13 jis new work of the stillness 0 'the question of aster of English and asked with 10 me madam T and in an instant son of his seclusion "He did vot. know his Louisa Alcott | The jgnition hed left him | 1 enquired of Emerson te bis 'name' in my ked. d, 'I should esteem it piece of paper, I ef, I wrote on it, Emerson, Concord, 1.* Carefully scrat- d "written, he took pied the words, letter ir had the great intel that he could not me, and not "even the name of ially changed within y but' Wilson's Wild } A becoming better known thins a cure for Coughs, Colds, Cough, Croup, Loss of ! other affections of the P0hest and Lungs. For twenty 'reliable medicine has been es of families with the coe: Sold by all drug- | the genuine in' white wrap- Hos aveling Pulpit. a colonial relic, known as andshut" pulpit, was sold 0 ; at Danie sonville, Conn., i, One report of the sale relic :--'It bad been in the for 160 years, and was ty of Rev. Amos Read, the fist 'minister in the State. to travel great distances ad the Gospel,' and t made to take with him. shuts with hinges like a lid is. very much larger part. 'When the palpit is seemingly a fair-sized he' solid lid stands preacher, a pulpit ) "minister. lays a | jangle)--* It's sable that we cap't live |- to balieve that the wild soldiers could do this thing, - and when one of them invited him to hold the apple and witness the - exploit - he promptly coh- sented, supposing that the swordsman would flinch from the undertaking; but the Sikh had entire confidence in his own skill. His eye, however de- tected a little irregularity on the Gen: eral's right palm as .it was held ont, sud he asked him to present the apple in bis left hand. Lord Napier after: ward said that, for the first tigge in his life he was conscious of a on of fear, 8s the conviction flashed upon him that the man was not going to "back out.' - However, firm as a rock, the hand, with theapple on it, 'was extended, the sword flashed down, the fruit fell in two segments to tho earth. The skin = was not scratched, but its owner said he felt the keen blade touch it, as thougha hair had been drawn across it. He added that though he was at lagt convinced of the Sikh swordsman's skill, he would neve: agam allow one of them to test in that way; and he advised his officers to make the same resolution. ----r A child may Le suffocated by a bad : W wd : wf it may save your 'childs life as it has don¢ in many cases, It is so pleasant that children take it like syrup. For Coughs and Colds in adults it has no equal, Get the genuine in white wrappers. At a recent Sunday school service the clergyman was illustrating the necessity of Christian profession in order to properly enjoy the blessings of Providence in this world, and, to make it apparent to the youthful mind be said : 'For instance, I want to in- troduce water into my house. I turn it on. The pipes and faucet and every convenience are in good order; but I get no water. Can any of you tell me why Isdon't get any water? He ex pected the children to say that it was because he had not made connections with the main in the street. The boys were perplexed. They could not see why water should refuse to run in his premises after such faultless plumbing. 'Can no one tell me what I have ne- glected T' reiterated the good man, looking over the flock of wondering faces bowed down by the weight of of the problem, = 'I know,' squeaked a a little five-year-old, = 'You don't pay up.' § Chronic Ooughs and Colds And all diseanses of the Throat and [Lungs oan be cured by the use of 's Emulsion, as it contains the Mra. Fussy (st the end of the daily no use, Josiah ; you are thing was done. e~ 1f he's got nothing in bim its no' his fault I! gr 4 pe » A Little Tot's Coubclusions, Le The reasoning faculty of some child- yen is almost beyond comprehension as is illustrated by the following: 'A little. tot of 9 wrote « letter to her grandma' and among other things stat- ed that * her. ma had been making a pair of "pance" for one of her brothers. 'When her attention was ealled to the improper spelling of the word she said: Well, you spell dance 'd-#-n-c-e,'and p-a-n-0-¢ should spell pants. : Another affair happened last winter to the same young lady worth repeat: ing. While her brother George was coasting on his hand-sled it by some means got away from him and ran into a mill dam, where, like MoGinty, it went to the bottom. le Gracie was incolsolable over the loss and wanted the pond drained "off so that they could get the sleigh, for, said she, they draw off the water to get a dead man, who is no good, and why not draw it off to get Georgie's sled, which was some good i fpr. rs causes render the traveler and emi- grant peculiarly liable to diseases and accidents when far from medical aid. With these associated remedies at hand they may be said to have a physi- cian always at their call, and they may be certain that situations will be con- stantly arising in" which they will re- quire a ready resource in time of need. The directions for use which accom- pany each box and pot of Holloway"s Pills and Ointment are written in plain and simple language, and are applic: able in all cases. -- The good old minister of Blairmally has been waiting patiently for an op- portunity of paying the doctor out for his recent defeat, and one Sunday the opportunity came. The sermon was commenced, and the occupant of the pulpit had got as far as "thirdly," when 'the door of the kirk opened quietly, and a young man walked on tiptoe to the pew ocoupied by Dr. Jones, and whispered a few words in his ear. There was a slight stir as the medico, reaching under the seat tor his hat, followed the. messenger out of the building ; and the minister improved(?) the occasion by solemnly remarking : *My dear brethren, let us spend a few minutes in bebalf of some poor person who is evidently in grest danger. Dr. Jones has been called to see him.' made a link in the Jong chain that hast has its ends in British Cojimbia ax Portland, Me, . The first in wh the Ontario took from this "side "made up of Phil Armour heef ears, and. it was 'expected that train willymake average express time, ". Curious Customs Difficulty. WasniNaToN, May 20.--The Colles, tor of Customs at Pittsburg, Ne Y= has informed the Treasury Depart. ment that his deputy at Trout Raver, N. Y., repésts that a Canadian house has recently been moved in such & manner as to place it directly upon the boundary line between this country" and Canada. In reply to his request: for instructions as to whether the: whole house or one-half only is duti- able, Assistant Scoretary Tichenor ve-. fers him to the Revised Statutes : goverming the case. Ifany buildings were so placed as to fall both within; the United States and a foreign: country it must be construed to be 'wholly within the United States for customs purposes. The Secretary instructed the Collector to assess duty . upon the whole house with reference to its compotent materials. The Secretary i adds :--In referring to your statemens that you suppose there is but Tittle - doubt that the building will be, used us a live store, it may be well to say that you should take all Inwful pre-. cautions in guarding the: interests of the revenue at that point. AER Some three or four months ago & young son of Mr. Lo ves, hotel-keeper at Sutherland's corners, became ters ribly frightened at an agly face worn by another boy. The fright was im- mediately followed by brain troubles. The boy is just around again, but to their sorrcw has been left completely . deaf. Mr. Lowes was away at Toronto last week, but the experts say there is no remedy for his son. This shows the folly of trying to frighten children. Essex Oeste, May 2'--A man pawed Jobn Alexander, Cottam in Gosfield Townnship, suicid- od Friday night by cutting his throat. He suffered from cancer of the lip.-- He informed Thomas Wahoo, a com- panion, that he intended to commit . su'¢'de, and when Wahoo replied if he (Alexander) knew the consequences it he did, Alexa:der said: --* Yes; I know the consequences, and L' can stand them better than I can stand this cancer. He was found on Satur- day morning with his throat cut, and : direct y underneath the bed was.a pail half filled with blood, Alexander wus 70 years of age and had never married. The vocal organs are strengthened by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, . Oleérgymen, lawyers, singers, actors and public speakers find this prepara. tion the most effictive remedy for irvitation aud weakness of the throat and lungs, and for all affections of the vocal orgaus. : An unfortunate Yankee bas heen in' prison the last sixteen years for the crime of murder. Conclusive evidence The Coroner's i nquet, sod is a safeguard ugainst. y wickedness which would neve wise be dragged to the night of and dealt with according to its. The Sout's London Cor