"phone ~ Cards. under 6 lines, per annum... , Physician, Sorgean sil Toon sol Office and lo Town Hall, Prt Hy x Db. Nw Cl ir i t, niversity; orth i OF Puysiciaus and | Jd. 5 ap of the Arg; ou] 5 iy ph DR. ®. 0. [DOWELL © BUCCESSOR TO DR. HAMILL, N D., Master of Surgery, Vivtoria Uni- o versity; Licentiate of Royal College of Pliysiuus, London, Eng, Member of Col- lege of Physinians & Surgeons, Ountario.-- Late attendant of Soho Hospital for Diseases of women, and of Great Ormond Hospital for Diseases of Children, Loudon, Eng, Physician, Surgeon, &c., Office hours--8 to 10 a. mi, 1 to 4 p.m, and evenings, Office aud residence, Dr. stand, Queen St, + - 'OBN BILLINGS, "Solicitor, Notary Pablic, Couveyancer, &e. Solicitor or the Ontatio Bank. gar Office over the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. Jan. 20, 1 KB. FAREWELL, . 8, "County . Crown Attordéy, Barrister, C Sunty Sol- c or, &e., Notary Public and Conveyancer Jtfice--South wing Court House, Whithy, Ont. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Barrister, G. Attorney -at:Law, Solicitor in Chancery and Insolvency, Notury Public, &c Office--McMian's Block, Brock Sirtet, Witioy:, .Hamill's old Port Perr) J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, now putting in Upper and Lower Sets of Teéth at from $4 T0 $75 EACH SET. Having just purchased the largest stock of | teeth ever brought into North Ontario Tam | gatistied I can suit you both as to quality | | ad pri Come and see. Rooms in the Blong Block, over Messrs. Forman & Son's | Store. Port Perry, Oct; 281801. Veterinary S Surgeon. rHE anidatsioned havi having completed his full Course at the Provincial Veterinary 'College arid obtained a Diploma as Veteriu: | aty Surgeon, would announce that he has opened an office for the practice of his pro- fessionat Port P. erry, where all calls personal by letter or telegram, by day or by nigh will ba promptly "attended to, iscases of animals treated in the latest and best known system 2 Teleffhone connection--free of charge. ORR GRAHAM. Port Perry, April 8, 1884. # € L.RUBSON. V. 8. NRADUATE Ontario Veterinary Col: ( 1age, Toronto, Office and residence funn CorraGE, two miles south of Bepresenting the 5 Com; = Western Bark] . OF CANADA. | Port Perry A gency. ar rates. LE, Banking ness t terest calculated ai each depositor semi annually. A Tale with a Moral. A dog who had lost "his tail, one day Sat sighing under a frag} 3 fleonnse of living hi had passed away. a weary world," said he. "| ¢ The loss of my candal apjendage dear, | Hus wr ugat me much anioy ; I have naugnt to droop to exhibit fear Or to wag to show my joy.' Just then another dog roshed pr af; Down theroad with the al ed of ge s wind, With an «1d sin can to his tail tied at ath}. And a coz boys behin i the highest current| Stouffville. etedivedito Abram Pipher, whi works in George Ww. ~McGILL, Bros. factory, had several of his fingurs Maxacer, [outly lacerated by a cirsitlai saw last Port t Penny, April 4, 1888, DAVID J.ADAMS, PORT PERRY: Good Note Discounted. Has any amount of Money to Loqn t 65 per cont. on good Mortgages. | ii Hawzen and Yewis [Simen 5 | were each fined $1 and oosts on the | | 16th inst, for violation of By-law No. | + Angus Ego, Clerk of Georgina, town- | ship; wits stricken with paralysis a few to welk davs ago, but is agiin able | about; Tu the non-jury case last week in the | Conuty Court, Cdlvin |judgine nt ona promissory note for 1 £200, held by him agninst Jos. A, and | JIIN SHRANOE { Samuel Todd. effected at the Lowest Rates in Good English Companies. The Stoufiville Creamery Co, are | asking for tenders for the erection of d £7 Agent Allan Line. of Stean- f Lick building with stone basement, ships. Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1889, MONEY TO LOAN HE Subsqriber i is s propared to LEND | AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 6 PER © ANY A ENT. #4 Also on Village Property. AZ MORTOAGES BOUGHT, "EA HUBERT L, EBBELS, Barrister, Office next to Ontario Bunk. Port Parry, May 10, WM. EDMETT, Insurance and General Agent, 1885, Port Perry, Ont. PuaNix Crrizens' FOR THE COUNTY TOWNSHIP OF Valuators, REAL ESTATE antee or no pay. W. M, WiLrcox; Scott, Thorah, and Eldon nohester 14 years practice, Tele- in the house--fice donfmunication with Port Perry, Manchester, and elevator. Telegraph calls to Manchester will be for- warded by telephone, All Veterinary Medicines in oy Evergreen foes" | Jan, 2, 1888 rtp, North Ontario Observer. AW "eekly Political, Agricultural "and Family Newspaper, 15 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, & eR 4 advance; |] pper discontinued until arrears are paid fi Rates of Advertising: For each line. first insertion . Subsequent insertions, per line, <.. $0 C8 002 5 00 their intrests. WM. dara, Fire, LIFE AND Accrorsg, NORTHERN ASSURANCE' Co'Y. Assurance Co'y. INSURANCE Grascow & Loxpox Insurance Co'y Port Perily, April 26, 1880. Co'y, WILLGOX & HOLT Licensed Auotioneers OF ONTARIO AND CARTWRIGHT, &e., &c. A Perer Hour, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator &e. 1 OR the Townships of Broek, Uxbridge, | Lantes Home MAc Mariposa Rama, Parties sutrusting their Sales to me may vely on the ntmsot attention being given to GORDON, Sunderland, L VERY STABLES. E many years EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal putrghiage received during the I have kept a Livery Establish- ment in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in dunouncing that I have removed MY LIVERY! TO MY NEW PREMISES Opposite the Railway Station where from largely extended premises and increased fucilities for business the public can be sccommodated with safe and desirable Bias AT MODERATE CHARGES. = : "Ra SVANSICKLER, Port Ty July a, 1886. SPECIALTY. Sale Bills made out and Blouk Notes furnished free of charges Satisfaction guar- Terms liberal, jr and sand to be provided Ly the; company and separate ders to {given for stonework, carpenter work. The building to { completed not later than May 27th, {1893 --Tribune. te | be | BYRDOCK PILLS give satisfactio whe ver tried! Tiey eure sdpaion, snk Head ice and Elllousmess. The healthy body throws off the germs of | cholera therofore wisdom counsels "the use | Biood Beware of Cholera. 1 | of Burdock Bitters this spring to | purify the blood, regulate the system, and | fortify the body against cholera or other | | { epidemics. Yor Over Fifty Years, Mrs. Winsrow's SoorHING SYRUP been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. ty Si + Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing po Children Teething. little sufferer immediately. it, mothers, there is no mistake about ft cures [ regulates the Stomach and Bowels rs Wifid Colic, s Gums, reduces Infl ammation, aud encrgy to the whole system, 'Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children tecthing is pleasant to thie taste and is prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in United States. Price twenty-five cents a bottle, Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for 'Mrs. WinsLow's S00THING § THOUSANDS IN REWARDS Great Weekly COonipetition of The Ladies Home Magazine, it. Port Perry: Manchester. | Which word in this advertisement spell the Aug. 22, 1887 same Baokward as forward? This isa rare . 28g: 22 . opportunity for every Madum and Mik, ie oe re 3 nid pri WM, GORDON, irouy! this great com petition p o distribut- r receiv- ate on each letter (o he ived) at the: office of the AGAZINE (each and every woek during 1892) will get 8200; the second cor- rect answer, $1003 the (bird 80; fourth, benutifulsilyer service; firth, five o'clock silver service, and the next ry } got prizes TADZIDE [TOL fifth correct answer, h prize winner or not, will get a special prizo, Competitors residing In {ie Southern Statos, as well as other distant points, have an equal chance with those nearer home. as the poet. mark will he our authority In every cuse, RULES, -- Fach list of answers must he ac- companied by $I (o pay six months subkerip- tion to.one of the best Home Magazines in pri ud 1s follows: The first co ed (the postmark dat taken as the date Norr.--~Wao want half a million subscribers, and to kectre them we propose to give aws Ih rewards one hmlf our ineoma. There in ease one half the total receipts durin waek exceed the eash value of he prizes, any such nxcess will be added pro rata to the prizes, the reverse, a pro mta discount will be made, REFERENCES. -- The Ladies Home Magazine is well able to earry ont [ts promises" --Peler. borongh (Canada) Times. "A splendid paper, and financially strong."--Huasting (Canada) Star. 'ecelve just what be is entitled ta -- Norwood Canada) Register, Money should be sent by ost office order or registered letter, Address, ie Ladies Tome Muguzine, Peterborough anada. PATENTS, H. McCA Ww. Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1 MARRIAGE LIEGE "Port Perry Ont, "Upon receipt of model or sket 'male careful gxuinhasion, and advise bility free of ebarg Jong established facilities for making prompt prelim inary searchor, for the most vigorous and successty for patent, and for attend- Letters containin; Tigray, when addressed to this Office, pre-paid and a will be at our risk. Advertisements measured by Nonpariel, and cliarged aseording to the space they oc: dvetpiseniants received for wblicktion; without specific instruotions. will be inserted uvotil for and charged accordingly. No 'advertisement will be taken out until pate tor. A liberal disthant allowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year. These _ hered to. JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets. Hand Bills, Posters, Programs, Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt ecks, Books, Circulars, Busines Cards, Ball Cards, style and color ig promptly and at lc rates than er estab: in terms will in all 'casos be strictly nq] INN & CO. Es ur Scientific American re a ew i paieh NEW YORI es Te Ao a EEF hotore American ity of Money até gud 7 per Ing to all Boalt entrusted to my cars, shortest possible time. Rejeoted cass aspecilalty. FRES MODERATE, an Book of information and advice, quest. J. BR. LETTEAL, Salloltor and Attorney on Patont Causes, Opposite Eat ui in, ate! Mention this pape.) | 98, with respect to transient trading. 1 BANKER AND BROKER. Yuke secured n | le} bricklnying and} 2 { has If disturbed at following First Cl night and broken of your rest by a sick mpanies % 2554 child suffering and ceying with pain of Cut It will relieve the poor Depend upon ftens the and gives tone the "Every prize winner will) be sure to CAVEAT®S AND Ru-188UEg secured, TRADE-M a Yorisiared 8 and all othor patent causes in the Patent 0 and before the Courts promptly Jnd carefully invention, 1 s to patenta- Main 3 Eb across from the Patent Office, and attention is specially called to my perfect and in the exclusive attention given to pateudusinon, dsp :cial references sent without charge upon re- {PRIZE RED PRIZE REBUS Le 3 i p ¥ ) y p 4 > Wo '3 fl | a |e JX -- | -- < ------ A al J ---- v 1 $1000.00 IN PRIZES GIVEN AWAY. Mrs McGinty has lost her husband, and lie is to Le fonud combined in the above picture. The Proprietors of the LADIES" Hosk MoNTHLY will glve a first class Up ight Pimnoof the very best make, valued at $350, to the person who can first fuel cGinty iu the above pieture. A rews rd or | ® aSafely Ii | @ for the sedond - Business uoation at a ierolal College to th @ third correct answer, 4 > b A d Watch to the fourth correct Bison, & Colt, Silver Wat h fo tho fifth 'correct Aimer A 8s Gold I"iece to the si: cle 4 Watch to the next lime LG CW PEOERSS Ma ay Hall a 8 $00 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ing fin tion francs 1x80. And fo the Kixih; and eighth correct answer from the la it 3 h a Solld Gold Glove Dut toner with chain "and charm ata CONDITIONS :--Each V fatoeut out the above Rebus and ni < | gruss with a lead pencil or fuk on Meiiinty's | send same fo us with feu { thrce-cont stamps, (or 20 eents fn stiver) for g three month 8 fubiser!) pion fo the LAMES Home MoNtity, Canada's high-class and popular journdl. If flere should be a Ini antering Ih iis comp titfon we | r joned. ay have an gual chance in this co tion with our huine patrons, as the du Te uf § | k on letters will be i Proce: i$ dees, #0 answer to ¢ Pe Apo bl | § ality is guaranteed in fig texan: We fave given away thousands of dollars hi § wrizes in our pist competitions 5. thous of {slimonlgls fur : ness and fait dealing, Don't class us with § otlier firms you may have been taken ni § nimes fn The § * p wita Write niiy of the succeseiul our lnat competion, given Lelow ona fice off rh of i} ADIES' HOM alle publishers, made by 8, wi U0 'and do what they : 8 w hat" the, The foljowIng 1s a list of prize. winners In our last Suite titlon Mr. 5. 15, Mu; Sin orento 4 Ghee for $8600 5 D0, 11. Blast). Oxfutd Bk, ¢ Diamond Lar Rings; D. M, Sanson. Benk { Cuminerce, Riba a Ave. aii Colle; su St. | . ity isa St, Ton loi, Ont. ohison, 502 Carey & 2 Gold Brooch ; Mrs, 1 Ont Gold Brooch | Dr St, Mon r wehy DAW. Wiintp g, Man, McCann Le 3 W 9 * St. 3 jold kic Hampton. Mt' Koreal, @ 8p Jum Rowe, hox 58% & B if Brooch; Mes Win & Buffalo, N. Y., Gold & > "All answers must ie sent by mal, Now 3 will be received If dl . Be sure and unsw ue 14 a roward ths for your trcubl (88) LADIES HOVE MONTHLY, 192 King 5 W., Toro. te, Ca 20004 968008308322230806840 ---------------------- ' w bat's the mattah with Cholly® He's sick. 2X pb 2c 3 ° ? 2 > ® Sowebody gave him a weal rotmecs ciguawet, A Second street dry goods dealer fact that of handkerchivfs is not his be advertises the strange stock to sneezed at. The turkey is&' very knowing bird but it appears 'he can be stiiffed. Mr. Figg-- ¢ When ahole in the ground Tonmy--* Well 7 is filled up with dirt what becomes of y, paw ¥ the hole ¥ No charge to florists for this advices If you would have your plants start early put them in spring beds. , ree pe Restored to Health. ordinary lead pencil is used, Outdone. Prorrssor GRAYS AUTOGRAPH. Kian Gray's tel atograph, writing machine, was ring order at No. 80 to the represent. 3 papers of a T. M. Jas an, xhi cit, hy aid of & mintare cent! er thesinvention was shown us it will be operated when it takes the place of ¢ telegraphand the telephone, Profeatof: Gray c'aims to be the inven. tor of the telephone; besides being the discoverer of the harmovic telephtip and telautogra ph. The telautograph consists of a trans. witter and receiver, at he station, In the transmitter au associnted for use near the point of which two silk cords aro fasten- ed at right angles to each other. These | cords connect with the instrument, and, | fellowing the motion of the pencil, re gulute the receiving pen at the station The writing is done or ordinary puper, | which is aeranged on a roll underneath | the maching A lever at the left hand | is moved bythe hand to shift the paper forward mechanitdlly off the transmit ter, and electrically on the receiver. The receiving pen is a capillary glass | tube plied at the junction of the two aluminum Arms, and supplied with ink tlirough a'smnll rubber tube placed in one of the Arms, The electrical im- pulse coming over the wire moves the pen of the the movemept of the hand of the sender. eiver simultaneously with Telautoglaphs were working in the New Yor} and Chicago offices of the company jesterday, and, in addition to messaged of congratulation, pictures and figgtes beside words were shown, displayilig the many uses to which the mnchind can be put. Thy inventor claims for the telauto- rlitrary sigos, figuges, tabulated stateménls, and Blior hand characters are trans-- The sender pictures, diagrams, cipher mitted us well as writing. and receiver each has a record of every messaye and reply, and if the receiver 16 absent he will find the message on hig veturn. The telautograph works noiselessly, the central office cannot and insures secret service because get the message without cutting it off from the person for whom it is intended. Crisp and Casual. A postage stamp licker has been in- vented. A Luman skull as latge as & bushel basket has been found in Sicily. is preseryed in a Chinese museum. incomes of more than $7.000 a year Holland, the. carat have been cut in responsible for sixty-seven murders tradesman advertises : "A Berlin Dear Sirs, -- For years I was trouble nih indigestion, but being advised to try BBB: 1 ahd 50 aud find myself quite restored health. How ako SULLIVAY, Mgr. Sullivan Farm, Dunbar, Out. A Matter of Position, -- Buckton: "1 have uoticed n funny thing al men who have been taken in.' Nen- dick--* What is it { Buckton--* They ure usually very much put out. Hortowav's PiLrs.--Impurities of tho Blood.--To ensure health it is absolutely necessary that the Guids and solids of the human body should be kept free from those impurities which are continually getting admission to into the system by erroneous living, unwholesome atmosphere or disordered stomach. The only safe and certain way to expel all impuritics is to take Holloway's Pills, which have the power of eleansing the blood from all noxious wiatters, and at the same tim removing any irregularities which} their pesence may have nlveady pros duced in any organ. expel nll humors which taint 6r poverish the blood, which they pu snd invigorute and give general tone They are applicable to all alike-- young ér old, robust or delicate. The Power of Nature. OR every ill nature has a cure. In F healing virtues of the Norway Fiog care for coughs, colds, croup, ast bronchitis, hoarsepess, ete. Dr. Norway Pine Syrup represents the virth of Norway Pine and other pectoral n Prive 25¢, Holloway's Pills] | ve ten boxes gratis." ---- 4 Probably iif March wore than any cold in the head and eatarrh ly felt. ¥led, never-failing cure. leasant and agreeuble. y oll dealers or sent by mail, jottle. BPE He Could Do It. stty soon one come. h 1" jou pull a tooth for me at ance ¥ -- recommends wood | The hogs work the mixture out through 41 Ab at an: rson jAutustoned to re weed in fac ile at the other. A Cliinesé bank note 500 years old "Power than 11,000 Prussisns have Diamonds so small that 1,500 go to ~The Orioff diamond i is believed to be "ie Dundee (Scotland) courter tells of a white Leghorn hen luying an egy elaborate banquet was given last night 2} inzhes in diameter and weighing over 4) ounces, Any person who can show we that y cocoa is injurious to health will re- er month in the year are the ravages most Do not neglect either petant, but apply Nasal Balm, Easy Try it. id, on receipt of price--50¢. and Fulford & Co., Brockville, dentist in a Western town was n his office waiting fof a patient, said the caller hurriedly, ell," responded the dentist, gett y with alacrity, "I can't promise | at once, but you het she'll come d time, 6t there'll be a broken ewhere in this neighborhood." for Farm Animals. ter in the American Agricul ashes as a wedicine for farm animals, large experience of twenty raising swine he finds his are most effectually protected cholera Ly keeping wood rich i in charcoal, mixed With| death on Saturday last. THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1893. salt, EY before then iu a cover- Taw 'ed box, with holes near the bottom. thefe holes ns fnst as they want it. : is now in the city, The idea of this writer is apparent. justice as thiey seek Mindical treatment torday by a ey of. ly good, 'The prosphates which enter At other dispesrsd Leen establish- Globe in regard to his in v intb the composition of wood ashes are | ed at the Univ ty of Penosylvania. | rebently by the stipeodiary dotibtless excellent gertmicides. Aniorals inoculated with the bacilli of Asiatic cholera by means of infected food sur vite the experiment because the germs infection is ncsensed by strengthening the acids of the stomach. The writer referred to has found that the best eon- dition. powder is a mixture of three parts of wood ashes to une of salt. et pean Health Hints. : Raw egg for a cut, Hot water for spraitis. Don't 'violate the common laws of | health. Doti't be sparing of carbolic acid and chloride of lime. Do you wish to strengthen your muscles Give them proper exercise. | Do you . wish to strengtiien your | memory | 1 Use it. | A physician in Switzerland thut he cures certain forms of throat | disease by making his patients yawn | several times a day. declares | "Pain the artist of the is in some | | | vise Michelet says: world Which | | creates us, fushions us; gculptured us with the fine edge of a pitiless chisel. "| A medical journal assct ts that people ! | who drink cow's milk are more prone | to consumption than those who use the | | | goat. | | milk of thie reindeer, the buffalo or the | ricci. 3 Dropped 1 His Wad. Grand Rapids, Mich. , March 24. re | [ Rev, T. DeWitt Talmage stopped ov: er| betweeti trains yesterday and, going to | an hotel carelessly threw his coat ou of chair. | When he loft a package was found | on the floor that fad dropped from his | pocket. It was a wad of greenbacks of about §2,000 and a messenger was LA Apt N at ER Two Lives Crushed Out. Maich the midoight train Toledo, O., of Chicago over the Lake Shore rode, 24.--Upon the arrival from | its | driving 'wheels were found to be cover- ed with blood and bits of human flesh A part of a woman's leg hung on some of the machinery. man's hat lay on the pilot dnd The engineer says he felt hie engine somewhere between here and Alrian, ost A Indian Rising. Kansas City, Mo., March.24, --De- patches from the eastern part of the [ndian vprising is imminent among the Utes The chief of the Kiowns is not in sympathy Kiowas, and Missouris. with the uprising but eaunot control his tribe. He says assiftance must | come at once or the whites will be massacred. --_------ Lost Foértiine by a Dinner. Lawrence, Mass, Murch 22.--An Ly ©. J. Hunt of Methuen. By it Hunt will lose an immense fortune. Three years ago Edward F. Scares, | the possessor now of the Mark Hopkii 8 fo Metheun and luyvished upon him favors extraordivary. Hunt had saved the iife of Mrs, Up to that time he had been a railway brake millions, brought Young Hunt Hopkins-Seat les, nian, Lately 'Hunt has been enjoying his good fortune more than Mr. Searles upprov ed, and the last straw came last week, when he invited friends to. the most olaborate banquet ever spread in Lawrence, The private secretary of Searles walked into the big store in which Mr. Searles had placed Hunt und took possession. The expense of the banquet exceeded $20 a plate. Hunt wills leave Methuen and the | tows people wonder all the more at the mystery surrounding his connection with the millionaire. Killed by the Grasp of a Friend's Hand. Philadelphia; March 22.-- There was death for aged Dennis O'Leary in the hearty graep of a friend's hand O'Leary, who was 93 years old, was to-day buried at Bristol, where he lived. Oue day last week in Boston he met a young friend, who clasped his band warmly and shook it. A finger nai} blood poisoning set in and cnused hi pensary where poor people may get ries The students of ¢] the work nosessury of cases and leading attorneys will} make the. necsumlsy appearances in not ouly in I Be by Ae throughout! thio | ductors and trainmen who have {and said that the ultimate destiny of [show that Oanada was the freest nation | | minutes. broke the skin on the old man's ists s (Terms: #1 'per Annu wir No 'To Goal fof P Pe Mr. A. 0. Osborne, ition And of thie North Buy Dewps mn AE ---- ch 22. A law dis | school do all oA North Bay and bis release' the tion | 89 went at the or ler of { i PrEPARHST vinoial government aut case created considersb the *'blue envelope man" of the New Octane' give Tintory York Oentral Railroad, isn the city. | (pip certainly docs riot reflect credit Ho stated to-day that he hud co-op the manner in which justice id clusive evidence agniust several con- | administe red in some districts pven of Leen | this province, Last December Mf. | Osborne was cited to' appear before. { Btipendiary Magistrate Doran on & | charge laid by Editor Phelps of the {rival local paper, The Times, to the | effect that he (Mr. Osborne) was id | partnership with the Mipissing Pub lish: IMPERIAL FrpERATION tik Destiny oF | ing Company and that the partnership CANADA. | was not stered, Although Mr An nudience of 500 people gnthered | Osborne brought his books into cotife at the Auditoriom Thursday night to] toprove that uo such portnerslifp . LL 1 Listiéd the magistrate sbutenced him td | listen to Dr. Wild's lecture dil "Canada; | | pay a find of £100 or spend forty days He did in gaol. After cousidering the matter discuss annexation or independence stealing tickets from the road and sell- ing them, a Dr. r. Wid s Lecture. Annexation or What 1" not | over Mr. Oshorne decidéd that not only would he not puy the fine but that he would not allow his frirnds{ { who had asked to Le allowed to do so; to settle it, 'Accordingly, as the fine was not paid the alternative sentence had to be carried out and Mr. Osborne was put in gaol. The matter, however] but simply declared both unfeasable of Canada is Imperial Federation. To lin the world the doctor referred to the { favors granted to the Roman Catholic was repoited to Toronto, and thd | minority, and deplored the fact that authorities, after an investigation of they were not satisfied with the gener- them, but wanted the whole country governed to {the facts found that Nr. Oshorne's imprisonment was illegal and ordered his release, This wus after he hdd Leen confined one week only, Pro- ceedings are how beiug taken hy Mt. Usborne against Magistrate Dordt for damages for false Tiprisonment. been | Magistrate Doran acts as coroner as | well as stipendiary, and in his capacity | as coroner hind sat upon the body of n | young man named A. Poulouitte, wh, |ous treatment fecorded suit themselves, Manitoba School Act, he said the Privy | Council had given a very wise decision it said that no right had In speaking of the| when | take n frow the French, but that a favor | | hud been withdrawn,-- on tha l4th of November last hdd: To , Cook Vegetables. inte in the Winnipeg Hotel at North | Buy; Yhieh, is conducted by a man Vegetables to be "thoroughly cooked | named A. F. Boyle, received injuries should be kept on the stove as follows: | which re de in his death, At the | inquest My, Doran held on the case a | verdict of death from 'excessive use of § | alcohol' wag brought in. Subsequent: weet potatoes, boiled, sixty minutes. | op inquest Mr, Osborn discovered. Sweet potatoes, boiled, sixty minutes. | that a number of material witnesses i oof \ ed, vwenty.{ | had not been call Greou peas, boiled, sh Shelled Leans, boiled, hours. Potatoes, boiled, thirty minutes. Potatoes, baked, forty-five minutes, Fiautes, |? tion of the pi cial govern Ak on © e rovin A i oHE to' tWOT has Lrought to the matter and di | tives were sent to inquire into th case. Their inquiries estublished the | fact that the man's detith was not dud Asparagus, fifteen to thirty minates. [to drinking, and w hon another ivesti' Green corn, twenty-five to minutes, sixty Spinach, sixty minutes. gation was held A. F. Doyle, he Tomatoes, fresh, sixth minutes, proprivtor of the hotel, wis arreste on a charge of haying caused Poul . i Tomatoes, canned, thirty minutes. ounitte's death Ly striking him ou the, head. Three wititésses swofe that they saw Doyle strike the deceased, aud Doyle was accordingly committed for trial and placed in Pembroke gaol, | from whish he has been téléased on hail of £4,000. His trinl comes on on the 28th inst In the articles he wrote Mr. Oshorne says he simply desired to serve the interests of justice. The first verdict in the Poulouitte case, he says, was very unsatisfactory to the public, and throughout the whole matter the temperance peopls stood by Mr. Osborne. Cabliage, three-quarters to two hours. Cauhflowers, one to three hours. Dandelions, two to three hours. Beet greens; one hour. Onions, one to two hours. Beets, one to five hotirs Yellow, tnrnips, one and ont-half to two hours, Parsnips, one to two hours. White turnips, forty-five to sixty Carrots, one to two hours: Wilién thou art obliged to speak be rE 5 . : TT Onli. b No civilization other than that which sure to speak the truth, for equivoca and lying i§ Tih . § Christian; is worth seeking or pro: tion is half-way to lying, 3 | feswing: In to-day, already, walks to-morrow: the whole way to hell. cen Tourists Whether on pleasure bent or business, | sake the fool throws up his interest in should take on every trip a bottle of | both worlds, first starved in this then Syrup of Figs ns it acts most pleas antly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers headaches and other forms of sickness, | For sale in 75¢c bottles by all leading | druggists. { EE" Mr. Mingeaud has opened Lunch Rooms in the store one door west of Mr, Wakely's Tailoring Fstah lishment, where meals gotten up as tiey should be may be had. Charges moderate. 0 cursed love of gold ; when for thy damn'd in that to come. th: but it is As Men sometimes affuct to deny depravity of our race; clearly - taught in the lawyer's office, and in the court of justice, as in the Bible itself, Burglar Bill--¢ We are perfectly safe, old man.' Pilfering Peta--* Tow do you know? Burglar Bill--*The paper says that the detectives are Both the method and results wher gSyrupof Figs is taken; it is. Pleasant and efteshing to the iy and ently yet prom on fiver and Bowels, cleanses tem effectually, dispels colds, workihg on an important clew. THOROUGH DIGESTIBILITY and Nutr's| aches and a i five value are twe stro tuis In aver tod Liver 0) Bmuision wih | constipation. § Wild Cherry nnd Hypephosphates. only remedy of its hk A Plain Statement. duced, ee to the taste Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam cures coughs, | 0€P table to the stom or colds, asthma, hoarseness, bronchitis, tight< | its EP tion and truly. ben ness of the chest, and all discases of * the effocts, pre throat and longs, Price 25c. healthy an Serenblosn 1 anyone sincerely tries to under. Jas eat stand sud obey the voice of divine fo all sud hav ads | Themen Byrap. of lp is for 2 1 wisdom, he will not go fatally astray. | PO Do ye not laugh, O listening friends, | bo when men praise those dead whose virtues they discovered not when living. 1t takes much warble to build the hou iow rll on han Sromptly for 'wh (5) Th Heb sepulcher. How little of lath and CALIFORNIA plaster would have repaired the gar- Ta 2 Lo ret! : -- r LOUISVILLE, BX. REPRE Cr SC cain y