Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Aug 1893, p. 4

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uty ntrodube The Canadian Agri howes, the publishers have Nn unusy, I a Yon re their Great L alr Yearly bi the klithimer of 1893, They Ed a to pay throu e Judges vod below RW ARD--Those who be. m pete free of charge. xsdry is to take a few sheets of paper and make all the words you can out of he letters in the three words, "World's ! "and send them to us, inclosing ®1 for six month subscription to ither The Cadddian Agriculturist or The tox! Jolie Magazine, two of the choicest tra periodicals of the day. The sender of the Jurgest list will receive $3 r week for life; 2nd, 81,000 In gold ; 3rd, 850% th, £250; Ath, $100; 6th, Ticket to World's Fulr { ten davs expenses; pianos, organs, ladies' d gents' gold and silver watches silver tea services, dinmond rings, and over 10,000 other Te muking altogether the most valuable FL EL 2 for printed is - y RULES, --L Foreign or obsolete words not connted. 2. Letters cannot be nsed oftener than they appear in the words "World's Co- wmblan Exposition"--that is, the wor riddle," for Instance, could not be used, be- Gause there 1s but one *41" in the three words, ete, 8. Names of persons and places barred. 4. No charge for packing or shipping, but aii prize winners will be expected to help uk Lo extend our circulutio: . All lists containing over 10 correct wor will receive a special reward. TupGES.--The following well knowl gentle- men have consented to act as judges and will see that the prizes are fairly awarded--0Oo! modore Caleutt. (Proprietor Caleutt's Line of Steamers), Peterborough, and Mr. W. Robert~ son, President Times Printing Company, Poterborou AGENTS Bend h. Wixreo we pay &l to $5 per day yey mn Lum Lungs Head in Danger, Chicago, Aug. 11.--Just as Lum Lung, a Chinese gambler, who has been fifteen years in America, was about to be sent to nn insane asylum yesterday, it was practically decided have him beheaded instead. Judge Brown had interposed with a question is' to whether the man had been re gistered under the Geary law, It be- ing ascertained that Lum Lung had not been registered, the court ordered that the County Attorney communicate with the authorities in Hong Kong, from whence the Chinaman came, with a view to his removal there, The Oounty Attorney raised the point that the practice in Chiva is to Whead people who are crazed. The magistrate acknowledged that such a proceeding would be a hardship to Lom Lung. The court's order, how- ever, looking to an enforcement of the Geary law, was allowed to stand. ries The Samboro Lighthouse 8 Samboro, N. 8, whence Mr, R. E. Hartt writes as follows: -- * Without a& doubt Burdock Blood Bitters I good, I was sick and w tile, but B.B.B., made strong. Were its virt many lives would be s done me a lot of abd had no appe- ne feel sipart anc more widely Known pd, Reports as to Crops. Collingwood, Aug. 14.--The hot, dry weather has affected some of the crops injariously ; much of the spring wheat will be shrunken and the midge has nearly destroyed many fields in this locality. Oats still promise a fair erop; as also do peas. Apples will be a very short crop and the quality poor, Oayuga, Aog. 14.--~Fall wheat good; kpring wheat, very little sown, fair crop ; pens, fair crop ; oats; only fair; barley, hardly any sown, light crop ; crop ; apples scarce. Woodstock, Aug. 14.--This year's not what were expected on Hr hehe sun scorching the grain so badly that some farmers are forced to cut it green, and a more destructive part is played hy the grasshoppers, which are unusually numerous, On the whole the grain crops are a failure. Picton, Aug. 14.--Drought for the past six weeks has "irreparably injured all late crops. Hy isa good crop; full wheat, fairly good ; Larley, very Tittle shown ; hops are not doing well ; many yards ere very lousy, and all are suffering from drought. Renfrew, Aug 14.--Hay was heavy Lat poorly harvested, too wet ; fall wheat, little sown ; spring wheat about an average crop, not heavy but ripen- ing well ; oats, a splendid crop, con giderably above the average; rye, Lelow the average ; peas, average crop, tarly peas well filled but light straw, late peas a tendency to wildew ; harley good ; corn, looks well; root crops, good ; fruit, poor; altogether, just about a good average harvest. Metealf, Aung. 14.--Spring whent good average crop; fall wheat not much shown, but oats good ; roots good ; potatoes show a little sign of blight ; fruit almost a failure. Barrie, Aug. 14.--Fall wheat, oats and barley ae wore than an average erop i sprit g wheat has suffered some from owing to the dry weather, With & little rain it will be a good yield. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Birawberry is a reliable remedy that ean always be depended on #0 cure cholera, cholera infantum, colic, eramps, diarrhoea, dysentery, and all Jooseness® of the bowels. It is a pure Extract containing all the virtues of Wild Btraw- berry, one of the safest and surest cures for all summer complaints, combined "of Wild Strawberry were known by the Indians 10 be an excellent remedy for diarrhea, dysentery and looseness of tie bowels; bat medical science bas placed before the public in Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry Ea complaints 80 common ix this ge- years, and 4: | 6: Beavertot | ! | Whitby, Dec. 30, 1892, offhand to | rivi pasture, all burnt up ; potatocs, good | ather harmless yet prompt curative... medical science. TW DAA RONDE FOR SALE. The nfidérsigned offers for Sale two Comfortable Residences in Prince Albert. For particulars apply to J. BAIRD Prince Albert, Apftil 14, 1886. Sittings of the Division Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. THE ROTAL ELECTRIC 00. Arc and Incandeséent Eleotric Lighting, Electric Motors aud Generators. 0ONTRAOTORS AND BUILDERS OF ELBOTRI0O LIGHT AND POWER STATIONS THROUGHOUT THE DOMINION. 60 TO 70 WELLINGTON ST, ---------------------------------- ee er ------ THE BEST pverTisin + menu] IN THE WORLD IS THE LOCAL PRESS A PERFECT ARTICLE. 2d JCKSFRIEN By Order. : i. J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace: { Whitby | 3 Oshawa | 9, [Brougham 4 * [Pickering 3. Port Perry|25i 4; Uxbridge «26 5.Cannington|27 7.Uptergrovel finest re-crystalized Bi-Carbonate of Soda only are used in this preparation. It has stood Al with houkckeepers for the 30 years, und is now (if possible) betwer aD ever. ALL THE BEST GI Lake Ontario Steamboat Go'y. SELL IT. FAVORITE AND RENOWNED BRANDS MONTERO, UNION JACK, New, Fasr axp Ercrric-LigHTED, DAILY FOR ROCHESTER. On and after Monday, May 1st, will leave Cobourg at 8.00 a.m., Port Hope 40.45 &.m.,on arrival of G. T. B. Trains, Arrives at Charlotte at 2:20 p m. Returning, leaves Charlotte & 11.15 p.m , except ND-- Tuesday at 9.458 n., aid Saturday at 4.16 p.m., ar- AN { ing at Port Hope at 6.80 aam., (Saturday at 9.00 {A 1.) Will call dt Colborne on Wednesday and F 'T Oo M 2 A WwW Y E R - day at 4.00 a.m., and Brighton on Monday and Wed- | For Bale Everywhere. | ry tl Pe Through Tiewer. | PENNINGTON & CO., MONTREAL. CAFFAROMA, The Finest Pure Ground Coffee In the World. Sold in Tins only. yout nearest grocer, send postal card direct to Acme Mills, Montreal, who will mail immediately free trial sample to the address given, gent for Y. 0. any Penn, R. R., Lehigh Val ley D.L&W., B.R.& Pu | w | i Mave Baggage Checked T lc R C. H. NICHOLSON, Gen, Pass. Agt, Port Hope. ---- s: pleasant laxative. | abules gui'e s¢rofula. Life is Short |--Get your eye | sight TESTED, improved or RESTORED | by buying your SpecracLEs at Dies | rELD'S. We sell Spectacles which wir give comfort and strength to your Eye | anespreserve it. NO glimmering diz |ziness, or any distressing sensat.on with the so called "Boss" SPECTACLES, {the Bows of which are stamped in {gold with the name 'Boss and the | number of spectacle. No better spec- | tacles made. Forty dozen of spectacles to seleet from, from 25 cents up to $6, AT DIksFrLD's al HAIR he great success and reputation that LUBY'S Parigiax Har weR has obtained proves it has no eqiink for restoring hair to ite natural olor, and from {ts ba thegrowthof th leaves the scalp cli Canadian Pacific Railway. ONTARIO DIVISION rains will lea Myrtle as follows n and healthy, fold by all Drugg'sts. B0c. a Bottle. ---------------------- SAA oy os | Success the Test of Worth 11] Agent, Port Perry PATENT PATE CAVEATRS AND Reissues secured, TRADE: d and all otherpatent causes in the Patent and before the Courts promptly and carefully GOING EAST-- - ot of model or sketch of invention, 1 examination, and advise as to patenta- make careful bility free of charge. Main « offices directly across and ntion is long established fronrthe Patent Office, called to my perfect and ties for making prompt preliui- 'the niost vigorous and successful ications for patent, and for attend. od to my care, in the e. enses a specilalty. 28 MODERATE, and e: c'usive attention g to patent busin Book of information and ad and special references sent without charge upon re- qriest. inary searcher, wrosecution of a ng to all bus shortest possibl Ps h J. R. LITTELL, Solicitor and Attorney in P: rset sta. PILLS aNp OINTMENT ~ PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT TL | purtFy THE BLOOD, impart tone to th TTYHE undersigned takes much pleasure in | NERVOUS SYSTEM, and 'act most power THIS. UNIVERSAL MEDICINE IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE EVERYWHERE. 8 | and has largely Increased WINES A freight saved. : The purest quality of Cream Tartar, | ester, fice of charge, Charles Hotel. Whitby, Jan. 15, 1889: a AL Lo J ~ Successor of the old Maid: | VAL, HE Undersigned bi store in the "DIAMON] and has we 'Wholes Hotelkeepers supp and a fine assortment, in all lines, e and Retail ! In stock, fine brands, Win Prices to suit the times. A 'cal #4 Parcels delivered to any pi Liguors for Medicifial Piirposes, | wolicited. of the Corporation, or to Prince Albert and Mane! Port Perry, April 3, 18 NEW FURNITURE | NEW PRICES re Furniture line, good and cheap: . Oharges reason- ble. £ Smop--One door West of the St, ES. A call solicited. i a ii JOHN INOT'I. Port Perry, 18, 1893. . IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF FURNITURE IT WILL PAY YOU BU Y=-- OF' = 7 TO re His Stock iscomplete in every Department, which he offers' at Prices that cannot be Shaded ! Call and examine my Stock and you will be convinced that for Quality tyle and Finish our Furniture is unsurpassed, A large stock of Upholstered Chairs, and Ottomans, in Silk, Velvet and Plush. A cordial invitation i8 extended to all to visit my Establishment E. J JOHNSON. _ informing the public that he has now »n the moved into his extensive, well arranged LIVER AND BOWELS, prome éndowir TREN NewBrickEstablishment]| fies "ae" Siole™ Si" the whole bodily frame with TH and vigour. Nervous Head where his superior and greatly increased | ic Tremblngs with Lassitude anc facilities for business will prove advantage | ( ous to all doing business with him, ion, an¢ NERAL DEBILITY quickly yield to the potent force of these well-known Pills, anc they are unrivalled in their efficacy in all FEMALE COMPLAINTS, removing obstructions, skin blemishes pimples and boils, better than any other family med cinegknown, ETE] HAS 'A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION, It henls every kind of SORE, ULCER and WOUND more certainly than any other known salve. Its marvellous penetrating powers render it invaluable in-all THROAT AND CHEST DISEASES, curing Bronchitis, Quinseys, and Asthma, re- fucing Glandular Lumps, closing and healing ABSCESSES and FISTULAS, and for alle- viating the excruciating tortures of RHEUMATISM, GOUT, nd NEURALGIA it is unsurpassed. It never ails to remove Scurf and every species of I With many thanks for very extensive and still increasing patronage. 1 need scarcely remind the public that my Approved Oven has all the lgtest improvements ana does its work to perfection. The public may vely ou an unlimited supply of CHOICE BREAD. Every variety of FANCY BREAD, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, &C. BRIDAL CAKES supplied on short notice, Everything m the line Cheap and Good, WM, HISCOX, Port Perry Sep. 9, 1801. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford 8t, (1ate 583, Oxford St.) London ; And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines threughout the Civilized World ; with ious in almost every gUAGS Hao y » Purch hould look to the on Wea, LR Oxford Street, London, they are spurious Emerson Bros. Planing Mills "PORT PERRY. HE Subscribers beg to announce the they arc now prepared to manufactura DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, CASINGS, FRAMES, ' STAIRS, STAIR RAILS, = STAIR BRACKETS, | BANNISTERS, NEUEL POSTS, MOULDINGS, &C., 2 IN GREAT VARIKTY, Scroll Sawing, Band Sawing and Turning done with neatness and dis- patch. © ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN d FANCY FENCE PIOKETS Tanks and Cistern Tubs made #0 order. Flooring and Siding constantly on headi ATT 0 tl is he P | Factory on Lilla street, just south of the Town Hall, y ; EMERSON BROS. Port Perry, May 6, 1886. i WEBSTER'S ~~ § "INTERNATIONAL vz. DICTIONARY ph Eat jesfeld"s Diamond Hall JUST OPENED OUT A Kine Stock Fine Jewelry--Latest Styles and Patterns. FINE GOLD WATCHES Latest Styles in Cases. Forty dozen SPECTACLES and EYE-GLASSES, from 2b ofs (0 §6. REGULATORS and OLOCKS in great variety. Everything REPAIRING in fi AT RS $ ¢ $ é Q @ 'd @ @ @ ¢ ¢ Q @ 0 $ ® : e $ [ ¢ > ) : IVER »* BO W ELS, ? @ b ° . « 0 ee : ¢ $ REMEDY FOR $ ® igestion, Headaclte, Constipation, ¢ $D ia, ver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad § ¢ i y, Offensive Breath, and all § $ $ @ ® > 3 : ; tice that he Has removed his biisiness to that fie JCK"--one door east of Diesfeld's Jewelery Storo-- D LIQUORS, at Toronto and Montreil Prices-- ¥ M. WILLIAMS. The Subscriber wishes to return thanks to his customers for the liberil stipport since the fire, and is better prepared to furnish all requiring anything ir 1 respectfully itivite ihspection of ry tock. Just arrived a splendid lot Galt and Marble Mouldings for picture framing and all kinds of frames. My Unteiaking Doslmal | is replete with everything necessary for 1f you cannot get it at| furnishing Funerals. The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, BUTTONS Warranted as Represented. - " The term "girl bachelor" is a new coinage seemingly destined to take the place of the worn-out "old maid," which has lohg since lost its sting, if indeed it ever had any. The girl bachelor of today is a well poised, in- dependent, generally self-supporting young woman, who dbes nbt sce in matrimony the chief end and aim of feminine existence, and who finds in the companionship of other women and many, opportunites for helpful work all that she needs. Plenty of the most agreeable social life is to be seen at her womih's club, which beneficent institu- tions, like mushrooms, are springing up all over the codutry. Here she meets dozens of kindly, pleasant, wise, ant attractive women, and thus keeps in touch with all matters of interest in the literary, artistic and social world. Her own roows are also the meeting place of many congeninl spirits. Should slie wish to travel, the world is her own from the north pole to the pyra- mids, with every modern facility fof seeing and observing within lier reach. All this does not imply that wothen ary growing averse to matrimony and family cares, but that many who are not 80 titated as to find in it their z = - The Best Remedy. DrAR Birs,--I was greatly troubled with weakness, loss of appetite, restlessness and sleeplessness, and found B,B.B. the most strengthening and beneficial medicine I have taken: , Miss HEASLIP; #4 Huntley Sty Toronto; Ont, Mothers and Nurses. All who bave the care of children should now that Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wid Strawberry may be confidently depended on 10 cure all summer com plaints, diarrhoea, dysen tery, cram ps, colle, cholera infantum, cholera morbus, canker, ete., in children or adults te rr -- Mr. E. E, Sheppard, who has ju t returned from the Northwest, in tig course of an interview with The Ewpi: says +--*1 was in conversation with the principal wheat buyers and others concerned in the prosperity of the farmer in the Northwest, and 1 canvot report more thau an average crop. The bot weather hag shrunken the wheat on light land around Brandon, and in a few other localities, Hailstorms on the Manitoba & Northwestern devastat- ed quite a large strip of country around Indian Head, but everywhere else a magnificent erop is reported. Jo Win- nipeg itself there is not a vacant house or a vacant store. There are hundreds of houses being erected by people who own them and intend to occupy them. I have been throughout every Province of the Dominion and half the States of the Union this year, and there is no ity in them equal to Winnipeg in the solidity of ita progress and iti the hope- fulness of its future: * Everywhere you go the people tell you the same thing. Money is hard to get, yet everybody seems comfortable and prosperous. Shacks that are hardly tenantable are occupied by people who would gladly pay three times as much money for better houses, There is no boom ; there is no building craze ; everybody who is building is building for himself, and the class of building is superior to that which marked our goose-pasture boom days, 1 am quite confident that Winnipeg insi-le of tive years will have 50,000 people." ' Clipping and Trimming The undersigned begs to inform the public that he is prepared to Clip and Trin (in Old Country and other style horses en trusted to him. Orders left at M S Graham's Blacksmith Shop will. rece immediate attention: Charges moderate, Satisfaction Guaraut- B. F. CRANDELL, Port Port, Sept. 21, 1892. ~ DRESSMAKI RC. MISS NELLIE CAMERON Begs to intimate to the Ladies of Port Percy and vicinity that she is prepared to do Dressmukiog in the latest and Lest style, Having taken n Cutting of one of the most expert Dress and Mantle Cutters in the Dominion she feels confident that all orders entrusted to her canuot fuil to please her patrons, A staff of competent assis tants steadily engaged. X Rooms at the idence of her father, Caleb street. » Port Perry, June 30, 1892 JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, MANILLA, ONT. HIS HOTEL has been remodeled and renovated and newly faruished. No pains will be spared to make guests comi fortable. Fhe Bar and Dining Room will always be found well supplied. Good Con mercial Rooms. First-class Stabling and an attentive Hostlér, 24" Bugs to train. Give me a call, . W.H, PARK, Manilla, April 20, 1891. Proprietor Sanenal and Nervous Debllity, For Sale by Stomach Liver Medical y of oH Sloan Milk. the Last One t is Pleasant to the as the Sweetest Nectar. t is Safe and Harmless as the Purest This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only fecently been introduced into this country by the proprietors and manufacturers of the Great South American Nervine Ran yet its great value as a curative . agent has long been known by a few of the most learned physicians; who have not brought its merits and value to the knowledge of the general public. : This medicine has completely solved the problem of the cure of indi- gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system. It is also of the greatest value in the cure of all forms of failing health from whatever cause, It performs this by the great mervine tonic qualities which it possesses, and by its great curative powers upon the digestive organs, the stomach, the liver and the bowels. No remedy compares with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a builder and strength- ener of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewer of & more r} rs or the cons ¥; two or. | : carry them safely over the danger. This great of gthener and curat tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because its great energizing properties will give them a new hold on life. It will add ten or fifteen years to the lives of many of those who will use a balf dozen bottles of the remedy euch year IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Nervousness, Broken Constitution, Nervous Prostration, Debility of Old Age, Nervous Headache, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, : Female Weakness; Weight and Tenderness in Stomach; Nervous Chills, Loss of Appetite, . Paralysis, Frightful Dreams, Nervous Paroxysms and Dizziness and Ringing in the Bars; Nervous Choking, 'Weakness of Extremities and Hot Flashes, Fainting, Ce x Palpitation of the Heart; Impure and Tpoverished Blood, Mental Desponidency; Boils and Carbuncles, Sleeplessness; Scrofula, St. Vitus' Dance, Berofulons Swellings and Ulcers, Nervousness of Females, Consumption of the Lungs, Nervousness of Old Age, Oatarrh of the Lungs, Neuralgia, 3ronchitis and Chronic Cough, Pains in the Heart; Liver Complaint, Pains in the Bick, Chronic Diarrhoea, Failing Health, Delicate and Scrofulous Children; Summer Complaint of Infants. All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Neérvine Tonic. NERVOUS DISEASES. As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases; no féfiedy has been ghle to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most delicate individual. Nine-tenths of all the ailments to which the human, family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood, a general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the result; Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when the right kind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con- tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. For this reason it becomes neccessary that a herve food be supplied. This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- rangement. x CRAWFORDSTILLE, IND, Aug, 20, '86.| TRusroca WinriNson, of Brownsvalley, Ind. can icine C0. 7 gays: *Lhad been in a distressed condition fo tireo years from Nervousness, Weakness of the' Stomach, Dyspepsia, and Indigestion, until my eulth was gone. I had been doctoring con 2 | stantly, with no relief. '1 bought one bottle of South American Neryine, which done me more' good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. T would advike every woukly per won to use this valuable and lovely remedy ; & few bottles of it has cured omplétely, I danslder it tho prandest ma = the world." A SWUTN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR CHOREA. CRAWFORDSVILLE, IND, June 22, 1887. My daughter, eleven years old, was severely afflicted with Bt. Vitus' Dance or Chorea. We gave her three and one-half bottles of South American Ner- vine and she is completely restored." 1 believe it will cure every case of Bt. Vitus' Dance. I have kept it in my family for two years, and am sure it ig' the greatest remedy in the world for Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and for alk forms of Nervous Disorder and Failing Health, from whatever cause. i 3 Joan T. MisH- State of Indiana, Montgomery County, Subscribed and sworn to before me this June 22, 1887. Cuas. W. WrieHT, Notary Publics INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Nervine Tonic Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train of symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and debility of the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of incal- culable value who is affected by disédse of the stomach, because the ex- perience and testimony of many go to prove that this is the oxE and: ONLY ONE great ¢ure in the world for this universal destroyer. There i§ no casé of unmalignant disease of the stomach which can resist tLe wonderful curative powers of the South American Nervine Tonic. HARRIET BE. HALL, of Wayhetown, Ind, says: Mgrs, ELLA A, BRATTOX, of Now Ross, Indians, AL.2xe me lie to the Gent South American | says: "1 cannot express how much 1 owe to the' Nervine. ad been in bed for five months from | = : Jetely shia Cotas Of no oxi dated stomuch, Indigostion | Narvine Tonle. My system was Completely i Nervous Prostration, and a general shattered tered, appetite gone, was coughing an condition of my whole system. Had given up i blood; am sure I was in the fi all hopes of getting well. Had tried tliree doc- | of consumption, an Inheritance hoy tors, with no relief. The firat bottle of the Nerv- | through several generations. I {ne Tonic improved meso much that I was ableto | the Nervine Tonic, and contipse walk about, and a few bottles curcd me entirely. | about #ix months, and a 1 believe it is the best medicine in the world. "I | is the grandest remedy fop ean not recommend it too highly." lungs I have gver seen." No remedy compares with SouTR AMERICAN NERVINE 88 a cure for Ui pares with Youth American Nervine ns & wondrous cire for the § g compare with South American Nervine as a cure for all forms of&; "vy; cure Indigestion and Dyspepsia. It never fails to cure Chorege® Ho build up the whole system are wonderful In the extreme. fle aged. Tt is a great friend, fo 1h aged and jnfiea. t if you do, you may neglect only rem 1 oie te porionis Ante aml very i tian, Re Delicate lo '¢ure, beeause it will put the bloom of fresh: nd beauty upo! quickly drive away your . and we oR, ds fediciue T conld of, but noth any appreciable good until I w try your Great South Am and Stomach and Liver Cu and since usin ral bottles of it 1 must say that Iam sur- onderful powers to cure the stom- stem. If everyons ve 1 do you would ni, ; ee 00. Lag: § 88: Ne een if remedy W al Nh. Te never fails 10 EVERY BO A. J. DAVIS,

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