Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Nov 1893, p. 3

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"olaim there fs 8 great 'future for that ving fmprovemepts are said to country. Miss Campbell, of Prince se fe \ 4 Seat: as Barn ng Albert, is engaged at Purple Hill - Whitby and East Whitby plowing ene---- "E. H. PURDY mDINg THAT HIS INCREASING TRADE REQUIRED: - More # Room has at considerable gr enlarged his place of Soainens throughout and is better pre- | pared than ever to supply his numerous customers «RK No. 1 Stock of Fresh and reliable Groceries & Provisicns alwayson hand. MEALS and FEED at all kinds. Also, Barrel, Sack and Dairy Salt. _ Church of the Ascension. "REV. JOS. FLETCHER, M A., INCUMBENT, Sunday--Mating 0.5 a.m, Evensong, 7 pm, Bun y School, LW p. Thursday--Evensoug, 7.80 p.m. REV. RICHARD WHITEMAN, B A, PAasTo Sabbath Serv i Week Evening Service, Thursday, :80. Methodist Ohurch. REV. L. W. HILL, B A,, Pastor, Sabbath Bervices, 10:80 and 7. Week Evening Service. Thursday 7:30. Strangers welcome and coud: 8t. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN,) Sabbath Borvices, 10:30 and 7. Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:30. Baptist Church. REV. MR. CAMERON, Pastor. ices, 10:30 and 6:80. CASH PAID ; 1 ti for any quantity of OATS, PEAS, BEANS, FLAX and AS. EG 1G, Batter and oo takin at all times in exchange for Gods, Will be prepared in a couple of weeks to by Buy any quantity of News From Whitby. Whithy, Nov. 3. Sanus] Houston: a sheriff's assistant, left in charge o lot of chattels near this town, ps appeared on Sunday night last with sixteen head of cattle, four head of horses and two sets of harness, and so far not the slightest trace of him cnn be found. He isa man of medium height, dark complexion und wore a' heavy moustache, The two teams are working horses and the cattle are all young, with the exception of two aged | cows, which are dry, Sheriff Paxton | offers a_reward of 875 for the recovery of the chattels and the apprehension of Houston, Byrnes and Kelly, the Oshawa burg: lars recently captured in Montreal, were given their preliminary bearing to-day, and sent for trial to the Quarter Sessions. AUCTION SALE OF VERY VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY In the Township of Whitby, in the County of Ontario. HERE WILL BE SOLD ON Saturday, Nov. 18, 1893, AT ONE O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON, At the St. Charles Hotel IN THE VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY, By virtue of Power of Sule contained in a pratt Y Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's " 3 , certain Mortgage which will be produced Sauitary Lotion. Sold by A. J. Duis, at the Sale, the following rUnT under ruggis! Mortgage from GEORGE MEDLAND. mgt All und singular those certain parcels or tracts of -- and premises 'situate, lying aud being in the Township of Whithy, iv the County of Ontario, in the Province of Ontario, and being composed of : FirsrLy-- The South S7+acres of lot No. 24 in the 0th concession of the said Township of Whitby ; SecoNpLY---That certain other parcel or tract of land and premises containing by admeasurement 50 acres be the same more or less and belng ¢omposed of part of said lot No. % in the Oth concession of the said Township of Whitby, and bounded as fol lows; that is to ~--Commencing on the Eastern limit of ol lot at a distance of 68 chains 50 links from the South-east angle thereof ; then South 74 degrees West 20 chaing ; then South 16 degrees East 25 chaina; then North 74 degrees East 20 chains ; thence North 16 - degrees West 25 chains to the place of beginning ; which said two parcels contain in ull 137 ares bo the same more or less, Cartwright. Mr. Wm. Taylor, Cannington, is visiting friends here. Messrs. J. Gordon and Nelson are giving up farming, the Intter is moving to Lind- say. Mr, David Hooey, sr, Mrs. Suggit and Mrs, Geo. Fallis are sick. The Young People's Episcopalian Society held an interesting meeting on the 31st Oct.; they chose the name of St. John's Guild and elected the fol- lowing officers : President--Mr, John LL. Devitt, Vice-Pres,--Miss Mary Deacon; Treasdrer--Miss Mary Proutt; Seeretury--Miss Emma Parr, Messrs 8. Hooey, A. Devitt and others have xeturned from an extended trip through Munitoha and the North West; they This is a most dosirable property haviy g about 130 cleared and under cultivation. Terms. --Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sale. For balance terms will be made known at the sale. For further particulars app'y to ALEXANDER FORD, Solicitor for Vendor, Toronte St., Toronto, Or to D. J, ADAMS, ESQ., Port Perry. Farm of 170 Acres For Sale or Rent POINT MARA. school for 1894. Port Perry Foot Ball team visited Nestleton team last Satar- duy and played a very interesting and exciting game, Nestleton scored. a Scugoz--The Foot. The. last crop of the year is now harvested and the farmers know how they have have made ends meet this year, The turnip crop, with but few ex- ceptions is excellent, Mr. E. Wallace has announced his intention of moving to Lindsay in the near future, Mr. P. Hood's new residence 'is ol- most completed ; it is a fine dwelling house and a credit to this end of the Island. Our operator has decided to give up the telegraphing business and enter the broad political field, although he "has not publicly annpunced this fact, yet his frequent sittings nt Parliament! are sufficient to confirm the statement. OUTH-HALVES of Lots 15 and 186, con- cession A, Mara. Finest clay soil, fronting on Lake Simcoe, one mile from Gamebridge, five miles from Beaverton, i Possession 1st March, priviege of full ploughing. Good frame buildings. Terms Apply to JAMES B. WARREN, Beaverton, Or JUDGE BURNHAM, Whitby, For Sale- or to Rent. HE FARM of "the | late James Byers, deceased, being the West-balf of the East-half of lot No, 4, in the 3rd concession of Cartwright, 50 ACEES Rich Soil, good well and pump ; early all cleared, a comfortable log housse, a large frame barn and stable, Will be sold ata re figore on casy terms, or, if rented, the Bx- ecutor will accept improvements upon the The Scarhoro correspondent to the Pickering News, says: -- The young fellows of this township can run, jump. eat, sleep, court or farm with any other municipality in| this broad - Dounnion, «Those who doubt this assertion should become better acquainted before expressing themselves to the contrary. For years our forefathers held the championship of the district, and of late years the young men have suegeeded in defend- ing .it against all comers. At the match beld on Friday 27th of October, a short distance north of Whithy town, 'George Little took first prize in the. or yous sod class, and Fred Fisher second prize | io dacon Pr. | class. Oct. 26, 1893. Tara, Ont. : ry we ust reason to feel proud of our Port Perry Market. having brought such honor to "the phan [Quotations by Muaere, A. Ross & Son.] Thursday, Nav. 9, 1893. In its report of Meaford town coun- Fall Wheat 386 to 55 cil recently the Mirror says: "The pr treasurer stated to the extreme delight Barley (6 rowed) 33¢ to 40c. of the members that the high school Rye board had drawn more money than it Outs i ood 8c to 62, ired, and that Mr. Cameron had. had banded ia « hegue for 8800 this Somat B00 to 300," 38 & Houcishing state {5 be 5 Relief in pry a and fp. 8ix Hours. diseases: relieved hours by the 'New | 'GreAT SouTH ; Shi Eri Keg sk and alo or n in Paring ' almost im- windy! SE A.J. vis, Druggist. Whithy & Blong ace; such as eer in lieu of money NN EW NERCHANT TAILORING = " ESTABLISHMENT. have much pleasure in informing the pul. lic that they have leased the Btore lately occupied by Mr. Minty in the Blong Block, where they intend carrying on GET'S FURNIGHING BUSINESS. OUR GOODS ARE ALL NEW, and have been purchased at a great reduc. tion on cost. customers may rely on getting the full advantage of the reduction. Hop- ing by strict attention to business, keeping only the Newest, Best and Most Fashiou- able Goods and at prices that caunot fail to satify customers to merit liberal patronage. #2 Prompt attention to all orders and Perreor Firs guaranteed. Spring Styles of Fine imperted Suitings and Trouserings. We intend to make our Es- tablishment Headquarters for Yow ) » "Fashion" and*'Money'sWorth" (all and secure your Spring and Summer Suits--HaNDsosmk, StyLise and Crear ! We will treat you right, and dress you better than you ever were in your life. WHITBY & BLONG. Port Perry, April 5, 1893 SPLENDID Brick Dwelling House SIX ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. HE UNDERS! offers for sale her chcice and well-appointed residence and six acres of lund on which there is a fine Park containing 2 acres; a fine, bearing Orchard of oue acre and good Garden ; there 4 weplendid Driving House nnd Stable on the premises. Hard and Soft Waterand all | other conveniences. The Carriage Drive aiijirounds are ed with various kinds of Ornamental Shrubs, Vines, &e. This property is beautifully located on Union Avenue just on the southern border wm the Town of Part Perry and is a very de- sirable property und will be sold at a BARGAIN, For further particulars apply to the pro- prietress on the premises, EUPHEMIA DAWES. Port Perry, Aug. 30, 1503. FARM FOR BALE. $5100 Wik PURCHASE 150 Acres of Jandy being the east half of lot No. 7 and the south-west 50 wores of lot 8, in the 6th eovcession of the Township of CARTWRIGHT the Estate of the late James Hooey, Deceased, This farm is nearly all cleared and a good part of it free from stumps ; is well watered and built pon, aud within five miles of Port Perry, on the leading road thercto.-- The soil is clay. If not sold within thirty days it will be leased for u term of years. For further particulars enquire of Jumes Parr at Blackstock. JAMES PARR, AnexTt, lant Trees, Blackstock, Aug. 21, 1893. 2.686 FE tation Swyrna Raisins and Figs Seedless Raising and have them in store at old | received part of n direct importation of Japan Tea and if not equal to our representations we will re Sugar 20 lbs The Merchant Tailoring in this part of Canada. Keep So! [) Ea B containing and Shoes. We have up to this time received of Ladies' and Gentlemen's r Wear, and having Bargiins in ! urther impo bought a large lot of In Teas we have just y fine equal to what all you waut at 30c lb, "your "money. Sugars have again advanced, but we are prepared for pod Yellow refined for $1. Raising be per Ib. or 61 2560. Tapiocs 4 Ibs. for 25c and all other Groceries Cheap | Cheap || Ohea) $111 Just bought another lot of that extra fine Pure Kettle Rendered Lard, Sugar Cured Haws, Fearman's Rolled Bacon, &e. We will open in a few duys the finest assortment of Lamps and Glassware T. 0. FORMAN & SON. We got i is generally sold at 46¢ & 500 per 1b. we will rvs Jon nd Marriage License Office. Port Perry, Sept. 20, 1893. -- -- -------- BR. J. BRUCE I have now a CoMPLETE Stock of Bar Irom: Sleigh Shoe Steel ! : Cutter Shoe gE. We carry a Complete Stock of Blacksmiths and 'Car- riage Makers' Supplies. Port Perry, Nov. 2, 1833. 85585085003050000858058888 PORT PERRY NURSERIESH#- 7 have a SURPLUS of the following Nursery Stock WHICI 18 STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, and of GOOD 8Izk will be sold CHEAP by the hundred or in quantities to sutl purchasers-- European Mountain Ash, English, Scotch and American Elms, Black Walnut, White A sh, Norway Maple, European Larch, Austrian and Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce, Red Cedar, &c. A FEW THOUSAND APPLE TREES OR EXTRA SIZE, SIX years old, 7 feet high, inch to rh inch in diameter. Also a Light Grade Fe handsome, thrifty trees--just below first-class in size; Apples al 15 cts., Pear and Plum, 40 cls. each. Address, C. C. KELLETT, Port PERRY, Ont. Box 127, Port Perry, March 22, 1803. DR, WOOD'S «| ~ por got pee REE LE thie To oF AND B00. PER BOTTLE: BOLE BY ALL DRUGSISTS. aa ai JUST SUCH MEATS as cannot fail to meet the in boys Ge some Drieht Dy We want a boy In every town in the United States BLADE and CHICAGO LEDGER. The papers are on the street, to farmers, at home, strange: enn start out and sell these raed papers. lished, as agents testify. The papers kell for 5 cents a copy. The boy Fi keeps the other 2 cents for himself, It costs noth rung nor rixk of having papers left on hix hands, as wi ! boys make good agents, but girls, and invalids. or . Any hustling boy jy are the easiust selling papers pub- ke hack a] nnsold copies. Not only who cannot do hurd work. Every make money should RoLLer Mie | 1 Se undersigned takes this opportunity of returning his stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry. # : : and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the CARNEGIES IN FULL BLAST! sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- best, most approved and modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS for the manufacture of Flour, is prepared to do NG & CHOPP; 'that ITT faction to my patrons, The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands, THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Newel Posts. EZ BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SCROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891, LAING & MEHARRY --HAVE AGAIN---- OPENED OUT WITH Amur Mognincent RA] 3) - of lL in their line LAING & MEHARRY. JUST RECEIVED. The Subscriber has just received a Complete Assortment of FANCY + GDIDS CONSISTING OF: TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather, §e. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian Ware, §ec., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, §e. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season. A. J. DAVIS ¥ To any one who will handle the papers re- Hn popy free ax long as ed sells the paper in he was appointed. every town who opportniLy to make and we ask those In- send in the name of lund who will ag ihe wh for whieh Bh be. gind of the money in this hi one who wishes to apply for an agency. secure us nn agent to gularly, we will give | the agent thus obtain. take hold of the busiuoss. The SATURDAY BLADE i8 di Aa LE Gn ED DAY, fone BL A LEDGER 18a family sf 3 Joven, also fully illus of is Milly aites thelr in artes. FEES ya terested the fully Tiustrated. 4 he n artists. The great popu- , The avernge wee Ly On. gL R140, Write for Sample Qopies, Ti 'AGENTS DEPARTMENT." Ww. D. BLCNG BLOCK, PORT Chemist and Druggis PERRY TWIN OT IrEE FOLLOWIN. "rices for CASH 'arlor Buité-- 8 Fico Mloquette Plush @ 830, 6 Pieces French Broeattelle @ $30. 'arlor Suite-- 8 Fics god Moguests Plush @ 83, arlor Buite 6 Piooen beat Arterionss Hair Cloth 438 'arlor Buite-- 6 Pieces best icc is t Atari Halr Cloth, fran arlor Buite-- ' 6 Pieces best Pl he er og alt sjsiog sigs &F Above are Solid Waluut Frames and vell finished. Also Bedroom Sets as low as $11.75 && A Cast Soricrren, J. W. DAVIS, Furniture Rooms, Queen Si. Port Perry, Sept, 29, 1802, FE returning thanks to the public for 1he patronage extended to me for over 30 years, I would respectfully intimate that 1 sm, as usual, now my Ie business, and have » Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell vary CHEAP As an inducement to Casi purchasers -4 Diswowat of 10 por. cand will be allowed on «ll Sales from now unsil Juan, lst next. All work being MADE BY HAND, and wo factory work kept in stock, the superiority of my goods will at once become \pparent., Prteging purchasers will find that by giving me a call before looking elvewliers they can be suited in quality mid price, my long experience in the trade being an fudis- putable guarantee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any article purchased Everthing in my line of business kept constantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to, JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1502. BOOTS & SHOES AS THEY SHOULD BE! rPYHE undersigned has on hand a stock of Boots and Shoes of his own make which 3 he is oe to mansh hs be pss in (vi rs joiniig counties. life-long experivnce in the manufacture pr fins and Shoes gives we an advantage over more inexperienced dealers amd my present stock is such as 1 warrant tu give satisfaction aud the prices are right. ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. 'ED WORK A SPKCAILTY. Repuiriug promptly attended to. Cement Patches neatly executed. Ladies' Polish, Heel Plates; Button Fastuers, the same putin. Laces in Cotton, Leather, and Por foie. All kinds of Findings on hand, alse Rubber Cement. Rubber Boots and Coats repaired. The Best Material! No Shoddy ! Ne Sheepskin ! ! #2 Prices vo Suit the Times. Give me a call at the Market Block, Port Perry. WAM. BOND. Port Perry, Sept. 22, 1802, PAINTING KALSOMINING &C. rPHE undersigned would take this oppor- tunity of thanking his vuwerons: pat- rons for their liberal and still increasing patronage during the time he has cariied on the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that he is better prepared thun ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties entrusting their work to me may rely or having it neatly and promptly exe- cuted, My charges are moderate, 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &e,, when coutracting. A continusuce of public patronage soli- cited, WM. TREMEER. Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1503. ocoupy the extensive premises just vacated by Mr. B. F. AokERMAX, where we will he Letter prepared than ever to supply our custoweis and the public with everything in the For Sale at a Bargain ITILY thanking the public for the STI iLL LEADING! TVIRES. Sl Splendid, adi, Young, Pedigrend : I el ri the stock and of tse breeding. a Livacy Establish TH UNDERSIGNED begs to return PEARSON. , have much pleasure in thanks for the liberal and still increas: Manchester, Mareh oR that I have removed ing Dstronage Swed on him since mom : iness and wou state i yin ter prepared than ever getioc men can find = Adi pa ic with WANTED. -- Feats etn poy ment With us enon met tle benefit of over all, and trusts hy offering "only hi Meats and in business to receive ery i of public patronage. & All orders left at my Stall in the Market Building, or with me on my rounde with conveyai ce, reccive immediata and careful attention. ISAAC J. WHEELER Harness I.in WHICH FOR CHEAPNESS, § Durability es REMIOVAL.33 We have Moved our business to the South side of Queen treet and now Agricultural Machines IMPLEMENTS SUNDERLAND. HE andesigned kop Leos on had, a hidand oi oe sale th ines and rif. a eviurt Mach NTR ELLY TH 00, OF PETERBORO : Binders, Rea Port erry, Aung, 16, 1503, p many ato public Our nl Js superior. Call for ourterms. The trial will MOD: TE CHARGES. | &a., in abundance. Comparison of BEATTY & iC Port Perry, March 8, - Robes, Blankets, bs Trunks,

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