Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 May 1893, p. 2

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sens RIO CBSERVER. ~ Sold for Taxes. riodical return of the sale of |. or ty for arrears of taxes appears |g 'to be a necessary evil as it would be ficult to suggest a hatter means aso Yast resort for enforcing payment of |, taxes, There are few payments more reluctantly nmiade than taxes, and if | Proceeds of opening. entertaivment § 6 60 Wisconsin, 400 from Connecticut, 600 more taxes are demanded chan there | Subscriptions collected for Reading | from Towa, 200 from West Virginia, is really any necessity for the relue | Roous uw Mrs. 5 Ne Davis, 'Sin 27 501 150 from San Fraucisco, and so it goes tance in paying them is increased, and | PUgtelibAER oe Room ® HEL 1 solo from all the states and prosinces of when parties have all they can do to | Subscriptions collected by Mrs the United States and Canada. So weet the current expenses of the| Pearse for Reading Room ...... 6 25 | far over 16,000 delegates are Looked. family, taxes, when there is nothing Subscriptions Sollesied, Sf ar 61 65 Many of America's best known to distrain, may remain unpaid for Subscription lla i 5 » ry "| speakers, both of pulpit and forensic one, two or three yuars when. the limit | Davis for Library ... .... . .. 3300 reputation will take part in the pro- of endurance is resclied and the pro- Subscriptions paid tu lronsirer . 2 % ceedings. The organization of the perty must be sold for the amonnt of | Proceeds of the a ome" ...... 301 choir is proceeding satisfuctorily. Quar the arrears of taxes and accnndated Nut juwacecds of Mr ligaens lecture 10 = tetts are to be secured from 3 of terest. Such is the last resort for the 45 states and 5 territories in the the enforcement of the payment of $217 13| American union, anc if these can be taxes. But before this final action, |, y EXPENDITORS. 025 augmented on similar lines from the 7 the law provides that the sale of the Treasiters Bod hin $ 9 75 | provinces and 5 territories of the Do- property shall be properly advertised EH Purdy, acootntis 3 15| minion, there will be gathered to- for a given time and if the owner come | T. H. Philp & Co... .. 3 80 | gether a chorus probably more repre. forward and pay the arrears of taxes, | Justus Ensign, caretaker , .. 14 50 gentative than has ever sung together interest and costs such property i~ a z : 18 50|in the history of conntions, This withdrawn from the sale list, but 1 | 75 Davia electri igh 3.8] chorus is to beFurther. styengthened: not settled for, then the sale shall go 4 n Brown, inure i 8 = ly 100 picked voices from the choirs on and any oue present may buy the | J. H. Brown, use of origin . 3 of Toronto making its membershi - property, but it 'nny othr lis the | V+ H. McCaw, on Library... 100.001 guout 300. : ? owner purchase the property he can- 8161 20 not get a title till after the lapse of Balance on hand to date ...... $ 52 03 one year after the date of sale, and any time during the year the owner may redeem the property by. paying to the purchaser the amount of the purchase money with ten per cent. added and if not so redeemed within the year the purchaser receives bis title. That all necessary publicity should be given to such sales must be obvious to nll, so that, in the first place the owners may learn that (heir property is about to be sold and as well ns the owners as others living in the locality may learn that such and such proper- ties are to be sold, and thos some com petition may be created and the pro perties may be sold at higher figures and the balance over the tax -cluims paid over to the owners. The present mode of advertising such sales is about as awkward as it possibly could be ; all the tax sales in the county are jumbled into a Winthy journal which | ten of the owners concerned | may never see, It may be all right] that properties in Whitby town or| township should be advertised in a Whithy paper, but when properties are situated in other municipalities it is| a supid burlesque to advertise them in | a Whitby paper. When such properties | are situated in Oshawalor Eust Whichy | why not advertise them in an Oshaw al paper where the parties concerned | may see the advertisement and know | the properties referred to. So with | properties in Uxbridge or Uxbridge | township, why should they be crowded | up in a Whitby paper? why should | they not be advertised in an Uxbridge | paper where all concerned would see | and know the properties refered to. And in like manner with other muu- cipalities, why not advertise the pro- ituated there in some journal one in the description be such as all my know he property referred to. Such an arrangement would answer every purpose infimtely letter than crowd-| dr SER of the members of the Port Perry Mechanics' Room was held at their rooms, ou the of the receipts and disbursements up x $ of Tuesday next. A rare treat ma, and placed in the hands of the auditors. be cer y The Secy's report was now read : 2 IMPORTANT To THE LaAvies.--Miss | objects deserve more than public sym- d in the municipality and Tet] OM The Christian Endeavor Convention to be held in Montreal next July, pro- mises to be the largest gathering ever held in that city. It may be of n- terest' to know that 2,000 visitors from Pennsylvania are expested, 500 from Massachusetts, 700 from Illinois, another 500 from Missouri and a like number from Indians, 300 from Mich- igan, 2,000 from New York state, 250 from New Hampshire, 500 from Vermont, 400 from Nebraska, 100 from Texas, 1,000 from Maine, 1,000 from Perry Mechanics In- stitute. The regular meeting, as per statute, Port Institute and Reading vening of Monday, May 1st, the pre ident D. McBride B. A. presiding. The Treasurer brought in his report o May 1st, 1893 as follows: RECEIPTS. 4 All to the town hall on the evenin On motion the report was received & showing the number ofggramburs 125 and the number of choidé and carefully selected books 200. 5 On motion the report was received and adopted. The election of officers was now pro- ceeded with and resulted as follows, D. McBride, President. T. Courtice, V.-President, A. M. Rae, Treasurer. J. L. Forman, Secretary, Rev. D. 0. McDowell Rev, J. Fletcher Dénuison's many lady friends while syuipathising with her in her severe loss'by the late conflagration will Le pleased to learn that she bas resumed business. She has secured a splendid suite of rooms in the Blong Block. EZ An important Mortgage Sale by auction, is advertised in our adver- tising columus of this issue, that fine property kuown ns the "John Lamb Farm", in the 9th and 10th coos, Reach, will be sold and parties wiil do well to read the advertisement. The Mrs. Allison Directors. Mrs. Wakely - | sale takes place on Tuesday, May 30th, Mrs. Oarry at the St. Charles Hotel, Port Perry. Mrs. J. M. Davis Mr. Willcox is auctioneer. Make a The very favorable position which note of i.. our youny Institute already occupivs EZ It will Le seen by reference to our advertising colomns that that comfortuble dwelling house, formerly occupied by Mr, Szarth Thompson, on Simcoe street, Prince Albert, will be Bold Ly auction at the St. Charles Hotel, Port Perry, on Saturday, 13th inst, Megsis. Jones § Co. have securcd that magnificent store in the Blong Block. They will open out a splendid stock in a few days. is creditable to the intelligence of the town and vicinity and goes far to prove that the hearts of those to whose well directed efforts this highly satisfactory state of affairs may be attributed, are in the right place. They are bene- factors indeed who furnish food to the hungry, but those who furnish food for the wind are public benefactors in the Lest sense of the term. One of | ur Lest guthors has said "Reading makes a full man" and when suitable books are placed in the hands of the Oroxo, May 1, 1893. people that "fulness" is of the rigit| Eb. Opserver.--I have sold my sort, a continual feast to a'l concerned. | stallion "Sir Roger Tichborne" to Mr. The friends and promoters of so noble | Albert Ballagh, Orono. He will make the scason of 1893 the same as last year, 0. J. Hucnsox, pathy every friend and advoonte of The West Durham and Das full, 1 year old--Richard Brow Bowmanville Fair, Bowmanville, May 1.--(Spe Union Agricultural societies show of stallions and bulls here Friday, and the show was excellent, but the attendai terribly slim, the farmers b seeding, The prize list is as fe Imported draught stallion--R. & Co's. Sir Walter 1, John H. The Archer 2. Canadiun stallion-- George Gray's Glad George Gray's Blake 2. Roa lion--- Alfred Hogarth's Angle R. Hall's Joe Brown 2. Ca conch stallion--0. J. Hughson Roger Tichborne 1, O. R. Halls Brown 2. Blood stallion--John § Golden Lake 1, T. J. McM George 2. Durham bulls, Samuel Allin's Boulderman 1. haw bull; two years old--J. bledick's Newcastle Boy 1 pl Lakefield Chief 1, Jolin Frank 9. Hereford bull--John Oke's! gan. Holstein buil--Joho MN. Duke of Newcastle 1. Best grounds, and breed -- Sam, Boulderman, ; The regular meeting of the aha council was held at the town hall, Monday evening lust. Present reeve and Messrs, Purdy and Nott The minutes of the April me were read and confirmed, Mr. E. Luke came before (the coun he stated that Cassimar street mu required draining it being in a deplon able state, Mr. James Rodman canme before the council, asking that a sidewalk built on McDonald street, west © Rosa atreet, On motion of Mr. Purdy, the ree row on the credit of the corporation $1200 to meet ncerued interest of Debentures and the reeve was instruct= ed to attach the corporate seul to the wotion, Ou uiotion of Mr, Purdy, the Oferk was instructed to notify the Count Treasurer to withdraw lots 79 and Mary street from the list of lunds liable to be sold for taxes, they being through error improperly returned. 48 On motion of Mr. Nott, $5 Ww ordered to be paid to Mr. Wm, Jamies son for services rendered in drawing the steamer to the scene of the: late conflagration. A On motion of Mr. Purdy, orders were granted on the Treasurer, as fol lows : American Road Machine Caf for repuirs to road machine, §9.50 ; Mr W. Hiscox, 47 cts. for supplies for in: digents ; Mr. J. Wright, §1.75 for indigent. seat. 3 Mr. Purdy. introduced and carried through a By-law appointing Mr. B. M. Yarnold, corporation solicitor. mental culture ought to turn right in and nid Ly every means in their power so deserving an institution us a Mech- anics' Institute and public reading Cartwright Fair. The Cartwright Spring Show was held at Blackstock, on Thursday last. Both the attendance and entries were smaller than anticipated owing to the unpropitious weather, 3 Sts. bie EL Imported Draft Stallion--1,_ Janes prosperous little municipality, Scagog, Wilson's Loui Gordon, 2 W. McGill's Longevity. The salubrity of that energetic and ing the properties f Il the s t uleipelitins Fito a per pots is well known and highly appreciated, { Thistle, 3 Sam Grahum's McCamon's lished in Whitby which very no other municipality in the county, if fp go; re. few care to read. The plan of pub. | Jishing the advertisement in journals | published in the municipalitics in which the properties arc situated would be better in every particular and would be no moré costly than the present jumbling and unsat- isfactory mode. The very little addi- tional labor to the the treasurer is not worth a moment's consideration, while the change would be a vast improve- ment on the present unsatisfactory jumble, How would it Jo for lion. members of the County Council to give their at- tention to this matter at the June sessions of the County Council. Tt is' surely not asking too much of our representatives at the County Council to beg them to see that the several municipalities throughout the county be fairly treated in this matter, Why should the whims of a treasurer or any other public servant Le allowed to 1b- terfere between the ratepayers and their legitimate rights, when tie pro- perties are to be sold all concerned want to know it, and why should the sal be hid away in some obscure Whitby journal to satisfy the whims of the County Treasurer or any other public servant of the County. Our High School. The Education Department has for- warded the Extract from the Report of Inspector Llodgson on his visit to eur High School, April 14th Inst. © The Report is certainly a trilute to the teachers and the Board of Educa- "tion. to. te. ation, tion 'and Char ¢ Teaching, and the grading id each head is as folows :--1I, d ; 11, Fair; III, Poor, and LV, l. In accommodation the school is 1 and 1. Equipment in- cludes Library, Apparatus, Maps, &c., and is very valuable. The character the Teaching is graded 1 in every d it is on this that special the I rtiment. The is graded "excellent", and character of the work done excellent". In con- , i e vince © w clear a | Sr 204 in the province ean 'show as clear a| = pooggter Stallion--1 Talbert Evans' | bill of health or show as long a list in | Starlight, 2 and 3 Sam. Graham's proportion to the number of iuhsbi-| yi or Napoleon and Sunshine tants, of people who have crossed the| 'ooo guivion _ James Wilson's limit of three scoreand ten. It is just| pi 0 9 oo J. Hughsou's Sir Roger the other week that two deaths were Tichborue, ~ recorded there both parties being up amongst the eighties, and again this weok we sre called upon to chronicle the death of another of Scugog's re-|gy spected inhabitants, Ephraim Elliot, who departed this life at the ripe old age of 90 years. Durham Bull, aged--8. son's Duke of Blackstock. Durham Bull, 2 yrs old--T. A. "right's Major, Durham Ball, 1 yr old--Geo. M. Nesbitt's Harry Victor, T. Fergu- Spring Show at Lindsay. ens Cheapside Still Leading. (See T. C. Forman & Son's new adver- in a name" but when T, C. Forman & | Heavy draught horses appropriate in the name for it is a gen- erally admitted fact that T. O. Forman & Son's Groceries, Boots and Shoes, | Crockery &e. &r,, ore of the lest guality while the prices are away down, down, Tins thoroughly established and reiiable firm are universal favorites and those who deal most with them esteem them most and most fully re alize the choice quality of the goods and the low prices at which they are Champion Fred. © General bisford. M¢Kenzie's Hambletonian George ; 3. John Makin's Parker --1, James H. Wilson's Elias ; 2, Wm Weest's Coachman. Hackney horse Prince Albert. Our healthful and pleasant town con- tinues on her upward couse, advance- ment and improvement is the order of the day and health and plenty cheer | fee rae ale Matr Sr fly thick and fast, a somowhat Lack- ward spring my have retarded develop- wents in that direction but the crash is coming aud a carnival of marriage bella may be looked for in the near future. years--1, Joseph Symons; 2, --1, Richard Dark. Markham Spring Fair. LR DS a ie Markham, April A. Oanning, Hagerman, secoud. and under John Isaac, Markham, first The travelling Dairy from the George Pepper, Markham, second. Guelph Agricultural College will ex- hibit Dairy Utensils, make butter, test milk, aud deliver lectures on the man- agement of milk and cream, the feeding of cows, churning, working and pack- ing of butter, etc, at the following places: Utica, Monday, May 15; Epsom, "Tuesday, 16th; Greenbank, Wednes- day, 17th ; Baintfield, Thursday, 18th; Seagrave, Friday, 19th; Port Perry, 'Monday, 220d ; Scugog Isl, Tuesday, 2500; Manchatr, Wednesday, rut. McCreight, Cherrywood, first; Wi liam Crawford, Malvern, second. Roadster stallions--Graham Bros, W. J. Raymond, Agincourt, third. G. Barnes, Green River, third. | Bwee stallions-- Graham Bros. minion Brewing Company, rd, Inst year, an for trotting. as large ittle 'heavy -| A communication was received f Lindsay, April 29.--The Ops spring | had returned the Assessment Roll fu 1, James H., | resigns, and that the Seal of this o Son adopted "Chenpside" as the name | wi die Tewie Gordon; 2, 8. 0 De attached to this resolution, Cary of their store there is something wost poei, ta gern | My, Asa Spinks came before the cot > Johnston's Balgonie; 3, Stephen requesting the council to rent to hi Dunn 8 Knight of St. Andrew's, Cana- dian draughthorses--1, Joseph Symon's Just'the Thing, Jun. ; 2, Ed. Beacock's purpose horses--1, Patrick Tracey's King Ab- Road and carriage horses-- 1, T. W. Evans' Starlight; 2, Henry Conch horses sold. (Den't fail to read the ad ertise- i () 4. Bhs ment ,! Be =1, 8. C. Johnston's Sir Unrnett, On motion of Mr. Tallis, seconded by ; Blood horses--1, Jas. Thompson's |y, H. Taylor, Joseph Found was appoll Buffalo. Durham Uuils, under two | patbmaster in Div. No. 46, in Gep. Murphy, Durham bull, over two years 27.--The spring fair of the East Riding of York and Marham Agricultural Societies was held here to-duy. The following prizes. Twported draught stallions, aged-- Grahaws Bros, Claremont, first; R, § Imported draught stallions, 3 years Hackney stallions--Graham Bros., Canadian draught stallions--James first; W. G. Gerow, Whitevale, second ; Carriage stallions--T. Oolliver, Brad- ford, first ; W. O. Gerow, second ; W Jersey bulls--W. D. Reesor, Mark- ham, first; William Rolph, Markham, | 54 Durham bulls--P. W. Boynton, | Lila Dollar, first; John Little, Malvern, second ; John Miller, Markham, third. He stakes for best Clydesdule | C0 prize by Do- Toronto, Barnes, Owing to the cool weather the crowd As On motion of Mr, Purdy, the conn: cil agreed to weet at the town | on Wednesday, Muy 10th, and journ to inspect the stygecs al walks of the town, gar of the tollowing indigents Cameron, $2; Mrs. Lewis, £2 Wilson, §3; Mrs. Sharp, $25 Deshane, $2 ; Sidney Houck, $3: Mr. Nott introduced and through a By-law to regulate t! of the construction of chiun'eys in the co poration and sppoii McKuighy inspector. a On motion the Council adjourned. --n Cartwright Council. Town Hall Cartwright, May 1st 18S Members all' present, ~ The minntes of last meeting ard ou motion confirmed. g x Sewer Pipe Co, Hamilton, ordered filed, ; The clerk announced that the As on the 20th of April. held in Agric : tisement in this issue.) glow as eid n Ax ivultural park, Moved by Mr. Devitt, seconded hy M Shakes 6 ere is nothing | Lindsey, today. There was a very | A Taylor, that John Nesbitt, 1 inkespear says e nothing | oood display of horses and bulls, | pathmuster, instead of Robt. between lots No: 12 & 13 in the 6th X « Ou motion Mr. Anson Taylor was di ed to examine the said road and report next meeting of council. On motion the ¢lerk was iostruct order from W. M. Devitt, implement aj + | communication to this council, Ca David G. Spinks, claimed-con for one sheep killed by dogs, and one di | ed valued at $0, and an order was giv 4 rtlett, who has left the division. On motion the Recve signed orders 0 Treasurer as follows : To Indigents : Annis, James Kirvin, Mrs, Loug John Morrison, $4 cach. Wm. Med C. McGill $1.50, Robert E | Thomas Davidson, til as Assessor for 4 Spinks, one sheep killed by dogs, 1. Ou motion the council adjourned u 5th day of June next at 1 o'clock p.m, to meet as a Court of Revision. W. LUCAS, Township CI - . Examination in Geography in the Division of the Pablic. School. Maximum value 1C0. 5 | Berdic Bedford ... . Ruby Grey Archie Campbell. Tillie Irvin ... Emwa Goudy. 1- 4 + | Harry Braith Letetia Campbell Albert Quackenbush n Aye even if it is a little on it, it will be chen lb the building nodded as the wheels begun 1a chievement of American pluck, cuterprise : kthe button, tiie pressure upon which was to 1 and treasurer were authorized to bor fy open to the nations of the w orld, It was wood supplied to Mrs, WV. Carter, "#1 Mr. Murray entered and took his 2 5 wake their homes during a large part FS. 1 of the seals in Bering Sea is dae to our | Mr Conneil met persuant. to adjournnieut, ad | tion. the | hich we have everything to Joose and North part of the original allowance for roa: sion, now unoccupied and uutravelledsss four Steel voad Scrapersou the terma poi The World's Fair Opened 0, May Ti-- Grover Cleveland, pro- : the United States, tis Beret of the Cabinet, by high officials Ww Ruddy. Ly a numerons and |° hop, Ro? 3 ' Uxbridge T'p--P. Forysth, Rothes ; John Saunders, Louise Todd, Good- |! wood ; A. Brown, Altona. Beott--0. A. Sexton, Udora ; T. A. || Sheppard, Zephyr. Brock--T. Fogs and J. A. Macdon- ald, Sunderland ; Ww. Taylor, Derry- ville; J. M. Gladstone, Blackwater ; John Moore Munilla, (held over). Cannington-- Brown, McKay and |, . w. McCarthy, T. ascom, A. Brawley ; ipg, the innumerable engines and sims and the labyrinth of belting d rig which make up the machinery he World's Columbian Exposition, At same moment a national salute peeled th from the guus of the Andrew Johnson, ng off the exposition. grounds in Lake Mich gan. Seven hund flags released their "'stops" at a concerted sigual, ng loose and streamed out under the sky scarlet, yellow and blue ; over in mach- y hall a great roar arose and the turrete Beaverton--W. McIntyre, D. J. McKinnon ; shop, J. A. McRne § Co, Thorah--F. Markle, Gamebridge, Rama--E. Herring, Sebright ; C. Munn, Washago, A Mara==M. McConnell, and J. J. Overend, Brechin ; J. Kenny, Upter- grove ; H. Thornton, Ather y; John Kennedy, Strawberry Island ; Shops, McDermot, Atherly and Bernard Brechin, extended three months. The the latter hns since signified his inten- tion of quitting the business the first fo turn, and a greater volume of sound arose m the throats of the concourse of people o thus acclaimed the opening of this grand ¥ vd generosity. At the close cf grand ora: ion AS TE PRESSED THE BUTTON. © As the president was concluding the final stence his eyes wandered to thie table that s close at his left hand. Upon this was the machinery and make the opening exposition an accomplished fact. As t words fell frou the president's lips upon the button. This a demonstraticn in fact and infinitely mor nse Commissioners passed n igine iu miachiv ) to revolve, the clectric fountains iu he lagoon threw their torrents toward the y, a floc of water gushed forth from the eMonnies fountain and rolled back again the basin, the thunder of artillery came om the vessels in the lakes, che chimes in pufactures' ball and on the German build. rang out s werry peal and overhead the at the top of the poles in front of the form revealed two gilded models of the in which Columbus tirst sailed to rican shores, At the same moment also Gone Insane. London, April 27.--The wife of Capt Roberts, of the White Star steamship Narouic, which has Leen missing since February 11, when the vessel sailed from Liverpool from New York, and the wife of Chief Officer Wright, who was second in command to Capt. Roberts on the Naronic, have both gone insane through despair, caused by the loss of their husbands, and have had to be placed in un asylum for the insane, ds of flags of all nations and all colors 8 unfurled and waved within sight of te platform. At was fully ten minutes Yetor the de- the bands were nm WHS tration subsided. Then ged America" and the ex it an end, The Columbian exposi & rr fh re Sold to Slavery for $5. isely the hour of noon when Grover eveland touched the button and thus de- fared the opening an accomplished fact. A TERRIBLE 3 Augusta, Ga., April 29.--A cur- n. ious case of boy slavery has been de- Thore was a crowd of ,002 i 175,800 | veloped in Dekall) county, the home of fople in front of the grand stand during) gupators Gordon and Colquitt. It is io opening ceremonies. The guards and), /G 1 olice weve unable to cope with the orowd rought up by the petition of Mittie id many persous fainted in the crush. | Jones, An old negro wowan, to have hee son, Hitluod Joues, 16, brought ver twenty women and a dozen wen were removed to the hospitals in an vuconscious | aol from a sawmill in Wilcox county, condition. Some of them were severely in- | : : . Fed | where hie is working as a convict. After the opening exercises the president Hilliard Jones was arrested last and party, with the officers of the exhibition, | March for stealing a coat. He was enjoyed an elegant lunch in the administra" | 00 §5 and costs, The alternative tion hmilding, at the conclusion of w hich the | fixed foresident was escorted to mannfacturers' | Wi8 fixed at twelve months on the Fa, whore he received the commissioners [chun gang, from foreign countries. Afterwardshe was | Under the laws of the State, the oH 3 J i | 1 Tis . driven over to the woman's building mid | Gop,ty Commissioners sold his time witnessed a portion of the exercises incident | t to its formal dedication. | ---- Washington Lotter. (From Our Rcgular Correspondent.] o a lumber company in Wilcox county for twelve months, the hoy having fail- ed to pay the fine. Dekalb county pets €6 n wonth for him, or $72 for the year, Mr. Haden, the lumber lessee, wi The Bering Sea arbitration excites | geen said: "There was nothing irs great interest in official and political | regular about this transaction on my | circles at the Capital. The general part. The luntber company, of which | opinion among the best informed states- T° am president, buys convicts. front} men is that Mr. Carter touched the |guveral counties, 3 s 104s { prying for them at vital point of our case in his argument the rate of 6 a wounth, About to us by virtue of their domestication kalb county were turned over to me, tupon the Pribylov Islands and of our} among thew this boy. I will pay Di. session of the land upon which they | ull, county £6 a wonth for the boy." RAY Oyclonss Still Rage. of the year. He docs not exaggerate "lie facts in stating that the existence 3 Denver, Col, April 29.--Tnforma- preservation of thew, and he makes it | io) received here from Cisco, Tex." is very clear that the seals cannot be re- | to the effect that n vyclone struck that guided as ferae naturae, but as private property, tended and maintained ly the town out of existence. Blany per- {the United States Government. It 18 {sons have been killed and the injured "| bere iat He srengil ot ihe American {are numbered in the hundreds. case lies. ur evident mistake was in ae a A | going outside of those lines in the in-| Tons ea oy | IL Ds, Andi 29.--A ternational correspondence and after {ire oe yimier oe ap ast even: ward in permitting that correzpondence iug aud six people were killed, to drift into an agreement to arbitrate, | The annual conferences of the Metlio- It is of course, impossible to. fore- {dist church will meet as follows: Lon- cast thie result of the pending arbitra. | don conference at Sarnia, Niagra con- We have allowed onrselves fo] ference at St, Catharines, Montreal in | conference at Cornwall and Bay of Quinte conference at Oshawa on June 1st ; Torouto conference ut Bloor street Methodist church, Toronto, and Mani- toh conference at Brandon on June policy than by the intrinsic equities of 8; Nova Scotin co fererice at Canso the case under discussion. But the [and New Bruuswiek conference at fact remnins that so much of Mr. {Moncton on June 22; Newfoundland Carter's argument as put the seals up- conference at St. Johw's and Japan lon the footing of property of the Unit conference at Sliizuoka, Japan, «d States, which we maintain and tend, June 28. and, therefore, have the right to pro- tect gninst wanton and wasteful ex- termination, is practically unanswer- akbile, The Democratic politicians in Wash- | ington are much more cheerful than a month ago, They have come to the eonclusion that the ndministration in- tends to give the rank and file of the place this afternoon and literally wiped { lecome involved in a controver nothing to gain. The court of arbitra- tiop, however, will probably he guided wore by considerations of Kuropeau ou Corrin, Harold Johnson, Willie Wilson. Bunty, Gertrude Buotin, Moon, Thos. Parrot, Emma Raynes, Helen Stewart, Ethel Turner, Pearle Whitmore Diviston No. IV,-- Florence Beason, Mar {on expressions coming from the White 'House and the various departments, that changes in office would be made ly where changes were compelled. now the conviction that by the of next July there will be a clean [Willie Roberts, Fred Holliday, practically all the offices that | Brock, Mina Nott, rectly governed by tho civil | Chalie Hall, Anderson, John Chisholm, Charlie Hiscox § x V ears ago after the same time the White. House. They aver that Secretary Morton lowed gradually in his footsteps, hat the beheading record of Gresham is unequalled. It mwediately after he took the io, and has continued with un- hed ardor and severity. While General Russell has heen 'make removals in the hizher the occupants of the lower are going merrily enough and Coustar Strait, Waldo Emmerson. -- . ' Bowmanville. his residence here on Sunday, 30th ult township of farmed successfully for a number o politics, espeially at election times. of the Cabinet who fails to Jacksonians is Mr. Olney. altogether, the Congressmen hat if Mr., Oleveland main- present rate for a couple of arty will have nothing of plain. zl or all in their affliction, unexpected, as he was only ill a fe in, April 29. -- George a grocer, was found dend room of his residence this tored on, the] suited in mflammation . The Midland Distri of the Midland dist, Bascbull aesocintion at the Queen's hol secretary, mm thy chair, and W. H. Simpson, Lindsay ; D. McGabe, Peter- | Cobourg ; Oshawa, harmonious in every way, and the schedule wus arranged as follows :-- T. H, Dancaster. | uoon; Oshawa at Lindsay. Oshawa at Lindsay. \§ onwsTon,--In Sengog, be | At the St. Charles Hotel, s Isshen he insisted that the seals Lelong | first of this month threemen from*De- | Port Perry Public School Honor Roll Division No. IL --Alige Burnham, Alberta Clark, Etta Hall, Mlorence Kelly, Cora Me- Caw, Veuie Wilson, Katie Widden, Percy Trvistox No. III --3Gertrade Allen, Bertie Mabel Brown, Aileen Burnham, Lewis Clemens, Pearle Tn party a pretty far {how ng, After all. Crandell, Lewis Dinsmore, Bthel Hill, Willie NDER and by virtge of the power of It was their original beheld, LASSCA UP-Fyjoks, Willie Leask, Bella McKnight, Fred sale contained in u certain Mortgage ion, Burnham, Ethel Emmerson, Huda Fer- | © guson, Cecelia Hicks, Lena Marshall, Huph Annie Eva Oar, Athol Gray, -MeAlp % kory, -Mechan, Carrie Raynes, Lillie With regret is announced the death of Mr, W, Bruce, which took place at Mr. Bruce was an old resident of the Cartwright, where he years. Some years ago he purchased a comfortable residence in town, and leasing his farm settled comfortably being an ardent worker, He was universally respected by all. who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and his bereaved wife and two daughters -- Mrs. W. R. Clemens, Tyrone, and Mrs. Dr. Honeywell, Hunter River, | P. E. Island--have the sympathy of His death was days, having taken a chill, which re- the : ui Port Hope, Api igntes present were | oro; C. N. Gill and W. McGuire, W. French, A. Carey, The meeting was wiost May 24--Cobourg at Peterboro', morning ; Peterboro' at Cobourg, after June 3--Lindsay at Peterboro', June 10--Peterboro' at Oshawa, June 15--Cobourg at Oshawh, June 24 --Peterboro' at Liudsuy. June 27--Oshawa at Cobourg: July I--Lindsay at Oshawa. July 6--Cobourz at Lindsay. July 15--Oshawa at Peterboro. July 18-- Lindsay at Cobourg. July 22--Peterboro' at Lindsay. July 29--Peterboro' at Covourg, August 3-- Cobourg at Lindsay. August 8--Cobourg at Peterboro'. August 14-- Lindsay at Cobourg. August 19--Coboury at Oshawa. cog pndeey Ot VOR. A AREA 2 3 3! The umpires are :--Lindsay, F. Dennison ; Peterlioro', J. Callaghan ; Cobourg, A. R. Hargraft ; Oshawa, E. Baker. New. York, April 29. -- Erastus Wiman has joined his wife in mnking au assignment for the benetit of his creditors, Amount of liabilities and assets are not known, The trustee of the creditors is Ben- nett King, who refuses to give any in- formution on the subject. BIRTHS, ALLRED, In Scugog, on the 28th ult., 'the wife of Mr. Philip Alldved, of a daughter, HacermaN,--At Manchester; on the 20th ult,, the wife of My, D. F. Hagerman, of a son, WenstER,--At Utica, on the 20d inst., the wife of Mr, Jos. Webster, of a son, DIED. Eritor,~~1n Scugog, on 23th ult, Mr. Tphraim Elliot, aged 90 years, 1 month 25 days: McCue, --In Scugog, on the 26th ult., Ruth Elliott, wife of Mr, Chas, McCue, aged 40 years, on the 3rd inst., Rebecca, daughter of Mr, C. Johnston, aged 23 years, RYUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE Farm Property | URSUANT to the power of sale con- tuined in a certain Mortgage, which will be produced at the timo of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, by W. M. WiLroox. IN THE TOWN OF PORT PERRY, ONTUESDAY, MAY 80, 1893, At Twelve o'clock, noon, Property : thie following The northerly 61} acres, more or less, of | Lot No. 22, in the 9th Concession, and the south-halfof the cast hall of Lot No. 20, in the 10th Conecssion, containing by adueasure- went 50 weres, be the same more or less, all in the ~ Township of Reach, more' particularly deseribed in said mort. gaye, and known as The John Lamb Farm, The farm is in an excellent state af culti- vation aud is also well suited for stock | raising and grain growing, is situated ina | good foeutity with good Toads and distant | about 3 wiles from Port Perry, On [the | envife is a good young orchard and a plentiful supply of water. Te property will be ficst offered for sale in one lot when, if not sold, each property. will be offered for sale separately, Terms --Ten per cent of the purchase mouey to be paid in cash at the time of sale and the halunge within 30 days; or at the option of the purchaser, a proportion of the purchase money may remain on mortgage for 5 yenrs with interest ub G6 per cent, payable yearly. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to BRUCE, BURTON & BRUCE, Vendors' Solicitors, Canada Life Chambers, Hamilton, Dated 28th April, 1803, MORTGAGE SALE. made Ly Frederick Williani Brawn aud Thomas Henry Brawn to the Vendor and ed September 1st, 1800, there will be red for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, --suliject to a reserved bid-- At theBt CharlesHotel lar that certain parcel or tract of premises situate, lying and being in the Village of Prince Albert, in the Township of Reach aud County of Ontario, containing by admeasnrement 'one half an acre more or less apd beiny - | composed of part of lot number Seventeen in the Fourth concession of the said Town. ship of Reach better known and described f lus ollows--Lot number Five in the Southern division of the Village of Prince Albait on the east side of Simave streetin Block A. There are on the said lands a good, com- fortable dwelling house with stone founda- tion, stable and onthouses, Lard and soft Vendor's Solicitor on the day of sale and Lalance within one week thereafter. For further particulars apply to C. ST. CLAL POCKET BOOK LOST. OST on the evening' of Saturday April in SL 3 > LAR "When | was a Boy," Writes Postmaster J. C. WOODSON, Forest Hill, W. Va., "I had a bron- chial trouble of such a persistent and stubborn character, that the doctor pronounced it incurable with ordinary medicines, and advised me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 1 did so, and one bottle cured me. Tor the last fifteen years, I have used this preparation with good effect whenever 1 take A Bad Cold, and 1 know of numbers of people cheerfully recommend it as being espo= cially adupted to all pulmonary com- plaints. I have, for many years, made pulmonary and other medicines aspecial study, and I have come to the conclusion that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral occupies & position pre-eminent over other medi- cines of the class."--Chas. Davenport, Dover, N. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Prompttoact, suretocure GENTS FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. Whitby & Blong have mach pleasure in informing the puh- lie that "they have leased the Store lately ocoupied by Mr. Minty in the Bloug Block, where they intend carrying on The Merchant Tailoring GET'S FURNISHING BUSINESS. OUR GOODS ARE ALL NEW. and hive been purchased ata great: reduces tion on cost. customers may rely on getting the full advantage of the reduction. Hop- ing by strict attention to Lusiness, keeping only the Newest, Best and Most Fashion able Goods and at prices that cavnot fail to satify customers to merit liberal patronage. #2 Prompt attention to all orders and Penrrer Fis guaranteed, ° Spring Styles of Fine imported Suitings aud Trouserings. . We intend to make our Es- tablishment Headquarters for «faghion" and' Money'sWorth" Call and secure your Spring and Snmmer Suits--Haxpscme, Sryvisi and Crear | We will trest you right, and dress you better, than you ever were in your life, WHITBY & BLONG. Port Perry, April 5, 1808. NOTIGE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of Gecrde Barrett, late of the Township of Reach, in tie County of Ontario, Yeoman, Geceased. OTICE is herehy given, pursuant tothe Revised Statutes of Qutario, cap. 110, 3g, for creditors and others of the © 3 e Barrett, late of the town- slip of Reach, in the County of Outario, Yeomun, deceased, to send to the nuder- wed, the Adwinistiators of the estate of the said deceased, at the Manchester 1, 0,, before the first day of June next, ws against the estate of the said Barrett, de Notice is further se geil. iven that at the expira- tion of the time named for sending in such claims the Administrators shall le at liberty to distribute the assets of the said Bstate, or any part thereof, amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which the Adiministrators have then notice, and shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed m ROADS AND BRIDGES. A LL APPLICATIONS for grants for the in the Township of Reach. for the present year must be by petition, and handed to the Clerk of the Municipal ity, on or before the xn MAY now next, her which date no application will be en- iftness that ought to satisty | here. He wisa member of the Meth- 2 \-rezulated Democrat. Scere- |o.list church and a lifelong Conserva- weston, and 2 small orchard Br bos ame} Teminede ST seeke h is doing as well. The only tive and always took a live interest in| of the purchase money to 1 paid to the Township ke Manchester, April 11, 1892. LEITCH, : Vendor's Solicitor, Rr Dutton, Ont, . or to F. M. Yarxowp, Esq., Barrister, &c.. > Port Perry, Se La Dated ALS 1893: LL APPLICATIONS for grants for the - improvement of Rests and Bridges cin tl 7 e rs Township' of Brock. | for the present year must be by petition, and handed to the Clerk of the Municipal on or before 13Tu MAY now next, ter which date no application | ill be en nired to the improvement of Roads and Bridges of Road Divisions in need

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