Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Nov 1890, p. 1

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ting hand 8 1 ns the best. Teeth th oid BS Tostiextaas ted pain or neing local anesthesia. Rooms--in Cowan's sew block, tkinson's Drug Store, King Street, . A. MURRAY, DENTIST, Je now putting in Upper and Lower Sets of : Peet $4 T0 $75 EACH SET. tp hp into North Ontario Iam chased the largest stock of satisfied I can suit you both as to quality | price. Come and see. Rooms over nan's Store. "Port Perry, Dec. 30, 1885. Veterinary Surgeon. undersivned having completed his full Course at the ial and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- ary Surgeon, would announce that he has an office for the practice of his pro- at Port Perry, whereall callspersonal or telegram, by day or by migh to. Rpomptly attended to. ses of als trea n the # t kno , Has any amount of Money "to Loan. At 63 per cent. on good Mortgages. |. INS URANCH effected at the Lowest Rates in Good English 'Companies. EF Agent Allan Line of Steam- ships. Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1889. ONEY T0 LOAN E Subscriber is ared to LEND *1 ANY AMOUNT on Farm Sectirity # AT 4 PER CENT. && Also on Village Property." AF MORTGAGES BOVOGHT.®Y HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister. Office next to Ontario Bunk, Port Perry, May 10, 1885. WM. EDMETT, lnswance and Gomeral Agent Representing the followin Companies : Fire, LiFe AND ACCIDENT. NorTHERN AssvrANCE Cov. Pranix Assurance Co'y. Crrizens" INsiRaNce Co'y. Graséow & Lonpox Insurance Co'y Port Perry, April 26, 1889. WILLGOX & HOLT Licensed Auotioneers YOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT, Valuators, &ec., &e. REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. Sale Rills made out and Blank Notes farnished free of charge. Satisfaction gnar- antee or no pay. Terms liberal. A Sale Gorpox's Or Port Perry, and at the office of Wu, Spence, Township Clerk, Manchester, where parties can mgke ar- rangements for sales. Acall is solicited, W.-M. WiLLcox, _ Prrer Hour, Port Perry, Manchester. Ang. 22, 1887. WM, GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Yaluator &e. FE the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon, y Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmsot attention being given to their intrests. i 5 GORDON, ° Sunderland. HOTEL havi th ns i ad QUEENS PORT | a : Good Notes Discounted. |. Register will be kept at Henry | - thee, 1 Rmprovement fn my eonditiol te Re and with ite 1 tio to '¥ ngiol - elt all household Brockway Centre Mich. hy . thd way ntre, ., hereby cert i "he above ment, made by fe e, 18 true in every particular entisled to 'full credence."'-- 0, P. ny. G. WW. ng, OG 'Wells, Druggist. "My brother, in England, was, for s lon, to unable 2 to his occu-~ sation, by reason of sores on his foot. sent him fyers Almanac ang the tes- timonials it contained induced him to tr; Ayers Sarsaparilla. After using it fr e while, he was cured, and is now a well mam, Ww ns sugar 'mill at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia." A. Attewell, Sharbot Lake, Ontario. Ryer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. «. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle, i Yng; HE 4 r T Pectoral. Colds, Coughs, Croup, and Sore Throat are, in most cases, imn- mediately relieved by the use of 'this wonderful remedy. It strengthens vocal organs, allays jrritatiou, and pre. " have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for years and have always found it the best remedy for hich complaint my children ah U. Carley, . y have béen suhject."'-- Capt. Brooklyn, N. Y. "From an experience of over thirty years in tha sale of proprietary medi- cines; T feel justified in recommending Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ne of the t recommendations of the Pectoral is the enduring quality of its popularity, it being more salable now than it was twenty-five years ago, when its great success was considered marvelous." -- R. 8. Drake, M. D., Beliot, Kans, "My little sister, four years of age, was so fll from bronchitis that we had almost given up hope of her recovery. Our family physician, a skilful man and of large experience, pronounced it uses less to ive her any more medicine ; saying that he had done all it was pos- sible to do, and we must prepare for the worst. As a last resort, we determined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and I can truly say, with the most happy results. After taking a few doses she seemed to 'breathe easier, and, within a week, was out of danger. We continued giving the Pectoral until satisfied she was entire) well. This has given me unbounded fait! in the preparation, and I recommend it confidently to my customers."'--C. O. Lepper, Druggist, Fort Wayne, Ind. For Colds and Coughs, take Ryer's Chery Pectoral PREPARED BY Dr.-J, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Price $1 ; six bottles, $5. . Worth $5 a bose. ! Lquarters, Soa ene LS ee aT markets ub fairly remuneratiye: w Art co ve Caa wih made to seek for warkety in other ow that a duty o ios has been a he Ras the McKinley tarith, attenii directed to the' possibilities of other tarkets, There is _hutle doubt but that the United States people will, even in the face 'of the present. high duty, consuwe a considersble quantity of ' Canadian' Eggé, * aud wilk'pay the |; whole or the greater part of the duty thereon, ' inasmuch' us" the ° home supply is not at present suflicient for their own consumption, and becayse pecularities of the soil, feeding and ate, make Can ading egg Superdr to most, and equal led by few, 1b is, however; to be re- marked ¢hat in 'the United States the prices of eggs show a considera iminutiop during, thie-pagt fw years; thus indicating" that the home supply is so far increasing on the demand as to lower the. prices paid,-and consc- ditwinish the value of the au exporters, | ' of other markets for her surplug eggs, Canada natu turn from . 6,228,437 . eggs) in 21880 to' dreds wn 1889 caunot keep pace wi import is reater ever, luo of eggs impo Britain were as follows i-- IMPORTED FROM Ro. DOZEN, Russia . 6,230,560 Sweeden 81,080 Devmark . Germany nays a Other foreign count- ries. i 134,860 8.710 171,020 2,620 438 ion ein paca Bt 94,325,030 $15,220,988 lise oir The Customs valuation per dozen averages 16 cents. 2 In 1890 the importation no doubt be much largess turns for the first: ning/months of th year, compared io gf first nine months of an increase of over five and o million dozens. : As showing the relative demand egg imports in Great Britain and th United States, the following table eggs imported by the United States 1839 (ncdording to their own return is instructive t-- COUNTRIES. Austra-Hungary Belgi Nova Scotia, N Brunswick and Prince Edward ¢ Paar 8,637,222 this | aight years port; are ccarefully, 18 Bool jpoition of the ves- he water line, or between re an equalle tewpcrature is maintained, and ve oi-the. other side in good | I Home of the" steaniers are sth hugh ventilators, which & constant volume of fresh b v » ) eggs are packed either in ent boxes, or in cases with widast, or fine chopped straw, en carefully handled the per- of breakage is nhmost nil. mtain from 30 to 120 dozens d are stowed away compactly ights charged upon the ton ent of 40 cubic feet of space, #ipany instances a carriage in he breakage was found to be in 180 dozens. : A move: now ou foot to have all egg de wniform, in which case of freight. could be mere ily. arranged. These cases returned by the carriers and bé dibdused of in great Great 18 quite probable either f disposing of them ean 'oharged against the eggs § a much cheaper form of made sufficiently stroug to Rue trip. In fact a firm of kers in Ontario has offered to p enses ab 17 cents each, instead GO cents 'paid for casvs nsed United States trade. i already made have, so reported to the Department, d o return quite as favourable as d have been obtained in the Uni tes in years before the Mc ff became operative, a oustrated the fact that Profitable o can be carried o7/10 €ggs to Wt Britain and ton extent which actially unlimjd. An cxaminat- Asts shows that, for ie6, cggs in Great Britain her than in the United gs, from enquiries made it is wained that to command the best in Great Britain the size and h¥y should be particularly attended ba. Large and well assorted eggs are Placing the smaller kinds in the Wglish market, and France and jlimark owe the strength of their texports to Great Britain largely to gause. Two and one-half pounds score is the lowest weight that e relied upon to secure a superior on in the Eugiish market, and ifa ter weight than this can be attain- ptill better results will follow. om information just received from t Britain, through the office of igh Commissioner, the following le prices are given as indicatiog jiptatc of the markets about the Bile of October, the prices being per RE hundred of 120 :-- 8 Liverpool :--Best French, 9s. to i: Danish 95. to 10s. ; Irish, 9s. to ey have Glasgow :--Home 10s. 2d. ; Con- ntal, 7s. to 9s. 6d. {Bristol ;--Ivish, 10s. ; Best 5. 8d. £6 10s. : b 9s.to 9s. 6d. ; ; Smaller, 8s. Large 12s. 6d. ; Small, and Navy Auxiliary on, which carry on a very de in 2 poutiny, game, eggs of all kinds, buy three En for which they uid flows :-- Best English, French, 13s; and The wholesale prices Y4 here in the ax handled daring the -last six or Qanadian eggs which have been on offer Loudon market ; and their quality compared with the 187 'cafes referred to as recently put before Lon- dou buyers, . was as different as the proverbial shop egg and a new laid ove: can, however, promise Canadian shippers that if their produce. reaches this country regularly, in fresh and} sound condition, there is every reasop to assert positively that they will in'a very short time be eagerly sought after by the most critical buyers on our market ; and as a practical representa: tive of the trade, I am certain that, if our prices suit the Canadian senders, in a very short time the goods would take precedence in quality over most European consignments." * * * * I ghould imagine that our markets, taken the year through, would yield o a better return, as far as price wos con cerned, than those of the United States; but no doubt hitherto this has been neutralized largely by the difference in cost of transit to England. But now that the prohibitive duty of 24d., or 5 cents per dozen, is imposed by the United States Government, the balance of price ought to be largely in favor of goods being sent to this country." -- ed J When, from any cause, the digestive 'and secretory organs beeome disorder ed,.they may be stimulated to health action by the use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. These Pills are prescribed by the best physicians, and are for sale at all the drug-stores. True, we cannot see onrselves as others see us, Lut then we have the satisfaction of seeing others asthay|c } Boston Tran ig (ae ou do appear to be in a fd way, that's a fact. What's your business ¥' Patient--*I am one of the city laborers." Dootor--* It is as I feared. Whut you require, my man, is exercise."-- Boston Transcript. Parsian Balm. A delightfully perfumed preparation for Chapped Hands, Cracked Lips und Rough- ness of the skin. Only 25c. at all druggists. WaLkiNG oN THE Track.-- The Berlin News of Friday say Mr, F. Bradley, G. T. R. detective yesterday arrested five men for trespassing on G. T. property. They were at once lodged in jail. On being searched several revolvers and sets of burglars' tools were found on them. Mr. Bardley is going to arrest all persons who walk on the track and have them punished. This should be a warning for others. Children are especially liable to Cold in the Head and Catarrh. Neglect may mean an early grave. Treatment with Nasal Balm ensures a speedy cure, Delays are dangerous. It is proposed to introduce a bill in the Quebec Legislature to provide for campulsory voting. Soperannuated teachers of Ontario have usked the Minister of Education to have their allowance paid quarterly instead of annually. PAINFUL BURNS, bruises, scalds and cuts are quickly soothed and heal ed by Victoria Carbolic Salve. W-0.B, Rathbun, of Bayview farm, Deseronto, will make a consignment of turkeys and other fowls to the old country. to test the market. Lord and Lady Aberdeen have re- turned home, and a cablegram announces that they were delighted with their Canadian trip and much impressed with the resources of this country. The use of Ayers - 'Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, stimulates the secretions, and imparts new 'life and vigor to every function of the body. For nearly ' half a century, it has || remained unrivaled as the best blood medicine ever discovered, Be con- F vinced bya trial. "éxtracts ' from a n= uthwark 'Fandom, 8; E. press | magnificent brown Leod, N.W.T, Hon. MacKenzie Bowel! received a eagle from Fort Mc- ), N.W.T. = The bird, whic is per- fectly domesticated, measured ons of mosh Gf the | from P: | gest the Persian co direct to, Moscow, - Porsinand Theta while from the Caucasus and trans. Qaucasus they were larger than iu the .provious yoar. 2 Have you a Cough? AVilson's Wild Have you a Cold? Take Wilson's Wild: Cherty. | "gy i Have you Bronchiti#? Tike Wilson's Wild * Cherry. (ER TRE ik Have you lost your Voice? Take Wilson's ild Cherry. § bi Have you Asthma? Ake Wilson's Wild Cherry. . Have you a Cold in.the Head ? 'Take Wil son's Wild Cherry. The Old Reliable Cure. for all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Sold all druggists. At the husking heg!if you get a red ear you may steal a kiss ; while, on the contrary, under other conditions, if you steal a lriss you way get a rvd ear, High Time. HEN weakness, loss of appetite, lack (of energy and other symptoms of dyspepsia appear, is high. time Burdock Blood Bitters was mace use of. Thereis nothing else * just as'gnod." It is B.B.B. that cures dyspepsia, 80 be sure you get it. Counterfeit ten' cent pieces are in circulation in Hamilttn, They are swaller than the genuine and about half a penny weight lighter, hut they are a very good imitation of the real article and people can be easily deceived by theow Just imagine your wife not being able to speak for ten days. What a change would be in the house ! what an unusual silence ! A case of this kind occurred in Hamilton some time ago, and one bottle of Wilson's Wild Chigry cured the afflicted one in four days. medicine has no equal for the en ob. Colds, Coughs, Whooping Cough or pold by all druggists. © 3 tality at present, and that there is no such thing as everlasting punishment. Come one, come all, Both great and gall Try Hogyard's Yellow Oil, It stops the pains, Of wounds or spraivs. That rest and comfort spoil. Mrs. Harvey, of this village, was summoned to appear before Major Harper on Tuesday to answer to u charge of selling cider ; coutrary to the Canada Temperance Act. After the evidence was heard, the magistrate reserved his decision in order to ascer- tain if sweet cider selling is contrary to law. If the law is being violated at Harvey's grocery, then such must cease at once, but very little sympathy is with the complainant as all wre agreed that the complaint was lodged merely through personal spite, and not from a desire to see the law carried out. If sweet cider selling is illegal, then what will become of almost all oar farmers in the township, for many of them have apples prepared for to make cider, and intend to dispose of them in that way. Then if cider is an intoxicant, the mills for its manufacture are distils, and can be seized by the government. We anxiously await a decision of the Police Magistrate, -- Pickering News. Honrowax's PiLLs AND OINTMENT.-- Some accupations tend to the development of certain diseases, and those who toil as miners are peceliarly liable to rheumatism, lumbago, and other allied complaints, In the goldfi¢lds.and copper mines Holloway's remedies have been largely patronized by the workers to their very great advan- tage and they can be confidently recommen- ded as.invaluabla remedies for id son: Spasms cramps int owels, and I "thats conditions of the lungs and liver to which these who work underground or in impure atmospheres are so peculiarly liable. For cuts, brn sprains and 888, ier th jon of Holloway's in) ny both SoRthing and sodthing, and a supply should always at hand in case of {iLife is Shortil--Get your eye sight TESTED, improved 'or RESTORED, by buying your SpEcracLEs at Dies ig A sell Spectacles which WiLL give comfort and strength to your Eye anespreserve it. NO glimmering diz zines, or any distressing sensat.on with the so called "Boss" SproTACLEs, the Bows of which are gold with the name number of spectacle. tacles made, Forty having been tamed'| to select from, from. ven foet from ) AT Diesrro' immense, | Attar colds; 8 Bo ness of the Chest, asthma, broiehi which uire a rel h reaulre A lhl Tenedy 3 re, vown as reliable for over thirty years. The best cough epre. 3 or our oF 17.--The Brantford ' positor :--*Hon. A.M. oy is ow thrifty tory of mind. He has juss' = made a suécessfol 'appénl aghinst an' asgessnient of his inconie to the amount of $5000, made by the Toronto assessors, on the ground that he is a nou-resident, There is something Loosé iu the law if taxation can he. evaded in this manner. As if is nowy" Er. Ross draws $5,000 from the: residents of York, including Toronta," enjoys all the benefits the City has to" give, and does not, contribute one dolla in return." : NOT APPRECIATEE. : Father--* Did you break this vase { Johnny --*"Yess, father ; Tean't lie" Father--* Indeed | Well, you won'€" able to sit either when I am done" with you- Cowe along to the wood- shed.'--New York Herald. THE NEW GIRL SHOCKED A Wall street mau said yesterday: that on the previous he had galled on bis next door neighbours, an elderly couple, who had just returned from the country. "The only serviint thoy had at the time was a little girl about * 13 years old, who responded to the ring ot the Lell, "Are Mr. and Mrs. Green at howe?" was asked, "Yes": "Are they engnged 7 The swall girl + looked horif'ed ns she answered, "Why, they are married.' 4 A MOVE IN. THE RIGHT DIRBGTION, -- / A BODY called ** al P pincial Alla boty ; irits | are intolerable grievance in havi ) an unfair proportion of the taxes of the country. They state that more' than one-third of the entire revenue is. derived from duties on alcoholic drink ; and this taxation is paid by persons who are "at least as 'temperate, intelligent, loyal, law-abiding and use- ful subjects of the State as tcctotalers are," They therefore ask that the total abstainers shall be compelled to pay their fair share of the uational burdens, Big Intorest. The biggest interest on any investment is that obtained by buyiuga bottle of B.B. B. The dividends of streugth, health and vigor are always realized, and there are no assessments. Burdock Blood Bitters, the fron blood purifier, costs one dollar » ttle--about one cent a dose, A Rarip Drop.-- Either the scarcity * of money on the other side or the fact that for sowe time speculation has kept the price of wheat fur above its normal value, is showing itself moss unpleasantly in Chicago just now. than a month ago wheat there, cash, was quoted $1.03, now it is 90c., and the prospects are that the lowest igures have not yet Leen reached. The tightness of money has undoabt- edly something to do with this, es it freezes out the speculators, but the fact remains that the high figures quoted were never warranted by the crop yields, were far above exports values, and necessarily gave way when pressure was applied. ParNELL AND O'SnRA.--Parnell, the leader of the Home Rule party in the . has entered no defence in this case and' theevideuce given leaves no doulitof the' truth of the charges made s; aud the wife of his friend, It is 'disclosure and must éffect wan's fature public life. tly to he regretted as he is | ly the only one one of the rn party who from ability and wiodeen- tion commanded the respect of the world. EY Dry nv Oasirornta.--The prese season is re to be tho dryest & perienced in California for the pastels = years. Tho Signal Service officursiats /. 'tribute the unauseal 'dry - spell mouth to the = passage-of 'stoi the Japan Qurrent further usual. Rain storms fol of the Pacific; "belt; whe nea

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