Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 25 Oct 1883, p. 2

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vine, farm Sale on Friday, '8, Lattimor is. Auctioneer. : "Important _Anction Sale at the Wal Houne, Port Perry, Nov. 2. Mr. © <C.Dawes in anctioneer Brat ot: Saturday Oct. 27. Bee 'advertisement elnewhere. . "Make a note of the time and piace of Mr. le property. will be on the premises lot 14. con Brock, on Saturday, Oct. a%th, Mr. War, ~"I'R Bhire's Anction Sale of Val 8, Gordon is Auctioneer, See posters, Mr Wm Taylor's Auction Sale of just such dc. &c, asall farmers Rack, Implements desire, takes place on the premises, lot eon. 9. Brock, on Thursday, Nov 1. 'Wm Gordon is Auctioneer: See posters, Mr Wm Gordon has received instructi from Mr Catherine McKinnon to sell Ho sennd Lot in Sunderland. The Sale will take place on the premises on Friday, Oct, 26. See posters, Mr. Wm Gordon will sell by auction on fot 13 con § township of Brock, near Sunder- and, on Thursday, Nov. 15, 1883 over head of valuable stock and a great variety of valuable farming machines and imples ments.--8es posters.--This will be a grand sale. Auction Sale of a valuable Farm, Farm Btock, machines, implements, kc, §c, . Reach. Sale on Thureday Nov 1st. 'Posters, and don't fuil to attend, Wm Has wond in Auctioneer. 8zcurs your Firewoon. --Mr C Dawes nstruction from the proprietor, Mr T Hon, te sell by auction the timber on ten ora d-men acres of lot 3 in the 4th con of Beach, The sale will take place on the premises Saturday, the 25th inst and will be sold lots to suit purchasers. HouthBntariofhserher ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Em PORT PERRY, OCT. 2 _------------ A Change in the Programme. 1t is well known that the Midland Railway system has for along time past been in the possession and under {the contrel "of the Grand Trunk, but *, op to afew daysago it was found 1/ necessary to retain the services of the President of the Midland system.-- Now, however, that every necessary arrangement has been completed and the whole can be managed from head- quarters Mr. Cox, the courteous and effi vient President of the Midland sys- tem retires from the position and future only the Grand Trunk officials A re- arrangement of the Time Table over the Midland division at leastis expect- | edat an early day. Tle Omemee link is expected to be in running order will be the centre of power. by the close of the present month a most likely the new time table will issued for the opeming of the next month. The people ef this section country have nothing #fear from any change which may take place in thé arrangement of trains for it is almost impossible to make it any worse than it is now, thechances are that the new arrangement will prove advantageo to all, south to connect with Trunk going east and west and wh the Ontario and. Quebec Railway gets into running order connections will doubtless be made at Myrtle with the Ontario and Quebec both east and There is too much bus- iness in the management of the Grand Trunk to attempt or at least continue a block game, they will rather sell out the Whitby and Lindsay branch to the west trains. Dew company. A---------- Putting Mowat in the Box. The Muskoka: Herald puts brother Mowat in a somewhat tight place by by bringing an indictment of fifteen courts against him in connec- + tjon with the late Algoma election.-- x + st. Passing by both Sheriff and Regis- s+ arar and appointing a case harden: I partizan as Returning Officer. 2ud. In . wefusing to give a polling place Cookburn Island which contained over . one hundred legal votes and these al- 130 ballots were sent io Thesal non, of Cartwright, hat | by auction of her horses, y stock, implements on Taenday Oct, 30th. the advertisement on another column, Sale by Auction at the Hotel property of Mr. Wm. Harrison lot 20, con 1, Doubtless trains will be run the Grand © saost 'all Conservatives. 8rd. Thal Enrctiman desarro wellof theCounty Meldranm ! : their liberality and enterprise have Meldranm Bay where polls are usually' iooured sich stock ae cannot fail eld did not get one. 4th. That only: in hastening the improvements of on! We ker if intentional on the part of the Grit presentative of the minority and is not the | the election a **frand 2" find it necessary to take two parties with him through the district as traveling companions, who thought it best to register under assumed names or residences ?* One registered as Byington, of Branttord, and the other as Smith, of Barrie. Was it not that 13, Mr ons her flooded might be paid out by .parties who could not be proved to be agents of Mr. Liyon in caseof a protest, which was certain to follow. ---- id North Ontario Fall Show. was held at Uxbridge, on Tuesday and Wednesday, 16th and 17th inst. This Show though held Somewliag late in the Ly was particularly the fortunate see | On both days, and the people appeared zle- the season. The town was fully equal to the occasion and a jovial welcome was extended to all comers. The general appearance of the town was highly creditable and inviting, business ap- peared healthy, prosperous and orderly. 'The Hotel accommodation was no exception from the rule, every where stir and activity met the eye and the genial hosts and their active staffs were equal to the task of providing for the- necessities and comfort of the incessant rush of guests who poured into town from all directions. The hotel accommodation is plentiful and .| good and all were well accommodated. has on in found an interesting and attractive ex- hibition as well tor extent, variety and superior quality of the exhibits and most creditable to the intelligent exhibitors. " The fair exhibitors in the floral hall sustained themselves well, the beauty and good taste of their exhibits were admired by all who saw them ; but a close investigation and just estimate of the relative merits of the competing exhibits cannot be expected in a crowded: hall, infact it must have puzzled the judges even to decide on the relative merits of much that was shown. The roots and grain were very good for the season. Our towns- man 8. Netherton carried off many" prizes in these classes coming out first in very many. The Messrs. Mander son were also strong competitors in the class grain. Ia the Dairy produce there were about 800 lbs of good butler on show bnt the fair buttermakers from Raach were more than a match for all other competitors. The Poultry show was really grand, very many of the birds being as near perfection as can be. As' usnal Mr W. H. Browne was the principal ex- Dibitor and infact such birds would hold their own against any poultry in the Dominion ; he is one of the very best poultry breeders. Parties wishing to purchase reliable birds will find it to their interest to call on Mr Browne. In the show of Carringes Mr Paterson, of Sunderland, carried all vefore him, he showed some benutier. The grand centre of attraction was the live stock and it war grand One hundred and sixty fine horses old and young, were entered tor competition and were the objects of keen competition and close inspec- tion. In the imported Draught class Burchman & Son, carried off the laurels, in fact their splendid im- ported I) anght Stallions made a grand chow and were much admired; their two year old impor ted draught filly is a benuty. Their two year old imported Draught Stallions took first and second prizes, their one year old imported Draught Stallion took first prize and their two year oldimported draught filly took firet prize. The superiority of the Mesars. Eurehman's fine Imported Stock ix vory marked und recured prizes wherever exhibited ; they also carri- ed all betore them at the South Ontario County Show. The Messrs. in nd be of us en ed to { our sock. Mr. 8. Graham's Blood Stallion Yrought first prize to Port Perry. «1. H. Daniels." Mr. John Ralph's Saddle or Curringe Stallion was de- "| servedly admired by all #hosaw him, he is a really five animal and has thoroughly established his claim to "a foremost place in the fi 1 .| eaeringe stallionss; stock i« his Best r John McDonald, of Spring colt sired am Mr. owns a ios" Not one of these eiroumstances proved )r. John Tarner's two-year old vorable to the - Conservatives; bu' bull is a fine one, he | Syd every ong proved advantageous to the | ing animals in thisclass and he play- Grits. This ispassing strange if none ed mischief among the prizes. - of these things were intentional ; and party, then is not Mr. Lyon the re-ifigorites, Final query, "Why did Mr Pardee| Lhe grade class showed to much the funds with which the riding was N. 0. E.D. Ag'l Society's Show tting favorable weather to make a grand ally for: the last of On entering the show grounds we Of | which he was called on to pass through! abéclutely refused to suffer another Lerraogue i ---- had many dash- Mr." J. Watson exhibited many choice animals in this class his bull enlt and heifer calf were general Mr. L. Burnett showed a choice bull calf and a yearling heifer. J advantage, of the 26 entries there were many fine animals. Mr. John Turner was the principal exhibitor in this class, He showed--some grand ones, : Mr. J. Leask showed some beauties "in this class. . The class Sneep was very fine some 60 entries in ull, The Leicoster class war well re- presented and Mr. H Tiffin's carried off every prize. In the Cotswold class tho contest was between Jas. Graham and J Ward, the latter got the inside track. The Judges must have been puzzled to decido where all were so fine. There was a fine display of Downs. Heron & Son were the chief exhib- itors but they did not havo it all their own way, Wm McGregor and J Meek bothered them. F Upon the whole the show was quite satisfactéry and everything went off pletsantly. The President, Officers and Directors did everything in their power for {the convenierce of the public and success of tho show and they succeeded in thoir efforts. ---- A Financial Paradox. "The Montreal Witness complains of the vast ciscrepancy between finance and figures aud it is little wonder, for the banks of that city as well as most similar institn- tions show a fearfrlly wide divergence be- tween the security oftered and the value of the stocks. . The Bank of Montreal since September 1882 prid out as dividends $1,200,000 #nd at the same time added $250,600 to the rest 'and after all the assets of the Bank were, on September 1, 1883 $18,739,529 over the liabilities ; while on Sept. 1, 1882, fhe 'asects over the liabilities were only $18, 319 0135 i.e. the assets over the liabilities were $389,601 more in Sept., 1883, than in Sept., 1882; but in the face of that the Stock in Bept. 1882 sold at 212} while in Oct., 1883, the stock only brought 188, i.e. tie Stock of the Bank sold at;$24} per share more when| the assests were $389,791 less. That ix, the value of the entire assets of the Bank in Bept, 1883, 18 $389,794 more than in 1882 but still the Bank Stock ir sling at a 'rate to-day which shows a 8 rinkage on the eel ing price of the whole Stock of $3,000,000. $0 it is with the Merchants' Bank, be- tween Sept., 1882 arid Sept. 1883. They paid a dividend of $420,000 and they add- ed $100,000 to the rest, and in Sept 1883 the value of the assets over liabilites was $7,307,718 which was $381,473 more than it was ip Sept 1882 but still the Bank Stock in Sept 1832 sold at 132 while in Scpt 1883 the stock only brought 115 or a decline of $17 per share which means a shrinkage of the market value of the whole Stock of $1,020,000. Again the Bank of Commerce between Sept 1882 and Sept 1883 paid in dividends $480,000 and put $250,000 to/its rest pes count, and in Bept 1883 its asscta over I'abilities were $8,475,100 which is $262,~ 006 more than they were in 1882, still the Stork in 1882 sold at 142} while in Sept. 1883 it sold at 125 § or a decline of $17 per share which means a shrinkage in the market value of the whole 8tock of $1,020,000. -- Another Victim. Our new Gov Guneral may well in to tremble for flesh and blood cannot be ex- pected to stand the address pillory which threatens him during his first year's so- journ in Cunada. Badly written and worse rad addresses threaten him at every turn. -- the entire community male and female, are dividing themselves up into squads and ealling themselves socicties of one kind aud another, and each eociety is hurrying up its conglomeration of bad English and t-digus common places {o be dignified an address, ready to be poured into the ear of the new d'gnitary so soon as he makes hia appeag- ance. Noone would wish to see even his worst enemy pass through the address ors deal now being prepared for the coming Governor. Why should he be doomed to I'sten to interminable reading of meaning- less twaddle, dignified by the tiile of ad- dress, from every, group of busy-bodies he chances to pass, This thing is simply an intolerable nuisance and ought to come under the head of High Treason and be' punished accordingly or the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals onght to to interfere. The first individual or Society that dares to inflict an address on the new Governor ought fo be punished with the ut. most rigor of law, Not satisfied with worry- ing the retiring Governor almost to death with their blathers when he fist arrived, the Montreal Bt. Andrew's Society intended to give him a parting shot and sent word to his Excellency that they had been the first who had addressed him when he came and they wished to be the' last to do so, -- ) Marquis doubtless having a painful re- of that first affiictive dispensation and be was allowed to depart in peace. : va it ip decidedly ie 'most hand: some colts in the province, * " Mr, H. Dancaster's "Sil A Change of Teachérs. The season has again 'come round when Mr. G. W. Ross the M. P. for West Middlesex has been unseated in consequ~ once of bis friends trying' to pat down corruption with lots of money and buying votes at $20 a head. Mr Ross js certainly a great man and pure Grit in secking to thwart the free and indepe b baving & seat bought for him &t $20 a head. Into Tie HARNESS. -- new Governor General is fi barnes, has been Yegularly swor commenced to run the gaun of Intermm- able addresses, Z o MAS Boots and Shoes for. All-- The Wright is giving the public the full benefit of his skill and enterprise as a manufacturer of and dealer in 'Boots and Shoes. Having a command of cash and a thorouzh know- JTedge of the quality and yilue of the goods he deals in he canpuy to the very best age and being determined to blish an extensive business he gives his customers the full advantage of the largediscounts h: secures in the purchasesof stock, Doot fail togive him a call, examine his goods and note his prices,j(See his new advertisement.) " See what Mr. T. 8 Corrigan has to say of his Clothing Department, He claims to have the largest, best and cheapest stock of Clothing and 'Overconts ever offered in Port Perry, Read his new advertisement and go and see his splendid stock. -------------------- See Mr. J. H. Brown's special an- nouncément of to-day in his advertising space in' thisissue. Ladies, there is much that intercsta you ; the very style and quality of gords suited to the reason, something really grand, choice and cheap. The Mill. inery department is magnificont, everything that is newest, best and most handsome.-- The season's rquirements for, gent's *com- plete outfits of all that fs most farhionable and desirable it will be to the interest of all toread the announcement and go and see the grand dizplay of snch goods as all desire ------------ Tar ALLeGEANIANS Ix Port Perry --Go to the Town Hall this--Thursday ing and hear the famous Alleghanian Vocalists and Bell Players. --.---------- andalism.--We much regret, in fuct we are greatly ashamed ut being called pon to refer to an act of the mokt outrageous van- dalism ever perpetrated within the Township of Reach, On Friday night of last week some cowardly miscreants attacked the Presbyterian Church, Utica, with stones and succeeded. in smashing windows und destroy. property with all the malignity of firnds.-- We are certainly no advocates of the lash but the conrcince of such barbarians can only . be reached fiom the Luck, the cat" would prove their best instructor. $10 _re- ward is offered for the conviction of the guilty parties. 7 The Force of Persuasion. - --- dal Dr. R Jones having made np his mind to leave Port Perry, retire from business for a time and visit some of the chi f citivs of the United States, their hospitals, &e. sold out his place and practice to a sucerksor and prepared to'feave, Much regret was ex- pressed at parting with the Dr. who wasa eneral favorite, respected Ly all, but most esteemed by those who knew lim best, who bad bad the advantages of his professional skill. On the eve of his departure a strong representation of his numerous friends entertained him to a Complimentary Suppor on which occasion feelings of mueh regret were expressed by all present at losing fiom our midst so valuable and successful a practitioner, These rcpeat:d regrets some- what shook the Dr's resolution and con- tinued pressure after the night of the Supper got the Dr, to re-covsider the matter, he finally consented to remain amongst us, and all are greatly pleased that it is so. rp A Highly Complimentay Send Off Mr. W. 8. Scxton was one of Port Perry's standard bearers and best friends in days gone by, who hed stoodt by it in its weaker and less prosperous days, whohbad lent itea helping band, and the full benefit of his purse, his counsel and bis energies in build- ing up the town, he hung to it through its childhood, youth and maturity till he had the satisfaction of seeing his protigue one of the most thriving, prosperous and active business centres in the provinee, As he advanced in year surrounded by an aminble and loving wife and two sons full of promise of a prosperous future, all ed fur for a pleasant voyage down the str 8m of life But an adversé wind struck the bark and wade them bal fu sail ; a series of yevrs of a ruinous lumber market brought on. finan cial diffi ulties and the old géntleman gave up alt. His song found it ary to strike out for themselves and thus feave father and mother to plod along the jourmeyof life alone, The father was brave and indepeo- dent and the mother wag a trae womhn, a noble heroine 'who sustatued her part uo Jess youn ~ pS -- ANOTHER OF THE INNOOEN! ve rerEp -- Special and Interestin in ent choice by, bravely than her, rs roe al © Special Services in connection with the M. Sabbath School, Port Petry, .ware the Church on the afternoon of Sabbath last. The'school children numbering 120 were seated in the gallery while the body of the church' 'was well filled with the parents and guardians' of 'the children andiothet friends of the School. o. the services with prayer. 'Caw's, Cheap, The asteemed Pastor of the Church opened | - Mr. W. Ross, the worthy Superintendeut | .of the school took the chair and in'a fw ap- propriate remarks referred to the objects | styled the Champion Sen Lalmed at by such services. He then gave | and a brief but most satisfactory ascot of 'the standing' and condition of the sohoo!, he season has conié round when health as well gt y said the school was under the care and in. ng comfort dumand the right kind of boOt8 | co i a stall of thirteen competerit and and shoes, no others are either ¥afe or com-| oc 0 teachers; the Sieh oom) f scholars fortable, the best are alwaf® cheapest. Mr. | on the roll 175 while the ave tr dance is from 100 to 125 and that the échool is in a most satisfactory condition in every way with the exception of one slight draw- back and that fs neither serious nor difficult of removal he referred to a small debt which hangs over the school, and which the offici- als are ious tohave wiped off, and one purpose of the present services is to accom- plish that object. : After forcibly expressing his satistaction at seeing so large an attendance he called on the Treasurer to rend his report of the finances of the school for the past nine months. The Treasurer, Mr B. F. Ackerman, sub- mitted Lis report as follows : The total amount collected since January lst is $75, while the expenditure on library, periodic~ als, Jc. amoanted to $119 thus leaving a balance of $44 against the School, The (Lildren now sang several beautiful hywns after which the chairman called on Mr. Kent, Superintendent of Eglinton C. M. School, for an address, The address which was chicfly confined to the Officers and Teachers, was practical, ap- propriate and interesting and was listened to with marked attention. After further singing by the children Rev. Mr. Johnston, of Jamaica, took the stand and taking his audience intoJhis con- fidence he carried them away with him on a missionary tour over that interesting island, describing many interesting scenes and pointing out the difficulties which beset the path of the missionary in that im. portant field of labor and giving an interest ing description of the country and of the mannérs of its sable inhabitants. AN ENJOYABLE ENTERTAINMENT, Mr. Kent, Superintendent of the Eglinton C. M. Sundiy School, gave an interesting Magic Lantern entertainment in the Town Hall, on Monday evening. The proceeds were for the benefit of the C. M. School here Tie school childr.n were admitted free of charge und they relished the treat. The attendance of fricndw of the school was most encouraging, the entertiinment was highly successful and the procecds with those of the Sabbath' services paid off the debt and left a balance in the treasury. The Fisk Jubille Singers are Cor- ing to Port Perry. The people of this town and its surround. ings will be mnch p'eased to learn that throngh the efforts of the CM. friends here the Firk Jubilee Singers have consented to give one of their famous entertainments in the Town Hall, Port Perry, in the early part of the pext montli@nd all will doubtless be on tip toe of expectation awaiting the event, = - - We nced say nothing of the popnlarity ot this company, they are - songht alter every- where and people regard it as a boon to have them visit a locality, All of ug know that we in this town have loag tried to secure them bat conld not accom lixh ir and now that an opportunity will be given of h-arlog this fine company all will be glad to ¢gmbrace the opportunity And give them snch a House and reception as they deserve, « Prosperity Gains Friends but Adversity Tries Them." The above quotation applies very closely to "the measure of success in profiering a farewell supper to one of Port Perrys oldest and most respected resid. nts now leaving for a distant home. The number of fricnds who were left without invitations--and who feel themselves much sliglited are far more num- erous than those who were aflorded the op- portunity of paying their respects to the worthy recipient on this occasion, Certain parties who had promised to inform' the several Friends within their roash neglected to. do sn to the great ppointment of many, and as those who undertook the ask are in- terested in the success of another compli- mentary supper in the near future the in- ference is olvions and will leave a very un. pleasant remembrance of anch paltry conduct and bodes no good for the future, Port Perry hua been very liberal in com- plimenting those who 'depart from' her pre. cints, but to none more worthy than the sorrow than in anger" being ome of the neglected, : P.8.--Itis to be i man alluded to will fk pe arity by the or y supper, @s at hat one wanted to attend but had 9 | ------------ slog | The right Bort of School Booke at Mo- Quoting. © 'Dear Sin--~Some tHimangy in the ' Oras 'that eons Bore was Quitor of Reach, Port! Rurry- Seugogy and after. r ng tournament. in Toronto the same an: nouncement 3 ile othe malin 1 lay vo claim c taiped by some dn-said municipalities I will] : play Mr. G: any amount | _- eorge, Cameron. for from Five dollars and over and to learn from him abeut inst ; when a il played here between O' Lear] would like match will be '8nd McKay, of Saintfield, against Clarke and Johnston, ot Toronto. The game to a friendly one with fifty dollars up to cover expenses.-- Hoping you will give this space in your val- uable paper. wri Ea 1 tA I am, yours tinly, _ E NEWTON. ------ A ne. ta An Answar Wanted. Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure? We say they cannot, as. thansands of cases already permanently cur- ed antl who are daily recommending Electric Bitters will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary compluints quickly cured. They purify the blood, re- gulate the bowels, and act directly on the disensed parts. Every bottle guaranteed, For sale at 50c. a bottle by 8. E. Allison Everything in the Rehool Book line cheap and good, at McCaw's ------------------ *Among the most efficacious of remedial agents are the m-dic:l preparations from the Iaboratory of Mrs, Lydia E. Pinkham, Lynn Mass. HO etl @ eee eo He that prays harm for his neighbor begs a curse npon himself" He that recom. menas Kidney-wort to his sick neighbdr brings a blessing rich and fall both to his neighbor and* himself. Habitual costiveness ia the bane of nearly every American woman, Every woman owes it to herself and to her family to use that celebrated medicine; re eva 23 he Shaw I it which ~~ it 'Will - be sold by, Public AUCTION ty CLE dog the 27th Thu COMPRISING + 366 ACRES the Township, of REACH; iter tho great QUOI= will be_ offered for sale by Vet adios L Private Contract : a isis = ot Cn | a d all. wh ayy 1500 November eH "se ni oe uni. ll vey of, thihg truly; None better then we.-- until te if nut previously disposed o'clock P. Mat the HOTEL BURNSWI1CK PORT PERRY, This property is Located on Simcoe Street 4 miles North of Port Perry. = There are about 310 Acres under Cultivation. Two Sets of Farm Baildings, b Two Orchards, and it is well Watered, about | Stockings in Cotton, Wool, one half of the land is under Lease which expires 1st April 1886. This 18 a rare chance for a man wanting a large farm, or it way be sold in Two Parcels, Possession of the portion not nider Lease given on or before 1st . 1883. Fall plowing is being done as usual, For further particulars apply to JOHN P. SHAW, on the premises, H. GORDON, Port Perry, or to the Auctioneer. Port Ferry, Oct 16, 1883. MORTGAGE SALE OF A VALUABLE Dwelling House of lot ig pepe EN{ DAWES, Auctioneer, at 2 Plenty others as good a pha. that you really. show youn our partment. Just look at Merino, &c. Stockings for Moth Boys, Stockings for Fathers, 'Stoek- ings for Girls, Stockings for every- 'body. Then notice ' the great assort- ment of Gloves in' Cotton, Taffeta, Cashmere, Leisle Thread, Kid, &e.-- Gloves for small lands, Gloves for large hands, Gloves for fut hands, Gloves for all kinds of hands. In this Department you will find an immense variety of Ribbons, all widths and shades. Ladies'. Collars and Ties, Fillings, Rufflings, and Laces'; splen- did line of Corsets including "Ball's gentleman last eign ned at the "Hotel | Brunswick I' write the above "more in Kidney-Wort. have no equals dyed, fast nnd beautital. fhe term opens, you. -- "= BIRTHS. of Mr, John Lynn; of g son, wife of Mr Robt. Graham, of a son. of Mr. Geo, DeShan, of a daughter. Mec. Willis White, of a son. ' eae The Markets Fall Wheat, . Spring Wheat 1 00 to Goose Wheat 0 80 to Barley ..... . 0.50 to Pens... « 970 to Oats... . 030te Beans... . . 180to Hay perton «es T00to Clover Seed ,. veeq 740 to Timothy Seed. .. 200to Pork .o.ieavs "ne 7 00 to Butter, . 016to gs .... . Dlhto Potatoes . 03851to Hides ..... + 300 ty Sheep Skins 040 to Apples 0 50 to Cheese 011 to FISK WILL GIVE ONE'OF THEIR CRAND a p@ The Diamond Dyes for family use All popular colors easily 10 cents a package. Fancy Goods, Btationery, druggists' sndtics, etc, cheap, at McClinton's Medical Hall, _-------- B&F" G¢t ready your school out-fit before W:H, McCaw can supply In Port Perry, on Friday, 19th inst, wife of G. H. Clemens; Exq, M. D., of a son In Port Perry, on Sunday, 21st inst, the wife of Mr, w. 8. Lattimor, of a daughter, In Pott Perry, of the 220d inst, the wifc At Shirley, on Saturday, 13th inst. the In Port Perry, on the 20th inst, the wif. 11 Reach, on tie 22ud inst, the wife of Opaerver Orrick, Oct. 25,1883 $0 95 to $1 00 103 0 06 coco o co RWI =O ----d DNR - RDN DD JUBILEE Singers ! PORT PERRY ! Ue and by virtue of the power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of Bale, there will: be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, At the Hotel Brunswick, A Pour Perey, oN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1683, at One o'clock, p. m., the following valuable 'Village. Property In PORT PERRY. Village Lots Numbers 154 and 155 on the North side of Queen Street, being the North East corner of Qnecn and Cochrane Streets On the land are a good, commodious, frame Dwelling on stone foundation, Wood Shed, Stables, etc. The property is now rented at §8 per month. Tens oF 8. pnrchiase money on the diy of Bale, the balance in one month thereafter--or the pnrchaser can at his option allow §600 to remain. on mortgage for a time to be agreed upon. ' be Title Indisputable. For further part culars apply te "HUBERT L. ERBELS, 3 Veudor's Solicitor. the -~ > oo Port Perry, Oct, 9, 1883. NOTICE. The Annual General Me ting of y the North Ontario St. Andrew'st jv Society will be held in the Walker Y House, Port Perry, on Friday 26th October nat. nt eight o'clock p.m, for the Election of Offices and other wrnvial business, N. F. PATE{S0N, President, 23328 B33 >mas Oct. 17 1883 NOTICE 10 'CREDITORS : RICHARD LUND. URSUANT to Sec. 34, of Chap. 107 of the Ruvined Statutes of Ontario, notice is Hereby given that all Creditors and others having elaims against the estate of the late Richard Lund, Inte of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, who! died on. te twenty-fitth. day of July, required to send per post to John had unly to the cl lin : part g.--Ten per cent of the .| Boas at all ranges of prices. Port Petty, on or before | next a statement of | aforesaid. s § the assets of the said deceased fits the ish thereto. regard | of which dotice | ID | you very neat and Health Preserving Corset," the: and cheapest Corset, made for: money, also a full line of Bmbroid- eries and Edgings; and I ask lo be shown our His bod Gent's Silk Handkerchiefs, an endless variety, also fine Cambric and Mourn- ing Handkerchiefs. 'Next we come to our Dress Goods Department. Here you will find Black Gros Grain Silks at special values ; Colored Gros Grain Silks all shades; Black and Colored Satins ; Black and Colored Velveteens, Plain and Brocaded ; Cashmeres both Black and Colored in -great variety. -- Troulle Cloths, Twills, Serges, Sateens and a variety of mew and choige Costume Clotlis, Spécial Prices. Now stop a moment and look at our Shawls, both single and double, also Knit Shawls and Jackets and Child- ren's Shawls. Then pags along dawn the store and wftar. at the immense, TR of which there scems to be no end, we will call your attention tothe Stock of Furs. You will # splendid assortment of Ladies' Sets, Muffs and Beauti- ful Astracl aud Mantles for Ladies while for men we have good Coon Coats and a very large line of all kinds of Fur Caps including the genuine Seal. Now ask to be shown our Table Spreads, Piano Covers, Lace Curtains and Counterpanes ; and as for Blankets in all wool we have the best value ever shown, Next just walk across the store to the Staple" Department and note the piles of Prints, Cretonns, Grey and White Cottons, Winceys, Shirtings, Denims, Ducks, Drills, Tickings, T De mask, Towels, Table Napkins, Table Cloths, Sheetings and Pillow Cottons. In this Department we guarantee close, bottom prices. - you will 'also find a full assortment of Yarns and Carpet Warp, Look at our 20 tent Sasony, Hie like of 3 WHS never known before. We would like to many more in 'Alris ; but must hurey.on #0 show Tankat prices, Your af to our piles u White, Sta Cardinal, and Ch litrd Lund | Past x re Pa

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