ONTARIO OBSERVER. P ere pars cannot bb expected to bear the 18s caused by the neglignee of thé ie. Mr. E. HI. Pardy leaves next Mon- day morning for Sarnia to attend the High Court of Independent Order of ERRY, AUG. 24, 1893. ~The End of the Farce. Baturday next will witness the close Toronto's own laughable burlesque, the Sunday street car farce. In all con * science it is high time that it was closed for the rubbish which Blls the columns of the daily press of that city, for and against the Sunday cars and which that press fnisnamées discussion, is rimply an overflow of twaddle and a disgrace to any intelligent coththiinity, while the ravings from the numerous platforms have been equally silly. The Yivners of private conveyances and the patrons of Sunday "Government cabs" have been the loudest mouthed aguinst the running. It is a good thing, how- ever, that the hubbub is drawing to a close had it continued much longer the cranks would go stark wad. Well Directed Industry. aweet home, the results pro- duced wre of the most cheering and satisfactory ~natare and 'tend strengthen the ties which bind vs to that which ought to be the dearest spot on earth; home. In passing round town one's attention is agrecably at tracted to the many judicious and important improvements now going on in several quarters of the town, all tending to add to the beauty, con- veniencd nd value of our handsome village. Mr. R. Penhall, Simcoe street, has just completed n series of extensive and valoable improvements on his premises there, When Mr. Penhall acquired that property it was an unsightly spot, through well directed enterprise and a judicious expenditure the Penhall pro- perty is a credit to his good taste and an ornament to the locality m which it is situate. ' Mr. Wm. Mills hns Jately purchased that house and lot lately owned hy Mr. Oard, on the south-west corner of Lilla street, the premises bad not been inhabited fora considerable time past, to now, however and, notwithstanding the fact that the dwelling was comparatively new, it was sharing the fate of unoccupied houses from being roughly handled. -- No sooner had Mr. Mills purchased the property than the work of renova- tion commenced on an extensive scale by a generous and well directed expen- diture of money and labor the dwelling and premises are fast hastening to a perfect condition of repair and whether for the desirability of the site, the ~ hand: apance of the residence of the renovating hand of Mr. Mills brought to bear upon them. THE JONES' BLOCK. The raptd progress towards comple- tion made by tis handsome block eannot fail in being a source of satis tion to all concerned, not alone to the people of the town but to all who come here to do business must view. with » satisfaction so extensive a business establishment the proprietors of which have the full confidence of the whole community, The name of Jones Bros. is so thoroughly identified with the best interests of the village that bus- ness enterprise nnd Jones Bros., are regarded as synonymous terms, The Jones's have long identified themselves with the life and progress of the Port, in her day of prosperity they have sat on the crest of the wave and in her darkest day of adversity they have stood to their post like heroes, and when the winds of adversity hardest and others were deserting the ship their place was amongst the noble ones who stuck to the ship and hedped to steer lier over the breakers and their confidence in Port Perry's 3 future is exempliied by their large in- vestmeut in the erection of a large and enstly business structure which is an ornament tothe town and a credit to 'the hiberality and enterprise of the An Unfortunate Matter. Sa-- x sing of Wednesday of last _ Nokes proprietor of the livery stables, Uxbridge, drove blew Hotel, Mr, Nokes tying n one of the sheds connected '| acre farm in the 9th con. Reach. The 'here sewompanied by a com- er, they stopped et the | ville Statesman of yesterday : ible parti Why dont the uni: cipalities concerned see that this dangerous nuisance is reindved. Only # few months ago the municipalities concerned had to foot the bill for sim- ilar loss. Foresters to be held there on the 29th and 30th inst. Mrs. Purdy intends ac- companying him. Mrs, F. 8. Purdy, Smith's Falls, is visiting her many friends in town and vicinity. Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Whitlock, of this place were in Bowmanville the other day and called on a number of their numerous friends there ; they re ceived a hearty and cordial greeting. Mrs. ® I, Paxton, accompanied by her daughter, lns retirned from Rochester, where she has been visiting her mother Mrs. Jewett; who has been very ill; but who we are glad to say has nicely recovered, -- Completihg the Staff. Our Sehool Board has filled the three vacancies in our cxcellent (leaching stall. Miss Olristie takes the position vacated by Miss tt, Miss Howsom succeeds Misa «Spence, and Mr Birchard succeeds Mr. Laidman. The school will commence on Mon | day when teachers and pupils will re: turn physically and intellectually in: vigorated for the glorious work of another term. A Valuable Addition. | Mrs, G. F. Phillips, of Toronto, with 1 ber two sons Masters Fred and Frank, were visiting at Elm Lodge, the resi- dence of Mrs, Carry. Mr. D. McBride and Mr. Joshua Davis, with their families returned Reach has got an important addition Tuesday evening from Pigeon Lake, where they have been camping for to the ranks of her worthy yeowen in " , tah about four weeks, They report having the person of Mr. Hughson a respec had a very enjoyable time, and successful farmer from the ncigh- of . "| Mr. Joseph Bennett, of this place oft proprietor is to be congratulated ion Tuesday morning for Kentucky, soouring so desirable 8 tenant, arid | where he has secured a lucrative posi the tenant has Leen fortunate in tion in Ld Machine shop. All join securing possession of 80 fine a farm. in wishing him every success. Miss Lillie Dawes, home from Uxbridge, been visiting friends. Miss Kato Rolph, accompanied by Toronto friends starts, for the White City on Saturday next, Miss Lottie McLean, Hazel Laing and Master Lonie Clemens, are camp- ing on the Beach at Oshawa. ----peit has returned To Oorreepondents.--"Nimrod" where she has will please excuse us for refusing to publish his communication of the 23rd | inst, 1f you had read it over in your calmer moments you would never have wished that weor any! one else should publish it as its pablication would serve no good purpose and would in- Dre. Temple; (Father und son)" of Toronto, were in town on Tuesday. Miss Bertha Gilbert, of Darlington, | is visiting at Dr. Archer's, jure the writer more than the party referred to. Excursion To FrxeroN Faris. --It will be seen by the posters that Court Mr. Wm. Orowle," who of late has "Trinmph" Ancient Order Foresters, | been in the employ of Mr. E. H. Blackstock, intends having a grand Purdy, is we regret to learn ill with remittent fever, Mr, and Mrs. McCall, of D. McCall & Co., Toronto, have been visiting at Mr, M. Williams, Two more of our enterprising towne- excursion, per steamer Orandells, from Omsarea to Fenelon Pulls on Tuesday 29th inst. vitation to the public to accompany They extend a hearty in- them, and the managing committee are determined that nothing shall be left undone to make this excursion an en- joyable event long to be remembered Marshall left on Friday evening of last week for the Columbian Fair, Mr. Hugh Campbell, of Port Hope, is in town renewing acquaintances, Dr. E. R. Campbell, from Guy's Hospithl, London, England, is visiting his parents and many friends here. hy all who participate in it and every- body that is anybody will be on board. The fare has been placed at the low figure of 25cts. (See the posters,) Next Sabbath evening the Rev. Mr. Deuwe, Evangelist, will preach in the Meth- odist Church, Port Perry, while Rev. Mr. Hill conducts anniversary services Mr. Chas. E. Rattenbury, of Ohicago, is the guest of Mr. Walter Johnson, o' this place, for a few days. Mr. Sebert of the St. Charles Hotel, is taking in a portion of the grand Trotting Circuit now in progress. He intends being present at Aylmer, St. Thomas and St. Catharines meetings. of Sunderland, formerly an services at Pinedale, afternoon and evening. : . J Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ham ard The marks will be sent to all candi- daughter, of Scugog, leav: .ioF the dates who failed at the late Depart-| World's Fair to-morrow.' mental Examinations ag soon as the pBteT, "BTAC) to learn, very ill. M/, Moiley Orandell; son of Dr. 3 i FE Far WO Tu weer a ha ir in the township of Cartwright. This fine property is situated within five : : Byton Orandell, Olifford, is visiting tiles of Port Perry. (Seo Mr. Jas |p uncle, Mr. Oaleb Orandell. While Parr's advertisement in another |out for a drive the other day the young column.) man_ had the misfortune to lose n splendid water-proof coat. He offers Rarip Traxsit.--The north regular | 3 ! a suitable reward for its return. , train yesterday (Wednesday) morning made the run from Whitby Junction to Port Perry in 26 minutes being at RAE ABA Terrible Grand Masters. The following from the Kingston Whig 1s to the point: --* The Orange Supreme Grand Lodge has put a stop- per on free speech, a liberty it has loudly proclaimed. It has vested the grand mastor with authority to wipe out any lodge which ventures to ex- press itself as differing from him. -- "The grand ledge,' says the Montreal Witness, 'has not conferred on Clarke Wallace the final infallibility whizh the Vatican conferred upon the Pope, but a sort of temporary absolutism subject to the approval or disapproval of the grand lodge when it meets. He is to Le like the captain of a ship, absolute during the voyage but liable to be displaced when the voyage is over. During the intervales betweon meeting and meeting any lodge that dares to differ with him 1s to be in- stantly extinguished." The Llow has been struck at those lodges thnt have expressed themselves as not favbring Orangemen in the Cabinet stultifying themselves before the country and the order." When Grand Masters become awfully great as well as grand = they lose their heads, deem themselves in- fallable and ride the "rank and file of the Order--whatever it may be--with both whip and spur and act as if the Order existed solely for the conven- fence of their mightinesses.---(Ed. 0.) --ad dl A 1 Club's Meeting. --The A 1 Olub will hold their reguiar eeting in the Club rooms; on Friday (to-mor- row) evening at 8 o'clock a large at- tendance 1s requested. Tnx BEC'Y. The North Grey Liberals did well to give a reception to Sir Oliver Mowat. He deserves it, baving twice gerryman- dered the itwency in their interest. A Commendable Act.--An ex- | change "states that Mr. I. Spinks, the rate of about one , minute and 25 seconds a mile, A Gala Day in Lindeay,-- Canada's Own Lodge Loyal True Blues, Port Perry, are about to give the public a grand treat on Monday, Aug. 28, they have chartered the "Orandella " for that day and intend having an excursion to Lindsay so parties may be present at the Olympic games of the Loyel True Blues of Toronto, which come oft there. The tickets for the round trip have been placed at the low price of 35 cts.-- (See advertisement and posters.) Now for the World's Fair.-- Tickets for the Worlds Fair at Single Fare may be obtained of Mr. W, H. MaCaw, the town agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. (Sce Advertisement.) Auction Sale. -- An important Auction Sale is advertised inour ad- vertising columns of this issue, much valuable property will be sold and partics will do well to read the adver tisement, the property - belongs to Messrs, Mossom Boyd & Co. The sale will take place at Boheaygeon, on Wednesday, Sept, 6th, Make un note of it. We notice the County Clerk has wade application to the . different councils for township school maps re- quired by law. Such maps are much needed, and shold all be drawn ou the same scale so that the different un- ion sections would all cet whén com- pared. Tracing velum would be good material for such purpose being light durable and easily folded. The County Burreyor would be the right one todo this having ali requirements for such | work at hand ne doubt. ASAI A Port Perry High School on Top We clip the following from the Bowman- " The following comparative statement ed $500 bonus among Lis wen, He is shows the number of tes who passed ind di ¥ pleased greatly with the way (things are progressing, and informed the fore- 'man that he has just received-un order for twenty-four carloads of flour. Two More Lodges.--Two more lodges of Loyal rue Blues will be opened in the city this evening, one male and one femsle, the former open- be known us Lord Salisbury, the Lady Salisbury, The charter the male ludge is 54 and pas ow Suave] soap oc oo~Bunwy mg ) an. FM Yarnol has any t of money to loan at lowest rates of in terest, in suws to spat borrower. and to the entire satisfa . Yarnold, County Surveyor, charge of the work. J who had men, Messrs, J, W. Curts and W. L, | Pickering, called at Lis will and divid= Washington, Aug. 18. Director of the Mint Pres pared a table of the mone! und approximate stocl the aggregate and per cap principal countries of the wot table shows that the a and the aggregate uncov: $2,635,873,000. Tho @ possessed by the principal et given as follows : Uhited States. . Great Britain France Germany Russia ....... . v The silver stock of t countries is given as follows United States... ... Great Britain. .. Germany Russia The stock of silver is div Preston into full tender tender. The Uuited States 000,000 fall tender and § limited tender ; Great Bri full tender, £100,000,0 Russia $22,000,000 f £38,000,000 limited tender. The prevailing in nearly all the pri countries between gold and legal lender silver is 1 to 154. This is the mtio in France, Belgium, Ttaly, Spain, Nether | lands, Russia, Central and South | America. The ratio between gold and limited tender silver is, as a rule, Tito 14.38. The respective ratios in the United States are; 1 to/15.98 and 1 to 14.95. ; The various monetary systems As divided among the 'several countries are as follows : Gold and silver-- Unit: fed States, France, Belgium, Italy, | Switzerland, Greece, Spain, Nether: lands, Turkey and Japan, Gold-- United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal, Austria, Scandanavian Union, Aus tralia, Egypt, Canada and Cuba: Silver--Russia, Mexico, Central and South Anerica and Indis. Of the uncovered money South America has $600,000,000, Russia, { $500,000,000; the United States, | 412,000,000 ; Austria, 260,000,000; Italy, $163,000,000 ; Germany, $107,~ 000,000 ; France, $81,000,000, and Great Britain, $50,000,000. | The per capita circulition of goldfis 3 United States, £0.01; United King: dom, $14.47; France, §20. Ger is; France, $40.56 ; Cuba, § lands, $28.88 ; Australia, $26.75, Bal- gium, $25.63 ; United States, §2! § United Kingdom, $13.42; and Russia, $7.16. REIN It Tickles Them. The Yankee papers are making enough fuss ahout the new navy to satisfy even the most spread-cagle citizen of the United States. Cuts of commerce destroyers and cruisers | gun-hoats adorn the grent dati 1f 1t pleases the Americans nobody else ot Brig navy in the worl and officers at end to the and do not spend their time in newspaper reporters how their could eternally nations, business, much wool. And while the Awerican men are consumed with wild admiration of their new warships, they refrain from becom- ing sailor men themselves, The, free and independent will continue to chase dollars, while they pay Norwegians, Chinese and Negroes to man their war ships. ' The chances are that if war should arise these hired men would show them: selves to be just what mercenaries have usually been--ready to fight when they ere compelled to, and no oftener.-- X. 1ps smash those of other That is the way Britons do It is a cas of little ery and Canada "Slow." The Buffilo Times tells us that Canada is sure to be slow, = Welly, ol good many hanks in the United States are slow to be sure of their ability to meet current demands, 5 However, t must be confessed that Canada is a little slow. Her popula: tion has increased only seven-foldy while that of the United States has in- creased six-fold. 1 is only a little greater in proportio population than that of the Uni States. Her foreign trade is only 50 per cent. greater than that of t United States. Her shipping is only "rived here on Friday last, after a most' consignment of roadsters. Mr. Evans emptyhanded, and has, _ therefore, | prizes this yeur alone at the principal -| second prizes. ot and _ | neighbor hood of $8,000, which he had bY the body, Her railway mileagat ,¢1 don't see anything remarkable about the looks of this man,' said a visitor to the dime museum. * What is he here for ¥ ¢ That man,' said the lectarer, * took $10 howe with him after a two weeks' stay in Ohicago." Husband--Our office boy died (0- day, and I think I ought to go to the funeral. Wife--I'd like to know why? Husband--For the past months he has been eating the lunches you have put up for me. Mr. T. W. Evans, of Yelverton, ar-- pleasant voyage from Glassgow, Scot land, where he had taken a very fine could pot see the force of returning brought with him three fine Clydesdale stallions and a handsome Shetland, all of which landed in fine condition, The Clydes are all of grand quality, and prize-winners at the greatest society shows in Scotland, and all were district horsas at high premiums. The Beottish Farmer, in a very fluttering eulogy of this shipment, says i--*'Seldom, if ever, has there been three better horses than Ornichmore Darnley, Uam Var and Blythe Prince, exported to Canada." Craichmora Darnley is'six years old, and was sired by the famous Darnley'; dam; Uy the great prize-winner, the Druid. "He has captured all the red tickets at the principal shows in Scot- land, and what is still more 'note- worthy, his produce "has won 23 first Mrs. Harris (newspaper in hand)-- A movement is on foot to. make med- icine cheaper. Harris--Good | That will sickness within the reach of all. Not--What makes Grimes shaped so like a corkscrew 1 Dot-- His wife's constant twisting hiw around her little finger. Sinn ANorHER Car Loan ow Srivares hus justarrived which will be sold at 80 cents per thousand fo cash: 0. L. Vickery. bring fairs, including Glasgow, besides several Blythe Prince, sired by the famous Prince of Wales, dam the greiit prize-winning mare that produc- ed Royal Salute and other noted horses. A man named Woods, who lives in Hawilton, and is noted as a high kicker, fell while tryi rizes ar n neighboring shires, and stands second to none of his age in Canada. His sire was the Highland Society prizeswinner Lord Aulse, wliose dam was by Prince of Wulse, Uam Var's dam was Topsman. All these horses are of grand size, rich color, and good style. In addition to this trio a fine specimen of the Shetland pony is pro- vided in a handsome and speedy little chestnut. All persons interested in looking over the best representatives of the Clydesdale &hould call at "Topgallant Farm" and inspect this lot, where they will receive a hearty waleome from the genial proprietor. : § pWal caught Jin Monday's storm off the Nova Scotia coast, and both vessels were lost with all on board, numbering 17, the wife and four children of the engineer be- ing incladed. The steamer Teutonic brought to New York yesterday $385,000 in gold, and the Havel $1,000,000. SHE Ra ALL MEN Young, old or middle aged, who find them- selves, neruons, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, ----ep en Was he Robbed of $3,100? @ resulting in mavy of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, Joss of memory, bad dreams, dimuees of sight, palpitation of the heart emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kid- veys, headaches, pimples on the fuce and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the Caiing scrotum, wasting of the organs, "dizziness The Empire says '--* A week B80 | specks before the eyes, twitching of the to-day there arrived in this city a my-| muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, sterious stranger of a Jewish cast | Gepositn in the urive, loss of will power, countenance, who seomed very anxious fenderness of the scaly and spine, weak and ' in a p flubby muscles, desire to sleep, failare to be to keep secret his origin and his ohject | esd by sleep, constipation, dullhess of in visiting Toronto. He secured lodg- | hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex- ings in a house on Pearl street, and |citability of temper, sunken eyes, surround. after making numerous enquiries re- ed with LEADEN oIROLES, oily looking skin, : ete, are all symptoms of nervous debility garding local pawnbrokers and second- that d to insanity unless cured, The hand jewellers, he confided to his land: | spring or vital force having lost its tension lord, Mt. Moses Breslor, that he wns every function waves in consequence. Those none other than an escaped Siberian who through abuse committed in ignorance, i ¥ 3 : may be permantly cured. Send your ad- exile, and that he had in his possession | j,i for hook on' diseases peonliaf to fist; 36 potinds of sofid gold, worth in the } send 106 in stamps, sealed. Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Macdonnell Ave, Toronto, A FIRST - GLASS £0 sa. VHF. undetsigned offers to Rent his fitie farm; patt of lots 17 and 18, con. 8; > WHITBY, epnteing 100 acres, all under cultiva- tion, al first-class clay a i mt resent season a crop of : being harvested pi farm. ? On premises there are a good dwell- ne frame barn sud good outbuildings ; splendid orchard and a never 'fuiling spring | creek running the entire length of the farm on the west side. Possession given to plow immediately, and full possession given about 1st of March next. . For further particulars apply to the pro- prietor. T. RUNDLE, Aug. 9, 1893. Port Perry. Valuable Farm for Sale IN THE TOWNSHIP OF REACH. HE undersigned offers for Sale that very desivable farm property, the resi- "dence of the late Fi | d's Fair AND RETURN AT LOWEST FIRST-CLASS * SINGLE FARE ----G00D GOING-- FRIDAY & SATURDAY, Aug. 25th and 26th, Valid for return Jeaving Chicago on or be- fore September pth. Choice of -Four Routes Tickets may be obtained from . W.H McCAW, { Truak § 8 gr ar wT Brick Dwelling House, A new Bart 60x33, with Stabling and Roof Cellars below, a good, thrifty Orchard of standard fruit, two wells of hard water, cistern, &e. : The soil is a good clay loam well adapted for all kinds of grain. There are several acres of good woodland and a creek flows thiough the west part o the farm, 10 The location is most desirable in every respect as the property adjoins the village of Port Perry on the west--is convenient to Chnrehes, Post Office, Market and thé fPYHERE will be a Grand Excursion to Lindsay, Jer Steamer CRANDELLA, best High School in the Province, Parties will find this en excellent oppor: tunity for purchasing a most desirable home, Further particulars may be had from the under the auspices of undeisigned, the administratrix of the Ks: tate of the late George Pound, at her resi: CANADA'S OWN LODGE, i or Fo i i Ko. 9, LOYAL TRUE BLUES, GET F. M. YARNOLD, Solicitor for Estate, Port Perry, July 4, 1893. k FIRST-CLASS FARM FOR SAILEH. HE undersigned offers for Sale that _ first-class Farm being composed of the North 150 acres of lot 23, in the Ist con, of the Township of BROCK. 100 acres are clearcd and under good cultis vation ; 22 acrés are seeded to grass and thé balance is good bush pasture, On Monday, August 28. The Steanter will leave the wharf, Port Perry, at 7.30 a, m., 'sharp, calling at Pettet's Landing, arriving at Lindsay lat eleven. All'the Lodges of True Blues in Toronto as well as the Orange Battalion will be in Lindsay. on tht day oti an excursion trip. Au excellent program of Sports and-Games oflering appropriate prizes to successful competitors is heing prepared. Monday, August 28th, will bea Gala Day in Lindsay, so that parties joining the Ex- cursion may rely on an enjoyable day's out- ii 2. A cordial iuvitation is extended to the phlitie: Tickets for the round trip, 85 cts; child- ren 20 cts, There are on the premises a good frame Dwelling House. with stone Cellar ; frame managed to collect in the Russian Onpt.; Cavada. .| mines, and to smuggle out of the UE country. With the aid of his host the Lacrosse. Rtranaer Bispored sf the yd etal STANDING OF THE Cov ; TY ONTARIO LEAGUE oa loeal jeweller for £3,100. ow GAMES. the jeweller gays that the "gold" is - nothing but brass, and seems to be Port Pers Ww oy Joss: much incensed over the way he has FO 0 8 been dealt with, The transaction was Th oe 2 9 put through yesterday worning, and Whithy 4 1 Uxbridge b 1 since then the "exile" has disappeared. At least such is the story gathered by a representative of Tig EMPIRE yester- dny. The detective department hos n informed of the facts of the case, efforts are Leing made to locate Whitby and Port Perry played a tie game at Port Perry. --- EreOIrate. BIRTHS. pir Lr Sitver--In Uxbridge, ou the 15th inst. the wife of Mr, Ed. Silver, of a son, Kicar--At Utica, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mé. Wm. Kight, of twins, (sons). WuarroN--In Port Perry, on the 22ud inst., -- Morganfield, Ky, Avg. 18.--Over 1,000 men and boys, who had heen attending a county fair, } turned their backs on the exhibits last night to hang n negro to a tree. In the earlier| the wife of Mr, Thos. Wharton, of a part of the day, Charles Walton, 30, a| daughter. negro, had lured from the grounds into MARRIED. a nearby cornfield Samuel Keith, a thirteen-yenr-old white lad. - There lie cut the boy's throat from ear to ear and robbed him of $4. Upon discovery of the dying youth the fair crowd &tarted in pursdit of the negro He wns soon captured in ft swamp nnd taken before Keith, who identified him just before he died. Jailer Sellers and Marshal Hurst took the prisoner from the mob and started with him for Henderson. The crowd followed in pursuit and recaptured Walton. Just before midnight they took him into Richard?' woods and hanged him to a tree, where they left Beatry--Eruiorr.--On the 18th inst., hy the Rev. L. W. Hill, B.A, at the Meth- odist Parsonage, Port Perry, Mr, John Beatty, of Rama, to Miss Annie Elliott, of Scugog Island. Port Perry Market. [Quotations by Messrs, A, Ross & Son. ] Thursday, Aug, 24, 1893. Fall Wheat 55¢ to 56c. Spring Wheat 50c to 550. Goose Wheat 450 to 50c, Barley (6 rowed) 39¢ to 35¢. Parley (2 rowed) 30c. Rye 400, Oats 27¢ to 28¢, Peas-- Blackeye 60c to 65c, Peas--Muminy 50¢ to bbe, Peag--Small 4S¢ to He, Bachwhent 30c to 35¢, Beans 70¢ to 9c, Alsike Clover $5.50 to $6.00, Red Clover 8-- to $=, Grass Seed $-- to $--, Corn 4he to Ale, Sheepskins 40c to 75¢ Wool 16¢ to 17¢, Hides $3 to $4, Beef $5.00 to $6.00, Pork $6.00 to $7.00, Turkeys 10¢ to 10c. Chickens 7c to Te, Geese Te to Te, Butter 17¢ to 18, Eggs lle to 11, atin Pickering News :--Dr. Major is ac- companied by his friend Mr. Butler, Sheriff of Fresm county, Cal, a nephew of the famous old war horse, politician and jurist, Gen. Ben. Butler. This is Sheriff Butler's first trip east, and with it he is highly delighted. Although a patriotic and enthusiastic son of the reat republic he is not so blind or rajudiced that he cannot sce the advantages of the country, and thinks Ontario is the finest farming country three times as great wm proportion to population as that of the United States, The Canadian farmer gets only bushels of wheat to the acre, while the United States farmer gets 13 bushel Yes, Canada is slow. We onght be ashamed of ourselves, because any comparison between the Dominion and not beat the United States more tl that, we should go and put our to soak. fit RAI A RI - Electricians at Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 22.--The increasing rominenee of electricity in the scien. tific and mechanical world was well 'Illustrated today at the Ocngress of b Electricians. lt wae first the plan to, hold a general session in the hall of. Columbus, but although the room is the Inrgest in the Luilding it soon be- came apparent that niore space was re- quired. Bo the congress was divided into tliree departments, each of which had a separate hall. crowded, Peterboro Oheese Market. Peterboro', Aug. 22.--The regular meeting of the cheese board was held liere to-day inthe Council chamber. There was a fair attendance of buycrs, but owing to the continuovs weather the number of cherse bo: was considerably less than last year, The number of cheese offered was 4,63 "boxes. Bidding was very slow, on four factories selling. The board journed for two weeks, when the Lalanee| | wili be again boarded. All of them were|3 Cheese 12¢ to 13e, Potatoes 35c to 3c, Apples.30c, Hard Wood 84.00 to $5.00, Soft Wood $2 to £3, Je ever saw. Boys, when you goin swimming you should put cotton in your ears. See ere: A medical authority states that t Manchester, on the 12th insta 5 LroN--I1u Reach, 12th con., on the 14th -~ inst., the wife of Mr. KE. Bolton; of a Lyn - aT, danghter; Barn on stoné foundation with fine stabling 72" GOD SAVE THE QUEEN, 4 P) bs under barn; a large Driving House with Semmittee 3% % STEWARD stable room for twelve horses; a Hirtving Maungcinent | CALL DRED Orchard ; two excellent wells of water ang a cistern Port Perry, Aug: 16, 1893. : AUCTION SALE! OF Sani Farming and Wood Lands, Village Tots. | Guweiuy avs mun; TOKE TA td, Lumbsring Plant, HE undersigned has been instructed hy MOSSOM BOYD & CO, (dissolved by the death of a partner) to offer for sale hy Auction, at the office of the firm, in the Village of Bobcaygeon, On Wednesday, Sept: 6, 1898, Commencing af 10 o'clock in the forenoon a number of good farming and wood lots ip the Townships of Verulam, Harvey, Somer- ville, Snowdon and Glamorgan, Snelnding the farm fa Verulam worked by the firm, and Big Island in Pigeon Lake, contaming 1,200 acres, and well known as the Bu Island Stock Farm. Also village and park lots in Bobcaygeon, including anumber of beautiful Sites for Summer Residences, Also all their herd of Pedigreed Poiled Angus Cattle, and all the remuinder of their liorses not sold at Toronto. Also farm im- plements and second-hand lumbering tools such as axes, saws, chuins, wagons; sleighs, ete, For particulars apply to MOSSOM BOYD, Bobeaygeon- OF to Wicknanm & TaompsoxN, Capada Life Building, Toronto. PRIZE MONEY READY! TPYHE PRIZES AWARDED BY THE I Scngog Agricultural Society at its Spring Fair will be paid: on and after the 21st August, 1593. The property it well fenced and all Jere taining to the farm is in a good state of re- pair The situation is all that could he desired --adjoining Sonys Railway Station, 'con- venient to Church, School, Market and Stores. ey 2A TE ant, aplA mili wre etl Ww - e hanged [i a 50-acre-farin, or ny for a term of years, For further particulars, apply to the proprieter, DAVID PURDY, Port Perry: July 5, 1893. FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER. FIRST-CLASS Farth of 200 acres; being lot No, 0, in the 12th concession of the Township of SCUGOG ! On house, The soil premises are a good frame dwelt. stables, orchard and water.-- ie 8 Mlgyed loam. The above Ls is all cleared and un' Le alicrt al utifuliy situated church, #ehool sud post offi on Siento seven miles from Port Perry. gether igalto- One of the Finest Farms in the Townsips. The highest or any Fender vot necessarily accepted. Kn If not sold Ly" Tet September will be leased for a term of years. For further particulars apply Younik; Feo., Bowmanville, or to F. M. YARNOLD, Solicitor, Port Perrys fo A: July 1893. Carriage Factory and Dwelling House for Sale or t¢ Rent MANCHESTER. TIE windernigned offers to sell or rent for T a term of years her Carriage Factory and Dwelling Foie in Manchester. The Buildings are commodions and eomplete in every respect for the oliject for which they ave destined, and are in u thorough state of J. GC. BROWNE, Treasurer. Port Perry, Aug. 16, 1893. Gounty Model School HE North Outardo County Model School for the training of Teachers will 5 open on ie cause of drowning of expert swin- not so much cramps, as has { supposed, but the per- r drum ;- therefore, FARM FOR SALE. Children Enjoy ; pleasant flavor, gentle action: g effects of Byrop of Figs, need of a laxative and if the 'mothes bo costive or lilious ¢ gratifying results follow its that it is the best family re- nown and every family should concession of the Fownship of {the Estate of the late Coal! Ooall--No ad- price of Cenl for August over . Mr. J. J. McWilliams, es agent of the Deleware apa & Western Railway ad L. Vickery, of Port Porry, 'Scranton Uoal at July prices month of August, Be sure ia prices before purchasing part of it free from stum Fhe soitis clay. « days it will be eased for a term of years. Parr at tock JAMES PARR, AGENT. Blackstock, Aug. 21, 1893. : WILL PURCHARBE 150 Acres of Land, being the east half of lot No. 7 and the south-west 50 acres of lot 8, in the 6th CARTWRIGHT James Hooey, Deceased, This farm is nearly all cleared and a good ; is well watered and built upon. and within five miles of Port Perry, on the leading road thereto.-- If not eold within thirty For further particulars' enquire of James lacks Friday, September 1st, {AT NINE O'CLOCK A. M. Applications for ndmission should be to the Principal; Avexanpsr MM. T. C. FORMAN; Chairman Board of Education, Port Perry, Aug. 16, 1893, STILL LEADING! HE UNDERSIGNED begs to return "thanks for the liberal and still increas ing patronage bestowed om him since com- : ing the Butchering Busi and would state that he is better picpared than ever to supply the public witir JUST SUCH MEATS as cannot fail to meet the requirements of all, aud trusts by offering only Cmorck Mears at modérate prices, aud promptuess in husivess to receive a liberal share of public patronage. #ar All orders left at my Stall in the Market Building, or with ne on ny rounds -| with conveyance, will receive immediat« | repair, The dwelling house stands on = stove foundation and fe. of late heen thor- oughly over-hanled snd re-puinted within. y &e, he whole property will be at Bargain, or will be leased for a term years. i Possession given in six months from time of sale or leasing. For further particulars, apply to tHe proprietress. ; > MRS. W. €. BEARD: Manchester, July ¥0. 1893. Waterproof Coat Lost. OST between Uxbridge Town and Porg Parry, on Thursday, Aug. 10, a Gent's ack Waterproof Coat with Cape : ' Believed to have been lost wil . of ort Perry. The finder w ; rewarded by leaving the same at the 3 of this 5 PP \ORLEY CRANDELL. Port Perry Ang. 18, 1 9, % a of two mi wma, how ean you preter] LOSE, Strayed or Stolen. shablily dressed Julius g UA 7 and handsome brother ¥ simple. Your brother himself and Julius with Status Fixed. § B and appearance Lut is lar, small white tip on tail. front teeth, hus a white Perry. > RICHARD WATSON. Epsom, Aug 21. 1393, , considerable property.' 'wag no poet. YELLOW TERRIER DOG from the St. Churles Hotel Sheds, Port Perry, 'his dog greatly resembles a fox in color and has a spoton the breast. and careful attention, - ~~ ISAAC J. WHEELER Port Pervy, Aug, 16, 1503 So Ww Energetic. men ean ABU. --icady employ men " salesmen. pa Smiploy Pn unidsome outnt and 1 a boneft of a nd | us | B6 a Res Any person or persons found detaining hi : AES, ok ou | ore in ot yy ta dnd we will Brow] ator vine dure wily be praseniod soteding [aS ayo faccurigand retaining salesme Hotter 100d nar medicine woud stay. on my a poet or not.' to luw. Any intelligence coucerning him EE Ri orate Ti trim wil Tier. Saas EE v BER and | onc : Tine on oo y le of o anything? may be left at the Opskrvem Office, Port fast yan ONE & WELLINGTON. | one box of Burdook BIT and they B.5. jana completely. Mrs. 8. B.-Syirm, Elnisdale, Ont. Ripans Tabules are of great value. Toronta, Ont, Ripuas Tabules for torpid liver, RR Tea ~ a