Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Sep 1893, p. 3

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Government the other day issued an order prohibiting the farther impor tation Smyrna Raisins and Figs. We got ahead and bought a large lot of Seedless Raising and hate them in store ut old price. In Teas we have just received part of a direct importation of Japan Teas really fine equal to what is generally sold at 45¢ & 50¢ per. 1b. we will give you all you want at 30c Ib. and if not qual to our representations we will refund your money. Sugars have again advanced, but we ure prepared for it. Good Yellow refined Sugar 20 Ibs for $1. Raisins bo per Ib. or 8 lbs. for 25c. Tapioca 4 Ibs. for 26¢ and-all other Groceries Cheap ! Cheap 11 Ohewp 111 Just bought another lot of that extra fine Pure Kettle Rendered Lard, Sugar Cured Hams, Fearman's Rolled Bacon, &e. We will open in a few days the finest assortment of Lamps and Glassware in this part of Canada, T. C. FORMAN & SON. Marriage License Ofee, Port Perry, Sept. 20, 1803. * Why don't you reform Jack?' ¢ It isu't the right time of the year, Wait until. $60 A YEAR FOR LIFE. Bubstantial Rewards for Those Whose Answers are Correct: A man once entered u prison where was con= fined a condemned criminal. On waking a Foquest to be conducted Into the presence of the doomed man, the visitor wae informed that none but relatives were permitted to see tho prisoner. Tho visitor sald: "Brothers and sisters have I none, but that man's (the prisoner's) father {s my futher's son.' He was at once taken 10 the prisouer. EE a a ae ¥ish cord The Agriculturist yh plishing Company will ive Fp year for life to the Dorion. %on. t juswerl 3500 to the second ; 8rd, § 0 $0; and over 10,00) oh SERA, E nin gold and ailv fuwrnond rings, To Lhe person dling the lasLOORTCOL ANE WET will be Pe en a high-loned piano, to the next 30 the Jaet u beatiful organ, and the next Su will receive valuable prizes of sllverware, RuLes. ~--(1) All answers must be sent by mail, and bear postmark not later than Dee, 31, 1898, (2) Tnere will be no charge whatever tw enter this com petition, but al Ra or Led 10 send one dollar for six 1 hs arith to either Tug LADIES, 1loMeE MAGAZINE OF TH ECANADIVN AGRICUL» URINT--twO of the cholcest Tilustrated per #) All prize winners will us in RRtending our cir- LH 'he rst correct unswer received mark taken in all cases us date a Aa ve évery ono an equnl mi ere he or she may reside) the Ars prise; the svcond, the Ze ands 80 on, AGRICULTURIST I8 an old established vohicern, a and possesses an) ple means Lo enable it to carry out all its promises. (Send for printod Ust of former prize Winners.) DG ES. ~The Fi well known gentle- MEE ve consented to act as judges and will wee that prizes are fairly awnrded--Com. modore tt. (Proprietor Caleutt's Line of Nieame terborough, and Mr. W. Robert- ent Times Printing Company, er all money letters, Js Pus. Co. (Lid), 'W. M.WILLCOX, Lice nsed Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT, VALUATOR, &c., REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY, TAKE this opportunity of returning thanks for the very liberal patronage which I have received in the past, The increased experience and extensive practice which I have had will be turued to the ad. vantage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their sules may rely on thelr interests being fully protected. No effort will be spared to make it to the advantage of pare ties to place their Sales in my hands. Sale Bills made out and Blank Notes farnished free of charge, Satisfaction guar antee or no pay, Terms liberal, Port Perry, July 13, 1303, A FIRST-CLASS FARM FOR SATE. FPHE undersigned offers for Sale that _ first-class Farm being composed of tha of pianas, organs, ladies and ver watches, silver services, oul of the day. ( bo_expected to nssis TE) thie Township of BROCK. 100 acres arc cleared and under good culti- vation ; 22 acres are seeded to grass and the balance is good bush pasture, There are on the premises a good frame Dwelling House, with stone Cellar ; frame Barn on stone foundation with fine stabling under barn; a large Driving House with stable room for twelve horses; a thrivin Orchard ; two excellent wells of water and a cistern, t Lo Peterborough, Palace Cars One Way,-- Mrs. Browns ston--=S0 you have been to the Chicago Fair! You took the Through-by-Day- light Palace Train, I presume.' Mr. Brickrow--' Oh, yes--yes, of course ; that is --er--1I took it going.' The property is well fenced aud all taining to the furm is in a good state o pair- The situation is all that could be desired --adjoining Sonya Railway Station, con- venient to Church, School, Market and Stores, 47 If not sold within one month, will be exchanged for a 50-acre-farm, or leased for a term of yeurs. For further particulars, apply to the propricter, re. Horroway's Pinis.--Impurities of the Blood.--To ensure health it is absolutely necessary that the tiuids and solids of the human body should be kept free from those impurities which are continually getting admission to into the system by erroneous living, unwholesome atmosphere or disordered stomach. The only safe and certain way to expel all impurities is to take Hollownay's Pills; which have the power of cleansing the blood from all noxious matters, and at the same time removing any irregularities which their pesence may have already pro- duced in any organ. Holiowny's Pills) expel all humors which taint or im- poverish the blood, which they purify und invigorate and give general tone. They are applicable to all alike-- young or old, robust or delicate, DAVID PURDY, Port Perry. July 5, 1893, Strayed. N MAY last from the premises of Mr, E. White, lot 20, con. 9, Reach, A Yearling Jersey Heifer, color durk brown, slit in oue of her cars; also strayed at the same time from the same premises an aged Red Cow, line back, in calf. A suitable reward will be paid toany one giving such information as will lead to |: their recovery. JESSE IRELAND. Port Perry, July 25, 1893. WANTED. Energetic men can find \--xteady employment with us as salesmen. Experience mot Necessary. Handsome outfit and the benefit of over 25 Fears ax Petouce furnished every man. Chofee {i d control of territory. Wu have over Sib oro of choice stock and can glve you many advantages. Our mode of securingand retaining salekmen is superior. Call forour terms. » The trial will cost you nothing. BTONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, OBL. STILL LEADING! Furnished Rooms fo Reat. IN ENGLEWOOD. ! ) ARTIES of two or more can be accom- modated with rooms at $6 per week in. ig break Le. HR, in advance. {i - Port Perry, : Parsons, SPLENDID ck Dwelling House X ACRES OF LAND fe rien pee 3 . JUST SUCH MEATS as cannot fall to meet the requirements of all, and trusts by offering only Cuorce/ Migs at derate prices, and pr ess to receive a liberal share off. pi at: #8 All orders left at my Stall in the Market Building, or with me on my rounds with conveyance, will receive immediate and careful attention. ISAAC J. WHEELER a d | Port Perey, Aug, 16, 150 | Carriage Facto Dyelli House for oy ih So 1 MANCHESTER whdeaigned off offers to well or rent for 2h of ®t fa be her Carriage Factory i SN The. acres of land on Which k containing 2 acres } ne, ard of one acre and Pir endid Driving Lo th mises. "Hard and Soft 2d Suunie all sie Wii Bi varios Is gens xn Grounds are ar Frees of Ornamental RE Pastis apply to the pro- the pe DAWES. os beautifully located on just on the southern orier Perry and is a very des will be sold at son North 150 acres of lot 23, in the 1st con, of : | Lh miles from Younir, Esq., | STR aren Jy NB W JIERCHANT Ese LIE TALC AND GENTS' FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. Whitby & Blong have much pleasure in informing the pub- lic that they have leased the Store lately occupied by Mr. Minty in the Blong Block, 4 where they intend carrying on The Merchant Tailoring GENTS FURNISNG BUSINESS. EB Ay, mow in| only he Newest So and Most andl ing able Goods and at prices that caunot fail to sutify customers to merit liberal patronage. && Prompt attention to all orders and Prxrar Firs guaranteed. Spring Styles of Fine imported Suitings and Trouserings. We intend to make our Es- tablishment Headquarters for "Fashion" and"Money'sWearth" Call and secure your Spring and Summer Suits--Hanvsosme, Sryrisn and Cuear ! We will treat you right, and dress you better than you ever were in your life. WHITBY & BLONG. Port Perry, April 5, 1803. Agricultural Machines IMPLEMENTS SUNDERLAND. n HE undersigned keeps on hand and for sale the following Agricultural Mach- ines and In'plements manufactured by the PETER EAMILTON MTG G0, OF PETERBORO : Binders, Reapers, Crown Moser, Daisy Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tions Plows, Champion Plows, 8. T. Cultivator, 8, T. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &c. Also the following, the munufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto. High class Threshing outfits, Traction Engines and Machines, Victor Clover Huller, Portable Triumph Engine. 1 am prepared to supply everything the farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple- ments, Repairs, -&e. wa A call solicited, One door west of McDonald's Hotel, 3 * 3. K. BRYANT. + Sunderland, April 8, Ty ALEX. STIRTON ARTIES requiring my services will (Landscape Gardner.) ) gery please address communications to or orth personally at the OBserver Office, Port Perry. ALEX. Port Perry, March 28, 1803, TO LET. NINE ROOMED HOUSE on Simcoe stroet, with good cellar, burn and woodshed ;* a nomber of Apple trees in full bearing and a good well of water. Apply to Mz. F. M, YarnoLp, or MR. STRAIGHT § or to the proprietor. Address, STIRTON. JOS. LETCHER, Home for Incurables, June 15, 1893, Parkdale. AT ALL CRITICAL PERIODS AND CHANGE OF tire. Sold by all Druggists, or by mail price 80 cents, six boxes, $2.80. The Celery Pi Co., Toronto, Ont, * PAINTING KALSOMINING, &C. HE undersigned would take this oppor- tonity ot thanking bis wumerous pat- rons for their liheral and still increasing patronage duri ing the time he has carried on the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that he is better prepared than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging _ Parties entrnstlng their work to me may ey ot isin it neatly and promptly exe- k ges ave isnt. &oy te "of public patronage soli- WM. TREMEER. Port Perry, Mar, 23, 1593. For Bale at a Bargain. Splen A i, You WM. PEARSON. Manchester, March 20th, 1893. FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER. * FIRST-CLASS Farm of 200 acres, being lot No. 9, in the 12th Soncession of the Township of SCUGOG ! On the premises are a frame dwell house, barn, stables, d and water.-- The soil is a tlayed loam. The above proj is all cleared and un- der cultivation. It near the lake shore and is convenient to church, school and office and is about Perry. It is alto ort | Out of the Finest Pars n the Towhip. Tha highest or any Tender not necessarily | OF accepted beautifuliy situated | There GENERAL EE a WE HAVE NOW A 00 SUCH AS E=Z Cartridges loaded free of charge EN te We have also n inrge stoek of Apple Parers, Bushel Baskets, Potato Forks, Fanning Mill Sieving, Bird Gages, Window Bilis from 50c up, Cornice Pole', Tamp Goods, &ec., &e. No trouble to show goods. Port Perry, Aug. 30, 1893. ° The undersigned while returning thanks forthe liberal and steadily in- creasing patronage bestowned oun him since commeéneing busines in Port Perry, would weg to state ihat he is in receipt of Hirge consignments of the Celebrated Scranton Coa and desires to solicit orders for it- Don't place your orders before inspecting my stock. Deliveries made to any part of the town and Prince Albert, ES. TI have just placed in my Yards a superior Weigh Scales of the Gurney | - uke, so that my patrons may. rely on outuining correct weight. Also keeps in Stock--Lime, Water Lime, Plasterers' Hair. All kinds of Lumber. Timber, Shingles, &e. WOOD--various lengths. 0. L. VICKE RY. Port Perry, July 19, 1893. RITIG = CE OPRING $8 R] We have Moved our business to the South sida'ef Queen occupy the extensive premises just vacated bysMlr. B. F. AckermaN, where wel will be letter prepared than ever to supply our customers and the public with everything in the Harmmess Line WHICH FOR CHEAPNESS- STYLE, Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot De surpassed in the County, Robes, B12 askets, Bells, Trunks, &e., in abundance, Comparison of Prices Courted. BEATTY & BONGARD. Murch 9, 1892. Len Borg ripe. OVAL.5: Street and now | CARNEGIES| RoLLER Mo | HE nndersigned takes this opportunity of returning his T sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the Wishes to in| saved to attend with ules entrusted to hy hips of Reach, Seugoy and register of dates of sales will be ce of Mr, Orr Graham, V.S,, pisehah lly may be correspondence addressed P.0., will receive prompt £7 Sale Bills made oat and furnished free of a ) I would also inforin | bl r Poultry that pace sec stock, GEORGE sient Scugog, July 18, 1893. Lost, Strayed or Solon iv mp oY A YELLOW TERRIER DOG froth tho Charles Hotel Sheds, Port Perry. This og greatly resembles pi in color and penrance but is Inrger and has g small le tf on ei Has losi some ne « tpol on he bre X55 hersan'or best, most approved and modern machine 'including the Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give satis- faction to my patrons, The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and ean supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boavds, Pick els, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Newel Posts. EZ BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE, Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. [ANG & MEHARRY -- HAVE AGATIIN---- WITH A Magnificent Stock of everything in their line. LAING & MEHARRY. ead -~ LARDINE WAGHIE OIL, The Champion Gold Medal Oil which camach be HExcelled. wos CYLINDER OIL ™ McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto. Ask your dealer for "Lardine" and beware of Imitations. FOR SALE BY ALL THE LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. 88580508808 £39888808833088 PORT PERRY NURS / lave a SURPLUS. 0 STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, and of GOOD 8 the hundred or tn quantities to suit Mountain Ash, English, Scotch and ¢ Walnut, White Ash, Nora way Maple Austrian and Scotch Pine, Norway, Sp A FEW THOUSAND APPLE TREES OR EX SIZE, SIX years old, 7 feet Ligh, inch to 1} inch in diameterst Also a Light Grade Stocle----clean, handsome, thrifty trees--jtist below first-class in size ; Apples at 15 cts., Pear and Plum,% 40 cts. each. Address, (i & RELLETT, Box 127, - Port Perry, Ont. Port Perry, March 22, 1893. 8 NO EQUAL, 7 be sold CHEAP by hasers.-- European rican Elms, Black European Larch, y Red Cedar, &c. Soples o of ne is SLIURDAY overy factory, "tow ny i [A eantent selling papers -- for ench copy he sells, to start In business, and ihe all nnzold copies, Not only do hard work. Eve make money shoul To any one who will haodle the papers re« Aa copy free as long as Wa want a boy in every town in the United States to BLADE and CHICAGO LEBGER, The papers aro readiy on the street, to farmers, at home, and Lo strangers wher a start out and sell these bright illustrated papers. They ed, ents jtestify. T rs Roll for 6 cents n copy. The boy sends REY keeps her 2 cents for himself. "It. costs nothing for the runs nor risk or having papers left on his hands, ns we take! hoys make good Rents, bul girls, and invalids. or those one who wiahe rey] we w ths ino 1 give ent thux obtain. wn for which 1s would be glad 'money in wis wa, A teres boys ons bri; hi hustling 3 of the busines The SATURDAY BLADE it dated 60 LEDGER 2 WEDN MNDAY. The BLADE Is & D Taper 150 fully iHustrated by 099 J pe ia fully Alten od gL thelr Immense HEA of the BATURDAY B1.ADE is 475,000 copies, and ooples. Certainly Do stiohzer proof of thelr selling qua those hundreds of th ais of eoples are sold by fboyss Ve n op! prtunity to make and we ask those In- nd In the name of who will agree to d on SATURDAY, and the fully Hlustrated, Tre te. Toe great pop Jo) verge weel Guichao LEDGER oh e asked; and nearly all is the wonder of the not sold by Ist 8 will be Tra for a term of years. For further particulars apply to A. Bowmanville, 0) FM. YARN OLD, - Per, Drs og orldy and tho LEDGER 1s close after | Our 'Boys Everywhere Are M 'Write for Sample Copies, Terms asus DEPARTMENT.' W. D. BOYGE - . \ He. IX. PURIDY HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF Roller and Stone Flour, Feed of all kinds, wholesale and retail: Barrel and Dairy Salt, cheap ! ALSO, A FULL STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Cheap for Cash or Produce. Western Bank of Canada DIVIDEND No. 22 TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a Dividend of three and ove-ha'f pen cent has been declared upon the Paid Up Capital Stock of the Bauk for the ot six months, Leing at the rate of seven, cent per annum, and that the sane wil pr: due and 'payubie on aud after Monday, 2nd' October, 1603] at the Offices of tho Bank. The trwnsfer hooks will be closed from the I5¢h to the 30th of September; By order of the Yiaid, tH. HeMILLAN, ; Cashier. Oshawa, August 17, 1503; MIN © T Elgg Ha | FOLLOWIN Prices for CASH Only Parlor Buite-- 0 Pieces Moquette Plush @ $30. FaMor Suite-- 3, 6 Pieces Frencli Brocattelle @ 820. Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces good Moquette Plush @ 835. Parlor Buite-- 6 Picoes best American Haif Cloth @ Parlor Buite-- 6 Pieces Lest Atheticdt Halr Cloth, gilded @ $37, rds Parlor Sujte-- 6 Pieces best Queen Plush, pring edgi ge and hack, very large set @ $54 4% Above are Solid Walnut Frames a well finished. Also Bedroom Sets as low as $11. 75 #7 A Carn Soriciren; J. W. DAVIS, | Furniture Rooms, Qiicein Sk 9 Tort Perry, Sept, 29, 1892. 2 HARNESS! N returning thanks to the public for the patronage extended to me for over 30: years, I would respectfully intimate that I | am, as ustal, now ready for business, and have a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AKXKD SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP, As an inducement to Casi purchasers A Dowd of 1 pr omd will be allowed on all Sales from now until Jan, 1st next. All work being MADE BY HAND, and no factory work kept in stock, the: superiority of my goods will at onte breome apparent. Intending purchasers will find that by. giving me a call before losking elsewherd Shey can he suited in quality and price, my. long experience in the trade Lei g an indisy putable tee that perfect satisfaction will be enn by any urticle purchased. Everthing in my lige of business kept, constantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to, Just received a car load of pure Land Plaster. EZ The Highest Price paid at all times in Cash for any Jus of Oute Beans, Flas, Eggs, &o JUST RECEIVED. The Subscriber has just received a Complete Assortment of GY + GDIDDS CONBISTING OF : TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian and Oxidized Silter, Leather, &e. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian Ware, §e., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, §e. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. 7 Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season. A. J. DAVIS. Chemist and Druggic JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dee. 1, 1602. AS THEY SHOULD BES HE aersigned has hus on hand a stock of Boots and Shoes of his own make which he is prepared to SIG. CHEAP: They are manufactured of the very best material and for cheapness and good work: manship canaot be excelled in this or ade. joiviug counties. My life-long experience . in the maiufacture of Boots aud Shoes gives. we an advantage over more inexperienced dealers aud my present steok is such as warrant tu give satisfaction and the are right. ALL KINDS MANE TQ ORDER. SEWED WO K A SPECAILTY, Repaiviug prompuy attended to. Cement, Patches neatly executed. Ladies' Heel Piates; Button Rasa the be tame put in, Laces in Cotton, Leather, All kinds of Findin| i, AL Rubber Tha oe ba, tes 3 re] Le The Best Material! j Slisday Ne' £7 Prices to Sui Rte: Give me a call at the Sawked Boi Ed Perry. Port Perry, Sept. 22, 1892. THe PERRY

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