Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Dec 1893, p. 3

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which he will sell for the next month at greatly Reduced Prices. My Stock consists of Parlor, Bedroom and Diningroom Suites, and every other deseription of Furniture saituble for housekeeping. [have wlaced in my Store a large quanity of very fine Gift Frawes, all sizes, and Gilt Moulds ings suitable for the Holiday Trade--O HEAP! ES. Lowber and Wood taken in exchange. JOEL INOTT. Next door west of St. Charles Hotel, EZ Give me a call Dee. 6, 1893. K-Large and Magnificent Stock a Fes NEW WINTER GOODS AT Whitby &Blong's rrr Ho er fe Suits from some of the Tod om En Hg Scotch, Liish, American / and Canadian Oloths ever showin in Port Perry. Gentle- wen wishing a FASHIONABLE, STYLISH SUIT! EEE E6555855949500495964% will do well to call early and select their goods. None but first-class worknen employed. Full satisfuction guaranteed, CGontis Furnighings.-- Everything in Gent's Furnishing line of Superior Quality, Latest Styles and Lowest Possible Prices. EZ A large line of the Newest Styles in Hats, English, American and Camdiun, So WHITBY & BLONG-. Port Perry, Nov. 30, 1893. Blong Block. IR. J. BI BRUCK =f ave. on hand a large Assortment of > following sei + GOODS A------SucH AS------ | Phi farm is nearly all | part of it free rom stom; fobs yr Soneen A. Bow d Son se 0 Nov, 80, 1e8. Now is the Time fo Get People Say it is Had Times | Well, if that « the case I will muke it Easy Limes "" BOOTS of Superior Quality at a Great Reduction in Price that will sur; ALL SUZES-HY "On MAKE, Keep no other--No inferior Stock Dither ent a made up, all of which 1 will dis- PBooTs that when you see the 'm and hear the priecs you will be sue to pur- chase. Repaiving of all kinds done with ueatness and dispatch, Laces, Polish and Waterproof Blacking. Rubber Overcoats aud Rabber Boots re- aired. aa Next door to the Market. WM. BOND. Port Perry, Nov. 14, 1893. Farm of 170 Acres For Sale or Rent POINT MARA. NOUTH-HALVES of Lots 15 and 186, con- AD cession A, Mara. Finest clay soil, fronting on Lake Simcoe, ove mile from Gamebridge, five miles from Beaverton, Possession 1st March, priviege of fall ploughing. Good frame buildings. Terms eusy. Apply to JAMES B. WARREN, Beaverton, Or JUDGE BURNHAM, AM, Whitby, For Sale o or to Rent. ia AmEs Bs | «deceased, hed vst:half of the] Hast half of lot No. 4, 4 tha 3rd concession : of Cartwright, 50 ACERES Rich 8uil, good well aud pump ; nearly all cleared, a comfortable log housse, a large Will be sold ata low frame barn and stable, J| sue on casy tern or, if rented; the Kx- ecutor will aceept improvements upon the place, such as fencing, &e., iu lien 01 morey for rent, Apply to JACCB PFEFFER, Executor, Oct. 26, 1803, Tava, Out. SPLENDID Brick Dwelling House SIX ACRES CF LAND FOR SALE. FPiHE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale her chcice and well-appointed residence and six acres of land on which there is a tine Park contaiving 2 acres; a fine, bearing Orchard of one acre and good Garden ; there is u splendid Driving Hodse and Stable on the premises. Hard und Soft Water and all other cuuveniences. The Carriage Dive and Grounds are plant- ed withvarious kinds of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, &e. This Union ou the Town of Port Perry and is a very de- sivable property aud will be sold at a BarGaN. For further particulars apply to the pro- prietress on the premises, EUPHEMIA DAWES. Port Perry, Ang, 30, 1803, PARE FOR SALE. $5100 ILL PURCHASE 150 Acres of Land, being the easthalf of lot No. 7 and h-west 60 i of lot 8, in the Gib ah of the R 3 ix well watered and built upon, an hin five miles of "| Port Perry, on the léading road the The soil is olay, If not Qays it will be leased for For further particulars n __ | Parr at Blac precursor of the Wikiter Summer Clothing, and something else pro: all, to keep the 'Bills and we of Boots, mk, the in Yes! while we are writing Stow weather all have been lodoking for wa Summer Boots and Shoes niust be sured to keep out the snow an feet dry and warm and save have just got the thing req 'Shoes, Rubbers, &o,, largest, Lest this' part Tes! we are going to dispose of 'Men's first-blass, heavy, HAND-MAD] Men's first- clus, grained, hand-ma $3.50 a pair. These Boots cannot for quality, make or price, and are equal to any ho t | ig you will pay $4 and $4.50 a pair. Heavy Long Boot id $2. Women's heavy Buttoned and Laced Boots for §1 you will py $1.50 for elsewhere, Women's flue Calf ids from §1.25 to $3. Children's Boots of all sizes and nt iwmeuse quantity of Rubbers, Overshoes and Men's | i nes Prices for CASH. [Long Boots for $3 a pair. ag Boots for $3, $3.25 and wat 50c B 6 Ibs for 25¢; tea 1 Ibs for 20 ® |Our fine Christmas and Holid arrived. --Finest Chester Table Raisivs, fine Patras Currants, Florida Oranges and Lei Penches, Nectarines; Orange, Lémon und Oi Oandies and Sweets, British Columbia Salmon, Herrings and Codfish, Cf Fresh Herring, Kippered Herring, Lobsters, &8 Fearman's Pung, Kettle-rendebed Lard, Hus and R Then we have. received. the finest, largest, an ment of Stand and Hangihg Lamp, Hall Lamp half price, being imported direct from Ge Ten und Divner Wure, Glassware, &e., &c. s 3 Ibs for 2b¢. s have just Valencia Raisins, Galifornin Apricots, ; Icing Sugar; Salwon, Mackerel, Bacon, post heautifal assort- '&d, at just about Beautiful Sets of And from this date we will give a discount of Te cent. on all Cash pur- chases of $5 and upwaids. z N & SON. Marriage License Office. Porr Perry, Nov, 15, 1893, » More ha$ ut considerable oxpense enlarged his place of bnsiness pared than ever to supply his numerous He OOM ughout and is Letter pre- OuIers. =N No. 1 Stock of Fresh and reliable Groceries & Provisions always on hand. MEALS and FEED at all kinds, At all times for any quantity of OA LGGS, Batver and Eggs tuken at Will be prepared in a couple of wecks to by Buy any sl ass uk 5 for which the Highest Market Pr fas, Will be valde Ip Un DY. $8488 Port Perry, Nov. 0, 1803, $8899208858400808¢ 188 AJ WI 28 y Sack and Dairy Salt. i PORT PERRY NUR 7 have a SURPLUS of the following Ni STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, and of GOOD Siz the hundred or in quantities to suit ESi Oy yo ry Stock WHICH 18 il be sold CHEAP by hasers.-- European roperty is brautifally located on venue jist on the southern border | ment in Port Per Mountain Ash, English, Scotch and A Walnut, White Ash, Norway Map Austrian and Scotch Pine, Norway S$ A FEW THoUusAND APPLE 'TREES OR E 7 Jeet high, inch to 1% inch in ay Lneler Stock--clean, handsome, thrifty trees--, size; Af pples at 15 cts., Pear and Phu Address Box 127, Port Perry, March 22, 1893. scan Elms, Black uropean Larch, Red Cedar, &c. BIZE, SIX years old. so a Light Grade blow first-class in ELLE T Z Pour Perry, Ont. LIVERY ~ STABLE. Hi WanYy years BARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronnge revolved during the have ty a Liver Estublisi still inereus oink Opposite the Rave Si Satin Ih in business to where from lar; blié patronage increased facili for ded pretnises she Dube pa | tallies i aie or All ode RIGS AT MODERATE ns Market Buildiy with convey CHER VANGICRLEN, [ud evelulal ort Perry, July 21,1886. = Port Perry, Au 1D begs. to return g only Cuoice promptoess val share of : ©© oo REMIOYV RL.Q9 We have Moved our business to the South side of Quesn Street and now IN FULL BLAST 1 HE nndersigtied takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- stowed on him since eommencing business in Port Perry, and would heg to state {hat Hetvi ing at a large expenditure, thoroughly . overhauled the entire Mill and intrbiicod the 'manufacture of Flour, is prep: d d to do GRISTING & CHOPPING Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give satis- faction to my patrons, The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. THE PLANING FACTORY .in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists; Scantling, Boards, Pick ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts. EZ" BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done on short notice; JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. LANG & MEHARRY --ITAVE AGAITIN-- IPENED --WITH A ficent Stock of everything in their lagni wa = LAING & MEHARRY. JUST RECEIVED. The Subscriber has just received a Complete Assortment of FANCY + GDODS CONSISTING OF 1 TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian and Oxidized Silver; Leather, $e. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bolles, Bohemian Ware, §e., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, §e. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season; a iy 2 BLONG BLOOE, ling & : hrs dy oe £25 Above are Solid Walnut Frames and well finished. Also Bedroom Sets as low as $1175 rr A Cai Souierten, | Ld returning thanks to the pais for thd patronage extended to me for over 20 years, I wou'd respectfully intimate that 1 um, us usual, bow ead for" business; chd bave i Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNF:§ which I am determined to sell very CHEAF As an inducement to CAsi purchasers =A Boomst of 10 por conde will be allowed on all Sales from now uwuil Jun, Ist next. All work bein, MADE BY HAN and no factory work kept in stock, thd superiority of my goods wiil at once become apparent, ntending porchasers will find that hy giving me a call before looking elsewherd they can be suited in quality and price, my long experience in the trade heirg an indiss, putable guaraptee that perfect satisfaction will be glveli by aby setiele pufehaeed! , Kverthing in my live of business kep constautly on hand and repairs neatly au promptly attended to, JOHN ROLPH/ Port Perry, Dec. 1, 182, CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS. SOR vriaHYS, Lo andbook write fu ©. 'ar infor rion & nd free bt MY ¥ ra Bo ADWAY, NEw BL YoRk, Kor Ig we Public by a notice given free of pir in the § STeiitie uerioa | Largest cirmulation of any r scentige > paper in the | world. dly illustrated. nrelligent man s Withous EL Wook 3. 0 nth no! MW & Ei CBiinitisis, 361 Broadway, New 3 Yours Citys PAINTING KALSOMINING &C: I'TYHE andersigned would take this oppor. tunity ot thankiug bis puwervus pat: rons for their liberal and still increasing putronage during the time he has carried ui the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that he id betwer prepared than ever to execute alf orders for Painting, Kalcomining and Paper Hangird Parties entiusting their work to me ma ny, rely oi: haviug it neatly and promptiy exes cuted, My shurges ate tioderaté. 1 ih Aliso prepared to supply Paints, £6, when contracting, A coutinusnce of public patronage solis cited, WM. TREMEER/ Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1563. Agr foultaral Machines is D . i ¥ 4 : paz undersigned keeps on hand and fo# sale the following Aurictliural Mach- ines and In-plements manufactured by the oceupy the extensive premises just vacated by Mi. B. F. Ackeryay, where we will be better prepared than ever to supply our customers aud the public with everything iu the WH ICH POR Durability and Harness IL,ine SrRENoTE 2 MTA HAMILTON ATR CO, OF PETERBORO : Rindois, Reipers, Crown Mower, Daivy Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two tor' Plow, Three Furrow ( tion Plows, Champ Plows, 3 Cultivator, S. - Hureow, - Roller, Steel Fra har Calti. utar, Binder is, &c Also the following, § the pasate' 4 GHEAPNESS, STYLE, ss tot

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