Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 May 1894, p. 3

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> . i i } ' 1 . i { §. <7 ) Vid He ( i e t # ih Enys the greatest LA . Pills anfe.tirely restored to health, and can _ the net decrease all round was, ns cows, on the other hand show an in- was rE pled In poultry there GIAL SALE ee QF i Men's Hard and Soft Felt Hats just arrived. New Prints] New Dress Goods ! Fine Tweed's for children's from 35¢. up. wear Black and Navy Satteens at special prices, WM. BROCK. Port Perry, March 28, 1394. Washington Letter. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) This is the fourth week of debate in the Senate on the pending tariff biil, and with it comes an era of uncertain- ty that is causing the Senators in charge of the measure much uneasiness. The change from "general debate" to con- sideration by paragraphs, simply brondens the field of debate and en- bances opportunity for the consumption of time. Jt is the impossibility of for- seeing just where the discussion will lead to that is causing the managers of the bill much worry. The attitude of the Republicans during the past week has not heen encouraging, for it has made conspicuous the fact that the Republican menority considers any means justifiable to prevent final action on the tariff measure, Influenced by this situation the tariff leaders are almost certain to make an effort very soon to force their Lill over the shoal water in the Senate even if part of the cargo is sacrificed in doing so. The most optimistic assert confidently that some «ort of a bill will go through both Houses of Uongress and Le signed by the President, They do not go int particulars ns to what sort of abill it will be, but insist that "the Lili" is Bure to pass. Iv is rather & bad time to Le urging an increase in the salaries of Congress- nen, as is proposed in some quarters, for in the rough-and-ready judgment of the people at large who do not cipher very closely on such matters, their re- presentatives at the Oupitol are searce- ly earning what they get now, It is not a question of whether or not even a Congressman eannot live comfortably in Washington on $417 a month, or whether the dignity of his position tloes not of itself warrant an increase of his pay, but until our lawmakers get a little more vigorous and expedi- tions than they have been for somo wonths back, their "unearned incre ment" will hardly be increased. If they are unable to live on $5,000 a year here they ean resign and return to whence they came, where living may be cheaper. At any rate, they will undoubtedly be kept con probation un til they show a stronger disposition to hurry up with some wholesome legis: lation in order that the general public may be prospered. 1n his speech upon the tariff' Senator McMillan devoted a large portion of his remarks to the relations of the United States with Canada. It is the contention of the Senator that the con- cessions to Canadw in the Wilson hill, so far from clearing the way to free trade, practically strengthen the cordon of custdwi-houses that separate us from the Dominion, from the fact that while Canada secures unlimited markets for her mnrkets for her natural products in the United States, the new Cana lian tariff makes no concessions to this gountsy on manufactured articles proms to both countries, and fie adds: "No American can doubt that the ultimate destiny of Canada is to becowe a part of the United States." AT A. P. Noakes, Mattawa, Ont., writes (-- "I have been troubled for years with rheu- matism and nervous debility, and after taking six boxes of your Dr. Williams' Pink do a good day's work." Sold by all dealers, _or sent by wail, at 50c a box or six boxes for $2.50. Dr. Williams' Med. Co , Brock: ville, Ont. righ tad According to the live stock statis- tics for 1893, issued Ly the Bureau of Industries, thero are 3,700 less hcrses in Ontario wow than a year ago. This | reduction in the gross number is not| 80 significant ns that the falling off is wholly in brood mares and colts. The reductions were 18,000 under these heads, but thee was nn increase of over 14,000 in working horses, so that ahove stated, less than 4,000. Milch creas= of 16,000, and on all horned ca the aadition daring the year| 36,000, in hogs of oD .000. Farm. Horse flesh and giv- to lines of live able. ' Prices for CASH Only It STOVE AND TIN SHOP TIN -- PORT PERRY! The undersigned bers to announce to the inhabitants of Port Perry and vicinity, that he has opened" out in the Stove and Tinware business in the Store lately occupied by Mr. Wright IN THE BLONG BLOCK Where he will keep in stock everything pertaining to the business and will sell at Prices that cannot fail to please purchasers. There will now be no necessity for parties in this vicinity going to Uxbridge to purchase Stoves, Tinware, &e.; in fact, it will be tothe advantage of the Uxbridgeites, and all others, to secure from me anything they may require in my line, whether Ralge, Stoves, Tinwarese BUCK'S 'CELEBRATED fre ig RANCE. Having had Twenty years' experience at Tinsmithing, all orders entrusted to me may be relied on to give satisfaction. Bavetroughing and Roofing a Specialty. EZ" A call solicited. Don't forget the place in the Blong Block. W. H CLARK. Port Perry, April 3, 1894, Now is the Time to Get ROADS AND BRIDGES. "% LL APPLICATIONS for grants for the improvement of Roads and Bridges in the Township of Reach. for the present year must be hy petition, and handed to the Clerk of the Munic lity, on or before the l14tn MAY now uext, after Which date no application will be entertain- ed, Booted ! People Say it is Hard Times | Well, if that is the case I will mike it Easy Time "" BOOTS of Superior Quality at a Great Reduction in Price that will surprise you. ALL SIZES-HY OWN MAKE, Keep no other--No inferior Stock. Differ- ent sizes made up, all of which 1 will dis pose of. BOOTS that when you see them and hear the priecs you will be sure to pur: chase, Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. Laces, Polish and Waterproof Blacking. Rubber Overcoats and Rubber Boots re: paired. ga Next door to the Market. WM, BOND, WM. SPENCE, Township C Terk. Manchester, April 9, 1893. LIVERY STABLE. HE ARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received during the many years 1 have kept a Livery Establish- ment in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! TO MY NEW PREMISES Opposite the Railway Staticn where from largely extended premises and increased facilities for business the public can be accommodated with safe and desirable RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES. R. VANSICKLER. Yort Perry, July 21, 1886, 14, 18903. Port Perry, Nov. HilliN OT T Ei li Bntrance and Public School Irs E FOLLOWING] 1 Leaving Examination. IPYHE Annual High School Entrance Ex- amination will be held at Port Perry aud Cannington, On June 28th, 29th and 30th, Beginning each day, at 8.45 a, m. Writing and Drawing Books must be handed to the presiding exutniver on the morning of the 28th. Candidates who intend to write at Can- nington, will please notify J. McBrirn, [sq., Prince Albert ; others will nofify the Principal of the Port Perry High School Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces Moquette Plush @ $30, Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces French Brocattelle @ $30: Parlor Buité-- 6 Pieces good Moquette Plush @ $35. Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces best American Hair Cloth @ $35 Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces best American Hair Cloth, fras gilded @ $37. Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces best Queen Plush, spring edge and back, very large set @ § ta Above are Solid Walnut Fein and well finished. Also Bedroom Sets as low as $11.75 #2 A Cary SOLICITED. J. W, DAVIS, Furniture Rooms, Queen St. Port Perry, Sept. 20, 1892, JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT P sib CAVEATS TALE MRSS of CE OPYRIG HTS. 4 CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora an honest opinion. write to Lake Ontario and Bay ¢ of Quinte STEAMBOAT CO., LTD. STR. NORTH KING Lienrep 3Y ELECTRICITY, experience in the patent busin 0) nica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In- on concerning Patents and Bow to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of 'mechan: deg] and scientific books sent taken through receive cial HOHICO IN tho Seentific America. and thus are brought widely before the public with. e inventor. This splendid paper, 3. legals Hiustrated. has b mn of any scientific worl dar. Sampo copies sent free ~ Buliaing Baltion, monthly, $4.60 a year. Single cents, Xvery number Soataing beno+ fit 'ul plates. in colors. and photogra new sek, With plans. enable bullders to how the agg dc Jat desiins and secre ConLracts. Address & CO NEW YORK, 361 BROADWAY. Heatep BY STEAM, SAILING SOUTH. CoMMENCING 80TH APRIL. Leaves Cobontg 8 a.m., Port Hope 0.45 a.m, week days, arviving Charlotte (Port of Roch- ester) 23 p.m., except. Monday, when Steamer leaves Cobourg | prm., Port Hope 2.80 p.m.. arriving Charlotte (Port of Rochester) 7.50) .m SAILING NORTW. Leaves Charlotte, N.Y. (Port of Rochester) week days 11.15 p.m, nreives Port, Hope 0.8) a.m, and Cobourg 7.15 a.m.. except Salurday when Steamer lenves Charlotie, N.Y.. 4.2} file: n, 0 aniving Porl Hope 10 p.n., Coboeg Ponod wee larcost dont far tha Burland's @1d Dominion Crescent Brand Ginnamon PILLS Ee OR L. ASK yorr DruGaist for Burland's 01d Dom. InlonUrescent Brand CINNAMONPILLS Shallow trip is made Monday from iohar. ; aly --€a Wed ; Zhiotr Baan and Colborne diy nd Friday wm Weekly Bay of Quinte Route. fect-angnlar tealiie hoxes real wi res Port Ho ry Saturd, 10.00 , leent, Absolutely safe and reliable. ofuse Ahven Tetevlile every Sunday, 3.20 Rh all spurions and harmful imitations, Upon Pleton receipt of Six cents in stamps we will reply by return of mall, giving full particulars In plain envelope. Address, BURLAND CHEMICAL CO, Morse Bidg., N. Y. City. Please Mention this Paper. 0,25 a.in* hg Kingston " 8 WW a.m. W. H.MCUAW, Agt, Port Perry, H. H. SLDPRSLEEVE, Gen. Manager, Kingston. 3 VANTED SALESHEN So," of Nursery Stock and Seed Potatoes. « LIBERAL SALARY or COMMISSION PAID WEEKLY. PERMANENT and PAYING POSITIONS to GooD MEN. SPECIAL INDUCLMENTN tO BEGINNERS. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY GIVEN IF DESIRED, Write at once for terms to The Hawks Nursery Co., Rochester, N.Y. to sell a HOW . Something unify -THIS ? mammoth premiunt offers, Is the latest effort of Stafford's Magnzine, a New York monthly of home and general reading. The proposition is to send the Magazine one year for one dollar, the regular subseription price, and in addition to send to each eub- seriber fifty two complete nuvels during the twelve monthe; one ench week, Think ofit. Yona receive a new'and com- pete nove, by audl, post paidy every we for fifty-two weeks, and In addition YOu gi the magnzine onde a 'month fon 'twel thoRthe all forone dollar. IL is an offer whi the publishers ean only afford to make in confident expectations of gelting n Pend thousand new subscribers, anthors In the coming series Collins, Walter Besant; Mrs. Olly ant y, Florence Marryat, Anthony Trai. wt "ohn Roy - Miss Sado ny $8 hackery an uler Verue. Skin Diseases are more or loss directly | | to take advantage of this unusuni SATE by bad bloed. B.B.B. cures the Apr hid on devine Jor Stafford's following Skin Diseases : Shingles, Erysip- | Magnzine, one year, t copy of the Dublin, April 30.--Two farm houses at Olondersluw, county Clare, from which the tenants had been evicted, were fired into by anknown persons on Friday night. The houses were in possession of earetakers. On the same night the wife of a caretaker named Quirk, living on a farm near Killarney, was fred at, Lat not. wounded. 3 mong the ie oar OR EAVETROUGHING 3 even in these dave of Si y supply for is unusually and Cheap. : handsome Room d exceeding cheap. the present see Large, Good, St Every variety of the rt Papers, of rare beauty | A magnificent stock ---- IS THE PLACE FOR---- Fresh and Ri le Seeds. A full and complete stock of Fresh 'and Reliable FieLp and GARDEN SEEDS just to hand, and we are selling them at HARD TIME PRICES. Groceries and Provisions! CHEAP FOR CASH OR PRODUDE. FLOUR EF EAED of all kinds always on hand Also Sack Barrel and Dairy Bult, Land Plaster. &e. EZ Highest Price paid for Oats aud Coarse Grain of all kinds Any quantity of FRESH EGGS WANTED for which Highest GASH Price will be paid. EH. PURDY. $8580000800000088800008080 PORT PERRY NURSERIES} 1 have a SURPLUS of tie following Nursery - Stock WHICH 18 STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, and of GOOD size well be sold CHEAP by the hundred or in quantities to Sutbls purchasers.-- Envopean Mountain Ash, English, Scotch andAncrican Elms, Black Walnut, White Ash, Norway Maple, European Larch, Austrian and Scotch Pine, Norway "Spruce, Red Cedar, &e. A FEW THOUSAND APPLE TREES OR EXTRA SIZE, SIX years old, 7 feet high, inch to 1k inch in didmeler. Also a Light Grade Stock--clean, handsome, thrifty trees=--just bclow first-class in | size; Apples at 15 cts., Pear and Plum, 40 cls. cach Address, C C KELL Z, Port PERRY, Ont. | | ms A Large and Magnificent Stock OF ---- NEW SPRING GOODS Port Perry, March 28, 1894 Box 127, Port Perry, March 22, 1893, We have much pleasure in stating that our facilities fo business have been largely increased a we are now prepared to furnish perfect "fitting Suits from some of the hand- soutest English, Scotch, Irish, American and Canadian Cloths ever shown in Port Perry, men wishin Gent's Faraivhings. Even line of Superior Quality, Latest Styles and Lo EZ" A large line of the Newest Styles iad , Canadian, W HITBY Port Perry, Nov. 30, 1893. Gent's Furnishing ible Prices. English, American and The undersigned has a full an RAORN urni which he will sell for the next month at Prices. My Stock consists of Parlor, Bedroom and Diniugro and every other Seeeriptiun of Furniture suitable ¢ g. Ihave 'placed in my Store a large ¢ 5 Gilt Frames, all sizes, a ings suitable for t Trade--C ou E B= Loner ed Wood taken in exchar y fine ¥ EF Give me a call Qa, 1 tching, Rashes, Salt Rheum, Seuld mngazine, and yonr res mun er of the Ahs- tions, Pimples and Blotches, ly hbntid ik tubo Ee i a, by Hoag Be iin 1 wi 0 he wor the blood from Zotar Jt, Remit by P. 0. Order, Yagteter . a common Pimple to 4 t elteror express, 1 Yui jade Shere 'FORD PUBLISHING CO., EL ened Iblisners of Ripans ules. Saas AFFORY'S MAGABINE. " Ripans ules: pleasant laxative, FO: Box 261. New York, N.Y, Ripans Tabules: pl tla: ve. "Please mention this paper. Ripans Tabules cure headache. " & CARNEGIES RoLLer Mic! IN FULL BLAST! ne nndersigned takes this opportunity of betiirnifig his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- stowed on him since commencing business ih Port Perry, and would beg to state - that having, at & large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and' introdiiced the best, most approved and modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS for the manufacture of Flour, is prepared. to do GRISTING & CHOPPING Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give satis- faction to my patrons, The Trade supplied with Flot of the finest brands. THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick els, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts. EB?" BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SCROLL SAWING done on short notice, _. JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. DAVIS PHARMAGY i a EE ---- The Subscriber has just received a Complete Assortment of ANCY «+ GODS G NI E 5 | ) oH ANCY «+ DIDS CONSISTING OF : Leather, §é: PERFUMES from the best makers; in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian Ware, §e., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS; VASES, §¢. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality A. J. DAVIS, Chemist and Dini PORT PERRY] TOILET SETS in Plwsh, Persian and Oxidized Silver; BLONG BLOCK, LAING & MEHARRY ----HAVE AGAIN OPENED OUT ~------WITH A----w-- Niagnificent Stoclk of everything in their line LANG & MEHARRY. 00. oc REMOVAL 88 We have Moved our busiticss to the South side of Queen Street and now occupy the extensive prefiises just vacated by Mr. B. F. ACKERMAN, where we will be Letter prepared than ever to supply our custowers afd the public with everything in the Harness Line =S------WHICH FOR----e CHEARPNESS, STYLE, Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks, Le. in abandanse: BEATTY & BONGARD. 8t. Charles Hotel, ! Port Perry, March 9, 1892. "Ooniparison of Prices Cotired] GEO. GARDNER: ISHES to ibform the public of Pe Perry and sutrounding country, tha after four ycars experience in prosecuting his business in some of the lafgest cities the United States, he is better prepared than ever to execute any of the following Branches of his trade :--Stone Masonry; Bricklaying in alt its branches; Plain pi Ornainett Plastering. Also _ ificiad Stone; Walks, that Will remate b and will - endiire any Weather el Uisterns without any wood lu their con struction to deedy or give out. If you are ih need of any of the above, come to me ang obtain: prides; <All materisl- required in m; tne will be-kept constantly on hand, and for sale after the first of next. Ap, $s _» GEO. GARDNER, 3, 1804, SPLENDID Brick Dwelling Housé SIX ACRES OF FOR OF Ui FPYHE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale her cheice and well-appointed residence aud six acres of lapil on. which, theirs ss Park containing 2 sores; a fine, in is Orchard of one acre and good Garden ; there is a splendid Driving Honse and Stable or the premises, Hard and Soft Water and ull other conveniences. The Carri lage Drive and Grounds are plant. ed with various kinds of Ornamental Tages, Bhrubs, Vines, &c, This property is beautifully logtbed ori Union Avenue just on the southern borded on the Town of Port Perry and is & very des sirable property abd will be sold at a BARGAIN, For further garticulats apply to the pr 0 prietress on the premises. EUPHEMIA DAWES. Port Port Perry, A Aug. 30, 1893. PARM FOR SALE WILL PURCHASE 112 ners $320 being part of lot 26, con. 10, Township of Reach: recently owned by Mr, Armenia Shier.-- Oi the premises are a good dwelling house, bats ith stone walls aud stabling below § a good otchard and well, The soil is a good clay loan. The farm is convenient td church and school and only five miles front Port Perty, on a leading road. If not sold it will be rented for a term of years. For further particulars apply to Mrs, Sophia Mark and Edwin Mark, Little Britain, or to Port Petry. Ja F. M. YARNOLD, Solicitor, Port Perry. Dec. 20, STILL LEADING} FPHE UNDERSIGNED begs to teturd thanks for the liberal and still increas- ing patronage bestowed on him since com- menving the Butchering Business and would state that be is better prepared than ever to supply the public with = JUST SUGH MEATS as cannot fail to meet the requirements. of ull, and trusts by offering only Cuoics Meats at moderate prices, and promptuess in husiness to receive a liberal share of public patronage. ear All orders left at my Stall. in the Market Building, or with tue on my rounds with conveyance, will receive immediate and careful attention, ISAAC J. Port Perry, Aug, 16 uc ET, 1803. WHEELER HARNESS N returning thanks to the public for tha I patronage extended to me for over 30 years, I would respectfully intimate that I am, as usual, now gy for busiuces; and have & Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CITEAP. As an inducement to Casn ae -b Diseowad of 10 per cmb will be allowed on all Sales vl now until Jaw, Ist next. All work being | MADE BY HAND, and. no factory work ki superiority of my goods w apparent, ntending purchasers will find that hy giving me a call before looking elsewhere they can be suited in quality and price, my long experience in the trade being an indisy putable guarantee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any afticle purchased: Everthing in my line of business kept constantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to. JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1; 1892. will at once become KALSOMINING &C. VHF undersigned would take this oppor T trinity of thanking his numerous pat: rons for tleir liberal and still increasing, patconage during, the time he bas cariied on business of PAIN TING in Port Petry, and would state that he ia' better prepared Sn, aehr to execate all Painting, Kalsomining nt Puri Sutin stunting thelr Wolk to me may or. having it n promptly iA Myc a moderate. fam als prepared to nply Feink, when coo AEC ITIP ETT in' stock, the PAINTING

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