Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Jul 1890, p. 2

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15c lines, | bride resting'on k and Slate Just open- gs, ; patterns in Suitings. > 0. Office hours--9 to 11a. m, ; 2to 5p. m. _ and evenings.' -------- "NORTH ONTARIO OBSERVER ARR TT ETE PORT PERRY, JULY 2), 1890. We clip the following from the Globe's Crop Reports of Wednesday : $ 1 pretty blue -|and 21st inst, Hi Barley epende r Less the farmers the the reports from other sections Province are equally reliable with the one quoted above not much veliance can be placed in them, for the eminating from Whitby is certainly "mislendiug, at least no such blue ruin the prospects of crops exist in the Morthern portion of South Ogtario, | A Verdict at Last A verdizt has atl last been rendered the Locust Hill disaster. The fol- is the finding of the Jury :-- fidd that Jeremiah came to his death on the 'of June, 1890, while riding on falling, 262 on gine was proceeding cust Hill . by orders io of the frank he: mileage 27 Bl a 5 {a like assembly in a not' far all sizes, ages and conditions of sex, were seen' Lurrying he Methodist church, all 'in: ping present at the interesting which was bout to be ized, the ocoutracting parties Mr. Stuart Bruce, of Toronto, son of John Bruce, Esq, and Sarah, eldest daughter of A. Esq, of Prince Albert. At ppointed for the ceremony-- n lie church was well filled ei rt, chiefly by the blooming liters of the locality, whose swil-, ing countenances and handsome dresses made & grand appearance, and although all did not appéhi to be equally inter- ested, 'those who looked forward--and there: were many of them--to figure in A t istant ta seemed intensely anxious to hy grasp the situation. fu fu ti band, tad in on the arm of her i accompanied by" three bridesmades, young, handsome and fair, Miss Bessy, sister of the bride ; Miss Beatric Bill- ings, of Port Perry, and Miss Maggie Miller, of Toronto, walk up the north aisle ; and presently the interesting group take their positions at the altar. The ceremony Went on ina most orderly and graceful = manner, all parties concerned carried themselves with an ease and #elf possession agree- able to witness and indicative of sup- erior intelligence ; every part of the ceremony béing at once attractive im- pressive and instructive. The number, quality and value of the marriage gifts were highly flatter ing to the handsome and charming bride. We feel satisfied that we only echo of all who have the acquaintance of the young contracting parties, when we wish the young husband and his gentle wife a long, prosperous and happy life together under the smile, direction and blessing of an ever watchful Providence. Sunday School Anniversary. The Sunday School in connec: tion with the Methodist Church, Prince Albert, held their anniversary services on Sunday and Monday, 20th Rev Mr, Hall, the worthy pastor, preached morning and evening to large, intelligent and ap preciative audiences. The rev. gen- tleman was happy in the selection of kept his large con- w that the church is full and the | Perry ix ° J on. The 1O.O.F. Band will nccom- Challenge --1It will be seen, by| our advertising Sa that the Hampton Football 'lub have issued a | %PP" challenge to play Port Perry Club for ™ $25 a side, the matoh . to take place within one 'month, Our boys will | Ons only be too pleased at the opportunity afforded of resting their eyes on so much wealth and of increasing their finances to the extent of $26; they have, the present season, won their spurs and are wearing them, and the Hamptonites will require to put. their best and biggest foot foremost at the | coming 'match or they will be badly left, if not "Obioagoed." = Port Perry, building material for the | impo erection of new barns, &c., to replace South those destroyed. Mr. Watson has wtuch sympathy in bis Joss and the manner in which his many friends turned out and renderd such assistance by drawing material, §o.,is conclusive proof that their hearts are in the right place. Ergotron oF A Drury, REEVE. -- Our clerk has issued his proclamation for the election of a Deputy Reeve for Port Perry, to fill the unexpired term for which Mr. 'Boxall was elected, The nomination will take place at the townhall on Monday, 28th 'inst. and should a contest ensue, the polling will take place the following Monday, Welcome Music.--The 'steam whistle of Mr. Bowerman's new Wool- en Factory in this place, has been blown regularly the present week, and every preparation is now completed to meat the demands of customers. The re- putation of Mr. Bowerman for his strict integrity and honorable dealing, his acknowledged skill and first-class workhaunship while carrying on the same line of business at Brooklin are his best recommendations. That he will meet with an extensive patronage here there is mo doubt and he richly deserves it. Spxoian MeeriNg or TEE COUNTY |. Covxoin.--The Warden of the county deeming it beyond his jurisdiction to} finance for the construct f apt in his elogueiit utter- | has it.The services of the whether weregard the bright,intelligent appearance of the children, their marked attention, the accuracy and readiness of their answers we havé reasen to congratulate the excellent superintendent, the teachers of the school, the church with which the school is connected and the parents of so bright a lot of children. Rev. C.A. Courtice; B. A, B. B., of London, Rev. Mr. Deggot, of Seagrave and T. Courtice, Esq., of Port Perry, enc! made a few well timed remarks, The proceedings on Monday consist- ed of an excellent address by the pas tor, well rendered dialogues and _reci- tations by the children, fine singing by the choir, and a first-class tea. The fine music rendered by the Port Perry Methodist Church Orchestra contribut ed very much to the success of the anniversary. Tux Fixesh Oparr Arvoar.--Mr Orawford, 'of this place, has just gom- plete]: and launched the finest craft now afloat on Lake Scugog. It is almost entirely constructed of cedar, with brass and ' copper mountings and finished in oil and varnished ; it is a beauty, and highly _ creditable to Mr. Orawford's skill and workmanship. It enterprising firm of Glass & Powell of the Port Perry Livery Stables are re- paring the race track on the Ontario Central Fair grounds, so that parties |; wishing to speed their horses may do|ojd gentleman so with much more comfort 'and at | while eating 'cl considerahle less risk than on the high-| hoped it tasted ways. and felt. He Some of the mottoes at the grand | between 1820 an Orange calebration at Orillia on the | than those which 12th were new as well as pithy. 'Tax| the latter date. all Churches" would have the bearty approval of most Baptist friends, and also of many members of the other Protestant denominations. True to a Public Duty. County Orown Attorney Farewell, of Whitby, and Coroner Ferrier, of Olaremont, did their duty throughout |i the long enquiry into the canses of the Locust Hill disaster. Their methods show to advantage beside the shambling, cowardly ways of the coroners and county crown attorneys who have represented the people in investigations of the great disasters upon the Grand Trank. When duty calls public servants to | deal justly, with an influential railway loyal atriot it is this sentiment of loyalty which if one cause of the unpopularity of jthe order. It is unpopular among those classes who are disloyal and un- patriotic ; and for that very reason the Orange order is useful, not only in the old country, bat here in Canada, in this" critical time when the disloyal and uiipatriotic elements of the people are active and aggressive in their efforts to disintegrate and dismember the Britsh empire.--Orillia Packet. - Bae Bavep Henseir. -- Mrs. D nd on. gentleman, deposited to cover the the Island asa camping spot. The ride ont was 'tiresome to some of the %| ladies but after a sumptuons repast at usual spirits again and ready for the A good Tweed Suit. trip. aorosy the lake." Some: difficulty Boys' Suits at was experienced in crossing owing to| | ale RE the gale that was blowing ot the time, ANCDAE 0, but once over the fun began and did 33 not slacken until the party returned 2 he : home, Wednesday evening. © They re- . P port the conveniences at the Island to = "CL CTL be better this year than ever before. going u a ie foo A restaurant has been opened and re- | heel and toe alike--put firmly on y | freshments of 'all kinds are supplied |stair, one may arrive at the top of : | milk. etc., at market prices, All she ood ese looked wupo he 0 h he have ed M ohn deb nd to my . 1 he orld; Mr. Gibson he delighted Ea is at The following letter was read from: John W. Bilverthorn, Leola P.O., Mc- Pherson Co.," South Dakota, by the Secretary of the 'Toronto Board of Trade at its last meeting : "% % ¥ Qur crops are all gone so that we cannot get our seed back, Our town is all alike for that. Even pota- toes and corn are out with the hot wind till ig Tooks as if a frost had been through them. You wust not believe the American papers for the statements: they make are not true. What I want to know is this: Oan the people of your country aid us over tothe British ions t If I go, there are nore to os. We ara all alike, poor, with nothing to belp ourselves with. Some of us have some stock to tuke. I have written to the board of trade in Regina to hear what chance there is for settle ment there. It cannot be any worse 'As for the men we can than Jun bere It' the families that hold a' 8 4 3 Pa = This is the second appeal mado re- Gently by. those poor people fir assis | tince. They have been living in good | for both lunge and buss ia fairly good. the weary. Mrs, Sweetwnn is always | Sights of stairs really rested; anxious to have. those camping on the 1 °F gaping for breath as when ; y A up stairs, Going up-stairs is a 'g 'sland enjoy themselves, and 'is eves|upat of exercise if 'one gets at it ready to supply them with butter,egus, the right way to getits benefi . General John 0. Fremont, asks in return for this kindness is that: Path-fnder," 'died suddenly in Ni this campers will not be boisterous or | York last Sunday of peritonitis. 'tough, Usually two or three 'picnic men crowds vit the Island each week and : BIRTHS. = Ai cause a pleasant version in the ensy-{Swirit.--In Port Perry, on the 18th | goiug life of the campers, The fishing the wife df Ir. 7 il! oe ; | Catrys, --Noar Utica, on the 20th if The Statesman havin: a reputation for "wife ot Mr, Geo, Cura, ofa = truthfuluess would rather not recourt Vieoxv.<At Raglan, on S| any of the marvelous fish stories 'afloat. | wife of Mr. Myron Vipond, The mosquitoes, who apparently enjoy | ALpm. Tn the wifeof Mi al od jn driving them thie tent and the campers are allowed to spend the night iu peace and quict- ness. 'On the whole, Washhurn isa fine plage nnd those desiring a couple of weeks outing can do no vetter than = go there.-- Statesman. 11 Quosn of the Alligators Londoners have made acquaintance Peas .. -.. with several snake charmers, good, bad Deus Hackiay, yy aud indifferent, recently, buta lady Beans .. whose show eclipses ail others of the. Red Clover kind for grace and daring, as well as" Alaike Clov having peculiarities of its own, iv now | 3 to" be seen 'at the Aguarinm--Mile pugier Paola. Olad from too to toe in tight-| Apples per bus, fitting green, with golden tresses that | Eggs ... reach below her waist, the latest sub Tard te jugator of reptiles gives an entertain: | oo joc ment with snakes and caymans--or alligators--both on the stage and in a tank, which is as conspicuous for 'its 'novelty as for its nerve. The, deadly attentions of a python, or the playful snap of o caymans jaws, are no | P ing matter, but so completely bas Mile Paula learned to control her strange subjects that she works her will with the more formidable" monsters without: the slightest hesitation or dismay. In ze glass tank she plays hide-and-| ta and soveral | M: ES TE TT TI

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