Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 Jun 1893, p. 1

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BLISHED EVERY THU 37TH YEAR, NO. Professional Cards CLEMENS, Physician, Surgeon A cheur. 'the Town Hall, Port Perry. phone in . D.C. Victoria $ vig' of C te Catholic {fl Johr streets, opposite Ca hurch. Office hours--9 to 11 m.m., and 2 to 5 p.m,, dtid evenings. Port Perry, Feb, 17, 1891. en DR. E. 0. McDOWBHLL, SUCCESSOR TO DR. DAMILL, . D,, Master of Surgery, Victoria Uni- . versity; Licentiate of Royal College of Physians, Loudon, Eng., Member of Col- lege of Physicians & Surgeons, Ontutio.-- Late attendant of Soho Hospital for Diseades of women, and of Great Ormond Hospital for Diseases of Children, Loudon, Bug. Physician, Surgeon, &., Office hours--8 to 10 a, m., 1 td 4 p. m,, and evenings. Office and residence, Dr. Hamill's old stand. % Queen St., - - Port Perry. Ny an ee OHN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &e. Solicitor or the Ontario Bank, #&& Office over the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. Jan. 29, 1887. E. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Count ¢« Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- eitor, &c., Notary Public and Conveyancer., Jffice--South wing Court House, Whitby, * Ont, ee in YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Barrister, G. Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery and Insolvency, Notary Public, &e¢ Office--McMian's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, 'How putting in Upper and Lower Sets of ' § Teeth at from $4 T0 $76 EACH SET. Having just purchased the largest stock of teath ever brought into North Ontario Iam can snit you both as to quality Come and see. Rooms iu the , over Messrs, Forman & Son's Veterinary Surgeon HE undersioned having completed his _ full Course at the Provineisl Veterinary College and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- Ary Surgeon, would announce that he has bpened an office for the practice of his pro- jessionat Port Perry, where all calls personal y letter or telegram, by day or by nigh will be promptly attended to. AN diseases of animals treated in the latest and best known system gar Telephone connection--free of charge. OKR GRAHAM. Port Perry, April 8, 1884. LY 6G L. ROBSON. V. 8. RADUATE Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto. Office and residence Everareex Corrage, two miles south of Manohester. 14 years practice. Tele. hone in the house--free communication ith Port Perry, Manchester, and elevator. Telegraph calls to Manchester will be for warded by telephone, All Veterinary Medicines in or y . Evergreen Cottage, Jan. 2, 1888 North Ontario Observer. A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper, i ! dl 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. iontaken for less than six months ; and no paper discontinued until arrears are paid up. 3 Rates of Advertising: Por each line. first insertion .... Subsequent insertions, per line Cards. under 6 lines, per annum - Letters containing money, when addressed to this Office, pre-paid and registered will "be at eur risk. Advertisements measured by Nonpariel, and charged according to the space they oc- i. 80 vii 5 08 02 00 Advertisements received for without specific instructions. AE until forbid and charged accordingly. No vertisement will be taken out until paid or. A liberal discount allowed to Merchants 'and others who advertise by the year or These terms will in all cases be strictly ad- al TE Blank Forms, RSDAY. Trrus, --8§1 pe n, if | in advance; | iy vi will be charged No ne 30.4 Wester Bank RE ------ ETO i : ' ed " = Fo ae a Savings Bank Department, : Deposits receivod: at the highest cprrent ratés. Interest caloulated and credited to ach depositor semi-annually, W. McGILL, MARAGER. Port Perry, April 4, 1888. DAVID J.ADAMS, PORT PERRY. BANKER AND BROKER. Good Noté Discounted. Has any amotint of Money to Loan At 65 per cent. on good Mortgages. INSURANCE effected at the Lowest Rates in Good English Companies. EF Agent Allan Line of Steam- ships, Port Perry, Oct, 17, 1889, [(YHE Subscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 6 PER CENT. #7 Also on Village Property. £37 MORTGAGES BOUGHT, BA HUBERT L, EBBELS, Barrister. Office next to Ontario Bunk _ Port Perry, May 10, 1885. WILCOX & HOLT Licensed Auotioneers FOR THE COUNTY ? Valuators, &ec., &ec. REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. Sale Bills made out and Blank Notes furnished free of charge, Satisfaction guar. antee or no pay. Terms liberal, W. M. WiLsoox, Perer Hour, Port Perry. Manchester. Aug. 22, 1887. WM, GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Yaluator &e. ox the Towiighips of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Mara; Rama, Mariposa and Eldon Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmsot attention being given to their intrests. OF ONTARIO ' AND CARTWRIGHT, WM. GORDON, Sunderland. LIVERY STABLES. I EARTILY thanking the public for the lihetal patronage received during the many years I have kept a Livery Establish- ment in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY ! TO MY NEW PREMISES Opposite the Railway Station where from largely extended premises and increased facilities for business the public can be accommodated with safe and désivable '|RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES. R. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, July 21, 1886. H. McCAW, ISSURR OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883. esr ERAT ES Se Rrra Srientific Jmerican 8. Broadway, New Yn. SPENCE, is prepared to Loan any quantity of Money on Improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per cent. ust funds), 2 <All kinds of Gonveyanofug executed with neatness and dispatch. ee Office--One door west of Town Hall, Manches! i aanontor, April 15,1068. T. SWAIN, Licensed Auctioneer FOR, THE COUNTY OF DURHAM. -- JS" riod" re Office and resideicn at Crtaret. Orders essrs. Moore B ., Blackstock, Lo rp ---- (S da A On _ PORT PERRY, PRO ---- ~L "When | was a Boy," 'Writes Postmaster J. C. Woopson, Forest Hill, W. Va., "I had a bron- chial trouble of such a persistent and stubborn character, that the doctor pronounced it incurable with ordinary medieines, and advised me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 1 did so, and one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years, I have used this preparation with good effect whenever I take A Bad Cold, and 1 know of numbers of people wha keep it in the house all the time. not considering it safe to be with: out it." "f have been using Ayer's Cherry Pectiral in my family for 80 years, with the itibst satisfactory results, and can cheeffully recommend it as being espe< cially adapted to all pulmorary coms plaints, I have; fof many years, made pulmonary and other medicines a special study, and I have come to the conclusion that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral occupies a position pre-eminent over other medi- cines of the class."--Chas; Davenport; Dover, N. J. > Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co, Lowell, Mass: Promptto act, sureto curd Mrs. J. H. HORSNYDER, 152 Pacific Ave,, Santa Cruz, Cal; writes: _ "When a girl at school, in Reading; Ohio, I had a severe attack of brain fever. On my recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, and, for a long time, feared I should be permanently 807 Friends urged me to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and, on doing 80, my hair Began to Grow, and I now have as fine a head of hair as one could wish for, being changed, how- ever, from blonde to dark browns' " After a fit of sickness, my hair came out in combfulls, I used two bottles of " - Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair is over a yard long and very full and heavy, I haverecom= mended this preparation to others with like good effect.'-- Mrs. Sidney Carr, 1460 Regina st., Harrisburg, Pa. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for factory results: I know it is the best preparation for the hair that is made.' --0, T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. ' Ayer's Hair V For Over Fifty Years, children while teething. tight and broken of your rest Ly a sic tin " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Children Teething. it, mothers, there is no mistake about i ant Doethe tics Waa Cates spans the [the bedroows. ) Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone| ¢ Really, wa'am,' said Naham, brist) aud energy to the whole system. " Mrs. . ; Be sure and ask for *' SooTHING SYRUP," Seno We truth of commonplaces. Many children, many cares ; children, no felicity. BS, WiNsLow suit of personal heppiness. the Blood.--To ensure health abeolutely necessary that the tinids an kept free from those impurities whic stomach. The only safe and certei | Holloway's Pills, power of cleansing the blood from a removing any irregularities whic duced in any organ, expel all young oF old, robust or delicate." | ing distaste: several years and always obtained satis< u Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co. vigor Mrs. WinsLow's Soornise Syrup hae been used by millions of mothers for their If disturbed at child suffering and orying with pain of Cut- Teeth send at once and get a bottle of Syrup" for It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians 'and narses in United States, Price twenty-five cents a bottle, Sold by all druggists througheut the world. pass our lives in realizing the no There 18 a nobler use then the pur- FoLLOWAY'S PiiLs.=-Impurities of it is solids of the herman body should be are continually getting admission to intasthe system by erroneous living; unwholesome atmosphere or disordered way to expel all impurities is to take which have the noxious matters, and at the same time their pesence may liave alteady pro- Holloway's Pills humors which taint or fw- poverish the blood, which they purify ! o tar {nd? and invigorate and give general' tone. ' applicable to all ahi h They are appli ker) minute! sxid Nabww, gasping for x sans "Jt is Easier to Mists VINCE OF 0 THIS HOUSE TO There it was, most unquestionably --in fat; bldtk letters. Pe * This house to let--rud ng mista ke. 'about it either,' mused Mr. Br a4 stirring his cap of cold coffee and i 3 it sl ow holisekebpet stalked majestically in. In fact Mr. Briggs was a little afraid of Parley, but Mr, Briggs was resolved to break the baleful spell. "Mr, Briggs!" began the lady, sol- emnly, 'can I believe my eyes ¥ * Well, ma'am' said the old bachelor, | *I never heatd that anything was amiss with your eyesight.' * Is it possible that you have-posted a bill on the front of this house with- out consulting me ¢ Quiet so, ma'am,' tesponded Neakitim * And you intend--' 'To shut up shop--to close the establishment--to break up housekeep- ing,' said Nahum; "That's exactly my intention.' * Very well, sir, said Mrs. Parley If you will settle the trifling 1 grimly. question will take my departure.' Mrs. Parley withdrew, and Nahum of salary between us, was left to his own meditations, They took the shape of a species of war dutice; executed in the middle of the floor. 'Bravo ! bravo! Three cheers and a tiger." chuckled our hero. 'If ever slate 1 to that hatchet faced old wotnan, and now I'm free.' there was a Miserable have been one He stopped abruptly ; there was a ring at the door bell. A spectacled old lady stood on the steps, in @ shabby bombazine and furs that ooked as if they had grown on the back of some dessipated cat. ¢ This ere house to let ¥ "Yes, ma'am.' been ¢ Water pipes in order 1 Oellar dry? Paint now? Furnace work good }-- Roof sound! Cliandeliers go with the house? Possession right off I-- Neighborhood good 1 Methodist church anywhere near? Any oljection to children Ventilators in the rooms 1 Oheery closets off the dining roohi 1 'Ma'am I' ejaculated poor Nahum, fairly stunned by the torrent of ques- tions. ¢ What's the rent 'Twelve haundred dollars." ' Twelve fiddlesticks ¥ shricked the old lady. 'Why you $900; and I'll hundred must be crazy. Say look at the rooms.' *1 wont say anything of the sort.' 8a saying Nahum Briggs closed the door in the face of the old lady with the furs. Scarcely had the old lady got safely round the corner and Mr. Briggs re- ruffled faculties, when there came another sharp tintinnabula- covered his tion of the bell a languid young lady this time, with a stiff looking gentle man, who appeared engaged in holding on his mustache. With thia couple Mr. Nuhuin trotted to the véty top of the house and down agaiix. + Adolphus, my dear,' said the lady: ¢ Well, my dear ¢ Don't you think these ceilings are And then the back yard is 80 very small k very low 1 inconvenient, 50 And--T'm really' t. jafraid there are obnoxious insects in cause, if there isn't there's the front door! Two young damsels and a spinster aurt followed, and aftera lengthy in spectiofi of the premises came toa state council in the parlors. 1 like the house very much,' said tho spinster aunt solemnly, and with a few alterations I will engaga it for my Lrothers's family.' ¢ Very "good; ma'am,' said Nahum, rubbing his hands and seenting o speedy termination to his trials.-- 'Name 'én.' "Fhe door handles must all be gild- 's d I papered and repainted and the parti- tion between the putlots taken down and replaced by &n arch, and an ex- tension dining réom built out behind, and a bay window thrown out of the parlor, and a new style of range ™ the kitchen, and a dumb waiter put in, and new bronze chandeliers through. n 1 h | + old on, ma'aen--just hold on cre ° alte n until urped dnc Nahum Bi though he shabby it w Yet she - bloomed in wivid carmine, flower bells: As Nabam Briggs stood looking And thé dining room | ing up; 'is any other fault to find 1 Be- ¢d, and I should like the house new |j out, and another furnace in the sul~| & EOS Tn clover aril a' blue-eyed girl leaning over the ferice, "with her Lright hair barred | with sunset gold, and be knew that he | writes :--My be rather the trifling pretty, with big blue ng.bair, and checks ting- ed with a faint, fleeting €olor: Where roses of youth had once And the golden hnired little lassies who clung to her, dress were as like her as ting lily buds to full Lloomed her there eame back to him the sun- g shiny days of his youth--na field of a saddle, so you can turn the grind- Barbara blushed agaiti and hesitated but Nahum was not to be eluded. «Shall 1 take down the "to let, Barbara ? y d and even man and bachelor could see how very let. 'It you' is true only of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The motto suits the medicltié and the | medicine the niotto. What better as: | surance cotill you have that u remedy will cure yoti, than the fact that it has cured such nitlltitudes of others t has cured others and will cure Master Meadow--Pop, I wish you { would buy mea bicycle.' Farmer Meadow--Can't afford that, at | my boy ; but never mind, the next time | we have any tools to sharpen, I'll rig with your feet. William J. Witter, Franklin, Man,, sister had very poor | was standing fuoe to face with the girl | health for six or seven years, and look. bachelor all bis life long. dsked, tuhidly. I believe it is, Barbara Wylie.' flush of recognition. ¢ If you please, Mr. look at the house, Briggs; bredd, high? 'We'll talk about the rent after ward," said Naham, lump in higthront. Coie here, little girls; and! kiss me; [ used to know bigger thaw you are.' Barbara, "with her-blue eyes. stil withoat! finding a word of fault, and on the clover field. meek Barbara, me I 'Il you want it, fully. Barbara.' few bonrders 1 No! Bali bera stopped and looked wistfully at him; how very poor I ain, Mr, Briggs.' Me. Briggs, dictatorially, all your life if you once take him.' you Mr. Briggs,' said Barbara. a little fib, in his. * Barbara; my ite! whose blue eyes had kept him an old | She lookéd up, starting witha sudden | I will | box or six boxes for §2 I am a widow now, swallo ¥ing a big your maopna when she wasn't much drooping, went all over the house Nahum | Briggs walked st her side, wondering if it really was fifteen years since the Juve sunshine lay so brightly "I think the bourse is Leautifa!,' said 'Will you rent it to Well, yes, enid Nahum, thought- let you have the house if EWith the privilege of keeping a * But I don't think you understand STH tell you what, Barbara," said 'Tl give you the privilege of keeping just one boarder, and him you've got to keep 4] don't think I quite understand But one is rather inclined to think she told bachelor, taking both the sidow's hands I'll do ny. best to be a good husband to you if you'll be ¢. NEW YORK, N.Y ed as though she wera going to the grave. I got some of your Dr. Wil- | * This house is to let, I believe I" zhe | tiam#' Pink Pills and they completely restored her to health. » I regard them Beware of Muy be had from dealers [or by mail, post paid; &t 50 cents a 2.50, by address- | ing the Dr. Williams' Med. Oo., Brock- as a wonderful medicine. infitations. and very poor, and--and I think of} ville, Ont.' keeping a boarding house to earn my Mrs. Snipp--Young man, will this I hope the rent is not very, ticket take me to Chicago ! | Ticket Agent--No ma'am, but the train outside will. Take a Plebiseite. 2 | QHOULL a plebiscite be taken it would | 1D be fourd that Burdock Blood Bitters is | by long odds the most successful and popular cure for dyspepsia, headache, con. stipation, biliousuess, bad blood, ete. It is purely vegetable, She had been censured by her mother 1 for some small mischief she had been engaged in, She sat thinking it over for some time, and finally said in a thoroughly discouraged tone : thing I do is laid to me.' The Cholera Seare. Fear kills more than choléra: Severe diarrhea, purging, colic, cramps, etc., are often mistaken for choleraic troubles. A few doses of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry will remove both the disease and the teifor it inspires. 'Every- ARE NOT a Pur S gative Medi- RY cine. They are s Broop BUILDER, § Toxic and REOON- § sTRUCTOR, 88 they supply in a condensed form the substances ctually needed to en- @rich the Blood, curing all diseases coming from Poor and WAT- [=ny Broop, or from by overwork, mental worry, disease. excesses and indisore- tions. They have a SPECIFI). ACTION on the SEXUAY SYSTEN of Bboth men gud women, restoring IT VIGOR Wand oorrecting all B [RICGULARTITES BD BUPPRESSIONS 'Who finds his mental fac- EVERY . ulties dull or failing, or $What' do you say to me for ai 5 veioal powers Asgging, should take the boarder, Barbara f said thé -old | Prrs. They will restore bis lost energiod, both Physical and inental. EVERY OMAN should take thems They cure all sap. pressions and irregularities, which inevitably entail sickness when neglected. MER should take these PILLe. They will eure the re £ylts of yonthtul bad habits, and strengthen the system. YOUNG WOMEN malke them regular. For sala by all druggists, or will be sent upon geoeipt of price (0e. per box), by addressing * MED, CO. THE DE. WILLIAMS JED, 00 should take them. These Pitrs will List of Persons Assessed for Dogs and Bitches in the Township of Reach for the Year 1803. Name, g 4 0 £ UO 2 Am John Quinlan. ...... seni} 172% Henry E. Maypard .... 1 2 2 Wm, Stephens¥........ 1.831 John Porter. .......... 1 4° John Lumsden , vii 4 1 ethod and rogults when Richard Winacot ...... 1 bh 1 is taken; it is pleasant Luke Robinson 1-6 1 g to the taste, and acs Henry Bryant ; ; Fit guy DID tly on the Kidneys, A w Valent ue ¥ boo 8} owels, cleanses the sys. | 17 "1° JHE 4 t 2 Joseph Trelaven . 1.8.1 ly, dispels colds, bead | 5 Fyrooer 110 1 s and cures habitual pb gpg C110 2 Sys of Figs is the we Came ¥ In} dy of its kind ever pro~ | Ells sirae ver asin pate x Fo T. & J. Manderson . .... 1-H \Saaing Hemingway & Holliday 1 12 1 James Gilroy. ......... 1 13 1 Lewis Gilroy .....iv. i: Pa X4 8 Eli Handm Coouie von L151 Rich'd White § Bros... 1 15 1 John Murtin re lk MC) Loran Stanto: 118 =} Archie Weir .., 3.391 druggists. | James Mackie... 1 20) ist who may not Wm, Weir... 1.201 rocure it | Wm. Martin .. + 12k #ny one who wishes | F. Franklin ,.. «73 0] factured only by the | Wm. Pyescot ' } 32 ] ; Alex. Vance ...... . 2 HR FIG SYRUP c0., Peter A. Parrott... erin QIS00, CAL. Wu. Littleproud .. cao Mpye. Geo. Johuston 2.0 FF © t Yes, she murmured, almost under J Name, g © Peter Day: ....venvsses 2 Wm, Taylor .....c0pe0 2 ohn Groce... ..covenss 2 Michael Wilkinson. .... 2 Lot. WTA th 2 NR eid Wellington Sommerville 2 Willinm Steel ...... B18 John Bradley. . «4% 18 Andrew Gilroy Jao Wm, Parish. ...:..: 0 217 John Kilpatrick ..:.... 2 11 Joseph Kilpatrick, SEAT Stephen Lambkin...... % 18 John Johnston. ........ 2" 19 George Jackson. . 2 20 John Hollowell........ 2 20 J. H. Espin........... 2 21 John Stonehouse 2 23 Allen Moore ...... "2 24 Jacob Taylor... ... 3 3 Thomas Lakey. . of John Irish ........ at EE | Mrs. L. J. Stevens..... 3 6 James Sandison.. .. 3. $ Giles Silver .......... 38 Daniel Smith. ......... 3. 8 R. W. Walker.... +8 8 Thomas Sonley... v9 David Lyle........... 3 10 R. M. Holtby......... 3 11 F. McOlintock]........ 3 14 James Qoulter......... 3 1t Mrs. John Ralph....... 3 15 Samson Vickery. ... 16 Levi Parrish.......... 17 Thos. E. Boyunton...... 19 R. & G, Ooruer.... 20 Thomas Lambsr....... 23 Mrs. Thos. Coates. 24 Wm. Mitchell. . 2 George Howson. 3 James Horn 3 Thos. Horn. 4 Wm, & G. Ward b F. McKercher. Geo. Raham. . George Broderick. Thos: Dyer Alex. Gall J. W. Saddler... ......: Robert Sutherland... ... Thomas Breoks Wm. Smith... Wm. McOlintock. .". Thos, Dobson ....... John Boys........ Wm. Pearson..... Thos. Boynton... .. Philip H Martyon..... James McCulloch E. J. Wheeler.,....... A. D. Wheeler James Lawtoti. i. .....¢ Miles Crosier.......... William Wagner. ...... Wright Crosier. , Thomas Crosier. . E. A Ohristie......... John Ohristie. Wm. Bond Jan.es Johnston........ E. Kendall James Medd.. ........ B. Tennyson.......... Stickney & Taggart. A. & G. Ferguson. . D. F. Hagerman Oharles Lamb... R. W, Ewers Hiram Fitchett. ... Thos. Jeffry & Bro Wm: Préntice...,...... James Stephens. ...... Edward Ashton jr... Edward Ashton sr...... James Hortop........ Tuther Heard......... Solomon Wilson. . . John Akuey Wm, Sellers. .,........ John Smith... Alex. Onlder Joseph Bryant E. A. Walker... Thoms Stephenson Duncan Town, . John Parks. ... Thomas Barrett 8. T. Cawker Robert Bowles Chester Asling . Charles Stone . F. Earchman . -- tt dt Pd gt Bb CERN --mOCODRRZEDIAR - ----" SNA TRASITO H. Munro .,. Reuben Blight John" Tummonds . James Hay... Gordon Cornac Mrs. F. Wm. Robertson James McCounell Francis McClintock Charles Taylor Wellington Bolster F. Croxall Robert & J. Compton F. Allin H. Veiteh.... George Hart Wm. Reynolds Mrs. J. H. Akney Wm, Watson .. Silas Pago Richard Watson F. Dobson .. Join Watson John Harrison Charles McLéan! Robert Wells .. Thomas Swift . . George Dowsot Wm, Bowles .. George Stest Alfred Dents Alex. McGregor. Charles Brown . John Ward . . Thomas Ward Leonard Burnett . Edward Barrett]... . Authony Wells «...... Zz EO DE OED RNR®BROREPPIP WO PDE BPP XR PRPEENIIN ATs aTaI NT OLD re ret DORI =I I OD hes ae 1 4s vue 1000 DOB Pt pond pd od ft od fk pd pd od fd fd fd pod pd pk Pt pt pt pk ok poh, DD) Bod ft pd ek pt BD) et tt phd rk et Po pd pd pt ot ph Pk Bd fd ot Bt pod DD Fg Pub pd ot Bot Pot bh id fd md fd tf nd Sok, pt od pk pb pt ot bd pt od Bh fd pd od Bt Bk od pd dd pd Bitch. -- em em ot tt td tnt td 1 1 ttt) 1 td tt td pe et Bd 1 ie 1 Richard Real ...., Thomas Dewey E. J. White ..... John Osbhorpe ..... John Ewen Wm, Akhurst. Jobn Lee Isane O'Nie! Thomas Bache . George Lane . James Moon John Philip A. . . Watson George Lougfield . Robert Hague Wm. Beare... Robert Helmkay. tk , TRA pt bt le et bt peg Francis B: seph Wa Jo Al Wm, Lince......... . Ralph Sommervi Walter Ward Wm. Whitford . Jos. G. Lee .......... Richard Flewell ..... Wm. Oliver......... Raymond Byes James Leask Charles @ don Isaac Clemens .. Peter Page ... Robert Munro Albert Orchard. Nicholas Dure .. John Dure Wm. Swanich. Johu Gregg John Wa N....o Geo: & L. Tomlinson Joshua Horn George Allin .. James Buras . John Stone... Theop Salter . Joseph Stone James Gordon. Thos. McCoy . John Calder. Salem Suyder Josephus Sleep ... Thos, Stephenson Wesley Sornber dt dt ene $d gt dt tt 1d 5 10» BRT OB 4D eb bt id ot et ed Bot pt 5 BBBEEEGE - 2 1 - 20 Sra G5 10 Be George Merrick j Thoms Millen .. Alfred. Douglas ,. . Edward Aston. . Thomas Swan Joseph Sanne Wm. Swanick David Gregg sr. Jobn W, Horn Jeremiah O'Le Philip A. Stone..... Mrs. C. Blakely .. James Cowperthwaite 13 Wm. Wallace......... 14 Joseph Town 14 R. Houlderst 17 Chas. R 'ries 18 George Wallace... 18 Robert Wallace ..... St pt fy fh BB tf tt fo et Pt tt tt tt tN James Pearce .. Wm. Moon ......... Richard Reyuolds.. i ns -- Tho Is: Tripp . idgely.. Ed wa Yise ... Isadore Otis. ... Robert Tompson .. Arthur; Miller. ... Samitel Moon .. Peter Wilkinson. . Manly Wakford.... Thomas Midgely . Wm. St. John.. Robert Acton . Michael Colloran . James Brethour RD Ie Idd et Bm et bi dt ft Francis McFarlane. ... B James Ward Bb Gwin Reynolds . 1 James Grehati, jr. 10 E James Blakely. 10 T Andrew Horn In 1 Jabez Crosier ... 1} 1 George Cox 2b Tewis Beaton. ... . 21 James Kirby 13 1 John Heron .... 14 EF John McLeod 15 1 Jordan Houck... 6 1 John Maylon .. 16 1 Denald Carmichael . 14 18 I George Brown, fr.....0 2.7. i418 1 Peter Yonug ... 4119 I Neil Wilkinson, sr. HW RB James [Leask ... 1 24 FB Jolin Martin .. . we r PRY A Wm. Braond 1 Isaac Turner , 1! Wm, Cornish . 1 H. Franklin ! Richard Wiles : A. Soper . 1 James Sisson W. €. Heard ... Richard Brown . David Reese Willian Stone The above is a list of persons 'awessed ff Dogs and Bitches in the Town:-h'p of: Reach for the year 1593. All parties are' errors or omissions are found therein to. notify the undersigned of the same without delay J WM. SPENCE, . ~. Township Clerk. Manchester, May 18, 1893. 'Ts Sir Robert Paultoil a Very tiny man, mamma ¥ inquired little Mandy earnestly. 'No, my dear, not very. Why do you ask ¥ * Becnuse father says be is to sit on your right hand at dinner tonight.' : Mrs: Hyers-- Al the big berries are 01 the top of this box, I suppose Tom Carter--'Oh, no, mum ; sowe uv em are on top uv the other boxes. As a blond-purifier, the most eminent physiciafi presctibe Ayer's Sarsapar- Alu. 1t is the most powerful combina: tion of vegetable alteratives ever i ed to the public. As a spring family medicine, it roy be fi by old and young/alike." ra requested to examine said List, and, if any:

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