DR. B. 0. McDOWELL, | SUCCESSOR TO DR. HAMILL, * M D., Master of Surgery, Victoria Uni- - . versity; Licentiute of Royal College bf Physians, London, Eng., Member of Col- lege of Physicians & Surgeons, Ontario. -- Late attendant of Soho Hospital for Diseases _ of women, and of Great Ormond Hospital for Diseases of Children, London, Eng. Physician, Surgeon, &c., Office hours--8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 4 p.m. ind evenings. Office and residence, Dr. Hamill's old stand, ; Queen St., - - Port Perry. "TOHN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &c. Solicitor or the Ontario Bank. kar Office over the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. Jan. 29, 1887. E. FAREWELL, L. L. B, Sousty J. Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- itor, &eo., Notary Public and Conveyancer, Jifige--South 'wing Court House, Whitby, Ont, YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Barrister, . Attorney-at-Law,Solicitor in Chancery and Insolvency, Notary Public, &¢ Office--McMian's Block, Brock Street, hitby. J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, now putting®n Upper and Lower Sets of Teeth at from $4 T0 $76 EACH SET. Having just purchased the largest stock of teeth ever brought into North Ontario Tam satisfied I can 'suit you both as to quality and price. Come and see. Rooms ini the long Kk, over Messrs, Forman & Son's tore. Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1891. ~ full Course at | cial Veterinary College and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- ary Surgeon, would announce that he has bpened an office for the practice of lia pro- fessionat Port Perry, whereall calls personal by letter or telegram, by day or by uigh will be promptly attended to. All Sacanen of animals treated in the {atestand best known system ~ gar Telephone connection--free of Sharge. ORR GRAHAM, Port Perry, April 8, 1884. € L RJUBSON V.S. RADUATE Outario Veterinary Col- X lege, Toronto. Bverareeny Corraue, two miles south of Manohester. 14 years practice. Tele- phone in the house--free communication with Port Perry, Manchester, and elevitor. Telegraph ¢alls to Manchester will be for- warded by telephone. All Veterinary ' Medicines in stock, Evergreen Caiage:) Jan. 2, 1888, yo Office and residence | 2 its receivad at the] rates. Interest caloulated an each depositor semi annually. W. McGILL, ANAGER, Port Perry, April 4, 1888. DAVID J.ADAMS, PORT PERRY. BANKER AND BROKER. Good Note - Discounted. hest current credited to Has any amount of Money to Loan At 6% per cent. on good Mortgages. INBURANCH effected at the Lowest Rates in Good Inglish Companies. EZ Agent Allan Line of Steam- ships. Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1889. MONEY TO LOAN TE Subscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 6 PER OENT. &r Also on Village Property, 4& MORTGAGES BOUGHT. WX HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister. Office next to Ontario Bunk. Port Perry, May 10, 1885, W.M. WILLCOX, Licensed Austidnéer FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. AND I TAKE this opportunity of returning § thanks for the very liberal patronage which I_have received in the past. The increased experience and extensive practice whieh I have had will be turned to the ad vuntuge of patting; and parties favoring m with their sules may rely on their interests being fully protected. No effort: will be spared to make it to the advantage of par- ties to place their Sales in my hands. Sale Bills made out and Blank Notes furifistied free of charge. Satisfaction guar antee or no pay. Terms liberal, Port Perry, July 13, 1893, GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Auctioneer Wishes to inform the public that heis pre pared to attend with the atmost care al sules entinsted to his charge in the Town: ships of Reach, Scugog sand Mariposa. A register of dates of sales will be kept at the offico of Mr. Orr Graham. V.8., with whom arrangements may be made for sales, All 1 North Ontario Observer. A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper, . 18 PUBLISHED AT § PORT PERRY, ONT., EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, H. PARSONS, TrrMS. --$1 er annum, if paid in advance; t not $1.50 will be charged.. No subscrip- tiontaken for Jess than six months ; and no paper discontinued until arrears are paid up. 's Rates of Advertising: For each line. first insertion ........ $0 08 Subsequent insertions, perline ..... 0.02 Cards. ander 6-lings, per annum ..., 5 00 Letters containing money, when addressed to this Office, pre-paid and registered will |. be at our risk. : ~~ Advertisements measured by Nonpariel, and charged : to the space they oo. ol est dn advertise' Tait ers . vertise by the year or in all cases be strictly ad- corresp addressed to me at Scugoy P.O. will receive prompt attention. #47 Sale Bills made out aud Blank Notes furnished free of charge, I would &lso inform those interested in Poultry that I fice on hand and for sale upwards of 100 fine, pure-bred Plymouth Rock Chicks. If you want anything in that line please write me for prices or come and see stock. GEORGE JACKSON, Scugog, July 18, 1893. T. SWAIN, Licensed Auctioneer OR THE COUNTY OF DURHAM. Satisfaction guaranteed and term: liberal. 3 Office and residence nt Cesarea. Orders left with Messrs. Moore Bros., Blackstock, will receive prompt attention, .S. No charge made for selling for Auctiorteers in any other County. Caesarea, Nov. 15, 1892, . d Partiesentrusting their Sales to me may their intrests. 3 'WM. GORDON, Sunderland. + Sittings of the Division Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. a] "90 "0 BEBSL «a wo - 8 «w » "AON No £ 7 : rely on the utmsot attentiof being given to Bas >; S : A y ry 'S ARSAPARILLA 8S. P. Syrrh, of Towanda, Pa, whose constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. He writes: "Tor eight years, I was, most of the time, a great sufferer from constipae tion, kidney trouble, and indiges« tion, so that my constitution Scemcd to be completely broker down. I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with such excellent results that my stomach, bowels, and kidneys are in perfect con dition, and, in all their functions, as regular as clockwork, . At the time I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my weight was only 120 pounds; I now can brag of 159 pounds, and was never in so good Health. If you could see me be- fors and after using; yon would want me for a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of Sarsaparilia to be the best in the market to-day." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Di J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Cures others,willcureyou The Best Medicine. . J. 0. WiLson, Contractor and Builder, Sulphur Springs, Texas, thus spealts of Ayer's Pills: " Ayer's Pills are the best medicine i ever tried; and, in my judgment, no better general remedy could be devised. I have used them in my family and' recommended them to my friends and employes for more than twenty years. To my certain knowledge, many cases of the following coibpliints have been completely and Permanently Cured by the use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third day chills, dumb ague, bilious fever, sick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys- pepsfa, constipation, and hard colds. I know that 4 moderate use of Ayers Pills, continued for a few days or weeks, as the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for the disorders I have named above." "I have been selling medicine for eight years, and I can safely say that Ayer's Pills give better satisfaction than any other Pill I ever sold."--J. J: Perry, Spottsylvanta €. H., Va. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Every Dose Effective WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Thé successor of the "Unabridged." of looking after some cattle interests, and she for the love of change and to see her married sister with whom they were now staying. Ninnie Leatherby was a veritable gipsy at Leart, for she was never 80 happy as when she wis wandering about with the same restless fever which is the heritage of that picturesque tribe. Flicking the dust off her riding boots with her whip ghe rose and walked rapidly up and down in a high temper. * Why did they send unbroken beast? me such aft I am not a circus rider ; besides no girl on earth could sit such a chain lightning performer.' Her eyes filled with tears as she talked, and the show she had made of herself, turning Eomersaiiltd and land- ing on her liead in a cactus bed before the amused natives, an hour or so Lefore, was vivid memory. Forrest Fairfax: was sitting on the veranda smoking a pipe. His long legs dangl ed down in an awkward way on flower bed below, and to the detriment of a jasmine vine; whith Was timidly climb ing a frail trellis, "It was the best they had, Nan, so the livery stable keeper told me,' look- ing as much eoncerned as it was pos sible for any one to look with his round, pink face, whose natural éxpres- sion was a superabundance of good humor and health. Just at that moment her attention was drawn to a dark object, which drew nearéF and pearer over the prairie, ry: people, ° all the points of horse. Sudde: claiming with lively interest: Ni that's the sort of a fount I take ples sure in, See how even his gaits are, and how well bred he is.' SE The woman halted in front of th house, and in a twinkle jumped off, and advanced to the steps, leading the horses, with a bright smile on her tan; ned face. Nunuie noticed that sh was very young---not more than 16 17 at the most. She wore brown breeches and Her short clo skirt to those worn | women on the moors in Scotland Around her throat was twisted a low siik handkerchief, and her h was protected frrm the brilliant s shine by a large sombrero, such as cowboys wear, - boots, was similar 'Good evening, lady. I heard morning down in the ranch, that are looking for a saddlé horse, so tirought one to show you.' She - took her sombrero off as spoke, and wiped the perspiration fi her forehead, where her short bl curls clustered in damp little rin Her ungloved hands were tiny brown, but any one could see tha were strong as steel. Ninnie walked out en the gra examine the beautiful animal as she answered, 'T am looking fo to hire, but don't wish to buy we shall only be here a few wee! A shade of disappointment [the little horse dealer's brightening up, she anid. Come and have a ride on hi think you may change your mi Forrest began to feel uneasy. 'Is he gentle I he asked as the nerv-| ous creature put back his ears sn at such familiarity, ¢Oh, petfectly. You see that only a plain'dnafle on him, His mout! is like velvet. Nunnie's admirafion prevailed, she insisted on mounting, and in a] | moment was in the saddle. : * Shall I come along, too 7 he as 'my horse is just around the field in. ; hed! A g < Ob, no, thank lightly. I think we can gat very well,' and she smiled dowr Nannie ASI ERED a _-- Right Our Mistakes." in hall group of od on the lawn in at 1. think I've hit, 'muttered ns he gnzed rma of the two man's, 80 she abandoned herself to her fate, swaying from side to side in the saddle, half dead with fright. She could hear her friends gaining on then find tried to be brave. . Starr the leader of the gang, who was a half breed Indian, cried our, Hurrah | the marshal's Lit the dust | as the smoke of his rifle cleared, and gognize that bay which Mise erbory is riding pean't say I did,' they replied, : zzled. thut is one of the horses that htig cut out from the San rd with a lot of others. This branded, but I knew him by blaze on his forehead the saw him. §t Fairfax began to be redlly ed, as 'This an't be one of che Starrs She was living on a ranch near he cried out: marshal scorned such eredulity, y I know every ranch around for 'and havenever seen that woman, is she. Bat they must he new one of her friends had been Nanniedid not even scream, but diare, lcd by the cruel little brown hand that never relaxed its grip on the bridle. Then see felt a sharp pain in her arm. The river, sky and prairie heavs ed like a stormy occan, aid she faint- ed. : Forrest Fairfax bitl fired the ball which struck his sweetheart, He had intended it for ove of the outlaws, -- When he saw Nannie fall off in a helpless heap his heart wmisgave him and he thought she was dead, as the gang thought also, for they did not stop a second in their race for life, and soon disappeared over the plains, Forrest was overcome with grief as he knklt Hown in the waving prarie grass and gathered his unconscious dled to trade on such danger- und' lets follow them,' suggested For- rest; a8 he ran around to get his 4 Au right,' answered the marshal, it we must take a circuitous route or our bird will escape. That woman rides like an Indian, I hear. Will you fellows join, us I" he inquired of his companions Half of thew volunteered, and the others pleated pressing engagements when they thonght of their families for they knew only tbo well what desper- ate criminals the Starrs were. arshal warned bis friends that the gang were no doubt hover waiting for the woman to ii " Nannie was thoroughly enjoying self as she cantered on, The breeze hich haf sprung up much cooler in last half hour was very refreshing She could ide the bay by the least touch as er the long warm day. they swung along. What do you want for him I" she ked, thinking of what a good hunter je would make. 21 couldn't take less than $500 ; he lly worth much more.' Niinie gasped in fright at such a She couldn't afford half that pount just then, bechuse she had ice. bon unusually extravagant lately, so e give up ull hope of owning him ith a sigh of despair, Suddenly the ttle dealer wheeled around with a Ldued Spanish oath, for she saw that ey were being followed. + Would you like to let him out--to »d him 7 she asked as calmly as pos- bie dnder the circumstances. «Yes, that would be delightful' answered, innocently, and on she was going at full gallop, with o little dealer in the lead, who sent er horse along in the most extraor- paay way. She did not know that er lover ad friends were in hot pur- pit, ind laughed gleefully when she pund that the horse was so swift ; so be urged bim on, quite unconscious of jer danger. The woman made straight r a piece of timber by the river side, the bny shied quickly at afi alilgst- which Was Lasking in the sin ob nk, and, as he shied, Nannie at top speed. ot's pull up; I think I see Mr. fax, she called out, breathessly, he was not as 'it' as she might n. was 60 astonished that she no resistance, and side by side 0 women grlloped on. Some ing men who had been con- the wood joined them but no . A ball whizzed by and p report of a rifle rose above er of the horses' hoofs. Fir 'kept up thick and fast by the d the pursuers. oman kept her horse ii the r companions, pulling Nannie a sort of a shield to protect the bullets, Nainié étrug- awny from her hold, but how useless it was, for the n hands were ay strong as & sweetheart close in his arms. They ail gave up the hunt after that and busied themselves by strapping the wounded and dead men to the horses. The bbdy of the poor marshal was tied on his horse, which the men caught not far off, grazing. They found as they bore Nannie back to her sister's house, that it was only a flesh wound in her left arm which soon healed, and she was as well and strong as ever in a few days, but wuch shaken, of course by her bandit adventure, Two or three weeks ago, when | flew on like one in a dreadful nights Nannie and Forrest were on their wed- ding tour in Colorado, they were not at all surprised to read in the Denver papers, July 2, that the notorious tarr gang had been captured in Ool- horse dealer, who turned out as the unfortunate marshal had supposed, to be the wife of the chief. Nannie often wonders why the wo- man tried to run dWw&y with her, and Forrest Fairfax thinks, with a shiver, what a narrow escape his little wife had from being held as ransom. - Thousands of lives are saved annual- ly by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. In the treatment of croup' and whoop- ing cough, the Pectoral has a most marvelous effect: It dllays inflavima- tion, frees the obstructed air passages, and controls the desire t& cough. --- Counterfeit Railway Tickets. Chicago, Nov. 27.--Qounterfeit rail way tickets to the amount of over $100,000 have been honored in the last four weeks by the Baltimore and Ohio, Erie, Pittsburg aud Western, Nickel Plate, There is ah- solutely nothing on the face of the tickets to indicate they are counterfeit. and other roads, They have been accepted witliout ques- tion by conductors, passed readily by the ticket counters, and have been entered as bf legal jssue by the various ticket auditors. The tickets are the most perfect counterfeits ever issued. The first intimation of crookedness cropped out in the auditor's office of one of the victinnzed lines nearly three weeks ago. In checking the used tickets from fhe original record, two tickets of the same form number were found. The auditor satisfied himself that both tickéts were genuine, and sent A stinging note to his printer, scoring him severely for his carelessness. The printer appeared in person with an indignant denial of the charge, but the two tickets of the same number were shown him, and he was compelled to acknowledge that thé errof was made in his office. The next day the ticket auditor dis. covered sixty-seven duplicate tickets in the collections. There seemed no pos- sibility of the tickets being counterfeit. They were exact duplicates. The next tickets "were found in the collections, and a panic reigned in the auditing de- prrtment. Tach of the tickets read from Olicago to New York, and was worth $18. The oe day's collections showed thnt tlie company had houored at least $5,400 worth of tickets, for which 1t had not received a cent of re Venue, Experts were immediately called in. At the end of three days, in which over five hundred more duplicate tickets piled up in the auditor's office, one of the experts declured the duplication was a coutiterfeit, With the aid of # e little] day nearly thréé hondred duplicated | if x powerful microscope he had at last dis- covered a minute imperfection in a small letter '0,' which showed in just half the duplicated tickets. Meanwhile, other roads had been go- |. ing through the sawe experience. lo each case the tickets were passed with: out question by all the handlers; inelud-- ing auditors, and not one was detected until the dupfieate numbering appenr- ¢ of the roads promptly issucd Back conductor : to recognize the counterfeits, and the first day the four rounds natned took up oter six hundred of them, This fas gengers were naturally indignant, biit eich was compelled to acknowledge that be bad bought the ticket of a Chicago scalper. sengbté who made written statements of the circumstances declared that they had bought the tickets of a man doing The were bought in various offices. With the information thus obtained business on Clark street. rest the victimized roads engaged the ser vices of a prominent detective agency, and a large forcé was put on the work of apprehending the counterfeiters. The evidence secured will be presented in due time to the Grand Jiiry. There is no means of knowing how many tickets have been sold by the counterfeiters. The railways now have in their possession about $200,000 worth, more than half of which have been honored for transportation. On one train there were eighty-three holders of the counterfeit tickets, and thirty-seven were compelled to leave the train for non-payment of passage. sensei For pity's sake, don't growl and grumble because you are troubled with indigestion. No good was ever effect- ed by snarling and fretting. Be a man (unless you happen to be a woman), and take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which will relieve you, whether man or woman, After al), it is the condition of trade Nearly all kinds of garments are worn longer in dull times than in prosperous oues. that regulates the fashions. ter than one? Papn--Sometines; fy son. Small boy--Is that the reason they put "em on playing cards? Delays Are Dangerous. At this season the cffects of catarrh fd cold in the head are most seriously felt, and endanger life and health if not promptly treated. For this pur- pose there is no remedy equals Nasal Balm, Prompt in giving relief and never fails to cure. Sold Ly all dealers 50c. a bottle, by mail, post paid. Ad dress G. T. Fulford & Co., Brockville, Ont, Mrs. Wickwire--Just think Mr. rn to. 1 never get a chance to do anything else when you have started in to talk. Wickwire--Guess have Fond parent--I cannot interfere, Bobby ; your teacher writes me that she thrashed you on principle. Bobby --Well, she didn't. Don't you think I kno® where she licked met Beyond Dispute. FTYHERE is no better, safer or more pleasant cough remedy made than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. It cures hoarseness, sore throat, coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. "That Auger is a sharp fellow," said the Hammer to the Saw, around a good deal.' 'Yes,' replied the Saw slowly, between his teeth, 'and 'but he runs what an awful bore be is!' Gipsy Petite-- Yes, that's my nime, love! Don't you like it? U. of M. Senior--I think it véry romantic. Gipsy Petite--So do I ; but (very coy- ly) I would like to change it. The Most Excellent Remedy. Dear Sirs. --I have suffered greatly from constipation and indigestion, but hy the use of B.B.B. I am vow restored to health. I cannot praise Burdock Blood Bitters too highly ; it is the most excellent remedy I ever used, % Miss Aaxes J Lavras, Hagérsville, Ont. Stayon (11.30 p.m.)--I tell you Chicago is the place! Everything goes out there. Miss Buffalo (with a a wédry glance at the clock)--Yes; and it's only 10.30 there now, too, DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE 'YRUP cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma, onchitis, Hoarseness & Consumption taken in time. BURDOCK PILLS cure Liver ills. They are small and elegantly coated, sure in effect and pleasant to use. ¢ Have you a wardrobe I 'asked the manager of an actress who had just ap- plied for an engagement. * Why, no,' she replied, burlesque line, y6i know.' She was engaged on the spot. For Boils and Skin Diseases. Dear Sir8.---I have been using B.B.B. for boils and skin diseases, and T find it very d as a cure peta cure I have 'I'm in the Axa dys) Sho found it nuegnalied. po Mrs 8, eng (WHO Nine out of ten pas- | Small boy-- Paps, are two heads bet- Ee (Terms :--$1 per Annum in Haan sis LE NO 3 Deafness GrsTLEMEN, --For a pumbe: suffered from deafness; and last er could scarcely bear at all. I applied Hag: yards Yellow Oil and 1 can hear ns well Auyone now. v Weymouth, me? '1 shaifld think it would Jones--Does Daubre pa living Wright--1 should judge Ly his pi tures, ak It cures all diseuses: | bowels end blood! 'Pid Brown leave the commtry fib. good FT reckon so; It's heen doin' {purty well ever since,' ; Jawley--Two heads are better than |one. Hawley-- Especially if you want un engagement at a dime-muscam, | [ | says the philosopher. 'Ecerything comes to hint whid Ralite'y The | borrowed by a friend should be exeept- ed | MILBURN'S COD LIVEB. OIL | EMULSION with Wild Cherry ani- Hypophosphises builds upand strength- ens the entire system. : LITTLE MEN AND LITTLE WOMEN sometimes suffer from woims. Low's Worm Syrup is very highly re- commended as a cure un brella 'I know I'm a little irritalil, John, Lut if [ had to live wy life again I'd marry yoy just the same 'Hw! 1 have my doubts about it.' 2 'Hello, Blinks, have you a cigar, or have you quit smoking? Blinks-- Well] [ rhould say not, 1 only swore off Prisoner--1I beg you,, judge. not to { condemn me--not on my account, hut so as not to injure the prospects of my counsel. ---- em ALL MEN Young, old or middle aged, who find them-, selves, neruous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreans; dimnees of sight, palpitation of the heart | efnissious, lack of energy, pain in the kid- | ness headaches, pimplis on the face aud hody, ittHing or pecilinr sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of tiie muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulnese, deposits in the urive, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and pine, weak aud flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to he rested by sl consti] dullness of hearing, los 08, « r litn ey exe citability of torper, sunken eyed; SF Tow ed with LEADENX CIRCLES, oily looking skin etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility. that lead to insanity unless cored, The spring or vital force having lost its tension: every function wanes in consequence. Those, who through abuse committed in ignorance way be permantly cured. fend your ad- dress for book on diseases pect liar to man, send ]0g in stamps, sealed. Adress M. V. LUBON, 24 Macdonpell Ave, Ont., Canada. ~ ---- Yow When a man advertises that he Toronto; wants to buy a 'safe' horse for his wife to drive, he means one that will cost more than $30. uot Lady (in curio-store)-- Does this clock go? Dealer-- Ah, wadnm, 1 am so sorry, but that clock is G00 years old) It has already went. ] He--S8he is a general favorite among the men, I takeit. Sho-- What naked, you think sot He--The wdinen aif seem to hate her, She--I am only going to give Jou one kiss, for you have been smoking. He-- But you told me you didn't mind it. She--No. Bat Fido dues. Mistress-- So you are going to fenva my service | Now what ative {inpels +| you to go away ? Servant-- It's no mo tive, madame ; It's a soldier. I Syrupof Figs is taken; it is p 3 and fling to the taste, and acts mY {ver and Bowels, cleanses the tem effectually, dispels colds, aches and fevers A ial constipatio Pp Say seedy of its kin er pro- duced, pleagin gto ihe She ceptable e stoma Sorsotion and truly beneficial ite effects, p onl , healthy an many excoll a Tem! PE p of Figs is for botijes by all' : e &