from properly caltiv- follow of their land, that other- | freight having to 1 be much benefited if they | vale.--Globe. at New | could: get rid of the surface water to doy to enable them to Bowit in proper season. ' nent | Thersfore, in order to accomplish so 'some amusement at the | desirable an object, application for | Tas y have not|draining the locality was made to the| A special 'm 11 | Council, under the provisions of the | Council- was held unigipal Drainage Act, by a petition | Messrs Paterson & O signed by 8 majority of the land own- | last. at the call of the & ers. The Council took action on the| Me." Nott introd: *| matter, and sent 'on Mr. Yarnold, the| through a By-la: 3 who located and | Thomas Hodgsos to the wants of | Henry Bewell fen JO, 000.00 UJ UF