Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Feb 1893, p. 4

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* Frankfurt had been brought westward ~ At their head was Herr Schwabach, type before, It was at Ver- that fatefal February 'of 'when Paris had Just enpitulated, 'spokesman of victorious Ger- y and humbled France were haggls i ! ing over the bargain of a peace. It| my, forth STATIONS was already apparent that finance was Rio to play a prominent part in the settle- AN ment, and some of the ablest and PETERMAN'S ROACH FOOD NOT A POISON strongest financiers of Berlin and FATAL TO COCKROAGHES AND WATER Bugs. 'Write us 1 not kept by your We will Firevrsy poL! ti oq lied. to Versailles for counsel and assistance: . LARS where it has proved a failure If prope EWINQ, HERRON & CO., 5 anni, Bt. Paul Ef the leading brawn in the great Bleich- roder combination but even he shrank from the responsibility of managing | sts alone so vast n transfer of coined wealth as was contemplated, and urged | @i that his father-in-law, Alexander Ei Mendel, whom be regarded as the astut- 'est and most capable money manager aL 4, 1, DONE i WINE 7 SPIRIT MERCHANT. botween the partios to the negotiations. Tt was at one of these that Bismarck, pressed bluntly to name the minimum war indemnity which the new German empire would consent to take, blurted DT cE on TER VEAESS DRT WT a ON NOTRE DAME STREET RRTRCEET 10 1. DETVF ATD BTELIDO LuRVEGG Electrio Oars "Oars Pass the Door. EVERY MODERN IMPROVEMENT RATES: $1.50 to 83.00. out those tremendous words, 'Cing milliards.! There was dead silence for Then Jules Favre, spring- MONTREAL a WALL 'Have you reflected,' PAPER! he asked the chancellor, in conclusion, FACTORY 'what such a sum of woney--five TRADE Rd %. 8 a moment. [r] | el ce ¥ ing to his feet, poured out a rhetorical and impassioned protest against this vast ex-action, PLES >, bo; 2 SN - 1yo7 *omjowynue SUCH Fem 0 Swamoo uy SER YIRST PRIZE AWARD WHEREVER EXHIB! MN oh CANADA TRUSS FACTORY Eat. 156. 'P, GROSS, Prop thousand millions--really means? Why gir, if a man, miraculously preserved had | been born on the very first day of our or 2 Diy 3 y 4 | Totem PC. Streets. erm ere -------- ee on night and day putting franc pieces | BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTURERS one by one on a pile he wouid not | J. & T. STEPHENS, Wholesale, Beaudry St. DEHORNING CLIPPERS against our common mortality, christian era, and had ever since gone | even by this time bave got such a mass together as you demand. | 9. 8. KIMBALL, 577 Oraig Bismarck merely smiled, and laid MUCILAGE & LIQUID GLUE MANER. his big hand on the London financier's| g. AULD, Prices Right. 759 Craig shoulder, "That is very interesting, OSTRICH FEATHER MANFR. about the christian era man, bat my { \W.SNOW, Feathers Repaired, 1913 Notre Dame friend, Mr. Mendel, isa Jew. He had} SCALE MANUFACTURERS been counting franc pieces 4,000 years | w GORDON & CO 601 St. Paul W. GORDON & 00. _____ 601 St.Paul before Jour fellows began. STENCILS, STEEL STAMPS, DIES, ETC. itis all right.' G.W. DAWSON, Send for Prices, 149 Oralg So you see ---- . Silliousmess Cured. as Life is Short l--Get your eye ENTLEMEN,--I have used Burdoc! 00d . Y RETO PE ieee andl And It Lhe best | $1ght TESTED, improved or RESTOREY remedy for this complaint. I used several other remedy for this complaint, T used sey eral other remedies but they all failed to do me any-good. However, it required only 1wo hottles of B.B.B, to cure me completely, and I gan recommend it to ail by buying your SpEoTACLES at Digs reLp's. We sell Spectacles which wiLy give comfort and strength to your Eye anespreserve it. NO glimmering diz ziness, or any distressing sensat.on with the so called "Boss" SPECTACLES, the Bows of which are stamped in gold with the name "Boss" and the number of spectacle. No better spec- ours truly, Wa. RoOBIXBON, Wallaceburg. When hope dies hell begins, The man who robs the poor robs od. tacles made, Forty dozen of spectacles to select from, from 25 cents up to §6, AT DIESFELD'S Tn Christian life no man ca live any higher than he looks. If it's sciatica, bathe with Johnson's | Anodyne Liniment, pressing the mus cles and nerves hard. Johnson's Anodyne Liniment used externally, cures rheumatism ; not in a minute however. | Itin's certain and speedy cure for { Cold to the esd aad Catarrhin allits QE stages. God employs no hired men, work is all done by his sons, His SooTtHing, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent he devil is afraid 1 The devil is afraid of the man who pa Se -always has sunshine in his heart. Now is the Time. In this the season of coughs, colds, asthma, bronchits and other throat and lung com piatnts, Jt it is well to be provided with a bottle f Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup which Sftoctanlly cures all such diseases, and that very promptly and pleasantly. Price 25 and Bue. Bold by all druggists. al drnggists, t on receipt of (50 cents and §) re addressing FULFORD & CO, Brockvlilg, 'Ont. Christ was crucified by sinners who occupied front seats in the church. * Nothing pays a poorer interest on the investment than wearing a long face. You can never tell what a slight cold may lead to ; it is best, therefore, to give yourself the benefit of the doubt, and care it as soon as possible with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A day's delay, sometimes an hour's delay, may result in serious consequences. Originated by a physician, Johnson's Anodye Liniment is prescribed by many regular doctors. Ripans Tabules : for torpid liver. Ripans Tabules cure the blnes. The windows of heaven are always shut against the man who will not work. 6th HALP-YEARLY COMPETITION The most Interesting Contest ever offered by The Can lian Agri- culturist. One Thousand Dollars in Cash,a Pair of Harness, and over two thousand other valu able prizes for the Agricullurisi's brightest readers! Who will have them ? According to the usual custom for some years past the 1b' ishers of THE AGRICLTUIST now offer thelr Eixtn Half-y early Literary Competition. This grand Com petition will, no doubt, be the most pe and snccessful one ever presented to le of the Duited States nnd Canada. Thousand Dollars tn. cash will be paid person sending in the largest list of Pnghien words eonstrucled from letters in the words "The Capadian Agriculturist," * Five Hundred Biol ra in cash will be given JI never hurts the man of faith a to Lie spond li bit to sometimes have to travel in the i largest li Pair 7] Shetland Ponles, , will be given for the additional prizes award. ne { ed In order of merit: One Grand Piano, $400 \ $100 Dinner Sets; Ladies Gold hes; BUR. ross. tatioras; Fort heey melt |B miss an of fits o | thon ita pears i iter stung gt Canad eniinrie. the word WE SEND BY MAIL gee ZAIN Cay Sma Pacis 50%, PostPAIE Sheridan's Condition Pov Fork 18 nny in smal i 1a absolutely pure Cun Soon rth a pound of Fa Prevents by mal), eral sors, road. STAT elegant ait, 2 LE RS' POULTR Rima ay with Tapimis FULT REMOVA TE Undersigned he, store in the 'DIA and has largely Jiureans) his and has now on hand a fine assortment, in all lines, 'Wholesale and Retail Hotelkeepers supplied at Toronto and Montreal Pr freight saved. In stock, fine brands, Wines and Liquors fo Prices to suit the times, A call solicited. sx Parcels delivered to any part of the Corporation, or to Prince Albert and ester, free of charge. Port mt Pei) April ¢ 8, 1890, Handsome Shetland Ponies, Carriage and Mrs. ere | Find Sir John Thompson' {by having the face marked thus : These prizes are not la; tised. See the list o easily vouch for what we say. return your HE among our subscri pi Bieri St pérson same ten three-cent stamps (30 cents) RENATA" Wi OF MY HEART, pr Yocak in Schottische and Polka. times over for your trouble. remittance. Miss Carrie Davies, Pembroke st., $53 Mrs. F. Mackelcan, St. Isidore, Que., $5; Geo. Moirisett Green, Prof, of Music Trinity College, care of Dr. Young, Virden, Man., $5; Man, $5; Miss Crawford, Brandon, Winnipeg, Man., cor. Mrs. H. L You are missing a big snap if you Address : John Bull or one ide of the wall, answer; $158 to the third correct answer; answer, and 8B in cash to every tenth correct answer to the close. e, but we award every dollar just as adver- prize-winners in our last contest at the bottom of this advertisement. 1f you are in doubt concerning the merit we claim for this beautiful publication, write to some friend here or any Toronte-papers, who ean the Folios which contains this month the followin, HOVER THE W, " BRAN' NEW LITT "MY MO Comic. "ANDALUCIA" Waltzes. Containing in all 56 pd » Write to-day and you may receive a prize that will repay you You will not lose anything, for thei alone cannot be bought elsewhere for five times the amoutte of r Medicinal Purposes. s to announce that he has removed his bua OND or --one door east of Dlest p 14 at fine M. WILLIAMS. s face in the above cut. Ar wh pa : for one-month's trig, sub latest music : VES" Waltzos. LE COON," Vocal, THER'S KISS," Vocal. e, Three Rivers, Port Hope, $5; Mrs. Sev. G. Lockhart Man. miss this month's numbers CANADIAN MUSIC FOLIO, i 19 Victoria St., Toronto You want latest and most popular music, and pi want it at the lowest prices. Send us 30 cents, and after receive the Folio if you are not satisfied, write us, and we will The most prominent musical people is Canad James Leckie, 328 ; Chas. Becker, a Hotel, Vancouver, 5 Miss Susie Extence, Mount Pleasant, Vancouver, B: Oc $5. ie oes avestion 8 THE BEHRING, SEA QUESTION g VE of Uncle jonathan on the other. The publishers of The Oanadian Music Folio" will give $50 In Cash to first person sending in a correct answer to the above puzzle X); 2B in cash to the second correct $10 to the fourth correet List of prize-winners in our last competition: Mise Olara Morton; 5 Melbourne Place, Toronto, $265 cash; Miss Mary ng Hamilton, $15 cash; Mrs. W. Vanalstine, 60 Oak st, cash; Miss Iva Bonner, cor. Yonge and Queen sts., city, § Sherbourne and Carlton, $5; E. Aylmer, 141 Alexander st., 102 Calhemie st., Hamilton, $5; Mrs. Dr. Gau a Coomdmptiom iio Croup, Bore Throats Sold Cratamtons Fort Lame Side kort Bhiloh's Porous ~--a5 cents. _SHILOW'S VITALIZER. otic RA PRD AY LATEX pre radial non used® Kor or Kidoey touble tb zona, LOH' TARRH EMEDY. Sittings of the Division Courts PUB A NNOUNG informing the public moved into his extensiy NewBrickEstab where his superior and ° ous to all doing business # till increasing Faronage remind the rite hasall the latest i its work to COUNTY OF ONTARIO. rely on an £3 mT HE undersigned takes facilities for business will | Approved. With many thanks for y ver aN all * | pimples and boils, better than any other family {HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION, rrr te THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE EVERYWHER! PURIFY THE BLOOD; RR OUS SYSTEM, sad net mont power fully yet soothingly on the : LIVER" ARS) YWELS, F " : are unrivalled in their efficacy in FEMALE COMPLAINTS, skin blemish med cine known. It heals every kind of SORE, ULCER and WOUND more certainly than any other known salve. Its marvellous penetrating powers render it invaluab le in all THROAT AND CHEST DISEASES, curing Bronchitis, Quinseys, and Asthma, re- ducing Glandular Lumps, closing and healing ABSCESSES and FISTULAS, and for alle- viating the excruciating tortures of RHEUMATISM, GOUT, 1nd NEURALGIA it is unsurpassed, It never ails to remove Scurf and every species of kin disease. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at ¥8, New Oxford St. (Iate 533, Oxford 8t.) London; And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines threughout the Civilized World ; with directions for use in almost every language. wr Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious, Emerson Bros. Planing Mills PORT - PERRY. HE Subscribers = bog to announce the T they arc uow prepared to manufactura DOORS, CASINGS, BLINDS, FRAMES, STAIRS, STAIR RAILS, STAIR BRACKETS, BANNISTERS, NEUEL POSTS, MOULDINGS, &C., IN GREAT VARIETY. SASH, "Turning 'dorie ch. ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN FANOY FENCE PICKETS Tanks and Cistern Tubs made to order. Flooring and Siding constantly on hand. Scroll Sawing, Band. Sawing and| I ari) Whitby, Jan. 15, 1889. Diesfeld's Diamond Hall jz: sss JUST OPENED OUT A Fine Stock Fine Jewelry--Latest Styles and Patterns. FINE GOLD WATOHES Latest Styles in Cases. Forty dozen SPECTACLES and EYE-GLAS SES, from25 cts to $6 REGULATORS and OLOOKS in great variety. REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike manner at Fhe Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, BUTI(} § Everything Warranted as Represented. DIESFELD'S Clipping and and Trimming p The undersigned begs to begs to inform the 5 that he is prepared to Clip and Trin Toate Satis Country and other styles, all hi n- im. Orders left at DQ Charges odesate; sat a B. F. Route Port Port, Sept. 21, 1892: TW DEGIRALE AS FOR SALE. X The und ed d offers for Bale two TE in Prince Albert. For particularsapply to 3 . BAIRD Prince Albert, April 14, 1686. THE PRESS (NEW YORK) FOR 1893. Has a larger Patly Clroulation than any other Republican Newspaper in America. DAILY. SUNDAY. WEEKLY: The Aggressive Bepublican Journal of the Metropol A NEWSPAPER FOR THE MASSES. Planing done to Order. The . patronage of the public is respect: fully solicited. Factory on Lilla street, just south of the Town Hall. EMERSON BROS. Port Perry, May 6, 1886. DRESSMAKING. MISS NELLIE CAMERON Begs to intimate to the Ladies of Port Perry and vicinity that she is Prepared to do Dressmaking in the latest and best style. Having taken a course in Cutting of one of the most expert.Dress and Mantle Cutters in the Dominion she feels confident that all orders entrusted to her cannot fail to please her patrons, A staff of competent assis: tants steadily engaged. Rooms at the residence of her fathem, Caleb street. Port Perry, June 30, 1892. JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. GOMMERGIAL HOTEL, || MANILLA, ONT. HIS HOTEL has been remodeled and renovated and newly furuished.- No ains will be spared to make guests com: ortable. The Bar and Dining Room will always be fonnd well supplied. Good Com al Rooms. First-class Stabling and an [attentive Hostler. #3 4s train, ive me a call. W. H, PARK, Manilla, April 20, 1891. Proprietor --TMOR TELE Price of One. sk | HSI BICISIOISIIK We have made an gon with *" FARM-POULTRY', a monthly paper published in Boston, Mass. By this arrangement we are enabled to furnish both the Observer and Farm-Pouliry for the price of our single paper, namely, $1. Any person sending us this amount will receine the Observer every weck for one year, and the Farm Poultry every month for ome year, Jrom voit of order. Old subscribers who are in arrears must pay up their arrcarages and one year's subscription to the: Observer tn order to lake advantage of this offer. Founded December Ist, 1887, Circulation over 125,000 Copies DAILY. pA pon THE PRESS SUNDAY EDITION i splendid paper covering every current of interest, THE PRESS WEEKLY EDITION contains all the good things of the Daily and Seuday | edition | AS+« AN ADVERTISING M DITM THE PRESS has no superior In New Yor, THE "PRESS Within the reach of all. The Best and Daily, and Sunday, one yet six mone od ne th Daily only, one year . ur months Cone fp Week y Press, one year... Send for THE PRESS ofrcular. [amples free. Agents wauted everywhere. Liberal Commissions. THE PRESS, 38 PAKK ROW, NEW YORK. Address, Ih | | 3 | Improved Pure-Bred Yorkshire White Boar pas undersigned keeps for service at his place, lot 23, con. 3, Brock, that mag- : | nificent young Tmproved Pure: Bred York. shire White Boar, ns Eel MOL This fine young animal is now only Ri five mouths old, and at present weighs 250 bs., so that i in the past four months he | kas gained in weight about B55 Ibs. ™. es. $1 cash. » i DEAN RUNDLE. J Brack, » Oct. 27, 1890. Sr | Es IMPROVED YORKSHIRE EWE Cheapest Yewspuper in America, 4 He

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