Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 May 1893, p. 3

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sy a ---- other of [Jerome Eddy who stands at the head the Jewett farm at $500 a mare. The Property of ir. S. Graham, Port Perry. Victor Napoleon. 3148 "a blood bay, stands 18 hands and weighs 1,150 Ibs., finely proportioned, and hand- with as good a disposi- d any horse ; has fine ion, and shown his ability to 3 er, but has never been great sh 2.1 of LEON, 3148, was sired 207 ; he by Volunteer, e by H ctonian 10; he by Abdal- h, I;he by Mambrino. VICTOR NAPOLEON'S dam was Fair Maid, by Mambrino Patchen, 59; he by Mambrino Chief, 11, he by Mambiino Fay- master ; he by Mambrino. ; Over twelve of VICTOR NAPOLEON'S get, in Michigan, #re training for the 2.30 class for the Ener campaign, and one of his colts has trotted in 2 20. ; VICTOR NAPOLEON'S sire, Louis Napo- leon, 207, is thie site of Grace Napoleon x Jerome Eddy .. Charlie Hilton Tipseca ..... John 8. (p) nella... George L. Napoleon. 2 May Virginia ..ooooieiinen A 8 others, and dams of Chimes E. (p. 2.15%) Walter Drake Benno Nie... Peter Hardwood. A Ollie Drake (...... svvenens 2.25 And 9 other standard performers, The sous of Louis Nupoleon are also sires bf a large number of marvelous trotters, amongst whom are Marlowe, 2:15; Lizzie: mont, 2.16%; Harry Noble, 2.174 ; Fannie Willcox, 2.19%. foe route, see cards. nsurance,--Only $2 ANGUS Port Perry, Maj 1, 1803. 0. McFARLANE, Manager. ho Kingston Penitentiary. There are only thirty-three life men. There is one infidel, one Quaker, two Balvationists, two Mennonites, 194 Qatholics, 145 Anglicans, 93 Meth. odists, 08 Presbyterians; 22 Baptists and other teligions 20. Hastings has sixteen representatives, Prince Edward one; Lennox and Addington seven, Frontenac fourteen, and York county 158. ~The majority confined are labor- n i i Whitby, "p, 8, Hawkins, Ghat enn. Eay0E , a carpenters and fuiiets. There in the Town of Bihy os A a 3°; | Port Perry, April 6, 1892. are seventy seven total abstainers ; 106° On Monday the Fifth day of Jude next; qerstder i Seles renadifor adults gate intemperate | 819 temperate. here | at the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon. | troublo it exeeld, ATE ix Indi nti a; 345 ingl be laid before the Council A are six Indians confined ; are single | All accounts to be laid before the Counc 7 re FR + men; ninety-four can neither read nor | must be forwarded to the Clerk, properly iY LOH bS 4 CATARRH write, There are cightetn men over certified, a Yeast Shires days before the Wo = M7 RE Auiging 7 eeting of the Council, ILRI » ° sixty years of agd. The value of the bi at Whitby, this 12th day of May; | FaveyouCatarrh? Try this Remedy. Jtwi 66 J i i . eitiyely roliove and Cura you. Price 50 cts. { enitentiary and stock reaches 1,007, | 1893.; Rois Injector Tor its mccorst om ete anhoo 06.87. The year's expenses were JOHN E. FAREWELL: furnish rec. Remembers Pp i Cotinty Cletk; County of Outaxio: | 8r€ guar 2 £139.285.51. The tobacco used cost pe 37 Ra AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT." as £1,200, The mien "chawed" 2,400 Ibs. ; . y 5 itadioat Wokk tint Tollo tho eS Thor tho Bf Se officers' mesa cont €1,964. The LAKE Ontario Steamboat Go'y. Tells the Catistts Describes the Rifects, gonviets read. J25ie books. The ST FET BR & Scientifically the most valuable, asically the mostbeatifl medical book ever pub- lilirary contains 3.061 volumes. The BA N ished ; 96 pages, every page bearing a half-tune fliustration in tunts 3d A Nervous Debility, Impotency, Sterility, Devel at, Varicocele, Inhor "of the convicts was worth $38, NORTH KING ~ pate evelopme 5, Vacicocele; 446.40. The rate is 40c. per day. The o . | Evacy man who would kno the Grand Trulia, the Plain Fact women's work was worth £1,748 at 30c. New, Fas axp Frrcrric-LieRTED. KA LSOMIN ING, &C. BR Ee iy lied tol WONDER per day. Two convicts were returned DAILY FOR ROOHESTER It will be sent free, undur seal, while the edition Justs, Address the publishers, ¥ ast year for tie fourth time; and ix On aitd after Monday, May 1st, will leave Cobourg | ini undersigned would take this oppor- ERIE MEDICAL €CO., Buifalo, N.Y. H Sor the third tive. a8 800 wm. Pork Hops ath 40 mon arcivator 6. | (PV LEAT bia numerous pat. aa -- Two Girls Roasted by Bonfires i (ies of Cone a2? ior rons for their liberal an atl inureating * | Tuesday at 0.458 m., and Saturday at m., ar- | patronage during the time he has carried on -- Ta A a. Satan aD Ee Co thn busiuess of A Halifax, X. 8, May 12. Two ix |B BEGIMUEIE SRENAVE © pA YNTING Perales don. ay at 4.00 a.m, and Brigh! y ed- year-old girls were burned to death | nesday at 2.00 a nm. C A yesterday near Amherst under precise- _-- EE Eo pan Tones bo ; EY a ate thi i Port Perry, and would state thut he is Iv similar circumstances. Both were | ley, West Shore, R. W. & O,, D. L. & W., B. B. & P.{ in Port Perry, | state thut he laying in fields wh fir lich W. N.Y. & P., and Have Baggage Checked | better prepared than ever to execute all © 6O slaying in fields where fires were light- | Ti h. s rders | 4 5 Tarn up old grass. The an C. FGI DpRSLERYE, 6. ii; Ngrbisos. | Painting Kelsomining ool Paper Hanging © : PS = i went too near tha fires, their clothing Kingston. + Gen. Pass, Agt, oy | ignited and both were Lurned to death. | a= a oe. Dartics eutrosting heir re ne ay § One was the daughter of Wrightson 1 : rely on haying it neat y anc 1 . 3 a . derate. v \ Y Tower of Amherst, the other the For Sale at a Bargain, suted, yy Charges se moe iain &e «E HAVE MOVED our business to the South side of daughter of George Pugsley of River rad i Slee prepared RSD a - : , Pedi LS : Hebert. . TPERER Splendid, Young, Pedigreed [=a 0 tinnuuce of public patronage soli- ; Short-Horn Bulls: All from imported | oo i ON TRIAL FOR 90 DAYS stock and of most Select Lreed ii ISON. : WM. TREMEER. | be better prepared than ever to supply} ouf customers and : | Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1893. the public with everything i the 3 The finest, completest and latest line of Flee" Manchester, March 20th, 1893. 5 oy trical appliances in the world. They have never -- Ee -------- 5 ~ failed to cure. We are so positive of It that we Ea 1 "Mess will back our belief and send you any Electrical Appliance now In the market and you &an try it for Three Months, Largest list of testimonials on earth. Send for book and journal Free: W. T. Baer & Co., Windsor, Ont. DIED: Prarce,--In Reach, con: inst, Jave Kiford, wife earce, aged 83 and 4 months. ge Street, Mrs enry the late Port Perry Market. PE Messrs, A. Ross & Son.] hursday, May 18, 1893. 'all Wheat 65¢ to 68c. x Spring Wheat 58¢ fo 60c. Goose Wheat 580 to 58c. Barley (6 rowed) 30¢ to 40c, Barley (2 rowed) 300. Rye 800, Oats 30c to 30c, Peas--Blackdye 65¢ to 700, Poas--Mummy 58¢ to 60c, Peas--Small 65¢ to 580; 'Buchwheat Lids 45e; tations 4 CENTS FURNISHING Whitby & Blong have riach pleasure in informing the pub- lic that they have leased the Store lately occupied by Mr. Minty in the Blong Block, The Merchant Tailoring GENTS FURNISHING BUSINBSS. Perreor Firs guaranteed. a Spring Styles of Fine imported Suitings and Trouserings. tablishment Headquarters for "Fashion" and"Money'sWorth" Suits--=HaNDSoME, Styridn and Chieae ! better than you ever were in your life: " Port Perry, April 5, 1883, grounds or city ; $185 per day. Breakfast, Port ouly. Four blocks from street or steam | or cars, 14, oii the 12th ife of Mr. James [hg sis IMPLEMENTS ; £3 eh a SUNDERLAND. HE undersigned keeps on hand and for, T 'sale the following Agricultural Mach- ines und Inpleitients manufactured by the HR EAMLOOE TG 0, OF PETERBORO : Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, S. T. Cultivator, 8. T. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. ¥ BSTABLISHMENT. Also the following, the munufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto. Hi class Threshing outfits, Tractior igh ines and Machines, Victor Clover uller, Portable Trinmph Engine. I am prepared to supply everything the farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple: ments, Repairs, &e. ww A call solicited. One door west of McDonald's Hotel. 5 R. K. BRYANT: | Sunderland, April 8, 1893. : where they intend carrying on OUR GOODS ARE ALL NEW. Prompt attention to all orders a From High Class Popltzy. Blue Andalisians, bred from Dustar famous Prize Winnets--Eggs, $2 per 13. Black Minoveas, fine single comb--Eggs, £1.50 per 13, $2.50 for 26. Barred Plymouth Rocks, large, heathly and finely doveloped birds with handsome yellow legs---Egys, §1 per 13. N. INGRAM, Hox 147, Port Perry. We intend to make our Es- Call and secure your Spring and Summer A h 22, 1803. We will treat you 'right, and dress you Baro Spring and Summer The undersigned have now to hand, and ------------range of IN ALL THE NEWEST STY A very large assortment of Ladies' Tie Shoes i and a full line of Dongola Kid Shoes and Men's Boots and Shoes of all kinds and at all $1 and $1.50, and fine Boots from $1.25 Children's Boots of all sizes and qualities. First-class Groceries of all kin The A 1 "Orient" and Ram Lal Teas, these whey to be had. 3 A first-class assortment of Croc Fine Dinner Sets of 90 to 100 pivces | to $30 per Set. Tea Scts at $2, $3, an i he Hamm es, Ca And a full assortment of the finest Toile: Own" at 100 per cake, Custile Ssap, 3 Sponges, &é., Lo, Marriage License Office. Port Pegry, May 3, 1893. et, Tan and Red, m 90c per pair up. vy Plow Boots at ards. finest Teas for the Glassware.-- $12, $18 to $20 s her fine Lrands, tion one-twenth & SON. WHITBY & BONG, ALEX. STIRTON (Landscape Gardner.) ARTIES requiring my services will P please address communications to or § Apply personally ab the OpseRver Office, Port Perry. o * ALEX. STIRTON. erry, March 28, 1893, Furnished Rooms fo Rent. N ENGLEWOOD, two and one-hal miles from World's Fair, bc fare to Carpet Weaving and Coloring, The L. 8. EM. S., CG, R.L&P., P., Ft. W. & C., Wabash, Canadian Pacific, ' Chi. & Erie. Monon and Chi. & Eastern Ill. stop ®t Englewood. Write for particulars: Rooms must be secured in advance. MISS E. L. PALMER, 604 West 50th Street, a Euoglewodd, Chicago, Iil. FUE UNDERSIGNED begs to return all order for Weaving: and Coloring. REFERENCES. W. Ross, A. J. Davis, W. H. McCaw, H. Parsons. moderate, in my calling at ny place north end of ¥ treet. - A. D. SAWYER. Port Perry, April 20, 1893. Port Perry. NATURES "7 raat ATLING SHE 2 WINE AT ALL CRITICAL PERIODS AND CHANGE ure. Sold by all Druggists, or by mail price 50 cents, six boxes, $2.60, The Celery Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. hl Gounty Gouasi - Couaby of Ontari, A hit next meeting of the County Council ' ahroats Sold by of the Corporation of the County of Fora La y 13 Ontario for the year 1893, will be held Plaster will give great satisfactic pursuant to adjournment at the Cont House SHILOM'S VITALIZER. CURE. St tisfaction,~23 centde thanks for the lilieral patronage bestow= ed on him in the past, and would state that he is better prepared than ever to execute I am introducing new styles and patterns which cannot fail to please, and my charges are Parties requiring anything done lino will consult their interests by Jigelow vos Qongumption, Coughs, Cronp, Soro bs all Drugrists on a Guarantee. ack or Chest Bliileh'a Porous to select from. such as you want ; my supply is unusually large, (00D, STYLISH AND CHEAP | Every variety of handsome Wall and Ceiling Paper! of rare beauty and exceedingly Cheap ! 'A magnificent stock NcCAW. Fi + pW IN FULL BLAST | bins nndergigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be-| stowed on him sincé commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, most approved and modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS 2arlor Suite-- Parlor Snite-- | well finished. y Furniture Rooms, Qnern Sh 6 Pieces beat American Hair Cloth, gilded @ $87. €is y 6 Pieces best Queen Plush and back; very large set PR dd #2 Above are Solid Walnus Frames and Also Bedroom Sets as Tow as $11.76. ga A Cant SoLicITRD, oo J. W. DAVIS, ' Port Perry, Sept, 29, 1892. a for the manufacture of Flour, is prepared to do y. faction to my patrons; ; The Trade siipplied with Flour of the finest brands. in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Board. Pith ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts. gz BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY: All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done oi short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE: Port Perr, Oct. 1, 1891. LANG & MEHARRY -- HAVE AGAITN---- OPENED OUT WITH A---- --- Subjects treated :-- the Old Secréts and ould atone for past LITTLE BOOK. Magnificent Stock - ad BOOTS & SHOE r A, HE undersigned has oh and a stock of Boots and Shoes of his own make which he is prepared to THE PLANING FACTORY [Serr ommam. Chey are manufactured of the very best - material and for cheapuess and good work: manship cannot be excelled in this or ad- joiniug counties. M in the manufacture of B me an advantage over mote inexperienced dealers and my present stock is stich as life-long experiense oote and Shoes gives warrant tu give satisfaction abil the priced are right, ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER; SEWED WORK A SPECAILTY. Repairing promptly attended to. Cement Patches neatly executed. Ladies' Polish, Heol Plates; Button Fastners, the same pnt in. Laces in Cotton, Leather, and Por+ poige.. All kinds of Findings op bifid, also Rubber Cement. Rubber Boots and Coats repaired, G The Best Material! No Shoddy! Ne Sheepskin! | #2 Prices to Suit tha Times. e me a cll at the Market Block, Port WM. BOND. Port Perry, Sept, 22, 1802. SE -- Methodist Ohurch. REV. L. W, HILL; B A, Pasrok, foes, 10:80 and 7. Service, Thursday 7:80. me and conducted to seats. Church of the Ascension, REV. MR. FLEICHER, Pastor: ses, 10:30 and 6:30. . Service, Thursday, 7:30; 8t. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN;) REV. RICHARD WHITEMAN, B.A., Pasta, 0 and 7. Sabbath 8 Woek E Baptist Church. REV: MR. CAMERON, Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10:80 sifid 6:30, Week Evening Service, Thursday, 8M Talat Times Peery rl FPYHE undersigned offers for Ehle, at a Bargain, that desirable property situaty ed in the northern part of the Village of Prince Albert, containing Nine Acres o of everything in their line. LAING & MEHARRY. ils MACHINE OIL McGoll's © ARE THE BEST. ION wear twice as long as any other make. The Finest High Grade Engine Oils are Manufactured {by McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto. FOR SALE BY ALL THE LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. WHICH FOR Queen Street and now occupy thé extensive premises just vacated by Mr. B. F. Ackeruan; where we will Line ; 1802. Prices Courted. & BONGARD. I ( 1} \ \ HE. ¥¥. PURDY HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF Roller and Stone Flour, Feed of all kinds, wholesale and retail: Barrel and Dairy Salt, cheap! ALSO, A FULL STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES & PROVISION Cheap for Cash or Produce. Just received a car load of pure Land Plaster. EF GIVE ME A CALL €1 E H. PURDY {liens Flux, Bugs, Port Perry, March 10, 1892; EZ" The Highest Price paid at all tinies in Cash for any quantity of Oats first-class land. On the premises there are a Dwelling House, an Orchard, a good well and cistern, &e. IN This property is beautifully situated and would doubtless prove a safe and profitable investment. For further particulars apply to the pro: prietor, " JOS. BROWN, Or to H, L. Epesris, Esq., Barrister, &e.; Port Perry. Jan, 25, 1893. HARNESS pc 5 returning thanks to the public for the: patronage extended tome for over 30° years, I would respectfully intimate that-I- am, as usual, now ready for busiticss, and have a ' Large & Assoi ted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which T am determined to sell very CHEAP; As an inducement to Casi purchasers and no factory work kept in stock, the superiority of my goods will at once become apparent. ntending purchasers will find that by giving me a call before looking elsewhere YY WO PORT PERRY NURSERIES cheap by the hundred or in quantities to suit pu European Mountain Ash, English, Scotch and Fert Black Walnut, White Ash, Norway Maple, A FEW THOUSAND old, 7 feet high, inc Grade Stock--clea | first-class in siz €. C. KELLETT, NE Port Perry, O I have a surplus of the following Nursery Stock which is strictly first-class, and of good size will be sol: rchasers.-- ca Elms, Ni European Larch, | Austrian and Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce, Rod Cedar, &c | room, telegraph ofice. waits AppLE TREES OF EXTRA SIZE, SX years vor ch to 1} inchin diameter. "Also a Light| an, handsome, thrifty trees--just balow |m Apples at 15 cts., Pear and Plum, 40 cts You Will Be Robbed In Chicago During the World's Fair If You are Not Posted ery subscriber to ra recelve a Free at an; T di e will Ev LEDGER at our offi y loca me oom: All are Absolute every SATURDAY HAA high ; rv, T! CAGO | 1 her. The weekly most interestitg week the targest oirculat gapets n the wi 'he price of either pape! % 31.00 FOR SIX 50 3 fons, A Hes Ob! 'air, also le copies. ress. > nt Cdn: Sebi? : 'W. DD. BOYCE, 116-11 Bra in; ms to rent, DE or CHICA the holder to cal , during the World's m you wish. 1 This ranent e and parcel The Subscriber has just received a Complete Aseortment of FANCY + GM g Consisting of : TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leathor, &e. PERFUMES from the best shakers, in Cut Glass Bottles; Bohemian Ware, §e., at all Prices. : FANCY OUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, &e. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. Wishing you all the O ts of the S A. J. DAVIS, s JUST RECEIVED. they can be suited in quality and price long experience in the trade Belg on Indie. putable guarantee that perfect satis ont will be given by any artiole purchased. + Everthing in my life of business kept constantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to % JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dee. 1, 1892. CHANGE OF BUSTNESS; HE UNDERSIGNED begs to announce T to ihe Jubebitants: of To Perry and surrounding count: at he has rchased SMR. AD. WHEELER the . Business lately carried on by h (good will in said business, and. prepared to supply all patroid - Chemist and Druggis and careful PORT PERR

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