Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 Nov 1893, p. 4

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Company, Brockville, Ont., "and Scher: SENOCN SE ectady, N.Y., and are sold in boxes | NS CED (never in loose form by the dozen or COVERY IMPOSSIBLE. nundred and the public are cautioned , -- agrinst numerous imitations sold in this The R Juble Experience of Mz L shupe) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes | 4 Frie s alled to His Supposed | for $2.50, and may be had of all drug-| ny thbed--How He Regained Hir| vists or direct by mail from Dr. Wil- adkncwledgement of His Gratitude La ssc, Montreal. #rom La Presse, Mo Electric Motors and Generators. mn : There has appeared in the columns Further Particulars Unneces- O0NTRAOTORS AXD BUILDERS OF of La Presse during the past two years sary. BLEOTRI0 LIGET AND POWER BTATIONS RR many articles bearing witness to the -- THROUGHOUT THE DOMINION. $ t good accomplished in various| Father--And be wants you to be 80 TO 70 WELLINGTON ST. parts of the country by a remedy the | his wife 1 y --------------------------------------E----------------. name of which is now one of the most Daughter-- Yes. SVERTISING + MEDIU familiar household words in all parts| Father-- Well, I suppose you know | DVERTISING + MEDIU of the county of Ohatenuguay, over |something about his character, his con- | IN THE WORLD IS THE the signature of a well-known resident | dition, and prospects. Tell me whl} L 0 C A L P RR E S S ---------------------------- of St Urbain, which speaks in positive | you know about him. and anmistakable language as to the Daughter-- Well, in the first place, value of this wonder-workiug medi-| he has plenty: of money, and---- | A P E R F E C T A R T | C L E. cine, Father--H"m! Plenty of money!) MR. BEAUDIN'S STATEMENT, I think, Jennie it is unnecessary to «1 feel that I owe my life to your |enter into further particulars, hi Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and [ desire | range the matter between yourselves. to make grateful acknowledgement | Bless you my child, bless you | and to give you a complete statement re pen The purest qnality of Cream Tartar, of my illness and cure io the hope that She--Aa Tam to be a poor man's | finest re-crystalized Bi-Carbonate of Sods my experience may be of benefit to 2 a en calorer About the middle cook-book 1 He--Wait a little my Jy bos Hood AL DK possible) heer 1891, acting on the advice | pet, until we make 'sure that we will [iin ever. doctor whom I had | have anything to cook. . | ALL THE BEST G SELL XT. "consulted, left home for the north to Sa jnvest in farming lands with the in. tention of cultivating them myself. 1 cine made from roots, bark and herbs, 3 - ASK FOR THE hud been fisted with» species of {and in the best knawn remedy for dyspepein, | FAVORITE AND RENOWNED BRANDS rm £18 caus! y the ru ure 0 A | cons' ipa on and billousness, and wi cure De over the IE Cor and | 811 blood diseases from a common pimple to re 0 NTT ER OO : . . I 8, which had stopped the circulation of the worst sorofulovs sere blood on the left side, TI was at that time employed as book-keeper by Messrs. Lucaillade Bros, Lawrence, Mass, The doctor had advised a change | mother, I'm not m the low comedy of work so as to have less mental and line. | more physical exercise. This 1 resolv- ed upon, but dffayed too long as I did not leave until the following October. Arriving at my destination I perceived symptoms of my previous illness mak- ing themselves felt once more, I went at once toa local physician who de- come and amuse thé baby. Harry | using Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam I was cured in two or threo days. Itis the best| The Finest Pure Cround Josep GARRICK, Tins only, Jf you cannot get it at Goderich, Ont. |your nearest grocer, send postal card clared himself unable to understand | Modge-- What's this T hear about Jirect to Acme Mills, Montreal, who will | able. ; Saop--One door West of the St, Charles Hotel. ES. A call solicited. The great success and reputation that LUBY'S go for a doctor and a priest. doctor arrived almost immediately, but could not afford me the slightest relief. The priest then arrived, and seeing the condition I was in, told me my case was critical and to prepare for death my onse. However, he gave me some medicine to ease the pain I felt in my | Tol 3 | the address given. head, particularly at night. This af- | jus i mistake, I said you had the forded me relief for a few minutes, and SucALiGh 0 Ay P iy! sometimes enabled me to get a little | HoLroway's Proce AND OINTMENT. | sleep, but the awakening was always --The most effectual Cure for Gout | of these complaintsisthe inflammatory | FOR THE taking my medicine as directed, and state of the blood, attended with bad | "& 2 ) % : ni slept the whole night, but the follow- digestion, lassitude, and great debility, | ) . ing morning on trying to rise I found | shoving the want of x proper virghle. | : gD myself so weak that I could not stand | tion of the fluid, and that impurity of | b and could scarcely speak. My wife, the blood greatly aggravates these dis- | surprised to see me in such a state, ran orders. Holloway's Pills are of so| PamisiAX HAIR REXEWER has obtained proves to a neighbor's and requested him to purifying a nature that a few doses i nag no equal for restoring hafr to its natural |anyone that has an attack of either leaves tho scalp clean and healthy, | ' oon A een should use Holtoway's Owmtment also, . : th : Y ists, B50c. t the powerful properties of which, com- | Fold by all Drugglsts e. a Bottle, | bined with the effects of the Pills, en-| On the following day both the priest | 87° & certain cure, The Ointment) and the doetor advised my wife to tel | should be thoroughly rubbed into the Success the Test of Worth I CATR {mail immediately free trial sample to worsé than before. On the last of and Rheumatism. --A frequent cause | The tnken in time are an effectual preven-| eolor,and from its bal mio properties strengthens | parts affected at least tw ice a day, after | | calling we an educated pig? Yabsley | { October I went to bed as usual after tive against gout and rheumatism, but thegrowth of the halr, romoving all dandruff, and egraph to my friends, as they consider- | they have been sufficiently fomented with warm water to open the pores to facilitate the introduction of the Oint- ment to the glands. ed death approaching, and two days later my two brothers arrived. The doctor then asked if I preferred that he should hold a consultation with an- other physician, and on my replying in the affirmative, he telegraphed to a doctor living at a distance of about fifteen miles. They both came to see | MY exception. To-day my cash is'wny me, asked some questions'and retired down, and that is just why I ask for consultation. The result of this | credit,' replied the young man, sadly. was that my wife was told that 1 could Down With High Prices For *Qur rule is cash down, young mau,' said the merchant. 'Exactly, and it is not possibly 'get better, Said the Electric Belts doctor to her, buith the greatest pos-| gi 55 $2.65, $3.70 ; former prices $5, $7, | 1 sible care he cannot live a year'-- | 810. Qualty remains the same--16 dif- When my wife told me this | deter-| ferent styles; dry battery and acid belts | mined 10 'pay the doctors and discon- | --mild or strong current. Less than half tinue their services, It cost me | the priceof any other company and more PILLS AND OINTMENT about $30 to hear their verdict.-- home testimonials than all the rest to Two or three' weeks passed without gether. Full lisk free. Mention $his | AR peper. W. T. BAER & CO. Windsor, Ont. | THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE i ment i lition and ANY MGPrOvemInG In IY Sondiion she "There is wan thing,' said Mr. Dolan, IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE J was so weak I could barely move A around the house with the aid of a reflectively, as he glanced at a laundry EVERYWHERE. sign, 'thot Oi must rishpect the Choin- cane. One day I noticed a parcel h ' n ase fur.' *Phat's that 7 asked his lying on the table wrapped in a news- Yoo paper. Having nothing better to do Sompanion, 'For learnin' to speak PURIFY THE BLOOD, § " i n hile | their own language. J < BL , impart tone to th I began to fead it, and after a whil gung NERVOUS SYSTEM, and ast most power came across an article headed "Mira- fully yet soothingly on the culous Cure." I read it, and the longer | LIVER AND BOWELS, 1 read the more interested I beoame.| promoting DIGESTION and assimilation, anc because 1 saw the case of the person endowing the whole bodily frame witl referred to resembled my own in many REN 24 Vigoss Nervous Head . i gy riche . PIA aches, remblngs with assitude and respects. When I finished the article GENERAL DEBILITY quickly yield to the 1 saw that the cure had heen effected potent force of these well-known Pills, an¢ by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Tt seem- they are unrivalled in their efficacy in all ed as though there was a struggle with- PEMALE COMPLAINTS, in me between the facts [ had read and removing all obstructions, skin blemishes ny own incredulity, so small was the pimples and boils, better than any other family faith I bad in medicines advertised in mer cine known, the papers. 1 read the article and re- read it several times, I seemed to UNLOCKS ALL THE CLOGAED SECRETIONS or THe BOWELS, KIDNEYS Ano LIVER, hear the doctor's words. "he cannot| camryiNGOFFGRACUALLY, WITHOUT WEAKEN- live a year," and then I saw the effects | INQ THE SYSTEM, ALL IMPURITIES AND FOUL of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the case| MuMons. AT THe saue mime CoRmecT~ | It heals every kind of SORE, ULCER HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION, . 4 . ING ACIDITY oF THE STCMACH, cumna |and WOUND more certainly then any other 1 had just read about. The result of | BiLIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, HEAD. |known salve. Its marvellous penetrating Siege ofiostions was that I decided to| acHes, p1zZINESS, HEARTBURN, |powers render it invaluable in all give Pink Pills a trial, and I immediate-| CONSTIPATION, RHEUMATISM, THROAT AND GHE. D Jy 'wrote the Dr. Williame® Medicine | DROPSY, SKIN DISEASES, JAUNDICE, | uring Bronchitis, atid Co., for a supply. On their arrival I SALT RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS, SCRO- | ying Glandular Lumps, closing and healing commenced using them according to Liew Sr THE MZART. ABSCESSES and FISTULAS, and for alle directions, and before the first box was| .DEBILITY. These ano ALL siMiLAR visting the excmciating lortures of done | found they were helping me, COMPLAINTS QUICKLY FIELD TO THE CURA= RYEUMATISM, GOUT, aud it was not long before I was able rive inrLuence of BURDOCK BLoop | nd NEURALGIA it is unsurpassed. It never 3 : 4 BITTERS. . ails to remove Scurf and every species of to walk to the village, a distance of | ee | Kin disease. half nile, without the aid of a cane, sp £7 In the list of the Treasurer's Sale : 2 of Lands in the County for arrears of taxes The Pills and. Ointment are Manufactured only at at the ken | to take p rt House, Whitby, | 78 Feg0xtord st. (1ate 533, Oxford St.) London are sold by all Vendors of Medicines threughout the tod he tow are liable to be TOWNSHIP OF REACH. 0 pounds in .| Block D, pt. lot 3, in Prince Albert--Ilot 17, took the pills for about three months con. 5. : and in that time E ganed 40° pounds, | Block Dy pt Tot 1, Princ Albert--lot 17, To-day I as well as T ever was in South part Tob 3. oon. ds J my life, and my recovery is due entire | South part lot 17, con. 9. Merson 10S ly to the use of Dr, Williams' Pink TOWNSHIP OF BROCK. ' } lls and I cannot recommend them Fart id 13 Sous Be . ) highly to those who do not enjoy | part lot 12. con. 6. i derland 1 (Iblesings ol perfect Jealth, Southall 1ot 11 $=shep Sunderland, Planin g Mills ¥ % ours gratefully, TL L. Jos. Beaupiv. Rheumatism Oured in a Day.--South PORT PERRY. 2 . . American Rheumatic Cure, for Rhcumatisin An analysis shows that Dr. Williams' | and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Pink Pills contain in a condensed form Ate notion 3 the syste: § is Femarkaile THE Sete beg 1» Z3unounde JHhe "all i and mysterious, removes at once the ey Arc DOW prepare manufactura ea to rhe myo and ow. | canta und, ths neste "immediatly Sis poops SASH, BLINDS a! richness to t ood, and re- appears. The first dose gently benefits. % » » ; "shitttered ervee. oy are an | --75 cents. Sold by A. J. , Druggist. CASINGS, FRAMES, specific such diseases as STAIRS, for ataxia, partial paralysis, St. STAIR RAILS, STAIR BRACKE anion. sol; SE Mrs, Winstow's Soorsixa Syrup has » T8, janice, sciarion, Denrulgia, thes. been used by millions of mothers for their| BANNISTERS, ~~ NEUEL POSTS, ~ nervous headache, ter | children while teething. If disturbed at MOULDINGS, &C., night and ken of rest by a sick child sufferi with pain of Cut- IRSVUREAT "VARIETY, o and get a bottle of | Scroll Sawing, Band Sawing and Turning done with neatness and dis patch. : § i : 7 ALL TRE LATEST STYLES IN te | FANCY FENCE PICKETS - Tanks and -Cistern Tabs made to order. ing and Siding constantly on hand. done wold 1 0 Purshusers should ook to he Tavel sa Oxford Btreet, London, they are spurious. eg) For Over Fifty Years. Town Hall. ANNOUNCEMENT | HE unde ed takes much pleasure in - EE ho has removed his business to that fine one door east of Diesfeld's Jewelery Store-- D LIQUORS, A fine assortment, in all lines, ard Retail ! Toronto and Montreal Prices-- EE -------------- ee -------------------------- Health and Strength -- A Public| |jz,,¢' Medicine Congany, from either | THE ROYAL ELECTRIC (0. HE Undersigned begs to dd store in the "DIAMOND address. Arc and Incandescent Eleotrio Lighting, |and has largely increased hiss moved into his extensive, well arranged NewBrickEstablishment where his superior and tly increased facilities for ll will Srovewdvantaze: ous to all doing business with him. 'With many thanks for very extensive and till increasing patronage. 7 Approved Oven has all the latest improvements ana does its work to perfection. The public may Wholesal Hotelkeepers supple freight saved. In stock, fine brands, Wines Pricesto suit the times. A #4 Parcels delivered to any p ester, free of charge, sfor Medicinal Purposes. GHOIGE BREAD. Corporation, or to Prince Albert and Manch . M. WILLIAMS. FANCY BREAD, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, &G. wife, don't you think I ought to get a | only are used in this preparation. Port Perry, April 8, 1890 Mamma--Harry, I 'want you to] U N ION JA Cc K, NEW FURNITURE | dock Bota Hiliers medi- CX GARS. 4 Port Perry Sep. 9, 1891. Lake Ontario Steamboat Co'y. NEW PRICES o his customers for the liberal support to furnish all requiring anything in 1 respectfully invite inspection of my Gilt and Marble Mouldings for picture (aged 5)--You'll have excuse me | T 0 MM 8 A W Y E R « | The Subscriber wishes to return thanks t ¥or Sale Everywhere. since the fire, and is better pre] PENNINGTON & CO., MONTREAL. | the Furniture line, good and che ------eee---- Just arrived a splendid a Obstinate Cough Cured. framing and all kinds of frame: ~ ENTLEMEN. --I had a Very bad cou ab A F F A R 0 M A oY ¥ which 1 could not get rid of, but by My Tndetaking Dogar and surest cough medicine I know of. |§often intho World. Soldin|;. replete with everything necessary for furnishing Funerals. Charges reason. NORTH KING. Stock. Hs HE nesday at 0.454 m., and Saturday at 4.16 p.n., ar- ving at Port Hope at 6.80 a,m., (Saturday at 9.00 .m.) Will call at Colborne on Wednesdny and Fri- ay at 4.00 a.m., and Brighton on Monday and Wed. | nesday at 2.00 a m. a » W. N. Y. & P,, and Have Bugguge Checked Th Port Perry, 18, 1803. GOING WEST.-- IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF FURNITURE GOING EAST-- - [10:86am Ww ¢ 7:05 p.m " * * 1:06 p.m A, J. DAVIS, AC iy" perry IT WILE PAY _YOU TO JOHNSON, ITBY CavEATES AND RE-188UES secured, TRADEMARKS registered and all other patent causes in the Patent Office and before the Courts promptly and carefully prosecuted. ¥ | make careful examination, and advise as to patenta- bility free of eharge. and attention is sp Jong established fac inary searches, for the most vigorous and successful prosecution of 'wpplications for patent, and for attend. | shortest possible time. 'Reject ed cases a specilalty, to patent business. Book of information and advice, and special references sent without charge upon re- quest. 0 Mention this pape .) His Stock is complete in every Department, which he offers at Prices that cannot be {had:d | Oall and examine my Stock and you will be convinced that for Quality Style and Finish our Furniture is unsurpassed. A large stock of Upholstered Chairs, and Ottomans, in Silk, Velvet and Clipping and Trimming that he is prepared to Clip and Trin (in Old Country and other styles, all horses en- trusted to him. Orders left at Mr. 8, Graham's Blacksmith Shop will received immediate attention. Charges moderates Satisfaction Goarant- @ A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit my Establishment Whitby, Jan. 15, 1889. Diesels: D JUST OP] NED OUT A Fine Jewelry-- FINE GOLD WATOH "he Latest Styles in Forty dozen SPEOT AQ! REGULATORS and Everything nd Boxes If the address is not 833, | OATS e VV YY he, Co 'Troubles, Dizziness, B to Order. -- : 'of the public is respeot-| 'Factory on Lilla street, just south of the| informing the public that he has now need scarcely remind the public that my rely on an unlimited supply of Every variet" of WM. HISCOX. STEAMER New, Fast asp Erecrric-LigETED. DAILY FOR ROCHESTER. On and after Moriday, May 1st, will leave Cobourg t 8,00 a.m., Port Hope atH.45 a.m.,on arrival of a. . R. Trains. Arrives at Charlotte at 2.20 p nu. Returning, leaves Charlotte at 11,15 p.m , except Ask your local agent for Throwgh Tivke y point on the N. ¥. C., Pnu. RR, TV igh Val v, West Shore, R. W. &O0., D, L&W, P. R.& P, rough. F, GILDEBSLEEVE, Gen. Manager, C. H. NICHOLSON. Kingston. Gen. Pass. Agt, Port Hope. Canadian Pacific Railway. ONTARIO DIVISION rains will leave Myrtle ax follows " : » - PATENTS, Upon receipt of model or sketch of invention, 1 Main offices directly across from the Patent Office, lly called to my perfect and s tor making prompt prelim. ng to all business entrusted to my care, in the FrES MODERATE, and exclusive attention given ® J. R. LITTE! Solicitor and Attorney Ww posit The undersigned begs to inform the public B. F. CRANDELL. Port Port, Sept. 21, 1892 DRESSMAKING. MISS NELLIE CAMERON Begs to intimate to the Ladies of Port Perry and vicinity 'that she is prepared to do Dressmaking in the latest and best style. Having taken a course in Cutting of one of the most expert Dress and Mantle Cutters in the Dominion she feels confident that all orders entrusted to her cannot fail to please her patrons, A staff of competent assis- tants steadily engaged. Rooms at the residence of her father, Caleb street. Port Perry, June 30, 1892, JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. FOR SALE. Albert. For particularsapply to J. BAIRD Prince Albert, April 14, 1886. TING Hat General and Nervous Dey gestion, dyspepsia, and also of the greatest valu which it possesses, organs, the with this wor TWO DUSIABLE RESTDINGELS The unde: ed offers for Sale two Comfortable gidences in Prince It is Pleasant to the Taste as the It is Safe and Harmless as the This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been introduced into this country by the South American Nervine agent has long been known by a fe who have not brought its merits and value to the knowledge of the general public roprietors and manufacturers of the Great onic, and yet its great value as a curative w of the most learned physicians, This medicine has completely solved the problem of the cure of indi- ousness of period known stomach, the liv nderfully valuable in u Tome, almbst constantly, fo: space of two oO carry them safely over the danger. diseases of the general nervous system. It is ¢ in the eure of all forms of failing health from whatever cause. It performs this by the great nervine tonic qualities and by its great curative er and the bow Nervine Tonic uilder and str wers upon the digestive 2% No remedy oe r three 3 rs. This great strengthener and cura- tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because its great energizing properties will giv e them a new hold'on life. It will add ten or fifteen years to the lives of many of those who will use a half dozen bottles of the remedy each year IT IS A uritAl REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Nervousness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Headache, Sick Headache, Female Weakness, Nervous Chills, Paralysis, Nervous Paroxysms and Nervous Choking, Hot Flashes; Palpitation of the Heart, Mental Despondency, Sleeplessness, St. Vitus' Dance, Nervousness of Females, Nervousness of Old Age, Neuralgia, Pains in the Heart, Pains in the Back, Failing Health, rangement. ach and goneral nervous ry not be able to supply the A . Harp~ forms of Nervous State of Indiana, perience and tesiimony ONLY ONE great cure in ervous Prostration, and condition of my whole system. all hopes of gett! Had No remedy compares with with Youth American For Sale by Druggist, - nd one-half Montgomery County, } sik Subscribed and sworn to before a {his June 22, 188' CHAS. ven up | w ing well. ree doc. oo consumption, an inheritance handed down tors, with no relief. The first bottle of the Nerv- | through several generations, 1 Regan taking ine Tonle improved me so much that I was ableto | the Nervine Tonic, and contin . ua tor walk about, and a few bottles cured me entirely. | about six months, and am entirely 1 believe it is the best medicine in the world. can not recommend it too highly." Nervine as American HNoryine Broken Constitution, Debility of Old Age, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, 'Weight and Tenderness in Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Frightful Dreams, Dizziness and Ringing in the Ears, Weakness of Extremities and Fainting, Impure and Impoverished Blood, Boils*and Carbuncles, Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers, Consumption of the Lungs, Catarrh of the Lungs, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Liver Complaint, Chronic Diarrhcea, Delicate and Scrofulous Children, Summer Complaint of Infants. All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nervine Tonic. NERVOUS DISEASES. As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has been able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most delicate individual, Nine-tenths of all the ailments to which the human family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood, & general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when the right kind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con- tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. For this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied. This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements ont of which nerye tissue is formed. This accounts for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- CRAWFORDSVILLE, T¥D., Aug. 20, "86. | REmrcoA WILKINSON, To the Great South American Medicine Co. oN, of Brownsvalley Inds DEAR GENTS: --1 desire to say to you that I have sutfered for many years with a very serious disease of the stomach and nerves. says: "1 had been In a distressed condition for thro years from Nervousness, Weakness of the 1 (ried every | Stomach, Dyspepsia, and Indigestion, until my medicine I could hear of, but uothiag dot me | health was gone. I had been doctoring eom- any appreciable good until I was advised to a EY your Great South Amorican Nervine Tonic | Sauilys with no rellef. I bought one bottle of ty Stomach and Liver Cure, and since using | South American Neryine, which done me more several hotties of it I must say that am sur-| good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever Prised af ita wonderful powers to cure the stoi- | did fa my ie. I would adv em. II everyone hy. d advise every weakly per ('kriew the value of this remedy as I do you would som to use this valuable and lovely remedy ; & fow bottles of it has cured me completely, X <enmw C0. | conider It the crandest m7 1 the world", A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR CHOREA, CRAWFORDSVILLE, IND., June 22, 1887. My daughter, eleven Sears old, was severely afliicted with St. Vitus' Dance or Chorea. We gave her three a vine and she is completely restored. Vitus' Dance. I have kept it in-my family for two years, and am sure itis ottles of South American Ner- 1 believe it will cure every case of St. the greatest remedy in the world for Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and for all Disorders and Failing H f ealth, from whatever cause. Joun T. Mism. 7. W. WrigHT, Notary Publics INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Nervine Tonio Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train of symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and debility of the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of incal- culable value who is affected by disease of the stomach, because the ex of many go to prove that this is the ong sad the world for this universal destroyer. 'There is no case of unmalignant' disease of the stomach which can résist the wonderful curative powers of the South American Nervine Tonic. Hanmer BE. HauL, of Waynetown, Ind., says: | Ms. ELua A. BratTow, of New Ross, Indiana. «J owe my life to the Great South American Nervine. 1 had been in bed for five months from the effects of an exhausted stomach, Indigestion, general shattered | tered, appetite gone, was coughing and spitting says: "I cannot express how much 1 owe to the Nervine Tonic, My system was completely shat- blood: am sure I was in the first stages LR 1 in the grandest remedy for nerves, stomach and | lungs 1 have ever seen." A. J. DAVIS, - Port Perry. 8 EMERSON 3 Port Perry, May 6, iE BROB @ VOY WY

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