Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Oct 1893, p. 3

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a) - fhead and ul #CHEAPSID Exe Bou n Keg) So! We hare up to this time received 93 Oases containing 2,656 PAIRS of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes. tation Smyroa Raisins and Figs. Scedless Raising and have them in store at old price, received part of a direct importation of is generally sold at 45¢ & 50c¢ per Ib. w and if-not equal to our representatious have again advanced, but we are prepared for it. Raisins be per 1h for 25¢ and all other Groceries Cheap! Cheap !'! Cheap 11! Just bought another Jot of that extra fine Pure Kettle Rendered Lard, Sagar Cured Hams, Sugar 20.1bs for $1. Fearman's Rolled Bacon, &e. We 'will open in a few duys the finest assortment of Lamps and Glassware T. C. FORMAN & SON. in this part of Canada. Marriage License Office. Port Perry, Sept, 20, 1893. ernment the other day issued an order prohibiting the further. fmpor- We got ahead and bought a lurge lot of Iu Teas we huve just Japan Teas really fine equal to' what e will give you all you want at 30u Ib. we will refund your money. Sugars Good Yellow refined or 6 lbs, for 25c. Tapioca 4 lbs. see Church of the Ascension. REV, JOS. FLETCHER, M.A., a 10.80 a.m, School, 2% p.m. habia 7.8 pm. Methodist Church. REV. L. W. HILL, B A, Pastor, i EA INouMBENT, Evensol 7pm, Babbath Services, 10:30nd 7 Week Evening Service. Thureday 7:30. Strangers welcome and conducted to seats. Bt. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN,) REV. RICHARD NaITENAN, B.A, Pasto Sabbath Services, 10:80 a Woek Evening Service, Parr, 7:30. Baptist Church. REV. MR. CAMERON, PistoR. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:30; Week Evening Service, Thursday, :80. NEW MERCHANT, AILORIN HSTABLISHMENT. Whithy & long have much pleasure in informing the puh- lic that they have leased the Store lately occupied by Mr, Minty in the Blong Block, where they intend carrying on The Merchant Tailoring GENT'S FURNISHING BUSINESS. OUR GOODS ARE ALL NEW. and have bean purchased at a great redue- ee A Letter from Emerson. *'1 have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and I think it the best remedy for summer complaint, It has done a great deal of good to myself and children" Yours truly, Mes, Wu. Warrery, Emerson, Man. Port Perry Market. [Quotations by Messrs. A. Ross & Son.] Thursday, Oct, 29, 18903, Fall Wheat 55¢ to 58¢. Bhring Wheat 560 to 57c. Goose Wheat 52¢ to 5ic. Barley (6 rowed) 33c to 40c. Rye 40c, on .27¢ to 28¢, Pe: Blackeye 0c to 64c, Peas--Mummy 52¢ to 56e, Peas--Small 50e to 50¢, Buchwheat 40c to d4c, Beans 75¢ to 950, Alsike Clover 85.50 to $6.50, Red Clover 85 to $6.00 Grass Seed $1 50 to $2. Corn 40¢ to 40c, Sheepskina 60c to 80c. Wool 16c to 16c, Hides $2 to $3, Beof $3.00 to $6.00, Pork §7.00 to 87.50 Turkeys 10¢ to 10c, Nn Apples 30¢ to 45¢, | Don, mn Saturday Night, in his vigo- "DR. WOOD'S Ps = Norway Pine SYPUD: id properties ni pector: herbs and A PERFECT CURE FOR COUGHS AND SOLS thi Bronch! Crapendai PTHROAT RONCHIAL AL and OND) DISEASES. Obstinate con hs which other remedies yield promptly to this asant piny syrup. Hn 28C. AND BOO. PER BOTTLE: BOLD BY ALL DRUGEISTS. Ada--Why does Clara speak of George as 'her intendidP Are they engnged 1 Alice--No, Lut she intenls they shall be. 'How di the colonists manage to exist the first winter after their ar- rival I" asked the teacher of the class in American history. 'The In lians took hair of them,' replied Freddy Fangle, rous way, thus denounces the sentence of imprisonment passed upon Mr. Ellis of The 8t. John Globe :--*'A man well- known _ throughout Canada as an up- right and honorable gentleman has had imposed upon him u large fine, been sent to goal for thirty days by tho court he is alleged to have held in contempt, It was unimportant that ona man held the court in contempt, ' but the august body should remember that it is a serious affair if they are' * held in contempt by everybody. Johu Valentine Ellis is not the kind of a man to put in a Canadian gaol. White- haired, gentle-wannered, of a clean life, he has been honored by election to high offices, and he has never scandaliz- ed his friends Ly a failure to properly fulfill the public or social duties with which he has been entrusted. Because he condemned the ecppduct of Judge Tuck, because he denounced the act of political trickery which could not be endured even by the man benefited by the judicial nanipulation, because he said what most of us would have been apt to say had we dared express our- selves, he ia compelled to pay an ex- cessive fine and spend a month in goal. This is the second editor who has been |® incarcerated in New Brunswick be- cause of his candid utterances with re- gard to the judiciary, Guoling these ' editors his not redeemed the court jrom the belief prevalent all over! nada that it is no credit to the Do on, yet the man who auger demand here is no tyranny thom, they : y_ondeay the white irs of 4 ohn V tis Ellis, © yet they are on araniny MER before the public opiuion of this Do- minion, where they will be frowned up- on by all right-thinking people, The, 8t. John, N.B., Gazette has not uplift. ed the journalistic profession by glory- ing over the imprisonment of a confrere, If the city in which it is published does not repudiate and scorn the editor that can glory over the unjust imprisonment of a 1eighbor, it is withont public opin- ion, and deserves to be set apart as a community which cares not for liberty, h enjore the affliction of a citizen, Seokine Ellis is known all over Ee Judges trom this of the Canadian vineyard that thought as much, if not more, of ny one of them, It 18 useless to ) annexationist and all sorts of we as all except a os us can and | Itch cured in 80 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by A. J. Davis, | | Druggist Down With High Prices For Electric Belts. dif: $1.55, $2.05, $3.70 ; former prices $5, $7, $10. Qualty remains the same-16 ferent styles; dry battery and acid belts | --mild or strong current. Jun than half the price of any other com: and more home testimonials than \ H he rest to gether. Full list free. Mention this | paper. W. T. BAER & CO. Windsor, Out. W.M. WILLCOX., Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT, VALUATOR, &c, REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. I thauks for the. very liberal patronage which I have received in the past. The increased experience and extensive practice | which I have had will be turued to the ad- vuntage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their sales may rely ou their interests being fully Protected, No effort will be red to make it to the advantage of par- ties to place their Sales in my hands. Sale Bills made out and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Satisfaction guar- antee or no pay, Terms liberal. Port Post Pers July 13, 1803, Strayed. "N MAY last from the premi -20, oon. 9, TAKE this opportunity of returning of Mr. a or ou pre are gigs such information as will lead to recovery. Jesse IRELAND, Port Perry, July 25, 1893 WANTED. -- Ts eady e om ployment. ith Phe ar Ralesmen. Ex roel Handsome outfit and he e oho efit of over 5 ears experience furnished every man. Choice nn Hnes and control of territory. Wa have over 30h wore of cholce stock and can give you many Our mode ofsecuringand retaining ralesmen 1s kuperior. Call forour terms. The trial will cost you nothing. STONE & WELLI NOON Toroato, O STILL LEADING! HE to PLETE wb patronage besto: on him since menving the Simin Business and wou! Energetic - men can to supply the ic with ~ JUST SUCH MEATS cirdle | All. and trusts. ring Mxars at i) prices, fh aes in business to Teative 8 lief re of public pa a | with ve AAC % WHEE Port. Poh, Hh = 1803 LER Id state that be is better Dopared than ever sr All ards left at' my Stall in the Market Building, gl me on my rounde tion on cost. customers may rely on getting | the full advantage of the reduction. Hop | ing by strict attention to busines, keeping {only the Newest, Best and Most Fashion- able Goods and at prices that cannot fail to satify customers to merit liberal patronage. #2 Prompt attention to all orders and | Pexvror Firs guaranteed. Spring Styles | of Fina imperted Suitings and T'rouserings. We intend to make our Es- i tablishment Headquarters for | "Fashion" and"Money'sWorth Cull and secure your Spring and Summer | Suits--Hanpsome, StyLisa and Cuear ! | We will treat you right, and dress you better than you ever were in your life. WHITBY & BLONG. | @ | Port Perry, April 5, 1893, | SPLENDID Brick Dwelling House SIX ACRES OF LAND FOR S.ATLH. HE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale her I cheiceand well-appointed residence and $ix acres of lund ou which there is a fine Park containing 2 acres; a fine, bearing Orchard of one acre and good Garden ; there is a splendid Driving House and Stable on the premices. Hard and Soft Water and all other conveniences. The Carriage Drive and Grounds are plant- ed with various kinds of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vives, &e. This property is beautifully located on | Union J pi just on' the southern border | on the Town of Port Perry and is a very de- { sirable property and will be sold at a | BARGAIN, For farther partioular app'y tothe pro- prietress on the premises E UPHE MIA DAWES. Port Perry, Avg, %, 1996. Bu, 1593. GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Auctioneer, | | Wishes to inform the public that 'he is pre- pared to attend with the utmost care all sales entrusted to his charge in the Town- ships of Reach, Scugog and Mariposa. A register of datos of sales will be kept at the office of Mr. Orr Graham, V.8., with whom arrangements may be made for sales. All correspondence addressed to me at Scugog P.0., will receive prompt attention. £4 Sale Bills made out aud Blank Notes furnished free of charge. I would also inform those interested in Poultry thut I have on hand and for sale upwards of 100 fine, pure-bred Plymouth Rock Chicks. If you want anything in that line please write me for prices or come and see stock, GEORGE Scugog, July 18, 15893. JACKSON. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. YELLOW TERRIER DOG from the St. Charles Hotel Sheds, Port Perry. This dog greatly resembles a fox in color and ap- peirance but is larger and has a small white pen tall. Has lost some front teeth, has x Ite kpot on the breast, Any person or sons found detaining him after this date w if be prosecuted according to law. Any intellf« gouce Setueriing hn may be left at the UBSERVER Offiogy'ort B Der TS. ICHARD WATSON. Epsom, Aug. 21, ITioAL PER US Shu change or 2 5, six boxes, $2. Celery gents ix boxes, 82.80. * The pli For Sale at a Bargain, HREE Splendid,' Young, Pedigreed T Short-Horn Bulls. All from imported stock and of most select breeding. . 'M. PEARSON. Manchester, March 29th, 1893. PAR FOR SALE. $5100 ILL PURCHASE 150 Acres of Land, being the east half of lot No. 7 and Fhe south- west 50 acres of lot 8, in the 6th concession of the Township of CARTWRIGHT the Estate of the late James Hooey, Deceased, This farm is nearly all cleared and a good part of it free from Sfampe is well watered and built upon, sud within five miles of Port Perry, on the leading road theroto.-- The soil is clay. If not old within thirty days it will be leased for a term of years. ¥or further particulars enquire of James Parr at Blackstock. JAMES PARR, Ripans Tabilesy pleasant laxative, 4 AqENT. Blackstock, Aug. 21, 1893. . Manwe. Forks, Bui i Js HEADQU.A HANGING, HAND uo BRACKET | Lanterns, Bushel Baskets, 10 Port Perry, Oct. 4, 1893. "ad Sere oo "rv ~ g : Paints, oils Glass, Putty, Rh Tete. 3 d annealed. ORL] y and desires to solicit orders for it- my stock. i # The undersigned while returning thanks for the liberal and steadily in- creasing patronage bestowned on him since commenging busines-in Port Perry, would weg to state that he is in receipt of large consignments of the Celebrated Scranton Coal | Don't place your orders before inspecting Deliveries made to any part of the town and Prince Albert, | ES. I have just placed in my Yards a superiof Weigh Sc ales of the Gurney wake, so that my patrons may rely on obtaining correct w ht. WOOD---various lengths, Port Perry; July 19, 1893. Also keeps in Stock--Lime, Water Lime, Plasterers' Hair. All kinds of Lumber, Timber, Shingles, &e. C. L. VICKERY. We have Moved our business to' the where wel so REMOVR South side of Quen; St Street and now occupy the exte usive premises just vacated by Mr, B. F. AckEryMAN, % will be Letter prepared than ever to supply "our customers and the public with everything in the Harness I.ine " |CHERPNESS STYLE, Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks, &c., in abundance. Comparison of Prices Courted. BEATTY & BONGARD. Port Perry, March 9, 1892. eo ©© STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, Mountain Ask, English, Walnut, Wiate Ash, Addr ess, Box 127, Port Perry, March 22, 1893, 3 2338 PORT PERRY NURSERIES: / have a SURPLUS of the following Nursery Stock WHICH 18 and of GOOD BIZE, will be sold CHEAP by the hundred or in quantities to suit purchasers. -- European Scotch and American Elms, Norway Maple, Austrian and Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce, Red Cedar, &e. A 7EW THOUSAND APPLE TREES OR EXTRA SIZE 7 feet high, inch to rk inch in diameter. Stock--clean, handsome, thrifty trees--just below first- class in size; Apples at 15 cts., Pear and Plum, 40 cts. each. Cs se88e 808 SOIT 88 Black European Larch, SIX years old, Also a Light Grade C6. KELLETT, Porr PERRY, Ont, We want a boy in on the street, to farmers, at he lished, as agents testify. keepr the other % cents for himself. fons Bakes of having Japors left on ors make goad agents, wishes money in this ways terested in boys some bright Busing = ke hold of the bus! HIcAGo LEDGER on WEDNESD, L¥DoER 18 a family story larity of these pupers is full circulation of the SATURDAY BLADE 18 275,000 Soles eoples. Certainly no stronger proof of their sell these hundreds of thousands of coples are sold b; newspaper world, and the LEDGER ix close after 'AGENTS DEPARTMENT." town in the United States and CHIC Go LEDGER. The papers are read) ome, and to strangers ean start out ane sell these bright Illustrated papers. The ATURDAY BLADE | . dated 8 Our Boys Everywhere Are Here is YOUR Write for Sample Copies, Terms & W. D. BOYCE, © pu purs sell for 5 cents a copy. The boy sends usd It costs nothing for hix hands, as we t girls, und invalids. of those. BLADI bE per, also fully abe in i hd y attes od by their Jmmense ell and th ing qualities boys. nuke coples of the SATURDAY are in toevery shop, store, factory, town. Any hustling boy re Lhe caslest selling papers pub- & for each copy he sells, and ake money should ] EE one who will dle the the papers yo noe Is the paper 14 od 'was appointed, every town who opportunity to make and we ask those In- ned in the name of 5 lad who will agree to on BATURDAY, and the faily ilustraled. The be ark od 3 and nearly all E Is the wonder of the aking Money. nce. culars to h Avenue, Chicago. Furnished Rooms fo Rent. IN ENGLEWOOD. ARTIES of two or more can be accom- modated with rooms at $6 per week in- cluding breakfast. Rooms must be secured in advance. MISS E. L. PALMER, 002 West 50th Street, Englewood, Chicago, Ill. REFERENCES. W. Ross, A. J. Davis, Ww, HeMcCaw, H. Pausons, Port Perry. Ttipans Tabules cure the blues. Ripans Tabules cure serofiila. Ripans Tabules prolong life. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. "Ripaas Tabules : for liver troubles. Lipans 'Tabuies are of great value. ry, TT CARNEGIES IN FULL BLAST r -- HE nndersigned takes this opportunity ot returning his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, most approved and modern machinery Including t the ZOLLER FROCK ET CHOPPING! Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot. fail to.give satis- faction to my patrons, The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and can supply all kinds.of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick els, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neel Posts. EZ BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kiuds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. LAING & MEHARRY --HAVH AGAITN-- OPENED OUT WITH A Magnificent Stock of everything in their line LAING & MEHARRY. ~ ad HH. ZX. PURDY Roller and Stone Flour, Feed of all kinds, wholesale and retail. Barrel and Dairy Salt, cheap! ALSO, A FULL STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Cheap for Cash or Produce. Just received a car load of pure Land Plaster. EZ" The Highest Price paid at all times in Cash for any quautity of Oate Beaus, Flax, Eggs, &c EF SIVE 'ME A' CALL. ©3 tu ¥ EH PURDY. Port Perry, March 10, 1802, JUST RECEIVED. +The Subscriber has just received a Complete Aseortment of FANCY + CONSISTING OF : TOILET SETS in Plesh, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather, do. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian Ware, §c., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, §e. PIPES and CIGARS of the Fincst Quality. Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season. A. J. DAVIS, Chemist and Drugpi medi | BLONG BLOCK, * PORT PERRY DODDS 6 Pieces good Moquette Plush @ © Parlor Buite- 6 Pieces best American Hai Cloth @ 835 Parlor Suite-- 6 Piecos beat Attiericah Malr Cloth, fink gilded @ $37. Parlor Buite-- 6 Pieces best Quoen Plush, spring edgh and back, very large set @ 4Zr Above are Solid Walnut Frames an well finished Also Bedroom Sets as low as $n.7s &r A Cars Soricitid, J. W. DAVIS, Furniture Rooms, ; N returning thanks to the public for the patronage extended to me for over 30 years, I would respectfully intimate that I; am, as usual, now ready for business, atid bave u Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNEKSS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP As an inducement to Casi purchasers 1 -b Discount of 10 por eondes will be allowed on all Sales from now until Jan. Ist next, All Work being MADE BY HAND; und vo factory work kept in stock, thy superiority of my goods will at once becotiie apparent. ntending purchasers will find that by giving me a call before looking elsewhers they can be suited in quality and price, my long experience in the trade being an indise putable guarantee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any article purchased. Everthing in my line of business kept constantly on hand and repairs nestly and promptly attended to. JOHN ROLPH: Port Perry, Dec, 1, 1892, BOOTS & SHOES AS THEY SHOULD BE! FHE undersigned has on hand a stock of Boots and Shoes of his own make which he is prepared to SELL CHBE.A TP: They are manufactured of the very best material and for cheapness and good work- manship cannot be excelled in this or ad: joining counties. My life-long experienced in the manufacture of Boots and Shoes gives me an advantage over more inexperienced dealers and my present stock is ruch ns I warraut tu give satisfaction and the priced' are right. ALL KINDS MADE TO ORI SEWED WORK A Sf Repairing promptly attended to, Patches neatly executed. Ladies' Polish, Heel Pilates; Button Fastoers, the same put in. Laces in Cotton, Leather, and Por Poli All kinds of Findings on band, ulse tubber Cement, Rubber Bootsand Coats repaired. The Best Material | Ro Shoady! Nd Sheepskin I | #7 Prices to Suit the Tinies. Give me a call at the Market Block, Port Perry. LTY: sement WM. BOND, Port Perry, Sept. 22, 1892. KALSOMINING. &C. pen soderitoncd would take this oppor tunity of thanking his numerous pats vons for their liberal and still nercaciug) patronage during the time he has catiied o the busiuess of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state thut he is better prepared than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties entrusting their work to me ma rely or having it neatly and Promptly 4 ean cuted, My charges are erate. am ale prepared to NET 7 ey 8 publiep ge #0] WH a Port Perry, Mar, 28, 1598. = = Agricultural Machines IMPLEMENTS SUNDERLAND: i bk undersigned keeps on hand and for sale the following Agricultural Mach- ines and In'plements manufactured by the MTR SAMIR MTR OO : oF PRISRUILD : Binders, Reapers, RE nd TT. Seeder, Tiger H Hay rove Two Dees aor | G Com tion Plow, arnpioh Cultivator, 8. T. Harrow, ! Roller, Steel Biden Toot T Cultivator, Binder &e Also tite following, the munufactdtd of goon Halen, ortabde

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