EMULSION of 'PURE ; D LIVER OIL. If 'you have Weak Longs--Use it. For sale by all druggists. 85 cents per Lottle. Why do Men do this and do that ? asks a Woman Writer 'Why do men waste so much time and paper, pens and ink in writing about women? Why not take a more important topic, men, for instance 1 hy say all women do thus and so, as he said all women buy their corsets too small and let them out? = As a fact many women, stylish ones, too, never wear corsets, and when they do they lace them up, not one, Then, any man who knows much about woman knows all women' never do the same thing. Women are uncertain creat- ures, and what one has done is no in- dication what the next will do. 'There has to be a new rule for each woman, Why does a mun always talk about the charms of a sensible, ome keep girl, but invariably choose for his com- panion the gay, frivolous one? When a man prides himself upon his muscle and strength, why does he let his little wife, half his bigness, run up stairsand down for him ! If a man is as competent as he thinks he is, why can't his great intel- lect permit him fo hang up his clothes and keep 'his things picked up 7 as Bridget says. Why does a man turn his head to look at all the girls of a flirtatious | staop who pass hum { Why do men fill all the front rows at a burlesque show ¢ When women are eer to men, why do they (the men) make so t : 2) with them 1 or Why does a mah take it for grant- ed that any woman whom he cares to kiss will be pleased with the attention 1}" 'For along time I suffered with stomach and liver troubles, and could find no relief until I began using Ayer's Pills. 1 took them regularly for a few months, and my heaith was completely restored.'--D. W. Blaine, New York. The difference between notoriety and reputation is something that no politician can ever seem to understand. " Johnson's Anodyne Liniment kes the lead ; thefe is none better," says a Boston 'druggist. Tf a man never had any fault found with him by his employer it must be because he never had brains enough to get a job, Accidents will happen in all families. Use Johnson's Anodyne Liniment; it acts promptly. Jittle Dick--There goes Johnny Smart on a safely. Hes the brightest boy in town. Father--How so 1 «He got himself a rich father.' * Humph ? I don't understand. 2 ~~ * Why' his real father died, an' then an orful rich man got acquainted with his mother, but he didu't like Johnny ; "#0 Johnny he pretended he was sick goin' to, die ; and then, after the wan tarried his mother, he dal stages. [RS Scoring, Steansing, 0 § Instant Reliof, Permanent 3 N Cure, Failure Impossible. 0 the as that ¢ A lover i is aman who is totally blind to the imperfections in the woman he adores ; who is provoked if ther men are not similarly sightless, are,' mention are the following: « A lover worships her alone, The only perfect think, She, only she, is nature's queen, And he thinks he's the king." # A lover is a deluded victim _pos- sessed of an insane desire to provide for = another man's daughter and perhaps add'to the comforts of home by acquiring a mother-in-law." «A lover is one who is transformed by the magic wand of love from 'the king of brutes to an angel. Landanum also effects the chaage/ His Family did not Know Him. A Belleville man has for Loa bent and crip) led with a lame back, but after trying | * the OR, Kidney cure, he could, walk like a boy again and his neignbors could hardly remedy is for sale by all druggists and the OR, Biduney Company, Belleville; Pleasant ¢ as Syrup. Mr. Douglas Ford, Toronto, Out., states that | Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with d Cherry Bark is free from ohjection- he taste, being almost as pleasant as syrup, while for coughs and colds it gives complete satisfactionyl x acting promptly even. in obstinate * A horse never die for want of acrumb? 'No! 'Not as long ashe has & bit in his mouth.' Pugilist Sullivan says some publish- ers offer him a round sum for a book, 'and they haven't even seen the book yet. So we infer. "I nevesee a tree fall without a pang,' wrote a contributor; but. the sentence was printed ; * *1 never. a0 4 a Fae Undersigned begs to announce that ho. has removed his busing store in the "DIAMOND BLOCK"--one door cast of Diesfeld's Jel and has largely increased his stockof y WINES AND LIQUOR andhas now on hand a fine assortment, in all lines, "Wholesale and Rets Hotelkeepers supplied at Toronto and Montred Jreight saved. In stock, fine brands, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal -, Prices to suit the times. A call solicited. #ar Parcels delivered to any part of the Corporation, or '$o Prince. Alb { ester, free of charge. M. WII Port Perty, April 3, 1800 NEW FURNITURE | The Subscriber wishes to return thanks to his custon since the fire, and. is better prepared to furnish the Furniture line, good and cheap. Having added n pectfully invite inspection of my Stock. Just and Marble Mouldings for pictyre framing and all HOLIDAY PRESENT My Undertaking Dopsstment is replete with everything necessary for \ furnishing Funerals. Oharges reason- able. : : qd! i) » One door West of the Post Office = 4 t i 4 L] 15 eral support fg avything in Rooms, 1 res d lot Glé suitable for Liver and Bowels, unlocks the Secretions,Purifiesthe 'Blood and removes all im- purities frofm a Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. CURES = DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS. CONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SEARTUONN" sorrel UR i DIZZINESS S. DR 2 OPA OPSY IRHEUMAT | SM. SKIN DISEASES 3,500 IN REWARDS. "Agric t's Winter Literary Competition. The Fifth Ha Yearl Litera Com th tion for inte > Li pe ly Mi azine, is now open. ne follows i i di d rizes will be given free to too nh v0 Will receive a valuable present of silverware, Off on Grand Reward, 3500 1n ( Gold | © ith oth Go Gold Wadeh P 's a Ladies G'd Wa ve than AER y % ; 2 We have wade ah arrangement for combination with * POULTRY", a monthly poultry prper published in Boston, : Mass. By this arrangement we are enabled to furnish both the Osseavir and tic Fan Potiray for the single price of our paper, namely, $1. Auiy person sending us this amount "will J f receive the OBsenven every week for one year, and the and one yenr's suliscription" to the OnsEry advantage of this offer, ' Diesfeld's Diamond JUST OPENED OUT A