PER an pe ET LL, ghts than Right Our Mista kes jo Maxims. $M YEAR, NO. 30} Western Bank PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONT. a Se AnaDa +7THE BIG FA on ineral resources of the country. padding section comprises an area of puare feet, and fs on the main floor, the central aisle, extending back woods. One' pecularity about this exhibit is that the train was not built for exhibition purposes, but is an exact type of the regular trains on the Canadiafi Pacific Railroad. Professional Cards n and idence | * §\R CLEMENS, Physician, § Chicago Papers' 0 Never taunt with past mistakes. ' Office and . { ' Our Exhibits the Town Hall, Port Perry: slephione in Office it. 2, 1890: R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University ; M.B. Toronto University; ember' or the College of Physi Ont. ol Accoucheur. Pp cians and tiate thie DR. B. 0. McDOWEL NUCCKSSOR TO DR. HAMILL, D., Master of Surgery, Victoria Uni- M. versity; Licentiate of Royal College bf Physiaus, London, Eng. Yous of Physiciuns & Sargeon Member of Col- 8, Ontario, -- ate attendant of Soho Hospital for Diseases Hf women, and of Great Ormond Hospital fr Diseases of Children, Loudon, Eng. Physician, Surgeon, &e, Offce hours--8 to 10a, m., 1 to 4 p. m,, #hid evenings, 3 Office and residence, Dr. Humill's old atddd: Queen St, - - FORN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Notary ¢) Public, Couveyancer, &ec. Solicitor Ur the Ontario Bauk, #4 Office over the Ufitario Bank, Port Perry. Jun, 29, 1887. E. FAREWELL, L. L. B., County ! Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- Eitor, &e., Notary Public and Conveyancer, a wing Court House, Whitby, tit: X UNG SMITH, L L. B., Barrister, + Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery dnd Thsolvency, Notary Public, &e _Office--MoMian's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. ~~ RE SER J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, fiow putting in Upper and Lower Sots of Teeth at from 4 T0 $75 EACH SET. aving just purchased the largest Btock of tooth ever brought into North Ontario Tam dtistied I can snit you both as to quality nd price. Come and see. Rooms in the Hind Block, over Messrs, Forman & Son's ore, SGI RS Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1891; Veterinary Surgeon. YHE undersioned having completed is full Course at the Provincial Veterinary ained a Diploma as Veterin- ould announce that he has actice of his pro- 11 calls personal r by nigh Jollege and obi Ary Surgeon, Ww pened an office for the pr: font Port Perry, whereal y letter or telegram, by day of Will be promptly attended to. All diseases of animals treated in tlhe atest and best known systes #ar Telephone connection--free of charge. ORR GRAHAM. Port Perry, April 8, 1884. ec ROBSON, V. 8. _¢ YRADUATE Ontario Veterinary, Col- x lege, Toronto. Office and residence ex Corrace, two miles south of Manohester, 14 years practice; Tele- hone in the house--free communication ith Port Perry, Manchestér, and elevator, Telegraph calls to Manchester will be for- warded by telephone, All Veterinary Medicines in stock. LV ERGR. y beopemomme} oo : North Ontario Observer. A Weekly "Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper, 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. BY H. PARSONS, hsequent , pot live Dela 6 lines, Lig! annum containing money, when ad #nd charged accordi cupy, Advert and charged accordingly. oS een out wat {0 \ OF CANADA. Port Perry Agency. | 'GENERAL acted. _ § ). 5 gi . ittle Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing rash, by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Mr. RICHARD Birks, the well-known Druggist, 207 McGill st., Montreal, P. Q., says: I have sold Ayer's Family Medicines for 40 years, and have heard nothing but good said of them. I know of many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's BSarsaparilla, one in particular being that of a little daughter of a Church of England minis- ter, The child was literally covered from head to foot with a red and ex: ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years; in spite of the best medical treatment available. Her father was in great distress about the case, and, at my recommendation, at last began to ad- minister Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bot- tles of which effected a complete cure, od ut the ent ¥ calenlated and credited to each depositor semi-annually. W. McGILL, * MANAGER. Port Perry, April 4, 1888. DAVIDJ ADAMS, BANKER AND BROKER. Good Note Discounted. Has any amount of Money to Loan At 65 per cent. on good Mortgages. INS URANCH effected at the Lowest Rates in Good English Companies. much to her relief and her father's £2 Agent Allan Line of Steam-| delight. I am sure, were he here to-day, he would testify in the strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, willcureyou ships, Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1889. HE Subsoriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 6 PER CENT. #ar Also on Village Property. £37 MORTOQAGES BOUGHT. WR HUBERT L. EBBELS, Batrister. Office next to Ontario Bunk Port Perry, May 10, 188% 'WM, GORDON, : 1 a Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator &c. OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, 4 Sx i { Scott, Thorah, Mara, Rama, Mariposa Ih z 7 and Eldon + Y" Purtiescutrusting their Sales to me may vo '% rely ou the utmsot attention being given to beir intrest, £m WM. GORDON, LIVERY STABLE. BARTILY thanking the public for the H liberal patronage received during the | many years 1 have kept a Livery Istablish- | mentin Port Perry, 1 have mich pleastire in announcing that I. have removed MY LIVERY! To MY NEW PREMISES Writes Postmaster J. C. Woonsox, Forest Hill, W. Va., "I had a bron- chial trouble of such a persistent' and stubborn character, that the doctor pronounced it incurable with 6rdinary medicines, and advised me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 1 did so, and one bottle cured me. For thé last fifteen years, 1 have used this preparation with good effect whenever I fake ® weit gallery, Canadian flags and WONDERYOL WOOD DISPLAYS! wo | Never allow 8 request to be repeat- | 8 § ed : YS ve a gala day appearance to this resting section, Upon entering central court tho visitor is ir a interested by the great pyramids ks representing the yield of that fighotrt Canada since it | the far western Pro- A GENERAL SURVEY Someruing SHown IN Ev PARTMENT. The Chicago Herald prints tlie foll orip Canada's _exhibl : since 640,000: 1if the banner Pro- vince iio extensive deposits of gold quartz aig being Worked, largely by Ameri gan capitalists; and here theoutput is estimat- ed at nearly $1,000,000 annually. COAL AND ORE SAMPLES. deposit Canada. Each big building contains a com- prehensive exhibit, iostalled according to the best methods that could be employed to make it attractive, Possessed of resources so nearly similar to those of this country that but slight distinction ean be drawn | The samples of coal from British Col- Canada bas been animated by the spirit of | ymbia show the exdeileiit Gaality; both competition more keenly, perhaps, than any | anthracite and\ bitumas, of the inexhaust- Ogher nation represented at Juckson Park. | ule coal fields 4f'the Pacific Province.-- Sho has given specinl attention to the display Black disnionds are also taken out in large of her agricultural products, tpou Which | uantities in the Province of Nova Scotia, Sho lias vot neglect- | oud the sparsely ooled dud illimatable areas Of farming lanfl in the gredt northwest broad domain, as ean be seen in the Mining | of the Dominion have a plentift]l supply of she prides herself most, od, either, the treasuries hidden beneath hey Building. The same conscientious endeavor to do herself justice has been manifested | | everywhere in the exposition, and the result has been most satisfactory to the visitor. Jroat care luis been taken by the Do- | minion official to properly present che dis- play in the Agricultiral Building, A b aatiful court, covering 7,000 sqfiare feet and raising 25 feet from the floor, stands a model of its kind on the north side of the It is surmounted by a hand- some trophy, and by a large stuffed deer The which surrounds the court on four sides is centre aisle. from the Rocky Mountains. ¢hrtain made entirely of grain and straw tastefully | and aitistically arranged: | DISPLAYS BY PROVINCES. At the west corner of the court, Ontario, the banner Province of the Dominion, has a large and tastefully arranged display, A handsome pavilion, made entirely of cereals and grasses from the Ontario Government | Agricultural College at Guelpn, is admiréd by all visitors, jars constitute a beautiful trophy, Which The dis- play of grain and ereals from the Province Samples of grain in glass rises to a height of fully 25 feet. of Quebec, is one of the most beautiful in| the section. An interesting feature is a magnificent trophy of Cavadian tobaceo. There is also a preity showing of maple sugar aid syrop, which are two staple pro- ducts of this Province. The display of graiug and otereals from the great n 'areas of tife Northwest sgo? spality and x er? inion, There is also & spitiuest exhibit furs and staffed birds, which 4dds largely to the Attractiveios? of the Maritime Provinces of the Dominion show splendid exhibits of éeréeals and grains, Across the aisle from the handsome agricul: tural court is a second court containing ex- hibits of ales and beer. Heres the mam. moth @dadian cheese, which attracts gencral attention. There is" also a display Opposite thé Railway Station whee from largely extended premises and jpereased facilities for business the public oan be accommodated with safe and desirable RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES. R. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, July 21, 1886. A Bad Cold, and I know of numbers of peopls who keep it in the house all the time, not considering it safe to be with- out it." #1 have been using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for 30 years, with he most satisfactory results, and can cheerfully recommend it as being espe- cially adapted to all pulmonary com- plaints. I have, for many years, made pulmonary and other medicines aspecial study, and I have come to the conclusion that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral occupies a position pre-eminent over other medi cines of the class.'<Chas, Davenport, Dover, N. J. H. McCAW, . ISSURR OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont, Port Perry, Dee: 19, 1853, Scientific American r of biscuits, cheese, mineral ad éréated hams and a fine exhibit of In the annex of the Agricultural Building Canada has a large waters, bacon, Cenadian whiskeys. display of agricultural machinery. T. Canada has outdone her mother country WERE GO¥TON 18 Akt in the neat and pretty curtains she has around her section in the Manu. The west side of Colimbia aveite, With Great Britain on thé nofth, Dennidrk on the sonth, and Belgium on the east across the avenue, Every foot of 16,000 square feet of space is crowded with manufactured goods from all parts of Canada. There are a great many lines of manufactured products in the Cana erected factures Building. section is on the | excellent | the purpose of making armor plates for im- coal. The Province of Nova Scotia! makes a poor show of coul samples despite the fact that - she has some of the greatest coal avens on the contivent. The ghoWingof nickel and nickel ore from theSudbury district of Ontario is one | which Na atfracted universal atteiition, not | only of mining experts but of naval officers, | The quality of these ores can best be in- dicated by the result of the recent tests made by the navdl departinents of Great Britain, France, Germany and the United States; fi wibeh Capadian nickel was found to have the greatest power of resistance, and was by all means the most stiitable for proved wir vessels. The display Which Canada makes in the Hortienltaral building is oné of the most | ive in that dopart- | » are three Canadian | important and attrac ment of thie fair, The courts devoted to fruit; vegetables and wine | oxhibits,. Ah interesting feature of this | splendid display of fruit is that Candda tot | exceld if #he variety and quality of Jthe | harder fruits peculiar to a northern gountry but her pears, peaches and the small fruits fron Western Ontario are of that firm, juicy character which at once places them in the first grade of fine fruité. Although the destruction of the cold storage ware house has greatly impared the exhibit Canada had in fruits of last year, oven yet iy Hoh by the jurors of awat ds, The Province of Onfario has a large ex- hibit of over 500 plates, embracing 38 var- feties of apples in a fresh state and'1,400 | mente 1 bottles of various kinds of preserved fruits/ fruits fiom tthe Government Central Kx- perimental Farm at Otfawa. The Province of Quebec has been more successful than #ny of the other Proviuces iu keeping up a there are over 70 varieties, Nova Scotia's display of different varieties of apples from the famous Annapolis Valley is beyond orftivisty. The exhibit from British Col- wmbia attracts much attention because of the immense size of the apples avd pears. There is also a great variety of the smaller fruits. Prince Edward Island, the North- west Territorics and Manitoba have all ereditable In tho Vegetahle court in the north pavilion is displays of smaller fruits, display of last year's vegetables, contri buted by all the Canadian provinces and the @overnment Experimental Farms of the Dominion. vegetables in the Department of Hortieul- This is the only exhibit of Tn the contre of the éourt is a display of that I should obey my husband. display of fresh winter apples, of which] og to giep forward. Never both be angry at the same time. ¢ Never meet without a loving wel come, Let self-denial practice of each, Never In the Forestry Building Canada occupiea 3,000 square fect, situatod on the main aisle and south of the central exhibit. Lhe space is divided between the Povinces of Outario, Queheo, British Columbia and the North- west Territories. The Dominion has a large colleotion of photographs of living trees, con ributed by the Geological Survey Museum he duity aim and another either Neglect the whole world beside men, builders, wood and cabinet 'workers, {i 4 than one another and the birch, beech, "cherry and other fine . le of brilliant polish attract pinch admivation, © Frohd the Pacific slope the magnificent specimens of Douglas fir and cedar hand-split shingles, two feet wide, of fir and spruce planking four iiiches thick, 100 feet long, and free from knots, are marvels. : Let each one strive to yield often- woods cape 3 oa * most to the wishes 8f the other. Never make u remark atthe ex pense of the other--it is meanness. Nevet part for a day withotit loving four féet wide, and, if necessary, : par 2 8 words to think of during absence. Quebec exhibits pine and 'spruce in great Never find fuult unless it 1s perfect- variety. In the middle of its space is a trophy of pulp wodd. In it are shown the various stages of manufacture, from the tree ly certain that a faalt hag Leen com- mitted, and always speak lovingly. > in the foujh to the pulp in long sheets, ands For a sluggish and torpid liver, finally, the useful articles inade by this iu- | nothing can surpass Ayer's Pills. They durating process y : a contain no calomel, nor any ihineral - { drug, but are composed of the attive of best cathartics, and their use always results in marked benefit to the patient. Malarial and other atmospheric in- principles the vegetibla flubtites hfe best counteracted by keep- ing the blood pure and vigorous with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A little caution - Translating It. in this respect: muy prevent serious ill- at this parilla is the best all-the-year-round ness season. Ayers Sarse- Baron Bowse once was judge where wedicine in existence, the accused understand could only --- J ; Irish, and an interpreter was accord- Widow's Catechism. ingly sworn. The prisoner said some- thing to the interpreter, and the latter The London Smart Society recently i brought on the new "Widow's Catech replied ; PR oi vA ; ism," supposed to be from the pen of What does he say,' dbhiatided the Mr. Willinm Mackay. It goes thus: judge. hi ; Q. What is the chief cod ofe the| Nothing, my lord. { ° How dare you say that when we widow 1 01 hi m 8 Ar 1 ) P, si vas i A. To mourn for the departed and BY. JeRId im Com s 8, what wag it] 'My lord,' said the interpreter, be- to pray for a successor. ginning to tremble, 'it had nothing to Q. Who are yout bitterest enemies! | 1 . . . 1 wi » case.' A. Marringealle maidens. do withthe cnse. +1f you don't answer I'll commit you, sir. Now, what did he say ¥ ¢ Well, my lord; you'll excuse me, Q. What are your most hated garden products 1 A. Weeds, but 1 id. Whe's tl xy . ut he sai § y Q. What are your favorite flowers 1| A gs t at ould woman, with the red bed curtain round her A. Orange blossoms. itt there? } sitting n @ Q. In whom nrg your hopes of con- 108 3p agre mas a At which the court roared. yg § ch A hy aa si nit , What is your favorite litera! g : . The marriage service. Q Do yol believe in all its enact- yo y yy s the ould boy that's going to hang yez! -- Nature provides a remedy for all Dr. Willinms' Pink | Pills, women have a remedy for all Sup- | ous headaches, etc., speedily yield to| | erer | diseases and in gave that which ordains A. In all, Lo ai those ills peculiar to their sex. A Disability. pressions, bearing down pains, nerv- The applicant for a pension was ask-| their treatment and restore the suff to perfect health. Try them. Sold ly | 'You have applied for a pension r by all 'dealers or sent on receipt of 50) addressing Dr. Williams' Med. Co, Brockville, Ont ----eeetl-- A Farmer; but No Jay. § | said the examiner. 'Yes, ¢ Were yo in the army? price (50c or six boxes for 82 by sir.' «Of course. « What were you, officer or private T' | you, P 1 t Sutler, sir.' 'Oh! Well, what is your claim for certain baker in businedy in a ' of small town in Normandy obtained bis (supply of butter from a farmer in the | neighborhood. a pension ¢ Rheumatism, contracted in the ser- One day he discovered vice, sir. CAlr| What's the cause of it? (Th& galdiers of the éonipany ducked i f that the pats, which were supposed to weigh three pounds each, were not up E A AN Who finds his | ulties dull or his physical powers flagging, should: tak PrrLs. They will restore his [ot energies, bo physical and mental. . " shonld take them, EVERY WOMAN mnie pressions and irregularities, which itabl sutail sickness when neglocted. ER should take these Prrrs, [1 They will cure tho yes gilts of youthful bad habits; ind strengthen the system, YOUNG WOMEN make the regular, ; For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon receipt of price (50c. per box), by addressing THE DR, WILLIAMS gl 2, Frocks should take them. These PiLus will A Mendacious Spirit. r The other night a reckless: Denvety skeptie attended a spiritulist ond, materialist dieeting, and in the cou.88 of the évening, nsstiming to be fuithful; he sought an interview with his father. The medium being willing; the father, wppeared. This conversation follow: ed: 'How are you, father? Are yoil happy in the spirit world * Yes, my son, happy.' » * And how is my poor, dead sister, Jane 7 ¢ She, too is content and happy.' t And is poor brother Jim Lappy toot' ¢ Yes, my boy ; he enjoys the spirit world.' ) There was a moment's si'ence whet the skeptic broke out with : ¢ What makes you lie so, father? I nover had a sister Jane or a brother Jim. As a truthful spirit you are not in it. This broke up the meeting. ein Thousands are suffering from : work of brain and body, cares of life, resulting in a tired feeling, wasting of, flesh and loss of energy. Td these, Oelery rou Pills come as rest, recup- eration resulting from restored nerve force contained therein Druggists Price 050 ots], The Celery Pill and dealers, or mail. six boxes for $2.50. Toronto, Ont. Coached too Well. Co., The six year-old son of a family liv- ing on seventy-second stréet was in- that the call in formed the other morning [rector the. } began to coach him in his catechism, wns expected 'to afternoon. After luncheon the mother his name, age, etc, "He will ask your name," she said, 'and you wust tell him 'Frankie Jones." IThen he will ask your age, and you ; CAVEATS, TRADE MARK & Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Prompttoact,suretocure dian "court which will compare favorably with those of the older; more populous and more pretentions manufacturing couhtries: The cotton king has been at work in the i fare at the Exposition. Bb IN THE TRANSPORTATION BUILDING. Eunddi's exhibit fn the Machinery Hallis | to the standard, and further examina | must say 'Six years old in June, He tion we in 1ce'cold water, sir, for charging ted en v agri i » revealed a steady diminution in i 5 a 0 » y four prices for everything, sir, and ['ve A A y will ask you who made you and you the daily provision. At last the baker | just say 'God,' and » then if he asks been sufferer every day since, sir, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, Letters dressed 45 this Office, pre-paid and registered will "be at our risk, 5 Advertisements easured by Nonpariel, to the spade they oc- Ta lo pi paid nd left with Messrs. Ml 2 undersign J ey 3,1 DESION PATENT he COPYRIGHTS, etc. i} Ho W, For Inforifition and free Handbook write to For Over Fifty Years. oh AD his Ih SORE: Mrs. Wixstow's SoormiNag Syrup had Ev Aeihees taken out be A is ie nt: bofors | been used by millions of mothers for their the public by anotice given free Scientific American children while teething, vight and broken of your rest by a sick elild suffering and crying with pain of Cut. ting Teeth send at once and ge Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the a iS y Fa, world. ently hNRerALed A ihieiigone | ** Mrs. Winslow's Soothing = § rup" for Din should de without ft, WWeekls 310% | Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. it, [t cures Diary 1.50 8:6 months. ha oki 8 361 5. WM. SPENCE, way, New Yi Bim, if paid-in: 3 and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the 1 a ¥ 2B badder Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone tiation for Joss than six months ; and no | Township Olerk, Commissioner, &e. aud onergy to the wile syns em. oontinued until arrears are paid up. | jg prepéted to'Loan any quentity. of Mone Ainsley . Lo ing Syru or childre "maton of Ad . 2 Ti p RO | easant to the taste and is the SNR 2 Raton of Adveritungs Fon Lay proved, Farm Security at 6 and ee rT ation of one of the oliteat ni vest For each line. first insertion $0 08 | cent: 1. female physicians and nurses in Unite % 0 02] Al kinds of Conveyancing executed with | gy tog. Pye twenty-five certs & bottle. neatncss and dispatch. Office--One door Ww! Manchester. chester, April 11, r. SWAT, Licensed Auctioneer R THE COUNTY OF DURHAM.-- Satisfaction guaranteed and terms Sold by all druggists throughout the world Be sure and ask S00THING SYRUR." Ripans Tabules : a family remedy. Ripaus Tabules cure colic. Ripaas Tabules : for liver troubles. Ripans Tabules prolong life. HorLoway's PiLis.--lmpurities o i ost of Town Hall, 1888. and residence at Cesarean. Orders oore Bros., Blackstock, t attention. will receive prom LBS N & "made for selling for ri ORRIN ned is prepared to phstuve & on his farm) near 'number of , eX 1 and there e applicable to all. Id, robust or delicate. They ar 'young or 0 If disturbed at t a bottle of Depend upon mothers, there is no mistake about it. hoea, regulates the Stomach for 'Mrs. WinsLow's the Blood.--To ensure health it is abeolutely necessary that the fiyids and'| solids of the human -body "shiould be kept free from those impurities which are continually getting admission to into the system by erroneous living, anwholesome atmosphere or disordered stomach. The only safe and.certain way to expel all impurities is to take 'Holloway's Pills, which have the 'power of cleansing the blood from all noxious matters, and nt the same time removing Any irregularities which reen! FR re 0 ing whter ruil [their pesence may 'have already Lo throdgh i lds. Charges modératé | duced in any organ. Holloway's Pills «cents por head per south. Apply at) expel all humors which taint or im- ESTING WM REAR pos erish thé blood, which they purify snd invigorate and give general tone. alike-- Dominion, and in two long, well-finished I hativé Wobd cases are most tastefully ar- ranged wady of the products of the Cana dian cotton mills; Cotfor fabrics of all located at the west end of the centre floor, fnimediately opposite that of Great Britain. RVhilo this exhibit has many features of Hoculinr interest to visitors, many finpor- ut lines are absent and a nulibér of the kinds are shown, and textile goods occupy Tweeds, meltons, braids, silk thread and carpets are also extensivell exhibited. Gloves, hosiery, under-wear and ready-made clothing are tastefully arean, prominent place. 4 in glazed cases made of Canadian elm, birel and sherry, Two very pretty cases are fill od with specimens of women's work fi different parts of the Dominion: There 2] also a creditable éfhibit of sole and hgrness | engines, steam igh speed engines, fire engines, water od tracted special attention: ledther. Scales, stoves and holld water heaters, horseshoes, : | meuse array of like articles meet the eye in every direction. An exhibit of circular and whether in this department Canada is su f | shoes occupies a prominent position." INDFAN EXHIBITS BY INDIANS. very interesting and instructive exhibi made by the Department of Indian Affail at Ottawa, Government Indian schools in the distant northwest of Canada, These young peopl daily purfue their rcutine work just as they "were at home in their schools. Al around are the products of the civil Indian--grain that he has sown, tilled an harvested, flour that ho has ground, root and vegetable that he bas plinted dnd care he has skilfully put together, and sampl of the work of the school children of thes Indian tribes under the guardianship of civil Government. There are also man, cutios of the warpath, the hunt and trails ; The display which ji 'the Miuing Building re i oo stove polish, {ig screéns, rivets, spades, shovels and an im-| band saws of almost every pattern has at- tracted much attention, and it is donbtful passed. A creditable display of boots and At the west side of Canada's spacé is a NE Here, with the teachers, area number of Indian boys and girls from thé for, manufactured goods of wiany kinds that} 4 Canadian exhibit in 1 consists of car cotplers and chilled ca: r which Cauda is noted, Ther ding constructed across 01 thumberlund. eted will shorten the ocdan trip betwee, Nova Seotia. The exhibit of ca 13 boats, snow-shoes, toboggan, f a world-wide reputation. In tl the Transportation Building i dard trai of the Cavadian Paci rgest manufactures are not represented at There isn good display of antomatic injectors and exhausters, hecly/and working machinery of every description. The display of woodworking hinery is one of the finest at the fair.-- The exhibit of brickmaking mnchines has ansportation ng is on the main centre floor aunex west gallery. A feature of the ex- semaphorés and headlights for hts and vessels, and a working model of e Chignecto Ship Railway, which is now the Straits of The work when com- s, Wagons, carts and trucks is fairly . Particular interest is manifested in plendid éxhibit of sleighs. In one of rts i a boautiful sleigh presented by 'of Canada as a wedding present to e of York and the Princess May. -- - magniticent display of Canadian nship. The display also includes a hibit of sporting and pleasure canoes, Canadas, as the home of ithe sports. , entirely of Canadian manufacture, * a¢ wade from native Canadiin lodged a formu! complaint against the { JR . = Er -- | farmer, and the affair was brought Sropikics before the local conrt. * Have you scales! enquired the magistrate, PEER 'Yes, Monsieur le Juge,' was the I Land traction engines, compound marine reply. v * And have yoo any weights con tinued the judge; AM answer given, * But how did you mannge to weigl your butter akked the magistrate 7 a 3 Both the méthod and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts ently yet prompily on the Kidneys, fiver and Bowel, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- | aches and fevers and cures habitual 0 ONE r e had uscd them as weights for hi Latter, "lt is his fault, not mine, i the weight is not correct," added th in farnier, who wag speédily acquitte ontreal; | Que : constipation. Syrup of Figs is the LR ! Lie a Ro ai oly at Pa I ro- |and left the court in triumph with an{he ean avert the dunger i a fe ee New York by hundreds of miles, to the taste and ac | escort of friends and admirers. Since | minutes, ; ¥ ay ceptable § , prompt in | this trial the farmer is suid to have ret avoiding dangerous shores of beneficial in its | been supplied with more thin his due Inspiration Necessary. PP its action and truly effects, pre pred only ) healthy and agreeab esubstances, its man excellentqualities commend it to all and bev {male it the most ular rem nown. » yrup of Figs is for sale in 70¢ bottles by all leading. druggist re from the most | provision of bread ; but he has take: pot al' ounce more. --_----t From India's Coral Strand. this time in the negative was promptly Then the farmer related that evef} since the baker had taken his butter he had roturned the compliment by buying lis bread. The baker supplied him with three-pound loaves, and be good care not to fall into the opposite error, and the baker has now his three- pound pats of butter, full weight, but [what he made you of you must say 'Dirt.' The rector came, and sure enough fhe asked the little fellow his namey, whereupoon Frankie shouted, 'Frankié - Jones, 6 years old in June, God, dirt] ul in one breath. a Bleeding at the Nose. The only reliable remedy for bleed: ling at tlie nose is to move the jaws This has been known for years, but a modern fad has made it much more easy to adhere to the pre, 1f a person who is suffering * rapidly. séfiption. from severe hemorrhage of this chars neter will chew gdm viciously for & mi ly cease, and it is important for him to fl keep some gum in his pocket so that ¢ l'when the feeling of fullness which pre- d | gedes the remewnl of attack comes on, nute or two the bleeding will entire | 5 "8 What perfectly lovely children's. stories you write, Mr. Seribewm | How do you ever do it ? asked Miss Gusher. « By locking them out of the room, . Miss Gusher,' replied Scribem 'aud Bil ing my ears With cotton." n | Any reliable qruspisg who may not | pg (RST have much pleasure in Sn Fay it on hand will procure it D orig hk wiieg aig Revere or Down With BE igheg | 15 monthx from diarrhoea, which came on . Electric Sromptly for any one who ¥ the | Breet ohildpirtd, previous th shih [iad sul | 81,55, $2.65, $3.70 ; k ' i ufactured sred ro rsome months | wos, : ? 3 or | eo it. only y We Lh by DE. Fowlers Extract of Wild ---- $10. Qualty remains - i berry. ANNIE M. GIBSON, Brilipatam, COUGHING LEADS. TO CO! unless stopped by Dr. Wood's N Pine Syrup. The bast cue Oblds ant Lung Trouble he a fic CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, N.X Ripans Tabules cure headache. Tipuns Tabules cure nausea. India. home tes 4 orwey gether. dry ferent styles; battery ild or 8 current. Less than * pe Ww. T. &CO.V