010s m, 1104 pm. : Dr. Hamill's old d Notes 'Disounted. English Cy : EF Agent Allan Lins of. Steam ips. Jem E BE 8' povciiz. ® HUBERT L. EBBELS, 3 Barris Fire, Lire AND ACCIDENT, : Nomis ASSURANCE Ca'y, : cm -{ Prmsix; Assomance Coy. : i Crees' Instance Co'y, - Brasdow & LoNpox INsurANoE Co'y Port Perry, April 26, 1889. 2 i ; £ 2 z Licensed Auotioneers| FOR THE OOUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIP, OF CARTWRIGHT. Valuators, ~ &c., '&c. + B ® a! E ies i { - + Stark, Nashua, N. H., year ago 1 was taken i ed confined to my ith six suggest Fogg: what you get. pressure of the upp r party of | ' and such burdenk as he m These weights prest down Ehé cartils at the joints, and especiully. the spinal column; &8 that: of the 'man is reduosd. weights are removed he at night the cartilages - like and gradually return to size. i be People who conceal ni forgotten, ~The plagiarist who attention must needs be a mn siderably literary discriminati EER A Dangerous Inn ¢ The two ringed circus way to a rather. peculin ¢ What is that {' ¢ A new opera is abantd duced which will have t; the stage at the same. time. ¢ Gracious, that will be . Why y ry ¢ It will make the ba! cross cyed. Be ER The Whole Thing'in & "Why you have no your house now.' 'No.' } ¢ What become of your h * My husband fired him= = * And your hired girl ¥ "8he tired herself--ke 2 A New Idea. >< What lots of lager bee {sent up to your house.' ¥ Yes, its for my sol Mercy) Does that boy: ¢ He's studying German he thinks it helps | A Few Biased Opinion one Eo only by the FIG RUP ca., afactu Y., MEW YORK,N.Y i jad forfr to address an 3 to an afternoon the gbligation, n wilfremove grease spots poflin. fl 'suite' is pronouced as d 'geet'. now to have a col fers, rists spend $100,000, fr in Italy. Will contribute several jolumbus to the World's bie record of orld's 4 invaluable. information on of subjects, historical, religions, fle, household and farm. Facts, hints and hints are dealt with should huve a copy. Sent on re- three cent stamp, by T. Milburn oronto, Ont. Don't delay as the plimited. ugh 1t is scarcely half a dozen e the advent of electrically street cars with overhead Bof distribution, there are now J00 such lines in operation in jfed States, It has never been jed where once introduced, rom fuilure to perform good pr on account of vbjections on i of the public. fs famous ' Veni, vidi, vici, ie, I saw, I conquored--might propriate motto for Ayer's Filla. We charge nothing for stion. This great blood puri- Buors wherever it ogmes, and fbsolutely without an equal in Michigan boasts of a gospel pt makes a tour each year to fvillages and cities, Ohinese, Japanese, Malays, ft New Zealanders and North Indians are all but beard- § the Kentucky Legislature joned to changeithe name of a B thought that Mr. Schlafen- ichstafer' was an undigni- a be Bd | cheap a price. "fund conveyed to the Nort} . The Best Known. Dear Sims,--I can gecommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wilk Sieavhersy for summer complaint and' diarrhea. I have used it in my family for two years for Taiidren and adults with the greatost satis. action. Mas. Frank Boi, Austin, Man, ti uti er A great many kicking cows might be cured and more prevented by simp'y trimming the finger-nails often cnough to keep them from cutting the teats of the cow. The fatin the milk is the most po- tent factor in determining the yield and quality of the cheese, and the quality of cheese is largely affected by the amount of fat contained in it. Life is Short |--Get your eye sight TESTED, improved or RESTORED by buying your SpEoTACLES at Digs ¥ELD'S. We sell Spectacles which wiLL give comfort and strength to your Eye anespreserve it, NO glimmering diz ziness, or any distressing Sensat.on with the so called "Boss" SPECTACLES, the Bows of which are stamped in gold with the name "Boss" and the number of spectacle. No better spec- tacles made. Forty dozen of spectacles to select from, from 25 cents up to $6, AT DigsrrEb's 5, who claimed ¢ i Pp p th. was not due to the P Pills hero Hospital, | quit using them for about & month, aud not one of the doctors who attend: {the recurrence of those terrible ed mo held out any hope for'my ulti: | warned me of wy folly and I eotss mate recovery. The base of my spine | mencell using the pills again, and I seemed to be smashed i pulp, and { will certainly never be withont him" the efforts of the medical 'men were | in the house, ye directed altogether towards relieving! * ¢ Not if I know it, anyhow,' remark: the terrible agony I suffered rather|ed Mrs, Church. 'I know only tod than towards curing my injuries. T|well the good they have done you, and had the constitution of an ox though," | you would not have been anything like and the speaker threw out hig chest | the man you are to-day if it had not and squared a pair of shoulders that |been for those pills, and 'no one on would have done credit to & prince earth knows better than I how greatly among athletes, 'and as I seemed to|you have been helped, and not only have a tremendous grip' on life the |you but others in the family who were doctors took heart and after remaining | thought to be going into a decline: be- in that hospital forty weeks I was dis- | fore they were restored by taking those charged as being as far recovered as I | pills.' would ever be, For'twenty six wecks| Some of the particulars of the masvel- I had to lie in'one' position, and any |lous rescue of Mr. Church from a life' attempt to place me on my back made | of suffering having reached the public, me seream with pain. * Through eight- | a reporter of the Times thought worth een months after my discharge I was | his while to investigate the matter for unable to do a stroke of .work, and |the bLenefit of other sufferers, and it could with difficulty make my way |was in response to his enquiries that about the house, and then only with |the above remarkable story was narrat« the aid of crutches. "Twice during that |ed by Mr, Ohurch. Taken in connee- time I underwent operations at the |tion with the reports of other equally hands of eminent surgeons, who were | remarkable cures--the particulars of amazed at the fact of my being alive | which have been published from time at all after they had been informed of | to time--it offers unquestioned pr the extent of my injuries. On the |that Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale last occasion my back was cut open |Peop'e stand at the head of modern ™ and it was discovered that the bones | medical discoveries. which had been shattered by my fall} The neighbors generally were very bad, by process of time, completely |out-spoken in thier astonishment: at overlapped each other, forming 'a|Mr. Chutch's miraculous cure, all who knuckle that you see here,' and Mr. {knew unything of his case having Why is it that milk in a dairy turns| Church 'showed the reporter a curious | given him up wonths ago as rapidly quickly sour at times? cause traced to I th abl x se odors of the cowshed aro often traceable in milk, but this is often chiefly owing to the cow herself ; she breathes. them into her lungs, when they 'come mm contact with her blood, and so they are communicated to the milk. This, in fact, is the 'cowey' smell, whjch is only effectuaily got rid off by passing the milk over u refrig erator. - To gain the public confidence is essential to business success, and it can only be gained by a steady course of faithful dealing with them. It is by this course that Messrs. Tackett & Son have secured the great success of their 'Myrtle Navy' tobacco. This confidence is not only a source of business to the firm, but also a source of economy which the consumers get the benefit of. The merchant never loses a moment of time in examining the quality of the tobacco. The name fixes the quality as absolutely as the minut stamp fixes the value of the guinea. It is not even necessary for the commercial traveler's trunk to be burdened with a sample of 'Myrtle Navy.' All his custoniers know what it is, and know in an instant when it has been supplied. There is no room for any dispute about it. No waste of time or postage in writing com- plaints.about it. These may look like trifles to the unitiated, hut they save money. and enable merchants to per. formng.the work of digtribution at the sipifieat possible cost. ¢}They are part 0 reasons why the finest quality of tobacco grown can -be sold at so the house ned the sualler ! That explains the the young wan knows and: the old man knows Were the | lump near the base of his spine ' All aphrdnshing the portals of the great nown. He looks far from that new ighten those bones con ui ling nally the | thongh. my troubles, would be increased ten: | years: ! fold. Their predictions proved ouly {and for some time conducted sa gyme too true and before long I was in|pasium in Liverpool. He expects to almost as bad a condition as ever. No|get back to his buloved athletic exer tongue ean tell the pain I suffered ms|cises this season, and is much elated the disease progressed, and eventually lat the success of his treatment, I decided to come to America. So in The reporter then called ovpon 1890 I closed up my affairs in England | Messrs. Harrison Bros., James street and on arriving in Halifax, so done up | north, from whom Mr. Church had was I with the journey across the|purchased the remedy, who further ocean, that I had to take to my bed | verified his statements. In reply to and was kept a close prisoner for|the enquiry by the reporter, 'Do you ceveral weeks, Having a brother liv. |gell many of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills' ing at Moorfield, near Guelph, I with | Mr. James Harrison, of the firm res difficulty aecomplished the journey plied :-- there and tried to do some work. My| «yg, yet, rather. A thousand utmost exertions could accomplish but | pores doxes don't last long. You see little, however, and as the result of mY |our business is largely with men, trouble, nervous prostration, in its| yomen and girls employed in the big ° worst form assailed me. I remember | tq otories and mills in this locality and once being overtaken by a thunder | the recommendations we hear from storm while: about a mile away from [pepe people day after day, month after the house; and while I was making my | yon¢h, would indeed make the manus way there T fell no less than eight | fyoturer of thoss wonderful little pel- times, completely prostrated by par-||ets think he was a benefactor of ticularly vivid' flashes of lightning or | pymanity. Several cases have come heavy jars of thunder. About a year |,nder my own notice of women, poor, and a half ago 1 came to this city and | tired.out, over-worked creatures, being secured work at the Hamilton Forge | made 'like unto new' by the use of Works, 'but before long had to quit, | these pills and I sea them passing to because I'could not attend to my (and from work daily and looking as duties. I used to think that if I|though life was worth living and well could only get a little sleep once in a|worth it, too. In all my experience while I'would feel better, but even |in the drug business I never saw any- that | was denied me. Night |thing like these pills,' and Mr. Har after night I tossed from side to side, |rifon related a number of cures that and every time my back pressed the [had come under his observation in ad- bed the paigéhat shot through every |dition to that of Mr. Church. limb was almost unbearable, The| Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale: dbetors preseri 'ehloral and bromide | People contain in a condensed form alk of "and for weeks I never the elements necessary to give new thought of going £0 bed at night with- |lifefand richuess to the blood and. rev out having firs; taken powerful doses |store shattered nerves. They are the uge. Towards the unfailing specific for seemed a vain battle for my wife hex of the newspaj wonderful 'ou Williams' Pi 8, | bad lost all faith in any solved to try once more ly ured a box of a from Mr. Hal and commenced to the directions. This 3