Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 Jul 1894, p. 2

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SERRBLALEARLS RTs J Fux Oxk Surszmixa From (eserat DesiLity AnD THE Orner Fron THE Ayres Erricrs of Tresor Fiver WERE GRADUALLY GROWING WEAKER Waex A Cure Cami--Bors Now Rxstorep To Prrrcy HiawTa. From the Newcastle, N.1., Unton-Advocate. Quite recently there came to the knowledge of the proprietor of the Union Advocate, two cases of residents of Newcastle having been greatly Benetitted Ly the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and these were thought to be of sufficient inerest to warrant their being published in the interests of humanity, if the parties interested had no objection to the facts being pub lished. Consequently a reporter of this paper called upon the parties and obtained from them chectfully all the particulars. Mr. and Mrs. Hammill removed from Fort Fuirfield, Maine, to Nowcastle, N.B, about fourteen months ago. For two years previous Mrs. Hamuwill bad been in a very poor state of health and was steadily grow- ing weaker and running down, until was unable to do the necessary : 2 d the dittie | P wcll ness and other disagreeable symptoms troubled her. For some tine she was under treatment of several doctors at Fort Fairfield, and also since she moved here. But they effected no" improve. ment to her run down system and she was gradually growing worse and had given up all hope of regaining her health. Having read accounts of the cures effected by the use of Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills she decided last July to try them and see if she could be = weak i ) dizi " NORTE ONTARIO OBSERVER, PULRT PERRY, JUUY 18, 1894 The Big Fall Show. The Agricultural Society's Fall Show for 1894 will be held on the Central Fuir Grounds, Port Perry, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Sept. 20,21 and 22. The splendid accow- niodations and conveniencies supplied by these grounds are unsurpassed, Already $1,700 have been secured for the payment of prizes, and every nec- essary preparation is being attended to 50 as to secure a fair worthy the enterprise and intelligence of this prosperous section of country. Qalled Early Away. The United Farmers' Association, in the loss of their efficient and much o d comuitting to the silent tomb, ee "Our Eyes Shall Teachers." See Rev. Robt. Oude and family arrived A number of the friends were | at the station and escorted them to the | Parsonage where tea bad been provid- | of Proxpect, are to be sympathised with esteemed Secretary, Mr. J. A. Holli- day, who in| the midst of a useful career and in 'manhoods early niourn was cut off sqmewhat suddenly. The took place on Tuesday last 'the' yoble Association and v hrother whose loss they eplors and whose remains they were Our in town of Thursday evening of last | | ment. | the people, proceedings. The demonstration was a grand success, and was a duy long to be bered in the riding. An in- teresting feature of the pro ;ramme was the presentation of Uougets to Mr, Reid, Mf. Parr and Major Hughes by two little girls, Misses Edna Job and Carrie Beacock. The Excursion of the Season, under the auspices of the S.0.E apd 8.0.0. of Blackstock from Cmsarea to Ohemong Park, Saturday, July 21st, per Steamer Oraodella. The scencry being the Hnest of any inland Lake route in Canada, taking in Scugog Lake via Lindsay, into Sturgeon Lake, past Bobeaygeon into Pigeon Lake, thence Buckhorn Lake passing the "Narrows", Indian Village, and Oorby's Island into Mud Lake and Chemong. Boat leaves Owsarea 7 a.m, sharp, calling at Plumb Point, 7.30. Return, Boat leaves Chemong Park 3.30 pw, allowing between one and two hours for excursionists to appre- ciate the beauties of that noted summer resort. The Orandella is ht by Elec tricity and also has an electric search light, so the committee have no hoeita- tion in promising a perfectly safe after night return trip, arriving av O i i "ew men 40. Oommittes.--R. H. Prust, I. Whitfield, Ww. Swain, and Dr. McKibbon, -- Hamilton Spectator: " This is the situation: There was an election, -- The Government was on trial. The Government was condemned, and came | out of the election in the minority, -- | The vote of the people showed that they had lost confidence in the Govern- It stands to-day rejected Ly discredited, ruined, and Ladies 36c. Gentle the tio 80 THINKS THE Pi Washington, July 9 House and at the there was a general backhone of the # badly shattered by th of the past 48 hours, partment ay that d been opments TWENTY DO! Chicago, July 9. were burned this mornig light on the Illipois © at Burnside. on suspicion of being th They were taken to Ken station and fined $20 es Walash trains were dé ing this city to-day, in on the Fort Wayne 'Was DEcessary, Olark Station had b the night, Rioters are supposed cars day ilway bh Six men becal It waa LOOKS AS IF DEBS WA ns. President Egan, Managers' Association, road in Chicago, was moving passenger of them on time, Severa he said, departed this Trouble, Troubl The effot not be cured when thes 1 The strike may not excl but it does strongly indicate, tha Republic is a failure as the creator of a nation of contented and Happiness and contentmett still live on some of the farms and ia many of the small towns across the line, American European cities in their sorial econdi- withog re fe in, the PPY paople. cities are practically A country whizh reproduces the poverty and vice of Europehim its cities, has to deal with the problems Pi rdere be | 4 Lref lor work done on townline,of Uxbridge . | and Reach, and the Clerk was ordered pnt . Stephens, 50 cts was ordered to be paid to Mr. Thos. Tripp for repairing the railing on the Seagrave bridge, On motion of Mr. Lawb, $4 was ordered to be paid to Mr. Thos. Craig, for cedar fornished and building culvert on centre road, con, 12. On motion of Mr, Real, $4 was or- dered to be paid to Mr. E. Barrett for extra work on Oentre road, 8th wed | con. On motion of Mr. Real, £4.15 was ordered to be paid to Mr. Ww. Fralick for 83 loads of gravel, On motion of Mr. Real, $7 was ordeted to be paid to Mr, Barrett for filling and repairing gravel pit ou the Brock road, con. 10, lot 6, Mr. Stretton, came lefore the Counc | he said the approaches to the bridge opp # te his property on the tovn ine of Uxbridge and Reach, re quired immediate attention, and he wade the nccessary repairs; he also removed the rolling store oT the live and took up a number of logs that protiu led ; his bill for work-is $1.50 ; be noticed to-day that the approaches to the bridge were again in need of niet which would require a 2 NY. to collect one half of the amount fron the Uxbridge Council. On motion of Mr. Weir, 80 cts was was ordered to be paid to Mr, John Burns for cedar ; also $5 for an iron plow; and $2.25 being forfunperformed statute labor for the year td On motion of Mr. Weir, $2.35 was ordered to be paid to Mr. Samuel Netherton for 47 loads of gravel, Mr. Yarnold, the township engineer laid on the table a plan of the proper hoy a wala pai Pa i Crop WEST ONTARIO. Uxbridge, July 6,~The crop out- look in this logdlity is very prowisiug. The weather for the past few days has been favorable to the crops The rain to-day came in the right time for the root crop. Haying has already com- wenced with some and the yield will be on the whole large. Spring crops are looking well and the fruit crop, with the exception of plums, will be up to if not above the average. Taken all round the crop prospect is all that could reasonably be looked for and the majority of farmers in this section ex- pect a good harvest, SOUTH ONTARIO, Whitby, July 6.--The crops in this vicinity present a gloomy outlook at present, which cause may be attribut- ed to the heavy rains in thespring. The pea crop is almost a total failure; oats heavy in acreage but badly rusted; barley is thin on the ground but well filled ; wheat, both fall and spring, is looking splendid, and some fields of fall wheat are turning already ; hay, timothy is average good, with thick heavy ULotton, while clover is very and corn, light in Réport. against the corn ripening ; mangolds, carrots and turnips are very good. The farmers are contemplating sowing buck wheat extensively on the ground which they have ploughed up--some other grain field. WEST DURHAM. Bowmanville, July 9.--It isa diffi- cult matter tor form anything likes a correct estimate of crops in this section, All the low-lying lands suffered sever ely from heavy rains in May ; hundréds of acres of peas will be resown with gua kN ETL Bro! Ge 'Brown, aged 36 years and 9 mn Deceased was din active, inte!ligent | young man, 'thorfughly reliable, he was widely known and Guite a favorite with all who knew him. The funeral which took place on Sunday last went far to prove the high estimation in which deceased was held by the general public, Having been a mewber of Canada's Own Lodge No. 9, Loyal True Blues, that Lodge took charge of the funeral and it was decidedly one of the largest, best appointed and most attractive funeral displays that has ever entered the Pine Grove Cemetery. The number, appearance and bearing of the members of the Oider as they warched along ahead of the hearse had a grand appearance. So many active and intelligent young men, in their neat and appropriate regalia, paying so marked a tribute of respect to the memory of a worthy deceased brother was an lonor to the memory of deceased, creditable alike to the heads and hearts of the brethren, and a high compliment to the noble Order which prowpts the brethren not alone to atabd shoulder to shoulder in the vities but to ear of the departing and article of death. noble True Blues cnme a large con- tingent of the ladies' True Blue Lodge of Oshawa, These intelligent and handsome representatives of the Order appeared to good advantage and added greatly to the display, The worthy sisters were in their right place in joining their brethren in paying an tribute of respect to the memory of a deceased brother. But, the exhibi- tion of brotherly love are carried still further, the remains of a worthy brother are borne to the silent grave erry, on the 7th inst., |" sacrifice. In the how | 3 Following our ' also, we are prepared Last week to write an advertisement. We were in the midst of stock taking which is now over and results ascertained. Stock taking involves a lot of trouble and turmoil, but it is the only method of rea definite results. Under all the circumstances we are thankful to say is fairly % The cold wet season Spell which lasted almost from the middle of June, seriously intertered with the turn over in some lines. These lines we have de» cided to clear even ata t sacrifice, as we niust have room for the immense stock me have purchascd for the full season. The month of July will long be remembered b; our patrons as a Bargain month. If you will look at our east window it will give you an idea of the terrible cut in prices of PARASOLS At the reduced price, we drop part of the actual cost: This has not been a season, aud we ust unload even at a big to take the loss in order to effect a clearance. We have boughs an immense range for the fall and we must have every inch of space at our dress counter. The Summer dress goods must go as we cannot think of stowing them away and wonld rather face the loss now, EPrints! Here's where reductions are most apparent, 10¢ for 8ec. All ten cent prints have been reduced to eight May tothe middle which troubls Europe, and the ques- tion of the future for the nited States is how to settle those ploblems without help from the stern agencies benefitted thereby, She purchased ed. The services on Sunday were | some from Mr. H. H. Johnstone, drog-| well attended and all appearance ind - gist, and commenced to take them and | cate for Mr. Code a pleasant and suc- has since continued to take them with, | cessful term in his new field of labor. course the surplus water should take near Epsom. The plan was no sooner boarded than 12c for 10c. A maguificent range of 12jc prints have all been reduced to 10c. buckwheat. On the higherand lighter lands crops will be a fair yield. The oats light, they are taking on a condi- and there locked away in 'earth's still bosom, there to remain till the last, awful trumpet shall awake the sleep powerless without the help of some of | the people who were elected in op- } ends : | position to it. None of these people ily th i eG A deputation consisting of Messrs. | tion of rust that will lessen the yield. ing dust ary . ; fle the i 1 N | cam a! »mse Jove; 'hich E 3 a 3 : ¢ . , A te fo her, 'wonderful results, She hud | . y he ay he to the Gove roment | which European Governments use in | Scott, Claughton, Munro, and Calder Barley and spring wheat look fairly hie brotherhood did ti bain eh Duiudh anita Oa Ee oh few baton whoo = evade | eeemeetitnm-- without breaking faith with their con | order that they may live. were before the council ; each with his| well ; fruit will be moderate, hay But the brother hood. did not eons x that we have ture: bargains in oor print des improvement seemed to be taking place. | Dogs | Dogs! stituents ; not one can help the Govern a version as to the proper course the |abundaut. tute the larger portion of the funera Tho biggest cut of all 4 in artment, | ment out of the hole without losing the partme The pains in her back and libs left Mr. OBservEr,--In a late issue of [confidence of those who elested ham. her as did the other unpleasant symp- | cortege, there was a very lnrge number of carriages following the hearse.-- Reach Council. water should take none of whom how- toms, and at the present time she is as well as ever she was and without feel. ing the tiredness and exhaustion of her former state, At her recommendation her husband also began the use of Pink Pills. About a year before coming to New- zastle he had suffered from an attack of typhoid fever, from the effects of which' be did not recover his former | astray, we did not state that there are |gelf nor upon the order or the health, His blood seemed to be thin and watery, and he was weak and easily worn out. Through all this he kept steadily at work, although be says that | the OBSERVER you gave the number of | dogs in Prince Albert ns 4, Did you | neglect to add the cipher and make 40 of it! There can be no trouble in { counting a dozen ou the street at any | time. Waren. f | To Correspondents. t Our correspondent "Watch" is little | {ouly four dogs in Prince Albert, we | | took from the Assessor's roll the names | of the only four parties 'who owned to | | the Assessor that they had a dog. If] There are certain demands upon which every man in the Opposition agrees. There is nothing to prevent every man of the Opposition uniting with all the others to secure these things, In do- ing 50 no man of the Opposition would abandon his programme; no wan would incur the displeasure of his con- stituents ; none would violate his obli- gation ; none bring discredit upon him- party which nominated and elected him." The Great Fruit Belt. -- A i The regular monthly meeting of the Reach Oouncil was held on (Monday last. All members present except Mr. Clerk Lamb, Minutes of previous weeting read and approved. ! The munications, 3 A petition of Mr. 8. Platten and 11 others was presented by Mr Weir, asking a grant on the 2nd con, Mr. Platten appeared befor fthe Council in support of the petition. Mr, F. Dure presented an account for $17.85, being one-half of thu cost read a number of com- ever seemed anxious that itshould pass through their property, After considerable discussion on the mater, the reeve said the council would before final action is taken, visit the locality. Ou motion of Mr. Stephens, Mr. Weir and the mover were appointed to asceftain the awount of" statute labor available on the 2nd con., and should they deem it necessary to ex- pend a sum not to exceed $25. On motion of Mr. Weir, $4.66 was ordered to be paid to Mr. John Tum monds, being two-thirds loss sustained Fire at Saintfield. * Fire | [Fire | Fire I' rang through the air last Friday night about 12 o'clock, when parties discovered Mr Hooper's barn and house to be all wrapped in flames. These buildings were standing across the road from where the family live. A large double barn 85x60, with contents was soon all in a red hot mass. So great was the heat that no person could go near. The house was a small frame standing | some rods away, and was fired by the same hands apparently that lit the The fair sex in all their grace and beauty were out in Inrge numbers and added the sweet influence of their presence to the funeral ceremony. The sympathy of all go out to the mourning oues, HoLuipay.--At Traverse City, on the 0th inst.,, Mr. John A. Holliday, aged 30 years, 11 months aud 15 days. - Port Perry Market, [Quotations by Messrs. A. Ross & Son.] Thursday, July 12, 1804. Fall Wheat 55¢ to 60c. "Rillinery »=- Mies Conroy leaves for her holidays August first and our stock sheet shows $400 of millinery goods on hand. Cost will be no Criterion of price ut which these goods will be sold for the next three weeks. If you want anyching in this line you have the privilege of dictating your own prices for the balance of this season. We want a ratling good trade for the balance of July and to insure it we are offer: ing Bargaios in every department, Come in and get your share. when night came he was thoroughly | people who have a dog tell the Assess-| Montreal, July 2.-- 'Some years ago | lor builging three culverts ou the'town 2 Siw fn having two lambs destroyed bin, Who the guilty parties were is Spring Wheat 55¢ to 80, Highest price ia Cash or goods for Butter wearied and depressed, not knowing |or that they have none how is he to|the natural fruit belt of the American RS ; tral. JORS. ___{ unknown, Goose: Wheat 50¢ to 530. and Eggs. how to obtain yes When his wife | know that they are lying. [continent was through New Jersey, Mr. Cowan came before the cougeil,| On motion of Mr. Real, $10.92 was Barley (8 rowsil) 0c to 40c. Vegan to feel the beneficial eflects of | Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana of the | 1° #sked to have that portion ofthe ordered to be paid to Mr, John Tum- Ryo fie. a aoe, w1e beneliols eiecso ea lM United Rint : | townline between Reach and Uxbridge | monds, being, amount expended in The Expensive Clown. Outs S10 38¢, y | Pink Pills she urged him to try them | The Fruit Garden | United States, but experience has bordering ' on Weir's pond vestdliialexcons of o 8 Fintion og Pe 7 o os Pons--Blackeye 60c to 60c, h ; | x : . : e C rin son, . Deana Bo Se and he did so. After taking three | Te | taught me that this belt has moved him 8 : posite lots 4 9. i mh op To estimate the value of Mr. Samuel Peas. Honus 5 12 350, u boxes he began to feel a wonderful | One of the most common mistakes | north and is now possessed by your Mr. Bolster presented: an account| © On wotion of Mr. Stephens, $2 was H. Blake as a political factor we have | Buckwheat 35¢ to 40c, ~ - change. The tired feeling left him mude by the owners of small gardens | Dominion," was the remark made yes- for gravel and right-of-way through his | ordered #6 be paid to Mr. John Warren | 11 to look at his exploits during the | Beans 75c to 90c, July 9. 1894 and he had a better appetite and en-| consists in the careless manner in| terday to the correspondent bya gentle- 8 8 y 8p ad Alsike Clover $4.00 to £5.00, Y 9 . property to pit in the 9th con., lot 2, recent campaign. he claimed the sum of £8.15. for cedar supplied for culvert on con. man who hastravelled all over America, 12, opposite lot 6. and who bas just reached the city from Red Clover $4.00 to 84.50, Grass Seed $15.0 to $1.50 He of joyed his food with a relish he had not | which fruit bearing shrubs and rest} the electors harangued had before. He continued taking the |are selected or rather in the entire and Mr, Meredith was elected, He harangued the electors of West Durham, and for the first in thirty- seven years a Conservative--Mr. Reid--vwas elested, He harangned the electors Kingston and Dr. Smyth was elected. We hail the visits of this bird of ill- omen, Everywhere defeat follows him, 3 : Toronto, and four Conservatives were | Coen 800 to-60c, ina) ET Pills for some time and is to-day fully disregard of the election, and any scrub an extensive tour of the Canadian ty Mandersin a » oi 3 Mr, Beal the Clark straightway elected, Fae si ins 40c to 60c. - restored to his old-time health and | bush or tree that can be picked up is] north-west and the states to the south nd sand aria dl a ¥ z h ide $0 83, . Lyre a Spe ratio Mr. D. Till, Greenbank, cai the council, he said he foun assessed for ten acres in excess of the extent of his lands ; he did blame the assessor, Mr. E. Phoenix, had in his (Till's) absence been unkind enough to misrepresent to the nssessor the extent of his lands. Mr. Till in a few remarks sat upon Mr, Phoenix with consider- able force much to the amusement of ir ed "1 the per acre for the land required for the proposed new road in 8th con., lot 4, as per the Surveyors Report, and if the offer is not accepted he will require to appoint an arbetrait- or to value the land in accordance with the statute, On motion of Mr, Weir, $21.75 wns ordered to be paid to W. E. Yarnold, D.L8, being for survey of road on the north end of lot 4, con. 8, with of pha honndagr diane Brd people' oF] Indiana and Ohio freely admitted that the fruit-prodacing qualities of their states had become nil and that Canada from east to westand northern Michigan were the fruit-growing countries of the future. "After the war the western American farmers,' he stated, "made a deal of money, but those days have | departed, never to return, and a great many of the people are looking anxious- strength. Mr. Hammill was very will- | shud buted bags ame hare sore his wife had derived from the use of | the picking, they occupy the land but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, with the | pay no rent. Half a dozen trees or hope that their experience might lead | shrubs of first-class-fruit would be of others to test the benefits to be derived greater value than a whole acre of from this wonderful rewedy. | Fubbish. We are Jled iuto these re- The gratifying results following the marks by an examination of some of ute of Pink Pills in the case of Mrs. | tbe small fruits from the garden of Hammill prove their unequalled powers | 997 energetic townsman. . Mr. O. 0. aso blood builder and nerve tonic. | Kellett where every thing in the fruit Beef £5.00 to 85.50, Pork £5.00 to $5 00, Turkeys 10c to 10¢. Ducks 8c to Be, Chickens 8c to 8c, Geese 8c to 8c, Butter 14c to 15, Eggs 9¢ to. 9, Cheese 12¢ to 120, Potatoes 30¢ to 30c, Apples 40c to 840, rr ---- There are many throughout the land | line is of the most choice quality and they are supplied to the moderate prices. suffering in silence as did Mrs. Hammill, { who can readily find relief in a course | of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They | are a specific for the trorbles peculiar | to women, such as irregularities and | all forms of weakness. They build up| T dead in avery and presented an account amounting ' i ' 150 the b ich is i a % 5 To - the blood, restore the glow of health to in her garden the present season, these the reports received in every case have On motion of Mr. Real, 7.26 was | ¢, 830 fr wok ameanUnE Impossible. You are an angel, i dy he Joust Which is fu good 4 hy 3 re. 8 ree were decidedly the best we ever saw | been eminently satisfactory. They . : . P f 3 'No, no; you ars wrong. I am an|P™ ing young rd ¢ y pale aid sallow checks driving out d y tock bought f were especially delighted with the pros ordered to be paid to Mr. Fraucis| {owpline of Reach and Whitby. idle, silly girl, utterly unfit to become SD vcut, Auytndy wishing s quot, pains in the back and limbs, weakness | 21d Were grown on stock bought from : 3 : and other disagreeable symptoms which make life a burden, They also cure such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, public at Such fruits can only be produced on choice shrubs, Mrs. | Oarry of this town, widow of the late Rev. Dr. Carry, kindly left at this office a box of cherry currants grown Mr. Kellett, Avcrion BALE.--It will be seen by ly forward to the trial" they are about to make in Alberta and other sections of the Canadian north-west. The same gentleman declared that the western Americans are sending delegation after delegation to north-west Oavada; and pects offered by Alberta for cattle and hog farming, which they profess to be able to carry on most profitably, The the Council Lamb took his seat. the spectators present, No action was taken, On motion the council adjomrned for one hour, On resuming, Mr. Bailey, for covering culvert on tne 8th con,. opposite lots 1 and 2 and supply- ing posts and building railing" and repairing culvert. plan and description ; ard inspecting watercourse on lots 7, 8 and 9, in the 6th and 7th cons , with plan and report and expenses for assistance surveying the same, Mr. Bryant eame before the council The reeve said that owing to the arrangements between the municipal ities regarding work on the townline ; Not Worthy of Him. She--*It cannot be--1I ain not worthy of you.' He--'Nonsense I' 'Jt is true, too true. your companion through life,' 'This is madness. What sort of a wife do you think I ought to have? HOUSE AND TWO LOTS For Sale, Cheap. EING on the .corner of Bigelow and Balsam streets, two quarter-acre lots. B comfortable house should apply at once to JOS, HARDILL, July 11, 1804." Port Perry, Has arrived and is being sold at WHOLESALE PRICES. J . : v 1 1 aed be would prefer that this account ' 0 y i i i partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. | the bills that Mr. Willcox has instruc- Sie geotienus likewise noticed that| "0 "lotion of Mr. Weir, $17.50 should be Pe sicd Jo the Whitby a sarviul,._euloulating, ragtiont Notice to Farmers. ar Call and inspect. Vitus' dance, nervous headache, ner-| tion from Mr. Wm. Swale, to sell by hit pi 8 rep Yas yuite 3s was ordered to be paid to Mr. F council. . Tn io: Ca ic ! JOSE sum VARI vous prostration, the after effects of la { Auction on Wednesday next, 17th |(® 10, BNY.ON'Y one week | oe per account for building: three ary. The undersigned begs to intimate grippe, influenza, and severe colds, diseases depending on humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic ery- sipelas, etc., and in all cases arising from mental worry, over-work or ex- cesses of any nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark. They are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who offers substitutes in this form is trying to defraud you and should be avoided. The publicare also caution- ed against all other so-called blood builders and nerve tonics, put up in rimilar form intended to deceive, Ask our dealer for Dr. Williams' Pink inst, at 2 o'clock, on the vacant lot east of Mr, Nichol's Drug Store, Port Perry, all his Household Furniture, &e. This is rare opportunity of securing desirable furniture, &c. at Auction prices. West Durham Victory. Blackstock, July 6.-- On Wednesday Onrtwright, the banner township of the old riding of West' Durham, which has been the fightingground of political battles for the past 50 years, has been oelebrating the victory won at the late election, when W. H. Reid, the Con- servative candidate, was elected. This behind West Virginia. This, he said, would be a surprise to a great many persons, but it was true, nevertheless. ---- Its Backbone is Broken. Indianapolis, July 9.--Gen Harrison to-day mildly criticised the proclama- tion of President Oleveland regarding the railroad strike at Ohicago. He said it was the first time in the history of the United States Government that « President had ordered Federal troops into a State without the request of the Governor of that State, and over his protest. He did not question his right to do so, however. culverts und furnishing cedar same on the townline of Scott; ti above amount being Reach's the necessary expenditure, On motion of Mr. 5 ordered to be paid to Mr. Bolst ing for right of way through Mr. al's farm and gravel furnished tion, lot 2, con. 9. On motion of Mr. Weir, £12. ordered to be paid to Mr. Thos derson, being payment in full ting in culvert and drawingd filling up the same, on con. 1, lots 12 and 13. = Mr. Martyn was heard Jin to a grant on the Nonquon the Le of On motion of Mr, Weir the Clerk was instructed to notify the Whithy Council that Mr. Btephens and the mover would meet the Commissioners appointed by that Council concerning work already done on' the townline, on July 13th at 6 p.m,, .at a place men- 5 tioned by the Olerk, The Oouncil proceeded torevise the poor list with the following result --- Jos. Edwards, $5 per month (son to pay $2); Johnston, boy $4.50; Mar- garet Murphy, $4 during winter n | months ; Mrs. Gibson, $5; Mrs. Boum- erstalk, $4; Pat Brennan, $5; y Ballard (blind) 84 ; Mrs. Oarnegie, $2; Peter Brown, 85; James Lott, $5; A story is told by a French paper of two provincials, a man and his wife, who visited the Louvre, in Paris. 'What struck you most at the Louvre? asked oneof their friends, when they retorned home and began to tell of the wonders they had seen, 'Ob,' replied the husband, 'a picture which represented Adam and Eve, with the apple and the serpent,' And his excellent wife chi in: 'Yes, we found that very interesting, because you know, we knew the anecdote." d Jersey Boy (leudly)-- 'Hurry up, Jim, and call him a thief before he calls A to the farmers of this district that he has just purchased a new Threshing Machine from the Works of the Me- Donald M'fg Co , Stratford, which has all the latest appliances for threshing grain as it should. It is so constructed that iu threshing peas it does not split them. Orders for threshing solicited. F. A. BAILEY. Blackstock, July 11, 1894, To School Trustees. HE SCHOOL TRUSTEES of the town- ship of Reach are hercby notified that their application to have their School BOOTS & SHOES (Our Own Make) at One Dollar per pair. Cheaper than any other place in the Dominion, sar All work sewed Free of Charge on Friday. A. SOPER Port Perry, June 13, 1884. AUCTION SALE ------ OF Valuable Farm Pry in the Town- 2 : sscssment placed on the Collector's Roll ship of Cart' t, in the County > . d - ba hs 4 : Mrs. Mills $2.50; Thos. Tucker and you one. for the prisent t be made to th ili for Puls. People and retusa all oon Cn he ame el totes cor raniros weyten | * Mr. Netheston same wife, $2.50; Mrs. Lane, $3; D.| Shocked Mother--ohnny! Johnny! | Clerk wet later thao. the Orit ox Avauss of Durham. i acd su u 1 v © makes »_sulifue of treatment compar atively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. always upheld the standard of the party lived, as nearly every'auch place had flags or other decorations hanging out. At Hampton and again at Enniskillen roads claim they are less than one which left here Saturday night, under the protection of the troops, was heard from at 7 o'clock last night, 50 miles Council regarding payment poration ; also $2.90 to Mr. Camplin for 58 loads of gravel sy ed the corporation, Downey, $5 ; Mrs. Watson, $2. he wou!d not do this, but would the offices open until he tested nion of the House on the sub- 8till the position of the old What are you boys doing out there? that cannot have been much in the company of woman. 8he--1 rode down in the same horse Previous to the next mecting of Council, to held of Monday, the 13th of August now certain mortgage 'which will be produced at' the sale, the following property : The South half of Lot Number ht in the First Coucession of the Township of | additions were made'to the procession, | west of Jamestown. The train was On mation of Mr. Taub, 2 : is 80 precarious and the pressure | 08 With you yesterday, : Cartwright, soataining One Hundred Acres which at Burketon was met the | proceeding with its reg ou or Pr ras, 3 circumstances so acute, that his| ~He--S8trange I didn't see you. The following improvements are said to crew, : i or 8 a a tio efforts to keep the Opposition- She--Not at all. You were sitting be on the premises ; House. Barn, Stable Memphis, Tenn., July 9.--Thestrike| On motion r. Weir, 84 § hine can be understood. down: and Outhouses, also « small Orchard. in Memphis is practically a thing of passen, to day it is expected there will be no interruptions. ordered to be paid to Mr. John Hock On motioc of Mr. Btephens, oe uly 9.--~The men in way yards bave struck. Whether on pleasure bens, or business, gh : Terms. --Ten per cent. of the the past. Yesterday nearly every | being payment in full for 16 When Traveling to be paid to the Vendor's ger train went out on time, and | cedar supplied the corporation. oo the day of sale. For the balance terms will be made known at the sale. Eikunaks and PAT sociope vo ooo Eh lame Brock- | force, o : ing legi HERE will be sold {subject to a reserv: These pills are manufactured by the | hae, and aecordii turued out in full | hundred men short. furnished on the townline E. i pine Johnny--'We are playing legislature. : IB RE a suid to ect ie i : i ¢ \ i r i i i 3 : i oad + = ot next. : vila, On Sees, es NX! ville rd Per Ohlone Miteamenc§ Pi rll wy to Mr. Th Fhe patrone will Trt note that | _Te~Yousse the oly woman Ihave Vai Weenie clerk, | Saturday, July 14, 1894, i y > i. ¥ "A i . 3 ) pon of all druggists or | o'clock, accompanied by the Dominion | Minneapolis & St. Loui lines resumed | for cleaning out gravel pit, on cope] ver is agein Having 2 Sewers She--Do you expect me to believe Manchester, July 10, 1894. at Two o'clock iin the stternotey organ band and a number of friends | freight traffic from this point yesterday. | opposite Jot 24. eon, - ng i. ! usry that 1 3 - > Gallagher's Hotel, i the from that town, started for Blackstock, | The St. Paul and Duluth also resumed | On motion of Mr. Real, $1.1 abou roitly pushing his Heol do... 1 swear it is true Village of Burketon be prio y hich hose pi Roar hi ew nor a g the rund ' Treizkt rahe ordered to be paid to Mrs. Hr Wel - gr io. IF be Sho-- Then 1 believe yon. Any man : "Po f Sal rained fnn : price tw pills are 00d | was easy to tell 'whers & vative | The Northern Pacific overland train | for 34 loads of gravel-supplied the : ) Pol who would expect a woman to believe by virtue of Power of Sale con ordered to be paid to Mr. Kni = take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of For further particulars to v INOPPORTUNE DEMANDS. ing amount expended in Ry ne Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and F. LE A OLD, ; en aE 7 Sie ers Gali alin Tut le 1 ogy Fob DD Cr os -- paid Ndr E 8: <Tosy salied on A) oid eI ot at aitkacay. Potente Asctionest, ght an . yards. ! i named Skinner in a i : sppoi for 144 feet of cedar. : in 75c bottles by all lending druggists ppv of ed oy oe ploy Oh Toso os ho Selling 'Bim. thay had bees re. Bersiasiored by the Oallfornia Fig Hi in to-day and a and Syrup only. : : ah grievances, gp Trudy for the | street, ; restoration of a ten per cent, ut made Peoria, 11, J

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