Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Nov 1894, p. 4

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pallet of fire was not itiore cauphatical- Pj « bed of torment than tle couch of the martyr to rheumatism, It is gen- erally considered by th faculty one of the most obstinate as well as one of the most painful of maladies, and it certain- ly does resist all ordinary remedies with extraordinary pertinacity. Skill and science, however. in this age of | | progress, seem to master all opposition ; and even this painful disease, entrench- ed among the muscles, and interknit, as it were, with the sinews aud tendons of our frames, is compelled to yield to the curatives they have provided. We bave it <n unquestionable duthority--the testimony of patients| / themselves--that rheumatism, however assured, will be welcome intelligence to thousands of sufferers, ved-ridden By the disease, or limping with stiffen- ed joints along the pathway to the tomb. In a climate where the quick- silver sometimes makes a leap of thirty degrees up or down, the complaint is of course a prevalent one ; and in our cew settlements at the West, along the all- uvial borders of our great rivers, in the | hemlock swamps of the South, and in all low and dawp locations, few persons How He Semt = ¥.ocur A ELOQUENT MOVIREALER | That Existed Owl; in the L wyer's Imagination cleats by endiu] abruptly and su the jui ny 2 cave to be talk- he of wasting time r tke jury is converted thinking ? 1 believe 1 have my jury weil in iat I stop, no matter in id employs & lawyer to win his ease, and wot to display his ora- torical abilities." The peculiarity of the great criminal lawyer was well shown at a murder trial in Montreal a few years ago. Mr, M Sweeny for the defendant. The State bad appArently made out & very clear case against the prisoner. When Mr. MSweeny arose to make his Address to the jury he carefully avoided y reference to the facts set forth in Took k Out For yn Weather but ride inside of the Electric L shted and Steam Heated Vestibule Apart ment trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Pun! Railway and you will be as warm, comfortable and cheerful as in your own library or boudoir. To travel between Chicago, St. Paul and Minn eapolis, or between Chicago, Oinnha and Sioux City, in these luxuriously his | APDOInted traius, is a supréme satis- faction ; and, as the somewhat ancient advertisement used toread, "for further particulars, sce small bills," Swall bills (and large ones, too) will be accepted for passage and sleeping car tickets, For detailed information address A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. Beggar-- 'Please, sir, just a few pen- nies! I hain't had any dinner, and am awful hangry. Sir--'Didn'* you have any luncheon? Beggar--'No, sir. No 'dianer, no lancheon, not a thing to eat all day.' Sir--'My dear what makes you hungry.' man that's y the 12 men who were sitting in ji t mpon the life of ome fellow citizens. He t wen the bome of the accused man. showed the patieat and loving wi leaving ber work to cast many sn anxi- ons glance down the road to see il her bband was yet in sight, eager to be | fh» first to catch a glimpse of his figure in the distance. and %o have a steaming sufiper awaiting him on his arrival. He pictured three roddy-fheced children swing- ing wpon the old gate, waiting till pepa should come home to them. At this point the lawyer noticed that one ifr of the jurymen bad considerable reach the age of forty years without a rheumatic visitation. Itis clear, there | fore, that a preparation which will | afford immediate relief, and effect even- | tually a thorough cure of the complaint, | must be of especial value to the peop! te | of all countries. We cannot -reason- | ably doubt, in view of the well-attested | statements which have been laid before | us, stances within our own knowledge, | that the Omtment referred to will effect that object ; and among all the benefits sustained as they are by circum- 1 which the discoveries of that celebrated physician and philanthropist have con- | this is certainly { ferred upon mankind, not the least important. Many an in- whose ser- tices are needed in the field, is at this | dustrious tiller of the soil, moment languishing on a bed of sick ness ; the hands that should guide the | ploug ch or grasp the spade rendered | powerless by Rheumatism. Many a foiler in every branch of productive labour is similarly situated ; and we can imagine with what joy these suffer ers would hail the means of immediate cure. * To all such we feel justified in recommending this balsamic the application of which, with the aid | of few doses of Holloway's Pills to re-| | remedy, gulate the internal organs, would, we fecl assured, restore them to health and | usefulness. -- Daily Argus. The Wheel ---A Marvellous | Machine. New York Sun :--Johnson's perfor-| mance takes rank as the fastest wile] ever covered by any method of progres-| sion outside of railroading. The record tables show that engine No. 999 of the | Fwpire State express covered a mile over the New York Central Railroad track, between Crittenden and Wende, N.Y., on May 10, 1893, in 32 seconds. There were four heavy cars attacked, | and the entire train weighed 460,000 | pounds, Johnson's latest achievement comes next, and 1t may be mentioned | { that he also holds the world's skating | record for one mile, 2 minutes 453 seconds, made at Minneapolis, Mion, January 21, 1893. The mighty thoroughbred horse Salvator will have good cause to feel aggrieved if he ever learns the facts. His great record of 1.35}, made against tine on the straightaway track it Monmouth Park, N.J., August 28, 1890, with 110 pounds vp, had just one-tenth of a second clipped off it by the flying bicyclist. In vo other class of sport has the two minute mark ever beet beaten under fair conditions. The pacing record for a mile is 2.01}, made by Robert J. this season, while the trotting figures have been reduced to 2.03}, by Alix at Galesborg, IIL, recently. The fastest mile ever made by an athlete is 4 winutes 123 seconds. The | tention he steps to the end of his wiz ascertains who * | thro { ward to greet her whom he has so easily wh a suspicions moisture in his eye. The speaker pavsed, Turning towards the juror he held oct both hands ns a little child might have doae to its father, and sail in a tone that was scarcely Vaud : Notice to Farmers. The undersigned "begs to intimate to the farmers of this district that he bas just purchased a new Threshing Machine from the Works of the Me- Donald M'f'g Co, Stratford, which has ail the latest appliances for threshing grain as it should. It is so constructed that in threshing peas it does not split them. Orders for threshing solicited, F. A. BAILEY. Blackstock, July 11, 1894. HOW IS THIS? Bomething unique even in these days o mammoth premium offers, Is the latest effort of Stafford's Magazine, a New York monthly of home and general reading. The proposition Is to send the Magazine one year for ove, dollar, the regular subscription tlemen, you must send him home to t m. Shifting uneasily in his seat the juror blurt ed out: " Yes, we'll do it, too." McSweeny instantly sat case was won. ted. this case, perbaje. wes the fact, which the lawyer alfterwanls learned, prisoner at the bar was an unmarried | manl-Tit Bits, down. The COURTING WITH A FLUTE. A Method in Use Among the Sioux Tribe of Yr dinms, Courting by means of the flute is very | popular among the Sjoux Indians. The | Nute is made of willow or somes, other l wood that has a bork easily detached, | |and is usually abou? a foot im lensth. | It has several perforations throuzh t | bark, each of which répresents a musical | p | note The sound produced, thouzh some- what shrill and fifeike, is not un; ant to the ear. The Indian youth desires a wife first mentally fixes | ehoiee upon some maiden of his tribe. Then, some pleasast evernz, he t his flute and strolls throuzh the villa in the direction of the tepee of the maiden's father. He stations jitaact in | a convenient spot, sbont fiity or | yards from her abode, and then oi | the reed from beneath his blanket begins | to play a plaiative strain. While the younz maa is discoursing these strains the msiden has remcined quietly within her father's lodze listen- ins to the serenade with characteristic Indian composure. When it becomes per- fectly apparent to the father that his dauzhter is the object of the musical at- wam, awl, if it is dork, issues] forth and | | cautiously creeeps berind the youth and | is. Then he retorns to b's daughter and makes known bis wishes in words some- | suing like thia: y child, ha is a worthy Dakota, | and or make you a Food master;" 'or | remain, my daughter; he is not a de- sirable person." The maiden, in obedience to her parent's advances timidly towards her ower if he is favored, or if the paternal judzment condemn Bim, withdraws into the dark recess of the tepee. In case the | suit is favored and th? dauzhter has gone | out to meet the warrior, the young man, | upon seeinz ber approach, Zives a tri- umphant "toot" upon his flute, snd then, wing down the instrument, rushes for- won.--Amerfcan Art Journal. When d+ Fa: Am on de Possam, 0 do ety ob de fall days, de bes'ob ull wid ia smoks a curlin' up'srd in de mor- aie' crisp an' clear-- When de days come brimmin' ober wid le soit an' mellow Hght, An" jolartics an" "ligyum both ergwine day an' might ! 0 1 d&nt want no better times den dese, my life to fill, W'a+ ve [st am on de possum tatere In de hill ! an' de C de giory ob de fall days--O de splendor ob de mors Whea de hills an' valleys acho wid de huo- tec s tuneful bors, When ds alle ga heaid up har oar an' out in de sun, Av' én rat shoat in de beschwood snort am" widrl eround an' run ! Yeu way talk erbout yer Promised lan'-- 1'va got it at my wish Whin. G6 brown am on de possum az' de taters iu de dish! Srm say @ls ams wicked wurl an' full ob an' aba Liis client was aequit- | But the most Interesting point in | that the { jens | who | his | price, and In addition to send to each sub- seriber Afly two complete novels during the twelve months; one each week. Think of it. You receive a new and com- | prete novel, by mall, post paid, every week for fifiy-iwo weeks, and In addition you get the magazine once a month fon twelve months, ait for one dollar. It is an offer which the publishers ean ouly afford to make in the confident expectations of gelling a hundred thousand new subseribers. Among the | authors in the coming series are. Wilkie | | Collins, Walter Besant, Mrs. Oliphant, Mars | | Ceetl Hay, Florence Marryat, Anthony Troi- | | lop, A. Conan Doyle, Miss Brad lon, Captain | ! Murryat, Miss Thackery and Jules Verue. If | you wish 10 take advantage of this unusoni opportunity send one doilar for Stafford's | iagazine, one year. Your first copy of the | magazine, and your first number of the fifty- | two nove.s (one each webk) which you are to receive during the year will be sent you by | return mail. Remit by P. 0. Order, register- | od letter or express. Address STAFFORD PUBLISHING CO., Publishers of Starroky's MAGAZINE 0. Box 22% New York, N.Y mention this paper, I SPLENDID = Brick Dwelling House| SIX ACRES OF LAND FOR S ATH. | " HE UNDE RSIGNED offers for sale her | 1 cheice and well-appointed residence and | six acres of land on which there is a fine Park containing 2 acres; a fine, bearing Jrchard of one acre and good Garden ; there s a splendid Driving Hionte and Sorbie cu | the premises. Hard and Soft Water and all sther conveniences. | The Carriage Drive and Grounds are plant- | ed with various kinds of Ornamental Trees, | Shrubs, Vines. &e. | This property is beautifully located on Union Avenue just on the southern border wm the Town of Port Perry and is a very de sirable property and will be sold at a Barcars. For further particulars apply to the pro- prietress on the premises. EUPHEMIA DAWES. Port Perry, Aug. 30, 1593. LIVERY STABLE. I EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received during the many years I have kept a Livery Establish- ment in Port Perry, I'have much pleasure in announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! TO MY NEW PREMISES Opposite the Railway Station where from largely extended premises and nereased facilities for business the public san be accommodated with safe and desirabl RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES. R. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, July 21, 1886. Ripans Tabules : pleasant laxative North Ontario Observer. A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper, 1S PUBLISHED AT EVERY THURSDAY MO. H. PARSONS, od ib acnum, if in advance; f not ns ov No subscrip- tiontaken for less than months ; and no paper 'until arrears are paid up. Rates of Adversing 1 »e at eur 4 Shacged sooordiag so BT | to Merchants {a ors whe iverio by the yo 5 sot ee Eri A liberal discount allowsd Be em WAR iy a co sitll jaken ae in de"; HEN, PHYSICIANS cated cures will medicine, in chronic cases of dyspepsia, in headache, and as a tonic for build through protracted spells of sick- ness. quarter of a century as a newspapel publisher in Paris, Ont., Editor Ool medicine advertisements, and, worded puff for his patrons ed by his own personal experience Nervine Tonio. in its purpose, and it For Sale by ks of Lifs Tell of the Remarkable EDITOR COLWELL, OF Newspaper editors are almost as sceptical the average physician on the subject of new remedies for sick people. Nothing short of & series of most remarkable and well authenti- incline either an editor or a doctor to seriously consider the merits honestly claimed for a Hundreds of testimonial of won- derful recoveries wrought with the Great South American Nervine Tonic were received from men snd women all over the country betore physicians began to prescribe this great remedy digestion, nervous prostration, sick ing up systems sapped of vitality During his experience of nearly a Tr well, of The Paris Review, has pub- lished hundreds of columns of paid no doubt, printed many a gracefully- as a matter of business, but in only a single instance, and that one warrant- has he given a testimonial over his own signature, No other semedy ever offered the oved such a marvellous ) the most cal as the ican American Nervine Tonic. ' PARIS, ONT., REVIEW. doctors and other medicines were tried i mn vain. «J was prostrated with a particu- dasty severe attack of 'La Grippe,"" Mr. Colwell, * and could find no relief from the intense pains and dis- aes |= Approved Oven hasall the latest improvements Toe poi = its work to DE emrov meaty rely on an unlimited FANCY BREAD, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, &6. BRIDAL CAKES EER Ci Good. WM. HISCUX. Port Perry Sep. 9, 1891. tress of the malady. I suffered day | and night. The doctors did not help | cines, but without relie" time I was advised to try the South American Nervine Tonic. Its effects were instantaneous. The first dose I took relieved me. Iimproved zapidly snd grew stronger every day. Your week." - The South American Nervine | direct action on the nerves and the nerve centres, and it is this notable | feature which distinguishes it Bow every other remedy in existence. most eminent medical i He now concedethat fully two-thirds of all the physical ailments of humanity arise from exhaustion of the nerve forces. The South American Nervine Tonic | acting direct upon the nerve centres and nerve tissues instantaneously supplies them with the true nourish- ment required, and that is why its invigorating effects upon the whole system are always felt immediately, For all nervous diseases, debility arising from -- vital ity, and for stomach troubles of every variety no other remedy can possibly take its place, ys AJ DAVIS, Port Perry Success the Tl of Worth I THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE EVERYWHERE. NERVOUS SYSTEM, fully yet soothingly on the = = LIVER AND BOWELS, promoting DIGESTION and assimilation, anc endowing the Ww 4 frame STRENGTH and vigour. FR emmons: teas ches, rembl' © Lassitude EERERAL DEB I force a HAS A WORLD-WID It heals every kind d ind WOUND more known salve. Its powers render it in THROAT AND CHE will i Bronchitis, Quit Glandular La Ps, A ESSES and F no nd NEURALGIA itis ails to remove ) disease. The Pills and Ointment & ,N St. (late. |For Sale PURIFY THE 1% BLOOD, mpast tone to th "nat most power THE ROYAL ELECTRIC CO. Arc and Incandescent Electric Lighting, Electric Motors a=d Generators. OONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS OF ELECTRI0 LIGHT AND POWER STATIONS THROUGHOUT THE DOMINION. 50 TO 70 WELLINGTON ST. THE BEST DVERTISING + MEDIU IN THE WORLD IS "IN THE WORLD IS THE APERFECT ARTICLE. TE FEN ER 03:8 The perest qualit of Cream Tartar, finest re-crysta only are used rectal is It bas stood Al with | ie | win wil ALL THE BEST GROCERS SELL IT. en mm ~y ASK FOR THE TOM me, and I tried a number of medi- | About this | Nervine Tonic cured me in a single LOCAL PRESS Carbonate of Soda kK on fur the years, und 1s now (i({ possible) betwer AND SAWYER. y or, PENNINGTON & CO., MONTREAL. CER SEE i Tonic rebuilds the life forces by its | Burland's id Dominion Crescent Brand CINNAMON PILLS, The Only Cenwine RELIEF FOR LADIES. Ask Yorr Dareeisr fur Burland's old Dom- | inlonCrescent Brand CINxaNoxPILLS. Shallow | vect-angviar metallic boxes sealed with cres- Als Ix safe and refisble. Refuse nd harmful imitations. Upon mps we will reply fuil particulars in { | he { | | EIRLAND « HEWIC AL To Morse Bidz, N. ¥. Clty Please Mention this Paper. WI DSMALE NSD FOR SALE. The undersigned o offers for Sale Swn Somiur rtable Residences in Ape Tn ioiasaply to J. BAIED Prince Albert, April 14, 1586. Agricultural Machines IMPLEMENTS SUNDERLAND. sales the following Agricaltaral Mach- ines and Implements mana] factared by the WR INE NT il, OF PETER TO: Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, 8S. T. Cultivator; S. T. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. Also the following, the manufacture o JOHN ABEL, Toronto. High class Threshing outfits, Tracticn Boia and Machines, Victor Clover Haller, Portable Triumph Engine. lam to supply SYerything he farmer requires in way of Machines, Im le ments, Repairs, &e. wa A call solicited. One door west of McDonzld's Hotel. " 8 R. K. BRYANT Sunderland, April , 1593. TYHE Subscribers beg to announce the they are now prepared to manufactara DOORS, BLINDS, CASINGS, FRAMES, STAIRS, A RAILS, STAIR BRACKETS, BANNISTERS, NEUEL POSTS, MOULDINGS, &C, IN GREAT VARIETY. SASH, * . ALL THE LATESY STYLES IN || FANCY FENCE PICKETS = NES A freight saved. CHOICE BREAD. In stock, fine brands, Wines and Liguora for Medicinal Purposes. Every variet of Bl ie 1 gon ester, Res of ehrge- Seroll*Sawing, Band Sawing awd. to | Turning done with meafness and dis- ol and has now on hand a Be assorsment, in ll isa, a Wholesale and Retail' ! Halelieeers supplied at Toronto and Montreal Proce aig re ofthe Goeporation, or to Prince Albert and Maneh M. WILLIAMS. Port Perry, April 3, 1590. AFURNITURE*- --B U Y=-- E. J. JOHNSON, WHITBY Vv His Stock is complete in every Department, which he offers st Prices that cannot be Shaded | Call and examine my Stock and you will be convinced that for Quality | Style and Finish our Furniture is unsurpassed. 23 large stock of Upholstered Chairs, and Ottomans, in Silk, Velvet and us | A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit my Establishment Whitby, Jan. 15, 1889 E. J JOHNSON. jesfeld's Diamond Hall. JUST OPENED OUT A Kine Stock Fine Jewelry--Latest Styles and Patterns. FINE GOLD WATCHES Latest Styles in Cases. » The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, BUTTONS Forty dozen SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, from 25 cts to $6. - REGULATORS and CLOCKS in great variety. Everything Warranted as' Represented. REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike manner at DIESFELDS The undersigned has a full and choice Stock of J re urniture is RGA | which he will sell for the next month at greatly Reduced Prices. My Stock. consists of Parlor, Bedroom and _Diningroom Suites, and every other scription of for 1

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