Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 31 Jan 1884, p. 2

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. simplifying the transfer of real ow . 4 first session of the fifth Ontario Parlia- ent wish the circumstance and f atic display took jay 24th vst. Eighty- oS oe Friday, 25th inst, Notwithstanding A The ponpods farce of opening the the entire suspension of all railway tific and Elie ithpassible condition of v| which adorn hes character and shed a rofiuing and purifying halo over society 3¢ labge, Speaking df her natural abilities as compared to those of the sterner sex these were well defended and shown to suffer nothing from the comparison. While deprecating the idea of placing her in a posititn in- compatible with her gentler and more the roads from snow drifts, one hun- dred and twenty-five representatives of {6h Womao, clowiu bt in lt her ea pects; dwelling with aspecial light on the many pduirabloffeminine " Itario met, pursuant to | The Council of the county buildings, Whith 22nd inst., but owing to the boondition of the railways and hight many of the members vere prevented frvf arvivingin titite and it was found i Se EER hecessary to sdjourd to: the following 5 be_greatly viessell to day without doing any business, ~~ | that the, xa company has gener. rt wag Sr a full muster was secured and thirty- by that of the se icipalities con- milway. The cause of the posed to be from firedamp. It. from gentleman called a Lieutenant Govern- 'men were summoned thier Tomes And scenes of useful: "madeto dance attendance on a the intelligence, enterprise, and the solid worth of the community turned out to do honor to the guest of the evening by giving their countenance and approval of that public and tang- yh or, an office Ho more required than Lh dan « Sheniff requires acocked hat. . Eighty retiring nature the speaker strongly advocated the propriety of throwing wide open to her every avenue to learning and making her eligible for any position in life or office of trust compatible with her sex and for which she is fitted by nature and education. four of the picked men of the fair and prosperctis County of Ontario 'sat down for the dispatch of business. Of course there was no more necessity for thirty-four members than there is for a thousand ; it is satisfactory to see made. Whitby. trains will leav. cerned, and have so arranged trains that connections with the Grand Truk at On and after Feb. Tat, e Port Perry, going South and will connect 'with the their shall bo | passenger , a7 am. at3 , 1, when '41 petitions were pre- np : out of the eighty-sight members might [thle acknowledgement of Mr. Paxton's be Joby; hoe to good advantage, and and 164 85 eifut do the work. The speech from the Throne was as stich documents: generally are, more oramental than useful. From the whole tetior of the speech it would appear that "My Government'--mean- ing Mowat & Co.--have done mighty things in the past ard will continue to + do great things in the future. ' The speaer took the chair on Friday ol, Five of these were for giving the franchise to women ; eighteen were ¥ Mr. McIntyre member for South | past success of the guest of the evening #/ Victoria, having been 'furnished with was largely attributable to the influence an "oration" apparently scribbled off : : Ppa! y exerted by ladies, the children 00 (ot toast. The fluent chairman in |8, McRae 4, Monkhouse 3, Ly some crank was driven forward to move the reply to the address. Know- ing mothing of the responsibility of | tle poiion, he appuared to have | forgotten read over his readymade gullery on ore hun red and tw nty-five hall with its long tables stretched the must be pretty hard to please. Dr. R. Jones followed in his ordin- : ial : | arily easy but effective style, speaking 3 gonerons nd affuble son of considerable length and to good Ouario. hire | purpose. If the ladies Were not fully The appeaiance of the handsome | satisfied with the D¥s remarks they genuine worth as a public man and entire length of the building, in fine style, as far as display was con- cerned, and surrounded by a bright got up| Mr. D. J. Rateliffe of the Ontario Bank, was next to reply. He handled the subject with the utmost care, ; evidently spoke as he felt, appreciating sompany oF trully Tepresentsivy nen the importance of the trust committed while the gallery well filled With! hi 1iowashighly andjudiciously com- a generous representation of the fairest plimentary to the fair sex, reminding of the fair sex was a sight worth going one of the lines of the poet when he a long way towitness. Such a represen- sings ; O woman lovely, woman fair, An angel's form is now thy share ; "Twas right and just to give thee more-- I mean an angel's iy tation was most appropriate, for the| the numbers still increasing as the | east and west trains "on the G.T. at burlesque will soon become so ridicu 1 [ Whitby, = A nger train going ous that people will laugh the whole | North will also leave Port Perry, at 7 a. m. making proper connections with trains in they North, This will be most convenient for all concerned and a vast inprovement on the present regime. thing out of existence. Had. the 4 gone down and the 30 remained at home it wouldhave been something like business. 3 'When the Council gat orgax the Clerk called on them to elect a Warden when the following were duly nominated : Robert Cunningham, of Brock ; B. Parker, Uxbridge; Joseph Monkhouse, * Pickering ; J ."L., Smith, Whitby Township. = © 3 In the first ballot Cunningham, | Parker and Smith had 10 each, Monk- | house had the other 4. In the second ballot a new didate was putin the field and the Lallot ~ * An Important Change. The entire community will regret to learn that H. Gordon, Esq., the worthy Postmaster €F Port Perry, has found it increasing calls of business to resign his position as Postmaster. An occu- pancy of 18 years in which he has dis- charged his duties as Postmaster with a zeal, fidelity and honor most, credit- able to himself and highly satisfactory "The Guest of the Evening" was the had something to do with it. But the proposing the toast left nothing unsaid creatures were allowed to sit and | which the most ardent admirer of Mr. Paxton MM wish to have said. Mr. Paxton made a feeling and dear gaze down from their elevation in the | . ¥ on | . : tudiciod : oration, and when he commenced t0| would-be lords of creation who some; J" licious reply. wrestle with it before the House hej, ungallantly guzzled and bolted | and stumbled in the most Judicrous manner and did not appenr | to khow that the document was a| The chairman then rising read an | exceedi v plate after plate of oysters as Hooping | Finely well = 5 up nd Fppro y | priate address setting forth in vigorous ly cold as the hearts of the devourcrs | tong the numerous claims of Mr. ridiculous burleque and catirely out of | who sat 'there and worried wi.hout Paxton on the esteem and gratitude of all order or decency. In pretending ever asking the fair spectators down an enlightened people. At the close to approprate the language as his own | ¢; the tables but preferred serving | of the address he loadin Mr. Paxton's he was ouly making himself a laughing them in the gallery with one oyster stock to both parties, as he ought to Lave known better than to read such language in an intelligent company. It was simply insulting to the intellig- and being accompani ence of the House to read such trash | which neither cheers nor narrates | before them. : A Mr. Sills shouldered the responsi- | dreadfully cold but of good quality | bility of seconding Mclutyre's motion and a fine mess he made of it. Where ignorance is bliss "its Billy to be wise. Messrs Meredith and Mowat had a pitched battle over the address. Other speakers are taking it up and are now : plodding through the speech in pairs ; certainly giving it more consideration and importatice than the thing was ever worth. ; Not Any More Poor-Houss, A by-law for the establishment of a Pobr-House in the county of Oxford was voted on by the qualified electors of 'that county and resulted in a most humiliating defeat, the majority against it being 2,356. This shows that the Oxfordites have some respect for the poor and have no wish to im- prison the unfortunate ones for no other crime than that of poverty. While the Oxfordites sre laughing at the Poor House farce as a costly toy, an opeming for n lot of expensive and sumptuous overseers. and a purgatory for the needy : ones, the Ontario County Council have for the past twelve years been wasting money on a shadow of a committee with the visw of sadd ing the, imposture on the ratepayers as soon. as an opportunity presents itself. i ----p-- i. Fighting for Office. "The seramble for the office of License Inspector under the new. regime is simply, painful to witness, if the appli- ats were all appointed there would Te spoil mpc for every hotel appointments at once and * Sotthose who are to be loft know their without, further anguish. | left: rn Thanks! | hands a chequp for $500 as a small The bivalves ers, testimonial of the high esteem in which Ihe is held throughout the county. Mr. Paxton again taking the floor od by. the eup| warmed to his sulgect, poly thank- ed the donators through the chairman, {then dashed right into the political at the freezing point until the intellec- !arena, recountsd his mfiny glorious ual department was entered on when | political contests, fifteen in all, and a mushenthusiasm wasmanifested by all. | Vitory every Hua, iLike the We > 2 : | who having long ago sheathed his The chairman introduced. the intel: | oq pe fights all his battles o'er again, lectual part with much good taste and tliricehe conquored all hisfoesand thrice to good purpose. Tho guest of the he slew the slain. He frankly forgave and a bun each, the ardor of the company was kept evening occupied a seat on the right of} his political opponents for the numer- the chair and Mr. Marsh, that on the ous defeats they had sustained and the ct ; , tha . J ! | soothed them with the consoling re- "The Queen and Royal Family" ar flection that he "would ney e5 4 conquer | them again as he had now entirely the first toast ; it was given ina be | done with politics and forgot all polit- coming manner and responded 0 BY | joa] contentions, "God Save the Queen." | | Professions." | Dr. Carry sustained the clergy to {good purpose while Mr. J. A. Me- | Gillivray proved an able and warm : b | defender of the legal profession. The chairman now proceeded to give] Education" was the next on the an exceedingly, instructive, and com- | programme ; but by this time the com- plete essay on Canada, takingit up pany having got talked out of further about a eentury age; tracingit through forbearanca resolved to dismiss them- its bounding course upward and on. | elves and were creeping into their Lats and overcoats while Mr. McBride ward fais giganto stajdes i the yath was nobly defending the cause of of material, social: and intellectual | 4 ition. Of course there was no progress, and peinting: with prophetic one to hear him for only the chairman finger Yo the not distant future when | and two or three others were on their Canadas shall have attained its man-| seats the rest were all straggling to hood and shall have taken rank as an get into their dry goods before facing independent hation in the front yanks | 2° biter Dash Without i i Mr. McBride was followed by a of the great; glorious and free nations i young man whose name we could not of the earth, resting oh and being Pro- | Jeary, hie held aloft a conspicuous brief tocted by the arm of Omnipotence.-- | while he lamented the lack of oppor- Ths essayist laid on the Lrush with skillful but nnsparing hand as he «The Governor General and Lieus Governor of Ontario," was next given. The "Red, White and Blue" was sung in response. i} Grit lambs ; bribery and corruption | genyi tunity of getting at the crowd just then, Lut threatened to give it to them i i as n some future occasion when he painted the touming millicos of Caz hou pave all cio time he wantedte ada's future offspring doing battle in do ivin. the van for all that makes a nation| «God Save the Queen" brought pro- really great and truly good, when ex-| ceedings to a close 'about te noon of pediency shall have given way to prin: | night. : ciple and patriotism nll have. taken The chairman is to congratulated on the place of iti a partyism, when | te efficient performance of his im- the Tory lions shill lie down with the stood Smith 10, Parker 9, Cunningham | to all doing business with the office, has taught the public how to value so faith- ful and obliging a public officer and to realize the loss they sustain in bis re- tirement from the position. While all In the third ULallot 'McRae and Monkhouse were dropped and the | votes stood Parker 14, Smith 11, Cun- necessary from the pressing and rapidly |. just half an hour after the day for 67 men had gone to work. ex: plosionhad such force as to completely barracade the main entrance, and the appliances for supplying air; located town of Crested Butte, near is i mourning. Crowds women and children clustered about the entrance to the mine, praying, wringing their hands, and crying pitiously, presenting a scene most heartrending. It isi said at the time of the explosion there were ten kegs of black powder in the chambers 1 and 2, where the men were working, and where the explosion is supposed to have takenplace. The mine has three miles of drifting; and so it is impossible to definitly locate the accident until rescuing parties can gain admittance. The mine has long been considered dangerous. Fifty-seven blackened and unrecog nizable bodies recovered so far. Two more yet remain to be found" SE ---- Going for the Dogs. The committee appointed by the Oshawa Farmers' Club to report on the near by, are badly wrecked, and the roof of the tramway blown off. = The| | ningham 9. | The fourth ballot was a sort of jumble. 2 | The fifth was little better. | The sixth gave Parker 14 and Cun- will regret his resignation the t wishes of the entire community will go with him and all continued and still increasing prosper- ity. wish hi Mr. Gordon's successor, Mr, John Dr. Jones proposed «the Learned] ningham and Smith 10 each. Before the seventh ballot was taken for some reason or other, Mr. Cunning- am withdrew his name and the bal- {lot being takenresulted ingiving Smith [20 and Parker 14 so J. L. Smith, of Whitby township is Warden for the present year. | Early on the third daly the everlasting Poor House came up for another airing and in order to keep the eternal com- mittee alive the Reeve of W. Whitby of Cannington, and of Reach were added. The office of caretaker of the County Buildings having become vacant by the death of the late incumbent, a whole lost ; of applications for the position was laid before the Couneil. dw W. Re Brown, Gs, W. Burnham, is well and favorably known throughout the community and since Mr. Gordon finds it necessary to retire the fact that Mr. Burnham has'| secured the position will be satisfactory toall eine Wir, PoETRY AND. PaTHOS.--Profes- sor H. E. Moore. will, give a Grad Exhibition of Art, Musicand Magic in the Town Hall, Port Perry, on the evening of Saturday - Feb, 9th, 1884. He inay expect a full house. Proceeds in aid of the R. C. Church Fund. at pre Election of Officers, At the L. O. District meeting held at (ireenbank, on Tuesday, Jan. 29th, 1884, the following officers were duly elected, Bro. Geo. Brown, W. M., Thos. McCounel, D. M,, One application from Epsom, one w H. Foy, Bec. from PrinceAlbert, three from Oshawa, > o arid, Drees one from Brougham, 'one from Drook- ». R. Doble, Lecturer. lin, one from Pickering, one from Fiazaia Shangers, iongors. Toronto and fourteen from the modest town on Whitby. Tiweity three ap- plications is not a bad showing for the position of Caretaker. The Niagara District Division Grange at a late meeting, carried by a | unanimous votethat women have a > | perfect right to the franchise on the When the ballot was taken was) OE and conditions os on found that Mr. Linton of Pickers | The Counties Councils of Lincolm though not an applicant, emrried the and Welland have carried similar position having secured 19 votes. | resolutions. The County auditors for the present| A Prophet Has No Honor, &c. { year are 8. H, Christian,elected by the | Hh | Council and B. F. Campbell, appointed | Kinastox, Jan. 23.--D. G. Wiggins, by the Warden. | of the Bethelem Iron Company, is The auditors of the Criminal Justice | snowed in at the iron mines, Resi. accounts are Messrs. Miller and | dents think he is Wiggins the weather 'Wright. prophet, and positively refuse to shovel As a matter (f course the business | him out. They say i serves him of the session was not of much cor.s:qu- right. ence and the superabundance of "the "beautiful snow" had a cooling effect on the whole proceedings. The Port' Perry C. M. Church An- niversary Services. - Cartwright Council. Towx HALL, CARTWRIGHT, January 21, 1884." The Council met in accordance with the Statute. The following members made and subscribed the declaration of office and qualification, viz: James Parr, Reeve; John McKee, Deputy Reeve : Councilors, Albert Spinks and John H. Devitt. 3 GLEN 'A communication was feces reference to the Trent Valley Route. fo The anniversary services in connec- tion with the C. M. Church, Port Perry, were held on Sunday and Monday last. On Sunday the services were held in the church, appropriate and elo- quent sermons were preached at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p. m. by Rev. W. G. Howson to large, intelli ud appre- Moved by Mr. 2 y Mr. Devitt, that theReeve and Deputy Reeve be'a conimittes to' examine the dog nuisance presented their report at a late meeting of said club to the follow- effect. A license fee of two dollars for the first dog, four for the second and soon Also five dollars for the first bitch and ten dollars for the second and so on. That parties owning or harboring any dog after the first day of May in each year, without a collar having owner's nameand municipal tag attached, shall be subjected to a fine of five dollars and costs on complaint being laid be- fore any Police Magistrate or justice of the peace having jurisdiction. The informer shall receive one-half of said fine. Any dog or bitch running at large without such callar and tag may be destroyed by anyone. a a Cartwright Agricultural Society. The township of Cartwright may well be congratulated on the steady progress and éficient management of their Agricultural Society. The officers spare no labor in securing its success. The Officers'and Board of Directors are as follows: A. Tayler, President; Parr, Secretary ; P. Holt, Treasurer. The Directors are R. B. Spinks, J. Coate ix not definitely * known, but it sup-I tree & "HoLroway's Pruts.--The Great Need. -- The blood is the life; and on is parity our Health as 'well as our existence depends. These Pills thoroughly clence the vital fluid from all contaminations,and by that means 'means strengthen and invigorate the wholé system, healthily stimulate sluggish 'organs, repress over-excited action, and establish order of circulation and secrelion thronghout every part of the body. The balsamic natuae of Holloway's Pills cxercisemarvelous power in giving tone to "debilitated and * '| mervous constitutions. These Pilis dislod; 7 public os ilo wel te enfly served by. the new cunibén, and the - suber bespeaks for Mr. Bufiham the same very courteous treatment predecessor during the past seventeen years,' all obstructions, both in the bowels and after for promoting regularity, of action - young femalés and delicate persons who ax naturally weak, or have from some gause' become so. -- ed Stop that cough, by theuse of Ayers Cherry Pectoral--the Lest specific ever known for all diseases of the throat and lungs. It will soothetherough feeling in your throat, give the vocal organs flexibility and vitality, and enable you to breathe and speak clearly. : er ---- . Ayers Sarsaparilla wonderfully im« proves the complexion, and brings to old and young the bloom of health.-- As a purifier of the blood it has no equal. 4a Four large Tin MekKensios ery Po ory __ #4 Photographs $1. vv. ah iv on 51.80 2 Sous, 2 Ne #2 Cabinet FPhotopa his $3 per dozen, at McKenzies Gallery, ort hints ! BIRTHS. In the township of Reach, ou Friday, 18th inst., the wifc of Mr. Wm. McGill, orn son. "In the township of Castwright, on Sunday 26th inst., the wife of Mr, Thomas Brown, of twin daughters. C. Larmer, John McKee, J. H. Devitt, M. Chapman, T. A. Wright, T. Whit- field. Dr. Campbell and W. Parr are appointed Auditors. tn pei 2 Honor to Who - Honor is Due. In our last we referred in compli- mentary terms to the care bestowed onthe side-walks and leading streets in the village of Prince Albert, and in Keeping ¢hem clear of snow to such an extent at least, as allow ladies and children to pass along with comfort and safety. We then credited .the pathmaster 'with this commendable 'attention to the comfort and safety of the public ; but we have since learned that we had then misplaced our master but Mr. John Heard to whom degree of comfort, they have passing along the streets. du D especially at this season of the year|y commendation as it was not the path-| the villagers are indebted for, large) All parties indebted to elrewhere, and are, on that account, much J aie SF 10@ 1 oe se 0 84 .. 080@ 064 .. 068@ 070 .. 030@ 034 Hay pot ton C1 800 a; ; ve 00 Supa fi Ws i Timothy Seed .. 160@ 200 Pork LTE 72% Beef . b8@ 628 Butter Ww 08@ 01: Ey a 018@ 020 Potatoes . 040@ 040 eyes © iRE 48 Flour ¢ 100 Its . 1ne 2 60 ~ While thanking his Aumer- ous fiidhds and patrond' for heir generous support in the past, the subscriber would also intimate to the general public that in future he will oceupy the upper story of the Post Office building, where with very much increased fa- cilities he will be prepared to serve them much more prompt- ly than heretofore. Persons having town of farin property for sale or to rent, money for investment, property to insure rents to collect; also those wishing to borrow money up- | on real estate first-class mort- having their business transact- od properly, promptly and for a-fair remuneration. H. GORDON. Port Perry, Jan. 30, 1884. ------------------------------eSesee that has been extended tohis et

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