Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 Sep 1894, p. 3

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"country. . bill, introduced by Hon. ssp J ~ Undertakers Meet. The Univiinkers "Association of On- a nh iuded Port Perry Market. Ohare of the Ascension. convention in Pag George's Hall, Ein Mey Toeomte, Wednesdny, Sept. 12, | Dr. Ferguson delivered to the members his third address on embalm | ing. During the duy Ee tr ted the U meeting. The reports of the various executive officers were read and adopt- ed, and indicated a satisfactory condi- tion of the association. of Embaiming was reported to bein a highly promising condition, It was decided 4 have the College incorpor- ated. Mr. J. G. Langworth of Detroit baa just entered the college, which he regards as superior to those of his own On a suggestion given by President Millard in his address, a itee - inted to take steps to TN the certificates for the transportation of dead bodies on rail ways made more stringent in their conditions, in order to prevent the pos i ility of contageon from this source, Mr. W. H. Hoyle, Cannington, See- retary of the Association, in his report stited in plain language the strong feuiing of the entire association on a matter of great importance to thes He We find a portion and withstanding our emphatic denial of the necusation parties are found to re- iterate the charges. Even during the the last session of the Senate at Ottawa Senator Reid, when setting forth the necessity for the passage of his amendment to the anti-combines N. Clark Wallace, cited this associationdas one The College | Red (Quotations by dicwrs. A. Rom & Sou] REV. JOS. FL wat 2 "Thersday, Sept. 20, 1884. | Sunday--Matins, M99 am. Evensong, 7 pan. Fa Wsat 43 thr Munday School, 2 jum. ing Wheat to 52, - 'Wednesday -- Evensong, 7.30 jum. Gouse Wheat 45¢ to 45¢. Barley (6 rowed) 33c to 4c. Methodist Church. Rye 40¢ ta 42c, -- Onts 24e to Ze, REY. R. CADE, 11. D., Pasvon. Peas--Blackeye 5c to 58¢, a 50 eri icy pn hud $ Sahlbally Ser vies, ic Tharsday 730. Back wheat 35¢ to 40c, Beans $1 to $1.10, fLisiks Clover $6.00 12 $0.49, St. John's Church 00 to (PRESBYTERIAN, Grass Seed $1.50 to $2.00 a i Corn 50¢ to 55¢, REV. RICHARD WHITEMAN, BA Pastor B 40c to 60c Sabbath Services, 1030 and 6.30 WwW, 14¢ to 16e. "Wank Evenia Service. Thurstan, 7 Hides §2 to $2 50, Beef $5.00 to $8, Baptist Church. Sei Ah og REY. J. GOODWIN, BA., P: to - "ASTOR. Chickens Se to. - Fel Beri, Toney 70. Geese 40c to Sie p len a 0 ta ie: PROF. S. J. CHON, Potatoes 20c to 35e, RACTICAL OPTICIAN and Eye and Apples 20¢ to 30e, Ear Specialist, 176 Wilton Ave Tarot, will visit Port Perry once in six All orders aired fo im warrted 10 Gi, 3 eb J. Adams and a Joba Nett, Port Perry, HELLO! good state of cultivation and js well femoni. AY. This Popular Pleasure Steamer Jas been wei: vi hn 3 oh 5 & mot, write at ewoe to the management of the Popular Excursion Steamer Fresh --AND-- Reliable £5 Barrel, Sack, Dai : re ih sg Leh 3) Lal He keeps constant] 1 of all kinds p for Cash. a Table Salt. Butter, Ly ard Fla al a Port Perry, Aug. 2, 1894. : FU bsp PLACE FOR|HE ries Provisions. nd a fll stock of and would beg to state that having, ata large expenditure, E lour, H¢ 1 & Reed. thorotighly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the IN FULL BLAST FP e=m=---------y HE nndersigned takes this opportunity of returfiing his sifidére thanks for the large measure of patronige be- stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, | best, miost approved and modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS for the manufacture of J | is. prepared to do ar, Expeditiously and in nrier that cannot fail to faction to my patrons, The Trade supplied witli Flour of the fast brands. Perry. lighted Possession to plow given immediately and | and has a OF fitted. lithe by Sori. i wight trips. The most favourable arrange- For further particolars apply to the pro- | ments can be made for excorsions from ines' prietor on the premises. Lindsay or Chemong to Sturgeon Point, of the 'combines thet measure iii THOS, LAMB. o gen Paiut, calculated tosupress, Letaresolution| pouch Sept 12, 1504 Bobes Tae Seugeg with the Grand be passed at this convention reqs ing | Trost § Bail Splendid a the hon: Senator to prove his conten- For rates and other particulars apply to tion against us by making this associa- mT. SWATIN, CAPT. GEO. CRANDELL, tion the very first to come under the operation of his legislative wisdom. His refusal to comply with our request would then be evidence that he lacked the courage of his convictions, and the gratitude of a suffering community would thereby be forfeited. In the meantime, ve emphatically deny the nccuracy of the hon. gentleman's gtate- ments coneeruing the ion, and April 30, 1894. Lindsay Licensed JKuectioneer | OS ion prarariced aed terms STILL LEADING! Mes and residence at Csaren. Orders | Blackstock, | HE AER begs to return Joft with Messrs. Moore Bru, thanks for the liberal and still increas will receive prompt attention. {ins patronage bestowed on him since com- P.S. No charge made for selling for | prumcing the Butchering business and wonld netioneers in any other County. | state that be is better prepared than ever we have no hesitation in characienz- ing them as 'untruthful assertions.' We desire nothing more than fair and candid eriticism from the public. We fully believe that associations of this character are not only their membership, bat likewise to the people generally. The educated fan- eral director is in every respect better calculated to discharge the duties of his calliug more efficiently than those whose knowledge of sanitary laws and organic chemistry are restricted to the ideas that prevailed anterior to the formation of this association. Omnee more we openly declare this associa tion to be governed and controlled solely in the edaeational interests of our profession. No ulterior object as to n combine or trest as generaly in- terpreted can truthfully be charged against us." The election of officers resulted as follows :-- President, J. Muir, Port gin; 5. First Vice President, Joho. ol tt, Port Perry; Second View Pre _sident, IL. Morris, Bowmanville ; Third Vice-President, F. Lishtall, Picton: Fourth Vice-President, W. Marish, Iroquois ; Fifth Vice President, S. Harris, Ottawa; Secretary, W. H Hoyle, Cannington ; Treasurer, J. B Melutyre, St. Catharines, Executive Committee-- Messrs. Stevenson, Clinton. Dodds, Bolten ; Bradshaw, Stratford ; Anderson, Galt; Morse, Niagara; Board of Examiners-- Ferguson, London; 0. D. Blachford, Hamilton ; E. Hop- kins, Toronto. Directors Ontario College of Embalming--OC. D. Blach- ford, W, H. Hovle, J. Ferguson, T. W. Turner, Toronto: J. B. Mclntyre, St. Catharines. The results of the examination held on Tuesday were announced, the follow- ing heing the successfal candidates ;-- Wesley Harrison. Hagarsville; G. G Smith, Barrie, and James A. Taylor, (assistant). Toronto. Oue candidate was unsuccessful. Rheumatism Cured in a Day.--South American Rh Cure, for R. and Nenralgia, radically cures in | to 3 days. Its action npon the system is remarkable and mysterions. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately dis- appears. The first dose grea tly benefits. ~~75 cents. Sold by A. J. Davis, Druggist. Monarch Cigar, sold by A.J. Davis, bc straight. Stouffville, Sept., 15.--In the Mid- land district final championship lacrosse match played here to uy between the Uxbridge and Markham teams, there was great excitement, as the two teams were a tie in the seasons record. The Uxbridge team won in three straight games, the first goal being scored in 15 _ minutes, the second in 47 minutes, and the third in 14 minutes, The impor ance of the game brought a Inrge con tingent of friends and well-wishers of McOonaghy, and was one of the most keenly contested ever played on the home grounds. The Uxbridge team plays Orillia on Wednesday next in the semi-finals. Three Home Seekers' Excur- sions "To all parts of the West and Nosth- _ wust vin the Chicago, Milwankee § St. Paul Railway at practically half rates. Round trip tickets, good for return 'passage within twenty days from date of sale, will be sold on September 11 ~ and 25 and October 9, 1894. For further information apply to the _ nearest coupon ticket agent or address A. J. Taylor, Oanadir Passenger - Agent, Toronter Ont. beneficial to] |} Cesarea, Sep. 15, 1584, | to supply the pubiic wita | B NELSON, | JUST SUCH MEATS (axary | cammot fail to meet the i ts of mrements of Auctioneer & Valuation. all, amd troste Ly offering only Colcs | MEaTs at moderate prices, and toess N OEY 10 10, 102% u Jaesp ain) in business to receive a liberal share of sireets, Usbridge. Telephone commection. t public patronage. £7 Arvangements for dates of Sales, &e. | gz All orders left at my Stall in the may be made at the office of this paper. | Market Building, or with me on my rovwnde Uxbridge, Sept. 12, 1504. | with conveyance, will receive immediate ont careful attention. ISAAC J. WHEELER | Port Perry, Aug, 16, 15893, Serttlo) bad ~E23=w = 3 "3.33% SPLENDID r E75iiiin (Brick Dweliing H § 259=i: @ ~ Brick Dweliing House ® Eo 32:2 3 a % ZiI:Z O'= = Ap Sen : SB aTaSZ2 - 3 f 2gEifin © SSX ACRES OF LAND » Eniciii a7 | FOR SALE. - TE 2 3 Te, 3 2% zz >% -- £ UNDERSIGNED offers for sale her oe i= z9 ciwcioe and well-appointed residence and 7223 --= Qu: 2% | dix scves of bund on which there isa fine 82 F353 zi -3 2 acres; a fine, bearing Q: 20 2T = Sveiund of west mers aad Garden ; there 2 : 2a = i= id Driving Honse and Stable on 433 - mn: ogee | 2 Sled Hard and Soft Water and all 2 3 = | ==% other cmveniences. H=3 =20 = =| The Carriage Drive and Grounds are plant- +r 3 = EF 3 Ne | ed with various kinds of Ornamental Trees, - 3 = = | | Sarubs, Vives. &e. FSET 25-0 Z| c=i| This property is beautifully located on hi =z = | »--=%| Usion Avewue just on the southern bordes H3 *d Sas 3 B ® CC | = the Town of Port Perry and is a very de 7 E55: eo sirable property and will be sold at a Q:3 E22" £4 3! gamcans. Rcd oO = =m| For jurther particulars apply to the pro- BB oX 33 g Prictress on the premises. Wz z=>z PE EUPHEMIA DAWES. od. No > == | Port Perry, Ang. 30, 1593. H. 233572 = =3 a 4 =. | 4 34: Q° |DAINTIN( Feo Zz 4 i: | a ig==z3 po) i T225% pu | KALSOMINING &C. HE undersiemed would take this oppor tamity of thavking bis wumerous pat Western Bank of Canada jm io fhe, ard zm, mil iocrenin: DIVIDEND No. 24 PAINTING Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of gerd i ha ~ in Port Perry, and would state that be is ree per th te all a Dp Ong been a prepared than grer to execu the Bank for the current six months, beimg at the rate of Seven per ornt per amwum, and | P2IB(IBS, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging that the same will be doe 2d poyabie. on " fig tioels wrk fo wie may rely oc having it neatly and promptly exe Monday, the 1st day of Oct, "94 | cuted, My charges are moderate. at the Office of the Bank. The Tramsfer | 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &e,, Books will be closed from the 15th to the when contracting. 30th of September. A of puldic By order of the Board ited. pu T. BH. McMILLAN. Cashier. ge soli WAL TREMEER. - | Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1593. Oshawa, August ith 1994 Canadian Pacific Eailway. OYTARIG DIVISION Traine will leave Myrtie as follows = HARNESS Whitby TO MAKE ROOM FOR REDUCTIONS! MPORTATIONS THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and ean supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts. EZ" BILL. LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SCROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. Pors Perty, Nor. M, 1803. fin pg ALL SIZES-MY re pose of. chase: tail of the Towns County ot if OTTER, (3. here ven, Ahat. I a N transmitted or iy given to the persons mentioned in Sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, 1850, the Sopies rejuicul by said fons to be or de liverad of the List, le pursuant to said Act, of all persous appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Munici pality to be entigled to vote in the Said municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections ; and that the said list was first posted up at my office at Mauchester on the Oth day of August, 1894, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called npon, ta, exaifiing, thi said List, and if any omissions or auy other errors are found. thereiil, to take immediate, proceedings to haf the said errors correct: ed acogrding to law, Dated this 10th day of, { August, 1804. - SPENUE, . Clerk Py aid Municipality! DAVIS The Subscriber has just received a Complete Assortment of IW + GIDHIDIDS CONSISTING OF : PHARMAGY TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather, &e. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian Ware, §e., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, §e. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality, A. J. DAVIS, Chemist and Druggi t BLONG BLOCK, There will now be no necessity for pa to purchase Stoves, Tinware, &e.; Uxbridgeites, and all others, to secu Ranges, Stoves, Tinware as my stock will embrace the most p BUCK'S CELEBRATED Having had Twenty years' experien to me may be relied on to give satisfi Bavetroughing and Re ----E I -- ers in the Store lately occupied sell at Prices that cannot. my Hua, Jott Ranges, STOVE ANDTIN SHOP PORT PE RRY! The undersigned begs to announce to the inhabitants of Port Perry and vicinity, that he has opened out in the Stove and Tinware, business by Mr. Wright INTHE BLONG BLOCK! Where he will keep in stock everything pertaining to the business and will il to please purchasers. in this vicinity going to Uxbridge u Stebel Magnificent or Eavetroughing tand desirable makes of Stoves and Y JoUeur have of everything in their line hg a Specialty. Ince in the Blong Biock. H. CLARK. PORT PERRY LAING & MEHARRY ~--HAVE AGAIN-- OPENED OUT ------VWITH A Stocix LAING & MEHARRY. STRAYED BOLL. Strayed from the. premises of the undersigned, lot 9, con. 4, Reach, about the middle of May last, a Ren Axp Ware Yarrse Burn A swit- able reward will be given for inform - Tarte es io the puldie for the tion that will lead to the ry of to me over = years, | womld respectfully intimate that J She lost sims. am, as wasal, mane weadly, for for busincss, and THOS. SONLEY. Reach, Ang. 23, 1894. Large & Assor ted Stock Sittings of the Division Courts of.2%72 E200 FCs. Bs COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Asan 8904. A Sad of 0 go mk will be allowed on all Sales from now ontil Jan. Ist mext. All work being MADE BY HAND, anid me uckory work in stock, the superiority of my goods at once become ri will find that by ET amd my 3 » gh m, Cy am mp gn hc Everthing in line of business satay and aod repairs neatly and JOEN ROLPE. Port Perry, Dee. 1, 1892. THE FALL Place your order for Pa At once and be I will attend to it p Now's the time ; neve Till to-morrow wha You had better do Only the best mal Used, so don't let the Rust and woodwork Have them painted Our friend Jack F Uses his penetratin See me at once s REMOVAL 22 We have Moved our husiness to the South side of Queen Street and now occupy the extensive premises just vacated by Mr. B. F. Ackermax, where we will be better prepared than ever to supply our customers and the public with everything in the Harness Line WHICH FOR. CHEAPNESS, STYLE Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the Gousty. Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks, ke. In abundanos: * Comparison of Prices Gourted BEATTY & BONGARD. Port Perry, March 9,1808° HOUSE AND TWO LOTS For Sale, Cheap: Bs on the 60 corner of Bigelow and Balsam streets, two guarter-scre lots, also the house which is in good state of re- pair. Thriving young Orchard aud every. thing convenient. Anybody wishing a good, comfortable house should "pply at once to JO! ARDILL, July 11, 1894, Port Perry, Notice to Farmets. The undersigned begs to infimats to the farmers of this district that he bas just purchased a new Threshing Machine from the Works pf the Me Donald M'f'g Co , Stratford, which has all the latest appliances for threshing grain as it should. Ic is so constructs thut in threshing peas it does not split them. Orders for threshing solicited, F. A. BAILEY! Blackstock, July 11, 1894. = 1 UIT GEO. GARDNER: * AY ISHES to inform the public of Port Perry and surrounding country, thet after four ycars experience in prosecuting his business in some of the largest cities of the United States, he is better prepared than ever to execute any of the Siting Lranches of his trade :--3tove Masonry, Bricklaying in all its branches; Plain aud Oruvamental Plastering. Also Artifieial Stone Walks, that will remain permanent and will endure uny weather. Brick Cisterns without any wood in their coun-, striction to decay or give out. If you are in need of any of the abuve, come to me and obtain prices, All material required in ny, line will be kept constantly on hand, an for sale after the first of next April, GEO, GARUNER, Port Perry, Jang 3, 1504. IN O T Eli THE FOLLOWING Pris or CASA Oily Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces Moquette Plush @ $50. Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces French Brocattelle @ $300 Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces good Moguetis Plush @ | . pr Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces host American Hair Cloth," fran' gilded @ $37. Patlor Suite 6 Pirces best Queen Pik spring eds and back, very large set @ 836, #2 Above are Solid Walnut Frames ant well finished. Also Bedroom Sets as low as $1.75 ar A CALL SoLICTTED. J. W. DAVIS, Furnituté Rooms, Quecs. St: Port Perry, Sept. 29, 1892 -- NOTT, DERTAKER, Keep 10 other-- No inferior k. Di : ent a made _ all of ob gy will ps BOOTS that when you see {fem oi % hear the prices you will be sire pars ; airing ol all Kinds athe with vevtoess ; iy 3 San Polish and Wa Blacking. Rubber Overcoats and bber Boots re- paired. - tar Next door to the Market.

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