Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Nov 1894, p. 3

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of in every respect. It is the bend; bas ight mech and Iders, well sprung ribs, wil Sad beartgirth, a narrow well foshed back and thick loins, great length, full Dr. Agnew's Care for the Heart gives relief in all cases t Bon Fra Bide and all symp r One dose convinces. Sold by A. J. Davis Hon. George Foster told a New York interviewer that the St. Lawrence canals will be to 14 feet by the end of "96. If this statement is to be made good it is none too early to begin laying plans for the construction of a line of whalebacks for the carrying of flour and food products from To- ronto to Nova Scotia and Newfound- land, with coal and fish as return car- goes, Even a depth of 14 feet will make such a line one of the most pro- fitable ventures in the country. THE JUDGE'S STORY. How. Joux M. Rice Teuis How Hx Was Curep or Sciaric Ruguxarisy --CriprLEp ¥or Six YEARs. The Hoo. John M. Rice, of Louisa, Lawrence county, Kentucky, has for many years served his native county and state in the legislature at Frank- fort and Washington, and until his re- tirement was a noted figure in political and judicial circles. A few daysagoa Kentucky Post called upon Judge Rice, wha in the following words related the history of the causes that led to his retirement : "It is just about six years since I had an attack of rheu- matism, slight at first, but soon develop- ing into sciatic rheumatism, which be- gan first with acute shooting pains in the hips, gradually extending down- ward to my feet. My condition be- came 50 bad that I eventually lost all power of wy legs, and then the liver, kidneys and bladder, and in fact my whole system, became deranged I tried the treatment of many physicians, but receiving no lasting benefit from them, 1 went to Hot Springs, Ark. I was not much benefited by some months stay there, when I returned home. In 1891, I went to the Silurian Springs, Wakeshaw, Wis. | stayed there some time, bat without improvement. Again 1 returned home, this time feeling no hopes of recovery. The muscles of my limbs were now reduced by atrophy to mere strings. Sciatic pains tortured me terribly, bat it was the disordered condition of my liver that was I fel; gradually wearing my life away. Doctors gave me up, all kinds of re medies had been tried without avail, and there was nothing more for me to do but resizn myself to fate. "J lingered on in this condition sus- tained almost entirely by stimulants until April, 1893. One day I saw an advertisement of Dr. Williams' Pink |g, Pills for Pale People. This was some- thing new, and as one more drug after s0 many others could do no harm, I[ was prevailed upon to try the Pink Pills. The effect of the pills was mar- velous, and 1 could soou eat heartily, a thing 1 had not done for years. The liver began to perform its functions, and has done so ever since. Without doubt the pills saved my life, and while 1 do not crave notoriety I cannot refuse to testify to their worth." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by dealers, or will be sent i ville, Ont., or Schuectady, N.Y. Port Perry Market. Quistations by Messrs. A. Ross & Son. I or Nov. 15, Tons. Williams' Medicine Company, Brock- NEW + GOODS my facilities for largely increased and Gent's Furn of Superior Quality, Port Perry, Oct. 10, 1804. ; ik Dy 5 "IMPORTANT per ton more than any other Brand. in stock Blossburg Smithing and Briar Water Lime, White and Grey Lime, Hair, §c., &c. [EZ Prices quoted on a; Port Perry, Sept. 5, 1894. _ J. IL. BIONG'S Gent's -Furnishing Establishment To my Customers and the: General Public: Have much pleasure in stating that to supply everything in the Lowest Possible Prices. A call respectfully solicited. J. HH. BLONG. oy ; ; ANNOUNCEMENT, 1 wish to inform the public that I have a full stock of the Celebrated® Scranton@Coal which is credited with being the best coal in the market and worth 50 cents Be sure and get the best. Line of Dressed and Undressed Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Hard and Soft Wood, Thanking my numerous customers for past patronage. C.I. VICKERY, 4 ARRIVING» business have been I am now prepared ishing Line Latest Styles and Son Toran AAR 1 have alo Hill Soft Coal. 1 also keep a Fine Cement, Plaster of Paris, Plasterers pplication. The Telegram says that Sir John Macdonald, when alive, could rememler some of Napoleon's victories and the defeat which crushed the great captain's power. Seeing that Sir John was not born until the year in which Waterloo was fought it is evident, if the Tele gram's story is correct, that the Old Man commenced cultivating his mc- mory at an extremely early age.--Even- ing Newa. The Liberal Govenment ic Great Britain proposes the withdrawal of the veto power from the Lords and the abo- lition of the State Church in Wales, and Lord Salisbury, as leader of the Tories, has assented to the principle of Chamberlain's bill which provides old age pensions for artizans and State aid to workingmen who desire to purchase homes for themselves. The Mother Country is setting the pace of radical ism the world over these days. | Indigestion is stubborn but E.D-C. overcomes it. cAVEATS, TRADE MARKs COPYRIGHTS. CAN | OBTAIN A PATENT? bonest mion. For & REE, sasner and sh write to UKN & CO., who have had nearly fifty years' &xperience in the patent busi ness. un strictly confidential. A Handbook of In- concerning Patents and bow to ob- Biateq. 10 colors, and of new 'plans, enabli Mgrs 20.show the a New Yous. BROADWAY. FARM TO RENT. HE undersigned offers to Rent his farm i Baer of lot 19. con. 1, Brock, containing 50 acres, about 40 of which are in a good state of cultivation the remainder being good bush Jastare through which runs fwo pever failing streams of pure, spring water. On the premises are & frame house, frame baru and frame stables all in condition. The property is well al in food is convenient to church, school, mill and st Possession $ plow given immediately and full possession next Spring. For further particulars address Layton post office or apply to the proprietor on premises. JOHN GILROY. Layton, Oct., 1894. BAY OF QUINTE EATING HOUSE! u i, wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Port Perry and sur- rounding country that he has opened a Res- Tourent 1a the 8 first door east of Messss. Harness Establishment, where be will be pleased to serve all with | in his line, A First-Class Farm for Sale or to Rent. HE undersigned offers to Sell or Rent IER p of Reach, 120 Acres. On the pr two good Bares: a ous snd eouvenicnt Brick og Hoese's leat, thriving, young ards : a never. pri inn spring water runs through ak i to ONE OF THE BEST Stock ani inion. commodi- Sofi Farm tn te Dow o Full possession 1 Marche Toney: For fl lars apply to the pro- WA. WILKINSON. SMe | Office, Peterboro', {can be obtained on and after Monday, © © Parties desirous of Justly t April 1st, 1894, ty Oni TRENT CANAL. Simcoe and Balsam Lake Division, ALSO Peterboro' and Lakefield Division. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. EALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed 'Tender for Trent Canal," will be received at this Office until notn on Saturday, Seventeenth day of November, 1804, for the construction of about five and a half miles of Canal on the Simeoe and Balsam Lake Division, and also for the construction of about three and a half miles of Canal on the Peterboio and Lakefield Division, Plans and specifications of the work can be seen at the office of the Chief Engineer of the Department of Railways and Canals, at Ottawa, or at the Superintending Engineer's where forms of tender October, 29th, 1894. In the case of firme there must be attach- ed the actual signatures of the full name, the nature of the occupation and place of residence of each member of the same, and, further, an accepted bank cheque for the sum of $7,500 most accotnpany the tender for euc's section ; this accepted cheque must be endorsed over to the Minister of Hail: ways and Canals, and will be forfeited if party tendering declines entering into contrast for work at the rates and terms stated in the offer submitted. The accepted cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose tenders are not accepted. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. By order, J. H., BALDERSON, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, October, 1594. Canadian Pacific Railway. ONTARIO DIVISION Trains will léave Myrtle as follows © GOING WEST.-- - . - 5:58 a. m. - - 8:40 a. m. 10:14 a.m. 6:35 p.my 10.28 poi. A. J. DAVIS, Agent, Port Perry GOING EAST-- - JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. W. DELVE (SUCCESSOR TO T. A WHARTON) HOUSE, SICN & CARRIAGE PATINTER. Decorative Painting and Kalsomining a Specialty. Prices low. Satisfaction guaranteed: Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1894. PURE - BRED REGISTERED BOARS. The undersigned * keeps for service at 'Hillside' Farm worth and a CHEsTER WHITE improving their stock of Swine will consult their own inter- 'ebt by obtaining the services of either of these grand yougganimals. L. BURNETT. Reach, Oct. 17, 1894, BOARS. or SEE THEMI® THE undersigned keeps for service at his lot 21, con. 1, Brock, two Pure-B Boars. h are from the yards of the most famous Swine Breeders in the County. One is a Yorkshire White and was bred by Mr. C. Heard, Manchester; the other, a Berk- shire, bred by Mr. John Adame, Ambleside, Ped may be seen oti application Terms--$§1L. hr bot Toh Wh Bo ZORRA KING! HE undersigned keeps for serviee at his place, lot 23, con. 3, Brock, that splen- did youang, urc<bred Yorkshire White Boar, Zorra King. Pepicrer, --Zorra King was farrowed bred by H. J. Davis, Esq., oodstock, Ont. Sire, Canadian--1204--; dam, Mistress 4th (imp. in dam) --42--, by by Lond rey (59) Fro (98) By Turk: bh 1 3 Prue! y Turk ; Cintas 15th (454) by Bismarck : Grand Duchess by Cultivator. + Terms--$§1 cash at tin e of service, DEAN RUND! WM. MEDD. Two Splendid, Young, Pure Bred IN THE BLONG w, | Where he will keep in stock everything pertais sox tii Hard Times Van HAYWARD & GC did it. People appreciate them and B in mind-- We mre going out of Busines Stock ; that's why we sell so Oh any object for you to Bave from buy t Then go to HA HERE 18 A SAMPLE OF HOW WE SLASH DRESS GOODS-- All-wool Tweeds, 54 50c wag 70c: Mixed Tweed, 40 i inch all-wool Serges, 20¢ was 25¢ ti 50c wan 700; 44 inch, 400 was 60 20c was 35¢c. Nice Blue Serges fi 16¢ was 20c.; 14c wus 18¢. lann 12}o. All 100 Sheeting for 8c; 1 for Tc ; 124c and 15¢ for 10c. LADIES' MANTLES $2.50 Coats, $5.50 was $7.50; $7 was $10. $12.50 was $18 ; $7.50 wna $10. MEN'S OVERCOATS--83.50 was 85 Ulsters, $6.50 was 89; $7.50 w Youths' and Boys' $3.50 was 85; Childrens' $2 was $4. Men's Suit eap Goods our way. Keep this fact ame here to sell off our , Fresh Goods. 1s it cent. on what you & COS. Bo was $1 to $1.20 ; 44 inch was 30c; 150 was 30c. 40 vy all wool Serges, 46 inch, dth 45¢c was 60c. Plaids Fl nn ils, all wool, 26 inch, was 70; 7c was 10c ; 9c was 3 10¢ for 1140 10c Prints 00 ; 83.50 was $5 ; $4.50 was £6; Fur Oares--$19 was $25; 87.50; £6.50 was £10. $8.50 was 311.50 was $15. $7.50; $2.50 was $3.50. 0 was 85; 24,50 was $6.50; was $16. Men's Pants 3 A © are oing now. me and see for yourself piles and Potatoes wanted. P quotat Worse slaughter if necessary to make b and prove our words. [EZ Butter, Eggs, Drie Remember Brown Waite ¢ Co's Old Stand. : EAY WARD &|/CO., Port Prax. Fashionable «++ J # # CLOTHING. "Sha EE EEE FALL -- 1894. "Soh EEE ee FULL STOCK of Fall Goods to hand, including Suitings, Over Coatings, Worsted Coatings, English, Scotch and Canadian, Tweeds, &o. Nl Anticipating a busy season, we secured our Fall Stock early, and bought largely and with diserimination. IN SUITINGS ...... our Stock is noticeably fine. OUR FITS 4 are becoming celebrated for their Neatness--they always retain their shape and wear well, while our prices are the talk of all a les and Perfect Fits Superior workmanship, the Newest § warranted, ii 4 Ca A Ta i id y C. IL. WHITBY. Port Perry, Oct. 3, 1894. Wil Blong Block: IS THE PLACE FOR ra |GPOCEries Reliable and Provisions. He keeps constantly on hand a full stock of Elour, Deal & Feed of all kinds, Cheap for Cash. EZ Barrel, Sack, Dairy and Table Salt. IGHEST price in Cash paid at all times for Fresh Eggs, Butter, Oats, Beans, Flax, &e& Port Perry, Ang. 28, 1804. The undersigned begs to atnounce to the inl vicinity, that he has opened out in the Sto in the Store lately occupied b; the business aad will sell at Prices that cannot fail to There will now be no necessity for parties in t to purchase Stoves, Tinware, &o.; in fact, it wi Uxbridgeites; and all others, to secure from me my line, whether Ranges, Stoves, Tinware 0 as oy stock will embrace the most popular and _ Ranges, includ BUCK'S CELEBRATEC HAPPY Having had Twenty years' experience at to me may be relied on to give satisfaction. Eavetroughing and Roofin EZ A call solicited. . Don't forget the pl pinity going to Uxbridge the advantage of the g they may require in avetroughing makes of Stoves and ae |GRISTING & CHOPPING Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give satis- pe a a CARN S OH IN FULL BLAST! bi best, most approved and modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS for the manufacture of Flour, is prepared to do . faction to my patrons. The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick els, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts. EZ BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. DAVIS The Subscriber has jst received a Cotnplete Assortment of FANCY + GDDDS CONSISTING OF : TOILET SETS in Plwsh, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather, §ec. ~ PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian Ware, §ec., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, &e. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. A. J. DAVIS, BLONG BLOCK, RoLier Mic! TPHE undersigned takes this opportunity of retiihing his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronhge be- stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large éxpenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the PHARMACY Chemist and Drugypii} PORT PERRY BOOTE: aya People Say it is Hard Times! Well, if that | "the case I will make it Easy Time to get ie a ~~ BOOTS pl oe Rete ALL SIZES-NY OWN MAKE, Keep no other--No inferior Stock. Differ. ent ines made up, all of which 1 will dis- pose of. : i BOOTS that when you see them and hear the prices ybii will be sure to pur- chase. 25 da Bepaieing of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. #opTas Laces, Polish and Waterpruo f Blacking... Rubber Overcoats and Rubler Boots re- paired. sa Next door to the Market, PAINTI KALSOMINING &C: HE undersigned won'ld take this phot. tunity of thanking his numerous pat. rons for their liberal and still increasing patronage during the time he has carried ov the business of PAINTING in Port Perby, and would state that he is better prepared thay, eyer to exccute ull orders for = Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties entrusting their work to me ny rely or having it neatly and promptly exe- cuted, My i are moderate, 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &¢;, when contracting. A continuance of public patronage soli cited: WM. TREMEER! Port Perry, Mar. 23,"1503, STILL LEADING! HE UNDERSIGNED, begs to return thanks for the liberal and still increas ing patronage bestowed on Him dince com mening the Butohering Business aud would state that be is better prepared than ever to supply the public with JUST SUCH MEATS _ as cannot fail to meet the requireinents of all, and trusts by offering only Cuuick Mats at moderate prices, and promptness' in business to reeeive a Wiberal share of public patronage. £a All orders left at wy Stall in the Market Building, or with me on my rounds with conveyance, will receive immediate and careful attention. ISAAC J. WHEELER Port Perry, Aug, 16, 1593, ~=--HAVE AGAIN OPENED OUT ----WITH Arr Magnificent LAING & MEHARRY Stoclic of everything in their line LAING & MEHARRY. 0. ISHES to inform the public of Por Perry and surrounding countiy, that after four years experience in prosecuting his business in some of the largest cities of W the. United: States, he is better prepared: thati . ever to execute any of the Flowing branches of his trade :--Stone Masonry, Bricklaying in all its branches; Plain und Ornamental Plastering. Also | Actifieial Stone Walks, that will remain permanent and will endure any weather. Brick Cisterns without any wood in their con- struction to decay or give out. If you are in need of any of the above, come to me and obtain prices, All material required in my; line will be kept constantly on hand, aud for sale after the first of next April, . GEO. GARUNER, Port Perry, Jan. 3, 1894. HARNESS N returning thanks - to the public fo { patronage a for over 30° "| vears, I would respestinlly intimate that { am, as usual, now ready for business, and occupy the extensive premises just vacated by Mx. B. F. AckEruaxN, where we will be better prepared than ever to supply our customers and the public with everything in the WHICH yon Durability and Cannot be surpassed in the County. &oc., insbundmee. Brook, Sept. 29, 1804." © Muuchester, Oct. Port Perry, April 3,.1894, Port Perry, March 9, 1892 9s REMOVAL £2 We have Moved our business to the South side of Queen Street and now Harness Line CHEAPNESS, STYLE, STRENGTH, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Tranks, Comparison of Prices Gourted BEATTY & BONGARD. have & Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP, As an inducement to Casu purchasers -4 Dow of U0 or em will be allowed on all Sales from now untit Jan. Ist next. All work being MADE BY HAND, ® and po factory work kept in stock, the superiority of my goods will a% éhoce become apparent. Aaa a ' Intending purchasers. whl. find that by giving me a call before looking elsewhers they can be suited in quality and price, ny. long exp-rience in the trade being an indis-, 'putable guarantee that perfect satisfaction will be gives by any article purchased. x Everthing .ip. my line of business kept. 'constantly ax and repairs neatly and promptly attcuded to, x ay JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1592. Loeal an a WANTED Salesmen, to handle vur Hardy, Canadia Grown Nursery Sk We penti (The only Ni How oon I. i only Nursery i] {© Orchards] i

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