"oligaqe st mo fayrdot bide gpirvg lily Hew Li od manor LH ait a le wal oil eli gny T Und Ta uss paviianey pi yo Yavuman ea epgelot ing boy SA 9 BAIRD " 8) PARSONS id nd Sram six min 1410 'ow. ADVERTISING. Corenih Tasertion «cu iil. 000 Sub hy line en "oor tics Porannums 1s. . 3 00 oF" Lotterswontaining money, when ad-} - drdased to this Office, pre-paid and regester- od; will be atour risk. red by tor Aten tothe spac hey po PU RL ments coceived. for publication, sud cupyy 'and el accordingly... No will i botaken outuntiipaidtor advertise Nitbord, and otass wlio advertise by oe year 'or hat{Syenr.' WP Pies 'terms. wii in aie cases be trictly adhered to. ..- -- * ji rete) Books, Chpoks, Book Cards, Ball Iu Cty Str SAN Shem OX ont. "Bills, * Posters, Pro- Blénk Forms, Receipt "Clie Business &ec., of Cvety "dtyle and promptly and > lower rates the County: i ine with them on * ,H, PARSONE. asonar [ALY [3 ) D. And- Ad, cconcheat, Residence Piind house east of Bron § Cardigai Li Ty school buildings, and residence formerly ood drworl, Port Perey.' A Po , Jia, 4, 16883 H. SANGSTER. M. TER. Wf. 1b. Physician, Sur. |& + soon and Accouche! J Gorquer| - the Count of Ontario Ogee How Eurnijara hare, corner of. Ten and a rh to 12 m. Residence, the jo dwelling recently, ostipled oy Mrs. Geo, Pi DRS JONES & CLASCOW, Phys!cians, Surgeons, &o. 0 FFICE and Residence, Queen Bt. "Nest doar west of Presbyterian Church. PORT PERRY. 8. H: GLASGOW, M.D, M.C.P.&S., DUATE of the. University of Vie. A College, M. B., University of Toronto, snd mer and Licentiate of Eolipeiet Ph; « and Saggeona. dence wiih Dr, Jz 2 hh 1983. Sones, = Te AR Coronor for the County of Saati, hysician, Surgeon and Ae- eur, Cts noe, Kir.g Street, inte + Om. "MeCLINTON, NM. > Office, hs i Carwrigh. [5 , M.D. M vs. ospl & fondo, Rngland. . dv §# Oshawa. PATERSON, (late of Beaverton,) ster und Attorney-at Law, So) , Convéyancer, Notary F. lie, et, er ; ofits LY fic instructions, willbeinserted | . 0. Port Perry, Au. 17, hy R. FL WE i PORTE SER OR I fel¥h la EEA Sg J baal p tal i 1d i amin wre ap Liat RE io 2 ol sale site vier obvion moni. BOTT Jot apes hg Ed Th A fe ~~ i "HOLLAND, - \giviral Miiager President. SaviNGs BARD DRPARTIENY, FR Lee ERENT ADDED TX TO PRINCIPAL 31st December of each year. H GORDON, E, Lod, Loan and Insurance Agent, Representing the following Heat-cliny Fi : re gite: .Accide and Guarantee INSURANCE COMPANIES: - pe DO Insuring « all Slasdes of jnsor- shortest notice, and a CeaRin anare Lite Puides with mi- Srotvee until or for a limited pain of Yom. E inns Follces bay- certain date, or on deat! Refent Insurance covering Fdeath by weci- weekly Sodemoity In case of non- tating, nr age I. a, "8% and Tickets for Jassage | bo. and from Great ritain sold at lowest ra Port Perry, April 2), a AUOTIC ON} EER. HE undersigned takes this opportunity of returning thanks for the very diberu) pate e which ho. has _reckived as Auc- tioneer in Loe n dat. The Jnoses yepetls moo RT eXie v6 practice 1 have +f had will ian to ping of patrons, parties favoring me with. their Sales may rely on their interests being fully pro- ected, No effort will be spared to make It profitable for pacties to place their Sales in my hands, My Buse legister will be found: at' Laing & Mecharry's Hardware Store snd at my own residence, Union A venue, Port Perry. ( DAWES, Auetioneer. B. MAJOR, days of Sales. Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879, Ome o ver mown. & Currie's Store ogN BILLER as, Burcintorpnd Attorney- JJ at-Law, Sulicitor for the Ontario Bank. Office over Ross & Sons Store, Queen 8t,, Port Perry, Ont Port Patty, Bept. 6,718832. Lis LL. County Crown | A as ation, ote noir, 0, aueer, OMoce-- : Wi. GORDON, r, Valaater, &e. and Eldon, to their interests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. Br AC Ln IER ill T. H. WALSHE, of Brock, Thorah, iti Pi SLALOLO0 yy W. J. MoMURTRY, Mase Notary, Publio, Oommissioner in " ICENSED AUCTIONEER. All parties wishing his services can -call at the 'ub- | Observer'! Office, Port Perry, andarrange for Licensed Auctionee! YOR the "ownahip of Broek, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa B&F" Pirties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmost attention being given ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township Mars & Rama in Ww. W MeCAW TICKET AGENT for, the: tollowisg | ii Hoe of Vorsa is. sam Cr HS « WHITE STAR" from New York. . « MONARCH" from - New. York. ato¥ « BEAVER" from Quebec dnd' Montreal. PRICE OF TIOKBT. , Cabin from New Yark to London and «| Liverpool and return, $75. Where Machines are required, are Steerage, from Liverpool to Port Perry, | Mmost nciseless, light to run, do light snd 1 heavy work, sow any kind of thread, are all ide made adjustable and warranted. for , five Years. 7 L8O Agent for the Collingwood and Lake Superior line of Steamers. A RAILROAD TICKETS Issued to all parts of Cunada and the United tates. Parties intending to travel will find it to their advantage to purchase tickets from W. H, McCAW. Port Perry, May 24, 1883. |Ticket Office! Lalo 9 gov J Nees ; 3 ""|Are Marvels of Simplicity, EEINTMAN PIANGS, CC. TUPPER, B&F" Show Rooms second door east of Mr. W.J Nott's Cabinet W Perry. Port Perry, March 23, 1881. 1 THE WANIER| WINTER © AND F Combining all the latest improvements, snd are finding their way, by their merits, into almost EVERY HOUSE ALSO THE CELEBRATED Greénbank, Oct 9, 188: bgt d FARR TR [1 prs ~ aaa $LIST 7 oui s hernhy ey iat § Gourd H. WA ork ofthe tf unta rennEe ' from imped Terms-- For 'the - | the Buffolk $1, to be paid at time of service, with privilege of Yeturaing. Sows as often as Decessary. | |p oe Chit $1 50; for | EDWARD: PHENIX, CONFECTIONARY, \RE Undersigned would he b , Port GRAND TRUNK R'Y. CREAT WESTERN R'Y. TICKETS Issued to all parts of United States and Canada at Lowest Ratus. PASSENCERS FOR Manitoba und Western States have choice of route either by Grand Trunk or by Great Western and Michigan Central, For all information apply to Feb. 7,1883 M MipLaxp R'y Strato, Port PERRY 1 At 6. per cent. Aso on Village Security at a Higher Rate pe MORTGAGES BOUGH : HUBERT IL. EoBELS, Barrister, VHE Subscriber is propared to | LEND NL. MONT --QN-- i ] Farm Seeurty. Port Perry, May 10, 1881. MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money on improved property for terms from one to twenty years, Agent for Wester Canapa Loaw awp Savas Coupany. He has algo been instructed to invest a large amount of Private Funds, Inter st Eight per cent. * No Commission. | N_F. PATERSON. | Past Perry, May 20, 1878. Solicitor MONEY (Private Funds,) To Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in. terest. LYMAN ENGLISH, Barmisver, &c., Oshawa 4 November 21,1866. THE WALKER HOUSE, Mh PERRY. J. Ba pen A North Ontario ; Mari ete., in the County pr YouNaG, GST EL te pdr, AL Forth Outs nl gl poss, bon tte {10 Ooms. and a Ra Odors ft at thin of office, or at Joey or af hia resid Mio 4 Block, Brook surest will be punvtaally attended to. Debts col- Mected in Mingle; or otherwise, and Pr. A. THURD WALSHE, te ntario Auction- H eersona: tar professions Law ia. | Pott Perry on real estate d. Interest and charges ha" a few good inproved faris it Ain for for ~cash the: \practiod - of hi |e meni, morte Sous and The of his issn Walker Houge--des sires to express his gratetal acknowledge- TE undersigned ped would | inform the public of the Finest Vmictics and Newest Styles. "A MAGNIFICENT LE NRW STOCK, that ber Stock has been renewed and is now complete, consisting of Choice JEWELRY Fine Gold Goods! in OHAINS, RINGS, BRGOCHES, LOCK- ETS, PINS und everything in the Jewelry line for use and ornament of the most Fashionable and Desiiable Styles. The Stock as it now stands is decidedly ove of the best and most attractive ever brought into this county. CLOCKS in Great Variety and of Superior Quality, As 1 purchase my Goods on the most ad- vantageons terms and at the Best Markets I can sell at the Lowest possible figures, and the public may rely on getting Choice and Cheap Goods. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry promptly and neatly repuiréd, Charges moderate. Come and examine my Bt C. B. DIESFELD. Port Perry, Aug. 30, 1883. | BOSTON CHRYSTA ICE customers and the publicgenerally that Choice Plain and Fancy "wv the Best quality of Coufec tionery, &c., &c., he rupplies everything in Bakery' and Confectionery line at bis Port Perry and Prince Albert, idal and other Cakes Supplied on the shortest notice, | Public Teas And other social entertainments promptly supplied and at moderate charges, The best quality of CREAM Supplied by measure to the public, Handsomely fitted up PARLORS For the convenience -of the public, where GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES are supplied I hs the best quality, those &C. remind. his Breads of LIZED of the most RELIABLE MaNURACTURE. healthfuland refreshing in hot wi by * best Fountains how in use for One o making cioling drinks. paige Toys, good and che C. Port Pere, May 21,1879. cap. HISCOX. H tion 1 ALL KINDS OF All deal jes wanting lumber wil HEMLOCK, all PINE MIPLE BEECH BIRCH ELEM BASWOOD ASH " Aoy Lumber not in Al any _quaniity Hemlock Slab Wood 22 inches Waited, Forty Tons of Hay for Lumber. ment of the very liberal "ww. WEZZELWOOD, A eatertatatwent or s Pn wp on the Walker House during bis former pee cupancy, and having now resumed posses. sion every effort will be put torth t6' make the Walker . House all that can .bedesired by Commercial Travelers, the traveling, public and parties doing busing] in town, MoGAW | Port Perry, Dec. 13, 1882. b3 PERRY HOUBE.,, ned having leased for 'aterm is comfortable, pleasantly located | endeavor by strict attention \athe cand oa wd rls eo i Hotel carefully attended fo, yn JOHN RUDDY. / Port Porey, Des. p, 1 ¥ ROTEL. MMERCIAL peri nO Laat e 'subscriber | mooted Me Mr Devnet in the Commercial H FE Cr wins 8 The pilsfor th tabloaat farce select Aolirseiee PETER HOL! Cartwright, March 4, 1879... i] Avac-amion HOTEL, MANCHESTER. HEARDS Works . Carriage. Port Pott Peery, July July 11 11, 1883. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP N' mul consent. sion. All debts due to the Vpaid to me and Puift pay al the late firm, Pega. oe. 10,168 1882. gy) ig wr & Shor: LUMBER. AVING my Mills in the Township of y, on Pigeon Lake, i full opera- p prepared to furnish at my yard in PYRT PERRY! PINE. HEMLOCK ANO HARDWOOD LUMBER. and 1easonable prices by getting their wants supplied from my yard. Sizes and stock will be cut to of Hardwood and JOSEPH BIGELOW. OTICE is hereby By given that the plore ship heretofore existing botween the ralgnsd under the name. and firm of SOURaTON & BEATTIE, at Seagrave, as dealers in Agricultural Implements, Mach ines, kc., has this day * been dissolved by The books and accountsare in my posses- of 'veturoing thanks for wed on him since | find square Lengths. " long for sale. for Cash or in' firm must be, 1 dobts due by A. BEATTIE. ov 1 {gu Dury ap sarrow--Eyes andskindenotea torpid Liver and weak digestion, headache and restlesd 'sleep arise from the same' cause. Remove them with Zormsa riow before you get worse. A. few doses will do it. AYER'S PILLS. ree proportion of the diseases which hunian suffering result from derange- ment of the stomach, bowels, and lNver. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS net directly ugoh * sss, « Well, Basle', the wow tether Is going Whyi00,fkbont? asked the girl address: ed as Bessie, deftly slipping the shining Pans from ber arm jute 8 row alongside the milk pails. Spy yh, ut Ve AE hap San? Sete rorya. te mtr ;o0d when I told bim . snd one latle girl, he put on a 'mighty satisfied look sad asked if the litle girl was old enough to go fo school ." "And what did you tell him 1" again querried the damse), with an amused she lifted one of the pails and poured pails and the strainer and went out to the kitelien 'pump. Bessie Mapleton, Mr. Mapletob's little girl as healways called her, was In reality a manificent specimen of womankind. She was fully five feet eight inched int Height, with massive shoulders. shapely arms and band, and a splendid Lead of wavy, red brown hair, matched by a pair of glorious eyes. -- With these, a clear creamy complexion, deepenining on the cheeks to a pink rose, to board with us jhigsusamer," said Farmer rich, foamy fluid slowly. the bh strainer, : Oh), yes," 1 sald, "she is-0ld enough to], £0 to achool, but 1 don't shall send her this summer, as her her prefers to tench ber at Tong : A. clear, vp. lang followed this speech, oa took up the empty ! » rut gittond Ndeanler Yo eof Riv wi ta sory Pde STITT Fal) AEE 10 his. presence, Swell Pi addressed By hits; oe Wf ho Did" bed ot THY : her, Before he was hardly wale Plerpont found bis tora -- 4 Witching her from day to dey ne she gobs formed her homely duties, and weing hav quitt and belpfl, dnd 'womsnly she' wat, how kind aod pleasent to her father and mother, bow gestle and aliable to casual visitors, he could not help wishing would be just & little more pon to himeelf. i a i mia his adi with" fey indifk ror be song er id the mors pare ly she avoided him. At length, much. to bis chagrin, be found himself actually becoming infatuated with, the wilfol beasty. And when he attempted 0 break the meshes of the aet fn which he' bad been caught, he wag powerless todonacn He had te acknowledge blimsell irrevocably full, red lips, acd ded dimnl pled chin these organs, aud are d to 'eure the diseqaes ctused by table dersnge. ment, Inds tion, and a host of other aliments, for all of whith they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The. extensive use of these PiLLs by eminent physicians in regular prac- toe, shows ined to form a very plensi In point of intelligence Miss Mapleton was far above the ordinary 18 year old couutry girl. She bad graduated with signal honors. at 's ladies' boarding school, and had now opme: home, as she said, to add' fo ber other which they are held by the medical profes- sion. These PILLS are compounded of vegetable substances only, and are absolutely free from salomel or any other injurious ingredient, A Sufferer from Headache writes : "AYER'S PILLS are invaluable to nie, and are my constant compauion, 1 yave been a seyere sufferer from H: ur PILLs are the only Hilng 1 could oa iou for relief. dose uickly move my bowels and free m: rom pain. They the easiest physic isa gp 0 me to 1 always do so . L. PAeE, of W. L. Page & Bro." » Richmond, ¥a., June 8, 1882, Ld," Jave ued AYER's PILLS in number- as recommended by you, nd dy never known them to fail to a WaSompiish the desired result. We ongtantl keep thom on hand at our home, and 6 ek as a icine. lensant, safe, and reliable fami} FOL DYSPEPSIA they are ual eam, FOIAD, SUBS IT, u The Rev, FraNcis B. HARLOWE, writing from Atlanta, Ga., hi od "For some years t I Lave been sul blect 1 to Sonstipation, rom which, in spite of medi- cines of various kinds, 1 ae, dhgrenal incon ven! until some 'months | began taking AYER'S PILLS. 'They Tare entirely correc the costive pH 8, have vastly improved my general health.' a AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS correct irregu- larities of the bowels, stimulate the appe- tite and digestion, and by their prompt and thorough action give tone and vigor to the whole physical economy. PREPARED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. lua Haves" plish a good stock of common sense. As her mother chanced to be without a domestic, she, of her own accord, proposed | to take that share of what was usually per- formed by the hired girl, and thus learn the mysteries of housekeeping. She had proved herself to be an apt papil, and, after six month's apprenticeship, Mrs Mapleton, who rather prided berself on her excellent housekeeping abilities, decided that Bessie could do slmogt as - well as yhe could herself. Now, Mr. Mapleton had pot meant to de- ceive Edgar Pierpont when he had spoken of his little girl. He had fallen into the habit of calling ber so in her early girlhood be- fore sha had A-e-toged mtn how posssat grand proportions and be still Kept it up. There was no denying the fact that he was somewhat proud of her magnificent form and comely features, and when he saw bow | quick the young schoolmaster snapped up the unintentional bait, be was fain to let the matter pass without further comment, and Jet the truth flash upon bm from Bessie' bright bewildering eyes, "1 will bring up the cows to night father said Bessio, as she rose from the supper table the night Mr. Pierpout was expected to put in an appearance, "1 don't think you had better, Bess," said Mr. Mapl , teasitgly. "That school i the bengficial effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ohildren with Sore Kyes, how gn or Jud and strong YOUNS, OLD, AND MIDDLE- ln, Rh byits y es ok Drogo; $1, six bottles for $& TOLD IN TWO LETTERS, FROMRE- SON: "Voie: Ser York, Oct, 25, 1882. uls, and Jo iuclosed letter will tall you what a marvelgs effect. Ayr's Sarsaparilla hat had 1 his ease. T think his blood muss the , My 1 Prague 0, hote 5e8. A-MIRVELOUS STORY J.C. abo towall Masa. master might come while yuu are gone, -- You'd be rather ashamed to be canght driv- ing the cows, wouldn't you 7" "Not a bit of it father," aod seizing her sun bonnet she ran gaily out through the open gate and dowa the lane, sending back a a clear rippling stream' of song which fairly made the old orchard ring with its melody 8he had reached the lower end of the pasture, and after, it seemed to her, a vastly unnecessary amount of coaxigg halooing and throwing clube, she had at last succeeded in in getting the cowsid Mae, and fairly on theig, way, when - she' suddenly became aware of a masculine presence, and a deep rich voice asked : ; "Shall I help you, Miss 7" Looking up she saw a broad shouldered specimen of the génius homo rapidly ap- bing, with an in his blue eyes' and certain twitehings of the muscles of his mouth, showing a strong inclination to laugh. As they followed.the cows along over the green, crocus-dotted sward, the stranger con. versed in an easy off band way, which under ordinary ciroumhstsnces would have put Miss Bessie entiely at ber ease. But she was tog keenly alive to the fact that her dress was torn by an'unlucky contact with a thos} bush, her collar awry, and that her back bair bad escaped the legitimate confitement of comb [sad bair pins, and bung in grest coffec~colored masses abuiit ber neck and a n . | throat. , * Where does Mr. Mapleton live 7" be ssked, abruptly, when the cows were safely in the lsin and the bersreplaced. "I'am .|the mew teacher, Mr Pietpont, at your service with a low bow, "and I'm going to board' with them this sammer." " Right up there," answured Bessie, io- dicating the house with s ved and smiling Ho regarded her curious] "And you are 7' s "Miss Mapleton," with] a Ee vf 2c ory bp had bat owe daughter, 40d thet, mas, Pedi a « little girl. . Well, bolas, calls me in spite of her ebagrin. "Thess are Mr. f | Mapléton's cows." : ly in Jove, | He bellow, too, that Mine Beasie was sot f his senti: Ber, "and he sometime fancied 'be wae pot 0 obnoxious 10 ber us be seetmetito' be Watching ber closely he had seen upfinishing of her brown eyes, filled with soft tender light, followed by sudden waves of crimson over neck and brow asdhey drooped quiesly again guder his nearching game, 3 y And, indeed, Bessie had found bermiting, predi t she had not , for one day there came (0 her a moment of supreme revelation, in which she saw into the depths of "her own heart, and she kmew she loved Edgar Plerpont, with all the strength of ber * '| womanly nature. But, with that spirit of perverseness which is inherent in sonte female characters, she quickly decided to cover tip all tinces of be love, and not by sign or word to betray the , fact that her heart had goue out unasked to any living man, for never under velvet or sattip robes beat a prouder beart than theal © bed a Bessio__Mapleton's_ gingham; It. wanted a week yet to the close of (the school term. "I believe that Edgar Plerpont loves me, sad that he would tell me so if T gave him - the least chance," Bessie anid to herself over and over and over again, And Jet, strange 8s it may seem, she placed every possible barrier between bprself and snch a declara= tion. It was at this juncture of affairs that. Mr: Mapleton asked Bessie one evening at the supper table if she could bring up the cows, saying that he had to go some distance to soe a neighbor, and it would be'quite late before » be should get back. Edgar Picrpont heard with devout theuk- fulness, and cagerly awaited the answer, "Certainly, father," she said, blushing furiously ae she thought of her former ez- perience, "I'll try." "I'll go with ber snd help her, Mr. i Mapleton." Bessie opened her lips to decline the proffered assistance, but as she met Tor instant those blue eyes across the ble, ;.; the masterful spirit which shone out through ri them, compelled her to be silent. x He had _not spoken a word since they! started, Bessle would have chosen to go "™, 0 down the lain directly to the pasture, but by some secret power he had gained over bir' within tbe last half hour, be compelléd : obedience to bis unspoken wishes, Now, 3 he broke the silence. > "Bit down bere, Bessie; I've OAM 1 want to say to you." H She flashed up smile of Tobe, be | ida had wet her master. t She sat down. He remained standing. "Miss Mapleton," he began, "for a than a weck I have been seeking for sm opportunity to see y6ti alone, bat You Save" purposely avoided me. 1. felt that I could i + not go away without telling, you whet isin, x my heart. But before I say more I want to wp and § want you glee 2 wea ard Wot your" "Doyo doutt my Verscity, Mr Mt. pi i. pont 1" she asked with a, sudden Sesnmpe tion of dignity. "If | ra ag N shall probably tell you the truth." "Very well, then," ' quictly ignoring 84 © tection sonnined. a ber apeech,. 418 Ae inl ve I ever to dislike me so much 1 fate fo le Xhc A speem of ii hn : isle enots " «You | have 'meet given bbTeRid think otherwise: dnp io pd on NR