te the Town Hall, Port Perry. legion Ole. A 2, i IRE ; iD, #3. D.C.M. Victoria ARCH 5 > 'University; er oF the 'of Physicians and ER av n 2 -- J ts en 3 r vig Feb. 17,1 DR. BH. C. McDOWELL, SUCCESSOR TO DRE. HAMILL, D., Master of Surgery, Victoria Uni- . versity; Licentiate of Royal College bf Physians, Londou, Eng., Member of Col- lege of Physicians & Surgeons, Ontario. -- te attendant of Soho Hospital for Diseases of women, and of Great Ormond Hospital for Diseases of Children, London, Eng. Physician, Surgeon, &c., Office hours--8 to 10 a. m., I to 4 p. m,, and evenings. Office and residence, Dr. tand. 891. § Hamill's old u Queen St., - - Port Petry. OHN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &c. Solicitor or the Ontario Bank. ## Office over the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. Jan, 29, 1887. in Br BE. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Count J. Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- itor, &o., Notary Public and Sonveyinoer Dffice--South wing Court House, Whitby, Ont. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Barrister, G. Attdrney -at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery &nd Insolvency, Notary Publig, &e " Office--McMian's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, How putting in Upper and Lower Sets of Teeth at from $4 T0 $756 EAGH SET. Having just purchased the largest stock of teeth ever brought into North Ontario Tam satisfied I can snit you both as to quality and price. Come and see. Rooms in the Blong Block, over Messrs. Forman & Son's Sto re. ort Perry, Oct. 28, 1891, Veterinary Surgeon. fun undereioned having completed his full Course at the Provincial Veterinary College and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- wry Surgeon, would announce that he has opened an office for the practice of his pro- fessionat Port Perry, wheteall calls personal by letter or telegram, by day or by nigh will be promptly attended to. All diseases of animals treated in the latest and best known system #2 Telephoneconnection--free of charge. ORR GRAHAM. Port Perry, April 8, 1884, € L RUBSON, V.S. RADUATE Outario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto. Office and residence Everarees CorTack, two miles south of Manohester, 14 years practice. Tele. phone in the house--frec communication with Port Perry, Manclrester, amd elevator. Telegraph calls to Manchester will be for- warded by telephone. All Veterinary Medicines in stock. Evergreen Cottage, Jan. 2, 1888. EE YY---- North Ontario Observer. A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper, % "15 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, BY EH. PARSONS, J r discontinued until arrears are paid up. ' Rates of Advertising! . Advertisements measured by Nonpariel, * and charged according te: | cupys ertisen:ents received for pub ; Fis tn, Tle er and of y vertisement will be taken at Tr pot for. ; 3 A liberal discount allowed to Merchants i fn others who advertise by the year or © half-year. i : . These terms will in all cases be strictly ad- kered to. 2 : JOB DEPARTMENT. . Hand Sl wy Professional Cards | R, CLEMENS, Physician, Sorg ond | A: 1 STL - 50 Doposits Yeoelvad at the rates. Interest calonlated and oredited to cach depositor semi-annually. W. McGILL, MANAGER. Port Perry, April 4, 1888. Port Parry Agency. CE GE PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF 0 = He Could Walk. '| Mother--1I wish you would go onan 'errand for nie. Fk ~ Small 8on--My leg aches awful. a! Too ld. 6'd M & S------ candy store and'-- 1 waiiced you to go tof - ~ | AN ILLINOIS |A case OF DEEP I : - ALL 0] ' Saved Through a a per-- Weak, Pale Sudislen vhenk : + ddan Remedy. 5 «Oh, that isn't far. I can witlk Re Tien: 3 [there easy | Among the pectliare tneta Gal Very well. Go rhere, ight which the ! 2 of t alongside. you Juris 8 Ah 3 Ce the eheet, und all lischsen of the | 2 indy of Savanna, Ti, but as est current | throat and longs. Price 25c. -| rent report is not always accurate, and. PORT PERRY. BANKER AND BROKER. Good Note Discounted. Has any amount of Money to Loan DAVID J.ADATS, iin ip tt iri Bob--1I wish Miss Lawrence would vome to tea every evening. ¢ You must love her dearly.' Boh--Tain't that. always passes the cake twice when she It's cause ma {1s here, | = = ON TRIAL FOR 90 DAYS. The finest, completest and latest le of led" | trical appliances in the world. They bave never | tafled to care. We are so positive of it that we will back our belief and send you any Electrical Appliance now in the market and you can try it for Three Months, Largest list of testimonials | on earth. Bend for book and journal Free: | W, IT, Baer & Oo., Windsor; Ont. At 8% per cent. on good Mortgages. | Bound to Beat Her Neighbor. INSURANCE effected at the Lowest Rates in Good | English Companies. £2 Agent ships. Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1889. MONEY TO LOAN [HE Subscriber is prepared fo LEND Allan Line ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 6 PER CE NT, #4 Also on Village Property. 23" MORTGAGES BOUGHT, ®3 HUBERT L. Office next to Ontario Bunk Port Perry, May 10,1885. Port Perry, Reprswting te _ lowing Fie: Clue "tre, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, EBBELS, Barrister: WM. EDMETT, Insurence and Goneral Agent, Ont. NortukrN Assurance Co'y. Praesix Crri7exs' INSURANCE Grasaow & Loxpon Insurance Co'y Port Terry, April 26, 1889. WILLCOX & HOLT Licensed Huotioneers FOR THE COUNTY OF « TOWNSHIP OF Valuators, REAL ESTATE CARTW A furnished free of charge. antee or fio pay. W. M. WiLLcox, Port Perry. Aug. 22, 1857. Torms liber and Eldon Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmsot attention being given to their intrests, WM. G many years announcing that I have MY LIVERY! TO MY NEW PREM Opposite the Railway Static where from largely extended premises and increased facilities for business the public can be accommodated with safe and desirable AT MODERATE CHARGES. isabel - VANSICKLE Port Perry, July 21,1886. : RIGS fae) Assurance Co'v. Coy. ONTARIO AND RIGHT. &e., &c. SPECIALTY. Sale Bills made out and Blonk Notes Satisfaction guar- al. Perer Hour, Manchester, WM. GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuafor &e. OR. the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah; Mara, Rama, Mariposa of Steam: ¢ Do divorces come high I inquired bie timid little thing of the Chicago | legal light, | ¢ Oh, no, ma'am,' he replied. hers lust week ? * One hundred and fifty dollars. ¢ Well yon may get me one for two hundred dollars. I'm no slouch. ki A Valuable Hint. When you are attacked by cough or cold do not delny but coinence at once to use Hag- yards Yellow Pectoral Balsam, This old standard remedy removes all irritation, loosens the phiegm and heals the mocous cos curing eoughs and colds of all Kinds. Beware of Cholera. The heilthy body throws off the germs of cholern therefore wisdom counsels the use of Burdock Blood Bitters this spring to purify the blood, regulate the system, and fortify the body against cholera or other epidemics, OPES For Over Fifty Years, Mrd, Winspow's Soormixa Syrup has been used by millions of mothers for" their children while teething, If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick d suffering rying w og Teeth send at y "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is nv nistake about it. [t cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone aud energy to the whole system. © Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant t& the taste aud is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in United States, Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the wor Be sure and ask for "Mrs. WixsLow's SooriiNGg Syrup," THOUSANDS IN REWARDS Great Weekly Competition of The Ladies Home Magazine. Which word | nn this advertisement spell the las Forward? Thisisa rar opportunity for every Madam and Mss;ever asplendid Prize, week throughon #'witl be distribut- ed ax follows: Tho first correct answer recejv- ed (the postmark dale on each letter to he taken as the date received) at the office of LADIES HOME MAGAZINE (each and ev woek during 1892) will get $201; the second cc rect answer, $100; the third 850; fourth, beautiful silverservice; fifth, five o'clock silver service, and the next 50 correct answ will gol prizes ranging trom down to cory fifth correct nnswer, irrespective whet hé) ORDON, prize winner or not, will get a sp 1 prize, 3 Competitors residing in the Southern States, Sunderland. EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received during the have kept a Livery Establish- ment in Port Perry, IT have much pleasure in removed ISES R. ih as well as oLlier distant points, have an equ chance with those nearer home, as the po-t- mark willbe'otar authority In every cage. RoLes,--Eich 11st of answers must be ac. companied by $1 {0 pay £1x months suhsorip- tion to ane of Lhe best Home Mugaziues in Amerie Nore Ve want half a million subseribors, and Los are therfy We [iropose Lo give away In rewirds one half our ineome. Therefore, in case'one half the total receipis during any wack exceed the cash value of the prizes, such the reverse, a pro rata discount will be made, 18-well able Lo carry out its prom ises'--Peter- borongh (Canada) Times. - "A splendid paper, and financially' strong,"--Hasting (Cnnady) Star. Lavery prize winner will be sure (6 ecelve just whal Be is entitled to," = Norwood Canada) Register, Money should be sen y ost office order or registered letter. Add he Ladies Home Magazine, Peterborol anada. PATENTS, CAVBATES AND Br mea secured, TRADE-MARKS H. McCAW, Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883. > nn od sientific Ameri ¥ ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. Scientific American teto | DWAY. NN patents in Amer! out brought before Fiven f7e6 of Ghirke In | WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Commissioner, &c. g gussiiey of Money can i Upon receipt of medel or 8) make careful examination, ani bility eharge. Main directly across from the Patent Office and attention is specially called to my perfect an ch of invention, inary searches, for the most vigorous and successful f for patent, and for attend- Ing to all business entrusted to my care, in th shoxiest poss time. Rejected cases a Specilalty, KES MODERATE, and exclusive attention given tent business. Book of information and advice, rences sent without charge upon re- the the ain of Gut y [ stomach would not retain the medicine | clusion 'that my stomach was badly diseased. Occasionally 1 would choke * | down and nearly suffovite. I went to excess will be added pro rata to the prizes. If REFERENCES, -- The Ladies Home Magazine or ca in the Patent atria promptly and caretaly vise as to patenta- long established facilitics for making prompt prelim 2 quest. J. ® LITTELL, Solicitor and Attomey in Patent Canes, nahingion, Cov x te U.8. Patent Office. Mention this paper.) 8 "| the work. us the story told was One possessing deep interest for the public, The Times demanded upon a thorough investiga: tion into the matter, The result of the investigation proved that not only | was the story true, but that the case was even wore remarkable' than the public had Leen given to understand. Mr. A. R. Kenyon is the fortunate owner of a comfortable house, well {kept and pleasant surroundings, sit-| uated on Chiengo Avenue, Savanna, | T1i., and it was there that the reporter | sought him to learn of 'the sickness | of his wife; of which so much is being isaid, In answer to the bell a lady | appeared at the door, and to an en quiry for Mr. Kenyou said, he was employed by the railroad company and worked at nights and was asleep. -- | 'Ts Mrs, Keyon well enough to see me? the reporter then asked. With a very | suggestive smile she said : 'There is| no doubt of it' and inviting the re-| * What. did Mis. Haghfiyer pay for | porter in, informed him that 8'e wat t e | sympathizin ¢ Rates Indy in question. When told the report. | or's mission she said: "The statement of | facts as you have made it is quite true | 1 did not think my case was of speoial | interest to any one outside of my own | family @tnd friends, but if what infor. | mation I can give you will ba of] use to anyone else you are welcome to | it. I owe my present good health to a onsual glancé at a newspaper, and | as with me some other womén may be | fortunate." Mrs. Keyon is an intelli: gent lady-like woman, and her home | bears evidence of her "great capabilites | as a house-wife. She told her story us foilows : | ¢1 was born in Warren county, New York, thirty-three years ago. I was married when 1 was 19 and came to Savanna seven years ago, With the exception of being at times subject to violent sick hendache, I considered my. self a healthy woman up to five ye ur 'run down and prey to" ever present malaria in. aud About t Mississippi bottom lands. I was taken violently ill and during the succeeding five or six months was the greater part of the time helpless. The local physicians said I had been affected by rial and intermittent fevers, I continually grew weaker and finally went to -see Dr. McAvey of Clinton, Ia., who is reputed to be one of the ablest physicians of the Mississippi Valley. He treated me for a time without, beneficial effects, and finally told me he thought he could help me if T would absolutely abstain from work. That was not to he thought of: If able to go about I had to look after my household duties. I then consulted Dr." Johnston of Savanna: My tnala { he gave me and he came to the con Dr. Maloney and he pronounced itn case of heart trouble, He helped ne temporarily, but like the rest suid that 1 must stop all work or nothing could be done forme. All this time 1 had grown wenker and paler uutil I was ina deplorable condition. 1 continul feeling of tiredness, my mus: cular power was nearly gone, and 1 sould not go up half a dozen steps without resting, and often that much would cause me to have a terrible pain in my side. Seemingly the blood had left my veins: I wai pale as death ; my lips wera hige and exercise had al An Original Proposal. She had come to have a tender re gard for hith which would have bfos- somed into love if he would but ex- tend the invitation to do so, but she sighed us she waited in vain for any Indication of stich inténtion on his Tt aia > Mrs. Kenyon stat: ¢ neighbors knew of her' nd her restoration, "was called in, and er knowledge of the 1 + heen, intimately ra. Kenyon and - 1 160k upoti her ng marvellons, Tt tiat hay H On Thursday evening as he rose to 80; he said onreleasly : Here w remark. | hie alin vy y y " Blie would be helpless our Was thi to be the end. r drys © next would be supervising | MUNings together! Had another the work her house, hut all the tine there was a noticable loss of strength and the uktural vivaciousness of her nnture had Yisappeared. Tt was gen. erally "thodght that she must die as none of the\physicians who attended lier geeftied t§ understand her case or help her'in the least. 1 was told of the rending for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and of cdurse thought it wns the whiny of a dyig woman, or perhaps a a sign that hep husband in hoping agninst hope. But you oan see the result for yoursdlf, and if rirncles are not performed fin these days 1 would be pleased to knpw how to describe a case of this kind! It is a remarkable case. There is no reason to dqubt the sickness of Mrs. Kenyon aud in just the form she | descrities 'it, Hpndreds of people in | that immediate deighborhood are fully conversant with) the facts of both . 3 i 3 { sickness and corel and discuss it with She--Not always, I eail for Europe | But few | to-morrow. | persons have goae so close to the | dividing line between life and eternity and returned ; add from the facts Mother-- Walter, where is the meat ture) fiiere is bun Susie conslusion {1 left ou the kitchen table when I left | Pills for Pale Peaple did it. | toanswer the door bel 1 Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are a per Walter (who had arrived at the | fact blood builder and nerve restorer, | dignity of wearing pants)--I gave it | curing such diseases as rheumatism, | (0 yack. (The dog.) neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor | Motk Why " ataxia, St. Vitug dance, nervous head: | Mother--Why, what made you'do he, mervous prostration and the [that? tired | feeling = therefrom, the after| Walter--He kept looking as though | effects "of la grippe, influcnzia and | he wanted it; and 1 guess I cin taken severe colds, diseases depending upon |. | liumors in tha blood, such as scrofula | : chronic erysipelas, eto., Pink Pills give | an henlghy glow to pale and sallow complekions; ind are a specific for the | tronbles peculiar to the frmale system, | and inthe case of men they effect a| radical Jeure, in all cases arising from | move flesh on my bones, ptal Worry, over-work or excesses of | Doctor (filling bottle from Inrge stolen his heart while! & spent so much of But bravely she replied; bat n & without a his time with her! right tremor in her voice. * Who is to be the bride 'You, love," he replied as he retrac ed his steps and folded her in his arms contented and happy. An Obedient Son. Mother-- Now, you in the jam again. Willie--I[--I tried fot to let you catch me this time. never let me catch -------- A Cordial Invitation. She-=Come around and call on me any time. He-- Will you always be at home Not Obtuse. { A Wonderful Elixir. | I fhedicine or something that will put| Lean Customer-- Doctor, want | By ., and Schenectady, N. | plenty of soup, meat, lfegtmiroud veg | , and are sold only in boxes bearing | etables, cracked wheat and fruits, and the frn's trade wark and wrapper, at | abstain from energetic exercise, 50 ots. & box or six boxes for $2.60.-- Thanks Bear in wind that Dr. Williams' Pink | . { . Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the | Fat Custoutet (five minutes later )-- dozen or hundred, and offers substitutes in this form is trying | lieve me of this superflous fat. to defraud you and should be avoided. Doctor (filling bottle The public are also cautioned against olass jar)-- This will fix all so-called blood builders and nerve |' ass jar) 38 Wi Ix Jou 5 tonics, no matter what name way be | tablespoonful three times a day, abstain dollars. from same given. They are all imitations whose | from soup, meat, leguminous veget- makers hope to reap a pecuniary ad- | vantage from the wonderful reputa-| tion uchieved by Dr. Williams's Pink | oo Pills. Ask your dealer for Dr. Wil | dollars. Thanks. ams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and An Effort to Explain. refuse all imitations and substitutes. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had T of nl druggists or direct by mail from | Dr. Williams' Medicine Company from |' either address. The price at which | these pills are sold make a course of [itive idea how the poor thing came by trentinent comparatively idexpensive its death. as compared with other remedies or | ables, cracked wheat and fruits, and take plenty of energetic exercise. Five Diner--How comes this dead fly in ny soup | Waiter--In fact, sir, T have no pos- Perhaps it had not taken Medical treatment. any food for a long time, dashed upon Ee the soup, ate too much of it; and con- Hot Cakes. tracted an inflammation of the stomach | that brought on death. The fly must dancnkes-- W sver recipe an my Pancnkes-- Whatever recipe for p have had a weak constitution, for enkes you may follow one rule always | when T served up the soup it w holds good. Mix all the liquids te | dancing merrily on the surface. Per. igother in one bowl - and. the dry in haps-- and the idea presonts self on'y another, then stir the hquid into the fo this" moment-it endeavored to i oy Uiere will never be auy danger swallow too lurge a picce of vegetable; of Jumping. I had given up all hope of ever Letter. About the first: of April a young man boarding with us yecei w Fulton, IL paper. It was a paper sent him 'by his mother. 1 pic ed it up one day and in glancing e ally over its columns came across account of a marvelous cure t the use of Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pill Pale People. Candidly, I did lieve the story, and when my hasbani suggested it would do no harm for me to try the pills I laughed at the ide He insisted and I submitted, bnt 1 h no faith whatever in the pills. husband sent for two boxes nnd I tool them. When I had used these I w somewhat improved in health. T cons tinned their use and felt that I wi growing stronger, my sleep refresh me and it seemed as if I could feel ne blood coursing through my veins, kept on taking Pink Pills until a sho! time ago and now consider myself healthy, rugged woman, My house i$. full of boarders and I superintend In other words I work the time and am happy all the ti I am positive that Dr. Williars Pills for Pale People saved my and I believe there ara thousa women who would find great re they used them, The sick I was subject to hive di and I ce not had a single since I commenced taking liam's Pink Pills. - \ Were there any disagreeable from the medicine 7" asked the 1 ¢ None whatever,' replied tok ' a | yon. ¢They are pleasant the conditions imposed: by tions are easily complied My |= Fey iy 7 | this remajning fast in the throat caus- Flannel aka --Sift two teaspo nfu's | od a choking in the windpipe. This is baking powder and one of salt with | the only reason I can give tor the 8 quart of flour. In another bowl beat | Jeath of that poor sect.' lire eggs, ndd one and a balf. pints of aT 288 : Helping Him Out. milk and two outices of melted butter; ping he our this mixture into the flour, beat- 1g vigorously the. whole. lover and had courted hor long. She knew he loved her and was afraid to propose, She resolved to help him out, % He wasa bashful n; meal cukes--The cold ontmeal from breakfast mixed with an measarement of flour--that is, | When I get married T hope to see pful of Hour to one of cooked 1, half a al of milk and a spoonful of bak- wder will make very vice pan you at my wedding,' she said. with one beaten egg, ) to marry you myself. t Well,' she rejoined, ae her cheeks flushed to the hue of rosy sunset, 'I the groom.' t: th and Appetite. Strong n pe Then he fainted with joy. AR Sirs, -- Last year I was very thin 'reducing very fast, owing to the bad of m Brood and appetite. A friend uced me to get a bottle of B.B.B., Idid. I obtained immediate per- [ble relief from it, have gained strength Pp. tite, and now we'gh 193 pounds, M. T. Murruy, Dorchester Bridge, Quebec, Que. ie A Drawback. ton said he folt awfully cheap ht when Miss Savecash accept- Ls ish ANH A. P. Noakes, Mattawan, Ont, for $2.50. Brockville, Ont. at ioe The Power of Nature. OR every ill nature has a cure. bronchitis, hoarseness, ete. Dr. Wood ies of Norway Pine and other pectoral remed + Price 250, " SS Sets Wear RSDAY, MARCH 25, 1803. any dealer who Doctor I want something that will re-| "Heaven I" he gasped, 'I lojed to meant that I hoped to see you there as writes: 'I have been troubled for years with rheumatism and nervous debility, and after. using six boxes of your Dr. Willinms' Pink Pills am entirely re- stored to health and can do a good day's work." Sold by all dealers, or sent by mail at 50c. a box or six boxes Dr. Williame' Med. Co., In the healing virtues of the Norway Pine lice tho care for coughs, colds, croup, asthma, § Norway Pine Syrup represents the virtues National Prejudices Vanquished The of 'a Great The magnetic influence of gold at- tracts the people of every cline to our shores, Men of alt nations, and spenk- ing all the la pages of civilization, are to be found congregated on our auriferons plains. Diflering in all other things in their customs, habits, Chinese admit, without a dissenting voice, that the great remedies introd te: } ed to the world forty years ago by | | Hollowitys are better adapted to the | | cure of diseases in this climate than any other prepacations in existence. | This appears, iu fact, to be the exper jence of mankind m all parts of the] | world, and helo» thd uni ersal popu | larity of these medicines. We con [ sider, however, that the Loundless con- | | | h fidence placed in their efficacy by the | representatives of so many nations at ¥ : wr of { the mines, is a striking phenomenon iu | { 3 ; | medical history. Many of these people | | in theif youth, and eyen at maturity, | were accustomed to the use of drugs | and nortrums peculiar to their several | countries. These remedies were con nected in their minds with associations | of home, and indorsed, as it were, by Yet they have Leen thrown aside and utterly | repudiated, while Holloway's Pills and | their national prejudices. Ointment have been adopted by a cour- | won impulse through the entire gold regions. There is only one wuy of ac- counting for this movement. It is the ed on personal obsertation and exper { | result of cotiviction--conviction ground ienee, | The Ointment is used with sth | : | wonderful success as a dressing for all the external diseases and casualties | is peculiarly liable, that scarcely a digger's tent can be found within the | ed | soothing, vast area of the 'gold Seclds unprovid with a stock of this healing, | cooling preparation. The hard fare of the digger, and sometimes bis habits, runnin "and purulent ulcers of the body and limbs. Bad lege especial Five |ly, are very common at the diggings; | ;,io the system by erroneous living | and seriously interfere with the labours | of the diggers. The worst cases of this | {class are cured by the Ointment with | rapidity. The best | | method of healing sore legs, and sores | : | extraordinary { | | : : | Take a | and ulcers generally, is by rubbing the | removing any | A: + \ | Ointment into the inflamed parts ig the orifice, first opening the { pores and softening the flesh with The part affect- | warm fomentations. ed is then dressed with lint or linnen | enturuted with the Ointment. Such is | | the external treatment, but it is also | proper to give the patient a few doses | fof the Pills during the progress of the | | cure, as they serve to purify the blood | and discharge morbid matter from the | system, while the Ointment is doing | | its work on the sur face.--The Suientific | | Witness. Lessons in Cows. | lepers He had come to Chicago from the country, principally to get legal help in prosecuting a railroad for riugiog| | over his cow. office buildings toward evening and ex plained his grievance to a lawyer. (Terms: and rel there is one point | 81 Syrupof Figs is it is pleasant, and refreshing to helana 35] td, ently yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head+ aches and fevers and cures habitush. constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and dex ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most ealthy and agreeable substances, its, many excellentqualities commend if to all and have made it the most sopular remedy known. 2 1 Drop of Figs is for sale in 5a bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure if. sromptly for any one who wished; to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, SAN FRANOISCO, CAL: LOUISVILLE, KY, NEW YORK, N.¥ Farm Fagots: Feed bran with codrse fodder. As is the owner, so is his stock. Top dressing never comes amiss. All Study to reduce cost*of production animals need a shelter at will. Wheat for hens is an egg producer Uneven thnkes streaky butter. saltibg More aninnls are starved than ard { | wounds, ulcers, and sore legs, and for | over fed. Most lands are improved by fall | to which the adventurous gold bunter | ploughing. High and'dry land is generally best for fruit, 3 Both duality and qaantify cast be cHusidered. Be Hortoway's Pinis.--Impurities of, the Blood, --TFo ensure hedith it kept free from those impurities whieh are coutinually getting admission to unwholesome atmosphere or disordered, stomach. The only safe and &értain way to expel all impurities is to take Holloway's Pills, which hare the; power of cleansing the blood from all. noxious matters, and at the same time irregularities which e already pro- duced in any organ. Holloway's Pilld expel all humors which taint or ims, poverish the blood, which they purify" and invigorate and give general tone. They are to all alike-- young or old, rohust or delicate; their pesence may hav applicable - Sr Salary no Object. «Now ldok here,' said the judge in the Police Court to the vag before him, 'this is the third time you hiv¢ been here, and I won't late, it that's' dll.' ' But, your honor,' pleaded the pri oner, 'I've been trying to get work and couldn't.' . 'You wouldn't work if you could get it.' * Yes I would your honor. ¢ What kind of work ¥ ¢ Anything your honor, se long ai it He brought up in one of the big | was honest work.' ¢ What kind of wages ¥ ¢ Wages is no object, your honor ; *T am to understand, then,' said the | 4]] T want is work with food and cloths lawyer, 'that this cow was run over by | a train at a crossing ¥ * Yep; that's it. ¢ What kind of an animal was she ! « Well, she was a pretty good critter ; didn't have no tricks andgaculd give a gallon twiee a day.' « Valuable animal 1 1 see. « Yes, purty good.' ¢ What breed ¥ «1 danno.' + You don't know 1 Was she injured badly ¥ Injured 1 She was killed deader'n a door nail. « And buried ? "Sure." ¢ Why, Jersey man alive, she was a fine «Oh, no, she warn't. * Yes, she was, Why, you glibber- ing old blockhead, did you ever hear of a cow that was run over by a rail- road and safely buried that was nota fine Jersey with a pedigree three miles long and worth $400 7 Restored to Health. Dean Sirs, --For years I was trouble with indigestion, but being advised to try B.B.B. 1 did s0 and find myself quite restored tc health. How Ard SULLIVAX, Mgr. Sullivan Farm, Dunbar, Ont. ing and a shelter.' "And you'd work if you had that sort of a job ¥' ¢ Indeed I would, your beror ; only try me,' and tears actually came intg his eyes. i ¢ Very well,' said the judge, kindy ol swell give you a job onthe rock ix wonths, Next, -- Tourists ; Whether on pleasure bent or husiness; should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs ns it acts most pleas: antly and effectually on the kidneysy | liver and bowels, prevepting fevers headaches and other forms of sickness, For sale in 75¢ bottles: by ail leading" druggists. --R When in Despair. When in despair of betng cured of troubles, there is stilila hops, and a hope of perfect cure in Dr. Wood's Ni Pine Syrup. This medicine cures even all others have falled, and no one from hoarseness, elo., Norway Spruce Syrup is EZ Mrs. Mingeaud has opened Lunch Rooms in the store one doo west of Mr. Wakely's Tailoring Estab lishment, ~ where meals gotten up. ties should be may be had. moderate. es TRONS THORSUGH DIGRSTIBILITY an tive value are twe af Miibaiu's Cod Hver Wild Cherry and Kill the W anit. Me Row Worm kiflers 3