uno srr tn nl 3 Ihe NE CO am They pd yprte ~ 860" These | s will in au. casey, HH {I Tame torn ; {i triogly, cain BoA 1 wisr doh 'Department. Pamphlots £ Books, Chocks, Books, Circulars, 'Busines: Cards, of every style an 'olor, Be ty gna At Tower oy ¢ n any. other gstablishnient in the County. istance getting hand ve them done to take Lotcupied by Dr. Audeggon. Port Peury. Port. Perry, Jun, 4, 188. ol bts DANSE. M. -- Physician, Sur + /Ooroner for the Do of Ontario, PORT PERRY. Nott 4 -- Perry Office hours from iil to12 m. oF ETRE on rea © DRS; JONES & CLASCOW, _ Physicians, Surgeons, &o. FFICE and Residence, Queen St, door west of Presbyterian Church. [30H GIPQRT PERRY. ------ S. H. GLASGOW, M.D., M.C.D.AS,, "totin College; M. B, Coll ge of Physicians and Burge and residence with ort P | BHESICIAX, SOBGEON AND ACCOUCHED. Offios, ge Cartwiight. M.K.C.8 48 FLAN ¥. PA N Barris $ rin Chancary, Conveyancer, Nota To moe' over Browh & Crirrieds Store | ! Jo at- i. Oshawa, | G! HariTifer and Law, &c.." {,8¢,,; Port Perry, Ont i Part Pocry) Sept. 6, 1882, lo nd on TSyaycer, ffice-- i Ph. a1 re Lule Be Hem resumed the practice of hi WAL profession at in ragged for the Tay pels ban nts, wan| «HQ oi Perry, VL /lonsh wl ton i Hae oy Hand Bills, Posters, Pro-| mmes, Bill Heads; Blank Forms, Receipt son, M.D, "Physician, Surgoon and # Office over Cortigan's Store. $ Fosou.d Shy house east of "school buildings, -Office and residence formerly 2 Fu Faraire Store, corner or) A Next AUCTIONEER RADUATE of the University of Vie. versity of Toronto, und member and Licentiate of HE nndersigned takes this opportunty of returning thanks for the very libepl patronage which he has received as Ad. The increased expel enge aud. extensive practice whith I hay had will be turacd to advantage of patra and partics favoring me with their Salg may rely on thefr interests being fully pre . No effort will be spar-d to mal it profitable for parties to place their Sal My Sale Register will | Meharry's. Hardwa Store and at my, own residence, Unio CO. DAWES, Auctionee GUL | Bort Perry, Au. 17, 188). 7 We pit bonds, nla. The hyeR : E. MAJOR, ICENSED AUCTIONEER. All partie wishing his 'services can call at th "'Observer" Office, Port Perry, andarrange fo SR late of Beaverton) OE AN ae a Law, Hye Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879. ttorney- Heifor fof 'the Ontario Bank. Office over Ross & Son's Store,Queen WM. GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, . OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa pa Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmost attention being given Bheenlll Slee al 5 LSE LT WM. GORDON, Sunderland *Brock. T. H. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township Thorah, Mara &-Bama in North Ontario; Mariposa, etc., in the County of Viatoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctnally attended to. Debts col- lected in oman or otherwise, and foro Ee GQ. om SMITH, LL. fa At- La a he de. Chancery, Se North OntariqAuction- ae and | WML ram y Also w Rood improved arms. in a Licensed Auctioheer. aving talen out ms: eer is now| prepared | toll sales entrusted [tohin-- hed, srk experience inf handling k such iad Form es Farming 'Imple- ig Ts yh GORD ON, er ommisnaper 1 | Insurance Agent piri the following first-class e 0 0 Accident and Guarantec INSURANCE COMPANIES: '{ Port Perry, May 24, 1883. The Canada Fire and Marine, The Sovereign, The Unio, and The Travelers. FIRE PoLiCIes Insuring all classes of insvr- n the shortest notice, and Lite Policies with ums Payente until death, or for a Edowineny Polices pay- e, or on previpus death. dnc Covering death by ueci- fone weekly Indemnity ln case.of mon- 39° Marriage Licenses Issued, "BX and Tickets for passage to and from Great Britain sold at lowest rates. Port Perry, April 20, 1881, remi- S-------------- Valuator, &eo Rempember-- ls Horses, Preduge, &c, &c., jands may | limited i EN ving amin Botox the gos tr arn STAR? from Now York, 4* MONARCH, from on fork - « BEAVER". from ..Quobep 'and Montreal! |" PRICE OF TIOKRT Cabin fi New York to Loudon aad ] iH Liverpool and return, $75. Steerage, ffom Liverpool to Port Perry, $26.20. Wan * Ao Agent for the 'Collingwood and Lake Superior line of Steamers, RAILROAD TICKETS tates, Parties intending to travel will find itto| their advantage to purchase tickets from W. H, McCAW, SRAND TRUNK R'Y. {| GREAT WESTERN R'Y.| TICKETS ksued to all parts of United States and Canada at Lowest Rates. PASSENGERS FOR Manitoba and Western States have choice o rout either by Grand Trunk or by Great Vesterh and Michigan Central, For all information apply to R: W. TWAMLEY, Mpranp R'y Srarioy, prepared to Fib. 7,1883 LEND ANY. AMOUNT i y ve 9 Fares Becurty. At 6; per cent. Axo on Village Security at a: Higher Rate pF" MORTGAGES BOUGHT. HUBERT I. EBBELS," Binnigras. 00D, | Dewart in the . Cartwright, March on or Port Perry, May 10, 1881. MONEY TO LOAN. ar Arai Marvels of EVERY | HOU " "They are |. Issued to all parts of Canada and the United Port ITv1858. | ier thoy Pour Prany of the Finest Vaiictics and Newest Styles, \ FPYHE Subscriber is GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES of the most RELIABLE MANUFACTURE. Bo) HL DSA E oy id lett Simprosdh i ar tl y ¢ ofjeg, r wy by el as, In 'Where. Machines arg reqai aloft neiseless, light to run; do light and heavy work, sow any kind of thread, are all Mfrrented for 'five | 'ALsO THE 'CELEBRATED Bell Ozgans ! rr AN Dee made adjustable and years. HEINTZMAN PIANOS, CO. TUPPER, B&F" Show Rooms second door east of Mr. W. J. Nott's Cabinet Warerooms, Port Perry. Port Port pert) March 23, 1881. HE undersigned #e old inform the public that ber Stock has been renewed and is now complete, cousisting of Choice JEWELRY HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money on improved property for terms from one to twenty years, Agent for WesTiRN CANADA LOAN AND Savinas Company, large amount of Private Funds. Inter st Eight per cent. No Commission. N. F, PATERSON. [Port Perry. May 20, 1878. MONRKY (Private Funds] 'o Loan on good Farms, at 8 per. cent . crest. Barrister, &c., ovember 21, 1866. HE WALKER HOUSE, [PORT PERRY] The iil in resuming occupation of (his property--The Walker Honge--de~ sires lo express his grateful acknowledge- ment of the very liberal p onthe Walker House during his former oc- Cltjency. and having npw resumed. posses. slop every effort. will be put forth to make thie Walker House all that can be desired by Commercial Travelers, 'the "traveling, | public and parties doing bukiness in town. W.BUMoGAW Port Perry, Dec. 13, 1882. $1043 pe ORT PERRY HOUSE, of years this comfortable, pleasantly. located Hotel will endeavor by strict attenti conveniepcearid comfort of guests to m the Port Perry Ho Suteptutiiont for the general public. Eo the Ti Sr ih bs cnind e stable and yard care! atte, JOHN The subseri] : du 'Hotel, W burg, Cartwright, intends phi witha view to the comfort and convenience of guests' The supplies for fhe table and. bar oare= fully selected. TER HOLT. ATE TRI o ROTEL, 'Having ituated 1 Giotel, 1 L bave thoroughly ani ro renovate the lic rm HE undersigne Ao tht hei Hew Hate! he ba he bas 8 He has also been instructed to invest a in CHAINS, RINGS, BRGOCHES, LOCK- Stock as it now stands is decidedly one of kd the best and most attractive ever brought * this county, ' LYMAN ENGLISH, i" Great Variety and of Superior Quality, Oshawa vantageous terms and at the Best Markets I 4 cau rell at the Lowest possible figures, and Cheap Goods. and neatly repaired. _. The undersigned having leased for avo HH e) Carriage. : ND OUERAL BL BLACK | Judson = ME HM EN | Taha he -- ing that he A a dE p the valuable and purchased the above: pleasantly |' bly repaired in Fine Gold Goods! ETS, PINS and everything in the Jewelry line for use and ornament of the most Fashionable and Deritable Styles. The CLOCKS As 1 purchase my Goods on the most ad- the public may rely on getting Choice ard Watches, Clocks and Jewelry promptly Charges moderate, Come and examine wy Stock. B. DIESFELD. Port Perry, Aug. 30, hz, " MAN CHESTER. H EARDS ii fen _ =; #arvices of hi workers in the Pro- fitted than ever to Tall orders for 2 5 i of Garage with didfasch. roy apairsin Wood or T cutewith | 1° T wou or exe is gue. y tne and Vora -on getting 'the ~ men te ea s8iven, to AND JB i i Pui. AND | Sito Tiyed i giolnenckes torpid Liver, and weak digestion, headache and restless gleep arise from the" sanie cause: ' Remove them with Zorsa now before you. get worse. A few doses will do it. A MARVELOUS STORY "TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SON: "foie: Xer York, Oct. 26, 1882, " Gentlemen: My father resides at Glover, Vt. He has been a great sufferer from Scrof- ula, and the inclosed letter will tell you what a a effect Ayers Sarsaparilla has had in his case. I think his blood must have tained the Lumor for at least ten « years; but it did not show, except in the form. of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about five years ago. From a few spots which ap- peared at that time, it gradually spread so as to cover his 'I assure you he was terribly afilicted, and an object of pity, when | he began using your medicine. Now, there are * few men of Bis age whio enjoy as good health as he ba & d easily name fifty persons who \! fy to the faots in his case. 4 urs truly, W. M, PHILLIPS." FROM THE FATHER: join a duty forme to' state to you the bepefit I Lave derived from the use of : ly: { » Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Bix monthKage,l was completely covered with a terrible humor and serofulous sores. The _ humor caused an incessant and intolerable Rashig, and the skin cracked so as to cause fo flow in many places whenever 1 a My sufferings wero great, and my life a ran 1 com the use of the nes regularly ie Sg a ne v pion to improve at once. The sores a led, and I feel perfectly well in every, 0 Soller -- being now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire has wrought such a cure in my case, and F them, as I have hero tried yo tell 0 Al SARSAPARILLA. Glover, Vt., 214 Yours gratefully, HIRAM PHILLIPS." AYER'S SARSAPARILLA cures Scrofuls and all 8crofulous Complaints, Erysip. elas,' 'Pg étema, Ringworm, Blotches, Sores, Boils, Tumors, and Eruptions of she Skin. It clears the blood of all impu-~ ritles, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system. 4 PREPARED BY Dr.J.C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists; $1, six battles for §5. AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use light or red hair may be darkened, |. thin hajr thickened, and baldness often, though not always, cured. "2t checks falling of the Lair, and stimu- 14tes a weak and sickly growth to vigor. Jt prevents and cures scurf and dapdruff, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the scalp. As a Ladies' Hair Dressing, the f¥iaor is unequalled ; it contains neither oil nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, and $llken in appearance, and imparts a delicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume. P. BricRER writes from Kirby, O., July's Sieg: "Last fall my hair ied falling outs and in a short Lime 1 Fhisoue + mearl, Aris Hain VIGOR, heh to stoppad the J ing o of the hair, and started a new growth. ve now a full head of hair growing vigo ously, and am convinced that bat for She nséo yur Jropasaiion 1 should have bed entirely J. W, BOWEN, proprietor bf the Ae Arthur says : " AVER'S HAIR VIGOR {Oi Jon eon 4 preparation for the hair. 1 L.speak of it from my own experience. Its: use promotes the wth of new hair, an makes it glossy and soft. The VIGOR is also A sure cure for dandruff. Not within my know the' preparation ever to give entire satisfaction." 1 MR. ANGUS FALRBAIES, leader of the ay anily or of Scottish Clchrated © Fairbairn Ne Mass., Feb. 8, used AYER'S HAIR Sank in hae been able to maintain of youthf ulniope 4 tn Raster of tors, actors, and in fast § every one who lives in the eyes of the pu! dm yigog om 18 RE it two-thirds of iyi ME since ir began to give sil- ra of he th ang 'which rent n {white fingers #hd' tubbing'a gute: Hu Shndld very rapidly and wus ea TH D | victim wh yh ay i RTISER he "John, do my pretty, OWD-ey. removed--as: she std Pho os, Beodlido 1% intrficings he ow in the carpat/ with 'the'toe of a ti. slipper: Blvos f dt i "A pink tinge creeps. to the : or olive cil Ba and Jegnie Sita 2 at frog of her soft dark I Ht wedrasn Sedans you, 4 night, | sud-Lsnspected"s« pausing aid ghak- ing, herfinger at me--'It's going to become true!" | "Db you rehlly! | hope you dreawied something nice, then.-- What tran it 2" "Li drenmed I was in church. -- Suddenly you came in with a lady leaning on your arm; you came right up to me and said: 'I am go- ing to be married.' Then the min- ister came down out of the pulpit and married you ; but the lady did not lift ber veil, andl. could not see ber face; but you may just as well tell me, John, for I almost know /" "Do you?" 1 answered, sarcrstio- ally. - "Then you had best tell, me, for I confess 1.don't." Jennie is silent ; and my mind re turns to her first question, which I "Upon my word, Jennio, 1 think I do believe in dreams! Come and sit here beside me, and I will tell you something strange that once befel me, and you shall decide whether or no k should believe in dreams, " After father died it was "discov- ered that he had in an evil hour beeri induced to speculate in Wall stroat; and being an honest man, and ignorant of the ways of the place became a victim--first to his own luck of shrewdness, and .secondly to | the over-supply of the same article {owned by his brokor. In a word he had ventured nearly his whole for- tune and Hud lost. The remorse and anxiety killed him. I was just twenty, and then at college--a mere boy in experience, and tolally unfit tostepinto my poor father's vacant place as head of the family. My mother was helpless with grief, and my sister delicate and timid; thera was no one to ar- range or advise, 80 I was obliged to come forward and do my very best, To add to the embarrasment of romantically in love. Iam sure, is she not, beautiful? never a face more perfect was made. After we bad laid poor father ta complication of affairs, but. assured ber of my fixed determination to and give me the right to look « for- her a home no less luxurious than her own. Ishall never forget her expression Her lovely oyes, blue asnice violets, opened wide with: horror, and her swept, rosebnd: month 'tremkled as sho answered -- before you make ull this money, John? And won't I be a horrid old maid like Aant Maria 2" ~ Don't look so indignant, Jonvig} Remember bow young she was, and how pettied and indulged. 19" I400k herin my arms and sooth- ed her tears. Tho dread of losing her made me mad ; her prosance in- tbxieated me with delight. With her little soft hand: 'in "ine, her 'golden: head] resting'on my 'bosom, and her sweet breathfanming my hot cheek, I was dronkem-witly bliss; I would | have bartered my soul for one month of such happin EXE 1 am not an old man, Torinle bat the possibility of ever feeling again. the mad passion that I felt for Belle that night - has. passed with that night--long ago--sa f far past, little | consin, that I think of it as a thing alte apart from myself, 'and wonder | at it a5 T might at some 'enjoyment 'Jof-my bayhood; Smpossible for Ways hood to erter.into, 2 It is not love this wild faver, bi paseion such as leads the dorpeig ori as' real" ae God SIMU, BE cis dou # w myself into 1h ad left vacant, 8 situation, re g! ? solving 16 Hi industry and an' fn ye me, a 'goaFabead thin would gain. 1 Qpa. poor, miserable. fo Bolle kept faith with me: then Dep: ceived a gold note of dismissal fro Mr. Onlder, and a little; meek obed- good-by. wben I read those notes, Jennie ? I will tell you. I put my head down on the table und wept like a baby! It was the death of my youth and trust. Even now I am not ashamed; of those tears, ' It was'the supreme' moment thut seperatos the real from |' thq unreal--the hour that sweeps from our vision thesweet deliriums of fancy and discloses the dusty highway of life through which our weary feet must struggle. From that hour I became a man | The curtain fellnpon the fairy scene I had created in my own mind, and life in all its stern yeality stood out grimly before me. 1 had been "rambling through sunny meadows, filled with singing birds and babbling brooks: Hence- forth my path strelghed away among tho haunts of men. I should huve been less than human could I have bidden farewell to my enchanted country without emotion. But my tears washed from my heart all bit- terness, and I passed the threshold into a new life and closed the door behind me with a firm hand--as one closes the coffin lid on a dear, dear face, and lifts aghin the burden of life--alone, ? That night I sat late in my room, pondering the question of ways and means. My mother and sister were they alone should be my inspira tion, At avery late hour I retired, and worn out with labor and conflicting asleep. For .the first time since Then he faded from my sight, and I was alone on a strange road. The ness enveloped" everything. While I was wondering why I was here in work as no man had ever yet work- this unfrequented spot I suddenly |od. ad to retrieve oar fallen fortune and | became aware of a wood upon: my | hammer and bid it in a hollow tree bogged her to have faith in my love | Fight; and from which wood came a | Gonfess, I say! - Confess!" gleam of light. Proceeding toward man, whose face 'was half hidded, halt shown by the uncertain light of the lantern which he carrid, Tn vain I tried to look down; some fantastic power which dreams possess kept. my eyes entranced.-- From the. lantern up to the face of that line there was nothing! While 1 looked, wondering vaguely why I cogld: pot see, this, man drew: from spm¢ hidden pocket a hammer; find going | to a hollow tree dropped it:in- 0 its rank, and--1 awoke, ! _Thepun wag just rising, and 1 sprang up fevorish and; 'unrefreshed, dressed and went opt for a'walk. 'The day 'pnesed much, like other days; I réad. the payers without noting their wontenta--swaliged my meals without receiving * much 1| benefit-- studied 'at' hight" without | gafning mach information; and' re: " frired, woaried and: disconraged. Again I dreamed of my. father --agoin [walked b wood, and saw the man, This time h path' ronning at fall' spéed,; terror staraped on every feature. i began to] think. Dx wa ient note from Belle, bidding me 3 Do you wish 10 know what I did Tom Qiao vii pode alten nos FHT AT ean re ie bo 3 Yeu fs | 'Wood wot, fa from city, with po 16¥idense of wilente upon im bigger 1B PREIS mark about the io his pocket which Jd ification, and an investigi papers and effects uiseo; notes for large Amount signatare of {he suppose This man, when betrayed strange e emoti 'asked to tell bis a evening of the 'murder, wha Bo ble or unwilling to do so. The trail was drewing: (6 -& eluse, and inspite of the atmos #florts on the part ot our firm, the mag was in a fair way to -bo' convicted and bung. No amount of threats or persuasion could induce him to break the stubborn eilenée bo Lad impossed upon himseld regarding his whereaboyts an the fatal sight. The most he would say was: "lamp in~ nocent, but all that' Y could say would "only make' me seem nore guilty." It was during the recapitulation of the evidence that 1; entered the court room, having sqme business of importance upon which to, eonsult my employers. The doctor 'who 'bad made the post-mortem' examin- tion was upon the stand, and 'test. ified that the deceased came . tos his depending nn me, and bencoforth | death from a_blow given on, tho right temple by a blant instrument --probably the butof a -pistol, or bammer | As this word fell trom his lip a the situation I was most madly and omotions I almost immediately fell |gydcen revelation flashed 'aeross my mind--1 remcmbered . my dream | Jennie, no'lad of twenty over loved hisdeath I dreamed of my father.| And at the instant as if to. agsist more honestly than I did, or loved He came tome with aface strangely | my tardy memory, ahother witness a prevtier girl than Belle Calder. -- |i!lumined with! joy, and though he |steped upen the stand in whom I You know her? Well, was she not, [did not _8poak' his looks expressed | recognized the dark man whom I I think | approbation and encouragement.-- | had geen bide the hammer: Utterly beside myself, I forgat time and place, and with a frantio rest I went to Belle, told her the sad | Place was deserted, and intense dark- | scream I sprang forward and seized the man by the throat. "Confess, you villain" IT shout $You killed that man with a The effect was, elgqtrial, ; The ward to the day when I could give {it 1 0ame npon aman --n fierce dark | pan ytierly confounded by the . sud- denness of :the attack, howled for merey pnd, acknowledged ' hia crime before he new what hg had said. The exoitement Was tremendous, L was raised on the shoulders of the excited crowd and "born fo.a oarrisge "Wont you be awful old and ugly |Cortips, my gaze wunderod --below | ghich wag. driven . 19. the . wood. Fortunately T was able ta i the tree, and on nvestigapibn hammer was diseovered. My dream' made my fortana, Jennie, 1 was soon after wade a junior partner and' HOW call cowt myselfa, wealthy amen ili. Calder has long since made amends for his 'ubkindbes; and Helle beautiful Belle tll unntheivisd "sities onime With those sesy) pw "and: miatehes tha ted and ea ih 3 ig it to you ? Tojo Sn or bousk logs eyes that, gray dim; with ,