Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Dec 1884, p. 4

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Sus there is only two digestion, stimulates the action of Joyationd to all the horse" the bowels, and thus restores vitality and ne Buide =HVe", strengthens the whole system x PREPARED BY | prac. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. om New York has skating] Bold by aD Drggtan; 1, six bose for 88. the "Niagura." JA supposed co dw Re Ao pho : ee al the rese CONE THROUGH THE FIRE AND ------ ) one bring us a caséof Kidney = At It It Again c smplaint that Electric Bitters expresses his sincere a Dubie) ford sere] uriuary com; wos - now ey ie onelng o Tam i the. lood, ' the new premiges on the She STD OLD SITE. parts. Every bottle are being completed and ready for business. aagzacam Que New Ove "Allison's. lily cure Burns, + lS er Be, hes all the latest improvements and does blaine, Tetter, ons, ah habe Pertection, The public may iy oT ah ~ CHOICE BREAD. Every variety of rag internal al, FANOY BREAD, CHOICE br CONFECTIONERY, &cC. ge ne + Panacea," BRIDA OZEES supplied on short notice. Everything m the line Clieap And al Good: Port Perry, July 22,1684: J. WAKELYS, a pummB, | EE SUIT I CLOTHES Of All- Wool Tweed, Sis FROM $10 UP. Or if you have the Cloth ge your Buitmade tad thinned First-Class Style. Chances Bice 10min | "of the Manchester, April 15, 1864. JF NEW WORKS own Furnace Ion ONION EL | Near his owl residence, where he wills on the manufacture of a. Si oza does his Work. Monuments, Tombstones, ) BOXALL gives Special A Attention to . . | &c., &c.. with increased -emergy. Heating and Venti- | effort will be put forth to make the lating Buildings. facture of PORT Prony + moxasz. MARBLE WORKS. ual to the best in the Provinos for fie of Material and Superior Workman. Prices as low as they can be put. Come and examine my Stock. WM. SHAW. Port Perry, July 28, 1884. BOOTS AND SHOE AS THEY SHOLD BE! LATH, SHINGLES, and PIOKHETS. The undersigned takes pleasure in returning thanks for the liberal and still | Including a large quantity of Building extending patronage he has received -- opening business in Port Perry a : Chop Bont ng, Joe which has i still further increased sinve moving into his present temporary yo a. Gristing and Chopping GIY EN OP Done Datly.at the Union Mills W. J. TROUNCE & CO. Every other line of business I will devote my time and attention to Soot and Shoe Business and will take pleasure in wiliting on 'customers. the facilities of all ni Ca thorough experience and proctionl fail in 'every department of the business I can select the best Stock in the Market and being Cash Purchaser secure the large discounts allowed for Cash. With 5 such advantages and a determination to supply customers with the best quality Agricultural Machinery of Goods at lowest possible prices I mean to secure the Boot and Shoe business of the town and this I mean to secure by proving to the public that Machines, Implements, Repairs, dc, it is to their advantage to patronize my establishment as well for the quality | of the goods as the prices at which they are sold. A large staff of first-class | 'Tne undersigned wold lake: thls opportah; workmen kept constantly eniployed making up ordered work. Repairing ity of retiring thanks for. the iberal patron. done when required. I expected to annoufice my open out in my New |e bestowed on him since coming to Sea: Store No. 1, Blong Block before the 'Agricultural Show in ort Perry 'on the | Sm8ve: He has tues Pleawure in stating that 16th inst., but I fear I won't get in till the following week. The public sily| "8" Spiered bis now. premises. (formerly occupied by Mr. P. Carr) where he will 4 still find me in my onpgrary prémises till the New Store is ready, = future carry on' business and he will keep - hand and for sale evefything that the Farmer 'wants 1 way of Implements, Machines, Reapers, ac., of the-beit quality and most im- proved makes, always on hand OF Supplied on short notice ; ' En- Seeders, N. B.--~House and Lot for sale with a Selle Ofte. premises. Apply at the Union Mills ed To: Port very, oo. 1, 1881, Over 87,000 worth. of every variety 9 Boots and Shoes the Chote of the Market and the Dhaapeet Give me a call. Pi Hi emi ol ' one; Hi Jowen, Turnip Drills, fe Wiebe x Sulky Rakes, Spirent Plows, Al Implements, Machines and' Reapers warranted to give satisfaction or no sale, JOSHUA WRIGHT. CONTINUED. EFFORT bape. constantly on hand | 1 Yard large quantities of ! 0 SOANTLING, IN A018, EOBTS, 40, 4c, § Te PRICES | Crear, will dd Port Perry, No trim wu within, wid liberal and Tet of orth. The Sndepsi od take Posi. Fethming their sincere irks for the very' | increashig patronage. Lostowed on their' establishment sincer going into busines in Port. Perry; and whatever FIRST-CLASS WORKMANSHIP. : Choice Material, careful attention to business and MODERATE: OHA ROBY can do to still fartherextend our patronage will-not.be lacking. CARRIAGES OF ALL Ki Of the best qi y and at lowest possible peices All orders for Canmante, Re, Wagons, &., promptly filled. Yystem, and act mo mgly on the Liver Digestion and n she whole bodily f vigor, NervousH Lassitude and Genes to the potent force of aod they are unriw FEMALE COM) removing all ob pimples and boils ly medicine known, i CIE HAS A WORLD- win, D It Heals ¢very kind 'Wound more certain} salve, Tia marvelous render. it invaluable in only at 8 Professor HoLuowaty 533, OXFORD ST and sold at 1s 13d., 2s Bd and 38s. each box and P = _ DRUGS Repairing done Neatly, Cheaply and Promptly. : HORSE SHOEIN the most approved principles and GENER DESHANE & 00. BLACKSMITHING in all its departments. . HUMPHREY, Fort Perry, Oct. 29, 9, 1584. pod MEDICINES In his new place of business, in the

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