Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Nov 1893, p. 1

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: s than . Right Our Mistakes." 38TH YEAR, NO.40) PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ON 0. THURSDAY, NOV. 8, 1893. Dra sees mi Western Bank "Only the Scars | Night Among Corbas ils, = vv or) 2 Foot Ptr ton re ma a ffice. : ) ---- Telephone in Of ; know to mankind. It A girl of great beauty became afflict-| There were two wanderers from the. op day when the doctor was out (Set % IW, | lind ih OF CANADA. Re D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria ns in? i i : i i i i is ' ot tag ' f! ~ Remain," | iecowin ioe bun sf hi 4 mh 418 Pt es, Shh ct, psd de hr Hed de emer i A t lt 0 h 8 and chape into this part 0 4 ior; a Sven omg Ta Bo i Oorba di capella; for which no stone orn block oly, Noy York Evening Sun. No|of Massachusetts. They were on foot. | a wd Hod tho a dows" r ra College eal in oda Port 'Perry i Machinery Co., dote lias yet been found. x ! # HE ir greater calamity could have befallen Oni of thein could not read at oll ; the! i open a rgeons i nts ra 8 A : (i Philadelphia, |fukirs propos h ¢ NR Ae) : nt from physician tog bonld " tly well |, he tof she gave beraIf| neighborhood of Mack Toft up to zine salves. At length therelg., : i came along a person of ®isdoin, who advised her to get a tonic, and obey its hg hear t's nothing but an a Toa] e have bees Thad no means of © tony Whowh-where did it cone performing Shrstly remgeed; hi his bite is khotvin stened in the hope that Presently they encount T 8 B20 from T asked Walter, with hattoricg Ses, Slopnats Aerulore quite. iarniiess, 1 tight sim breathing, until T re- 3 . *y V4 post. Mike stopped to read it and Pat}, *Oh, 1 don't know. Papa has the blood; ete., Of nll the snake stories that came | 0 8Ele breath audible bnotgh | promptings to eat. Instead of dieting | stopped to hear him. MOUS (PISS ING: to my ears in Hindostan, none can sur- 4 . ~ 8" | she needed to eat bountifully of noutish- more than my X "0 0 | to reash b rs would doow him to]. food. What sl ded was tov own case. |pass the following, which I give 88 qouthi sa Binge of the corte ing food. hat she Heede was to en. Twenty years | nearly as I can remember, in the Kuowing lidity of the Oriental rich and start the tides of her ebbing # ago, at the age ; lich. of 18 years, Thad | words of the narrator, o young English I realiz t my devoted Hindoo ik#Ay chan myself to remain motionless thigough the terrible ordeal through which we were passitig. This Savings Bank Department. ~ Deposits received at the highest current 5 / tates, Interest calonlated antl credited to 5 prvaKston xo vg. LAMILL, i. oan each depositor sethi-anntally. CL aster of Surgery, Victor ni- $ 3 M - rity; Licentinte of Royal College Ww. MeGILL, f Physiavs, London, Eng., Member of Col- x ' loge of Physicians & Surgeons, Ovtario.-- Port Perry, April, 1888. | : : a ip Now the sign was very simple and 3h a Sg Rpg J gues likely if it said, 'Manchester, Seven Miles; bit | Bg ent. it seemed to bother Mike and he look- | Relief in Bix Bore ~ Distevising Rl X ed puzzled. Pat waited until his | ney and Sadie Ajtous relieved in six onda an Hoepital DAY i A patience gave out. | 1cax Kipwey Crae" ed Sous Ants; or Diseases of Childreii, Lohdob, Eng. | J. DAMS ol yr * What does it say I he demanded. | a great surge don aul delight. to phyviciant Physician, Surgeon, &%., PORT PERRY. ! I P 8 tunate trouble was gone, and er skin, | « Mon-chased-her,' returned Mike | jie ing pain in Parry bm Back Office hours--8 to 10 a.'m., 1 to 4 p. tii, EE ning sores. Though I tried to be dn good terms now smooth and flawless, is brilliant slowly. and étery part of the urinary pa in bh A ¥ ) ah eli @ courage, and courage | .. j a | mak Ea Ari And evenings. fis n Our family phy- | with all the people in my neighbor- greatly needed with color, and her good looks com- "Mon chased her siven motles. | male or Suumate. Jt relic ne reteuti " Office and residence, Dr. Hamill's old » siclan could do { hood I wisnaged. eventually ta incur greatly n . pletely rehabilitated 'And now buliigs | ¥ 7 g it almost im htand. 2 me no good, and it was feared that the | s 8 ¥ ' y Pat picked up his bundle in disgust. | mediately. Sold by A. J. Davis, Druggist : Queen St., - - Port Pefry. bones would be affected. At last, my | the hostility of the priests of a temple a medical authority saying that more : ' Good Di £ ! 'Sure,' he remarked, 4f be wanted | : a we ; iL ai Xda ine Notes ood Note Discounted. good old about three miles from where I lived, women sin through undereating than | her that bad Oi hope to Hivin he got | Figeons Not Guided by Sight panic, Bh Fig E Solicitor a Mother Urged Re I heard they were threateniug ven * | overeating, and all women &in in not yp. + or the Ontario Bank. #4" Office over the Has aij dmount of Money to Loan | {io try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I tookthred |gance; the information being brought ntario Bank, Port P v 0 i . a ALO promt. on good Mortgages. | Join Serco anil tome by one of uy sutve serene Won't you sing some- | height Birds thrown out at 6.000 : RN remain, and the memory of the : y 2 Jl TE DT INSURANCE past, to remind me of the good | attendant, "They poison you, Sahib,' women only 'eat three times a day. | thing, Miss Minnie? | meters fell like dead, and even at the Bitor, &c., Notary Public and Conveyancer = Ayer Sarsaparilla Ses Sore mel | 1id he; 'they bribe the cook and give | yuaiiiia The women who breakfast at 8 should | Miss Minnie (yawning)--Why, Mr. | moderate beizht of 300 meters pigeons $ 3 i y wi ni pd an wen . . . ' i. 3 1 i 3 ', 2s & - i 1 : . fiies-South wing Court House, Whitby, | effected at the Lowest Rates in Good i pis Jo hituled 4 ad swenty him poison to put im your diner,' -- | oo ol . eat again at 12. This should not Tutor. i Stalate, don't you know it is consider- | liberated by the Llalloonist Gastod CR SIL er I have beer on the road for the past | Acting on this hint I dismissed my | jo is Jess sny geiby duy than by night | fere with luncheon, and dinver at 7 ed unlucky to sing before breakfast 1) Tissandier approached the earth in « » ) «. B.; Barrister; p ' ai. | twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar- : a: § gh Rh. | Jelock should Ix »ded by 5 o'clock d < PE 7 (3. Abtornoy-at-Liww;sclicivot kuChienery | EZ Agent Allan Line of Steam Joan Hindoo cook and employed a Moslem | Koen, u lati burning in your rou | °C 0F S10uId be preceded by 6 c'elock | gy poet of 5 Sordid Boul [ghee (hor cre boro : 8 illa advertised in all parts of the § N . | i 2 And Insolvency; Notary Public, &c ships. Sapas one, and in less than two weeks I had | . | tea or the German custom of coffee at | that they are not guided wholly | --McMian' rool ' United States, and always take pleas- | 00 P 8 1 IRC when you slegp and he will not enter ; | ; a [ i i lai Bu lly oF one McMian's Block, Brock Street, | port Perry, Oct. 17, 1880. ure in telling what good it did for me." | replaced all my Hindoo employees by | 3 a i '|4. Tt is advisable to eat algo before | 'How do you like this style of bon-| one. To ye slibtld you wake and find it has gone | e asked i ithi ' distant within the range of visiom it a LY . ¥ : So . : sing to bed. Giving the blood work [DetT ¢b Ayer's Sarsaparillae Moslems, with the exception of the |, 4 dunt japke a muscle, but shout for | EO108 eG, Living Lie Long wor | "Idon't know yet; he answered with. | Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Oo., Lowell, Mass, mali (gardner); and Tamby my faith- a servant to ritig you a lantern I'? promoting digestion removes it from | t looki fre hi ' would be necessary to asernd nearly n n 3 | Cures others, willcure you ful attendabt, wholhad revealed the| (0 afte Hhother the ser ehts | the hod Wd induos. soup. The a y or be will 3. . pues. 395,000 meters, . Fw. ceveion pegean : a HE Subscriber is prepared to LEND plot. Knowing -the hatred between PE! practice of putting into the stomach Savew's seen the Lill yet, starting on such a journey must cen DENTIST, ANY AMOUNT on Farm Securit crawled aa 40: the sack that\bad imea § i TT th faith s ity . Moslems aid Hindoos, I had little | three times in 12 hours just as mach | oo, i __ |sequently start with faith in the un- 4 tcl AT 6 PER CENT. DB, bm when they were flung | : . Hotroway's PiLis Axp OrvruExT. ow Puteing in Upper and Lower Sets of | sarAlso on Village Property. | ; ' fear of treachery on part of the new food as it can hold, and for 12 hours | __ ry}, Gout | 5€€0. into the window, and coiled up within | ... . 3 . at wost effectual Care for G 24" MORTGAGES BOUGHT. TY $ cook, especially as he bad Leen a sol- giving it nothing, is about as illogical | and Rheumatisw.--A frequent cause | > 0 " f 1 beneathiits Holds., When the da . : r . HUBERT L. EBBELS 2 iri Si gimel ele . y > 5 C f thes sluints is the infl t A Quarter 4 $4 T0 $75 EACH SET. v oP «1.x In a Sikly, regiment, and had more had begun ahd the rays of the rising "A MEFAIEHIMENt a8 San be Gasived; state of the blood, attended with bad Q of a Contaty. blood. * This prescription was not dis agreeable, and she followed it faithful- ly. Before three months her unfor- | : swellings come | man who had spent several years in on my legs, |ihe ;Patna dis rict, where he had which broke and | became run= charge of an opium plantation. ERR L LATTES ie hours passed thus, and 8. fiiany years. At last ive on the ceiling above not turn my head to one side, the indications of dawn.-- Slowly, 'very slowly, the day broke | Numerous experiments made by distributing their food properly, English | --_-------- | balloonists have prove French and German women eat four, Ending the Agony. {are incapable of fyi ' | and often five, times a day. American Mr. Stalate that pigeond 3 at any grag the one in fact that was my personal English Companies, bring d point J00 miles contained Barrister. : i state of the blood, attended with bad| For more tk i p : / ' 4 y sgt Lo. eomm-- set , A sore than twenty-five years has Having just. purchased the largest stock of Office next to Ontario Bunk Y than ordinary fidelity to bis English | gy; were toudhing the tops of thé trees Cure Suppression of the Menses digestion, laskitude, and great debility, } Hagyard's Yellow Oil been sold by dra eth ever brought into North Ontario Iam | Port Porry, May 10, 1885. around the Bungalow, I was rejoiced showing the want of a proper circala | and it has never yet failed to give sata ) | ters... Bot} oops satisfied I can suit you both as to quality wasters. But hy way of prefautioh I : ry SOLS ya ; oh ! 1 2 ee CO ' per iF tion as a houschold remedy for pat, Jame, id Price. Come and see. Rooms in the W M WI 1 COX 'eb ; used to give a partion of every meal | (0 hear Tamibh's oice | Mr J, A. Canpbel), St. State, Que «+ | tion of the fluid, and that impurity of | gees and ea of re fake Pk ong Block, over Messrs. Forman & Son's y . Ee I. i $ [ to a large mastiff that 1 kept in my writes .(--"My wile was unwe our + Sahibyidomedniové or speak ; then : : Je the blood greatly aggravates these dis . . a i \ : s 4 3 e | years from irregular periods, brought] oy Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1891, Licensed HAugtioneer, J fo ; wy burgalow; and watch the effect up| ie o corba . : J i 0 ar Peo 8A | orders. NTT A Vzon. mie COUNTY OF ONTARIC. AND Gla : ; on him befire eating avy myself. TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT. li , L Tumby slept on a at the fi P pd internal use in all painful complaints. ' Holloway's Pills are of so l up close to your feet.' ubout by a severe cold. Tried many | purifying a nature thut a few doses | Bronel hs. Dotés, Asth mat Hoarspuess; barely heard, hig remedies without relief. Two boxes | taken in time are an effectual preven Wood's Kory e Eyiup CORE gar of Dr. Willinuis' Pipe Pills reaulin es sd LC of ; my. 8 Sadat Boy QC = . ( eho p 3 | a To d / ¢ i 9.50. v vi roperti i - TD Ba ving cor iin REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. | eured by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral: |. a a1 This 4 - hox or six boxes for § -50 Dr the powerful pi rties of which, com i k oi i a side my door, and the new place OF hy ha disappeared and, in a | Williams Med. Oo., Brockville, Ont. |bined with the effects of the Pills, en- A ollege and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- TAKE this opportunity of returning Mrs. P, D, HALL, 217 Genessee St.; lis Sd BUY: . The 0 Buried In Three Co Ary Surgeon, would announce that he has thauks for the vefy Itheral patronage Lockport, N.Y. says: couch was chosen at his suggestion; so little bile he returned softly with : - : sure a certdin cure. Tha J intment : - fins opened an office for the practice of ils pro- | hich I have received in the past. The " his ber |that no enemy could enter the foow 'milk. which } Te Not to B& Misconstruéd: should be thoroughly rubbed into the Of Attila, king of the Huns, it is 1 t Port Perr h 11 edill 1: I 2 3 Over thirty years ago, I remembe: some milk, which he spilled on the . Tw oY PAS ay ou ion inet eased es and extensive practice | hearing my father describe the wonder- | without rousing wy watchful servant |g The snake at feet d ded 3% parts affected at least twice a day, after y le r tele i by day or nigh | which I have had will he turned to the ad- 2 oor. he Bnake at my leet desc™ndec p 1th have t ficiently fomented y i : ful ti fects Ayer's Ch The sound of the old man flagellat-| they have been suiliciently will be prospily attended to. vuntage of patrons; and parties favoring me ul curative effects of Ayer's Cherry 8 with warm water to open the pores to All diseases of animals treated in the Yowith their sales mily rely bn their interests | Fectoral@ During a recent attack of La : ; to reacli it. | Those 1 the corner join- i : . i i tatest and best known system, 7 | being fully prosecesd ING art hon Grippe, which assumed thé form of a mastiff slept in the corner of the npart=| oq Jj, nd very quickly all were dis facilitate the introduction of the Oint be third of iron. All of his arms, the aa Telephone Soupetion ire of charge. | spared to make it to the advantage of par-| catarrh,soreness of the lungs, accom- | went, and between the two of them 1 ment to the glands. trappings of bis horse and the thou- Bread made with sea water is said | «nds of momentoes that he had i Aue R GRAHAM. ties to place their Sales in my hands. panied by an aggravating cough, ®1 Bort Perry, April 8, 1884. Sale Bills made out and Blonk Notes | nsed variousremedies and prescriptions. 4 ; . . to be 4 good rented for scrofula. sathered on his campaigns were buried with him. History furthers he had slept ou the aakes rich red bi said that his Lody was placed in the and enable him to warn me. The iirst of gold, the second of silver, and ing a carpet in the back yard nerved : the young man in the front parlor to re rae well mwrdeds 00) patched by ithe servants whom Tambey | 10 | 1oke himself understood. i In Was. we RUArGeC, "| had aroused. There were seventeen 'Do you--' furnished free of chirge: Satisfaction guar- | While some of these medicines partially unlucky day the mastill' died suddenly, { ' antee or no pay. Terms liberal. alleviated the coughing during the day, |doubtless from the effect of poison ad- id: : ; With every symptom of anxiety he 7d % . 6 L. RU BSON. Vv. B. Port Perry, July 18, 1893, none of them afforded me any relief from | =. 01 at the ix of those not learn atthe b; as | went into a dead leaned toward the girl of his choice. Vinegar will remove lime from car {lege Ontario Veterinary Col- that spasmodic action of the lungs which a * swoon the gioment when Tamby shout- A lege, Toronto, Office and residence would seize me the moment I attempted | ho meditated my murder. ed that theldeadly intruders had been 1: -- . A - io . s BS BRUNER Corraak, two miles south of GEO. JACKSON, fo lie down at night. After ten or twelve That very night was one that 1 shall | kilie {and hy nd was sft A smile disturbed the delicate curves Rie shavings from soft pine wood anohester. 14 rs practice, Tele. 3 1 ; y 2 ; ' 3 8 er li make a pleasant pillow tha may be phone - the A rE alan Licensed A uctioneer, #uch nights, I was long rewember--a night of Hofror that Shortly afterward I went to Patna of her lips. ie Bi ized pe ny a " . y with Port Perry, Manchester, and elevator. | Wishes to inform the public that he is pre- Nearly in Despair, turned my hair white, though I was : . el Yes," she answered, and his being | utilized for comfort if you have Pelogiipl calls to Manchester will be for- | naved to attend with the utmost care all | gnq had about decided to sit up all night | Lut 30 Senza ane surrendered my opium plantation to | (hrilled with the glad tidings, 'I do- hammock. eo par a warded by telephone. All Veterinary | sales entiusted to his charge i T i cide e " arge in the Town: its owners and decided to seek emplo Medicines in sock. ships of Keach, Scugog and Mariposa. Al In my easy chair, and procure what { pioy Evergreen Qattagm | register of dates of sales will be kept at the sleep I could in that way. It then oc- hich: £ d hed. wel 1 Jan. 2, 1888. office of Mr. Orr Graham, V.8., with whom curred to me that I had a bottle of | Which ormed ny : hed, Wien wag arrangements may be made for sales. All| Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took a |suddenly roused by the voice of Tafhy correspond addressed to me at Scugog spoonfil of this preparation in a little in all, as I learned afterward; I could 'all of the captains and sl ' n . ; et. --look with favor upon my sit? |P wore employed to dig his grave and bury him were put to death so that none might betray the last resting place of Attila, the grestest of the Huns. L may seem to be looking at the north- ment in Onfeatta. 1 had had enough | west corner of the foots immediately of that neighborhood and the enemies | ove your head, bu that is owing to I was sleeping on the bamboo divan; To clean articles of papier mache re en wash them with a little lukewarn Obstinate Cough Cured. water and soap, after which rub then ~ ENTLEMEN. --I had a very had congl 1 made there. the congenial strabismus which afflicts | x . XN which I could not get fid of, but by uttering the single word 'Shalib? a ie.congey 1a vis ue vigorously with sweet oil. Hagyard's Pectoral Babam I was . . | P.O. will receive prompt attention. water, and was able to lie down without Yo ill accept this lanation Lt is th North Ontario Observer. #ar Sale Bills wade out aud Blank Notes | coughing. In a few moments, I fell (Muster 1) "A chemical success and medical ho . lo ; ie' S¥p '| Chemists say that if takes more} 0° cough medicine I oh Lg best & Weekly Political, A Hittioat : furnished free of charge. asleep, and awoke in the morning * What is it © I asked. yo ' i: Jou ht 1 ited than twice as much sugar to sweeter Jhsrra Gax y tical, Agri ural and I would also inform those interested in greatly refreshed and feeling much Don't stir fi y life," w joi i ofercnce Ayer's Cher us the falling tWaiight he printecia p ut i he Fantily Newspaper, Poultry that" I have'on' hand and for sale better. I took a teaspoonful of the Pec. ; 0 . r il Jour ife," was the gician in feference to yer's Cherry kiss upon her brow and their troth preserves, sauces, ete., if put in whe: 1a RuALIERED AT upwards of 100 fiue, pureed Plymouth toral every night for a week, then grad- | r¢ply. ie perfectly still and don't | Pectoral ; and the eulogy was none too as plighted they begin to ecbok, as it does 1« He Stopped Hoarding. : ; Rock Chicks. If you wan a thing in that | ually decreased the dose, and in two | speak. The room is full of corbas. I E ; sweeten them after the fruit is cook- : PORT PERRY, ONT. line please write me for priv.s or come und | weeks my cough was cured." w tinge. nowithi vark. sh of d efficngisu 1 di £ th EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, ee stock, * GEORGE JACKSON Avyer's Cherry Pectoral Se. Jue % ie. ark. shape OR BLANC. (eTagaious. [1 all gisgnses. © : "Nothing succeeds like success," ed. South Duxbury, Mass, has cou hed 'oy 1 | . y sack thrown in through the top of the | throat and lungs. and riothing will more quickly insure Whole cloves are now used to ex |upa 10 cent picce he swalloded sore H. PARSONS, Seugog, July 18, 1503. Rrepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. | window. The snakes are out of it Po succeed' than true merit.' Wor fifty A TIN P t ct t ' . rears, Ayer's S ' intain- ores | Tatung] per acum, inadviudes TT. SW T . rompttoa ySure ocure "ed you can hear thes i 4 Remarkable Occurances yenrs, who ous moth, It is said they are more Mr. Soaggs-- Yes, I've noticed other uot $1.50 will be argo Ne bors 3 ; 3 Mm---- winhy"s voice became silent, and as ¥ , He 3 . | effvctual as a destroying agent than |indicati tt 3 ne fiontaken for Jess than six months ; and no Licensed A uGtioneer Wanted It Absolutely Sate it censed 1 could hear the hissing of ST wasin the court the other day, purifie . 3 stands pou: its own merits | ith b or LTOY Ing dar sh ioations that the hourding of woney paper discontinued until arrears are paid up. y Hane SH said Bones, 'just loooking on, you und hever fills to give satisfaction. either tobaced, eampor or cedar shav- | ig coming to an end. WOR THE COUNTY OF DURHAM.-- -- the serpents, Oh, how distinctly, --| == i' i. ings Ean action guarauteed. avd terms | Wien the pania was at its height Mingled with the hissing were sounds know, when o deaf maf was brought ngs. 5 Office and residence at Crosares. Orders [0 excited porter iv a South Side hotel | cembling the clucking of a hen when | *P for trial 'wud the judge gave hiw u leit with Mosars. von Blackstock, | asked for bLalf an hour's leave of | ua calls her chicks to follow her or Ans No eharye tind. for selling for absence one day in o.der that he might pick up & morsel of food that she has \uctioneers in any other County. * |{ake his money out of a bank and pol 1 , § i trivinph," so speaks an eminent phy strong. No other medicine is so safe > Mrs. Snaggs (reading)--A man ia terminate the merciless and industri- | time ayo. Rural Etiquette. A good chellac varnish for farnitor It was at a dountiy Sunday School | OF floors is given by a French cabinet maker. Five pounds of pale shellac anid Tambo, 'but that was y pic-nie, where great quantities of the 0 what I saw down South. moe Of fiastic aud five or six . d found. By the sound I knew that one ou al 2 __lit in a safer place. Xt was granted, and | (ro were several of the reptiles in 'WM. GORDON, at the end of the stipalated time he| oon several, yes, many; a dozen i when the county sherifl| 0p Tittle Mary June, from away to prevent the evaporation of the great regulation eatables--chiefly apple crowd about to lynch a in been Nbhe Lys on pints of alcobol. Dissolve in the cold ; Licensed Auctioneer, Yaluator &c. returned, looking immensly relieved. | ortaivly, perbaps twenty or double th a posse and made them back in the hills, was there with her alcohol, stirring sutasily, es Fo R the Townabipe of Brock, Usbrid, «Well, Jacobs," said lis employer, | (at number, Who could tell 1 gt lig can » sight for life! | ie wiio kept un eye on the child | ~ The modern remedies for chilblain: B seo, Thorah, Mara, Rama, Mains did you draw your money out! Rigid and motionless as one of the : 3 constantly fo see that her behavior was | AT¢ Vefron ares Raw Eldon ¢1 did, sir,' replied Jacobs. fHgi f th 2 riect onions sliced and bound apon the sor oral -discoant Parties entrusting their Sales to } iy recumbent. effigies on the tombs of the de aged, who ind them. | PETC . oo i others who 'by the year or ely, ob he wink attention being gd * What bank was it in ¥ royal slumberers of Westminister Wek And extausted ho Presently Mary was observed dig- spots ; oil of i hor rubies « 3 Ek ' : - ) » S 6% v ap : olin: tincture » will in all 0 d- intrests. GORDON; poi in 8 weioly. deposit Yogi. Abbey 1 lay on my couch, not daring a a ferioemn ur DvGrwor Es ging into an apple pie with ber knife, " 3 iy ure blk NRE ey 0 Sunderland. e mischief it was! Aud where {5 ive a muscle or utter a sound.-- | Me prémature old age, loss | whereupon her mother spoke up:-- eat er or same. pig have you deposited it now ¥ In a few minutes I felt a cold form | 4 PaloEacon Dig dvedinn, 'Mary Jane Berks! petre dissolved in whiskey. . 5 ss att 5 2s) mn 1 . he: --_---- " Sittings of the Division Courts '1 give itto thiold womnn, sir. crawling across my breast ; I held my ne : energy, Jain in the kid-| "What, ma'am ¥' Burdock Blood Bitters Both the method and s when COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Ripans Tatuiss are of gras value. breath , as well as I could, but the b ly, itching eri acnoation hae What be you doin ¥ URDOCK BLOOD BITTERS is a medi Syrapof Figs is taken; itis t > * 1803 Bee---------------------- slight respiratory 'wovenient T was of the organs, dizzivess, 'Eatin' pie, ma'am.' 2 cine mado from roots, bac and herbs, and sefreshing hada ind and acts 3 EE a compelléd to take cated the serpent , com, witching of the | what Le you aestin' it with ¥ and is the best known remedy oa. | gon y ye4 prompily on ore A he elsewhere, bashfulness, constipation and biliousness, and will eure | {iver to pausé, risé its lead and hiss in ve, loss of will power, | 'Knife.' ; all blood diseases from a 'common pimple to| 10) effectually, dispels colds, head arene. fully expected the fatal scalp and spine, weak and "So yon be i Now, what have 1 told the worst scrofulovs sore. " 3 y stroke, but happily it was arrested, re to sleep, failure to be NL : constipation, dullness of | you about eatin' pie With your knife. cl I TT NIB. |and the corba moved on. Anothér Sowing, Cleansing, | SS and another followed, and so on till at agm desire for solitude, ex- Relief, least a dozen must have passed 'across Mary June! Take that pie in yo Great Feats sunken eyes, surround- Ary Jane ake hat pie an, ur A 2 ovis, oily looking skin, | hand and eat it as you ought to.' 1 saw a woman carrying an iron bar f, Permanent 3 : Cure, Failure Impossible. | ] [my corpselike form. knew that the least movement on my part would be ns of nervous debility weighing 500 pounds & distance of 75 b% fatal, but even had I wished to move I fginity urless cured, The + Log Goo ; RE Tost its tension A Cure for Coughs. feet last night,' said Hicks. ¢ in by There is no remedy that makes as large a 'Pooh,' said Mawson. 'I saw a Jiroenta » of perfect Saves i i fragile little woman stop a two ton Wa; ° n nearly every case 5 i . a | could not have done so, being paralyz- of Godghe. OIa, comlit, bronchitis, hoatse- | ommibis in the Strand this morning | ed by fear. " How my thoughts went back to my \ Business Lett peaceful boyhood, and how I had never It Would Ease Him. = i 4 Cott Filnonbrg, | exchanged England for India! All ¢ She--If you married a girl mn the > March 15th, 1887. the acts of my life. passed in review \ hope that she would one day come into Sins Please ship at once three dozeu $E5REiiEs £7 sii ness, croup, ete., its curative effects are pro- just by holding up her forefinger kd B.B. Bitters. Best selling medicine in the tpt and lasting. | before ma. 1 fearod that some in-| « a fortune, wouldn't you feel guilty over shop. Sold seven battles fous . | voluntary movement of a mdicle, pos- itt Tie, above sample a but ue of sibly the stretoliing of the urms in 3 He--Not if she got tho fortune. of similar expressions regarding B.B.B. MPSON.

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