y thet | uy business "at Jon side-board tn} "De name, without getting lone minute T could ran my eye over| 'Well, said I, 1 wight almost soy head tor oven quantity, of food the Tot and spot my man ns 'sure asiso' She came to us nat only. with the duge an indisposition of 1 I did not like this arrangement ;! had an interview withher late but still it seemed the only thing to |a Mrs. Oglivie, who pronounced her be done. So, sending for Bowles I | perfect treasure; and we, ourselves; arranged with him the plan of proceed- have found her all that could. be wish. and then return to the di ed.' out a good deal lately | oom. After a period of hing ,. 'I would like tose the perfect bs, and of course it Was | measure of time could indicate, the |treasure,' quoth the detective, smiling onsh oon nvite my entertaitiers in joy snosed waiter took his departure, | grimly; "we often find them to be the two pountls ' You have got a new man, I see,' | very people we want,' Ha was Last tna we happened to or "large dinner party; I}; 3 iy : Whi sean iy : bad will be Harned ta uvamy : i, of medic and parties frvoring 8 me lo with cines of various kinds, I sutfered 1 No effort wil : make or es i ace M oh hor will a found on & and at my own e, Port Perry. rely on Shels § Jiterests ng fall tected. be spared to ee inconvenience, until some months began taking ArEehe Pines, af til costi ud Save Vash ganora » _AvEws a. eorrect irregu- les of the bowels, étiihulate the appe- te and digestion, and by their prompt . said Dr, Twistie, carelessly. "With so much plate about, I hope you are sat- isfied about his honesty.' 3X Nay,' said I, 'but in this case your suspicions are quite groundless; Mis. Maqueechyis a superior person, a shuns t6 turn "er GHeRRS* committee. Ize ohai ab 'mittee if I aint no. Are : tml s 1 was exceedingly glad to find old'| takes an interest in us'that you seldom Willing to dv thotongli acto give tone. sud vigor to the whole physical economy: PREPARED BY Dr, J.C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Twistie was honest, and had not been find in a domestic except after years of : | taken Ly the shirt frill, and walked off service. Besides, she is my mother.in- | , to Bow street, but of course I did not law's sick nurse, and most likely the tell him that. « baye already made their , Flense, sir, you're wanted again," | foF the night. « It would' Lea pity:te hispered Bowels ns he brought in an-| distarb them.' NIA da ei Its ther bottle of claret. ; 'I must see Mrs. agers; return Children with Soro Eyes, Sore impossible hat I can leave my guests.' | «yf th kitchen chimney is on fire, I{ed my companion, gravely. She a Sy {1 dd nak him, sir, and ho rofuscs am glad we have dined,' observed the seems altogether too Sharing to be use, to state," 'replied Bowels confidentially. ls major, good-humoredly, Tf T'oat ne! aissed' Savy yi | It is my bpiuion be isn begging letter | op any service, pray command ime.' "You detectives are cléver fellows,' impostefig] ut ho says ho must see you | 1 gid not iuform him . what n relief | replied I with ireitation'; but you often W l in porsop," it was to me he was not wanted, but, { spend your time fruitiessly. "Tt is @ # ARREN ELAND, I was upon the point' of saying, remarking that it was only a little do-| pity that a man can't be: determined wion of Knows as. thie sucooss{il tell "Limo leave the house,' when mestic matter, I once fhore sought the |and yetavoid being obstinate, | How- wauAger ie something: or other iu Bowles' manner li inspector. ever, since you have gone so far, you Largest: Hotel Enterprises stragk nig so decidedly that resolved | <The one T am after is not aniong/|shall go through with the business.' of Ameren, says that while a passonger fram not to do'sa.. Perhaps I placed rather them, sir, so far as T know observed | With that I knocked at the door,and Now York onboard a slip Solus sroyhd CUBS; too, much dence in my butler,-- the official jerking his thumb in the {admitted to the sick: room, informed a hi Jaraot cig oy on daa Actunted by a vague presentment of | giraction of the dining room. 'Are|my motherin-law br fefly' of what was | the vessel bil cured himself, during the yoy- rust anid "danger, T roe from the you sure tlfere are no more men in the | taking. place ; while the invaluable ¢ Hh 0 Gute asaas YY te os made ». hasty apology. to my | house than those I have seo? Mnqueechy- retired "with "her usual ) and went with Bowels into the | Yes,' said I; 'there are no more.' |delicacy into the dressing:room. ; " shabby-geiitedh soft of a per-| Then now I nust lieve a look at | Perhaps I spoke a little too loud---for Partios eotrusting, their Salessto mo may | Arsk's SARSATARIALA In hour sllaE A Standing by the umbrella |4}6 ladies.' | that Mrs. Maqueoeliy could stoop to x = attention hein ven se a gs er 18 al a | ¢ The ladies? cried I aghast at this | eavesdropping, it is hard to believe-- ; . { proposal. You don't want to go in| but, at all events, iutelligent woman n a magisterial tone. | the drawing room fost have possessed herself of the ality dollar." ie moment's private conversation | «yf would be more satisfuctory,' ob- | substance of what I related,for when 1 Coco Es bob. Youtake you,' he replied, with a glance at | yory/éd the detective, coolly "My in- | opened the door to admitt the officer, ts aid ay oh x ou es | darting ag Bdeg tosematinm | tler: formation is very reliable. But, at all T found her already outside and in his pa wife pub inh 5 this _ ly enlarged, and runuitg uleers formed, You may withdéaw, Bowles, said events, whois there custody. She had endeavoured to y ie ou i Shere orniug ! Si Rog rivet ud Tjmd Lo withdrew accordingly, 8l-| «Wel, said T, 'my 'wife is there for | escape through the second door of the rR me Sy x fifty dollars avail aut the mah, by Mes LELASS'S ircs: I am bound to say, very un- one; you have no information against! dressing-room-- 'bolted like a rabbit,' | kt ny So "imap X ee Sal yn Ar n Samtarss. ? ly: The thought flashed gross her, I suppose | said the detective---but Lad run into -- hi Comin, 80 3 umped. ee nie like lightning, 'Bowels has some: | _ Fro nodded satisfaction so far. the very danger she would have avoid- Toney, Thon Tm i inte. hing to fear from this man's disclosure; They there's the Hon. Mrs, Matos en 1 turned: thy Liter Ruititneer ohne d | THE undersigned hay having koi out a |- License as Auctioneer is now prepared A a attend all entrusted to him. had experience in handling Real Eetate, Live Stock such as Horses, Sheep, &e,; also Farming Tmplenioptant : Kinds, Farm Produce, &e., of | their Sales in my hands may Ho ig otting all for the property that it is bls: ¢ | to bring. All lors el 2 Se attended to, dnle bits re ae wil Deneflalal effects of _ |Ayer's. Sarsaparilla. "How much for these 7 . "Dot bait' vhs four dolls." "How much off to a flood suffereb?" 1 * "Vhas you in der-freshit 12 ys suiaiai? "I calkilateT was |, Hall mytapm is. | 2d out furnished free of till udder do er! harge, Parties leavin a ticks ers at the Orsini VEL Office, hth Ea will receive immedi and careful { Charges < 4 a "ONT 1 see. Dot. vhas oxactly handy for you. I make" no usin wa on clothing, but 1 take off teil Percent" = on some second-hand rubbed boots for you to wade around' your farm." i of a fourteenth strect establishuerie last week. "Which way is it #" "Oyer." "How much ?" Soma'yeursngo one of Me LEARYA ar is ib you want with me sir? * laborers bral: > state of his blood, serotuto 1 otTuing Apesred di ie (jared Titibi Hor 4 ridlodtghting of 'thie skin; with burning and : bookkeeper to the senior inember ICENSHED ' AUCTIONEER, All 1 ome ties wishing his'services can call' BR Office, and | arrange Hib to nse. | the cash drawer. Imsvers yore) BREE ~ {offers a LELAND hat personally used pi Sarsaparilla. for Rheumatism, with entire success ; and, after 'careful observation,' declares that, in Lis belief, there is uo medicine in tho world equil 10 it for the eure Gout, tho effecty of police force, [the next words of my visitor con-| qu her daughter. Bd me in my suspicion. m a member of the detective |i. them off on his SIS said be, 'and I'come to ne Bag: you that there is something and Indy Bobbington.' Lin your house,' ¢ Safe,' rejoined the detective, check- 'Mrs. Twistie, of Regalia Square +I suppose' they are all right," re- od, and there she was with a pair of handcuffs over her neat mittens. 'We know: one another very well, me and Mrs. Maqueechy, observed the detective smiling grimly. 'I was told I should find an old friend in this house, although I had uo idea who it pockets inside outand told hod hada'e + got a cent ; that the meney in drawer was a part of a sum to: pays note and that you had goye out te borrow enough to make up the whole, You take the five, 1 say, and don mention it" Bio Nothing to do with my plate 11 marked my inquisitor, doubtfully.-- [would be until you mentioned Mus. 'We have Mr. LELAKD'S | + all who may desire fustharevk to the extraordinary curati! AYER'S SARSAPARILLA to i a _ (ally eitlier at bis Obean * Long Braneh, or at the popular Leland Hotel, : Broadway, 27th and 26th Streets, Ne: ho he, grimly. " ver have even so much as a strange said I, with considerable anx- 'aye you sure thers are no more? " There ismy mother-in-law, but she is in her' own room; and exceedingly unwell. ' 'Very good,' said tha detective i in- consequently. * There's a plant seme. much to do with it, sir,' re- 'There is a thief here; and by this time to- you. will net havea silver in your possession, unless "Ttind where in this house, however, you may I must see every soul you take your oath on that; and in the last under your roof. | ¢ place where you would neverlook for it, of ¥ said I. 'Impossible! I a now I must see the maids.' 1 was full of suspicions that the de- That butler has lived with tective himself was a 'plant' that n years, - and my two footmen | 0014 presently blossom into a burg: or, Iwill answer for their lar ; but my overtaxed 'mind refused to : boar this burden. If it was so TI me see 'em, sir," was the de- 1d trust to 'hia clemency to leave Freply. silver fork or two to carry on the oor Bundiaf midi appesting: business of life. If this men turned say its Bowles," but although out to be anything less than he describ: Oglivie. She is very eharitable:; sho is, in getting Ler fellowsercaturés. situa- tions in respectable families where there happens to be a good deal of plate. It was this very night that this good Indy lore land engaged to open the front door to her husband a friend of h's, who keeps a lisht cart in the mews yonder, = Being. a sick: nurse you see, no body would be sap- prised at her beingabout the house at all hours, Wasn't that your tittle game, Mrs. Maqueechy 1' : "Well, I suppose it's a five years touch,' observed Shas dady with ples ophic. coolness. - Well, I'm afraid is, flat other little. business in Carlito gardons still remiing dptiettled by, sir ; you will so "Mrs. M. "agai onoe or 2 of before you 1 i tii Charles Montagne de "Will you tell your Maud--=*"Well, 1'd' like to only she's' thé back partor with. Wr? Batchelor Crawsusjtnd mamma sepa +f I: interrupt them au 2 to bedeieh, out. my supper." : "Oh, Chawles," sighge! ti Miss Ravol'e, "Iyarn for th spring, when I can hie: o REY ant awit aid bathe th 1 4" mel rm, of the setting sunt: ¥ 1 woul bose - he ergs Tusk of d