Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 Oct 1893, p. 2

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~ have again advanced, but we are prepared for it. ~ Sugar 20 Ibs for $1: - be given, We have up to this time received 93 Uases containing O80 PAIRS of Ladies' and Gentlemens, Boots and ,Shoés. oe Department in this County. Go vernment the other day issued an order prohibiting the further impor: n Swyroa Raising and Figs. We got ahead and bought a large lot of Seedless Raisin® and have thew in store at old price. In Tens we have just received part of a direct importation of Japan Teas really fine equal to what is generally sold at 45¢ & 50c per Ib. we will give you all you want at 30c 1b: and if not 'equal to our representations we will refund your moncy. Sugars Good Yellow refined Raisins bo per 1b. or 6 Ibs. for 26c. Tapioca 4 Ibs. for 260 and all other Groceries Oheap | Cheap |! Cheap | 1! Just bought another Jot of that extra fine Pure Kettle Rendered Tard, Sugar Cured Hams; Fearman's Rolled Bacon, &o We will open in a fow days the finest assortment of Lamps and Glassware in this part of Catada. T. CG: FORMAN & SON. Marriage License Office. Porr Peery, Sept. 20, 1893. A Letter from Emerson. +1 have used Dr. Fowler's Extidct of Wild Rtrawberry and I think it the best remedy for summer complaint, It has done a great deal of good to myself and children' Yonrs truly, Mgrs. Ww. WaITELY, Emersdn, Man, Port Perry Market. , [Quotations by Messrs, A. Ross & Son.] Thursday; Oct. 12, 1893, va Wheat 56¢ to 53c. Spring Wheat 54c to 56c. Goose Wheat 50c to 5%c. Barley (6 rowed) 33¢ to 38c. Barley (2 rowed) 23¢ to 35c; Peas-- Blackeye 60c to 63c; Peas--Mummy 52¢ to Soe; Pean--Small 60¢ to 50¢; * Buchwheat 85¢ to 37c, Beans 650 to $1, Alsike Clover 85 Rd Clover $5 to Grass Sced $2 to $2. 50, Corn 50c to 50c, Sheepskins 40c to 100 Wool 15¢ to 16¢; on cose 13¢ to 13c, ~ Potatoes 23¢ to 28e, naples 30c to 50¢, Servant Girl Wanted. ANTED IMMEDIATELY, a general servant to whom divers) wages will pply Wis. Ki. 1 PURDY Port Perry, Sept 20, 1893, Lilla St ~ FINALTY COURT. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT a Court will he held, pursuant to the Outarvio Voters' List Aot, 1880, by hie * Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Ontario, at the Town Hall in the Village of Port Perry, On SATURDAY, tiie 21s DAY OF 00TO- BER, 1893, at Ten o'clock a. m., to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the municipality of the VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY. for 1893. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. F. M. YARNOLD, Clerk of Port Perry. Dated Oct. 4, 1893. Furnished Rooms fo Rent. IN ENGLEWOOD. ARTIES of two or more can be accom- modated with rooms at $6 per week in- eluding breakfast. Rooms must be secured in advance. MISS E. L. PALMER, 802 West 59th Streot, Englewood, Chicago, Tl: V REFERFNCES. » is boautifally orate t on the southern border | rt Perry and is a very de- perty and will be ST at a . partionlsrs apply to the pro- the prom Eis Dawe. ne | : | Cort Perry, Ww. M.WIL LOOX Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIP OF OARTWRIGHT, VALUATOR, &c., REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. TAKE this opportunity of returning thanks for the very liberal patronage which I have received in the past. The increased experience and extensive practice which I have had will be turued to the ad- yuntage of patrons; and parties favoring me with their sales may rely on their interests being fully protected. No effort will be spared to make it to the advantage of par: ties to place their Sales in my hahds. Sale Bills made out and Blank Notes furnighed free of charge. Satisfaction guar- antee or no pay. Terms liberal. Port Port Perry, July 13, 1893, THE LAST CALL. LL AMOUNTS due F. 'W. Puittipo or the firm of Pmir- f1P0 & MEnArRrY, must he settled withthe tndersigned, forthwith, other- be i Bein, Fk W, PHILLIFO Por Porry, Sept: 6; 1893; Tor Sul orto Lek o Bouse and Lek) IN THE Village of Saintfield ! FHE hotise is & two-story fratife in good repair on 4 stone foundation with a good stone cellar. On the first floor are a parlor, sitting room, bed room, dining room, kitcken and pantry. On the second floor are three roomy bed rooms, hall and closet: There is an abundance of hard and soft water ofi the premises; a stable, carriage hoiise, hen' house and pig pen. The lot contains five acres of good land well fenced and a thrifty young orchard of choice fruit trees, Apply to MRS. C. BLAKELY, on the premises. Ssintfield, Ssintfield, Sept. 12, 159 12, 1893: ~ Strayed. N MAY last from the premises of Mr. E. White, lot 20, con. 9, Reach, A Yearling Jersey Heifer, color dark hrown, slit in one of her ears; also strayed at the sama time from tlie same premises an affed Red Cow, line back, in calf. A guitable reward will be paid toany one giving such infotmation as will lead to their recovery: JESSE IRELAND, Port _ Port Perry, July 2. 25, 18 1893. WANTED. Energetic men can find ®leady employ ment with us as salesmen, Experience mot Decessary. Handsome outfit and the benefit of over 25 years experience furnished every man, Choice special lines and control of terrifory. We have over 700 Soren af holes stock and cag give you many advantages. 'Out mode of sconrin and retaining salesmen 18 superior. Call for suf terms. Théurial will cost nothi oskyon BONE ONE & WELLINGTON. Toronto, Ont: STILL LEADING! HE UNDERSIGNED begs to return thanks for the liberal and till increas: [ as cannot fail to meet the requirements of all, and trusts by offering only CHoicg Meats at modetate prices, and promptness in business to reécive a liberal share of | public patronage. £7 All orders left at my Stall in the Market Building, or with me on my rounds with conveyance, will receive i and careful attention. ISAAC J. WHEELER 503 | der cultivation. It | seven miles from LR ANS REARS as tei NEW TAILORING AND GENTS FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. Whitby & Blong have uch pleasure in informing the pub- lic that they have leased the Store lately occupied by Mr. Minty in the Blong Block, where they intend carrying The Merchant Tailoring GENT'S FURNISHING BUSINESS. OUR GOODS ARE ALL NEW. have been purchased at a great reduc- tomers may tbly on getti Goods and at prices satify customers to merit liberal patronage. #ar Prompt attention to all orders and Perrear Firs guaranteed. Spring Styles of Fine imported Suitings and Trouserings. We intend to make our Es- tablishment Headquarters for "Fashion" and"Money'sWorth"" Call and secure your Spring and Summer Suits---HANDsomE, Stynisa and CHEAP | We will treat you right, and dress you etter than yon ever were in your life. WHITBY & BLONG. Port Perry, Aptil 5, 1893. Agricultural Machines {IMPLEMENTS SUNDERLAND. T sale the following Agricultural Mach- ines and Implements manufactured by the MIR EAMETOD MFG G0, OF PETERBORO : Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combipa- tion Plows, Champion Plows; B.T. Cultivator; 8. T. Hatrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. Daisy Also the following, the munufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto. High class Threshing outfits, Traction Engines and Machines, Victor Clover Huller, Portable Trivmph Engine. Iam prepared to supply everything the farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple- wients, Repairs, &o. yn A call solicited, | McDonald's Hotel. Suiierland. Apri One door west of (Landscape Gardner.) [DARTIES requiring my services will please address communications to or apply personally at the Ospserver Office, Port Perry. . STIRTON. ALEX Port Perry, March'28; 159. 70 LET. NINE ROOMED F HOUSE on Simcoe LA street, with good cellar, barn and woodshéd : a number of Apple trees in full bearing ar d a good well of water. Apply to Mr. F. M. YARNOLD, or MR. STRAIGHT ; ot to the proprietor. Address, JOS, TETCHER, Home for Incurables, June 15, 1803, Parkdale. AT ALL CRITICAL PERIODS AND CHANGE OF rire. Sold by all Druggists, or by mail price 50 cents, six boxes, $2.50. The Celery Pill Co, Sou Sorsto,ont, Ont, = PAINTING KALSOMINING, &C. Te undersigned wonld take this oppor- tanity of thanking his numerous pat: rons for their lihetal dnd stitl ifereasing patronage during the time he has Carried on the busiuess of PAINTING iil Port Perry, and would state that he is better prepared than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging | = Parties entrusting their ¥ork to me may rely or: having it neatly and id protupdy exe- cited, My charges are moderate. 1 am also prepared to stpply Paints, &e,, n contratin a For Bale at a Bargain, HREE Splendid, Young, Podigreed Short-Horn Bulls. All from imported stock and of most select breeding, WM. PEARSON. Manchester, March 29th, 1893. FARM FIR SALE BY TENDER. FIRST-CLASS Farm of 200 acres, of the Township of) SCUGOG ! On the premises are a frame dwell- house, burn, stal 'and Waler,-- The soil is a clayed lc ¥ ; cleared ~The above propert: near the lake shore and is convenient to church, school snd office and is about ort Perry, It is alto- gether 'One of the Finest Farms in the Townhip. The Highest or any Tender n not necessarily ¢ nw z . YARNOLD, = : * Soleo, Poti Pary ALEX STIRTON| being lot No. 9, in the 155 consemton : aul beautifully yt T rR. TY B. CENERAL H HEADQU.ART HANGING, HAND wo BRACKET Lanterns, Bushel Pasay 'Wh nur k Saws; Potato Forks, [arred and Felt, Paints, Oils, Glass, Port Perry, Oct. 4, 1893. ORL! MPOAL ! 606000 Uihhsiin The undersigned while returning thanks for the liberal and stéadily in- creasing patronage bestowbed on him since commenging busines in Port Perry, would weg to state uit he is in receipt of latgs consignments of the Celebrated Scranton Coa and desires to solicit orders for it- my stock. Don't place your orders before inspecting Deliveries made to any part of the town and Prince Albeit, ES. I have just placed in my Yards a superior Weigh Scales of the Gurney wake, so that my patrons may rely on obtaining correct woiglit: Also keeps in Stock--Lime, Water Lime, Plasterers' Hair. All kinds of Lumber. Timber, Shingles, &e. WOOD--various lengths, C. L. VICKERY. 00 $6 REMOVAL $3 eo ©© We have Moved our business to the South cide oF Queen. St of Queen Street and now occupy the extensive premises just vacated by MR. B. F. ACKERMAN, where we] will be Letter prepared than ever to supply our customers and the public with everything in the Harness Liine Semel Polls Loni, t Sia |CHEAPNESS, STYLE, Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County, Port Perry, July 19, 1893. Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks, &c., in abundance. Comparison of Prices Courted. BEATTY & BONGARD. Port Perry, | March Q 1892. P stad re nr IN FULL BLAST | pe tindetsigned takes this opportunity of Teturnitig his sincere thanks for the large measure of patrondge be- stowed on Him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, most approved and modern machinery iticluding the " ROLLER PROCESS G & CHO Expeditiously and in a mahner that cannot fail to give satis- faction to my patrons. The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation &nd cat stipply dll kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick els, Shiites, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Newel Posts. EZ" BILL. LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SCROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE. MEHARRY AGATIN-- OPENED OUT Magnificent Stock f everything in their line. Pott Perry, Oct. 1, 1891, LAING & --H. AVE -~ J THRESHERS! LARDINE MACHINE OIL The Champion Gold Medal Oil which carn be Excelled. kos CYLINDER OIL: "43. MANUFACTURED BY McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto. Ask your dealer for " Lardine" and beware of Imitations. FOR Sin ey ALL THE LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. $866888889053888¢ iain PERRY | Si SERIESH: Z have a SURPLUS of the e folloustip | STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, and in in y cole. Walnut, White Ie Norway Map Austrian and Scotch Pine, Norway A FEW THOUSAND APPLE TREES OR EX 7 Jeet hugh, inch to 1k inch in diamete Stock--clean, handsome, thrifty trees size; Apples at 15 cts, Pear and Plum . Address, Box 127, Port Perry, March 22, 1893, uropean Larch, Red Cedar, &c. koa Light Grade below first-class in ) cls. each: KELLETT, Port Perry, Ont. Pu want a boy in every town | the United States 1078 And CHICAGO LEDGER, op y TOR street, to farmers, at hom Pe e out an sell these Bright Tithatrated papers. T 5 rs fell for 5 cents n h gop, The boy Sends us AE fonts nothing 8 hands, as we agents, bul girls, and i invalids. or those ¥ y he sells, Jad for each coj Busines, and to start in unsold copies. Not of do hard work, Every maka money rhoul pers, 0 BATURDA' Bip 1s Z75,000 bop iy no stronger proof of their selling a reds of thousands of coples are £0ld b; world, and the LEDGER is close after he European. Elms, Black! He XE. PURDY HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL STOOK OF Roller and Stone Flour, Feed of all kinds wholesale and retail. Barrel and Dairy Salt, cheap! ALSO, A FULL STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Cheap for Casb or Produce. Just received 4 ear load of pure Land Plaster: EZ" The Highest Price paid at all ticies in Cash for any quintity of Oate Beans, Flax, Eggs, &e EF GIVE MB A SH Port Petty, March 10, 1892, JUST RECEIVED. ER The Subscriber has just received a Completé Aseorfment of "FANCY + GDDDS! CONSISTING OF : TOILET SETS in Phish, Persidin and Oxidized Silver; Leather, $e. PERFUMES from the best makats; in Out Glass Bottles; Bidiemion Wares, ge, at all Prices. FANGY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, ge. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. Wishing you all the Complimentast: 'the Season ; LAING & MEHARRY. VY OF E. H. PURDY. wives MUMORS. AT THE BAMEC TIME * aa ING ACIDITY or THE STOMACH, ARE BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, HEAD. ACHES, DIZZINE HEARTBURN, CONSTIPATION, RHEUMATISM, DROPSY; SKIN DISEASES, JaunoiCE, SALT RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS, SCRO% FULA, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, NERVOUSNESS, AND GENERAL DEBILITY. THESE AND ALL SIMILAR COMPLAINTS QUICKLY YIELD TO THE CURA: ive jnrLuEnck 67 BURDOCK BLooB BITTERS, GE hg re ee eid GEO. JACKSON, Licénsed Auctioneer im, arrangements: mag he made for A corzespohdence addressed to me at Sengog P.O., will receive prompt attention. #ar Sale Bills matle oat and Blank Notes furnished free of charge, -- ia 3 I wonld also inform those iriterisbeid, i in Poultry that I have on hand and forssplg upwards of 100 fine, pure-bred Plynoich Rock Chicks. If you want anything in that line please write me for prices or come und see stock. GEORGE JACKSON? Scugog, July 18; 1803, ~ Lost, Strayed or Stolen: YELLOW TERRIER DOG from the Sep 'harles Hotel 8heds, Port Perry. Thig dog greatly resembles a fox in color and spe peitrance but Is larger wi has a gniall white up on tall. lias lost some front teeth; Hock pite spot on the brehst, Any jerson or per ont found detaining him after this date will be prosecuted according to law. Any intelli gonee congerning him may be lefi at the UBSERVER Office, Port Perry, ICHARD WATSON. Effom, Ang. 21, 1808. fi N © T Elif re roLLo WING Prices for CASH Only Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces Moquette Plush @ $30. Parlor Suite-- ). 6 Pieces French Biocattelle @ $30. Parlor Suite-- 6 Picees good Moquetts Plusli ® @e Patlor Sunite-- . 6 Picces best American Hair Cloth @ £35 Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces best American Hair Cloth; gilded @ $37. Parlor Buite 6 Pleces Hest Quien Plash) shag edgd and hack, very large set @ $ £3 Above ate Solid Walntit ¥ ramos aid well finished. Also Bedrooth Sets as low as $11.75. gar A Cafu Soviciren. J. W. DAVIS, Furniture Rooms, Queen Si: Port Perry, Sept, 20, 1802. frag N returning thanks to the public for the patronage extended to me for over 30' years, I would respectfully intimate that] am, as ustal, iow {Tondy for business; atid have a Large & Assorted Stock DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP. As an inducement to CasH purchasers -b Disoovad of 10 por oh will be allowed on all Sales 2 how until Jan. 1st next. All work being _ MADE BY HAND; . and no factory work kept in stock, the superiority of my goods will at once become apparent. ntending purchasers will find that by giving me a call before looking, elsawhers they can he suited in quality wm @ price, my. long experience in the trade beirg an indis-, putable guardiitee that petfect sutisfaction will be given by any article purchased. Everthing in my line of business kep! constantly on band aud repairs neat; promptly a a BOOTS & SHOES AS THEY SHOULD BEf IPHE anders ned has has on Hand a stock ok Boots and Shoes of His Wn make which he is prepared to SELL CHEAP: They are manufactured of the very best muterial and for cheapness and 1 work- mansh p cannot be excelled in this or ad-, iniug counties. My life-long expericnce;, 3 in the manufacture of Boots und Shoes gives; me an advantage over more inexpe xpaijenced = dealers and my present stoek isrich asl warrant tu give satisfuetion add ite prices are right. ALL KINDS MADE TO ORI he SEWED WORR A S KCAILTY. - pairing promptly attended Cement, Patches neatly on Cadiow' Potiehy" Heel Plates; Button Fas the san | put in. - Laces in

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