Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 13 Jul 1893, p. 1

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Savings Bank Department, Deposits receivad at the highest current 'rates. Interest calculated an oach depositor semi-annually. Be or Feb, 17,1801. . © DR.E. C. McDOWELL, SUCCESSOR TO DE. HAMILL, D,, Masterof Surgery, Victoria Uni- . versity; Linentiate of Royal Ogllege bf Physians, Londou, Eng, Member of Col- lege of Physicians & Surgeons, Ontario, -- Late attendant of Soho Hospital for Diseases bf women, and of Great Ormond Hospital for Diseases of Children, London, Eng. Physician, Surgeon, &c., _ Offlce hours--8 to 10 a, m., 1 tod p.m, and evenings, "Office and residence, Dr. Hamill's old stand. \ Queen SE, - - Port Perry. BIEL 1 Od SAE Ee hE OHN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Notary Publie, Conveyancer, &e. Solicitor or the Ontario Bank. #& Office over the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. Jan. 29, 1887. 3 E. FAREWELL, L. L. B.,, Count + Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- vitor, &c., Notary Public and Conveyancer, Office--South wing Court House, Whitby, Ont. rim ud YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Barrister, . Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery 4ild Tnsolvency, Notary Public, &o ; Office--McMian's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. J. A. MURRAY, Port Perry, April 4, 1888. DAVID J.ADAMS, PORT PERRY. BANKER AND BROKER Good Note Discounted. Has any amountof Money to Loan At 85 per cent. on good Mortgages. INSURANCE effected at the Lowest Rates in Good English Companies. I have been on the road for the past EZ Agent Allan Line of Stan | | Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1889. HE Subscriber is preparéd to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 6 PER OENT. DENTIST, how putting in Upper and Lower Sets of Teeth at from $4 T0 $75 EACH SET. teoth ever brought into satisfi price. , Oct. 28, 1801. Veterinary Surgeon. y lettor or telegram, by day or by nigh will be promptly attended to. {atest and best known system wa Medicines ins 4 ~ + Kveryreen Outings, |. is Jan. 2, 1888. £r Also on Village Property. AF MORTGAGES BOUGHT, HUBERT L. EBBELS, Offlde fioxt to Onideio Bunk. Port Perry, May 10, 1885. WILLCOX & HOLT Licensed Auotioneers #3>-== Having just purchased the largest stock of North Ontario Tato ed I can suit you both as to quality Come and see. Rooms in the Block, over Messrs, Forman & Son's COUNTY OF ONTARIO AKD TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGUT, A SPECIALTY. Sule Bills made out and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. HE undersioned having completed his full Course at the Provincial Veterinary College and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- #ry Surgeon, would auiiotinde that he has opened an office for the practice of his pro- easionat Port Perry, whereall calls personal Licensed Kuctionger, Valuator &e. OR te Townships of Brock; Uxbridge, Scott, Thorali, Mara, Kana; Mariposa | 056 of them afforded me any relief from All diseases of animals treated in the | pyitissentrusting their Sales to me may 'Zar Delophote bannection--free of charge' rely on the utmsot attentioh being given to ORR GRAHAM. LIVERY STA "RARTILY: thanking the public for the g liberal patronage received during the many years 1 have kept a Livery Establish. € L ROBSON. V. 8. RADUATE Outario' Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto. Office aud residence VERGREEN COTTAGE, two miles south of Manohester. 14 years practice. Tele- phone iu the house--free communication with Port Perry, Manchester, and elevator. Telegraph calls to Manchester will be for- by telephone. All Veterinary Family Newspaper, IS PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT: North Ontario Observer. Weekly Political, Agrienltural and ISSUER OF, . : MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. [night and broken of your rest bya sick Port Perry, Dec, 19, 1 "It is Easier to 'Mistake "PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OIF ONTA bi) oy 'WHIPCRACKS. 'in regard to cer- tain medicines performing cures, cleansing the blood, -etc., none impress me more than my own case. : Twenty years A POPPIN' JAY. ago, at the age Mrs, Whetherby--I married my husbasid of 18 years, Ihad | to reform him and I sticceeded. swellings come Mrs. Othertori--Similia similibus curan- | on my legs, ig which broke and Estelle--And are you going to leave me became rumn= | gs goon, Augustus? ning sores. Augustus--My love, I would willingly V1 10VdVSHYS To Our family phy ive 10 years of my life if I could stay gt siclan could do ongor, "But If I don't go I shall be fined me no good, and it was feared that the | sixhence for being late at our debating So- : | ciety. bones would be affected. Ab last, my in good old Soom, dear," sighed Widbw Jenkins, "if ohn had made a will, there wouldn't have Mother Urged Me been all this trouble about the property." tory Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three | 'Do the lawyers bother you 1 "Bother bottles, the sores healed, and I have not | me! They most worry me to death. 1 been troubled since. Only the scars. | declare, sometimes wish John hadn't remain, and the memory of tho ed." past, to remind me of the good WO Ayer's Sarsaparilia has done me. I now weigh two hundred and twenty | pounds, and am in the best of health. took the pledge. away up now, they sats You better believe it. ° » twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Bar- ing." gaparilla advertised in all parts of the United States, and always take pleas- Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & 0o., Lowell, Mass, Cures others, willcureyou sion!' verse advertising a patent houk and eye : Twinkle, twinkle, little star, T've discovered what you ore; You're & patent hook-snd-eye In the night-robe of tig &Xy. A restaurantk Dh | A Racking 'Cough sharpened to tackle tough steaks." Lockport, N. Y., says: three figures. "Over thirty years ago, I remember hearing my father describe the wonder- ful curative effects of Ayer's Cherry | never to point an empty gun at guy one. Grippe, which assumed the form of a | loaded. catarrh, soreness of the lungs, accom- used varions remedies and prescriptions. Miss Flatleigh is singing. While some of these medicines partially alleviated the coughing during the day, ! guls I Vould it vere imbossible. that spasmodic action of the lungs which Talking Dusiness, such nights, I was &nd had about decided to sit up all night in my easy chair, and procure what curred to me that I had a bottle of came in. coughing. In a few moments, I fell | asleep, and awoke in the morning ed to see you this evening and tel about it." tially. decreased the dose, and in two awhile." weeks my cough was cured." The daughter rose to go, but hesitated. Promptto act, suretocure | stay?" She blushed and started out. For Over Fifty Years, Mas. Winstow's Soormixa Syrur has | been used by millions of mothers for their | ef children while teething. If disturbed at! fled. ehild suffering and crying with pain of Cut- His Name. ting Tceth send ut once and get a bottle of « Mrs. Winglow's Soothing Teething. It will relic A young 1 cigas "had d Lest! had iA nae 4pon the case." prescgiption of one of the oldest an female physicians and nurses States. Price twenty-five cents a Lottle.! er, I never noti t." Be sare and ask for ** Ars. WINSLOW' =~Tit-Bits. S00THING SYRUP." Mamma Willie, it is time you were up. The birds dré all up long ago. Willie (droweily)-- Well, if 1 had t sleep in nest of sticks and straws like them, I'd get up early too.' aah aby quantity of Money | solids of the human body should be ty at 6 and 7 per| kept free from those iwpurities which PorLoway's Pius. -Impurities of tha Blood.--To ensure health it is abeolutely necessary that the tiuids and | ave contindnlly getting admission to unwholesome atmosphere or disordered stomach, The only safeand certain} = Seem Hollowny's Pills, which, have power of clennising the blodd fro noxious matters, and at the removing Roy irregulari their pescnee may ba i! duced in any organ. " {expel all humors | poverish the blood and itivigornte and. en They are applicable. toc pyduug ar old, robust or de | UDA 'Waated. neglect to @ census fi * How many "Johnson was pres low down before he W «He was that," "He's | "Away up? ocoupies a room | in the top story of a modern business build- "T am gléd to see you willing and ready he | to reform," said the temperance worker; ure in telling what good it @id for me, + suppose you were led astray? La? Bless your heart, no! Everybody else had to hump to keep up with me in the proces. "1 propose to sell my life dearly I" ex- olaimed the attacked stranger. "Is dot so; mine friend 1" whispered the highwayman, whose mask could not conceal his nose: "Und vat per ceft, vould you gif off for money. The tourist has come across this clever and a deuist, who gyioor aeighbocs, hinge fallen obit the latter should have a glaring anuounce- ment in his window to the effect: 'Teeth Dingley, Sr.--My son, I will have to put Cured by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. | & check to your reckless proceedings. Ding- Mrs, P. D. HALL, 217 Genessee 8t., | ley, Jr.--All right, pa, but it must contain Margaret-- You mustu't point that gun at me, Carry. You know mamma told you Pectoral. During a recent attack of La | Carry--But this one iaw't empty, ivs panied by an aggravating cough, I Fair Hostess--That is a difficult song | Herr Albrecht von Trombohn--Divvié » 7 A Detroit business man has a daughter wonld seize mo the moment I attempted | ,,/q 4140 a confidential clerk, and the confi. to lie down at night. After ten or twelve denial clerk has for some time been atten- tive to the daughter, but he has not--or had not a month ago--sufficient courage to come Nearly in Despair, | i" ic fbi, tongh the young woma; goodness knows, has never done anything to scare him off, for he is a ficst-class fellow 3 a in every respect. The other evening he was sleep I could in that way. It then oc- 05,0 a call, and about 9 o'clock her father Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I took" a) | "Ah, George," ho said, "how about that spoonful of this preparation in a liftle | deal we were talking about this afternoon ? ment in Port Perry, I have much pleasure in | water, and was able to lie down without | Did you see the party ¥ aunouneing that I have removed MY LIVERY! TO MY NEW PRFMISES Opposite the Railway Station ¢ly extended premises and increased facilities for business the public Ayer's Cherry Pectoral uy. can be accommodated with safe and desirable ERATE CHARGES. 3 R. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, July 21, 1886. | 7 #¥es, sir," replied George, "and 1 expect; you greatly refreshed and feeling much | ary dean," said the fd¥her, turning to better. I took a teaspoonful of the Pec | his daughter, "will you retire u few min- foral every night for a week, then grad | utes! (George~wants to talk business for "Why do I have to go?" she asked doubt ( "Beoanse, dear," smiled the father, "yod Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, | are nob interested. 'Why do you want to "Because, paps," she twittered, "I'd like to hear George talk business just once " Then George got red, and the father look- d at them both significantly, and the girk w spark, notorious for his conceit, yup" for | ag boasting in the presence of several gen- i 'e the POOT | tlemen about the conquests he hud gained redintoly. Depend ATS over the fomals heart, Look," said be, 03 it. | where's resent I had from my g the Ar c ] > bol m. "Mrs. | jig quality stamped upon it. Winslow's Soothing Syraph for children Aory nice gift," ied one of the teething 78 pleasant to the taste aud is the | sompany, "I pereeive your lady love even United | +Well,that's gneer," answered the boast- Sold by all druggists throughout the world. | "Look again," rejoined the candid ne. "The case is distinctly marked 'real calf )" into the system by erroneous living, ' nye ate dik f when even the wealthy are way to expel all impuritivs is to take a rake i f hol Mam D Sinday)--Yo told whi he 1 en So YORE: "Then I'd like to know what all this loud ] and me. Were Lhe is capable of yield eithpr {favor of ma says The B Hobe, { In earlier | pulsory. wanted mat marridge was cda- world-conquerors al for their armies and heavy! pemiahitivi were luid on a One int 'question which the not answer is this : 'these 3,000,000 bach- elors are single: defeon clioice rather than 4 fi] necessity 8 ecting the ability to The fastorss support a wife Bave Leen very much changed under the newer industrial and commercial 'eonditions. So great has become the competition for pluces among the higher pursuits and so lirge- ly have womien' come to fill positions once exclusively occupied by men, that the burean of industrial statistics show v larger and larger percentage of men | in these purssits whose incomes, from 3 heir point of view, hem to marcy. It is easy to scold the young men in | his matter--=quite as easy to find fault | with the young women who are looking yut for husbands 'with plenty of ready Bat there is nothing in the published census figures showing the erage earnings of certilin classes of workers which at all warrants the con :lusion that 'the majority of these 3,000,000 unmarried men remain single through wilfulness rather than what they deem necessity. ) NBII EAL. avin HosPiTAL As TRotURABLE-- His Mak- VELOUS RECOVE! From the New York Tribune. # You sey in the meah time. To For some time there has béeil an in Hospital] at 41§t and Park avenue. what period do. you refer 1. 'To house: telling of marvelous cures of various diseases. So retarkible are many of. the stories in their nature, that much | kis trouser leg and showed the reporter, doubt bas been aroused in the niinds|the scars of innumerable punctures writes :--*"1 have years with rhievmatism and vervolls restored me after all other : i of the masses as to their attlieftibity. continuing, he said : 'ip | If they are true in detail, surely the| ¢I must tbufels I felt relief for the, occupation of the physician is gone, time being and gained some hope Hi and there is no reason why anyoue| urgent business matters, however, com. should die of dnything but of old age. | pelléd me to give up the hospital treat", If they are not true, it would be inter-| ment, and it wa Uiit a short time remedies had failed." denlers or by mail at 50¢ per box or 6 Oo., Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, He-- What proof have I that you She--Proof ! Did I not dance with you at the Astorbilt vall 1 "Yes, but I don't consider that any proof of affection.' + You would if you knew how badly DY. HARTE'S will not permit | IRON PILLS ATIVE, TONIC, NERVE RESTORIN In all resperatory troubles such as spasmodié, cough, brofiehial irritation, phthisis, and asthma, Ovlery wIron Pills act as a heart tonic and of the red blood corpuscles, supplying nervous system,-- Druggists?and dealers, or mail, 50 cts., or six for $200. Uo., Totbnto, Out to form you what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People have done There is nothing tht so increases a | for. me. I have been cursed with b FZ = N ONE ENJOY Both the method and results when tem effectually, dispels colds, head- its action and trul effects; prepa poly healthy and agreeable many excellent to all and hav ular rem ¢ known. Any reliable CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. man's desire to work i turned away from Hospital, Forty-first street and Park wvenue, by Dr. Sequin, as incurable, | od to have discovered a relief for 1bed: Just when the coffee thinks it has good ground for complaint thd egg " Bo sure you get Ayer's" is an im- portant eaution to all in search of a thoroughly - reliable blood - purifier, Ayer's Sarsaparilla being the one on which there can be no manner of doubt. It has stood the test of nearly half a centuty; and kidd long been considered say they are bearable, and I expect by | Syrapof Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing £6 the taste, and acts ently yet prom tly on the Kidneys, Fiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- We went out fishing yesterday, And fished with care and thought; night we had a splendid mess-- MV hich some one else bud caught. aches and fevers and cures habitual nT ) constipation. Syrup of Figs is the Carrie--My manfma only remedy ofits kind ever pro- ing to the taste and ag- ceptable to the stomach, prompt In y beneficial in its from the most substances, its alitiescommend it made it the most Playmate--Then how is it that your father has so many! Carrie -- Becansé mamma Briggs--=What 4 pity it is that wife waits up for me il 1 get home, if it isn't Lill dayligh't. Braggs-- You are in luck, I think i pd of Figs is for sale in 75¢ bottles by all' leading druggists. ist who may not Mine always gets a good fiap, and theo when 1 want to go to sleep she insists have it on hahd will procure it sromptly for' any one wha wishes 20 try it. Manugc ured only by the on talking for three or four hours. ¢ Miss Antique refifses to tell her NEW YORK, N. ¥ | 18, it's odd isn't if other--' Noy have any ti Brood r, coffe oot nga jee and ; re 'snd want oe capital' is your gon developed direction Fond} 3500 Blamed if I know what's gettin', the matter with ine, draw my breath hdrdly at all here Tried a dozen different things does not seew lo He must be a 'How smooth- move along.' weer that a man t curs as these Nevertouch (cdtehing a whiff)--If I had it I'd try a corksérew. « What made you think the collec tion was taken up t6 get the ministe « Because so many of the congrega- tion put in, buttons.' i Puffer made af dwful mistake last y needed to en- gh the Blood, curing coming "What did he do? «Offered Miss Hightone a cigarette! « Did she get angty ¥ Mr. Tendertalk -- PFhis pudding. lice, is delicious, in fact it couldn't possibly be iniproved. Which do you mean the pie or the I a when broken Dy ty Saoeen os and indisore- They have & AcTioN on Edith took her grandmother, who has come on from Maine fog a visit, iuto the parlor and showed lier, the! all¢ ouaniwity they pronounced it | hinds. head of a lion dona in gray wade the picture apd is | Genudwa adjosted gazed adwmiringly at the drawing. g + You don't know what it is, Grand ly became nore severe and began to er spectacles 'Don't know what it is!' responded | on at intervals of about a month, und the old ludy, testily. Lived ona farm (pil ths prroxysms lasted I was in Commissi 4 ; ny $ insioner for Be Jes ag To knw a salfs almost incredible nusery, : [se L} 4 Ne bo pent upen ead when I sec it. Guess you aint dressing got n very high opinicu ED. ont {4 of your grand- at avery straw. Finall by Dr. Gill to go to specialist, Dr. Hamil MA Al 3 a "My condition cbntinued more critical and I was barely able t walk when I went to the. Manhatt Ny DeTalL creasing number of stories published continued treatment. there for six or ie 7 in the newspapers of New York Uity, | eight months, under Dr. Seguin, who { treated we chiefly, with injections." Here Mr. L'Hommedivu pulled up. esting to know how such testimonials | util I was as bad as ever. Frow this and statements are obtained. The on I grew rapidly worse. The paing first question that arises is, Are there | were more intense, ty legs were numb, any such persons? 1f so, were they aud I felt I was growing weitker i¥ eiys rédlly cured as stated, or are they | day. I returned to the hospital, and liberally paid for the use of the rl this time was under treatwent by Dr, names? The latter explanation is the | Seguin, He treated me for about one that no doubt suggests itself to the | thie months, and then, for the first, avernge thinking newspaper reader, | time, I was told that I had locomoter and ot withdut reason. ataxia snd was beyond the aid of It has long been the intention of the | medical science. Dr. Segui do told, Tribune to investigate one of the most | my wife that there was uo hope for we interesting cases that could be found |in the world and to expect my deatli and give the truth to the wor d as a [at any time. 1 was nowa couplets matter of news. An especially good | physicial wreck ; all power, feeling and opportunity for investigation offered { color had left nfy legs, and it was ime itself in the shape of the following | possible for we to feel the most Bevery letter, wliich came into the hands of u | pinch, or even the thrust of a needle, reportér from a most reliable source : "If my skin was scratched there February 22d, 1893. would be no flow of Llood whatever; and it would take it fully si% itis (a, heal up. In the night I would have to feel around to fiugrary legs. My 5 were e og and at 4 TLEMEN :--* I feel it my duty G (t tif dS } ve yell the Manhattan its effects, About five years ago learved that Dr. Cicot, of Paris, claim- and told I was in the list stages of the | miotor ataxia in suspending the body disease. I have been usiug the pills| by Ne neck; the object bring td with water treatment since September | stretch the spine. I wrote to Dr. last, and Leen improving since about | Lewis A. Sayre, of 285 5th Ave] November 1st. I can now go up and [about the matter, and at his request down staifd with the assistance of my | ealled to see him. 'iy wife, which is something I have not He was so interested in my case that been able to do for the past threo years. | he wade a machine, or rather a harness My pains have decreased so I may now | for we, free of charge. It was fitted with padd and straps to fit under the fill to be able to attend to business. | chin and at the back of the neck, and Yours, in this position, I would be suspended Sec'y Marthial § Smith Piano Co received no benefit from this treat- Residence, 271 W. 124th St., New | ment, I shall always feel grateful to Gro. L'HoMMEDIEU, | from the floor twice a duy. Althowgh [1 | York City. Dr. Sayre for his great interest and When the reporter eoalled on Mr. | kindness. aia George L'Hommedicu, it the redidence "So severe had my case Begome by of his cousin, Mr, Edward Houghtaling, this time that I could riot walk with- 971 W. 134th street, he found him re. | out assistance, and was almost ready, sting on his Ded; he had just finished | to give up life. Thad a great number some writing for the Marchal & Smith fof fiicnds who were interested in ray, Piind Company, with whom he has case, and whenever I read anything, / been counected ns secretary for tou | gestatuing to locomotor ataxia, they years. He met the reporter with a | would forward it to me with the hope i it would open the way to rédief.. that certainly did not show any signs 1 first of weakness or loss of power. To look | learned of Dr. Willingie' Fink Fills for hearty gréeting and a grip of the hand | #It was in this way htt at him no ove would suppose that he Pale People. Mr. A. C. Jumes, of the, had Leén afflicted for fifteen years with | (oll known piano firm of James & one of the most terrible diseases known Holsterm, 335 E. 21st St., with whom to medical science and pronounced iu- | [ hud business connections, read in fhe, curable by some of thé Lest known Alby Journal &% a case of locomotor, physicians of Now York City. He eX | tuxia that had been cured by Pink pressed his perfect willingness to giv | pills. Mr. James showed me the stafe- « statement of his case for publication. aiant and Girged ine to give the pills & «In fact," said Mr, L'Hommedieo, | vial. I confess 1 did not have the "I feel it my duty to give fy | Fxperi- least faith in their efficacy, but final! ence to the world for the benefit of my consented to try them. 1 sent to the. fellow men and all those who may be . uffering with tHe same affliction, many of whom, no doutt, have long ago abandoned dll hopes of ever being re Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. for ny first supply in September last. I took them rather irregularly at first with ; the cold water treatment. Tn a very, lieved. short time T was convinced that I was; «1 am 51 years of dige and was horn | ygieing Lotter and I began the dee of, in Hudson, N.Y. Iserved my tiwe thie pills in earnest, tukidg al y box every tive days. ' pany A, 21st NJ. Volunteers, and I a Br Rade Nas believe the exposure of army life was| if lod to the head and feet catsifif 3 the seed from which has sprung all my | stinging and pricking sensation. Feb, sufferings. It has been about fifteen 29d, 1893, 'was the first time in five : + . years 1 had ever seen any sign of blood years since I noticed the first sywptoniy | 7, uy feet, Krom this time on Fhe of my disease. The trouble began |gan to improve. My strength and ap- with pains in wy stomach for which I | petite have gradually returned ; I now could find no relief. I cousulted Dr have perfect control of my bowels, and rool +! the pnins have gradually left me, Allen, "of Yorkville, und sise D:. can sit and write by the hour and walk. Pratt, since deceased, and with remark. | up stairs by balancing myst 1 with ne Without doubt I ami a: ne mn from the ground up, and 1 have, in the army, Lefng corporal of Com Edith} riokers' i i § 3 il smokers' dyspepsia, This seemed pro- every. reason to bulieve that I will be: buble, for nt that time 1 was a great | 0 "00 hearty in less than six nthe 7 smoker. The pains, however, gradual: on LHominnit : hi B. L'HouuED! Sworn to before we ths ax te lim! The attack - extend to my limbs. ie attacks cam Mh i Sars, 1833 I did not leave n single stone unturn-| 4, 0 having , él in ny search for relief, but grarped pfedfén v

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