Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Nov 1894, p. 4

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i Bladder diseases relleved in six y the 'New Grear SovrH AMER- Bey 'hours b oan Kionex Ctire." This new remedy is A great surprise and deligiit to phyxicians | Bn account of its exceeding promptuess in felieving pain iu the bladder, kidueys, back dnd ever male or female. It relieves retention of water aml pain in passing it almost im- itediately: Sold by A. J. Davis, Druggist. RR AER Look Out For Cold Weather but ride inside of the Electric Lighted and Steam Heated Vestibule Apart. went trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee @& St. Punl Railway and you will be ng warm, comfortable and cheerful as in your own library or boudoir. To travel | between Chicago, St. Paul and Mina | eapolis, or between Chicago, Omaha | wppointed traing, is a supreme satis: faction ; and, ne the somewhat ancient | advertisement used toread, "for further | particulars, see small bil (and large ones, too) will be for passage and sleeping car tickets. | Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, Toronto, Out. idl a Desir Birs.--I have nsed Yellow Oil for two of three yedrs, and think it has no equal in 8ix Hours. Distressing xi LAND MAN NEVER TROD: 1 BUT WILD HERDS ROAM OVER FEAR® part of the urinary passages in Strange Game Protected by Lefty Hewglits=A Chapior of Adventure That % Wester Pugt ire surrounded by Walls a Thoussnd Feet High Dowa Which wo Mun Has Ever Descend In tho wildest and lonliest por- of tion of (he west, seveuty-live miles north- west of Meeker, where, in 1879 massacred the Meek i one at the ay ful cattle ra a space five miles in : Pe A . . ¥ iles iv vi Q erd upon whos aud Sioux City, in these luxuriously | Ailes id WAH Foams % Bor VJ plac u larint has never tightened. jut a score, | or even fewer, of . a man or horse or other ania 1s," Small bills | kind, and, in fet, th kin, except at above them, The Ute Indiau . : "p'eheck-up," 'or red builalp. And 1 For detailed information address A. Jo |if an indian who has seen them should be | 0! | asked about it, he would laueh and gheke his head, and all the information obtainable would be: "P'check-up; 'em red; no ketch 'em." There are more than | + thousand of this her owns thems; nor is there a man, or black or copper colored, who hag ever coepted a by LESSLY AND SECURE. its of od. | da. and every of famil gy, is the in the world gth and three on jron has never been and a; {hein have ever seen distance of nearly ( Iw , and yet no man | Bd for eronp: Mrs, J. 8. O'Brien, Huntsville, | peor able to possess a single hoof of "Notice to" Farmers. : | thot The undersigned begs to intimate say: to the farmers of this district that he so ne awl hich tl ttle Dre, 8 Py 4 1 0 1: |of the oblong space in which these c: e of hundreds of animals, the flesh of which has just purchased a new Threshing |To. risq precipitous and even concave - they could eat, while from the ekius they rocks for 500 aud 600 feet--yawninZ black and insurmountable, At either end scethes They tr and rushes the Yampa or Bear River. For g miles above and miles below it plunzes rapids of the river was the only course. and stumbles ou in its headlonz laste The buck patiently made a dugout Irom ) the arms of its parent, the a loz and paddle from a limb. Twelve less tumultuous, But deeper Green | miles above they launched the rude Machine from the Works of the Me- Donald M'Pg Uo , Stratford, which has all the latest appliances for threshing grain as it should. It is so constructed that in threshing peas it doesnot split them. Orders for threshing solicited, to re searcel River. these fat and tempting Ueeves. The cattle wre in a prison. Out of it je one method of escugfe; but to travel that road meams death to the ndventur- {ence of terror, the younz buck aud his Sus one. There 'is mo way to get lgquaw determined that they would seek in except it be by use of A roped [the cattle valley which thd indians call iid feet in length. As the Indians the "Lower Earth," and try to find ac- "Heap sce 'em; no ketchum; 10 | cess, Ounce there they could dwell in # On the two long sides | peace, and would be rich in possession me AWAY. Like the wonderful flat top moun- ¢ viving animals from the fall are fat and au sleek though, and have their sunny beds Hus the Air of Rumsoce Live Siock on qo like, where they lie for warmth in the winter, and to them the monument There is no fierce mountain lion or more animate thing, within this cow garden able to reach or disturb them. the Utes | The Utes have a tradition that savors most wonder- | derful spot, It is that a young hock Within | who was of Piah's renegade band be: Sioux squaw and sought to take her to his tribe, The Utes have a Virtue, if 1 whose horus the such it may be called, of total prohibition from mingling with the whites in mar - iriaze relation. Even wheré there have 1 of their been instances of women of their tribe ! becoming too familiar with white men J feet high | they have invariably been visited by the s call them severest punishment --the progeny dé - yot |stroyed, and with almost equal certainty | Be-ne-jaho and his Bioux bride they had {no welcome, Added to her three-fourths | white blood was the still worse odium i that the only Indian blood in her! veins whitp pa they -hate no white or other living eing. | could make their clothes and a tepee. The plabec wheré the thieves dud thelr noracs and toe Lerd fell is plainly marked | ¢ % a prramid of bones which rises to the height of thirty feet; The ghastly re- | fn 8 minder end relics of the human wud &ni- mal vietinia of the terrible leap shine forth white and glistening when the pan is Ligh and reaches that spot with full gare. The progeny of the sur- skeletons is no source of disguietude. ngzerous bear, nor, in fact, any other Eden. As yet, too, no man has been a romance connected with this won: me enamored of a younZz quarter bred killing the indiscrete squaw. So, for a8 Sioux, # tribe which the Utes hate SAD FATE OF AN INDIAN COUPLE, The bucks drove Se ple jubo and the wo- of outlawry, ten and clinging to au exist. a score of ways in which to ain decess, Descent was death. The raft, themselves lashed in it, and went F. A. BAILEY. |tain of Colorado, this home of the im" | whirling and shooting on downward, Blackstock, July 11, 1804. ] NH 1 \ ( HOW AS THIS? Soéthing unique even in these dnys © shammoth preminom offers, is the latest effort 8f Biafford's Magazine; n New York monthly Of hoine and general reading. The proposition is to send the Magazine one Year for one dollar, the Fegular su C price. and in addition to send to each sub- | yels of the Mormons, fled for ti riber fifty two complete no welve months; one each week. (ele novel, by mall, post paid, every wee! or fifty-lwo weeks, and in addition you get*| the magazine once a month fon twelve | month, ali for one dollar. It is an offer which the publishers can only afford to make in the confident expectations of getting » hundred thousand new subscribers. Among the authors in the coming series are. Wikie Colling, Walter Besant, Mrs. Oliphant, Mary Cectl Hay, Florence Marryat, Anthony Trol- lop, A. Conan Doyle, Miss Braddon, Captain Marryat, Miss Thackery and Jules Verve. If you wish to take advantage of this unusual opportunity 5 one doilar for Stafford's agnzine, ohe year. Your first copy of the magazine, and your first number of the fifty- two noveis (one each week) which you are to | ed their pickets or receive during the year will be sent you by return mail. Remit by P. O. Urder, register- ed letter or express, Address STAFFORD PUBLISHING CO. Publishers of STAFFORD'S MAGAZINE P, 0. Box 2264. New York, N.Y Please mention Lhis paper, Bieter SPLENDID Brick Dwelling House SIX ACRES OF LAND FOR SATE. HE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale he: cheice and well-appointed residence and six acres of land on which there is a fine Park containing 2 acres; a fine, bearing Orchard of one acre and good Garden ; there ix a splendid Driving House and Stuble on the premises, Hard and Soft Water und all other conveniences. The Carriage Drive and Grounds are plant ed with various kinds of Ornamental Trees Shrubs, Vines, &e. This property is beautifully located on | down one day aud halted to camp for the Uuion Avenue just on. the southern bordes on the Town of Port Perry and is a very de sirable property sud will be sold at a BARGAIN. For further particulars apply to the pre prietress on the premises. EUPHEMIA DAWES Port Perry, Aug. 30, 1693. LIVERY STABLE. F EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received during the many years I have kept a Livery Establish ment in Port Perry, I have much pleasure is announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! TO MY NEW PREMISES Opposite the Railway Station where from largely extended premises and increased facilities for business the public world. It reeails in its inac marvelous stories of the valley of ver - dure into which Mayne Reid's ad | only found their way by the assis the balloon. | tle came t | {stonce is curious. Over tw enty ¥ | when the Government troops were pur- one eide of the plateau and gZives evi- suing the Mormon murderers of the in- dence that the animals have water as BN eert victime of the Mountain Meadow well as food. How they shelter them - option | massacte, the Danites, or Avenzing An- gclves from the storms of winter, which ir lives in the White River country are. unusual- vels during the | {to what was then literally the wilder- ly severe, or the intonse heat of sum- ness. A few of those who had' been the {mer to which their elevatéd home must #hink of 1t. You receive a new'and com- | plindest followers of Lee, the Mormon expose them, one can only conjectare,but fiend incarnate, whose hands were red ftheree they are as safe, swinging between with the blood of women and children, 'earth and sky, as are the horned beasts found in their wandering a pretty valley | who live and breed in the bowels of the or stream which flows from the Wasatch ranze into the Green River. They struck | their stakes, built their camp fires, and during the night their sagacious 'of the Flat Top Mountain and bring leader had a vision which told him there down one ol those curious survivors of an otherwise extinct species of zame, or whether a daring parfy with great ropes will descend into the valley of the "Lower Earth" on the Bear River and enjoy a | steak from the loin of one of the lone herd, can only be surmised. As yet the foot of mam has pressed the, grasses of neither. i Ars 820 to stay. They could hardly have chosen {inall Utah a more fertile or more iso- lated spot. They called it Ashley, and about them have since zathered more of their sect, until, where the refugees post: the lonely nights of the first summer, has grown & thriving villaze. It is 140 miles from the Union Pacific Railroad, south, and 145 miles north of the Rio Grande Western. Un- til withina few years past it has been isolated entirely, but mow it is but 80 miles from the Ute reserevation, and fur- nishing supplies for the agency forms quite a business for the community. STORY OF THE STAMPEDE, Jt isa tenet of the Danites that rob- | bing or theft ym a Gentile is no crime, So it was thought to be ouly a cuuning | trick when John Wyckliffe, one of the | Mormon settlers of the new town, aud | his three sons made a night sortie on Henry's Ford in Wyoming, and carried away 800 head of cattle ranging there. This was in 1874, The owners of the cattle discovered their loss ao few days after they were gone and started in pursuit. The Wyckliffe's had their friends along the trail and were warned by sig- | nals of the coming of the pursuing par- ty. Accordingly they drove the cattle as {ast ae they could travel on eastward, across Greeen River and up alonz Bear, with the intention of reaching the Elk mountain country in northwestern Colo-- rado, where they would beipractically safe from detection, and theig@tock could also secure the most succulet® food. The thieves and the stolen herd had reached a mess of inviting grass at sun- night. A terrific storia arose. The light- | ning flashed jncessautly and the thunder pealed and cracked with unintermitting fury. The four men desperately held the terror stricken cattle by riding around them constantly and chanting some Ww eird tune. But the furious storm excited the brutes beyoud measure. They surged and bellowed, every moment Zrowing less sub- ject to control -All at once; ad if by one mad impulse, they stampe ed. A stampede of cattle by iq caleu- lated to strike terror to any heary lest there should be some human beinz in the pathway. A stampede by night and dur- 'nz a furious thunderstorm, with the izhtoing revealing the huge mass of frenzied brutes hurling itself on like a livinz catapult, frantic with fear, and resistioss as the storm itself, is one © the zrandest and most appalling specte cles, All the mad might of frenzied ani- mate force is aroused; and self-destroyinZ as well as destroyinz all jn their way, they rush on until they fall deadliké or plung puto some abyss. SWEPT ON 70 DBATIL John Wyekliffe and his sons met their fate amid the lightning's glare and the can be accommodated with safe and desirable | thunder's roar. They endeavored to head RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES. R. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, July 21, 1886. Family Newspaper, 1S PUBLISHED AT PERRY. ONT., 12] .TerMs.--$1 annum, if pid in advance; . No subscrip- tiontaken for less than six months ; and no | Tjy have been sho f:not $1.50 will be charge North Ontario Observer. A Weekly Political, Agricultural and |t off the stampedi and their horses were swept on, and driven, in the terror to escape the charze of the maddened animals, over the briuk of the awful precipice which frowus up from the waters of the Bear. After them plunged the whole frighit-crazed herd, and down to the bottom of the fearful fall went horses, riders and horned creatures, Out of this plunge of life, to what was semingly certain death for all, a few of he herd were not killed, Those which had Zone ahead formed a cushion of death. Maimed, stunned, but still invested with a spark of liie, when the dread storm was over the livinz cattle crawled out from the mass bopeath thew and formed the bauk of the river, stretching fow hundred yards zrow suceilent grasses and upon this the ca an! tbrived. ln lou of the preci are ® paper discontinued until arrears are paid up. | nnd" have 'earned to regard the aypear Rates of Advertising: Far each life, first insertion ........ $0 08 i 002 Cards. under 6 lines, per annum .... 5 00 Subsequent insertions, per line . 1d containing money, when bering over rocks of the way in whieh these cat- | resistless current two lifeless and bruis- ve is As strange as their ex- ed bodies. (earth, less than thirty miles away, loonist will alizht on this table land | d which now roam Q ttle have propazated kinz over the edge ce oue can see that they mall and as wild and agile as deer. t at to see the effect, ance of a man, whether Indian or white, as a menace from which they {lee, clam- and through underbrush in the chase to a point of concealment, prisoued herd has no likeness in the | When they emerged from the dark walls bility fhe [into the openinz which they had hoped would be their impregnable refuge, the yemturers | dugout was bottom up and already tance of splintered by contact with a thousand azged rocks, while it boré on in the | A thin stream of water trickles down | Whether some day an adventurous bal- The 01d, 01d Story, Amelia Searle \ Was a sweet young girl, Who rode on a single trike; Her eyes were blue, Of ethereal hue, | And just the sort you'd like; And she fell in love with young Jack Stone, Who for medals would race on the roads alone, . The bold Jim Wood Was a scorcher good, Who rode on the boarded tracks, And the prizes he got (A duce of a lot), : Were worth a deal moras than Jack's, But his heart was sad for he wished to whir! DoWn 'the stream of life with the sweet Miss Searle. 8o brave Jim Wood Showed his prizes good To this girl on the single trike, Who eloped that day With this scorcher gay On a brand new tandem bike; For in eycle land the girls are fair And the girls are fulse, as everywhere. «The I¥heeler. Lord Derby on Canada. Lord Derby, in addressing a meeting of the Manchester Geographical Society one evening a fortnight ago, said Can- ada had, with a wise and liberal judg- ment, opened her arms to immigrants of any country, of almost any class, and without any distinction of race or creed, provided only they came with the inten- | tion of becoming law-abiding citizens. Every evidence pointed to her solid and steady progress, which, on the opening of other trade and comuercial routes, might be still further developed. The climate was very much like our own,on- ly a little more so. The cold weather was dry and healthy to persons of rea- sonable habit of body, and it rarely pre- eluded outdoor employment, while it was | seldom that labor bad to be suspended in consequence of heat. To all who thought of emigrating to Canada he would say they would find themselves among people like themselves--keen in business, well educated, and well ac quainted with all the latest modern de- I practically unknown. For (those tically the globe could offer no rival, esate Saluries of Clergymen, hod of Avera; For parsons, the 0 Lge salary is £200, although in the cities it ranges from £500 downwards. The Con- gregationalists have an average of £200, the highest salary in the denomination being four stipends of £2000 each. The Presbyterian is a little higher; there are eight or ten paid £2000, six of which ew York, and one receives £3000. No Baptist, with one exception, receives are i more very, Illustrating the of a Depleted Nerve Treatment Which ses Exhausted ive Forces. MR. FRANK BAUER, Brruwx, ONT. seemed most hopeless, I heard of & wonderful cure effected in a case gomewhat similar to mine, by the Great South American Nervine Tonic, and I finally tried that. On the first day of its use I began to feel that it was doing what no other medicine had done, 'The first dose relieved the distress completely. ™ Before night I actually felt hungry and ate with an appetite such as I had not known for months, 1 began to pick up in strength with surprising rapidity, slopt well nights, and before 1 knew it I was eating three square meals regularly every day, with as much relish as ever. I have no hesitation whatever in saying that the South American Nervine Tonio cured me when all other remedies failed. I have recovered my old weight--over 200 pounds--and never felt better in my life." Mr. Frank Bauer's experience, is that of all others'who have used the South American Nervine Tonio, Its instantaneous action in relieving dis- tress and pain is due to the direct affect of this great remedy upon the nerve centres, whose fagged vitality is energized instantly by the very first dose. It is a great, a wondrous cure for all nervous diseases, as well as indigestion and. dyspepsia. It goes w | to the real source of trouble direct, | and the sick always feel its marvel lous sustaining and restorative power at once, on the very first day of its use, ¥ Perhaps you know him ? In Water- 100 he is known as one of the most popular and successful business men of that enterprising town. ing executor of the Kuntz estate, hea at the head of a vast business; fépre- senting an investment of many thous- ands of dollars, and known Holid financially, Mr. Fr also has the good fortune of enjoying solid good health, and if appearances indicate anything, it is safe to predict that there's a full half century of active life still ahead for him," But it's only a few months since, while nursed as an invalid at the:Mt Clemens sanitary resort, when his friends in Waterloo were dismayed with a report that he was at the point «¢ There's no telling where I would have been had I kept on the old treat- ment," said Mr, Bauer, with a merry laugh, the other day, while recounting his experiences as a very sick man. +t Mt. Olemens," he continued, * was the last resort in my case, "For months previous I had been suffering indescribable tortures. a loss of appetite and sleepless m Then, as the trouble kept growing, I was getting weaker, and began flesh and strength rapl stomach refused to retain everything prescribed, b relief, Justabout when my For Sale by its A. J DAVIS, Port Perry Success Le fest of Walth | Se -------------------------- THE ROYAL ELECTRIC CO. Are and Incandescent Electric Lighting, | BLEOTRIO LIGHT AND POWER STATIONS THROUGHOUT THE DOMINION. Nl'LocAL PRESS A PERFECT ARTICLE. THIS UNIVERSAL IS A HOUSEHOLD R velopments of science, with universities Electric Motors aud Generators. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS OF 80 TO TO WELLINGTON ST. THE BEST overtising + meoiu ff] IN THE WORLD IS THE I no way inferior to our own, and live {ing in a community where poverty was who herd. Itstead, they |jere willing to take moderate pains, he | believed there was in Canada a field open for legitimate speculation and pushing of commercial enterprise to which prac- The purest quality of Cream Tartar, finest re-crystalized Bi-Carbonate of Soda only are used in this preparation. It bas stood Al with housekeepers for the ast 80 years, and is now (ir possible) beter Lan ever. Heed | ALL THE BEST GROCERS SELL IT. CIGARS. ASK FOR THE FAVORITE AND RENOWNED BRANDS fully yet soothingly on the LIVER AND BO promoting DIGESTION and Mr. H. K. Carroll, an English writer, describes the rates at which preachers are paid in the United States of Ameri- ca. Protestant Episcopal bishope draw the highest salaries, running from £600, with £60 traveling expenses, to £2500. There is only one bishop who draws as much as this; £1000 is the usual salary f an Episcopal bishop. The Methodist Yotavoes Bishop receives £600, and £300 and veling STRENGTH and vigour, GENERAL DEBILITY q sotent force of these well hey are unrivalled in their FEMALE CO JAS A WORLD-WIDE It heals every kind of md WOUND more certain powers render it invaluable i THROAT AND CHEST } Letters to this Office, pre-paid and istered will be at our risk. Advertisenients slo, received for alien y. No Advertisements measured by Nonpariel, and charged to the space they oc- 'will be taken out uniil paid fine a head of hair as could Le desired _ A liberal discount allowed to Mercha e nid ofbers who. advertise by the year or | VeTI0E in ll csen be srily ad- I TMENT, et re. Plain Facts. for cong y Spruce is the best remedy known. -- terest, in sums to suit Lortawer. About two years ago, the Rev, Mr. surf, of Blue Springs, Nebr. lost his hair after a fever, and became nearly bald. He finally resolved to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, apd now bas as this is certainly a fact worth remem- Asa prompt, pleasant and perfect cure , colds, seness, sore throat, pain in the chest, asthma, beonchitis, croup, wl influenza, and all throat Fg Norway Pine Loan. --Mr. F. M Movey. to Yarnold, Solicitor has any amotnt 0 money to loan at lowest rates of in Ls SE! "ating the excruciating torts RHEUMATISM, ind NEURALGIA itis un ails to remove Scurl an mail immediate the address given. The Pills -and Ointment are Mans 78, Nog, Oxford St. (ate 832, 03 Manchester, March 208k, | ------------------------------------ K.D.C. Pills cure chronic constipation. TI BAKING POWD ANNOUNCEMENT | : king moved into his extensive, well arranged NewBrickEstablishment HE undersigned takes much pleasure in where his superior 'and greatly increased facilities for business will prove advantago- ul % : 5 ous to all doing business with him, : With many thanks for very extensive ard " s 3 te etill increasing patronage. Approved Oven hus all the latest improvements ahd does GHOIGE BREAD. FANCY BREAD, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, &C. fe motion J id Everything in the line Cheap and Good. Port Perry Sep. 9, 1891, CINNAMON PILLS, ASK YoUr DruGeist for Burland' infonCrescent Brand C1 vect-angular metallic ¢ all spurious and harmful imi yeeeipt of Six cents in stamps we will reply by return of mall, giving fall particulars in plain envelope. Address, PUBLIC informing the public that he has now x need scarcely reniiud the public that my work to perfection, The public may rely on an unlimited supply of Every variet of to announce that he has removed Kis Destucie: OND BLOCK"--one door et fo that and Has largely increased his stook Jf Diutdds Jewsiury. Shire t 7 and has now on hand a fine assortment, in all lines, Wholesale and Retail ! Hotelkeepers supplied at Toronto and Montreal Prices--= freight saved. In stock, fine brands, Wines and Li fo poses. Prices to suit the times. A call soled Medicinal Pur 2 #2 Parcels delivered to any part of the Corporation, or to Prince Alber M. WILLIAMS. ester, free of charge. Port Perry, April 3, 1890. BRIDAL OAKES |7 El 'WM. HISCOX, CHILDR « Pric BEWARE : Burland's 01d Hominioit Crescent Brand The Only Genuine RELIEF FOR LADIES, s Old Dom- 5. 8hallow with ores- MoNPIT, Absolutely safe ations, Upon BURLAND CHEMICAL €0,, Morse Bldg. N.Y, City Please Mention this Paper. IV JESAARE ORDA FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for Sale two Comfortable Residences in Prince Albert. For particularsapply to J. EAIRD Prince Albert, April 14, 1886. Agricultural Machines IMPLEMENTS SUNDERLAND. THE undersigned keeps on hand and for sales'the following Agricultural Mach ines and Implements manafactured by the PETIA EAMILTON WE'D, OF PETE R HO Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Seeder, Tiger Hay'Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, 8. T Cultivator, 8S. 1. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. Also the following, the munufacture o JOHN ABEL, Toronto. High class Threshing outfits, Traction Kogines and Machines, Victor Clover aller, Portable Triumph Engine. 1 am prepared to supply everything the farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple ments, Repairs, &c. SAWYER. For Sale Every where. & PENNINGTON & CO., MONTREAL. CAFFAROMA Tho Finest Puro Ground Coffee in the World. Tins only. 1f you cannot get it at '| your neal ocer, send 1 card Iroc to Femi Montreal, who will ly free trial sample to Tabules cure the blues. ~_ Ripans Ri Tab rolong Jif Ripas Tobules ul Tabules cure hives Sold in A call solicited, One door west of McDonald's Hotel. 8 R. K. BRYANT Sunderland, April , 1893. Emerson Bros. ning Mills PORT PERRY. ie Subscribers be, announce the DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, CASINGS, FRAMES, STAIRS, STAIR RAILS, STAIR BRACKETS, BANNISTERS, NEUEL POSTS, MOULDINGS, &C., IN GREAT VARIETY. Scroll Sawing, Band Sawing and Turning done with neatness and dis- patch. : ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN FANCY FENCE PICKETS Planing d ne to Order. The patronage of the public is respect-| fully solietted, Paps. Town Hall, EMERSON BROS. Port Perry, May 6, 1886. JANTED SALESHEN complete line of NURSERY Th as for torms. Address, ir The Hawks Nursery Co., Rochester, K.Y. -FURNITURE%- IT WILL PAY YOU TO J. JOHNSON, WHITBY His Stock is complete in every Department, which he offers af Prices that cannot be Shaded ! Call and examine my Stock and you will be convinced that for Quality Style and Finish our Furniture is unsurpassed. A large stock of Upholstered Chairs, and Ottomans, in Silk, Velvet and A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit my Establishment od hes ble. Refuse | Whitby, Jan. Iine Stock Fine" Jewelry--Latest Styles and Patterns. FINE GOLD WATCHES Latest Styles in Cases. x The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, BUTTONS Forty dozen SPECTACLES and EYE-GLASSES, from 25 cts to §6. REGULATORS and CLOCKS in great variety. Everything Warranted as Represented. REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike manner DIESFELDS OTICE -- ECIAL a The undersigned has a full and choice Stock of aif Unit ures which he will sell for the next month at greatly Reduced Prices. © My Stock consists of Parlor, Bedroom and Diningroom Suites, and every other ion of Furniture suitable for housekeeping. I Lumber and Wood taken i hi . they arc now prepar® to manufactura ES. Lumber an in exchange JOHN NOTT. Next door west of St. Charles Hote Tanks and Cistern Tubs made to order. Flooring and Siding constantly on hand. Factory on Lilla street, just south of the r Seed Potatoes, or both. . ENT and PAYING PCSITIONS to GOOD MEN. We can give you exclusive terri- tory if you wish. It will PAY YOU to

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