Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 Mar 1893, p. 2

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'The Champion Steel Gomninsd Drill a hard, Beott Co. leads. i Del . This Rhy superior points Rs well in the" manner in which it is con- structed us in the choice material used in its make up, combining lightness, durability and reliability as well for keeping in order as for the superiority . | of the work performed. Many of its + | points of excellence are obvious to all ay but those who nse them can speak with ; ry and implements. Mr. | confidence of the manner in which they Siuuinglum, ving leased his farm and | perform their work and it must he A ill benlth is retiring from farm- | highly satisfactory to the manufac. A a Mat the Oriewtal turers to hear from farmers who use the . W. M. Willoox sell at the Oriental | Ohampion a universal verdict in its A gu Setuiday vent, * Bumber of Sue ny it is a decided favorite with all at Two nk sad all must | who use it and nearly all use this Drill ry who can get it, See the adv. elsewhere * be seen by the advertisement else: | in this issue, RL Cf ---- "ut the residence, Elis | Off for Winnipeg.--Mr. T. W. Perry, on Friday April 7th, | Evans of Yelverton, one of thé most ouschol Furniture, &c. is will | juccessful and enterprising importers portant sale of magnificent and | jp coders | f Olydesdnle, Coach and furniture. a note of ] : ee of sale and ont fail to | Trotting Stallions and Mares, Short. attend, horn Cattle, in Canada, left Pontypool ab station on Tuesday last for Winnipeg Spring Shows for 1893. with two car loads of as valuable re Sed Ag: animals as have yet started for the their 8 prin Show opr ovince. This ble desdale Stallion Royal Salute (6240) whose stock is in such demand at hand- some prices ; Auchenleck, 5 years old > and Hatton Prince, both imported and NORTH ONTARIO OBSERVER. alate re PEF PR ar desdale mares ; 4 registered Short-horn PGRT PERRY, MARCH. 3, 1893. bulls, grand rea and of rare in- = | dividual merit ; 4 registered Short-horn Washington Letter. Cows--Campbell and Croick ghank (From Our Regular Correspondent.) hlood-- Also four registered Berkshire Washington is at this time the] Boars-- Cocksworth breeding, Clare Mecca of that vast Army of Micaw- | mont. Seldom such an aggregation of liers, otherwise known as "office reck- | grand stock animals are met with and ers." The Capital is full of them.-- {the locality is fortunate that secures They crowd the hotels, they have filled | services of such animals. All wish up the boarding houses and you meet Mr. Evans a successful trip. Sach en- them in the corriodors of the great |terprise deserves to be "successful. departments and in the lower halls of Notwithstanding this large shipment the White House. The civil service | from Mr. Evans farm he still possesses rules make no difference in their de-|® number of splendid stock animals. ht Agricultural Society will g Show at Blackstock, on pril 27. mands and Mr, Oleveland has to torn | That magnificent imported trotting down the expectancy of a great | *tallion "Starlight" that was crowned number of them every day. His ex- perience during his last administration Nancy Hanks 2.04 ; dam Dolly Wilson refreshing rapidity. He (has fixed the i 2.26 who was half-sister of Alvin 2.13. hours of his receptions and such as 4 get past his private secretary are | These stallions will make the season given a short audience and are some- | through Manverg Qartwright, Port times settled with' a word. The | Perry, &c.--See posters. President does business rapidly. He| A Sugar Social will be held in the #8 a good judge of men and he knows | lecture room of the Methodist Cliurch, *he office-sceking type at a glance.-- | Port Perry, "under the auspices of the They+hand in their cards to the door | Ladies' Aid during the second week keepers and take seats in the Bute: fin April the date of which due notice room. At about 10 o'clock President Cleveland is ready to have them admit- ted. He moves about the room from one man to the other and not nnfre- quently rests himself against his desk ns he talks, half sitting on the corner of it, and he disposes of many cases will be given. morning. with so successful season last year; he also retains "Happy Ellis" sired by enables him to dispose of them with Frank Ellis 2.25}, half-brother of There will Le an Easter Service in |the Methodist Church on Sabbath The Rev. Mp Hill, B.A, of Port Perry, has recently been appointed a A case was tried at Bartle Assizes Sain Intely of interest to the members -- of the A.O.U.W. throughout the pro-| HyxxxesL--The vince. It was an action brought by [took place lust Wedness the widow of one Atcheson Kerr to|at the residence of recover from the Order $2,000, the | Mr. William Herfry € amount of insurance benefits, The de- | Albert, N.W.T., led fence was that Kerr gained admission | to the hymeneal altar. t6 the order on false representations as securely tied by the toage. Warren Totten, Q.C., solicitor | Millan of Wick. The for the defendants. received a telegram | richly and tastefully al this morning from Barrie stating that | her bridesmaid her sist the defendants had won, the jury find- | Baird ; while the groom ing for the Order on all points. ed by Mr. W. R. Gibso At a Inte meeting of the Darlington The spacious sitting Council, a petition which was numer- overflowing with the ously signed, was presented praying bors who had been in the Council to increase the salaries of | the interesting ceremony, the clerk, assessor and collector, Con- | the pleasures of the sideration was deferred till next meet [every table and stand ing of Council. One of the members | W848 loaded down with t of Council gave notice that he would [%nts which in a tan , at next meeting of council move | XPression to the wood 3 the following resolution: -- That | kindly feelings of all with the view of lessening the liability couple. After partakin of the township treasurer in connection | "Past provided in the di with the duties of his office and re. | COMPANY spent a very pi lieving him ofthenecessity of furnishing together. The whole sureties, all funds of the township | well as those who were shall hereafter be paid into the On-|OccASion join in wishi tario Bank to the credit of the town. | wedded couple, who, ina ship, and thas no funds shall be take their departure for drawn therefrom except on cheque of | Prince Albert, N.W. | "Tug New Yok Suwpar GULARLY PUBLISHING AN ART CovER IN 3 A 3 | On Sunday, March 12, The Sunday Press H h 1d Furnit | a feature that will 0use 0 ure h in American jcurnalism. It eet an Art Cover, in which the paper when folded to the quarter size; is encased, ted page of the Art Cover, next Sunday, will show a beautiful re| of the German masterpiece, "St Cecilia," snd for the four Sundays in April it will present an original water color design with an art culender, an original painting in the original colors by an cminent American | artist, and two reproductions of famons paintings, admitted masterpieces. The in- side pages of the Art Cover will always con- tain exquisite half-tone trations of people and topics of the then cur- Every copy of the Art Cover of any issue of the Sunday Press would art store at least $1.00. 'Wall Paper! Wall Paper !--Go to Mr. McCaw's for Wall Paper ench as you | want, his supply is unusually large, good, stylish and cheap. Every variety of the most handsome Wall and Ceiling Paper of rare beauty and exceedingly cheap. A magnificent stock to select from. in| Gives Strength and Appetite. 1 S1r8,--Last year I was very thin the treasurer countersigned Ly the | prosperous career Reeve ; and: that urer's own | fa ithfu) discha re bs | ) Rev. Dr. Potts has received $510,- | R. Eis Wick : Dinner Se 000 in aid of the college confederation | Mrs. Thompson, Seagrave ; {log scheme in connection with the Metho-| Mrs. Jas Gibson, Munilla ; Lamp. dist cl h. Of th ised Mrs. Robert Baird, jr., Saintfield § ist church. the amount promised | yfjsq Maggie Baird, Suintfield ; C $457.000 has actually been subscribed, Z Miss Jenvie McMillan, leaving only about $53,000 to collect. Rotert Miller left for Shrewsbury, England, on Tuesday where he intends | and Mi remaining for about three months, Dish, Miss Stephenson, He will bring back with him a cargo Pickle Cruct, Mrs, R. Q, Vansid f shee We wish him a safe voyage Perey; Silver Pickle Grete o P- ! " YRE€ | Langdon, Sain'fic"d ; Silver Pickle and a successful business trip. Miss E. Richardson, Oshawa ; Silver and Salt Stand, Dr. and Mrs, Park, Bee keepers in this vicinity will do | well to look after their hives as soon | Wick ; as possible. - The past winter has been | , Saint exceptionally severe and therefore more Sa honey has been required. Still Extending. ning, Saintfield ; Buster Knife, Mr, 3 Layton ; Set of Glassware, Miss' , Toronto Junction ; Cut Glass Fruit Set, Ar After all the necessary preliminaries | Will Gibson, Toronto I Pot, Miss Gertie dt li i .D.G.M. e 3 3 had been complied with the D.D.G.M., | Cheese Disha Mr. Mr. G. J. Morrish, submitted the ap-|..4 §'re, S Baird 3: k + Fan RE plication for Warrant to Mr. N liunie Grills, Saintfield ; Stuffed Bi Mr. Ingram, Grand Secretary, for the for-| e = Meluemety fort, Re 3 Whisk i v: hj older, and r Nn a ON mation of a lodge of Loyal Trae Blues | (4% SL F450 "Sowa til Fie in Oshawa. On Thursday evening | older and Pair of Vases, Mr. ¥v J Inst Victoria Lodge No. 55, Loyal | Graham, Wick: Album (photograph) Mr. True Blues, was organized in that plaze. and Mss. Kuatedy, B5incourts Sa Billow, ¥ rp ary and Archie McMillan, Sonya i [Sian Mater W m. Fitzgerald, of Haga, Mrs. MoMillan, Wick Hn, Pearly | Toronto ; N. Ingraw, Grand Secrtary, | Bialazon, V Bible Port Perry ; G. E. Hill, P. D. G. M., | Wick ; Brace and Set of Toronto; Chas. Boucher, Wm. of Tord Gibson, Sonya ; Pair of Pillows and Pillow Erne Lodge, Toronto; Mrs, Fits. |Cases and Table Sproad, Mis. Geos firewn, gerald, W. M. of Lady 'Verne Lodge, Nite "5% "aitvon. Tarie: Pair of low Toronto; and John N. Marks, Port | Cases and Table Spread, (afriend)§ Linen Perry, were present and performed the initiation ceremony : a large deputa. tion from the Port Perry lodge would have been present but were prevented 3 ; Table Napkins, >, ] enrolled their names as members. The Pair Towels, Rygush election of officers resulted as follows : without even taking t he papers which wach office sceker brings with him. There are somcthing like 2 olerks right here in Washington, and | the number increases every year.-- There is a fat book known as the Blue present year, to the great) ir , and ves every salary in nt deliv and oO! to do vy 2 . The Blue [a0 they have secured and placed on the ng the past six ; on the Book is made for private circulation. | road a delivery wagon so as to meet months, To Scrgeant-Major Lawrence morning of the 20th of last SoNth. "The Each Senator and each representative [the demands of their numerous cus-| credit is due for the untiring energy | cause o this outrage was has two and there is one in the hands | tomers; so that in future deliveries displayed in promoting and success. of each prominent government official. | both in town and Prince Albert 'will fully carrying out the necessary pre-| being half an hour late. On Aside from these there are only ahont 2,000 extra copies printed, and the book is in proportion to the circula- tion one of the costliest volumes in existence, It cost over £16,000 to set the type, and it would take a g be more punctual. men. There is a prejudice against | : female clerks on en The | were plegeed to-mges him, first woman regularly employed was put on the rolls of the Navy Depart ment thirty-five years ago. She was a | | and returned her copying by a mes- | land could contribute towards the dis- | i r i : ras Oaptain--W. L. Parrish. brusing masters who demand & ation senger. To-day there are 1,000 women | play. The effects of Mrs. Billings | : .. | from children which decent do not | in the Treasury alone. superior taste and skillful band wore | Messrs. W. L. Parrish, F. W. Phil-| 00 of dogs--all poe tof date The recent attempt by Congress to | visible throughout an 1 ogthen the working hours of em |by the fair host who visited ber estab- lishment, and a large number of pur- plore in the departments was inspired hy & sentiment which is apparently | chinses were ma le. widespread over the country. Muny| gyre) Done.--Dr. Clemens who is| FORMATION OF A COUNTY LEAGUE people roughest the West, while ge one of the most skillful curlers in the| On Tuesday evening last the dele- ' Jing t -- un nay, Special y County offered as a prize a silver cup, | gates from a number of Lacrosse Clubs phjurate me at o > open to the members of the Port Perry | throughout the County met at the ington, 2 : ng. at these | darling Olub, for which sixteen com-| Oriental Hotel, Port Perry, the object servants of Uncle Bam are so many pet-d, many of them beling veterans at | heing to form a County League, The . the game. Mr. Jobn Swan a novice | following delegates were present : teonigh. The fuse is any Besretary Su at the game and an inexperienced | Whitby Club was Nepresontid by| Got Latile for their hy a simp er bypiaped 16 WOIking | o1over entered the list and succeeded | Messrs. A. Lawlor, 8. Grabam and J.| Bethany, March 27.--8 hours of the clerks in department {0 Crying off the laurels and the cup | Misbell. Inxurious idlers fattening at the public to any extent he may deem desirable. . : , He in an autocrat, even controlling the other evening. Well done matrimony among his subordinates. ) 0 employes can. adv. in another column.) moderate charges. ~ (See the adv.) Fa sold for arrears. jis, £ dence in that town. | the member of the Advisory Council on | Religious Congresses of the World's | Geo, Lawrence, W. M.; J. Cooper, D. 0,000 | Columbian Exposition in Chicago the IMJ Fursey, Chap ; J. Thompson, | § ) 39. y Ly Oe + Messrs. Phillipo & Meharry owing increased demand for Personal.--We Lad on Monday Inst a pleasant call from Mr. Jas | Dean of Toronto, formerly of this place. Poterboro, on May 23rd. 00d | For many years he was engine driver --e 4 : | on our railway when it was known as typesetter ten years to set it. | ri | the W hitb; P.P. Ry. About ti qe Though ordinarily one-half of the | Ad t i , SH apilicants for places in the depart. years ago he meet with an acoident The annval meeting of the Port| yee further displayed. Tue appLs Are a only cue Sepa of near Midland which has incupalitated Perry Lacrosse Club was held in « | brought before T. H. Glendi tl 3 inted f pe ' © him for the duties of engineer. He | room in the Ross Block on 'the even- gentler seX is appointed for every Seven | 5,1 well however and his wany friends | ing of Monday last. The meeting Millinery Opening.--Mrs. Bill. | | ing's Millinery opening on the 28th and 29th inst. was pronounced 'really de- : > x young widow. It wasa grave ques | lightful" hy the host of fair visitors Hon. President, Wm. McGill. tion what shou'd be done with her, | whose sparkling eyes fairly feasted on and it was thought best to isolate her, | the magnificent dispiay of all that was 3 Na lifferently during a whol as if she were contageous. An attic | newest, best, most stylish and hand- Vice Pres, F. W. Phillipo. i Yon : room was given her, and she received [some which the best markets in the Mr. W. Pearson, Manchester, offers become husband | for sale at a bargain three young ; phon Shorthorn halle, | F. W, Phillipo and M. Wil s pou, bes pedegresd {Ses the Riis i M. Williams, Visitors to World's Fair from this | foe approve of the move and intend | small locality will find something of interest falling into line. to them in our advertising columns in | A 'notion being submitted it was : wis ee Op with | 4 nanimously resolved to form a County wer, Englew 104R0, | [eag nd the followi 3 dul ed fi other to I. inh comfortable od dovirasle a e lowing were duly | part. lor some er town, accommodation may he secured at very | Hon. President, Hon. John Dryden. | burglars paid a visit to } a| In the list of lands to be sold for with | taxes published in tha Qobourg World, the 5. o. } (50 acres) of lot 26, con. 9, Cartwright, is one of the J tobe An Execative Committee is to Le | The safe was unlocked a We learn by the Peterboro Exam-| from each Club in the ue, said iner of last week that Mr. B. F. Ack-| committee to meet at oan il erman hus lately purchased a fine resi-| May 3rd, to schedule the games for Mr. O. L. Whitby bas moved into |erned by the rules of the , Block ; he now occupies the 3 lately occupied by Mer. Minty. | Thirt packing firm of Se CE of ittle butcher shop Rec, -Secy. After the beautiful and op rad, Men Geo. Vr wistroctive ceremony of installation the | Saintfield ; Baby Brabazou's ph visiting brethren were entertained " some roosters and pig on the a few hoys before the teach liminaries. | model teacher (a Mr. Brewster] The Grand Master has Authorized | without any explanation, g Lacrosse. to stop the proceedings when hi | treatment the boy was being si whereupon Brewster's pugilh keen, The following officers were the Brewsters and Slemons are 4 elécted : gated to a position with the' S : gone times. Unvatural pa A ] about flogging a boy a speond Hon. Vice-Pres,, Wm. Ross. cruel teacher had done it onced President, M. Williams, day; indifferent trustees who . ings of a teacher who does not Secretary, H. G. Hutchinson. human nature as embodied in Treasurer--H. L. Paterson, child jplaced under his inh d much admired | lipo and M. Williams were appointed | very swiftly, Another generationtaill find mashes delegates to represent the Club at aja teacher io the Central prison! joint meeting of a number of clubs in |* boy's teocth out, that is the county for the purpose of forming should be. _ If parents have it for their children to protect th a County Leagu-. teachers then the boys can only risk of mutilaticn, d then advancing public o school system from this barb boys who protested against B ment will grow up to be n their count; representati ing last night thieves en Uxbridge--Messrs. Jonathan Gould, | Sons store and blew E. 8, Plank, and G. Sharp. and pulled every thin Port Perry--Messrs. W. L. Parrish, | got no money, nington not being re. tha sa. | T. Ivory & Sons', and the tills but gat only ab lars, They then took | Peterboro', March 28° Hon. Vice-Pres., Wm. Smith, M.P. President --W. L. Parrish. Vice-Pres., J. Gosld, Secretary, J. Mishell. Treasurer, M. Williams. cutt s brewery in Ashlurn forced open the front door, tools stolen from Mr. J. blacksmith shop, forced and drawers in the desk and the drawers in it. Their . a . Baltimore, March 21 .--For the first time «ince a week ago last Thursday Miss Lizzie Ensor has spoken, mornin the girl awakened fromm her trance and startled her mother by ask ing; "Why, mother, is that you?' ----OF VALUABLE-- HE undersigned is instructed by MRS. N. F. PATERSON, who is leaving Port Perry for Loudon, Eng- land, 'to offer fof wie at the residence, PORT PERRY | On Friday, April 7,1893, AT ONE O'CLOCK, SHARP ! The following Valuable Household Furniture 1 Upright Piano (Heintzman), 1 Raw Silk Drawing-room Suite, 7 pieces, walput frames, 1 Brocaded Silk Drawing Room Suite, six pieces, walnut frames, 1 Plush Lounge, 1 Damask Lounge, . 2 Fancy Rep Chairs, walnut frames, 2 Ladies' Rattan Rocking Chaits, 1 Gentleman's Rattan Rocking Chair, I Gentleman's Plush ir, I Upholstered Art Chair, 1 Haircloth Easy Chair, walnut frame, 1 Walnut Whatnot, 1 Bamboo Whatnot, 7 Fancy Wall Brackets, 4 Clocks (one brouze), Cabinet, - - 1 Bamboo h 2 Walnut Fancy Tables, I Walont Card Table, 1 Walnut Centre Table, } Walnut Fancy Table, Plush Top, } Walunt Fancy Table, Felt Draped, 3 Ebony Fancy Tables, 3 Rosewood Fancy Tables, 1 Oak Fancy Table, 1 Maple Fancy Table, 1 Rustic Table, Plush Top, began to talk mn a She has no recol'ec. «| tion of anything that occurred within the last two weeks, ---- | 9 Chromos, Port Perry Market. | 1 Large Faney Picture Frame, [Quotations by Messrs. A. Ross & Son.] Thursday, March 30, 1863. Fall Wheat 60c to 65c. Spring Wheat 55¢ to 60c, Goose Wheat 5ic to 60c, Barley (6 rowed) 30c to 40c. Barley (2 rowed) 30c. Pens-- Blackeye 05c to 70¢, Peas--Muommy 57¢ to 60c, Peas--Small 655¢ to Sc, Alsike Clover 87.00 to $7.7 Red Clover £9.50 to $9 Grass Seed $2.00 to 83 y A a " Bits, Mr. Wesley | Sheepskins 60c to $1.00 Table Cloth, Jeanie. Hort, SRI] erry, rn, '© 14: Linen Table Cloth, Mss. R. Bale, sr. Guese 10c utfield ; Linen Table Cloth Mrs. Holder- | B,ter 18 to 20, w, Saintfield ; Table Napkiiy' Mise |g, ' by the almost impassable condition of A ith, Sutton ; Pair owels ith the roads. Some twenty-five persons Si : , Mis Gthraith, ; h- Wood $4.00 to & Be en Et Hard Wood $4.00 to £5.00, atthews, Pefferlaw; Pair Towels and lasher, Miss Jane Matthews, 'Peflerlaw ; k Handkerchief, Miss Lizzie Creight, nt- | Rear --At Greenbank, en the 23rd inst. {5 the wife of Mr. W. M. Real, of ason. | vis rick Staples, second daughter of Richard Sw ng of | Gresox--BAIRD--At the residence of the | Saintfield, on the 22nd inst., by the Rev. John { William Henry Gibson of Prince Albert, | N.W.T,, to Miss Stella Baird. i oard by ed, he i, this nee and | one of saw the | 1); sone. --In Port Perry, on the 29th inst., Roth Grabam, beloved wife of Mr. Thomas | 50 Yards Green Tapestry Carpet, Dinsmore, aged 42 years, d to, 5 months and | 6 { | ~Roy Mendham, yorngest son of | pres | Ida Pla ten, aged 3 years, 11 months and | 3 i of by- | *| Furnished Rooms fo Ref. [ise Seaes N ENGLEWOOD, two and one-half miles from World's Fair, 3 | grounds or city ; $1.35 per day. Four blocks from street or steam The L.8. &M.8., C., R.I.&P, P., | | Dozen & C., Wabash, Canadian bc fare to Breakfast For Sale at a Bar, Splendid, Young, Pedigreed "Horn Bulls. All from imported gain, Mavsbester, March 29th, 1803. 6 Terra Cotta Images, 3 Fancy China Flower Pots, 1 Pair Brass Candlesticks, 14 Ol Paintin; 5 Water Col 1 3 Steel Engravings, 7 Wall Panels, 1 Walnut Sideboard, 1 Walnut Extension Dining Table, 1 Walout Fall-Leaf Table, 6 Leather Dining Room Chairs, 1 7 Leather Rocking Chair, Walnut Eser y r, Firetongs snd Shovel, | 2 Book Shelves, | 1 Cabinet Sewing Machine (AmericanSinger 1 Waluut Hat Stand, 1 Hat Rack, | 2 Walnut Bedroom Suites (Marble top), | 2 Walnut Bedroom Suites, 1 Oak Bedroom Suite, | Walnut Wardrobe, 17 Ourtain Poles, | 1 Archway Curtain Pole, 12 Pairs Lace Curtains, 6 Puirs Muslin Curtains, 1 Pair Heavy Brocrade Curtains, 1 Pair Heavy Rep Curtains, } Pair: Chenille Curtains, 1 Odd Chenille Curtain 3 Felt Table Cloths, 1 Tapestry Table Cloth, 1 Red Table Cloth, 1 Felt Mantle Drape, | 1 Felt Paper Holder, 2 Slipper Holders, 3K Sofa Pillows, e Linen, dow Blinds with Fringe, ndow Biinds, Springs, Blankets, { downs, 2 Pairs Pillows, 1 Walnut Hall Table, | {10 1 Fancy Table Lamp, 3 Han 2 Bracket Lamps, 9 Lamy 1 Carpet Sweeper, Smyrna Rugs, Sheepskin Rugs, 4 Tapestry Rugs, 1 Wilton Rug, { 100. Yards Brussel Grand 'Secretary In to call the the boys by the throat, strug c on the s Carpet with border, ny Daerela 7 pain 4 Lod ' the! mouth with his fist, breakil of his| McKay.---In Prince Albert, on the 24th | }4 Yards ls St he rpet, 2 g of rand Lodge at | teeth and peeling his own knuokisiare with | infunt dunghter of | 60 Yards Brussels Hall Carpet, the blow ; he then commenced iiging the | Mr. George McKay, aged 3 weeks and 2| 60 Yards Brussels Carpet, lad, and ove of the other tried | 170 Yards Tapestry Carpet, 100 Yards Red Tapestry Carpet, ards Hemp Stair Carpet, d) Stoyes and pipes 2 Large Coal {Art Garlan 1 Small Coal Stove, and the teacher was fined with 1 Kitchen (Art Garland) Range and pipes. time has been when it was © idored a - C. and Ida Platten, aged 2 years, 10| | Cooking Stove and pipes, : | feather in a master's cap if he d goad | months and 18 days. 3 toy. d pi was well attended and enthusastic and | jis soholars into rebellion ands clean | Parris, --In Scugog, on the 24th WR iy Ye any nm, the interest taken in the bnsineas was | ont the school, but in this Cecil Kmerson, eldest son of W. C. and | 5 Verandah Chairs and Settee, ne Tables, chen Tables, Ioat Cupboard, 3 1 Wal 1 Letter Press, 1 Step Ladder, 1 Gent's Saddle, Adle, Jet, gilt edged, 79 pieces, pa Dinner Set, not complete, 31 Pacific, ney China Cups, irie., Monen and Chi. & Eastern Ill. : Dozen Raney stop at Englewood. Write for particulars. | | Chi Rooms must be secured in advance. h MISS E. L. PALMER, 604 West 50th Street, Englewood, Chicago, IIL | § Cut (ilass Tumblers, Egg Stand, Biscuit Jar and Set Cake Plates, 1 Cruet Stand (8 1 Revolving Butter Dish (Silver), 10 Cut Glass Wine Glasses, = A quantity of Glassware, Kitchen Utensils and Dishes, and other articles too nu- _ merous to mention. A quantity of Stovewood, Tools, Stables implements, dy. £7 The greater part of the above Far. niture has only been in use ahout two years, and is of the most modern style. A discount at the rate of 8 per cent pum will be allowed for cash on sums entitled to credit, A + 18, To the Ladies of Port Perry and ARTIES requiring my services will ieinity : P please' et DE htioos tn or Vicinity : pply personally at the OBSERVER Office, 1 TAKE great pleasure in return Port Perry. thanks te the ladies of Port Perry an surroundings for the liberal patronage be. stowed upon me since cdming to Port Perry, x BILLINGS. Port Perry, March 14, 183. waco Begs for Hatching Blue Andalusians, bred would sate that be in| Bi CI ee | ack Mi fine | comb--Eggs, a MEio50 per 13, $2. 5, AUCTION SALE [=r OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN | THAT ree been declared Paid tal Stock of the Ban 03 Br six months, being at the rate of seven cent. per apnum, and that th nd payable on and after |Siturday, the {st Day of April, 1893. at the Offices of the Bank. The transfer Sooke will be closed from the 15th to the ven that the General An- nual Meeting of the Shareholders of the Bank, for the election of Directors and such other busivess as may legally coute before on the Seconp WEDNKSDAY in APriL wmext, being the 12th di month, at 2 o'clock, p.m By order of the board, Oshawa, February 22nd, 1803. THAT WELL DRESSED FEELING STEALS OVER YOU. These aro geometrical figures and speak XXXII 0000S DAMAGED of customers by et We wish to inform the public that we have | have just receeived a SPLENDID STOCK s HANDSOME CLOTHS in all the Newest Shades for Suits, and a tine lot of Pantings far. superior in quality and style to anything ever offered in this locality and we trust that our patrons will show their appreciation of our efforts to give them the very latest snd most Stylish Out C. L. WHITBY. MERCHANT TAILOR Port Perry, Feb. 15, 1893, HAT DESIRABLE Brick Dwelling with Grounds, on Ella St., Port Perry, suitalle for a gen- 13 Acre of land, good orchard, kitchen garden, lawns, stable, &c. Also stable and lots on the corner of North MRS. PATERSON, Or to UH. L. Ebbels, Esq., Barrister, &c., NOW BEING Also. a Lawn Roller and a Lawn Mower; Wire Clothes Lines and Reel, Garden Terms OF Saie.--All sums of $20 and under, cash ; over that amount six months credit will be given on approved notes.-- For Exchange orto Rent , « coutainin of beatsifaly situa vated land. On the premises there are | a frame dwellingand a frame bar: We have no time to write lon -winded ad- vertisements, but say this, if you want Bar- ains_ now 4 chance to.Save Money by buyin from us. This desirable property will be rented for a term of years ; if not rented it will be ex: chaoged for farm property; Por further information, apply at the vER Office, Perry, Feb. 23, 1893. CHOICE SEEDS. FROM THE RELIABLE OLD FARN , Vick's American Banver acre of which gave us 103 ik Noe shied 235 bash: . ks Coles Prasstan Pine and would to state that I have leased the building first door south of the Market where 1 intend, in a few days. to PAINTING iris | KALSOMINING, &C. "Fil tiie

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