The Stock if of the Newt and ni Quality and will be sold at Clearing extdusive Shack of lighter goods for the Ladies and Gents will find 1 to their ac the: iness| GENT made le which cant be cxoelled. ; season, and while the profits from individual diy pith god Lay ie ne A 'have been moderate, I have reason to congratu- on the result of the year's operations. : : GROCERIES 'in abundance; Fresh and Cheap. thos Ssonlers who have deals with me I tender my thanks for their value tronage. To others Price paid Wheat Bar n induced by the reasonal # prices, the quality Oats, The Highest for ley Peas, § and the stylish, skillfully made Suits, to transfer : : : hanks are due; and I can assure them of Manchester. Feb. 6, 1884, fist she peg ems, ety WINTER STOCK to make room for snch Iam Nowgs your time to get a good Suit from $12 up, and Over SUIT or OVERCOAT st oats from $10-up--made to order and a Fit guaranteed or : no : /] nt's Furnishings Re Il r in ! All Wool Underclothing, White and Colored Shirts, Ties, "oF BR | Collars, Cuffs, Hosiery: &c., and a fine line of Hats snd Caps. 3 Call Barly and Secure Bargains a And in order to acsomplish i I purpose to give my customers and all others . ; A Fit Guaranteed') ip who may with 'their patronage. ; b= | aU "oendityad and DRAWERS at Bottom Prices, LADIES and GENT'S FUR CAPS in groat varie; FLANNELS away down as Cheap as Wool. CLOUDS at your own prices. * Goat Skin Robes $650. rn at qually low prices. BUTTER at 16 ots por 1b' will please note this.