Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Nov 1894, p. 3

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populat on of mao, woman and - child 200 acres : 4QOn our svay down to San Francisco we had the good fortune to ser a 5 hoo! Of whales, and ic was a sieht mot soon to be forgotten. One big fel was spouting water--well, I should say, 200 feet high, and several othera were not far behind him. I was some- what disappointedin Sun Francisco ; of course, it's n great city and there are many immensely wealthy people there, but there's also a great deal of poverty misery and vice there, and the Chinese section isa disgrace to the American Republic. People can say what they like about the injustice of excluding the Chinese, bat if they could only the ition in which ! % peaking of the business ontlook, Mr. Fddy expressed the opinion that 3 the situation was 'improving, und that 5 all the indications pointed to still : Rreater progress in the future. Con paring Ounadian and American busin. _ ess men, ha declared that the former was to be preferied, in fact, he consid ered them the finest in the world, 'and you will admit,' he added, 'that I have conaiderable experience.' Mr. Eddy referred; also, to his visit to Sut Lake City; hut through all his story, his aduiiration and prefer- ence for Canada, although himself Americaa-horn, was most evident SPOTS AND BLEMISHES, CAUSED oD, Dras Bms,--I am thankful to B.B.B, because I am to-day strong and well through its wonderful bl cleansing powers. I was troubled with scrofulons spots and blemishes all over sy bod and was advised to Burdock Blood Bitters. I took one bottle, with great t, and oan positively say that before I had taken half bal of the the second bottle I was PERFECTLY CURED. I am so pleased to be strong and Danley agait by the vse of BB. . and can "strongly recommend it to every- Lorzxzo Punisrox, Bydney Mines, ©.B. To Make Saurkraut. Take a clean barrel that will hold water. Cut the calibage with a - gabbage mache, "or na knife, Jrevy fine. Put a layer of cab- or hage in the barrel, take a pounder or an axe, pound it till quite juicy, then put in another layer, till the barrel is nearly full. Put eablage done fermeiting, Put it out where it will freeze, and it will be good all winter. Cut it with an axe or knife. One-half pint of salt. Relief in 8ix Hours.-- Distressing Kid ney und Bladder diseases relieved in six "hours by the "NEw GkeAT SouTH AMER- _ 10aN Kipney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to phyxiciaus on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidueys, back aud every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in Pasting it almost in - mediately. Sold by A J Davis, Drugg'st. Heart Disease keueved in Thirty Minutes. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives rfect relief in all cases of Organic or ia Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It isa peerless remedy for Palpatation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Oide and ll symptoms of u Diseased Heart Bne dose convinces. Sold by A. J. Davi leaves on top, put a board on, aud Sale or to Rent. : then put a heaty stone on. Put it Ly FREI a stove for about three weeks, till it is | "JYHE undersigned offers to Sell or Rent "NEW + oops General Publi } my facilities for largely increased and to supply everything i of Superior Quality, Port TAN Det. w, tant. per ton more thun any other Braud, Hair, $e. &c. Thauking my numerous customers Port Perry, Sept. 5, 1804, Gents Rising Bstablishment To my Customers and the Have much pleasure in stating that Gent's Furnishing Line Lowest Possible Prices. A call respectfully solicited. J. EL. BLONG-. I wish to inform the public that [ have a full stock of the Celebrated®Scranton©Coal which is credited with being the Lest coal in the market and worth 50 cents Be sure and gét the best. in stock Blossharg Smithing and Briar Hill Soft Coal, Line of Dressed and Undressed Lumber, Water Lime, White and- Grey Lime, Cement, EF Prices quoted on application. C. I. VICKERY, 4 ARRIVING iG; business have been I am now prepared n the Latest Styles and 1 have also 1 also keep a Fine Lath, Shingles, Hard and Soft Wood, Plaster of Paris, Plasterer's for past patronage. "FARM TO RENT. HE undersigned offers to Rent his farm beiug the et arnt of lat 19. con. 1, Brock, containing 50 acres, about 40 of which are in a good state of cultivation the remainder being good bush pasture through which runs two never failing streams of] pnre, spring water. On the premises are a frame house, frame bar and frame stables all in good condition. The property is welt Be is convenient to church, school, mill and stores. Possession to plow given immediately und full possession next Spring. For further particolars address Layton post office or apply to the proprietor oti the premises, x JOHN GILROY. Layton, Oct., 1804, CARD OF THANKS. I beg to thank the Gore Fire Insur ance Oo'y of Galt, for the promjt: adjostment of my elnim, oceasioned hy loss by fire of my dwelling, through their popular and indefatigable repres sentative, Mr, CO. J. Penrse of Port Perry, Such promptness deserves recoznition ; my loss was sustained on 28th Sept. aud within 16 my chain was puid. F. ORCHARD, Reach, Oct. 31, 1894, A First-Class Farmifor his fine Farm being composed of 'parts of lots 9 and 10, in the 4th con. of the Township of Reach, containing 120 Acres. On the premises are two good Frame Barns sy a good, commodi- ous and convenient Brick Dwelling Honse ; all the necessary Outbuildings ; two excel lent, thriving, young Urchards ; a never- failing stream A er water runs through the property. This farm is acknowledged by competert judges to ONE OF THE BEST 'Stock and and Grain Farms in the Dowinion Possession to plow given immediately. Fall possession given 1st March, 1895, For full particulars apply to the ' pro* prietor on the premises, WM. WILKINSON. Manchester, Oct. 8, 1584. W. DELVE (SUCCESSOR To T. A WHARTON) HOUSE, SIGN & GARRIAGE PATNTER. Decorative: Painting and Easlsomitting 4 a Port Perry Market. otations b; Most A. Ross & Son.] igo ' Thursday, Nov, 8, 1894. Fall Wheat 48c to 48¢. Spring Wheat 45¢ to 00, Goose Wheat 450 to 45¢. Barley (68 rowed) 30¢ to 400. Pous--Blackeye B63c to 55¢, Peas-- Mummy 55¢ to 55¢, Peas--Small 43¢ to 50c, Buckwheat 37c to 37¢c, * Beans 75 to $100, Specialty. Priocs low. Satisfaction guaravtesd:: Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1894. PURE - BRED REGISTERED BOARS. 'The undersigned ceps for service at *Hiliside' Farm --lot 10, con. 9-- Reach, two Pure: S08 bred, Registered Boars -- a Tam- WORTH and a CHESTER Ww HITE. Parties desirous of vastly improv of Swine will consuit thls 4 A take difference; at a valuation. Office. . | eheque thus sent in will be returned to the To Exchange. COW, five years old, due to Calve in April, 1895, for a Bugpy ; will give or Yor particulars, apply at the Opsxrver Port Perry, Oct. 10, 1594, TRENT CANAL. Simcoe and Balsam Lake Division, ALSO Poterboro' and Lakefield Division. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. EALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Trent Canal," will be received at this Office until noon on Suturday, Seventeenth day of November, 1894, for the coustruction of about five wid a half miles of Canal ou the Simeor and Balsam Lake Division, aud also for the construction of about three and a half wiles of Canal on the Peterboio and Lakefisld Division, Plans and specifications of the work can be seen at the office of the Chief Engineer of "| the Department of Railways and Cuuals, at Ottawa, or ut the Superintending Eugineer"s Oftive, Peterborc', where forms of. tender can be olitained on aud after Monday, Octuber, 29th, 1894 In the case of tirme there must be attach. ed the actual siguatures of. the full name, the nature of the occupation and place of residence of each member of the same, and, further, an scecpted bank cheque for the sum of $7,500 must accompany the tender for euch section ; this acerpted cheque must be endorsed over to the Minister of Hail ways and Canals, and will be forfeited if party tendering declines entering into coutract for work at the rates and terms stated in the offer submitted. The accepted regpective parties whose tenders are not accepted, The lowest or any tender not neccesarily accepted. By order, n J. H, BALDERSON, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, October, 1094. QOanadian Pacific Railway. ONTARIO DIVISION Trains will lee Myrtle as follows Awent, Port Perry GOING WEST. -- «eo. bs8am. "" - . 8:40am. GOING EAST-- . 10:14 am " 8:35 pn, " . 10.48 p.m. A. J. DAVIS, JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. FREON ro Ah a guished--== 0's ep Goud ins comes our way. Keep this fact ani came here to sell aff our All New, Fresh Guods. Is it 25 to 50 per cent. on what you AYWARD & COS. did it, = People appreciate t in mind -- We are going out 0 Stock ; that's why we sel any 'ohject for you to Save buy! Then g HERE 18 A SAMPLE OF HOW W i Prices : DRESS GOODS--All-wool T inches, 75¢ wae §1 to Pe 20; 44 inch bc wag 700. Mixed Tw och, 20 was 30c; 15c was 500. 40 inch all-wool Serges, 20¢ 0 300 ; heavy all wool Serges, 46 inch; b0c war 70¢; 44 inch, 40¢ ©; wide width 450 was 60o. Plaids 20c was 35¢. Nice Blue 10c. FI nn-ls, all wool, 26 inch, 18c was 20c.; 14c was 18c. Jottes, Be wax ic; Tc was 100 § Oc wae 12}0. All 10c Sheeting for 8 12c for 10 ; ; 15¢ for je 104 Prints for 740 ; 124c and 15¢ for 10 LADIES' MANTLES--$2 50 O $5.50 was 87 50; 87 was §} $12.50 was $18; $7.50 was $ MENS OVERCOATS =~ Ulsters, $6 50 was § han £3.50 ; $3.50 wns $5 ; £4.50 wan $8; t Laviss' Fur Capes--§19 was $25; 85 was 87 50; 86.50 was $10. "$10; $4.50 was 311.50 was $15 2 $5 was $7.50; £2.50 was $3.50. £3.50 was 8 £4.50 was £6.50; Suita 812 was #15. Men's Pauts Youths' and Boys' $3.30 wa Childrens' §2 was $4. Men §6. 5 ¢ Ahan any. hh i iia hows what we are doing now. th % Oome and see for yourself D ed A pples and Potatoes wanted. (2 Wor slnughter if necessary to mi 3 and prove our words. [EZ Butter, E, Remember Brown Waite ¢ Oo's 0 od Fashionable rn @ # a # GLOTHING. eee FALL -= 189 +R-E=El= El] <= FULL STOCK of Fall Gods to hand, including Suitings, Over Coatings, Worsted Coatings, English, Scotch and Canadian, Tweeds, &c. = J Anticipating a busy season, we secured our Fall Stock early, and bought largely and vith discrimination. IN SUITINGS . our Stock is noticeably fine. OUR FITS . 5. . . are becoming celebrated for their Neatness--they always retain their shape and wear well, while our prices are the talktof all, L Styles and Perfect Fits . WHITBY. Blong Block: Superior workmanship, the Ney warranted, Port Perry, Oct. 3, 1894. EHP IS THE PLACE FOR ren (Groceries Reliable and Provisions. He keeps constantly on hand a full stock of Flour, Deal & Feed of all kinds, Cheap for Cash. EZ Barrel, Sack, Dairy and Table Salt. dT eg nl ph AT Butter, Oats, Beans, Flax, &ec. B CARS. a GER THEMI® TRE undersigned Nourw Bl See, lot Hl, 2l, con, 1, Bi aR Rwine rovers in the County. isu York«hire White ne Wax bred by Mr. W. C. Heard, Manchester; other, A Berk FE Two. 5 did TE ie Bid pr service nt his , two Pure-Bred Ye from tre Yaris of the mos, bave a shire, bred by Mr. John Ambleside, 1 Py WM. MEDD. » 3 ert hes t ence in' poy - Asan to Casu p A Dak of 0 pu Jan, Ist next. All work being "MADE BY HAND, pes vo factory work 'in stoek, in quality and in ua y N retarning thanks to the public for the patronage extended to me for over 30 years. I would respectfully intimate that I am, as usual, now ly for busincas, and Large & Assorted Stock | OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined i, sell very CHEAP wl. 'will be allowed on al Sales r sow until ] the - siperiority of my goodd will at onoe become i sive urchasers will find that Lo before looking Foie hi trade i is: | Port Perry, Ang. 28, 1804. : "\, « +4: "fpr the manufacture of Flour} 1 |GRISTING & CHOPPING IGHEST price in Cash paid at"all times for Fresh Eggs, HE undersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, most approved and modern machinery including the ROLLER PR )CESS of Superior Price that ALL SIES-NY OWN MAKE; Keep no other--Na inferior Stock. Differs ent Sie made up, all of which 1, will dis- Boots that when youssea them, af chase. and city st Great eduction surprise you, hear the priees you will be sure to Repuiing of all kinds done with Besinges: Laces, Polish and W Rubber Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give satis: faction to my patrons, The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts, er BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SCROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Oct. 1, T8091. PAINTING KALSOMINING &C: THE undersigned would take this oppor. tonity of thaukiog his wumerous pat- rons for their liberal and still iooreaing patronage during the time he has carried the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, md would state that he in better prepared than ever to execute all orders for . Painting, Kalsomining and Papéf Harg'ng Parties entrsting their work to me may rely on having it neatly and promptly exe. cuted, My 1 am also prepared to supply Paicts, &c charges are moderate. when contracting. A cuninnance of public patronage sol eib WM. TREMEER. Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1593, DAVIS" PHARMAGY EE The Subse just received a Complete "Assortment of FAL..Y «+ GDDDS CONSISTING OF : oo TOILET SETS in Plwsh, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather, ge. PERFUMES fromthe best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian Ware, §c., at all Prices, FANGY QUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, de. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. A. J. DAVIS, Chemist and Drugpist PORT PERRY LAING & MEHARRY wee H AVE AGAIN--- BLONG BLOCK, OPENED OUT WITH A Magnificent Stock of everything in their line The undersigned hegs to atnounce to the di vicinity, that he has opened out in the in the Store lately occupied IN THE BLON( Where he will keep in stock everything sell at Prices that cannot fail to'} and Tinwnre business Wright BLOCK to the business and wi purchasers. There will now be no necessity for parties in} to purchase Stoves, Tiuware, &c.; in fact, it Uxbridgeites, and all others, to secure from my line, wheth 1 Ranges, Stoves, Tinware ag my stock will embrace the most popular a Ranges, inch BUCKS CELEBRATED HAPP ' Having had Twenty years' experience. to me nay be relied on to ice Satishastion, Bavetroughing and Rec EF A i afuatied, "Dou't forget the tants of Port Perry and 'Farness Line § vicinity going to Uxbridye ' tothe advantage of the bing they may require in Eavetroughing makes of Stoves anu HT RANGE. , all orders entrusted | ©. LAING & MEHARRY. eS REMOVAL 82 We have Moved our husiness to the South side of Queen Street and now occupy the extensive premises just vacated by Mi. B. F. AckErMAx, where we will be better prepared than ever to supply our castomers and the public with everything in the 1] WHICH FoR GHEAPNESS. STILE, Durability and: STRENGTH, Cuan be srpased fn the County. STILL LEADING HE UNDERSIGNED begs to return thanks for the liberal and still increas: ing patronage bestowed on him since come mencing the Butchering Business and wounld state that he is better prepared than ever to supply the public witi JUST SUGH MEATS as cannot fail to meet the requirements of all, and trusts by offering only Creoles MxaTs at moderate prices, ind promptoess in business to receive u liberal share of public patronage. x All orders left at my Stall in the Market Building, or with me on my rounds with conveyance, will receive immediata and careful attention, ISAAC J. WHEELER Bort Perry, Aug, 16, 1583, GEO. GARDNER. ISHES to inform the public of Port Perry and sirrounding count: y, thi $ after four ycars experience in prosecutin his business in some of the largest cities 4 the United States, he is better Liepured v than ever to execute any of the following branches of hia trade i--Stone Masonry, Bticklsying im all its branches; Plain and Ornamental Plastering. Also Artificial Btone Walks, that will remain permanent and will endure any weather. Brick Cisterns without any wood in their con- struction to decay or give out. If you are in need of any of the above, come to me and obtain prices, All materisl required in mys line will be kept constantly on hand, and for sale after the first of next Apeil, GEp, GARDNER, Port Perry, Jan. 3, 1504, WN O T Ei Prices for CASH Only Parlor Sunite-- 6 Pieces Mogquette Plush @ $30. Parlor Buite-- 6 Pieces Frenck Brocattelle @ £20. Parlor Suite-- 6 Piece good Moguetto Plush @ $35. Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces best American Hair Cloth @ sas Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces best Queen Plush, spring adg and back, very large set @ $55, well finished. Also Bedroom Sets as low as $11.75 &F A Cai Soicrrep, J. W. DAVIS, Furniture Rooms, Oneen St. Port Perry, Sept, 29, 1892, HE nidersigned wish the inhahitants of Port rounding countcy that he has Sa the Si fin doo stant &o., inabundanes. Port Perry, April 3, 1894, Be Be bl, rs 2s , % &F Above are Solid Waluut Frames and TE

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