo foll on tho forms of his to me may be relied on to give satisfnction 5 ton se occupy the extensive premises just vacated Ly Mg. B. F. AckrRruAN AX, where we will be Letter prepared than ever to supply our customers and the public with everything in the J. H. BLOX Gent's Furnishing Bstg <4NIW + GOODS + To my Customers General Public: Have much pleasure my facilities tor business largely intreased and I am & to > supply everything in the Gent's Furnish of Sup erior Quality, 1 WHICH FOR----me Durability and &e., inabundanoce. Comparison of Prices Court Port Perry; March 9, 1892 We Hive Moved our business to the South side of Queen Street and now Harness ILiine CHEAPNESS, STYLE STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks, ec BIATTY & BONGARD RUPTUREL Write for Literature and Question Sheet, Znsbie me to send Nal a Vy RE "a % iain your Hernia and Adjusting nces for Rui pliances C VATURE DR all other Celebrated use ° Oi specially adapted to fit years' experience ind desip A on E the relief of CLUB DEFORMITIES Therm exclusive ert} direct from factory and fittin, eis WEST Toront: SIN HOUSE © ihich, if éorrectly filled out, will and ia N returning thanks to the public for the patronage extended tome for over 30 | years, I would respectfully intimate that I | am, as usual, now ready for business, and { bave a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am deters mined to sell very CHEAP, lo At an inducement to Casi purchasers b Dowd of 10 oper nbs will be allowed on all Sales from now until Jan, Ist next. All work being MADE BY HAND, md no factory work kept in stock, the superiority of my goods will at once become apparent, utending purchasers will find that by giving née a cull before looking elsewhere they can he suited Lr quality and price, my long ex perience in the trade being nn indis- putable guarautee that perfect satisfaction ~ will be given by any article purchased, Everthing in my ite of business kept vonstantly on hand au prowpitly attended to. HN ROLPH. JO. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 198: WAN TED Ralesmen, to handle aur Tai Grown Nursery Stock. We. a fied, isfaction to 5 repr Fy 3 the Our N d repairs pel 0 rs

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