Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Aug 1894, p. 3

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ee = Presidéfit Oleveland's | Brother, the Rev. Wm. N. Oleveland | a Booted! Why 8 'Buicide is, in 'some countries, in- creasing more rapidly than population 'and the increase bears sonie proportion "at least to the advance in education and what we call civilization, In England, for stance, according to the report of the Registrar General, thers were but 61 cases of felo de se ous the 1 certifies to Mr. John' D.. Roses sick ness and cure. Mr. Rose's statement is as follows:--'"I, the undersigned, feel constrained to bear. testimony to the value of your remedy for Dyspepsia. Last summer my stomach failed so en- tirely that I was unable for weeks to LES 3 million iphabitants in 1867, while '91 the number was 85. In France she evil is still greater, the number of suicides in that country being three to one as compared with the one across the channel. In Prussia, Saxony, Swizerland and Demark, all highly educated and progressive nations, the rate is also excessively heavy, while in Portugal, Spain and Russia it is low, Why the difference? A writer in the Humanitarian ascibes the growth of the inclination to self-destruction in 'digest any food except an occasional Upon trying it I began at once to mend, cracker ; meanwhile, I was reduced to a skeleton, and became so weak as to he unable to walk without staggering. Having scen in a Toronto paper your remedy advertised, I procured through | my sister, a bottle of your medicine. and in a short time entirely regained' of my health, gaining in eight days 13 1647] To-day I am well and hearty, which blessing, under God, I owe (as I think) to your medicine, K.D.O. - People Say Price that will surprise you. ALL SIZES-MY OWN MAKE, | Keep no other--No inferior Stock. it is Hard Times! Well, if that is the case I will make it Easy Time "" BOOTS Superior Quality at a Great Reduction in Differ RoLLer Miu IN FULL BLAST! HE nndersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- ent sises made up, all of which 1 will dis: stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, pose of. "© BOOTS that when you see them and 'hear the prices you will be sure to pur- addressing FULFORD Yours truly, JonN D. Rosk, BR am Zr oa D af i Rheum Cured .--Bouth 'Amortodn Rheumatic Cure, A 1ay ~Sesth 2 land mainly to the marriage of the England mein Chaumont, New York. physically or wentally unfit and conse and would beg to state that having, at & large expenditure, uent production of degenerate off- ee . 4 ne i ¢ and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days!" 3 ng. The Bishop of Salisbury, on| AvoctioN SALE. --}t will be seen by Shae. ca of SEA Gc aith thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the |Tta action gs n the system is renyavkable apré i r- | the posters that that" fine farm, north- ising Of all kinds done with voatnem Si = and "myiterious, ' It removes at ohicé tho the other hand, points to the compa e posters y and dispatch. er best, most. approved and modern machinery including the [See od ihe: Slseate ROLLER PROCESS hd atively high rate of suicide in the army and amongst those having todo with poisons; and says familiarity with the means is the leading ciuse. . But half lot 11, in the 3rd con. Eldon, is Laces, Polish and Waterproof Blacking. to be sold by public auction, at Ed | : Rubber Overcoats and Rubber Boots re- wards' hotel, Woodville,.on Thureday, | Paired tly 8." ; P16 Conts. ~ Sold by A. J, Davis, Dinggist. Aug. 30, at one o'clock: | This ia rare &ar Next door to the Markt, A Lindsay shoe-shop exhibits a pair of No. 14 boots, just made to n cus M. BOND. class farm neither oi these authorities can be wholly correct. The craze for ec- oi, the ipsave desire to lead of possessions, must responsible for self-murder.-- placed within our reach comforts never dreamed of by our forefathers, but instedd of enjoying these, we have gone on add- ing to our wants until the luxuries of opportunity to secure a fi at auction price, (See posters.) Hot and ice water free on the Yo Lr ihe this in- Toe Pon Pony" $190, a. i "Have you Look out for & detailed announce: ment of tne excursion to Muskoka Aug. 29th. The most complete} arrangements for special train and boat, and lowest rate of the season, BIRTHS. \ for your Port Perry, Nov. 14, 1893. I... Excursions If not, 'write at once to the management of + the Popular Excursion Steamer CRANDELLA OF LINDSAY. WHITBY & BLOING. faction to my patrons, for the manufacture of Flour, is prepared to do The Trade supplied with Flour of the fitest brands: tomer's 'measure, inches the b They . are twelve across the toe and sixteen rotund : ¥ £ BI ak Wanteipelty of th Tomshp of Reae Coun| Ontario. ; ty. of NOT in hereby given, that I have esterday have become the necessities ' transmitted livered to th x Hy and a thousand wants satis | Rayxes--In Port Perry, on the 18th inst. This Popular Pleasure Steamer has been Port Perry, Aug. 20, 1894. Blong Block. mentionsd in Sections Sand 6.0f oe i fied mean but ten thousand others| the wife of Mr. Geo. Raines, of a son, thoroughly refitted, is lighted by electricity, Voters' Lists Act, 1868, the copies required unfultilled. |. This has put a pressure upon life, it has caused a rush and worry unheard of a generation ago and the consequence is nervous breakdown and the suicide's grave. And present conditions will contine to grow worse until simpler methods of living reduce the cares of the home and co-operation abroad relieves the [pressure to which unreasonable competition gives rise.-- Evening News. lion Have you ever had in the morning what is fancifully called a "dark brown taste" in the mouth. If so, it is the effect of a deranged 'stomach and liver, the best remedy for which is a dose of Ayers Pills, together with a little dis- cretion as to diet and mode of living. This holiday:time is known to the English newspapers us the 'big goose berry season," on uccount of the dearth of more important topics. The Victorit Colonist, with that admiration of British institutions which is character istic of the Pacific province, shows a praiseworthy adherence to the tradi- tions of Fleet-street. It informs its readers in a recent issue that goose- berries, "some of them measuring 3} and 3% inches in circumference" have been forwarded to the Colonist office. Answers to Correspondents. Grrow.--In Scugog, on the 17th inst., the wife of ir. Jno, Gerow, ol a son. FRALIOK '--In Scugog, on the 18th inst. the wife of Mr, Bolomon E. Fralick, of a daughter. MALYON.--In-Bast Whitby, on the 22nd inst. the wife of Mr. John Malyon, of a daughter, DIED, WiLsoN,--In East Whitby, on the 23rd inst. Vers May, daughter of Mr. Wilson, aged 3 months aud 11 days. FrrousoN--In Blackstock, on the 20th inst., Margaret Bruce, beloved wife of Mr, 8 T. Ferguson, aged 62 years and 2 months, i -------------------------------- Port Perry Market. [Quotations by Messrs. A. Ross & Sou.] Thursday, Aug, 22, 1804. Fall Wheat 50c to 52¢. Spring Wheat 50c to 54c. Goose Wheat 45. to 48¢c. Barley (6 rowed) 80c to 40c. Rye 40c, . Oats 26¢ to 27c, Peas-- Blackeye 55¢ to 55¢, Peas--Mummy 53¢ to 53c, Peas--Small 50¢ to 50¢, Buckwheat 35¢ to 40c, Beans 75¢ to 90c, Alsike Clover $6.00 to $6.30, Red Clover $5.00 to 85.50, Grass Seed $1.50 to $2.00 Corn 50¢ to 50c, Sheepskins 40c to 60c Wool 16¢c to 17¢, Hides $3 to $4, Beef £5.00 to $5.50, Pork $5.00 to $6 00, Turkeys 10c to 10¢. Ducks 8¢ to 10¢, Chickens 8c to 8c, Geese Bo to 8o, Butter 18c to 19, Eggs 8c to 8, Cheese 12¢ to 150, FarMER.-- Yes, South Dakota furn- jshes an excellent figld for diverstied farming. Wheat, Corn, Barley and Flax are produced in-abundant quan- tities and find.a ready warket at good "while the cost of production is much less than in the Eastern States. "Stock raising and: wool growing have become successful industries in. South Dakota, where thousands of acres of the finest land in the United States can be socured at rensonable figures and upon long time for deferred payments. Further information will be clieerfully furnished free of expense by addressing A. J. Tavror, Oanadian Pussenger Agent, 87 York St., Toronto, Ontario. Oonstipation, Headache, Biliousness and Bad Blood are promptly oured by Bur- dock Blood Bitters, which acts upon the stomach, liver, bowels, and blood curing all their discases. Having suffered over two years with con- stipation, and the doctors nct having helped mie, I concluded to try Bardock Blood Bitters and before I used one bottle I was cured. can also recommend it for sick headache, Ethel D. Haines, Lakeview, Ont, Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes --All cases of orgavic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew"s Cure of the Heart, One dose convinces, Sold by A. J. Davis, Somewhat late in the ddy we mie this week able to give, from the Port Perry OBSERVER, a report of the Lib- eral-Conservative meeting held at Sunderland to consider, among other matters, the question of protesting Mr. Chapple's election. Oue cannot. but be struck by the contrast between the manner in which our North Ontario friends have entered upon this business snd the manner pursued by the Lib- erals of East Simcoe. In North On- tario a public meeting was onlled und after due deliberation the protest was decided upon, as a duty put upon the arty under the circumstances attend- ing Mr. Chapple's election, the money is publicly subscribed, and those aginst whom proceedings are taken have no difficulty in placicg the re- sibility where it belongs. Here 1, except { Miscal Sp e Potatoes 40¢ to 400, Apples 20c to 40c, AVING convenient and suitable ac-| commodation, I um prepared to take six of more boarders. School students pie. ferred. Lunch supplied every eveaing, i required, without extra charge. x9. Charges moderate. MRS. HOOEYE Port Perry, Aung. 15, 1894. Boarders Wanted. aa and has a powerful search light for safety on night trips. The most favourable arrange- ments can be made for excursions from Lindsay or Chemong to Sturgeon Point, Bobcaygeon or Scugog (to Port Perry) lakes, running in connection with the Grand Trunk Railway. Splendid accommodation. For rates and other particulars apply to CAPT. GEO. CRANDRLL April 30, 1894. STILL LEADING! HE UNDERSIGNED begs to return thanks for the liberal and still increas: ing patronage bestowed on him since com- mencing the Butchering Business and would state that he is better prepared than ever to supply the public with JUST SUCH MEATS as cannot fail to meet the requirements of all, and trusts by offering only Croler Mears at moderate prices, and promptness in busivess to receive a liberal share of public patronage. gar All orders left at my Stall in the Market Building, or with me on my rounde with conveyance, will receiye immediate and careful attention, ISAAC J. WHEELER Port Perry, Aug, 16, 1593, Lindsay SPLENDID Brick Dwelling House SIX ACRES OF LAND FOR SATLH. HE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale her cheice and well-appointed residence and #ix acres of land of which 'there is a fine Park containing 2 acres; a fine, bearing Orchard of one acre and good Garden ; there is a splendid Driving Honse and Stable on the premises. Hard and Soft Water and all other conveniences. The Carriage Diive and Grounds ave plant. ed with various kinds of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, &ec. This property is beautifully located on The Mor Onto Model Scho WILL RE-OPEN FOR TRAINING OF TEACHERS On Monday, 3rd Sept. AT NINE O'CLOCK, A.M. 1 | Intending students are requested to notify the Principal, Mr A: M. Rae, Port erry, 1 fom The Port Perry Public School will re open on Monday, August 27th. T. C. FORMAN, Chairman. Aug. 15, 1804. Church of the Ascension, REV. JOS. FLEIOHER, M.A, INCUMBENT. Sunday--Mating, 10.30 a.m, Evensong, 7 p,m, 8 unday Sohool, 2.80 p.m. Wednesday--Evensong, 7,80 p.m. Methodist Church. REY. R. CADE, D. D., Pastor. Babbath Services, 10180 and 6.30 Weok Evening Service. Thursday 7:30. Strangers welcome and conducted to seats. Bt. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN) Sabbath Services, 10:30 and - 6.30 = Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:80 Baptist Church. REV. ME, GOODMAN, Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:30. Week Evening Bervioe, 'Thursday, 7:80. SCHOOL NOTICE REV. RICHARD WHITEMAN, B.A., PASTOR Union Avenue just on the southern border on the Town of Port Perry and is a very de sirable property aud will be sold at a BARGAIN. For further particulars apply to the pro- prietress on the premises, | KEUPHEMIA DAWES. Port Perry, Aug. 30, 1893. PAINTING KALSOMINING &C. | HE undersigned would take this oppor. tunity of thanking his numerous pat rons for their liberal and still increasing patronage during the time he has carried on the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that he is better prepared than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties entrnsting their work to me may rely on having it neatly and promptly exe- cuted, My charges are moderate. 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &e,, when contracting. A continuance of public patronage soli cited. WM. TREMEER. Port Perry, Mar, 23, 1693. HARNESS = amie Ses See=> NEW ADVERTISEMENT NEXT WEEK. E. H. PURDY. Port Perry, Avg. 8, 1804, in full operation and can supply all: kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick els, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts. EZ BILL LUMBER. A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SCROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. DAVIS PHARMACY The Subscriber has just received a Complete Asgortment of FANCY + GDDDE NYT $e DSS \NCY + GDDDS CONSISTING TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather, &e. A OF : PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian Ware, §c., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, §e. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. AJ "DAVIS, Chemist and Druggist BLONG BLOCK, PORT PERRY SCX RIKI EC ERE SiP APER] CPRRRRER © PRRRRROY Such as all want. My supply for the present season is unusually Large, Good, Stylish and Cheap. Every variety of the most handsome Room Papers. of rare beauty and exceeding cheap. A magnificent stock to select. WwW. ¥. McCXA YW. LAING & MEHARRY ----HAVE AGAIN OPENED OUT ----WITH Ae Magnificent Stoclk LAING & MEHARRY. of everything in their lire by said sections to be so. transmitted or de- livered "of the List, made pursuant to said Act; of all persons 'appearing by the last revised Assessment Rollie the said Munici' pality fo . be entitled to vote in the said' municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections ; and that the said list was first posted up at my office k¢ Manchester on the: 9th day of August, 1894, and remains there for inspection. ¢ Electors are called upon ty examine the said List, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to také imiediate proceedings to have the said errors correct. ed according to law. 3 Dated this 10th day of August, 1804.°, WA. SPENCE, Clerk of said Municipality. HOUSE ANDTWO LOTS For Sale, Cheap BAe on the corner of Bigelow and |) Balsam streets, two quarter-acre lots, also the house which is in good state of re- pair. Thriving young Orchard aud every- Shing convenient. Auybody wishing a good, comfortable house should apply at once to JOS. i ARDILL, July 11, 1804. Port Perry, "Notice to Farmers: The undersigned begs to intimate: to the farmers of this district that be has just purchased a new Threshing Machine from the Works of the Me Donald M'fg Co, Stratford, which hus all the latest appliances for threshin grain as it should. Ic is so oma that in threshing peas it does not pl them. Orders for threshing solicited. ~"F, A-BAILEY. = Blackstock, July 11, 1894. . c peal PI. hE GEO. GARDNER. y TISHES to inform the public of Port Perry and surrounding country, that after four years experience in prosceuting his business in Some of the largest cities of the United States, he is Letter prepared than ever to execute any of the Eriowir Bg branches of his trade :--Stone Masonry, Bricklaying in all its branches ; Plain and Ornamental Plastering, Also Artifieial Stone Walks, that will remain permanent and will endure any, weather. Brick Cisterns without: any Wood in their cou- struction to decay or give out. If you are in need of any of the above, come to me and obtain prices, All. material required in my: line will be kept constantly oh hand, and for sale after tho first of next: April, > GEO; GARUNER, JIN O T EXE | THE FOLLOWING i Prices for CASH Only Parlor Buite-- X 6 Pieces Moquette Plush @ $30. Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces French Brocattelle @ $30." Parlor Buite-- Y 6 Picces good Moquette Plush @ $35. Parlor Buite-- 6 Pieces best American Hail r Cloth @ $35. utterty irresponsible. character shoved " NTARI VIS) : As ra forward hy some hand in the dark to foie Dele ]obawe gilded @ 837. : gretead that the action was his own. Re : | Parlor Suite-- : wy } en of standing and influence in the 0. 8 Dicces hest Queen. Plush, spring ed Liberal party one and all deny either SoINa EASY Xt <5 and back, very large set @ $55, 2 knowledge or accountability, There " : bye 2 Ap ---------------------------- ---- p AZ Ave sie Solid Walnut Frames and are tines, as everyol / A 3. DAVIS, % Te : w Moved busi - 8 i 5 well finished, 8 everyone yrgws, when it - The undersigned begs to announce to th inhabitants of Port Perry and e have Moved our business to the: South side ef 'Queen: treet 'and now becumes an unmistakable duty to pro- test au election, corruptly carried. But men moved by such an impulse are not wen capable of playing so utterly ungentlemanly a part as the real authors of the petition agai Sittings of fhe Division Courts OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. © 1894. nst Mr, Miscamphell have been guilty of.-- 'Agent, Port Perry N returning thanks to the public for the "patronage extended to me for over 30 years, I would respectjully intimate that 1 am, as usual, now ready for busincss, and have a Large & Assorted Stock vicinity, that he has opened out in the Btove and Tinware business in the Store lately occupied by Mr. Wright IN THE BLONG BLOCK! occupy the extensive premises just vacated by Mk. B, F. AckermaN, where we will. be: better prepared than ever to supply our customers and the public with everything itv the Harness Liine Also Bedroom Sets as Tow. as 811.75 ar A CALL SOLICITED. . J. W. DAVIS, Furniture Rooms, = Queen St! Port Perry, Sept. 29, 1892. at aE E> BS DOUBLE AND STRULE HARNESS Where he will keep in stock everything pertaining to the business and will Orillia Packet. i No. Ve B|¥ BIRGER PE BE rovhitied to all very CHEAP | sell at Prices that cannot fail to please purchasers, WHISH FOR ; = | {Whitby | 2| 2! 2| 3| "Au an inducenient to CAsH purchasers' There will now be no necessity for parties il this vicinity going to Uxbridge 1 The Big Fall Show. {owas HU 1 - | to purchase Stoves, Tinware, &c.; in fact, it wall be to the advantage of the CH EA PN ESS. 8 I YLE. v ous TRE , ; ry 2. rougham# 38 - Discount 1 sok. Uxbridgeites, and all others, to secure from me anything they may require in : X > > The Scugog Agricultural Society's |, 1 : a ything Y ; Y8|3 Port Perry, 9 3 my line, whether Durability and Fall Show for 1894 will be held on the Central Fair Grounds, Port Perry, on 5 Thastiay, Toanh and Saturday, Sept. 20, modations and convéniencies supplied and 22. The splendid aveow-|7: pp nds are unsurpassed. ; Irea 'si700 have been secured for | (piso: Deo. 30, 1008. the payment of prizes, and every nec- ey . essary preparation is being attended wun section of country. In an. mn will be found a portion 9 = J 15 os 18 : V4 18] {17 plergrovel | [17 18! J. E. FAREWELL, of the Peace. PROF. 8. J. CHON, RACTICAL QPTICIAN. Fye and Ear Special ; PE viit bort i 700 i Aon ort, wi i -- a Soe six month. will be allowed on all Sales from now until Jan. lst next. All work being MADE BY HAND, and no factory work kept in stock, the superiority of my goods will at once become apparent, x J itending purchasers will find that by ving me a call before looking elsawhery they can be suited in quality and price, my Everthing in m: long experience in the trade heing an indis- live of business kept constantly on hand and repairs neatly and Ranges, Stoves, Tinwar@ or Eavetroughing a8 ny stock will embrace the most popular and desirable makes of Stoves and p Ranges, inal BUCK'S CELEBRATED HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE. Having had Twenty years' experience jcsmithing, all 'orders entrusted "to secure a fair worthy the putablo guarantee that, perfect satisfaction | t0 me may be relied 'on to give satisfaction, and intelligence of this will be given by any article purchased. Bavetroughing and Roofing a Specialty. Rc. In abundances EF A call solicited. Don't forget the in the Blong Biock. STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County. Rabes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks Comparison of Prices Oourtec POKE YOUR FINGER TROUGH THIS HOLE ' ht warranted to I od to, eprliet, enasom be, W. | POPUY ROLPE. Shan H., CLARK. BEATTY & BONGARD ® | .D.G: for indisoretions of et | aie erry, Me. Jsbe rt Perry, Deo. HE Hob : Port Perry, April 8,189: i as Shh Pot Borey, March 9,1892. YE

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