Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Apr 1894, p. 3

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Ll Boum Tabuie. tor opi Tive, 'Latest Styles| Mews Hard sad Soft Felt Hats New Prints | New Dress Goods ! Fine Tweed's for children's from 35¢. up. wear Black and Navy Satteens at special prices, WM. BROCK. Port Perry, March 28, 1394. MILLINERY A Magnificent Display OF FINE AND F FE He JE Fe Go x ASHIONABLE X00DS Embracing nll the latest creations in Millinery now ready and prices are such as cannot fail to meet, the appro bation of intending purchasers. The pleasure of a visit of the ladies is rerpectfully solicited. Store--First door West of Mr. Wakely's Tailoring Establishment. MRS. BILLINGS. Part Perry, April 5, 1894. Farm of 170 Acres For Sale or Rent POINT MARA. OUTII-HALVES of Lots 16 and 16, con- cession A, Mara. Finest clay soil, fronting on Lake Simcoe, one mile from Gamebridgé, five miles from Beaverton, Possession 1st March, priviege of fall ploughing. Good frame buildings. Terms easy. Apply to JAMES B. WARREN, Beaverton, Or JUDGE BURNHAM, Whitby. LIVERY STABLE. Ty SarmLy thanking the public for the leral patronage received during the many years I have kept a Livery Establish- ment in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY ! TO MY NEW PREMISES Opposite the Railway Staticn where from largely extended premises and increas:d facilities for business the public can be accommodated with safe and desirable RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES. R. VANSICKLER. Yort Perry, July 21,1886. Burland's 01d Dottilnion Crescent Brand CINNAMON PILLS, The Only Genuine RELIEF FOR LADIES. ASK YOUR DrUGGIST for Burland's Old Dom. inlonCrescentBrand CINNAMON PILLS. Shallow Yeetanguiar metalllo boxes sealed with cres- cent. Absolntely rafe and reliable. Refuse Alls urious and harmful imitations, Upon pt of Bix cents In stamps we will reply pre an of mall, ¢iving full particulars in plain envelope. Add ess, BURLAND CHEMICAL CO., Morse Bidg., N. Y. City, Please Mention this Paper. Ontario Creameries ji ASSOCIATION. PUBLIC MEETINGS will be held at the following places on the ates na SONYA, Thursday, April ps at2p.m, GREENBANK, Thursday, April 5, at 8 p,m UXBRIDGE, Friday, April 6, at 2 p. m. UTICA, Friday, April 6, at8 p.m. prof. H. H. Dean, Prof. Shtt and other leading dairy ers are ex- pected to be present to address the meet ngs and to give general tr on the manufacture of butter, best methods of feeding cows, &o. These meetings are held in. the Interest of Marsh Hill Creamery. . Ladies are cordially invited to attend: wa Don't forget the dates nnd places. 3 -JouN DRYDEN, ture. . DERBYSHIRF, Pres. 0. C. A. Cured in a Day. --Sonth i ican Rheumatic Cure, oo Rheamatismn 4 ra radically cures in 1 to 3 da; " ihe system is hE B SLE Semoves at ou at Snse He ¥ Ein nEr SPRING SHOW! TE Second Spring Show of the SCUGOG AGR'L Draught Stallion... .. Draught Stallion, foaled Carri Road Thoro Bred Blood Stallion. with Pedigree . Spau Draught Horses, Seldinke or Mares........... Span Agticaltral Horses, Gel Saddle Horse . iu. covuiicininiiinaines Agricultural Brood Mare, in fcal or foal by her side. urylage B Brood Mare in foal or foal by her side .. v Single Single Driving Horse or Mare, over 1 Pat Cow or Heifer. and best' Open to the Dominion | SOCIETY fer the Lxhibition % ses, Cattle, Implements, &e., will Port Perry, on Friday, April 2, The following Prizes will bd Awarded ; 1 894. @ o a td 8 Draught Stallion, foaled in 1892. Stallion, show in harness tallion, show in harness dings o or Maree--Brnt prize db vash Neck Yoke, value $2.. Draught Brood Mare, in foul or foal by her side. ing Horse or Mare, 15} hands and nnder. wR 88 hands .. ares Span of Driving Horses-- Geldings or Durham Ball, Durham Bull, calved 1892.. Durham Bull, calved 1843. . Fat Ox or Steer. . ASS ar RRO > © £5 29 10 88 20 20 BB 10 NO KO 8 pee 1-3 1g§8858388888838 2888888 2822835233833 3888888 ht Wago Single Bagh, "with Top . 83 88 -- BUTT 20 lhe. Butter, in Ib. Rollsa--Third prize to be paid in Yarn...... 10 lbs, Butter, in 1b, Rolls For Rules and Regulations, sce Posters. DIRECTORS. --James Graham, E. H. Purdy, Thos. Graham, J. C. Browne, Chris. Pettitt, Arthur Bryant, C. C. Kellett, S. E. Fralick, Albert Williams, A. W. Allin, J. W. Mecharr JAS, GRAHAM, E, H. PURDY, J. C. BROWNE, J. H. BROWN, Vice President. Treasurer. Secretary * President. 00 00 ow Be Baie £3 23 8° -- STOVE AND TIN SHOP --IN---- PORT PERRY The undersigned begs to announce to the inhabitants of Port Perry and vicinity, that he has opened out in the Stove and Tinware Luginess in the Store lately occupied by Mr. Wright IN THE BLONG BLOCK! Where he will keep in stock everything pertaining to the business and will sell at Prices that cannot fail to please purchasers, There will now, le nonecessity for parties in this vicinity going to Uxbridge to purchase Stoves, Tinware, &c.; in fact, it will be to the advantage of the Uxbridgeites, and all others, to secure from me anything they may require in my line, whether Ranges, Stoves, Tinwareze: OR EAVETROUGHING as toy stock will embrace the most popular and desirable makes of Stoves and Ranges, including BUGK'S CELEBRATED "HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE. Having had Twenty years' experience at Tinsmithing, all orders entrusted to me may be relied on to give satisfaction, Bavetroughing and Roofing a Specialty. EZ" A call solicited. Don't forget the place in the Blonyg Block. W. H CLARK. Port Perry, April 3, 1804, HOW 18 THIS [JEN oT Elly fiir BB FOLLOWINGS Prices for CASH Only { Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces Moquette Plush @ $30. Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces French Brocattclle @ $30. Something unigiie even in these dass of mammoth premium offers, is the latest eft of Stafford's Magazine, a New York monthly of home and general reading. The proposition Is to send the Magazine on | year for one dollar, the regular subsertpiion price, and in addition to send to each sub Seriber fifty two complete novels during the twelve months; one each week. Think of it. You receive a new'and com- piete novel, by mall, post paid, every week for fifiy~ two weeks, and in addition you fet the magazine once & month foa twelv Bonihy. wii for one dollar. 11s an offer which | Parlor Suite-- the ublishers can only afford to make in the x onfident. expeotations of getting # hundred | 6 Pieces good Moquette Plush @ $35. aren new rubseribers, Among the ! Parlor Suite -- anthors in the coming series are, 'Wilkie Collins, Walter Besant, Mrs. Oliphant, Mary i ir C a re TS. ons Bral| 8 Pieces best American Hair Cloth @ $33 lop, A. Conan Doyle, x8 Hraddon, Captain Parlor Suite-- Mnrryai, Miss Thackery and Jules Verue . : you wish to take advanluge of this tntisunl 6 Pieces best American Hair Cloth, fras rd' gilded @ $37. opportunity send one dollar for Sta Parlor Suite-- Magazine, one year, Your first copy of the 6 Pieces best Queen Plush, wpring edge ow mugazine, and your first number of the fifty two noveis (one each week) which you are to receive during the year will besent you by retry mall. Remit by P. 0. Order, register- and back, very large set @ $5 od leutet or expres, £7 Above are Solid Walnut os and Address well finished. BTAFFORD PUBLISHING CO. Publishers of STAFFORD! 8 MAgATING P. O. Box 226; w York, N.Y, phon mention hy por, MISS ADA IRWIN Begs to inform the public that she is pres pared to color and ve-shape Felt or Straw Hats and Bounets in the latest styles: Aloe Hair Weaving and Fancy Work of all kinds. Stamping a ialty. Lowest terms. -- Next: door to the M: ist Church Port Perry, Sept. 19th, 1893. RT MRO. Also Bedroom Sets as low as $11.75 #ar A CALL SOLICITED, J. W, DAVIS, Furniture Rooms, Queen St. Port Perry, Sept, 29, 1802. Now Now is the Time to Get Hm Booted! People Say it is Hard Times! Well, if that is the case 1 will make it Easy Time "" BOOTS of Superior Quality at a Great Reduction in Price that will surprise you. ALL SIZES-MY OWN MAKE, Keep no other--No inferior Stock. Differ- ent sizes made up, all of which 1 will dis- Po00Ts that when you see thm and hear the prices you will be sure to pur- chase Rep and dispa : Laces, Polish and W' wherproo roof Blacking. Rubber Overcoats and Rubber Boots re JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. airing of all kinds done with neatness paired. sa Next door to the Market, Bs CLS SALESHER 2s 19th July, 1593, payable seven months | ad 4 Potatoes. La ER tock A dst the Jovy of daltons by| SALARY Bae rotate PAID WEEKLY. eo | PEEMANEXT and PAYING POSITIONS to GooD MEN, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS tO BEGINNERS. t3ciosve TERRITORY ives 1¥ DESIRED. Write at once for term ter P. Fallowdow beni mop oe paid. Ton. warts. A full and complete stock of : ¢ deeds. nd Reliable FieLp and e are selling them at CES. Provisions ! GARDEN SEEDS just to hand HARD Any quantity of FRESH EGGS. W. Price will be paid. Port Perry, March 28, 1894 W. H. Every Department Fully Equipped for the FLTOLIDAYS Don't fail to see my magnificent stock. PRESENTS FOR ALL. W. Hf. McC AW. Gin * 888888088888 888808888808888¢ PORT PERRY NURSERIES&>- 7 have a SURPLUS of the following Nursery Stock WHICH 18 STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, and of GOOD SIZE willbe sold CHEAP by the hundred or in quantities to suit purchasers European Mountain Ash, English, Scotch and\American Elms, Black Walnut, Wikte Ash, Norway Maple, European Larch, Austrian and Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce, Red Cedar, &c. A FEW THOUSAND APPLE TREES i EXTRA SIZE, SIX years old, 7 feet high, inch to rk inch in didmeter. Alsoa Light Grade Stock--clean, handsome, thrifty tyees--just below first- class ih size; Apples at 15 cts., Pear and Plum, go cls. each. Address. C. C. KELLETT, Box 127, Port Perry, Ont. A Large and Magnificent Stock wrt OF ems NEW SPRING GOODS We have much pleasure in sf: business have been largely increased ar we are now prepared to furnish perfect fitting Suits from some of the hand- fing that our facilities fo Sia oe nndersigned takes this opportunity of returning his stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, ata large expenditure, Sah CARNEBGIES RoLLer Mec! : IN FULL BLAST! sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, most approved and modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS for the manufacture of Flour, i is prepared:to do "a Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give satis- faction to my patrons, The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Jotsts, Scantling, Boards, Pick els, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts. EZ BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SCROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1881. $348 388888088 8808888888808 HOLIDAY PRESENTS! The Subscriber has just received a Complete Aseortment of TOILET SETS in Plwsh, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather, &e. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian Ware, &e., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES; §e. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. Wishing you all the Compliments of the Beason. A. J. DAVIS, Chemist and Druggist BLONG BLOCK, PORT PERRY FEE TEETTTITERETTRETTECN LAING & MEHARRY --HAVE AGAIN -- OPENED OUT -- WITH Aen Magnificent sotest English, en go American and Canadian Oloths ever shown in Port Pel Senile FASHIONABLE, SIVLISH SUIT! TE EERE REEEE) §eEeeeeees 6 their E foods, None but will do well to call early and first-class workmen employed. Full Gent's Furnishings.-- line of Superior Quality, singe eer EZ A large line of the Newost Styles ¥ Canadian, * 2 WHITBY Port Perry, Nov. 30, 1893. in Gent's Furnishing sible Prices. English, American and BIL.ONG-. Blong Block. PECIAL OTICE | which he will sell for the next mont dueed Prices. My Stock consists of Parlor, Bedroom a ites, and every other description of Furniture ping. Ihave of very fino Mould EZ Give me acall ES. Lumber and Wood taken in N INOTT. | Mesilla, March 20, iol |The Hawks Hurry Go, Rochestr, LY Deo. 6, 1893 =| We have Moved our business to the "ta the. South side side of + of Quen Street and now weat of St. Charles Hotel. Stoclik of everything in their line LAING & MEHARRY. 3 ¢¢ REMOVAI 22 occupy the extensive premises just vacated by Mz, B. F. Acxermax, where we will be Letter prepared than ever to supply our customers and the public with everything in the Harness Line --------------e WHICH = FOR----semis CHEAPNESS. STYLE, Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County. liis business in the than ever to execute any of the branches of his Bricklayi Dro Stone Walks, that will remain a and will Cisterns withottt any wood in their con- struction to decay oF in need of any of the a obtain prices, All material rege line will be kept for sale after the first of f nest A Alien, fter four ycars Sri ain: 2 some of the t citjos of Flowing trade :--Stone Masonry, in all its branches; Plai Plastering. Also Art! United States, he is better Brick endure any weather. ve out. If you aré ve; come to me and nny t constantly on ha Port Perry, Jan. 3, um ' ---- wR ey SIX. FCRES oF FOR SAH. ™ £ UNDERSIGNED offers for sale her ch ai well-appointed residence and six oscres.of Jaud © which there is a fine Park, connividg 2 .aotres ; a fine, bearing Orchard of ond ate abd good Garden ;. there is a #plendid Driving House and Stable on, the premises. Hard and Soft Water and all other conveniences. The ge Drive and Grounds gs fant. ed with us kinds of Ornaniehtdl Trees, Shrubs, Vives, &e. This property is beautifully located, oti: Union Avenue just oi the southern border on the Town of Port Perry. amd is a vory de- sirable property and will be sold at a BARGAIN, Por further particulars apply to the pro: prietiess on the premises. KU PHRMA DAWES. Port Perry, Aug. 30,1803, 1893. r FARM FOR SALE WILL P , PURCHASE 18 A $3 320) being part of lot 26, con. 10, Township of Reach; : recently owned by Mr. Armenia Shier.-- On the premises are a good dwelling house barn with stone walls and stabling below § a good orchard and well, The soil is a good clay loam. The farm js convenient to church and school and only, five miles from Port Perry, on a leading road. : If not sold it will be rented for & ferm of years, For further particulars apply to Mrs, Sophia Mark and Edwin Mark, Little Britain, or to F. M. YARNOLD, Solicitor; Pert Pe ry. Dee. 20, 1803. STILL LEADING! FPVHE UNDERSIGNED begs to réfuit thanks for the liberal and till increas. be ing patronage bestowed on him since com: menving the Butchering Business aud would wtate that he is better prepared than ever to supply the public with JUST SUCH MEATS | as cannot fail to theet the requirements of all, aud trists hy offering only Coleg M#ans at moderate prices, and prom fue: in husivess to receive a liberal share of public patronage, aa All orders left at my tall in Abe Market Building, or with me on my rounds with conveyance, will receive immediate and careful attention, ISAAC J. WHEELEK Port Perry, Aug, | 16, 15903 BE returning thanks to the public for the, patronage extended to me for over 30 years, I would respectfully intimate that 1 am, as usual, now nly for business, and have a Large & Assorted Stock 4 OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am detertiined to sell very CHEAP, As an liducement to CAsH purchasers, 4 Dood of 2 pr chil will be allowed on all Sales from now until Jan. 1st next. All work bei MADE BY HAND: und no factory work kept in stock, 'the, superiority of my goods will at once become % apparent. ntending pirehaases will find that ing me a elsewhere. £ can be a price; ly long experience in the trade LiheniLik putable guarantee that will be given by any article Everthing in my line of business kerk constantly on hand and repairs neatly an Sr attended to. JOHN ROLPH: Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. PAINTING KALSOMINING &C. HE andersteusd wand would take this oppor. T tunity ot thanking his numerous : rons for their liberal and still increacing | patronage during the time fm he has caried oa' PAINTING in Port Perry, and would stato that he ia. better prepared than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsominiag and Apri role Taig dy sad promptly high: oy Robes, Blankets, Bells, Yruks, 2 &o., in abundance. = BEATTY & BONGARD. Port Perry, March 9; 1892, cuted, My ry finn Ri Fa a N ; The :

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