Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Sep 1893, p. 3

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THERE'S MONEY IN WHAT? {EAPSIDE. in our line we will | give you some Extra Bargi r September ~ in order to clear ou ET 5 FULL BLAST! \dvertisement in this space next Whithy & Blong BOOTS mm And to those in want of goods of ohn «When Iwasa Boy," ye nndersigned takes this opportunity of returning his i : Writes J. ©. Woobsow, ¥ : vi ; r Dave mill pledsuro ih informingithe pair: 4 i h sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be-| ress. Hil, W. Y55 11 Yada brome, Sas ) s CIS 1 | lic that thoy have leased the Store latel i . 5 Sr a 2 : ; chial : ; week regarding Sale of Bankrupt sa A Minty in the Blong Block, » SHOES he 2 stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, | and stubborn character, that the, 7 x : " 7 where they intend carrying on ol , . { AF pp Gl Semd and would beg to state that havi ta lai ditu ea Bod fnew hip rat 4 i . . a - CHIC! & . The Merchant Tailoring - 4 a : thing: S10 Jorge expenditure, | SUIT Avera Ghd: Boctecs 2 Red and Tan's reduced i gl thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the I did so, and one bottle cured me, x . AND : a nn : i, 2 ea GET'S FURNIHIKG BUSINESS, | 20 to 25 per cent. te is says and solos machinery Suckling the pin |. OUR GoODS ARE ALL NEW. [= ; . PP: d 2p able Goods and ut prices that cavnot fail to is a | eb = hai HX ' CH , out it." Po - i Co i | satify customers to merit liberal patronage. Our « e brands of Orient, itn 41 have Boen using Ayer's Cho pa Le i £7 Prompt attention to all orders and = © RAM Law ws, all at 450 9 1 | ixpeditiotsly and in a manner that cannot fail to give satis-| Pectoral in my family for 30 years, with ) p Pryor Firs guaranteed, in 51 lots. o are all of the fluést | fuction to my patrons, the most satisfactory results, and can - wo : > 2 E Teas impor no Tea Peddler will : cheerfully recommend it as being espo-. P : A lh : 2 Lie i pring vy €8 = ever think ping you such goods-- | The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest b da clally adupted to all pulmonary eSits = 2 3 x 4 edd 3 tl re difor their trade. A 3 rands. plaints. I have, for many years, mado PO RT PERRY N U RSE Ri ES js pia i a -- "yor fo | od Town ; Ths for 1 § Ruining pulmonary and other medicines a special: - We intend to make our Es- UNG o 3 3 study, and I have come to the conclusion 3 : ¥ s . FYS ON 5 1s for 2 pion, 4 1bs for 25¢; that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral i I hive a surplus of the following Nursery Stock which Fp pe An a and all other@rooeries equally low, THE PL AN I N Fo et ee] euian® is strictly first-class, and of good size will be sold Call and secure your Spring and Summer lb KA icin A & haseh 1 dg Snather Jot cines of the class."--Chas. Davenport; cheap by thie hundred or in quantities to suit purchasers.-- | suits--anvsoss, Srviiss and Cupar | pe oS ST We ff (hat PE Kettle render. ta full Veriton tod ool over, NX. 1. apt | European Mountain Ash, English, Scotch and America Elms, | We will treat you ight, and dress you win a A rom 0 ain. Peration snd sah supply all kigis of Ayer's Cheiry Pectoral rop: 0! ex ' oo 3 ? | better than you éver were in your life. BeantifuF inner Sets at $7, 810; Dr ZL 4 : . Black Walnut, White Ash, Norway Maple, European Larch, WHITBY & BLONG - $12, 815, $200 Sot ressea Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pich | PropardvyDe.3. . Ayer Co. Lowel, Maas: Austrian and Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce, Red Cedary &c 1} : od ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Prompttoact,suretocure A rEw TrousaNn Arie TREES OF EXTRA SIZE, six years|otPery Aprils 1865 |= oermm™ Any quantity of Butterdim Cracks, Tubs or Bannisters and Neuel Posts. ee. old, 7 feet high, inch to 1} inch in diameter, Also a Light Agricultural Machina Rolls for which we will pay the Highest B¥ices. £7 BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY HIN O T Efi 5 el 2 ; "pn od halo w ! * e Sill | rade Stock--clein, handsome, thrifty trees--just belo T C. FO & SON. : re ' All Binds 8f' TURNING and SCROLL first-class in size; Apples at 15 cts, Pear and Plum, 40 cts. iuds 8" TURNING and SCROLL § ---- AND=-- p Marriage Ligonse office, , : THE FOL LOWING | each. i oRT PERRY, Aug. 29, . bE A : 3 Box 127 Address; GeG KELLETT, Vi PLE M F NTS a L___ | Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. op CARNEGIE. Prices for CASH Only 0X ' v A x Y : 7 LT Pokr Perry, Ont pli BE : iy! Port Perry, March 22, 1804, : S U N DE R LAN D. ie © Be 43 ® Wie [ We want a boy In every town in the United States 10 sell gingle copies of the SATURDAY r i q ; A BLADE and CHICAGO LEDGER. Tle pipers are readily sold to every shop, store, factory. || VRE snflersigued keeps on hand and for |! ; on the street, to farme me, and Lo strangers who are in town. Any hustling boy sale the following Agricultural Mach- JB oR AWING done on short notice, | 1 === [Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces Muquette Plush @ $36! Parlor Suite-- ; > 6 Pieces French Biocattelle @ £30. Parlor Suite-- . 6 Pieces good Moquette Plush @ $35. Parlor Suite-- Hshed, nd agoiits jtesti The papers gel for 5 cents a copy, The boy sends us 8 cents for each Copy. lie sells, and = A Hi LA keeps the other 2 cents for himself. "It costs nothing for the boy 10 start in bnsinegs, and he b A 1 as 7 re, at ho can start out and hese bright illustrated papers. They are the easlest selling papers pub- | ines anfl In plements manufactured by the Ye runs nor risk of having papers left on his hands, a8 we take back all unsold copies. Not anly hoy s make good denis, bat girls; and invalids. or those Who fannot do hard. work. Every bo ako money should OF PETERBORO : 5 oe a " 6 Picces best American Hair Cloth @ $53 Apply for an agency. 0 uny one who Will | Binders, Reapers, . Crown Mower, Daisy WE OCK OF AGAIN ----= . . were us wn foutto handiethe papers re- | gecder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Parlor Buite-- Se i a 81° Pom 5 i i i y rea I thas kulasiy, we wii give a sopy { babe ns Plow, Three Furrow (ang, Combina- 6 Piosas be st Amerieah Hair Cloth, fiag ihe tawny for, which he was appol nied. tion Plows, Champion Plows, 8. T. gilded @ §37. hern Is a : in every town who Tultiv 5. ATH a would he glut of the . opportunity to make Oulidvatans 3 on Parlor Snite-- : money in way, and we ask those In- iy 8 ra Sf J feces ber Pi Torentod in boys fo send in the name of Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. 6 Picocs best Queen Plush, gpring edge take hoMT of Ive DUNT ess, The § + Bram Ji dated and old on SATURDAY, Wo the take hold of the business, The SArurDAT BLADE Is dated and gold on AY, and the dria br Viticaao Lena on WEDNESDAY. The Brae In a nowspaber, fully (lust. The Also the following, tho. munufacture of JEDGRR 18 a family story per, also fully illustrated by our own artists. he great popu: x ry Of thess i pers ix Tully atten ed by hols Mis meres Siteuistion] The veto weekly JOHN ABEL, Toronto. Elreniation of the SATURDAY BLADE 18 275,000 copies, aud that of the CHIGAGH LEDGER 140,000 : Threshing o Ton oti a Soples, Certalnly no stronger proof of their selling qualities conld be asiked 3 und nearly all High Class Thr esling outfits, Traction ~ these hundreds of thousands of copies are gold hy boys. The DLADE is the wolidét of the Busines and Machines, Victor Clover, Newspaper world, and the LEDGER is close ufler it, uller, Portable Triumph Engine. Our Boys Everywhers Are Making Money. 1 in prepared to supply everything the and hack, very large set @ $55 z 27 Above are Solid Walnut Frames atid well finished. Also Bedroom Sots as 10% a3 gifs' 47 A CALL Sonicrrep, J. W., DAVIS, | WITH A Furniture Rooms, Queen Si. Port Perry, Sept. 29, 1802. ---- rei---- SE ------------ farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple- : Vile ments, Repairs, &e. 0 YO) pi Tm 3 a, A call solicited, Ope door west of LD ua Sul ll Bady) een Dea foe R. K. BRYANT. ot 3 Tirol . x ? " Ww a CT ts a : RON a X 'I Sunderland; April 8, 1803; AR ha . 3 DEPARTMENE® * W. D. BOYCE, 115 Fifth Avene, Ohioago.| +o 210 108 |spom as = = = : agnificent HARN SS TIT oF Fass bo awit 1c ALEX. STIRTON Powder, Shot, Brass and Pape Shells, &c, &,, ow 0 e Cartwright Agicultural ni D! T. a \ i Suciet to be held at Blackstock, on ARTIES requiring my rervices will at prices never before ard of I Town, Tharsday and Friday, October 5 and 6. Pleas: adios. comganicagions to. oi]. BF" Cartridges loaded free of charge. ~~ 4 OC Class A--HORSES. {hy personally at, the Ossuivek Office) Wo have also a large stock of "Apple Parers, Bushel Draught. AT ¥ ALEX. sTIRTON. |Baskets, Potato Forks, Fanning Mill Sieving, Bird Cages, > Port Perry, March 28 Teath to double wagon Broad Mare, foul hy her eiflo. . 1 Two-year-old Colt gelding or filly. . Fo 1 One.year-old Colt .......... . 150 1 Window Blinds from 50c up, Cornic Poles, Lamp Goods, : : se ae &e., &e. No trouble to show goods, } of everything in their line. Port Perry, Aug. 30, 1893. Foal by side of its pe Pri 50 NINE ROOMED HOUSE on Simcoe = --_-- LAI NG & MEHARRY ose. A street, with good cellar, barn and . Team to Julie yhgen or Democrat wagon... $3 00 82 00 woodshed ; a number of Apple trees in full Brood Mare, foil by her sides. ag . 200 1 50 bearing aud a good well of water. Apply ey N---- = -- bh ------ Two-year-old Colt, gelding or filly ., 2.00 1 60 to Mu, F. M. YarnoLp, or MR. STRAIGHT ; 5 T ' B : Oncxear old Colt, second prize presdhted 1 or £6 the proprietor. 9 ® vsdvg, Beatty & Bongard, H Mak 1 E>. N returning thanks to the public for tha Port Nery, x Whip. vole 315000 Address JON. LETCHER & RB) patronage extended tome for over 30 Port Nery, » Whip, value $1.50... ...'200 1 5 y : u | BF @ © @ @ % PHRL by 81% of its oir IE Lene tia va 1 50 Hope for Tue Rice, 2 ES © IE GI¢ = = : E 1 would tfully intimate that. = << 7 J er years, I would respectfully intimate that. arr June 15, 1893, Parkdale. 55 ~ J Dh IVS 7) am, as usual, now ready for business, and Tear Loose Saryinge §2 00 a | PPR $030% 248 Rev a Brood Mare, foal by her id Robi Ses 5 CT YY . Nig 2 3 i i - } [ Tw yar all Col, Bing of ily 1 ; I HE er Ee II ix PURI vy Large & Assorted Stock nesyear-old Colt . = No oi 150 , | a s . . : : \ aa 8 ) : 2 AND SINGLE q Single Driving Horse, ang We. open the Prd- ? fem Ta ra The undersigned while returning thanks for the liberal © _aA8.e - ®. | OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARKESS "ince--style and turn-out to he considered, first Prize presented by Messrs R, Bennett & 5 of the Bennett House, J which I am determined to sell very CHEAP, i HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF As an inducement to Casu purchasers 2 AT ALL CRITICAL PERIODS AND CHANGE OF 7 : and steadily increasing patronage bestowed on him since com- Bowmanville, YM rats ory Celery pig |mencing business in Port Perry, wonld beg to state that he 3 ; second prize by the Society, $8; third Cos; Tokotito, Ont. $5 418 receipt of largo consignments ob lid Roller and Stone Eur Feed of all kinds , A Discount of 1 pet on. 5 i ) » tize by Mr. RB. \Vorth, Hardware Meveliant, I, ry 3 wmanville, a Whip, value $2 ; fourth prize i - CA will be allowed on all Sales from now until by Mr. Or Grabum, V:S., Port Perry 7 A AITNTIN Jan. 1st uext. Al work beings or av aa eure ay WE 85 838981. . | . ' y - Saddle Horse--first price presented by Mr. bis p wholesale and retail. Bgrrel and Dairy Salt, cheap! MADE BY HAND, Wm. Parr, General Merchant, Blackstock... 82 00 $1 50 ; 2 y ¥ . 3 TIRE : 0 i i iz ] A and no factory work kept in stock, the er pe Dt fri pets KALSOMINING. &C. supe iority of my goods will at once become 2 : t, Blackstock, pair of Halters, value 200 160 and desires to solicit orders forit. Don't place your ofders A eorion parehasers: wil. find hak hy "est Groomed Temn of Horses, any kind. pri : 3 nbd f oy ; | ALSO, A FULL STOCK OF ivi 2D i rata p g s prize HE andersiencd would take this oppor- | hefore inspectine my stock. oli y any part of » giving me a call before looking clscwhary, ort jel by Mes Sondvin, Puinpeih thuity of thanking his numerous pat- before spec g my si id D veries nad © to YT > they can be suitéd in quality and price, thy "g rates ee 1 50 rons for their lihoral and still increaving | the town and Prince Albert. ass B---CATTLE, ; o ) long experiénge in the trade being an indis- i i 3 Lle guarantee that perfect satisfaction' 3 patronage during the time he has carried on 4 i 3 % ; . A putable g P ! 84 Animsls ow Durham. the Lusiness of £2" 1 have just had placed in my Yards a superior Weigh will be given by any article purchased, + + Imig ge req ead to ho entered in the a : - n Mileh Cow with pedigrees 4 - Everthing in my line of busiuces kept T'we year-old Heifer with ped ora Book, a PAIN TING Scales of the Gurney make, so that my { rons may rely on i : constantly on hand and repairs neatly and Ont Searald Dots with: podish #00 §2 00 : to] : . En pe heap for Cash or Produce. promptly attended ta, , Cy eifer with pedigres .." 00 1 50 in Part Perry, and would state that he is obtaining correct weight yo a ¥ f JOHN ; Hiritor Calf under one year. .. Ji "1 50 better, prepared thon ever to execute all SA SorToct went. . : & Just received a car {oad of pure Li d Pl to roo -- * no ci pons Bias E90 eat orders for = © "TAT eens in Stock Lime; Wal : * Haire | os Jule Land, basen suv CE , o and three females; » \ Be : iy XY BLE WS MIL ae +a vivo pail AT AIL tinies in Cash autity of Ou 'a 0 QlIinra £20f frat prise present hy Me AR Kalsomiping and Paper Hanging Al inl of Le \ Sa =H ns Poin Tom ee es in for any quantity of Outs : J clale, Tort Perry, and 81 °by Mr Ro G.e a ' fh petiyand pomptyesl. LHL ® MIN --ry 7 . : : 1yman, I 't] cei 300 rf cuted SN 's are moderate. : y Co. i a 2 RY EZ GIVE ME A CALL <€3 --first prize presented by 'H. Par. : | 1 amAlso prepared to supply Paints, &e,, | . a A - TY * sons, publisher re eines of the "North : ; wien noting, Port Perry, July 19, 1893. a Ontario Observer," Port Perry. 2. 00. vig 8 A nance of public patronage soli- ord ee 5 i hy = - Port Perry, March 10, 1892, LE. H. P URDY. : % 2 Ry, EH an og pp FOV AL eae, 1S THEY SHOULD BEI a SHEEP. ely ; os } fis REE SED ForSale at a Bargain, ©© . } = | [JE oudersigned has on hand a stock of, 4 * L Boots and Shoes of his own make which ee pa ET ee ee = fed Ram... $1 50 re Ton eee hein prepared to. i a Fourting Rum 160 HEE Splegdid, Young, Pedigreed | = : i: : . SELL CHEAP: Faw Lays vation 1 » Ls Hom Bus. All from imported E HAVE MOVED our business to uth side of JUST REC They are manufactured. of th 'very best. E 0 8 1 of most select breeding. % 3 i ; Farhi po femoris iin CCT) EHS Queen Street and now occupy the eli@live promises TVED, | ieedet bs... 1 Mancheder, March 20th, 1893. 1¥ just vacated Mg. B. F. Ackerm ere we will Joiuing counties. My life-loug experience, ; : 1-40 i Eo : be better prepared than ever to supply © tomers and RS--eXCY EEE i va OY a Shdes five : 150 § w : the public with everything in the ; 3 dealers aud my procont stock is such as I. ik 2 al B 8 12 x dei ws ° The Subscriber has just received a Complete Assortment of a gre satisfaction and He Priced E 2d Harness | i Rie vom 10 ono 150 'Regulates the Stomach, SE * By : = N § SEWED WO 'K A SPECAILT $150 } [fyer end Bowsls, unlocks SU Hien yon 3 ; 4 Te wi ieipus stiended to. Count Sw theSecretions,Purifiesthe er: coe. [CHEAP Heel Piatos; Button Fastoers, the same E 150 : Blood and removes all Im- 11 B® CONSINMNG OP : putin. Laces iv Cotton, Leather, and Por- | AuoR purities from a Pimple to | | : ae 8 : ~ [poise. All kindsof Findings on hand, a 50 Ee y : sy | Rubber Cement. Rubber Bootsand 150 St an ; TOILET SETS in Plish, Persian and Oridized Siliér, Leather, fo. oped it Me « PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian Ware, &e., at all Prices. 3 FANCY OUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, §¢. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. CROFULA | RN. SOUR STOMA Ss. DROP. SM. SKIN DIS Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season; : te fed rs

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