Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 Dec 1893, p. 3

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Don't fail a my magnificent stock. PRESENTS FOR ALL. : 7. XX. McC Sw. 'which he will sell for the next month at greatly Reduced Prices. 'My Bock t consists of Parlor, Bedroom and Diningroom Suites, and every other description of Furniture suitable for housekeeping. - I have "placed in my Store a large quanity ®f very fine Gilt Frames, all sizes, and Gilt Mould- ings suitable for the Holiday Trade--C HEAP! EB. Lumber ahd Wood taken in exchange: JOEL NOT Next door west of St, Charles Hotel. A Large and 'Magnificent Stock Pere NEW WINTER GOODS PRATT, JRE Whitby &Blong's FISSERTETTITIITTETIIIeNET We have much pleasure in stating that our facilities fo business have been largely increased and we are now prepared to faroidh perfect fitting Suits from some of the hand: ome lish, Scotch, Irish, American un Cloths ever shown ' in Port Peary. Gentle: men wis hing a FASHIONABLE, STYLISH SUIT! ERERTEEeesaTeeheaaTeeses will do well to call early and select their goods. None but first-class workmen employed. Full satisfaction guaranteed, Gent's Furnishings. Everything in Gent's Furnishing line of Superior Quality, Latest Styles and Lowest Possible Prices. EZ" A large line of the Newest Styles in Hats, Canadian, EZ Give me a call Dec. 6, la93 English, American and WHITBY & BLONG. © Port Perry, Nov. 30, 1893. Blong Block. FLAR DWAR EF: | I have on oy a large Assortment of the following ASEASONABLE + G00DS = ------8UCH AS----- Skates--The New Columbus. a Cross Out Saws, Buck Saws, Axes, Axe Handles, +Building Paper / est Canadisn and American Coal Oil for sale, | rry Nov. 30, 1893. | the Village of Port $5.50, owed BN to $6. 10; Turkeys 7¢ to fc, Ducks 7c to 8e, Chickens 5c to 6c, Be to To, tter 19c to 22, Bees 18¢ to 20, eose 10¢ to 120, Potatoes 30¢ to 354, ApplesZ30c to 40¢, People Say it is Hard Times! Well, if th the case I will muke it Easy T " BOOT of Superior Quality at a Great Reducti Price that will surprise y ALL SIZES-MY OWN MA Keep no other--No inferior Stock. D ent sizes made up, all of which 1 will pose ot BOOLS that when you see them hear the priees you will be sure to hase. epuiciug of all kinds done with neat _- ispatc! Laces, Sonah and Waterproof Blacki Rubber Overcoats and Rubber Boot paired. #2 Next door to the Market. WM. BO Port Port Perry, Nov. 14, 18 Nov. 14, 1803: Farm of 170 Acres For Sale or Rel POINT MARA. QOUTH-HALVES of Lots 15 and 186, NS cession A, Mara. Finest clay fronting on Lake Simcoe, one mile Gamebridge, five miles from Beaverwun, Possession 1st March, privilege of fall ploughing. Good frame buildings. Terms easy. Apply to JAMES B. WARREN, Beaverton, Or JUDGE BURNHAM, Whitby. 2 Sale or to Rent, HE FARM of "tho 1 late James Byers, deceased, being the West-half of the Eust-half of lot No. 4, in the 3rd sohcsssion 3 of Dusiwrighty EO ACRES Rich Soil, good well and pump ; nearly all cleared, a comfortable log housse, a large frame barn and stable, Will be sold ata low || Reure on cisy terms, or, if rented, the Ex- ecutor will accept improvemedts upon the lace, such as fencing, &ec., in lien of mocey or rent. Apply to JACOB PERE FER, eon tor, Oct. 26, 1808, Tara, Ont: SPLENDID Brick Dwelling House SIX ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. YHE UNDE RSIGNED | D offers for sale her choice and well-appointed residence and six acres of land on which there is a tine Park contaiving 2 acres; a fine, bearing Orchard of one acre and good Garden ; there is a splendid Driving Hoanse and Stable on the premises. Hard and Soft Water and all othel dobveniences. The Carriage Drive and Grounds ave plant- ed with varions kinds of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, &e. This property is beautifully located on Union Aveune just on the southern border on the Town of Port Perry aud is a very de- Yralie property und will be sold at a ARGATN. For further particulars apply to the pro- prietress on the premises. © EUPHEMIA DAWES. Port Perry, Aug. 30, 1893. FARM FOR SALE $5100 ILL PURCB ASE 150 Acres of Land, being the east half of lot No. 7 and the south-west 50. acres of lot 8, in the 6th concession of the Township of near] all cleared aod a good part of it hy from stumps ; is well watered and built upon, and w thin five miles Port Perry, on the leading road thereto: The soil is clay. If not sold within thirty days it will be leased for a term of years. For further particulars enquire of James Parr at Blackstock. + JAMES PARR, AMET. Blackstock, Aug. 21, 1893. 'ls {he Sumopate Court of he aay of Cease: OTICE is erohy gh given that after the expiration of Twenty da; from Ihe first publication hereof in the Norra TARO OBSERVER (the date of said first pi 1893) application wii te made to the Jud, of ar Court by Georgina wle, of ot erry, in the County of | $o Ontario, widow, (mother of the said infant), aud David Wesley Luke; of the Township 'of Reel, ih de County sof Dutarlo, gsle; i 0 AE wie, RI nn e of Pol id » a k, di decsased 4 i CARTWRIGHT SRT te of the late. " f where from lication being the 23rd day of November, { We are now prepared 0 to the Holidays, comiposed A Beautiful, fine high-flavored Tea i 350. per Ib. or 5 bs. for $1. An extra one at 300. per 1b, or 4 1b for $1.10. 25 Iba. good Cooking Sugar for $i. 18 Ibs, Granilated Sugar for $1: 3 Ibs. Séedless Raising, fine, for 25e, 4 Ibs, Tapioca for 260. 2 Oans Salmon for 25c. DNL TLL aliar Qanav £ "and Lemon Peel, per Ib. 95c. Other Groceries equally low: Mince Meats very fine, Peaches, Nectarines and ts, Oranges, Lemons, Dates, , Almonds, Shell Alwonds, . Hinkury pa "MN NO. 1 Stock of Fresh and reliable Groceries & Provisions always on halld. MEALS and FEED at all kinds, Aly Bare, Sack and Dairy Salt. : CASH PAID © At all times for any quantity of ba EGGS. or ny I to at Will be prepared in a couple of weeks to by Buy "PEAS, BEANS, LAX rnd times in exchartge for Goods, .. utity of irst-Class Pork! for which the Hight Market Price will be paid. 4a Highest price paid for any quantity of Alsike, Red Clover and Timothy. " E H. PURDY. $0888800088880088000808800 PORT PERRY NURSERIES} 1 have a SURPLUS of the following Nursery Stock WHICH 18 STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, and of GOOD 81g w:// be sold CHEAP by the hundred or in quantities to stil puichasers-- European Mountain Ash, English, Scotch and American Elms, Black Walnut, White Ash, Norway Maple, European Larch, Austrian and Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce, Red Cedar, &e. A FEW THOUSAND APPLE TREES OR EXTRA SIZE, SIX years old, 7. Jeet high, inch to rk inth in diameter. Also a Light Grade Stock--clean, handsome, thrifty trees--just below first-class in Port Perry, Nov. 9, 1893, size; Apples at 15 cts., Pear and Plum, 40 cts. each. Bo iC KELLETT, Address, Box 127, Port PERRY, Ont. Port Perry, March 22; 1804. . I EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received during the many years i have kept a Livery Kstaviish- ment in Port Perry, I Cr much pleasure in announcing that I have removed the liberal and still increas: ge bestowed ou him since cow: utchering Buxiuess and would er prepared than ever Bu ic with Opposite ih Railway Station ly extended premises and increased faciliti % Tor business the public can be accommodated with safe and desirable RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES. | yi R. VANSICKLER. ort Perry, July 21, 1886. y and prom Has a hers) ee of at my Stall in the with me on my rounde will receive immediate AC J. WHEELER 598 '00D'S TA Tne Pue-Brd Bran fr bs, HE dersigned ke kee Jor service oF T ot iid" Reach, Lt rre-Bred © ) Boars--one is oF Berkshire and the other @ Chester White. Both Boars er bred the most Toted wie Dread eo ce an th an are ported stock, the foviner was bred by the famous impo d breeders of Eimsnan, He e Meanie: a Suell & Bro. of ig 6 the Inttor js rom the i en a a of -- e of iEals are pen for inspec uts, | : Dressed Liimber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick sincere thanks for the large measure "of patronage be- and wotild beg to state that liaving, at a large expenditure, thotdghly overhauled the entire Mill and en the stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, ol Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot' fail to give satis- faction to my patrons, # The Trade supplied with Flour of the flnest brands. THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and can supply all kinds of els, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts. EZ BIE LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done on short notice, tare JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Pairy, Oct. 1, 1891. IZ returning thanks tothe public for tha patronage extended. to me for over 30 years, I wou'd réspectfully intimate that } am, as tisual, now dy A business, and have a large & AsSoited Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP As an inducement to CasH purchasers 3888880088808 458588888888 HOLIDAY PRESENTS The Subscriber has just received a Sp Assortment of ANCY ID aA = 4 { I CONSISTING OF : TOILET SETS in Phwsh, Persian and Oxidized Silver; Leather; §e. PERFUMES: from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian Ware, §e., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, &e. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season. A. J. DAVIS, Chemist and Druggist PORT PERRY FETTER STE TTeeE LAING & MEHARRY OPENED OUT WITH A--m-- BLONG BLOCK, of everything in their line LAING ARR = =» oh Dagennt of 12 por onl | win be allowed on all Sales = now until Jan, 1st next. All work being MADE BY HAND; and no factory work kept in stock, the superiority of my goods will at once become pe nteuding purchasers will find that hy giving mb a call, before looking' Bisel beri they ean he suited in quality and price, wy lovig experience in the trade being an indink putable guarantee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any article purchased. Everthing in my line of business kepf constantly on hand aud repairs heatly adid J. promptly attcuded to, JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1802, Solentifio Amrican Agency for PP CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS, SOPYRIGHTS, otc andbook write to HAD NEW YORE, | gles LER For socal ng patgics in Ameri ery patent taken out by 1s is brought bef ublie by a notice given free of charge in tha Srienfific Qimerican | Laregs pt direulation of id scienfifo paper in the mdidly Sirhted. 1 ro gr ntoratinh and or: SLA) sl. 2 (dress HON | Fo BLISHERS, $61 Broadway; New York Cleys PAINTING KALSOMINING &C: THE tibdersigned would take this oppor- bunity, of thanking bis vumerous pat rons for thsi liheral and still increasing patronage during the io he hds ed on the biisiness of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state thst he is better prepared than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties entrusting their work to site fiay- rely or having it neatly and promptly exs- cuted, My on are moderate, 1 am also prepared ® supply Paints, a= when coutracting, A coutinuance of public patronage sols cited, WM; TREMEER Port Perry, Mar, 23, 1563; Agricultural Hachines eS We have Moved our business to the South side of Queen Street and now occupy the eXtensive premises just vacated by Mi. B. F. ACKERMAN, where we Will & Letter prepared than ever to supply out Customers and the public with everything in the Harness Line 'WHICH = FOR~------ee CHEAPNESS, STYLE, OF PETERBORO : Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Day Secder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow (ang, SEF tion Plows; Cltnvion 3 iowes Cultivator, 8. Roller, Steel To Cultivator, Binder Tru Also the followihg, 4 tho 5 LL 71 A High sus class Tiahing" ot Tot He 3 ulBomuids Hol: Sunderland, April or

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