Has any amount of over to Loan At BS per 'cent: on 90 goog Hortgegss. INSURANCE b new putting in oor and Lower Sets of . Teeth at from $4 T0 875 EACH SET. just purchased the largest stock of $oeth ever brought into North Ontario Tam aatiaped 'can 'suit you both as to guality price. Come and ses, Rooms in the § Block, over Messrs. Forman & Sow " Fore Pare Oct. 2, 1891, "hoy or oy wah 1 attended to, i of animals trea = n the snd ra wn system. #7 Tol phone connsation--free of charge. R GRAHA Pork Perry, April 8, aon." UATE Ontaglo Veterinary Cat: lege, Dorwite._ Evergrey Corrao 5 two m o abid an of ears practice. ~~ Tele- Manchoster, a ree commu! Pe i Manchester, and Tel ot phen be for- Al Veterinary effected at the Lowest Rates in Good English Companies, &F Agent Allan Line: of Steam: ships. | Port Perry, Oct, 17, 1880. MONEY TO LOAN T0 LOAN TIE Subscriber ie' | ig Drepired to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Seewvity AT 6 PER OENT. in on Village Property. £47 MORTGAGES BOUGHT, TY HUBERT L. EBBRLY, > ; Barrister. Office next to Ontario Bunk. 'Port ort Perry, N May 10, 10, 1885, WM, EDMETT, * Insurance and General Agent, Port Perry, Ont. opresenting the following First Class : e: : hae et cing or b A rg stomach, a a 1 sourness hen food seemed to rise : Lupin throat and mouth. When coming on if I takea "August Flower it rclicves "me, and is the best remedy I have "ever taken for it. - For this reason 1 take it and recommend it to £* others u a great remedy for Dye. *! pepsia, & G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufactirer, Woodbury, New Jersey, US. A. PHOTOS. Gatos ody $2.00 ie Do, Othersizes rroyoiticn- ately Cheap. Pictures Copied and Eulargen to any desired size and finish- ed in Crayon, Indian Ink, Oil or Water Colors. New Scenery All Work guaranteed to give n. Constantly on hand a fine assortment of FRAMES & ALBUMS. W. H. LEON NTR rt tae 3 Ie Etriend's] oo ed anything th would consider serio Has your cook struc! * Humph I" he suorted ; not. Hang the eook | take me sevionsly 1 Listen, Yio wan to ot married 9 With this the lawyer banged Himselt | § Against the back of his chair nnd look- od at me as if ho expected me to throw up my hands, or faint, or exclaim |g against fate, or something of tht Sort; and when T looked agsympathetio ns I ing could and cautiously remarked, 'Well lsu fe he worked himself into a paroxysm of excitement, / ¢ Well? he axclsimed, it's notat all | shal well, sir! Confound it, do you andér-| so stand me Jim, Jim, I tell you, myo boy Jim on getting maeried, Now, what do you think of that, eh" Good old Pendragon ! has sot his thundering wind | t u How hard | mi he made it for his friends sometimes 1| hell What could say! Here wasan epi sode in his career that appealed to him | ju with infinite force and to me it could Han | i only seem 'as very natural, "probably comuendable episoda in the. ca his zon... What had I to do wi ¥imne question was irritating and th 3 impulse was strong to dismiss th question as one that concerned me nog! ¢ ntall failing ne ring loyal, friends happily. restrained tient tattance that sp "off to but the long. intimacy withil mig | Pendingon, the memory. of lis neved| to P to his I know 8 hin ef the frills income: 3 est be mplished, she cani{ to an amount thas would ser: + from the® opera, nke lace filigrees for iv. I presume ale of bread ¢ wash the le babies round the! ouldn't seriously mind, 'she was eitlier immensely | rately popr. In either ration would be provided ter, in my estimation, gircumgts noe," "old friesd rattled on, ier every nidment, seeming eful relief in unburden- 0.4 listener ; but no quiet no plea i behalf of his le and fits promise of success, | would avail to minatich which he had office to cligch to oppose by meang at his command 4 of his gbn, want tg meet-the-girl,' he ough: Jim may id hugtle for himself. If aent)y for a time he may , and may mature theBounsellor to his affec- ally nothing to oppose sensible, even kindly, id Letter take ndvantage genuinely affectionate hie walfare, I was old S8ee that the fancy of 24 n a passing shadow : better ¥ now than. remain a life i a career, That was | somely for any reasonable man. Old John took pains, while saying nothing of matrimony, to impregs it upon Jim's itd, that it would - Le many years at ;| the best before he could reasomnbly think 'of taking & wife. And James Pendragon, son of his father, held his peace and bided his time, all the while determined to putwit. the old gentle men at the earliest opportunity. *And by the way, Jim,' said old John when all the arrangements had been concluded, 'in your partial capa- eity of office manager, I suggest that you improve the clarical force. I can't look after them in detail, but there nre certainly some careless people in our emplcy. That typewtiter, for in- stance; made * me spend ' a solid hour correcting her errors in the transctip- tion of a complaint the other day. That's only an instance, mind, and if you can improve the service of the office go ahead and doit. Jim loft the office that afternoon deeply impressed with the change in in his relation to business and life in general for into the night he lay awake thinking, giving a considerable share of attention to the immediate needs of the Wall street office and a good deal more to methods and schemes that might accelerate his own progress and conduce to the desired development of the romance that glowed in his heart. All this made him unusually grave next day. The energy with which he went about his worke was not quently nullified by a blank pause, in which he found himself reflecting solely upon his indivual affairs. After 'mind in which old Pen- | several recurrences of these pauses he thought | decided that this would never do, 'and ever | he set himself sesolately to the aflairs infre-| leaned back: "the manner of the his father when under discussio replied gravely : "It must be something of a nuis- ance, Governor, I feel it myself, and for that very reason I aor anxious to Ket a typewriter who can be depended on to stay; one who will be perfectly satisfactory. We'll hit it very soon, 1 think. I have a young lady in view whose services can be obtained before long, and I'm. pretty sure she wili suit.' ; "Oh, it's all right, Jim; of course it's all right, said ol John good bumoredly, "I .dou't know what's been the matter with all the others, but you have to see their work more than I do, so I #'pose you know. Meantime, what's this ones name? * Jones. "Miss [s'pose} All right. I'll go and get acquainted' with Miss Jones, and as soon as we begin to understand each other and know each other by sight, we will make our bow to Miss Buith and say goodby to Miss Jones, "Jim smiled, but made no reply, and his father returned to his own room. The young lady in question was sitting patieitly by his desk where he had left her, her fingers resting lightly on the keyboard of her machine. It was as if she were afraid of losing valuable time hy any delay in the movement of her hands. _ ** Are you familiar with the ter- niinology of law, Miss Jones ¥' inquired old Pendragen solemnly, Miss Jones almost grasped, Tt was her first interview with this stern, big voiced man, and she was frightened. "I1--1 do not know, sir,' she re. "I am- afraid not, matters were | hs tool Se Be ronndttions Pactorak to rho the enduring quality of its popu D note aby now th A wenty-five years ago, when : cy er aid marvelous, -- R. B. Drako, M.D., Beliot, Kans. = +, sy little slater, four years of as 80 fll from bronchitis ap wu abaost ven up hope of oCOVOTY bg family WhySlciity a skilful man and large experience, prononnded it use HA to gis ve her any more medicine; ied at he had done all it was poss do, and we must prepare for the a last resort, we detorini bis oy Ayar's Cherry Pectoral, aud I can ATly sat with the most happy results. fter taking a few doses she seemed Aner a easier, and, within a week, was out of danger, We 'continued giving tha i Pectoral until satistied she vs Sn iv well. This has given me fin in the preparation, and I Abend eda th confidently to my customers."--C. O. Lepper, Druggist, Fort Wayne, Ind. For Colds and Coughs, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY Dr.' J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. | Price $1 ; six bottles, $5. 'Worth $5 a bottles, - The Safest AR most powerful gg ori J w Ayey's Sarsaparilia, old are alike benefited yin dan For + the eruptive dis-