~ha pats the Yauor 4 uithe back in "the centers of' ion, bat among simple country ok whe look upon him as the embodi- of *straightforward honesty, he flies the blue ribbon, and is an intense advocate of temperance principles. In Jlaces where this. would not go, he - leaves the minapulation of affairs to the trusted followers le takes pains to * place on the list of license commission- ers. If the Conservative party, which some years ago used to be looked upon as the ram. party, paid half the atten- "tion. to the liquor vote the Liberal leader does, it would be execrated * throughoutithe province. But under the bunner of rightousness and truth march many Falstaffian stalwarts as shuffling a Nym and as bibulous as -Bardolph ---- agree An interesting decision has just been given in a suit brought against a 8t. Louis, business man under the law passed by Congress a year or two a making i a criminal offence to rh Jostal card containing matter of a belons or threatening character... The business man in question had mailed a postal to a customer reading as follows ; "Please call and settle account, which is long pust due, aud for which our collector has called several times." To this the customer evidently puid no attention; as the following was sent #0 him six days later : "You owe us $1.80. We have "galled several times for same. If not pid at once we shall place same with vs : cotloction?". a as it contained a threat iH sue, but that the first "card was all wight, This 18 a somewhat fine dis- tinction, but still it can be grasped. £7" Excursionists for Manitobs and the North West, by direct routes-- Bay, 'O.P.R., or by Ohicago-- ld secare LOW RATE TICKETS of W- HH. McOaw, Port Perry. All neces. sary information furnished on applica: tion to him. £2 A magnificent stock 'of Room Paper, at McCaw's to select from. I believe the Rothesay boat leaves this pier, does it not ¥ asked an old lady of the piermaster. Yes, mem ; it leaves it every day. Never kent jb tak' it wi' it yet, and I've been gettin' on for forty year come this June.' OLLOWAY's Prirs.--Important to the delicate, It is difficult to deter mine: which is the more trying to the 'human constitution, the damp, cold days of autumn and winter, or the een 'dry, easterly winds of spring shout the seasons good health ¢ maintained by occasions] doses 'Holloways Pills, which purify the sot as 'wholesome stimulants REV, H. M. WANEINo, Pason. Pp eel Strangers REV. DR. OARRY, Ixcosserr. Sunday Services, 10:30 and 6:80. ok Bvnatng Service, Wednesday, 7:30. 8t. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN,) REV. J. MoMBGHAX, Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10:30 snd 6:30, Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:80. Baptist Ohurch. REV..J. MoEWEN, Pasron. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:80. " Week Week Evening 8¢ Service, Thursday, 7:30. Livery Removal EARTILY thauking the public for the H liberal ronage" received during the many years Pave i wepha Livery Establish- ment in Port Perrys 1 much pleasure in announcing that I have removed LIVERY 70 MY NEW PREMISES Opposite { (be Railway Station where from ly 'extended premises and increased facilities jes. for business the public can be aocommodal 0 ; ble BREEN afi 2 So a Ke Has on hand constantly a fresh and complete stock of 3 DRUGS, + FANCY + GOOF PERFUMERY, and all the leading=Proprietory Medi Eg" Prescriptions carefully dispensed, A. J. DAVIS, - - PORT P Fine Jewelry--Latest Styles and ] 4 FINE GOLD WATOHES Latest Styles in Oases. Oldest Domestic Journal in America. Now is your Opportunity ~ ee PO TRY IT FOUR MONTHS FOR ONLY "FIFTEEN OENTS. Sot FIFTEEN Yearly Subserpan. $1.10. Sample copies free. "THE HOUSEHOLD" Battleboro, Vt. UNION JACK HE EATING HOUSE || ENRRY The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAIN 8, oH "| Porky dosen SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES, from 28 REGULATORS and CLOCKS in great yuriety. wi F . ; Ag we are now "situated fn our' Fide New Yoraitiss st, one of thebest ey 'and ge i a J. Davis FEMALE cox PLAIN 78, removing all obstructions, skin blemi: pimp les and boils 'hetter than any ily medicine known, The Ointment It heals every kind of Sore, leer and} Wound more certainly than any Stier knows salve. Its marvelous render it invaluable TION --1 Ee ot eNO re ny Of licines sola| © should therefore look 'at | The trade marks of my Medicines are re istered in sn! and-also in Wasington, ? AS: HOLLOWAY, Oxford Streak bow Sept. 1st, 1880. 5% SHOE DRESSING? * If not don't fail to do so at once. Tt is ne but a ¥ i pliable as kidand to the foot. SRR 8 A as Jong as otherwise, 'We Mean What We Say. be ye es Tecan applied at any time. - No trouble-- be. polished | PRICE, os i Gaaier Sold by all first-class stores. ~ Sam- ples mailed--Stamps taken, - OLIVER CABANA Jr., BOLE MANUFACTURER, BUFFALO, N. Y. b PIKE: TAR GORDIAL iy LINDSAY, ONTARIO. "The full oie odie of bi discovery which all future ou losses from ill-henlth but 84, and will last a lessons, ns abund ] information for old and youn, sung: new. E | premium hooks for old and Agents wanted Sample copies De aia 1