Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Jun 1894, p. 2

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- sem NORTH ONTARIOOBSERVER PORT PERRY, JUNE 7, 1804. To the Editor of the North Ontaris Observer | Loyal Truo Blue As Sin, --At the uibeting held Inst The 20th annual on' night in the town hall, Mr. Dryden |Lodye of Lofal True Blues pened in the Orange hall, To a e possibility is that we shall have we settled Saar The long spell 'tain demoralized trade considerably, for the mouth of May did. reach the point antisipated. Un: der the circumstances we are griteful for the turn over we were enabled o make and now fit fine has sof in we look for big ts this month. We trust crops not bebn seriously damaged and Put soon the hopeful and buoyant 3 . ol "The Wicked Partner." At Brantford. the other day Mr done towards decreasiag the traffic," that Ontario 6,185 licenses, while in 1893 there wera only 3,369." Let us see whut Sir Oliver Mowat's Administra tion has really 'done. In 1874 there were in Ounturiee dt is true, 6,185 liccoses. That was the year of the great. Ohio crusade and of such an ac- celeration of the temperance reform ation as this continent had never be- held. Tn 1875, without any change in the law, the mumber of licenses in Ontario fell to 5,818, a reduction of 367 in one year. Had there been no change in the law the growing temper- ance sentiment would doubtless have continued to effect a reduction. The pressure of publig. opinion. compelled the Government to take action, and the Crooks act Was. passed. . In 1876 the pumber of licénges under the oper- tion of that act fell to 3,038,) and in i va Se. rol E: gin 1 ¥ard for several years they were allow: ecia. en Car-lod to increase. In 1878 the number 2 ggest barza we have! gee to 3,715, iu 1876 04,020 in 1880 et steack. Parasols, Gloves und |i; £049, aud in 1881 to 4,133. Be osiery will be in active demand for | tween 1876 and 1893:the decrease has the next month. We are showing [cen ouly from 3,360--n difference of great variety and excoptional values, |307, That is to say, tlie redaction in « S the past sixteen years; ander the Crooks which characterized that early part of the seasan will be restored. -- We were never in better shape to serve ; the public. OUR STOCK fy will complete. In fact many im" t lines scarcely show a break, -- he season is somewhat advanced this is the cause of anxiety and prices have been squeczed down considerably. 'have just recvived another supply 3 t Vest for ladies. For been out of our 25¢ p ? el act with Mr. Hardy behind it, has been less than in the one year 1874-5 when the people were attending to the Hardy declared, "4s indicating what Sir Oliver Mowat § Adwinixtration had liquor "iu 1874 there were in when called on to explain his own | , A y day of this week, and the Ontario Government's treat-| gorald in the chair. ment of Brofessor Shaw of the Guelph seuliet the Grund Muster -| Agricultural College dared to nccuse| He contrasted the large Af the gentleman whom they had so wrongfully dismissed onthe report of the present session with the a Commission of their own hired lodges were in existence and | million dollars will hardly cover the -| The waters are still rising, and as the | warm a! of restoration, Four Million Dollars. Vancouver, B.O,, Juve 4,--Four present loss by the Fraser river flood, and there is yet no sign of abatement. weather continues melting the snow in the mountains, there 1s no im- mediate prospect of beginning the work One prominent railway official thinks the lose of life will reach A HURON OO, MIRACLE. An Old Lady's Story of Deep Mrs. Robert From tLe Goderich Star. has been republish articles from var- ions papers in Canada and United «® Lodge meeting of the order h vineteen years ago, when oreatures, with virtual or actnal em- bezz'ement, So fur as the public is aware such a charge was never hinted | at while Mr, Shaw remained in Canada and it was utterly unworthy even of the man who wished to impose upon the Governor General by exhibiting a diseased calf - already condemned to isolation by Veterinary experts and to risking the health of the whole herd, and doing incalculable injury to all farmers and stock raisers in our coun- try. I repeat sir, it was mean and unmanly to the last degree in thus assailing the character of an absent gentleman in regard to whom the Session of Kuox Ch 4 [coPY oF ADDREsS.] Tux Session oF Knox Crurc, Gurren, To Professor Shaw, Ruling Elder, Dear Sir and Brother,-- We gratefully and glad y avail ourselves of this opportunity of assuring you of our high estérm and warm affections. Asa Christian gentleman your conduct has always been such ns to com- mand respect and inspire confidence. As an officer of this church we have found in you a valuable colleague, Your wisdom 2 | tie members to unite in > 1 he speaker contended that] legates composed the Grand® Grand Master gave the yearly tho order until the present then called upon the members to fully the conduct of the Domi ment and the Dominion memb ment in matters aifeoting He Qutied of Protestar ts generally every phase of the Manitoba school question, so that whe should come they might onhesi e all candidates who failed ot to the principles of civil and} liberty. The Grand Master then that Separate Schools had been this Province, and that many 8 leges had since been granted hy Government to Roman Catholic se contended that inferior text book#! issued to suit the priesthood of Seperate School supporters h up unfairly to Public Scliool suf that the class of teachers and inspection were all specially favol Church of Rome. An appeal Wi 100, though conservative estimates are not so high. Bridges, trestles, tunnels and tracking along the Canadian Picific have gone and the company has over 92,000 men at the scenes of danger day and night. From Reve'stoke to the sen, 380 miles, the railway is now a watery waste. The last point above Vancouver which now can be reached %lis Ruhy oreek, 82 miles distant. Thence all is water. Masqui, Mission, Chilliwack, Hatzic and Langley prairies and the towns of Harrison, Centreville, v Langley, Ohilliwnck and Mission are all under water, and not a farm huild- ing 18 left standing, Fully 10,000 cattle shave perished. The blockade was broken Saturday for the first time by a steamer from Ruby creek to War. 0 Passengers on the deluyed ) t through. of members to ghe 'vote for the re| 0 privileges to Roman --_---------- Past Grand Master Milne, Grand Organizer of the Ancieiit Order of United Workmen of this Province, paid Scugog Lodge, No. 104," Port Perry, a fraternal visit on the evening of the 30th ult, and delivered a lec- tare in open lodge on " the Aims 'and Oljeo:s of the Order" demonstrating to the wembers and visitors the grand sccured a much lurger sha than they were entitled to. there was a proponderance of Roman Cath: ol n the Dominion Government sel hy and demanded that suitability for the posi- tion and not sectarian influences shou the requisite qualification for ofice. € it was given the lady members of the orden for their work in caring for the orpaan childfen of Protestait parents. - A number of ques- tions of interest to the lodge were then dealt with, States recounting miracles in healing, {and asked how far th Interest to Others. by ft. For upwards of three years the Star wrought, often in forlorn cases, by the use of the preparation know as Dr. Willisms' Pink Pills for Pale People. A more or less intimate acquaintance with the publisher of several of the newspapers warranted us in believing that the cases reported Ly them were not overdrawn or exaggerated ndver- tisements, but were published as truth ful statements of remarkable cures from human ills worthy of the widest publicty, that other sufferers might be lenefitted also. For some time past we have heard the name of Mrs. Robert Bissett, of Colborne township, mentioned as one who had experienced great benefit from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills after years of painful suffering, ious to know ww without hesitation or reserve Mr. Bis- sett launched into praise of Dr. Wil- linms' Pivk Pills, which he snid had a most wonderful effect in relieving his wother from the suffiring of a bed- den invalid, crippled by rheumatisoy, and enjoyment of a fair degree of health and activity for a person of seventy years of age. 'See her your- FN es No Brigade There are to be no Brigade cam; held in June and that in all probabili- ty none will be held this year. Some time ago a general order was issue fixing the corps that were to goin camp this year. On the strength of this officers and men belonging 'o such corps as had been selected began making arrangements and plans for going into m 3 'man, a ch rights, and & board of health. It | honest advisor. It warns you a frauds, and tells you the best place to Have the to say in reply to the ng wholesale personation in the las: general Provintia! electic Wht i a Tool newspaper aperon, a defender of Jou buy goods. It rejoices with you when you need a comforter, It is the guar- dian angel of your moral, intellectual and physicial health. It sticketh closer than a brother, Therefore re- member it, anl go not in pursuit of strange gods. 'Rev. George J. Lowes, The Rectory, Almonte, Ont., writes : 1 must ask you to send me another bottle of your invaluable medisine. I think your last bottle has cured me en- tirely, but some members of my family, whose cases are worse than mine, insist on my getting some more. Indeed we all think it an indispensible article in the household. The official temperance organ, the Royal Templar, had this to say :-- * Willinm Ralph Meredith, leader of wed iis p. Now, after keeping the officers and men in auspense, just two wecks before the usual date on which the Brignde camps are formed, the Minister of Mili- tin states that there will be no camps in June. A MATTER OF ECONOMY. The estimates covering the cost of these annual camps, he says, have been laid before the Honse and he supposes that if the camps are not held the Gov- ernment will justify their action on the ground of economy. . The matter will be brought up in the House in a few days. Mr: Eddy, who resides near New- castle, has quite a curiosity on his place. While looking through a piece of woods he came across one of his turkey hens the "barn, he went to look and found the partridge but as soon as the turkey came back it took possession again and the partridge bad to retire. - The hatching of the nest will be anxiously watched for, to see which bird the young ones will follow. | sibility His scathin oul rageous administration of the license system is well deserved.' To the Dairymen and Farmers of Ontario and ham: Counties. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup cures and removee hare had a tremendous drop and have watter themselves, For such mercies | and grace have been most helpful to us and | Grand Secretary N. Ingram present . | work the Society has accomplished in | self," he said, 'I am sure she will freely | worme of all kinds in children or adults. H Guvhususg, Remotes when the ouch a the fowvst int iu tweits | =" hope the temperance Cohorts are | we thankfully acknowledge that this con- | ed his report showing that ins the year | the past in relieving the distress of | tell you all about her case, and yon | Price 25c. Sold by-all dealers. orn, Jy somes, that 1 have the ex- Suche i st pam ents devoutly thankful. --Ex. gregation in 'which you have always taken [21 new lodges had beenf opened, wd that | widows and orphans of deceased breth- | can judge how much she cwes to Pink| The latest tirade to imitate the olusive right fo manufacture and sell years. Think of the liviiest interest owes much of its pros | the net increase of membership, after allowsl 0&1 0 Order The Guthrie Patent Texas Horn Fly | etre [Fre Patron Still Pursues Him. | { "There appears | commotion m Sir Oliver's riding just At last election be was clected but this year times 30 lbs NICE BRIGHT SUGAR now. hy mncclamation, perity to your counsels. As teacher of a la: go Bible Class you have occupied a most | useful position and have discharged your | duties with singular efficiency. It is to ns to he considerable [a matter of deep regret that you are about | credit of that fund. In the courseef his re: | to remove from this City and Province and | we are painfully conscious of the loss which | your removal will involve to us and to those who have been favored with your ministry The lecture occupied about an hour in its delivery after which sixteen applicants presented themselves for initiation, Past Grand Master Milne next conferred the Junior and Master Workmane Degree on the newly initiated entitling them to a ing for all deductions, was 1,300. Fifteen beneficiary members had been removal by death, and afte paying the beneficiary claims there was a baluuce of about $1,3¢0 to the port the Grand Secretary referred in appre= ciative terms to the work of the ladies in connection with the orphanage, Pills. I an sure that it 18 owing to them that ghe is alive to-day, Acting on this cordial invitation, the reporter drove out to the well known Bissett homestead. Mss. Bis- sett was found enjoying an afternoon's visit nt the residence of a neighbor, doctors and the lawyers and ask for legal® restriction of competition is the undertakers, A Lill is. now before the New York Legislature providing that nobody can practise the art, trade, mys- tery or business of undertaking unless he has been examined "and licensed by Trap. It is easily managed, and by passing your cattle through the trap three times per week, it will keep them free from this terrible scourge, -- For particulars see Farmers' Advocate of December, 1893, by letter, or per- lh I 1 Refo 6 i wo el ----e Beneficiary Certificate; in most cases of | Mrs, Robertson, She laughingly greet- | a commission of those already in the sonally to H. CANN ive chinngad. form meetings huve | We have sympathised sincerely with your $2000 each The very low cost of |ed the reporter with the assurance rofession, If the fossic d + ' Fw Tedd for went] - |in the trying ordeal through which yo i istri \ Ca? eng. Jie Yow ' ie, FPO : ge Lp E107, he. professions and : For One Dollar. | heen he 4 f Pens ¥ two months : Mr. jo y rn Srey Itong heh you Methodist District « Meeting. oltaining an insurarca in this Society | that she knew what he had come for | trades unions had their way a revolution Bowmanville, Ont, JA lore posal ing, hos an | shat you have been treated most uvjustly| mye istrict meeting of the Methodist should be a strong inducement to all|as her son had told her the day she would soon be necessary on this cou. | =------ te . vo! . it should lay | ARMiculture Rr Lis no -|and that the institution with which you| be tele cm vn Th adn LW, vishi t ide for their families | w i rn what wanted, and! tinent to eatablisk jority's rig 5 ' k Every vue 'who ean afford jt should] Jay | fortunately for the Minister, at Kintore | have been 80 honourally and nse folly an church took place on Tucsdayland Wedues- | ¥ISHINg 10 provic DF, ne was 'in town what, was wahled, 80 ie lish the majority's right | HOME. SEEKERS' EXCURSION TICKETS 7 Vel nd a barrel of : : Sta harrel, of Yellow and n ba [ the meeting went strong against him. sociated must suffer seriously through the day of last week in this place, thedistrictimeet | in case of death to take advantage of although she hind no" wish to figure in to earn a living Will be sold hy the Chicago, Mil- Granulated before the price advanoes. | : ' I sdveranes of your connect vith § Ve | 10g proper.taking place on Welncaday, Rev, | the very favoralle conditions offered | the newspapers she was quite willing| Gentlemen,--I have used your Yellow z : {Sir Oliver hiwself is to make a tour, | "© your connection with it. We | got Cade, Whithy, occupiid thie chai® {i this excelle tere Pelian % aes To Lhe. h y y ! waukee & St. Paul Railway on May {and it fo anid that Mr, Hurdy and othon| are quite unable to understand how a TE. Sandeteom actadas secretary. by this excellent society. Polices of to tell the facts in her case, 'It is| Oil and have found it unequalled for burns, | gy), 4d May 29th, 1894, from Chiange | Ministers are hastening to the rescuc. 3 | The cause of all the uproar is the Pat- | ron movement. Their candidate is an We are in the market this season and [active young man, well known all over y 8 n, we want the county, and is said to be powerful Ys p | Government professing to be wise and | righteous could be a consenting party to a procedure so grossly at variance with simplest elements of justice. We rejoice that God has provided for you a sphere of labor in which we trust your talents will find upfettered.scope. Our earnest wish is | Rev. J, G. Wilmott, Prince Abert, to the {Hor { and Rev Rev. Juno. Harrie, Greenwood, was appoint ed to the Conference stationing conimittee, $1000 or $2000 can be obtained at a maximum cost of not over eight dol lars per $1000, and up to the present history of the society it has not reached that amount. Since argani- zation in Port Perry, $14000 have been Sunday school committ Wetherill, Myrtle, to the committees. It was found that the membier- ship of the church in this district had suffer- about mine years,' she said, 'since [ was first taken down with jrheamatism and for seven months T lay helpless mn bed unable to raise or turn myseif. I doctored with local physicians and I suppose the treatment I receiy ed help- ra calds : sprains, & Ba oe: to: St. : Pau). Minneapolis, Oman, Sioux City, Kunsas City, and points heyond at practically. one fare for the round trip. Excursion tickets will be good for return pnssage thirty All who usc it recommend it. Montreal, Que, A desperate effort is, if possible, to be made for Mr. Harvey by bringing Sir Oliver Mowatinto this constituency. : Sods rich bless ; 5 i days frog date of sale, bat are good ly supported. Mucli 'sympathy is felt | that God's rich lessing may rest upon you | oq i ; i ding i . ; Well, let Sir Oliver come, by all means. | G*Y# from ' E rted, dv Simable fumilv ip + Pe ed a loss of three hundred during the year, paid to widows residing in town. W.led me for I was able to go around LA re iy v : ; a 10,000 1bs. for*8ir Oliver, and a couple of young | Our ors ep a Ai Sd | but this was fully made up by addtionsss Af Bond, Master Workman. Mr. Missmphell's friends have so fear For going Passage only. on dts of alr, lawyers of Woodstock have discovered lively discussion took place on the super again for quite a long while, until an- of the effects of his ! 3 3 ¥ "oratory" For farther particulars address an good, clean merchantable wool for the faet that Mr. Horsman is a farmers' no re a io our hentey anuuation fund, and on motion of the Jay- SY other attack came on, and for two people. The Premier -- itd -- ne Coupon Ticket Agent in the United . a . Sy I Mr. $ Signe resoluti , a ou fem im RN . = oN $ 4 A i 9 : wo tee 8 which the highest price will be paid fire insurance agent, ergo they say he ROBERT J. BEATTIE, men a resolution was passed reaffieming the Hespeler, Ont, June 3. John | years I was aga'n laid up, never being | 4 old gentleman, with whom no ene | States or Onnada, or address A. J. in cash ant trade. Bring slong your is not a farmer, But the Patrons have Moderator. desirability of supporting this fund, but at Wehner, jr, aged about 28, of this able to put a feot under me, or« help TavLor, Canadian Pass, 2 R ri NG : the same time expressing the belief that| . air fo : Hy cares to quarrel, and a most astute old Agent," 87 Wool, Butter and Eggs. Ye pay acted without legal advice on this go- | SAMUEL HODGSKIN, Clerk. modifications of the scheuss were necestiya] tillage, who has been missing sinee myself in any way. 1 tried every-lp on jeman, too. But his platform | York St, Toronto, Ont. ed them ever) day in the eek: | aasion, at which the two young wen Done in Session Sept. 20th, 1893. Rev. Ji T. Caldwell "took char eof he Thursday Just, x found dend ie the thing, bless you-- actars, nthe, lini-| Cfforts contain more soporific than C or . . . - v : e 9 mict- S Ti 3 5 r $ adici x aE x ep i Go 0 3 OULU (SS) Lem fie oi 7 0 EE eo 0 Sep rt et i i Lo Lt OV ry be a P! 3 J o k ut o Ine + 3 3 a Tx warts hroat cut, as Iving | suffered a great deal, Leing troub Irendy learned.-- Orillia Packet uD. |npparently know their own business, | between an impesched M. P. P. and | matters are in very good shape. Repdrth of Ein 0 i already learned. ritha Packet. land some say the province may look Ohtrch © P 3 ca gevoral work" from Whithy, Port Petry," his tance, R razor and small looking also with asthma, Bvt although I Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry Prixer-BARRAND--At the residence of the | for ae Eras a surprise ns In North a Church Oouncil of disinterested Columbus and Greenbank were specially ch: glass by his side. The coroner decided | finally got on my feet agnin 1 was 00t] cures Dinhhae, Dysentery, Cramps, Colic, brides futher, Pembroke, Ont., on Wed: Bence or East Lambton Christian men, couraging. Mr. Js 3, Barnard wh y, | that no inquest was necessay. No|alle todo anything, and could get Cholera Morbus, Cholera Tufantum, and ull nesday, 6th iste Mr. Henry £. Prince, | 4 " brought forth a resolution expredsiug the | cayse can Le given as to why Wehner ly with the help looseness of the howels. Never travel withs| Youngest son of our respected townman, : en J "Ji Ah ole Pinte Jaeh | opus hut he ley ahouh theo Bail om en Sha al TE Fri 6s bie. Jace Pino, to Mia R. A. Barrand Hamilton Spectator :-- When a few name, {akes away a pearl which nau took hia life. day disconrses direct' more at someone and leaning on a chair which Eh ene | on ve been married Wednesday next th !d push | me, B d| The publisher of the Port Hope| Th i was conduct. Jane 5, 1894. x iui ord | riches him, and makes me poor indeed." children, which was assentes "n 1 Way next. hey would push fore ine By and The P F [he marriage ceremony s months 8 Sir Oliver's wicked part AN INDIGNANT ELECTO laymen were appein a lr by 1 vised to try Dr. Williams Guide omen gent for | od with fine taste and the intelligent hr probit fe eat some people. Those Who knew him well were not astonished, They knew that Mr. Hardy was quite willing and ready to profess to be anything that might attract votes. But those who koew him just well enough t2 know that he had never shown any previous Took out for Sna ps [Hd Deeg, Toop 30 ERAS a ene Standing of Senior II Class for the month of May. Number of marks obtainable 550. Willie Rae, 510; Pearl Crandell, 493; Sam McMillan, 484; Luella Kelley, 470; Pearl Whitmore, 465; Ethel Hil, 460; Willie Hicks, 456 ; Nellie Clark, 458 ; Dor- man Corban, 447 ; Fred McLean, 446; Muricl In SUGAR, symptoms of prohibition, were aston-| of Brantford are rather suspicious that | day those of the Brantford probibi- | tionists who are Grit first, last and all the time, got up a little meeting for the alleged conversion of Mr. Mowals| wicked partner. Paxton, 427; Lavina Campbell, 421 ; Lewis Dinsmore, 410 : Willie Leask, 408: Andrew 9 ; Ethel Turner, § in whiten own A Rovds. Cade, Harri " he Ly y E Hill, Whitlock lly Sand ] day night on a Grand Trunk examination of C. W. Reynold train, made an unte-mortem statement to be very satisfactory, and he tecom- | yesterday, that his companion, a de- mended for ordination, having completed | tootive named James Maxwell, of the his- four years. W. F. Wickett was nd: | ~ : y . vaneed to the fourth year of ti aud | Grand Trunk railway, was in collusion sent to college for another year. A motion | With the sharpers, and had practionlly was passed returning a hearty vote of thunks | ordered them to kill him. Newcombe legates during the meeting Before adjouin- | Standing of Junior IT Class for the month | of May. Number of marks obtainable 480. | Finest Moore, 432; Hector Philp, 42 Nettie Raymes, 346 ; Ethel Raymes, 338; Dora McKinley. 32 i | accord to him on this the eve of his departure pastor of Whithy tabernacle, and in worthy | hired as detectives have done little or on's. d pse, and when I felt they were helping me. 1 con- tinued them quite a while, improving gradually until now Iam as you sce me, 'although I have not taken them for couple of months, I can now go against an accident or a mis-step, and Pink Pills did it. Mrs. Bissett has heen a woman of recognition of his wise counsel 'and admin- nothing towards arresting the ecoun- istrative ability, his manifest kindness and | | tecti nT Iti interest in the brethren Jay and eleiic, in |©"*'8 OF protecting paasci. gers, 18 In the Argentine republic four or five | to another field of labor, our high esteem | vonrg ago it wns estimated there was a great' activity and industry, and is possessed of an unusually bright and years in this'eounty she hns seen many changes, and to her. patient toil and is some nth tly received jud EC hoaent [4 "highly interesting group of the young, the fair and gay of that eter- prising town gave proof of their appre. cintion of the proceedings, i is paper sed." Jutle Ketchum was very severe upon this species of dishonesty" The publisher also got costs. | For Cholera Morbus, Cho'era Infantum, The young and handsome couple are Cramps, Colic, Diarvhaw, Dysentery, and Summer Complaint Dr. Fowler's Extract of Willd Strawberry is a prompt, safe aud sure entering the matrimonial state young in years but with every prospect of a 5 : A ee 3 eh 8 " «| cura that has been a ular favorite fi ' i 3 |ished at his sudden. conversion, But | McEwighs n Avior PD oub to Hey, Ln Hill and bia Port Lewy con | gayg Maxwell offered him a share of found alone, and sitbouzh I sways over 40 years, Pep rite for | long and prosperous Hie tageth r. All | it seems that the prohibitionists of | Erimble, § \arace Hoss, gregation for bospitality extend the de- | the proceeds of the confidence games, cep my stick with me to guard acquainted with them sincerely wish g It is to be hoped that the Russian Robson, 334; Bertie Bunton, 326; Helen | ing the following resolution was unanimous. | but he refused, and he made oath that : A thistle whick=3 engl on | long and bappy life to the active groom Mr. Hardy's covversion isnot quite | Stewart, 305 » Ethel Deshave, 278; Almer | ly passed : "Moved by Rev. J. T. Caldwell, | he believed this refusal led to the shoot- Tonn safely say I am wondurfully im.) thistle which-is wavaging Dakoth | i'yiq gui, intelligent bride. genuine, They seem to be of the | Caw hur Ebbels, 274 ; Schirley | seconded by Rev. J. CO. Wilmott, that inline. A bad state of affairs has existed proved from the use of Pink Pills. - 1} Nebraska, v OWA, MAY NO ake 3 : : : | McLaughlin, 187 ; Eva Christian, 174 ; Roy | view of the termination of the three years' | ted | im no longern helpless burden and | root in Manitoba and our Northwest. a opinion that he is not exactly a thor- |g, 5 >harlie C eg res i i i : ¥ for a long time on all the ronds runnin » P : oe arper, If Charlie Carnegie, 134 ; Fred | period of chairmanship of our highly esteem- B . Ef on shi Many counties have been abandoned onghbred ccld water wan. The other | Roberts, 105. oe |B and genial pei Rew. . Cade, | from the east into Chicago and the men 2hre 00 my children that: 1. was, and y Port Perry Market. by settlers on ncecount of it, and it is computed that no less than 70,000 square miles of the best grain lands are covered with it. [Quotations by Messrs, A. Ross & Son.] Thursday, June 7, 1894, Fall Wheat 55¢ to 58. - o sing 3 .w | Fred McKenzie, 410 ; Florence Nott, 400 + Aan i Rd ' a purpose of endorsing the new |} he a S20 3 noe Nott, 4 b cement of the disty 1 view | charged that some of the detectives|'. . ' : Spring Wheat 55¢ to 58c. hampion 'of prohilition. They had | Nora Collins, 398 ; Etta Hall, 301 ; Katic | nf (he moral amiritoal. El er | R od th dence | Vivacious mind ; she is a great render| Burdock Blood Bitters cures all diseases Chose Wheat 0c to 52. p p . y | Widden., 301 larence MeKinie q of the general spiritual prosperity of the | have not only protected the confidence 1 talk . tl \ x . f the blood f 3 the necessary resolutions all ready, cut | aud od Prad Q " i Eval oharches our Almighty God has been please. | un hut actually furnished them in- and talks with all the charming inter- | of the llood from a common Pimple to the | Burley (6 rowed) 30¢ to 380. and dried. But thers were prohili } Moa id iy dred Aral, | ed to grant ue. Resolved, that we the | fo Nh ti tually Turis est of one of the old time mothers in| ores Joroiulots, Shite or Dloers. Skin | Rye 50¢, i . e a= | Mol y 905 5 r , 36: | % 35 : 4 | for: on, | Di 'ches 230 tionists there who took no stock in the | Kennedy, 350; Norman members of this district meetivg, heartly | 1077 HOD Israel. In her long residence of 48 | roetscks s, Blotches and all Blood | Oats 33 to 84c, Humors cannot resist its healing powers, Peas--Blackeye 60c to 60c, Peas--Mummy 55¢ to bbe, ¢ An estimnte has been prepared of peas--Small Bae to 550, town's | and chiistian love, and pray that the Lord's | | These po'nted to | Morish, 316: De ? q James Morish, 316; Della Emmerson, 312; | still greater blessings may ever rest upon | actions by Mr. Hardy which were not Harold Bowerman, 311; thé exempted property in New York | Buckwheat 3 to 40¢, wheat producing aren of at the outside [untiring labors may be attributed Louis Roberts, |: m 4 2 ' . " ™ ma ' he bi : ¥ y a , erts, | im» The venerable Rev. § ©. Philp, sen., | 500,000 acres ; now there are more h. of the eperity and beauty | State, and the total foots up to the | Beans 75¢ to 7c, -onsistent with his professions, and a {803 ; Howard Tummonds, 278; Katie | ; ioti her i much ol the: prosperity Ane ran J ike Clover 85 and SO A P lively disco; sion ao the upshot | Balfour, 271 ; Thos. Stewart, 255 Bertie | pronounced the benediction: than 7,000,000, and it looks as though | (yooh ju characteristic of the old enormous sum of $750,000,000, aut of Abriks Cloves STAD to $0,001 of being that the meetirg wroke npn | Bartley. 238 rt, 2 Flora Th ina few years there might be double ly o ociand n total assessed value of §3,500,000,- | aes Seed $2.00 to $2.50 Irvin, 2 3 Eva Baheock, 105; Alice Burn: | Next week at the RED FLAG one car of | disorder and the cut and dried resolu- | ham, 183 ; Emma Mills, 164. Redpath's No. 1 Extra Sugars. Also Tea | and Soap to be sold at prices which will open the eyes of purchasers. Weekly arrivals of BOOTS AND SHOES the rush being mo Treat that it necessit: weekly orders to keep up a good assor tions were not carried, | eet eeems A | Mr. Short, of Bengrave, was in town, Lost axp Fouxp --On Monday last { Edith Rue, 75: Albert Quackenbush, Results of Examination in History, Fourth Class, Public Schools. Maximum ¥alue 100. Maude Kyle, 76 ; Letetia Campbell, 75 ; 73; 71; Samuel Graham, 73; Nellie McGill, "Don" in Saturday Night, sars =| that extent, which is only an example W. O. Van Horne has also be n|of what is taking place in some other kuighted, There may be prople whol parta of the world. will say that he has not been a Can- | bottom 4s out of the market. | qi , | | dian very long: It matters mot. W. | ™ : MiLLiseRyY at Cost, dur 0. V bee! thing | BF , d C.. Van Horne lus not anything | mouth of June, at Mrs, Billings Dr, Williams' Piok Pills are a per- feet blood builder and rerve restorer, No wonder the curing such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partinl paralysis, locomotor ing the ataxia, St. Vitus' dance, nervous head '"Mi!-' nche, nervous prostration and the tired 000. Geo. P. D icon, a Cartwright hoy, wag nominat d for West Toronto for the Ontr ~io | egislatur>, but modestly declined? be honor. Corn 50¢ to 50c, Sheepskins 40¢ to 50¢ Wool 16¢ to 17¢, Hides §2 to §3, Beef £5.00 to $5.50, Pork $5.00 to $5.00, Turkeys 120 to 12¢. bent. Li ; Ida Walker, 71; Kuthleen McMechan, 70 ; | very long; his rise from messenger boy | { ; NS Rf eacverieh] Ducks 10¢ to 10c, and after transacting his twee | ; 71; Kathleen McMechan, 70 ; | RE 27 Ninery™ Store, feeling therefrom, the after effects of | - tBIGNT vl £1¢ver:zbleap| | E Goudy, 70 ; Fr Mole s pe : ee Ya ar ' ¢ 4 Chickens 8c to 8c, A. SOPER. | sturted for Lowe, he had proceeded bert Nott. 635 htedic Weilond, 061 Myvile in a telegraph officé has | npid, la grippe, diseases depending on hum ite, ith g at the noe, etc. Lr. | UO" 8c, Port Perry, May 23, 15894. | but a short distance when he discover- m-- ed he was minus his pocket-book which | contained a sum of movey in bills and Mortgage Sale ' other papers; he returned at once in | order to advertise the lost property Bowerman, 62 ; Lila Meharry, 60; Bessie MeClintock, 60 ; Lewis Bowman, 60; Richard Avis, 56; Lorne McAlpiv, 54 Seymour Whitney, 52; Waldo Emmarson, | 507 Nettie McAlpin, 48 ; James Mellis, 45 : Tda Jones, 44 ; Charlie Tipp, 44; Douglas Carnegie, 36; Edward Broad, 36; John | place bus been so extraordinary 'quick, his flight from the lowest to The Patrons now claim they have excellent prospects of defeating Sir Oliver Mowat in Oxford. The Farmer's Sun (organ of the Patrons) says that the Globe is the highest his administration has been #0 niagni- ficently strong in the places tht he has occupied in Canada, that the man ors -in - the blood, such as chronic erysipelas, ot>. Pink Pills give a {healthy glow to pale and fallow com- | Hléxions and are a specific for the w's Wom byrup 18 tle best worm expeller. HAGYARD'SPECTORAL BALSAM cures Coughs. Colas, Astlma, Bron- chit:s and all 'throatand Lung 'sroubles. Butter 16¢ to 18, Eggs 10c to 10, Cheese 18¢ to 150, Potatoes 250 to 30c, Apples 60c to $1.00, OF. \ tions the justice Of vitle 2 ad ¢ oy {troubles peculiar to the fenmle system, vb After having done so he returned to | Adams, 40 ; Ethel Clarke, 40; Charlie Mc. who. questions the Justice Cb most wishy-washy advocate of probi-1,,,4 in the cass of men they effect a NORWAY PINESYRUP strengthens ' FARM UNDERC ROP Seagrave. , J. Fluery, of Lindsay, Lean, 49; Herbert Gardner, 39; Wesley simply endeavors to demolish the whole bition that can be found in the land. radical 'cure in all cases arising from he lungs and cures all Throat Troubles, PROF. 8S. J. COHN, « !in coming to Port Perry passed over | Irvin, 37; Gertrude Kennedy, 37; Arthur | system of giving a prefix to & man's} yp, yet Northumberland there is! mental worry, overwork, or excasses of ugha, Colds, ete. RACTICAL OPTICIAN and Eye and the road just traveled by Mr. Bhort and found the property,"immediately ascertained to whom it belonged and | telephoned the owner. TA Scrahelly : Festival for the heépetit age Fund of the Cliurch of the Ascen- sion will be held 'D.V., on Tuesday, NDER and by Virtue of the Power of 3 contained in a certain Indenture * produced st the » At the 8t.CharlesHotel! Willson, 36; Charlie Bowerman, 32. ---- Port Perry Public School Honor Roll. A ward Hick tie Hall, rey Philp, ence McGaw, Ethel Kellay. Division No. H.--Lily Starr, Urania Starr, Beverley Sangster, Clarence Hill, Orr Rodman, Pearl White, Florence Keeley, as and ing him ¢ln my name, which 18 as reasona much more rensonable than a monument nfter he is.d estimation Mr. Van Horne doubt one of the greatest decade on this contin methods way be, how he me dividends, what he does, difference. Next to Grover good hope of defedting Mr. O. C. Field who has been twice elected by major- ities of ahout four and five hundred. -- 4 Mr. George Mitchell of Cobourg 1s the Conservative candidate, x : The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use the Cali- fornia liquid Jaxative, Syrup of Figs, any nature. Bear in mind Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who affers subatitutes in this form 1s trying od vou and sh 2 d he avoided. imitations and substitutes, Wittiaws' | ecople and refuse all LIVER COMPLAINT, Beadaches cles nrc emred by Burdock Fills. Bad Blood causes Blotches, Boils, Pim- ples, Abscesses, Ulcers, Scrofula, et. Bur- dock Blood Bitters cures Bad Blood in any form from a common Pimple to the worst | Horofula, 5 Sibbath School will Sund. and Monday, June d 11. Ser Ear Specialist, 176 Wilton Ave, Toronto, will visit Port Per All orders entrusf ce atisfactl R Mr. W, Bain Mr. D. J. Adams and Mr. Johm Port Perry, SX once in six month.-- to him warranted to t the OTIC! io horely on thal Ho oc fe i Mrs. T. ] y Ys | he is the most conspicuous EAR : 3 int ducted by In the Village of [Port Perry, une 26(h, at the residence of Mrs. T.| pious Kyle, Clarence Hodgson, J picucul 'i oF URS, | Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may he had | vices on Sxbbath will be conducted hy CF ; k STIS: 9% Hedguon, to which all are cordially in- Robinson, Perey Corr, Kills Hall, Fred America ie most Wn ' ag thrid « or direct Ly wail fron | Mrs. Kenner of Prince Alerts at 230 wins Asscssment Roll for the : vited. . , Jol 0 Jostph Deshane, | America, the man who has m ) a; ey. OW Hit io he ; " Saturday, June 16,1894" "CC CEERI RO ae oll hn i ee ntl BL Ste Bf Shatin 0% | TOW OF a % a r.J. Flaery, indsay, the active | Arthur Hicks, Willie Strait, James Mo- |g 3 is thi ; . the Oulifornia Fig Syrup Co., printe » UA Yad arid 3 . * 2 At Two o'clock p. m., the following and popular representative of the Pork | Millan, Mabel Canipbell, scheme ; ort a near the Lottow of the package, ns n hos or ais boxes doy $250 Lisi Oi Mowe iafiesnos i for the year 1894, will sit at the Town Hall, Soap % ki Divisio¥ No 111.--Arthur Ebbels, §: : 2 A J he price at which these piils are so nw ™ al 2. ah Valuable Farm Property ; Be ae Mr vig Malla, iiiey McKnight, Fred McLean, Helane 3 he 18 the as »* i b Ontarie Liberal Nr ould Lot a course of reatont compar- | the following speukety Jil be rar Sunderland, , FG : 3 . SES earl tinore, vina Campbell, Pearl | 181126 he hundred unreal ave nu better time of it if doubt- 3 . : Sank Mr k, of ekilien: ¥ samely :--the Bouth-halt of lot Number | thews, has during the last few months | Crandell, Eva Christian, Ethel Hil, Ethel which were open to others' Sas. Thomasse' would" not. ask for atively Jurxpinisive. compared with Ber 2 r. Hobeks of Ennis a ON SATURDAY, JUNE 16th, 1894, eleven in the 'Concession of the h fi Port P: Nellie Clark. la Kelle, : ; 8 other remedies or medical treatment. |Bwith, Esq, ' ; 5 \ 51 ods 3 parca and igen os A oo fine Foren an Krittn Man took charge. It is a small particulars about the Mowat surplus. and others. Recitations and Readings | at Ten o'clock a. mat which all er, ; Reach, |™° inn iD. CAr 'onds of Nine ! ol th for newspapers to try t ke it visibl : rie : 2 interested are req ake notice of 4 hogs to Mr, Matthews, Mr. Fluery Hurold Bowerttan, Cle esse Ksanedy, Louis I Yo ih a The more they try to Juske ie sis ey A Boon to Horsemen --One bottle of by the children of the School. Ta Hovern themselves accordingly. the highest price 'the market will Eoberts i v. Florence Nott, % the more does it appear thatit is not | pS, 00% C0 iment completely re- | served from 4 to 6 pm. On Mondny T. H. WALSHE, Pays A at pris limit to hi Foe Hah, Katie Widen, Sehirley Mo: ean stanc another hand there. moved a curb from my horse. take ples: | evening a concert consisting of singing, Township Clerk, dy * ther 00 limit to his re- 95 a. Ne IV Arle Tous Fra with the ink scarcely Archbishop Cleary of Kingston has| sure in recommending the remedy, nsit acts | ricitations, readings and dialogues, | Sunderland, May 21, 1804, ~ Dr. Ryerson thetalented and popular Rundle, Selvyn Sangster, Howard Stone, ing the interests of raturalization pa W. O. Van Horne, Te wh again folminated against Mr.Meredith, with mysterious prom from horses of hard, ess in the removal or calloused lumpe, will be given by the scholars assisted Gertie Allen, Aileen Burpham, Carrie Mo. | #8 2s denouncing him as "a hungry adven- 3 by the Myrtle Choir. Tea 25 cents candidate for East Toronto, for the |Lean, Bella McKnight, Florence Cawker, | the reg fow on fn sop «onsite th teres "Comseer. blood spain, linia, curbs, ewecny, sien | U7 the BYE E00 he school 15 COURT OF REVISION. SL irureiexy the meeting ately | Lowi Cems, Willie Motil, Howard bas & HiHid-wide grasp ative' az 'a blind for the deception of "*" "GEQNGE ROBB, Farmer, |qonts, Concert 10 cents. Concert to ; ton 1 3 ntuve, § g lately | Hodgson, Nelson Corrin, Thomas Palmer, | on. His eye seems to'see . i Markham, Ont, «|S. 18. 1 " OTICE is hereby Eo that the first in that constituen -- Drvision No. V.--Huda Fer Cecil ne) y ' the ignorant and the prosecution of 3 commence at 8 o'clock. All are cor- N meeting of the Court of Revision to "J have made thie charge, and 1 make | fi ks, Congtance McMechan, Even Cecilia | continent, but the whole his Catholic fellow-citizens I" Rheumatism in & Day.--South | dially invited. - revise the Assrssment Ro} for the it again." said the Doctor, "that the | Edith Roberts, Ethel Rundle, Lillie Strait, | he makes & plan, and toa SOF ; : Amorican Rheamatic Cure, for Riwomatism | \V, J WEraERiLL, Pastor. Township of Reach, Edi Department is 8 political | Bella Morrish, "Anna Cai Marion Bury: | plan like that should go Children, victims of weak digestive | and Neuralgia, radically eures in 1 to3. E. J. Squwcs, Supt. Ba Pp ; a ty dards : bam, Lena Marshall, Nellie Moore, Wilmer | we can give or as the Im organs can be cured by K.D.O. Tia astion upon the Sates fe rramati Eh tiof tn Hie ras for the year 1894, will sit at the Town Halls g ; Bowerm 3 and m; ous. ~ the -- Distrossi - He went fal into educational wat Belly, Walton Bowerentn, Gos Hern. | ment can bestow. He : Have you nervousness Use K.D.0.| cause ages the disease i ately dis-| oy and ia $iz Boers relieved in six MANCHESTER, i : Tod HG The Beaverton Express says that to teach us to be large in K.D.O. isa flesh prod I The first dose gre ly benefits | hours by the "New Guar South AMER- I tt : 1894, Mr. Glendinning has done a large has a wider conception poe Je --75 cents. Sold by A. J. Davis; Druggist. | jc5x Kipney Cure." This new remedy is On Monday une 1 A a Jarge amount of intelligent work in tunities than any man If, says the Welland Telegraph, there Relieved fn 30 Minutes [3 meat surprise and dosnt to physienns Tan Taek rE of which oF pesinns ittee, and otherwise, and that ho {really ie » Provincial surplus, why bas | _ Atl cases of tbeilo heart | on socount of ite xoceding promPiNes 10) oF 00570 required to take netios snd Tas made the public affairs of the con- the Mowat Government borrowed all «isso relieved it ato akin oars passages in | govern themselves accord i stituency his gpecial care, hav these millions to meet current expenses) suet by Br, } i AE or Se It relieves retention of io ar "Wii. SPENCE, : of Weathor Vans wor move ring Pr renter The question will be found » difficuls | ouvinces. Sold by A, J. Davie} 0, "oy In pang it simort. : ownahip Clark, 1 its Ie one to auswer, - K.D.C. is an excellent tonic. by A. J. Davis, Druggist. | Manchester, May 16, 1804, ~*~

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