BILLINGS, Solicitor,' opister, Coun Court Hous, ET i iw x th y Public, to. Brock Street, | 18 = a Ly as TH any amotnt of Money' to LL per. cent, Of 00 Hortgages. SURANCE at the Lowest Rates in Good English Companies. = Agent Allan Line of Steam- THE: Subtorther 4 1 is prepared 'to AMOUNT on Farm on LEN AT 8 PER CENT. #7 Also on Village Property. #8 MORTGICES BOUGHT, HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barris ter, Office next to Ontario Benk "Port. Fort Perry, May 10, 1885. "WM. EDMETT, ER ne td Sa ht % = the. He Companies : Fras, Lire AND ACCIDENT, NorthERN Assurance Co'y. "© Pa®RiX Assurance Co'y. ing' Insurance Co'y. Grasaow & Loxpox Insurance Co'y Port Perry, April 26, 1889. =e iilcon & HOLT Licensed HAuotioneers FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT, Valuators,: &c., &o. | REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. Sale Bills' made out and Blank Notes furnished free of i ph isfaction guar. will. be kept at HzExeY ort, P at the office. go Wa. Sexxoe, og A ip ior, Manchester,.-where parties can make ar- ; fangements for sales, Acall is solicited. Hour, W. M. WriLrcox, Manchester, fi Pen W, GORDON, . * Licensed Auctioneer, Yaluator wn : unico FoR the AR Uxbridge, for | and adios their infrests, e toa Bo dg beta given to. WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Liv fy Remo 1 Frisia nyo First Class That Has If you use it once, you back to it whenever you i it. It gives total relief and is uick cure. My advice to every- one Suffering w with Lung Troublesis --Try it. You will soon be con- vinced. In all the families where | Your German Syrup oe on rouble e . Lungs at all. Itis Franklin Se medicine for this ; ones. untry, . eo. GREEN, Sole Man'fr, Woodbury, NJ. - THOTGS. ia aly $5.00 or Dosa Othersizes rogpcition- ately heap. D| Pictures Copied and Eulaiged to any desired size and finish. ed in Crayon, Indian Ink, Oil or Water Colors. New Scenery ! All Work guaranteed to give Satisfaction Constantly on hand a fine assortment of RAMES, Methodist Ohurch. REV. L. W. HILL, B A,, Piston. Services, 10:30 and 6:30. Sabbath Week Evening Service. Thursday 7:80. Strangers welcome and conducted to seats. Church of the Ascension. "REV. MR. FLEICHER, PASTOR, Sunday Setyices. 10:30 an 'Weuk Evening Service, Vedneaday, 7:30. 8t. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN,) REV. RICHARD WHITEMAN, B.A., PASTOR Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:80. 'Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:80. Baptist Church. __ Kkv. MH, STEINHOFF, Pastor, Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:80, * Week Evening Service, Thursday, 180. * Tue Patss FOR 1892. "Has a Larger Circulation Han any other Fapubiican ewspuper in" Al erin: may. DALY SUNDAY. WEEKLY, The. Ageressive Eopu biissg Journal A A NEWSPATER FOB RHE MASSES Founded December 1st, 1887, Orang 03400 pe bn DAILY. iliteresting ns yon would ake out « And more so, sir, 1 assure you,' help. said enthusinatically, + Where do your keep him? Ien-| quired. "We set him at work. in the {ibrany; and a good man he's there, too. And leading the way he brought me to the door leading 'to the library, Pausing a moment, he leaned over to me and said : + Sir, if you can, you must get him to 'tell you of his last piece of work. A very artistic thing it Was, atrd bold, too, He's in for five years. And he opened the door. * Sitting at a table reading some paper was a very "pleasant, nffable-looking gentle- man. When I say gentleman, I mean shat he could not possibly be taken for anything else. His looks, his bearing, the courtly manner in which he rose to greet us as we entered, and the che- ery smile with which he recognized our introduction, stamped him at once as one born a gentleman ; and that he was well educated and possessed of an intellect far above mediocrity was Pp * | parent before I left. The warden leaving a moment later to attend to his duties, we spoke causal- | 0 had found that his last crite was not his first one, but that all bis life be had Leen a burglar, tnd had, until the p-esent time, successfully eluded the search and vigilance of the officers-- which had brought him into his present position, and given him the unenvisble |, reputation he enjoyed ; for, when at last I did bring myself to the point and somewhat timidly broached the : topic, his interest heightened, and, in in: stead of uppearing downcast and shame: faced, he rather bristled somewhat with pride, and T found no diffeully in inducing him to give me a detailed account. of thé piece of work at Which, he was caught. He said : ¢I had abstained from any work fo over half a year, owing mostly to the onerous duties imposed upon me. by {228 society ; but my desire increased unts I could' restrain'it no longer, and @ night ona sudden impulse 1 set iain with me but a few tools, w 1 carried in my pocket. It was ear! vety early, not later than ten o'cloc while operations are usually most cessfully conducted between three a four or five. « However, I did not have the p ce to wait, but immediately b looking about for some house > pearance was ig Bing except a clean mot that i noises on the street ticking of a clock in ch I was sitting. 1 jokeeper strike twelve pes, and then one. I y that T repeated to my- v ald Jose a beat, followed ? her, then lose another. 'ent on this irregularity 1 came to the conclusion had forgotton to wind | already acquired an af I went up to the mantel stood, and opening the and began winding, the ich caused echoes to ring hole room. J 1 Thie first one led to the to the sitting | whieh my host Had gone, was key was left in the hole," and out my pinchers I opened it bked into what was evidently lor. Going in, st the further the room was a door to the and peering into this, I gazed ho head of the house snoring good fellow. I took vp his ollars. Seeing a sort of a box y foot of the bed, I tried that, there I wanted, and that was an joned portnrantean, which was 1 slit this open with my knife and a comfortable roll of bills-- : three hundred . dollars. You he been very lucky. In fact, hye have been, never entering a 8 but what I made enough to pay collar--mine it for a clean y, and I changed Uwhich just fitted me--1I left for 1 Inid off. It was said by the contractor that no farther discoverios need be ex- pected and that there were no more bodies in the ruins: It was said that those persons, if any others) who perished in the fire were burned to ashes and that nota trace of them were left. -- eat, A Crying Evil E i il should be tly re- ok, a eae dh is aT tyog Tori affecting thousands of Canadians' of Fama: | d dians, which can easly be removed by the use of Bardock Blood Bitters, the best known stomach; liver and 'bowel re; and care for ¢itk headache from sat cause arising. pc Squire Oshkosh (to operator in Western office)--Look here, this 'ere telegram from my son Rube don't |i sound like him. It's too kind of sharp and pointed like. Haven't you made some mistake 1 Operator--Oh, that's all right | You see our wires are down west of here, and we have been working about sixty miles over a barbed wire fence. anything else, Nothing of this kind is seen in smoking the * Myrtle Navy." with steady combustion hose utmost ambition is to attain to good manners, and who great ly desires to be considered one of the best-bred of little girls, finds many an obstacle in her progress towsitds that goal. An impetuous little tongue and a willful little temper are hons in her way. One day when she chad been more overborn by these infirmities than usual and had been reproached by her mamma for her impoliteness to some ingly. *O, dear, mamma, I don't be- lieve I shall ever have any manners; not a single manner !' Dr. A. T. Blocum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE €OD LIVER OIL. They who use it - - Live. For sale by all druggists. 85 cents per bottle. It takes a great deal to disturb the even tenor of certain well-ordered and 'serene minds, in illustration of which the following intident is given: An old lady living in a certain New | th England village was goingdown aflight of back stairs when sho fell and went bottom of the stairs, where she burst open the door and came tolling into the kitchen. Her servant girl, Jane, screamed in affright, and various members of the family came running into the kitchen; breathless with alarm. Before any of them could speak a word the old lady lifted herself toa sitting position on the floor and, bold- pock produced ment of handkerchiefs; bitsof rib volls of chewitiz gain, and a critapled ha paper, which proved to be thie bill of |- Iadiog required. She explained that the first one she was t0 take -soiiié where else. The amount of goods covered by the bill of lading was over $20,000. dm ,OW'S SULPHUR SOAP is a shampoo. Sal huge the His Family did not Know Him. A Belleville man has for Jena hed led with a lame bagk,. after aud thoi. Kidney cure, he could walk like a n aod his neignbors could hardly him, i OR. Kidney Company, Belen, The most popular animal in the world is probably not the horse nor the dog, but the scapogont. ¢ What's the matter, Mary ¥ *Somefin awful's happened, mamma.' ¢ Well, my dear, what is it? 'My d--doll--baby got away from me and browkred a plate out in the . | pantwy.' Ulcerated sore throat and tonsilitis yield to Johnson's Anodyne Liniment, when all else fail. A Gerihan nobleman, while visiting England, was invited to join in a fox- bunt. He accepted 'and met with a alight accident, which he thus describ- ed: I mount upon de horse; he gallop avay ver yell. Wg arrive. st, {| Sapp, and den~ 1 do kr not remain Women who suffer from nervous and physical debility find great help in the use of Ayers Sarsaparilla. It produces the rapid effect of a stim- ulant, 'without reaction--the result being a permanent increase of strength and vigor; both 6f mind and body. History is all the time having new readings, and some of the best of them come from the mouths of children, When Rome was burning, the Emperor: Nero was playing a fiddle,' #0 the teacher told Robbie. And this is what Robbie told his mother that evening : 'The Emperor Nero was playing a fiddle so they burned Rome.' fhe Blood is the Life, Good health without pure blood is simpl! impossible, and to secure pure blood oo Sherelare absolutely necessary, especially in , when bad blood is very preval- lock Blood Bitters is THE REMEDY, without an equal in the world of medicine. 1t drives out all poisonous humors of the blood from a common pimlipe to the worst sore. something toward sending an expedi- tion to discover the North Pole.-- Bjenks--Not much | Buf I suppose 1 shall have to subscribe something to- ward sending out the rescuing party. ing eh Ba suk | ly : 5 success 8 Desk, iD. , 7 i istor, four years a oe Ou oul EA n sii SIE i mor, all a" i iA 0K dor and 4 'we must prepare for ti bali og Chiy T bad or's ms, with the 'most Tiappy rosnlta: After taking a few doses she seemed to* 'breathe er, anid, within a week, was ont of danger. We continued gitiogthe Pectoral until satisfied she was en rel well. This has given me unbonndel f: * in the pi , and I recommend it: confidently to my, ou customers."--C. 0. Lepper, Druggis Sayhey Ind. For Colds ga Coughs, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; PREPARED BY Or. 4. ©. Ayer & Co Lowel, Masse: | Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth 45 » bottle... People Wonder VV TEN they find bow FESO health is restored by taking Ayer's Sand gaparilia, The reason is that this! preparation @nntaing only the and 1nost powerful §lteratives and tonics. To thousands yeaily it proves & veritable elixir of lifa. what | rou the thine m treathd me ing that I too JRECARb Sood ir ASL yer's Rrsapaci) dr.ced wonderful ean commnenciug to take the could sce an Improvement in my conditior return and with tu ye 'woman, duties. The medicine has given mé a: DO life, and I cannot thenk £00 Ti "We, the undersigned, cilizens of Brockway Centre, Mich., hereby certify - that a above "statement, made by- bot Ayer's Sarsaparilta, PREPARED BY - Attewell, Bobby--* Why did you whip me 0' hard, mamwa ¥ Mammy--'To cure your bad temper.' Bobby--'It's nd', use hitting me thiere--that's not where