Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Feb 1893, p. 4

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Sttess the Test of Word 11] | " - | XY V2 : hand a fine assortment, in all ou a ) | Wholesale and Retail | i: » 1 3 ol Pog a ry sia FATAL 0 COCKROACHES AND WATER Bus. Hotelkeeper: bd at. Toronto and Montreal Prices-- -- - TD hy rou Dr rere Phe freight saved. : : tern lecturer has selected for | EWING, HERRON A CO. mt nmenums, | THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE | 10 uock, no brands, be : > subject "A Bad Egg." This sub I EO A OS ee IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE] In stosk, fine brande ; yuors for Medicinal Parpotes ; jeot often strikes a leturer unfavorably. Er TTT EVERYWHERE. - Barris Autti " the Corporation, or $0 Prince Albert and Manet De. Williams' Pink Pills may be had | ore dlrs ois sass ti WHE saturn, fice of cuales: : trade mark i. P Ro M. WILLIAMS. ddress. The price at which | wis BR he pe tone to e remedies Or | Goghes ¥ io ing DIGESTION and assimilation, ant oT ee a pm nolo lpn all druggists or direct by mail from 3 % Willinms' Medicine Company from usnrY Lion Brac Ld ali Port Perry, April 8, se sold make a course of | Bu Lion fully yet soothingly oft the . - : mparatively inexpensive ] & Bons Bovteh LIVER AND BOWELS, 3 0 blood p mE CENTER Si rs re on Ta a a. 3 ; FEMALE C AINTS j : NE THULE Si n be hut one reply--Ayer's OX NOTRE DAME S"REET : : i : 4 ' by 0 th re rilla, bocavse it in the safest, | COIVENIEAT To I. B. DIPOTS AXD STELNBOLT LUNDITGS as a. ign ey Phe Subscriber wiih sok nk to his customers for the liberal support . - ~ % ED ' purest and most economical. Hoctro Gas Pasa the Door. Ped cine known. fire, A ed to furnish all requiring anything it Clipping and Trimming Tome, almos : Tn spite of modern 1 . | EvERY MODERN IMPROVEMENT the Furniture line, . 1 respectfully invite inspection of my ' | carry them safely over the d. This { i n spite of modern improvements it RATES: 81.50 to 82.00. Stock. Just arrived sp ot Gilt and Marble Mouldings for picture | The yadersigned begs to inform the publie! tie is of inestimable value to d infra t ; takes the BYSrage young man to put cn | Se Aheiaraddhay framing and all kinds of / that hie'is prepared to Clip and Trin Oii| energizing properties will give them a new hold on life. It wi a frotty girls skutes, MONTREAL 8 & TRADE WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION er = Comtry and other styles, all horses en-| or fifteen years to the lives of many of those who will use a © AME (TENG, SOOTHING SALVE for cats e 2g wy To HAS A WORL A . \ ' trusted to him. Orders left nt Mr. 8,| bottles of the remedy each vear. | ? Se bar .., brivises, woundsand vores, Vicloria = COLIN " It heals every kind of SORE, ULCER y hl 12 Graham's Blacksmith Shop will- received ' ff r 1 - CArbolis Sarve. WALL 3 and WOUND more certainly than any othe: : Yo immediate attention. IT IS A GREAT REMEDY: FOR THE CURE MCARTHUR known salve. Its marvellous penetrating | ig replete with everything necessary for % ; Charges moderate. B Le DPR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP pos. Satisfaction G ant : OF | powers render it invaluable in all furnnbing Funeram. Ghat dara rokent Constitution, . a & RIZE AW PLES p WEEREVER EX FIRST Ti ot tively cures Cough, Colds, Asthma, PAPE R od Nervousness, oarscncss an nchitis. reason y : : 3 { Not a Particle. & CO: THROAT AND CHEST DISEASES, |gble. gl ; ! B. F. CRANDELL. Nervous Prostration, Debility of Old Age, ol feature worth noticing in regard to Bur- | T2 LonTas curing Bronchitis, Quinseys, and Asthma, re- ES Port Port, Sept. 21, 18092. Nervous Headache, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, A Took Bitters is that It does not contain FACTORY NTR Sucing Glandular Lumps, closing and healing| Smop--One door West of the St, 3 Se" rb. | Sick Headache, Heartburn and Sour Stomsch, OT mae. An AADEEFOS Ih: | Seem ABSCESSES and FISTULAS, and for alle) Charles Hotel. phd NLA AN 4 Female Weakness, Weight and Tenderness in Stomach, gredients, B.B.B. is a purely vegetable speci- | CAKADA TRUSS FACTORY viating the excruciating tortures of Es A call solicit a a I3 Al Nervous Chills, Loss of Appetite, fic for dyspepsia, constipation, bad biod, head Est. 1956. FB. G20SS, Prop. RHEUMATISM, GOUT, c solic. ed. Paralysi Fri 1 i 3 ache, Bilonsness and all diseases of the s 2 erwin: i aralysis, rightful Dreams, stomach, liver, bowels and blood. Appliances fopalbikinds of Thy wd NEURALGIA it is unsurpassed. It never E FOR SALE. - | Nervous Paroxysms and Dizziness and Ringing in the Ears, Some men are so conscientious that Tupeored Pati Assifical Limbs, ' ails 10' remove Scurf and every species of CSTR pee Nervous Choking, Weakness of Extremities and they never put off anything till to-mor Before PRIC TART 22d CIROULARS © After S ee een Port Perry, 18, 1893, Comfortable ara) oe rg = Hot Flashes, Fainting, : row but the bill collector fr orig Stroct, Montreel UME | ay, pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at Albert, Ye Palpitation of the Heart, Impure and Tmpoverished Blood, os I xford St.) London ; am-- Mental Despondenc Boils and Carbuncl Horroway's PiLis.- -Impurities of | BOOT & SHOE MAMUFACTURERS | 3, Nev Txfonante ate = 0 : ast) nd} For particulars apply Saiki Shoei Vs Scrofula, 8, p Blood, -- e heal it ig| 7. %& T.STOPHENS, Whoiesale, Beaudry Bt. | Civilized World ; wi i it Hy er y s : We ia oo Sealth i in) DEHGRNING CLIPPERS z | iY 1; with disetions for wa ert Prince Albert, April 14, 1886. 2 Vitus' Dane . Ci Swalliogs aod Vises: > ; L ¢& Purchasers should look to the Label on ine dem ne ervousness 0 ales, nsumption of the Lungs, solids of the human body should bef q g gpBALL, 177 Oralg | the Pots and Boxes If the address is not 533, IF Y oU ARE IN NEED oF Nervousness of Old Age, Catarrh of the Lungs, kept free from those impurities Which | ---------------- Oxford Btrest, London, they are spurious. ¥ are coutinually getting admission to MUCILASE & LIQUID GLUE MAKFR. a iar | Neuralgia, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, I i Pains in the Heart, Liver Complaint, 2 2 inte the system by SvoHeots living, | £. AULD, Prices Right. 759 Craig 3 E Pains in the Back, - Chronic Diarrhea, 4 unwholesome atmosphere or disordered f= FETS | Emerson Bros =H - Kee (NEW YORK) Failing Health, Delicate and Scrofulous Children, stomach. The only safe and certain wv so FEATHER MAHER. 1 { > FOR 183 Summer Complaint of Infants. « way to expel all impurities is to take] Fe en CI ------------ Hag n niger Dally Cireniation than any other All these and many other complaints cared by this wonderful Holloway's Pills, which have the] SCALE MANUFACTURERS 'Planing Mills 1 IT WILL PAY YOU TO Republican Newspaper In America. Nervine Tonic. power of cleansing the blood from all| W. GORDON & CO. 601 Bt. Paul i 7 a noxious matters, and at the same time | oF] RTAREDE DIES ETC. IL NERVOUS DISEASES. 3 removing any irregularities which STENCILS, STE: STAMPS, DIES, ae. PORT PERRY. rr YE -- DA Y. SUNDAY. WEEKLY. As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has their pesence may have already pro- tment Gnd Ee] = The Aggressive Republican Journal | *able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant' i of the Metropolis. harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and duced in any organ. Holloway's Pills | =F 0 oro = HE Subscribers beg to announce the C expel all humors which taint or im-| Life is Short |--Get your vye| | they arc now prepared to manufactura I NEWSPAPER FOR THE MASSES.| delicate individual Nine-tenths of all the ailments to which the b poverish the blood, which they pufify sight TesTED, improved: or RESTORED | (nop, SASH, BLINDS, -- " ight J family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired di and invigorate and give general tone y buying your SpecTACLES at Dirs OF ; 3 J | 1 CASINGS FRAMES \ Founded December Ist, 1887. tion. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood They are applicable to all alike-- | "0% 3 sell Sfectacies which yk STAIRS » Circulation r 5.000 Copi general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is ¢ bh y give comfort and strength to your Eye ii | result, ~ Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when Foun gir old, robust or deliate. anesproserve it. NO. glimmering diz | STAIR RAILS, STAIR BRACKETS, ra 3 Lo¥el Ly pie ¢ 2 right kind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and a ziness, or any distressing sensat.on BANNISTERS, NEUEL POSTS, r Fh disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must sup} , gEeetema A RE NOT a Pur. with the so called ¥Boss" SPECTACLES, MOULDINGS, &C., WHITBY The 'most remarkable. Newspaper the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried om, it i ine. Fhe Maal the Bows of which are stamped in IN GREAT VARIETY. g Success in New York. Pap first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not: PRL THRE EE or, Soin | ola with tn Boss" snd th ot, quantity of tho kind of nutriment necessary to ) Boupen, | gold with the name Boss" and the | Seroll Sawing, Band Sawing and - THE PRESS 18 A NATIONAL NEwapargn, | tain a sufficicdt quantity o nu ms To mon. aa shey | number of spectacle. 1 No better spe 2 2, ; « Rg Cheap news, vhigar sensat the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon 1 PT Toa condensed spec- | Turning done with neainess and dis AE pp & . v 3 eatin] nd duh Bila : ie oF - * find no place In the coliimns of Phi PRESA EL hs "substances | tacles made. Forty dozen of spectacles | patch. His Stock is completeiin 'every Department, which he offers at ; For this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be no - | to select from, from 25 centsup to §6, ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN : B : an New Yor Pe Ee dion This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to conta AT DIESFELD'R > . 3 THE PRESS SUNDAY EDITION 1s «| essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accowt CUE ROR FANCY FENCE PICKETS Prices that can not he Shaded | splendid piper covering every ourrent tople| for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous i g Nr wae Tanks and Cistern Tubs made to order. 2 THR PRESK WEEKLY FI rangement. wn Canadian Pacific Railway. Flooring and Siding constantly on hand : : . ; | wil the good things of the BT nu Gao 2 SNTANEG. DIVISION I 8 y 1 Call and examine my "3 k and you will be. convinced that for Quality | editions. Oat 1 Lo EN Planing done to Order. Style and Finish our Furniture is unsurpassed. m= An Carne a very forlouk | three years from Nervousmess, Weakness of rains willleave Myrtle as follows : Tue patronage of the public is respect- AS AN ADVERTISING M DIUN | disease of the stomach and nerves. Itrled every | Stomach, Dyspepsia, and Indigestion, until | GOING WEST.-- + . 5 ully solicited. ; Bi a THE PRESS | ; ¢ , dae Ol mld hear of, but nothing done me | health was gone. I had heen doctoring | i 9 Factory on Lilla street, just south of the A large stock of Upl olstered Chairs, and Ottomans, in Silk, Velvet and : is NO ENpETIOY Io New York, any appreciable good Smid a Ne vied to stantly, soli relief. I bought one GING EAST--= 5 ™ | Town Hall. ! Plush. THE PRESS a and Liver Cure, aud. 'Mice using | South American Nervine, which done me mofe J 10:36. 4.10 EMERS ROS Within the'reach of all. The Best. and | several botties ot ft I snust say that1am sur-| good than any §50 worth of doctoring § " (T08 pant , MERSON BROS. Gir ae : he V » 8. Lest. an prised at its wonderful powers to cure the stom- | did {n my life. 1 would &dvise every weakly' " 5 p.m | Port Perry, May 6, 1886. A cordial invitatiol ded to all to visit my Establishment Cheapest Newspaper, in America, ach and general nervous s7stfm. If everyone yop to use this valuable and lovély remedy A. J. DAVIS, jh ibn hy San Dally and Sunday, one year knew tho value of thts poms 1Tdoyou would | so totties of ft has cured me compigipl id six th . not be able ppl . - a ; Wearmemmiors. ea DRESSMA K ! N 0 ao Oo Oth. sas TAH . = 0o.| consider So hae 0 finds 8 ment ao 3 ally only, one vear ane y? y EVERY MAN ioc eines | ON TRIAL FOR 90 DAYS, * | Whitby, Jan. 15, 1889. E. J JOHNBON dT four moni A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR CHOREA. 'his physi powers flagging, should take these 1 : a Pri CrAWPORDSYILLE, IXD., Aug. 20, 88. | RxmrocA WILKINSON, of Brownsvalley, To the Groat South Amarican Medicine Co.: : "INhadbeenina distressed IRREGULARITIES and SUPPRESSIONS, Agent, Port Perry it +r ani } Shudas one yeur i WFORDS ., June 22, 1887. 11 restore his lost energies, both The finest, completest and latest line of Eleo- Weekly 1' 5 ate LT eh ne | trical apoliancesin the world. ~ Thev have never : sekiy Prass. one yeah My daughter, eleven yéars old, was seyerel aificied yi Bt Vitus co EVERY WOMAN should take them. | failed to cure, We are so positive of it that we | Begs to intimate to the Ladies of Port - - ee a edt ee Send for THE PRESS circular, or Chores We gave her three and one halt bottles of Soul A merioas ) De CE evitably | will back our belief and send you avy Electrical | Perry and vicinity that she is prepared to San ies fre. Aerits wanted wvery where |. Yio an! e is completely res e; ery pressions sad Jrveg a oh i Arp now in the market and you ean try it | jo Dressmaking in the latest and best style : Liberal Commissions. Vitug Dance, have Kept it in my fully for two Soars and Su surat | for Three Months, Largest list of testimonials 5 do Cutt f % Address, the test rem n the world for In on an yspepsia, 8 should take these Prurs. Having taken a course in Cutting of one of H great _YOUNG MEN They will cure the re-| To i book and journal Free. | the most expert Dress and Mantle Cutters i THE PRESS, forms of Nervous Disorders and Failing Health, from Whalever cause. » ts of youthful bed habits, snd the | W. T. r ws Windsor, Ont, in the Dominion she feels confident that all 38 PARK ROW, 0! system. shoal take them orders autrusted to her cannot fuil to please NEW YORK. ig 7 i Jeo ; e YOURG WOMEN foto' Prizd wii PUBLIC heppaiions, & staff 9 Somprient we Eubeoribed and sworn to before me this June 23, 1887. i 7 sale bral druggists or il be sent upon | Rooms at the: residence of her Taher, Improved Pure-Bred Yorkshire White Boar Cas. 'W. Wats, Notary Publis receipt of price (50c. per box), by res Caleb street. THE DR. WILLIAMS MED. 00, | ANNOUNCEMENT ! "Port Percy, June 30, 1802. OPENED OUT A HE Rndersigued keeps for service at his INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. Beluilia, ONS | ; ; t J ' lace, lot 23, con. 3, Brock, th g f ° El ll SR yond Tpeoved sm i The Great South American Nervine Tonic ' shire White Boar, Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy bth HALF-TEARLY COMPETITION § Reh gies JOHN NOTT, ) \ 4 discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train The most Interesting Contest ever| Moved into his extensive, well arranged UNDERTAKER, ? p= Sto ck 3:41 HA INPERIAL os coh ta aor pase oy THR bpd offered by The Canadian Agri- ¢ and Funeral Director, 5 - ? the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of inc % 8 Gao culable value who is affected by disease of the Siomack, becayse 'the est Styles and Patterns. This 6 i N perience and testimony of many go to prove that this 18 the oNE y % * five aie ae AT te pW SOY aboot ONLY ONE great cure in the world for this universal destroyer. I ' 250 itu. so that in the past fom monthe be| 18 nO cage of unmalighant disease of the stomach which can resist bas guiued in weight shout 56 lbs. per) wonderful curative powers of the South American Nervine Tonic. 3 3 » , 0 t , Tnd., § The Latest Styleg in Hl Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, 1TUT1¢xs | Service $1 cash. slows : ae RE owth, Atseroan DEAN RUNDLE, Bruck, Oot. 27, 1890. ' culturist. _|NewBrickEstablishment| [aia One Thousand Dollars in Cash,a Pair Handsome Snetiand Pouies, Carriage and & doo Harness, and over two thousand (ringe and | where his superior and greatly increased able prizes for the Agriculiurst's brightest facilities for business will prove advantage - test Styles iti OC il readers! Who will have them ? 'According to | ous to all doing business with him. y ages. the usaal custom for some years past the 1 ten a A erivion: Tots Sy ish many thanks for very extensive ard MANILLA, rand Competition will, no doubt, be tha most | #till increasing patronage. 1 need scarcely SEG 5 tic and successful one ever presented to re; the ablic that m HIS HOMEL has been remodeled and| * gant P y On people of the United States and Canada o renovated and vewly furuisbed. No g 8 £ 2 9 eS manus Dita vy gach wif pid a uowsted and vevly foruishels Ro Forty dosen SPEOT find EYE GLAS $38, fro mb ots to §6 gi Engle worn conaLrieied (rom foftors in the ove Ven ortable, The Bar and Dining Room will 7 : IMPROVED words 1 riculturist." i 3 E i Five Hondrod Dott cash re aiven always be found well supplied. Good Com and 0 in great variety. od larges! : : Sr EL (ET YORKSHIRE WHITE BOAR Pair of Shetland Ponles, attentive Hostler. 4a Buses to train. i 4 ¥ : aries, will be given for thé hasall the Jatout re autres sin Give me a call. W.H, PARK, "| ; Wa anted as Re resented d 4 vol on an unlimited supply of Mailla, April 20, 1691. Proprietor : : I p ied. - DB BRIDAL Neild | 0 : £8 5 beni ry : \EB.F. : supplied on short notice. igen Be x eS cash at time of service. i Everything in the line Cheap and Gogd. | = fia fa. = or hy bi on ) f Fatih i res ad porsons | © WM. HISCOX | yp Unlocks all he clogged sventies of : ini, | Port For Sen. 0. 1601, pe ; Sal Pe Sn BN . pyr) - tem, al! the impirit ako ere ve g> gles ] tg ; ob the same time 'Stomach,

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